Download - March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News

Page 1: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News

By Valerie WerkmeisterThe Posey County Redevelop-

ment Commission has taken its fi rst offi cial steps by approving a resolu-tion declaring an economic devel-opment area known as the Black Township Economic Development Area in Mount Vernon. Commis-sion members also approved a plan that details the process and potential uses for tax funds collected within the economic development area.

The action came during the com-mission’s meeting on Tuesday, February 25, and is in anticipation of the proposed fertilizer plant by the Midwest Fertilizer Corpora-tion (Midwest) to be constructed in an area by Sauerkraut Lane and Mackey Ferry Road. The plant is estimated to invest over $2 billion in the project and will generate as many as 250 new jobs for the area. In addition, hundreds of local con-struction workers will be employed during the next few years during the construction phase.

Through the creation of an eco-nomic development area and tax in-crement fi nancing (TIF), the county will capture incremental property tax revenues from new commercial development within that specifi c al-location area, which will be called the Midwest Fertilizer Corporation Allocation Area. Those funds can then be used to pay for infrastruc-ture improvements such as road improvements, the construction of a widely-discussed western bypass around the city of Mount Vernon and/or utilities such as a new water plant and sanitary sewer system.

Neither the establishment of TIF nor the economic development area raises taxes for current property owners within the designated area. On the contrary, the public will ben-efi t from the potential infrastructure improvements that will be fi nanced through the tax monies collected

By Valerie WerkmeisterPlans for the proposed Midwest Fertilizer

plant in Mount Vernon cleared another hur-dle on Wednesday night. Offi cials from the Indiana Department of Environmental Man-agement, (IDEM) held an air quality permit hearing at the Mount Vernon High School, in which they heard questions and comments from a handful of citizens.

Wednesday’s hearing was part of the per-mit process that Midwest must meet before it is granted approval to construct its proposed $2 billion plant. IDEM must determine if they will issue the air quality permit that allows Midwest to build and operate a nitrogen fer-tilizer plant.

IDEM offi cials did say their preliminary investigation indicates the project should pro-

ceed.However, the permit process allows for

public forums so that local citizens can ask questions or make comments regarding the project. In the fi rst part of Wednesday’s meet-ing, only a few of the some 75 in attendance asked questions during the public meeting portion of the meeting. Questions centered on concerns of the overall size of the plant, risk management assessments, technical aspects of the permit application and whether the plant would emit bad odors.

IDEM offi cials Doug Wagner, Matthew Stuckey and David Matousek were on hand to answer questions. While some of the tech-nical aspects of the questions were unable to be answered during the public meeting, they encouraged citizens to submit written ques-

tions either by mail or e-mail by the March 3, deadline.

Stuckey responded to the concern regard-ing whether local residents near the proposed plant site will be subjected to foul odors. He advised that while there is no law to regulate odors, per se, it can be an indication the plant has problems with some part of its operation process. He urged residents to record details and contact, Quentin Gilbert, an IDEM air compliance inspector, if such an event occurs. Gilbert can be reached at (888) 672-8323.

Stuckey also stated that risk management concerns are not within IDEM’s scope for the air quality permit process. He added ‘the permit is not all –inclusive’ and project devel-opers still have a number of other permits to secure before it can be constructed.

The second portion of the meeting involved the offi cial public hearing. Only four citizen comments were given and included in the of-fi cial record. While three spoke in favor of the project, only one, noted environmental-ist John Blair of the Evansville Valley Watch group, spoke against the project.

He voiced concerns that the fertilizer plant would emit large amounts of ammonia into the air causing additional toxic pollution.

“Mount Vernon is one of the most toxic polluted places on Earth,” Blair said.

He contended that Mount Vernon is already inundated with known carcinogens and the fertilizer plant would only add to that number.

Ed Adams, Posey County Democratic Par-

Food Pantry benefi tscheduled for March

The Mount Vernon Elks will host a carryout lunch in March

to benefi t the Mount Vernon Food Pantry. The meals will be

a choice of grilled boneless pork chop or fi sh fi llet, potato salad & baked beans for $8.50. Canned

drinks will be available for $1.25. The meals may be picked up at

the Mount Vernon Elks Lodge at the corner of Fourth and Walnut streets, on Friday, March 14 and Saturday, March 15 between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Deliveries will be available for large orders. To order, please call Donna at


Health screenings offeredDeaconess Clinic locations

throughout Evansville and in surrounding communities are offering screenings to patients

and the community on a rotating schedule. These low-cost/free

screenings do not require an ap-pointment or physician’s order, and results, health information

and education are available at the time of service. Screening op-

tions will include blood glucose testing ($6), lipid profi le ($27), blood pressure (free) and A1C ($29). A combination package

for A1C and lipid profi le will be offered for $48.

The screenings and education will be provided by Deacon-

ess screening nurses and health coaches, and will be offered from 7:30 – 10:30 a.m. at these loca-tions/dates: Friday, February 28

Deaconess Clinic – Mt. Pleas-ant; Thursday, March 6Deaconess Clinic – Mount

Vernon; Thursday, March 13Deaconess Clinic - Morgan-

fi eld.

Posey Artist Show to be heldArtists from all over Posey

County are participating in the Alexandrian Public Library An-nual Fine Art and Craft Exhibi-tion from March 7 to March 9.

Organized and exhibited by the Alexandrian Public Library, the show is presented as a com-

ponent of the library’s continuing community art awareness project.

Students, amateurs and professionals are included in this

exhibit. The exhibit is free to the public. Artists set their own prices if they wish to sell their work. This makes it very easy

and inexpensive to get their work on display.

The exhibit will be held on Friday and Saturday, March 7 and

8 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Sunday, March 9 from 1 to 5 p.m.

The exhibit area will be in the Alexandrian Public Library meet-ing room. The library is located

at 115 West Fifth Street in Mount Vernon, Indiana.

Briefl y

Tuesday, March 4, 2014Posey County’s only locally-owned newspaper Volume 134 Edition 9

“Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.”“Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain.”(USPS 439-500)SSSSSSS 444444444444444443333999999999 55555500000000)))))))))))


Since 1882 ~ Successor to The Poseyville News and The New Harmony Times • New Harmony, IN

Continued on Page A10

Continued on Page A10

Retrospective ...... A 4Legals ...................B 4Classifieds ........ B5-6Community ......... A 5

Deaths .............. . . .A3Church ................ A 7Social .................. A 6School ................. A 8

Sports ............... B1-3Bus/Ag ................ A 9Opinion ............... A 2

Another hurdle cleared for proposed fertilizer plant

Weilbrenner honored at annual Posey Co-op meeting

EconomicDevelopmentarea establishedin Black Township

Special to the NewsThe Posey County Farm Bureau

Co-op held its Annual Stockhold-er’s Meeting February 27, 2014, at the Posey County Community Center. A meal was prepared by the North Posey Relay for Life Volun-teer Team.

During the business session, Di-rectors Chris Mulkey, Jared Schenk

and Alex Weilbrenner were elected to join fellow Directors Albert Schmitz, Larry Williams, Rick Zil-iak, Charles Mann, Bernard Muller, Alvin Nurrenbern and Wayne Wig-gins in overseeing the Co-op’s op-erations.

The Board presented retiring Director Tom Weilbrenner with a plaque thanking him for his 36 years of dedicated service to the Posey County Co-op Board. It was noted that Weilbrenner acted as president for 32 of those years.

Board Chairman Albert Schmitz spoke on the history of the 87- year-old Co-op. He also discussed that many people often confuse the Posey County Co-op with Country-Mark and the Posey County Farm Bureau Incorporated. He explained that all three companies are separate entities.

General Manager Chris Cash dis-cussed the Co-op’s record year of 2013. The Co-op has assets totaling over $41.4 million, a net worth of $32.4 million, and sales of $88.6

million and a pretax income of $11.4 million. Checks were sent to the member patrons refunding over 10.7 percent of their total purchases with 80 percent of that in the form of cash. Total patronage distribution exceeded $4.6 million. SynEnergy

Partners LLC, the Co-op’s fuel part-nership with Superior Ag Resources and Jackson Jennings Co-op, contin-ues to grow and fl ourish. Cash noted that 2014 will offer challenges, ‘We will always face the uncertainty of the weather, the rivers and commod-

ity prices but the Co-op is positioned to overcome most of these adversi-ties.’

The meeting ended with entertain-ment provided by the seven-piece country comedy show band, Steve Hall and the Shotgun Red Band.

Special to the NewsJohn M. Shamo of Evansville was

sentenced this week to four years for selling unregistered investments in oil wells to 20 people in the Tri-State area. Shamo collected over a million dollars from clients through his company Hop-per Resources while running oil wells in Posey County.

The scam began when Shamo be-friended three Posey County brothers who owned land with sever-al oil wells on the property. Shamo convinced the brothers and other investors to invest funds to open the wells. Shamo told investors he would use the money to create an investment opportunity and guaran-teed his investors their investment in the oil wells would produce a profi t.

However, instead of using the money as promised, Shamo use the money to fund his comfortable life-style. He used the money to cover his personal expenses such as day care, credit card payments and mort-

gage payments. He even bought a vehicle with the money.

“Unfortunately, Shamo could have been stopped in his tracks,” said Secretary Lawson. “Neither his com-pany nor his prod-ucts were ever registered with our offi ce. If only one investor would have called my offi ce or checked our online data-base, his scheme would have crum-bled. I hope this

serves as a reminder to always make sure the investment product and the provider are proper-ly registered with my offi ce. It’s also equally important for entrepreneurs to check with us to make sure they are following the law when solicit-ing investments.

“I also want to thank Posey Coun-ty Prosecutor Travis Clowers for all of his efforts to get justice for these victims. This would not have been possible without his hard work.”

The investigation of John M. Sha-mo began when one of his investors

fi led a complaint with the Secretary of State’s offi ce. This prompted an investigation by the Secretary of State’s Prosecution Assistance Unit, which led to Posey County Pros-ecutor Travis Clowers fi ling charges against John M. Shamo. Prosecu-tor Clowers deputized Secretary of State’s offi ce attorney Diana Moers Davis to aid the prosecution.

“Shamo exaggerated his exper-tise and lied about his products to scam his victims out of their hard-earned money,” said Indiana Secu-rities Commissioner Carol Mihalik. “Gas and oil investments can be an attractive investment and Mr. Sha-mo used this to his advantage. All investors must do their homework before making any investment deci-sions.”

In December of 2013, Shamo pleaded guilty to 12 Class C felonies for selling unlicensed securities and for failure to register to sell securi-ties. Yesterday, he was sentenced to four years total; two years com-munity corrections plus two years’ probation to be served concurrent.

For information on how to avoid becoming a victim of investment fraud visit

Shamo sentenced in Posey oil well scam

Members of the Posey County Co-op Board of Directors present a plaque of appreciation to outgoing board member Tom Weilbrenner. Pictured, left to right, are Chris Cash, Larry Williams, Chris Mulkey, Charles Mann, Weilbrenner, Rick Ziliak, Jerry Schenck, Wayne Wiggins, Albert Schmitz, and Bernard Muller. Photo by Dave Pearce

John M. Shamo

State Sen. Jim Tomes (R-Wadesville) welcomes New Harmony leaders to the Statehouse this week to celebrate the town’s bicentennial. Tomes led the Senate in recognizing New Harmony with Senate Concurrent Resolution 31 for 200 years of history, charm and culture. Pictured, left to right: Bill Gil-lenwater, local business owner; Cindy Brinker, vice president of government and university relations at the University of Southern Indiana; Tomes; Andrew Wilson, New Harmony town council member; Connie Pitzer; Donald Pitzer, professor emeritus at USI and author of ‘New Harmony: Then & Now.’

Page 2: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News

Marshall Eaton looked at the disappear-ing lime markings on the fi eld and fi gured trouble would be brewing in the second half. It would take too long to re-lime everything if the game was going to be completed be-fore dark. Eaton called for Rothstein and McDonald.

“How about each of you getting me twen-ty-one men with bets on the game? We can alternate a Cowboys supporter with a Haskell supporter every fi ve yards and tell them to stay in their tracks till the fi nal gun. That way they can keep each other honest and I can tell where the ball is on the fi eld. I’ll just do my best on stepping off the yardage and calling whether the ball crosses a goal line. Get with it! I’m ready to sound the gun for the second half!”

It was no trouble to fi nd volunteers for each side. Eaton lined them up by resting the barrel of one of his six guns on the right shoulder of each of the “linemen” on one side of the fi eld and using the gun sight to point directly at the man on the other side of the fi eld. Once he got them all lined up, he ordered:

“Men, you can watch the game and yell as much as you care to. Do not move from your position until I fi re to end the game. Also, not that any of you would mean to cheat, but keep an eye on the people next to you and

keep lined up with the fellow directly across the fi eld. And no more drinking until the game is over!”

Joe Guyon and Emmet McLemore ap-proached Arnold Rothstein before the start of the second half and told him they would not play against their old friend, Jim Thorpe. Rothstein was already feeling the pressure

from the numerous bets he had made that he could not cover. Now added to the surprise appearance of Thorpe and Pepper Martin was the defection of his two best players. Rothstein was not yet panicky, but he

was no longer dreaming about how he would spend his winnings.

“You better give me my fi ve hundred dol-lars back.”

Joe Guyon spoke for himself and McLemore, “When the game is over we’ll meet you at the Duncan Hotel and each of us will give you two-hundred and fi fty. We already earned the other half. Besides, if you ain’t careful, this crowd will tar and feather you if you lose and don’t pay up. We all know your reputation. Maybe you’ll just run off when the game ends and we’ll just keep the whole fi ve hundred.”

The second half was more of a hog wres-tling contest than a football game. Deep mud and a slippery football were bigger factors than size and speed. As the game slogged

into the fourth quarter the Cowboys’ frus-tration was taken out with illegal elbows thrown into the faces of the Haskell players. Indian blood and an occasional tooth were mixed with the slimy fi eld.

Cowboys player-coach LeRoy Andrews, who took over at quarterback when Joe Guyon left, managed repeatedly to march his professionals into Haskell territory be-fore having the drives stall due to two fum-bles and three interceptions. Jim Thorpe, who seemed to always know where the ball would be coming, guided Pepper Martin and the Levi brothers in the defensive backfi eld and managed to stymie each Cowboys of-fensive.

However, the smaller, younger, less ex-perienced Haskell offensive line could not move the Cowboys defense. Haskell rarely made more than ten yards before John Levi would have to punt. Fortunately, his punts regularly pinned the professionals a long way from the Indian goal line.

Coaches McDonald and Hanley were be-ginning to fear the best their team could do was not lose by more than six points. When Pistol Pete called an offi cial’s time out and told the teams there were only two minutes to play, McDonald called the Haskell team over and told them they had to hold the Cow-boys on the next drive then use the trick play they had practiced.

The new national jobs report is brutal.The economy only created 74,000 positions last month.

That’s well under the rate of population infl ation. And about 350,000 unemployed people simply quit their job search. Now, roughly one in ten Americans is stuck outside the labor market.

President Obama claims to care about putting people back to work. His record, however, tells a different story. For exam-ple, his administration has taken every available opportunity to suppress the one industry ripest for job growth: the oil and natural gas sector.

The energy industry already supports over 9 million jobs throughout the country.

And they’re precisely the kind we need: well paying, sta-ble and technically sophisticated, but not requiring extensive formal schooling. The average oil and gas job pays $12,000 above the median wage in the overall economy.

Thanks to the recent development of more effective tools for exploration and excavation, America is now undergoing an energy renaissance. The U.S. is on track to be the top energy producer on the planet within just a few years...but only if law-makers stay out of the way.

Private sector growth depends on a non-intrusive policy en-vironment. And, unfortunately, this White House has decided to needlessly hamper the energy industry and choke off new job creation.

For starters, the Obama administration is aggressively blocking drilling on public lands.

During the last year of the George W. Bush presidency, the federal government handed out 1,874 leases and 6,444 permits for energy development on government territories. In 2010 -- the most recent year of data -- the Obama administration dis-pensed just 1,053 leases and 3,963 permits -- a 44 percent and 33 percent drop, respectively.

A big reason for this decline is bureaucratic foot-dragging. Offi cials are subjecting energy entrepreneurs to unreasonable delays. The non-partisan Government Accountability Offi ce has calculated that for 91 percent of lease applications this administration has failed to make a ruling within 60 days of submission, as required by law.

And when they’re not delaying, Obama regulators are ar-bitrarily revoking access to public lands granted by previous administrations. In 2009, for instance, the federal Bureau of Land Management rescinded 71 drilling leases in Utah. The

next year, it cancelled 91,000 acres worth of permitting in Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota.

If this administration would reverse course and allow ex-panded energy development on public lands, the benefi ts to the job market would be immense. A return to Bush administra-tion-rates of leasing and permitting would increase domestic oil production on federal lands from 7 million barrels to 13 million barrels a year. And that production uptick would create up to 30,000 new jobs.

Next, the White House struck an anti-job pose on the issue of Keystone XL, the planned pipeline that would transport an estimated 800,000 barrels of oil a day from Canadian shale formations to American refi neries in the Gulf Coast. The Presi-dent still hasn’t given full approval for its construction, despite the fact that his own State Department offi cially determined that the pipeline is safe and environmentally friendly.

Ending the needless delays and allowing the Keystone proj-ect to move forward would immediately create about 20,000 new manufacturing and construction jobs.

Given its astonishing employment potential, it’s no wonder Keystone has a broad, bipartisan base of supporters, including Bill Clinton, Warren Buffet, President George W. Bush and 62 sitting senators. The most recent public polling shows that 82 percent of Americans favor full approval of Keystone, as well.

This administration has also been inexcusably slow in loos-ening restrictions on energy exports. Our supply of oil, natural gas, coal and gasoline now exceeds domestic demand. Produc-ers are eager to ship surplus product to foreign markets.

Unfortunately, antiquated federal laws severely restrict their ability to do that. The 1975 Energy Policy and Conservation Act bans most crude oil exports.

Further, the application process for shipping out natural gas is notoriously slow, selective and costly.

Overturning these needless restrictions would, according to the Council on Foreign Relations, boost annual American exports by $4 billion. Most of those new revenues would be in-vested back into domestic energy operations, leading to more jobs and opportunity for a workforce desperate for both.

If the President were really committed to getting Americans back to work, he’d halt his crusade against the energy industry. The oil and natural gas sector is ripe for future job growth. Policymakers just need to get out of the way.

Drew Johnson is a senior fellow at the Taxpayers Protection

Alliance, a nonpartisan, nonprofi t educational organization dedicated to a smaller, more responsible government.


Guest Editorial: Indiana Farm Bureau


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Chapter 28 - Real Linemen

Guest Editorial: Drew Johnson




Arizona legislatures pulled a dandy. They asked their Gover-nor to sign a bill allowing any business the freedom to discrim-inate based on religious beliefs. The Governor vetoed the bill.

The First Amendment guar-anteeing our nation the freedom of religion is not a legal loop-hole that allows religious people to hurt other people based on prejudice or interpretation of the Bible or any other religious book.

A lot of noise has been made recently about the Middlesboro, Ky., pastor and church that handled poisonous snakes. Na-tional Geographic reality star of ‘Snake Salvation,’ Jamie Coots

was bitten by a timber rattler almost two weeks ago and died within 90 minutes. He and his family refused medical treat-ment based on their interpreta-tion of the Bible. I personally think they are crazy.

Simply because someone in-terprets the Bible, Koran or any other religious book a certain way does not give that person the right to hurt other people. Nor should anyone discriminate against another person because of race, nationality, money or gender preferences.

I do not understand why anyone would want to be gay. There is not a gay molecule in my frame. Because someone is

gay does not give me or anyone else the right to not provide ser-vice in a restaurant or a seat on the bus.

Nor should one’s sexual pref-erence prohibit him or her from working the same job anyone else does.

I do understand that the ma-jority of religious people in America believe that a gay life-style is a wrong lifestyle and is forbidden by the Bible. Please keep in mind that most church people believe it is wrong for a man and woman to live together without being legally married. Most church people believe stealing, killing and lying are wrong as well.

A church or religious entity traditionally has not hired minis-ters that were practicing thieves, murderers or liars or living with someone not in a legal marriage relationship. Is this discrimina-tion? I don’t think so. The av-erage employer in America is only using commonsense if they decide to terminate someone because that person is a thief or liar or maybe causing disruption in the offi ce by sleeping around with all the staff.

Religious entities that inter-pret the Bible as saying that a gay lifestyle is an unacceptable lifestyle should never be forced to hire someone that is gay. There are a few churches that are hiring gay persons because they believe it is acceptable. This is America where we have freedom of religion. Keep in mind there are also thousands of churches that still would never hire a woman to serve as a minister. There are also many that would never dream of hir-ing a divorced minister because they believe divorce is biblically unacceptable.

Arizona badly blundered on the concept of trying to create a law that allows discrimination in any business realm based on reli-gious belief. Could this apply to someone divorced? Could they apply this rule to someone that is a habitual liar? What about church deacons who curse, smoke, chew and date girls who

do? Would this rule apply to fat Christians? Whoops... sorry I forgot that gluttony is the Chris-tian sin of choice.

Many of the very best people I know I met in church. How-ever, religious people can be some of the meanest people in the world. A religious crowd was involved in nailing Jesus to the cross. Religious people are at the root of the problems in the Middle East.

If someone refuses to do business with another person it should not be based on preju-

dices and perceptions. Anyone abiding by the law and living in a respectful manner that is not disruptive or harmful to society deserves the same services as anyone else.

Finally, I doubt if an African American church will ever offer me a job as their senior pastor, although I would really like that

Glenn Mollette is an Ameri-can columnist read in all fi fty states. Contact him at [email protected]. Like his face-book page at

Guest Editorial: Glenn MolletteReligious Discrimination In America

Letters to the Editor

Remarks made in the president’s State of the Union Address on January 28 should give millions of Hoosiers pause to think. But perhaps not for the same reasons as the president may have intended.

While his words spoke of moving toward an all-of-the-above energy strategy that relies on American energy, the U.S. Envi-ronmental Protection Agency, under his administration, is cook-ing up new greenhouse-gas regulations that will cut coal out of the mix completely.

Today, Indiana relies on coal for about 80 percent of its elec-tricity, making our Hoosier state an attractive place to live, work, and do business. In spite of the myths that are currently circulating to the contrary, both the electric and manufacturing industries have worked hard to reduce emissions and use energy more effi ciently. In fact, Indiana electricity generation, fueled primarily by coal, has increased 62 percent since 1986; and to-tal emissions from pollutants have decreased over 80 percent. Over that same time, carbon-dioxide emissions have decreased 28 percent.

But the EPA’s greenhouse-gas standards for new coal-fi red electric power plants are putting us on a path to an unnecessary man-made energy crisis. In fact, on February 11, a U.S. Depart-ment of Energy assistant secretary told members of a Congres-sional oversight board that regulations for new coal plants could increase electricity prices by as much as 80 percent.

The Indiana Manufacturers Association adamantly opposes these costly federal regulations. Why? The EPA greenhouse-gas standards require technology that is not commercially viable to-day, a fact the EPA’s own science advisory board pointed out to the agency months ago. Without the availability of this technol-ogy, electric power plants will have to switch to a different fuel source – one that will require a costly infrastructure that doesn’t exist today.

Energy economists across the country estimate if the EPA’s greenhouse-gas regulations for both existing and new power plants are put into place, energy costs for Hoosiers across the board could double. Electric co-ops across the state are already sounding a similar alarm about possible rate increases to their customers.

Yet the manufacturing sector is the state’s largest industry, which makes it the largest users of electricity – and a major con-tributor to jobs, income, tax revenue, education, and improved communities and quality of life.

These greenhouse-gas regulations put Indiana’s manufactur-ing sector in grave jeopardy and our economy as a whole. For manufacturing to thrive in Indiana, manufacturers need afford-able energy to compete. Coal provides an abundant and afford-able way to fuel that energy.

As a coal-dependent state, Indiana cannot afford a phony en-ergy crisis, one that will bring no benefi t to Hoosiers. The EPA’s anti-coal regulations are bad for the Indiana economy; they’re bad for the state’s industry; and they are signifi cantly detrimen-tal to a better Hoosier way of life.

Hoosiers who would like to join us in opposing the EPA regu-lations can do so no later than Monday, March 10 at

Tim RushenbergVice President, Governmental Affairs and Tax Policy

Indiana Manufacturers Association

Concern over prediction of energy costs

A Real Jobs Plan for Obama: Halt Your War Against the Energy Industry

Continued on Page A10

Indiana Farm Bureau and its farmer members thank the House Judiciary Committee for voting favorably on Sen-ate Bill 101, a measure that will provide farmers the same protections against trespass enjoyed by all Hoosier home-owners. Indiana Farm Bureau looks forward to working with the entire House during its de-bate on and eventual passage of this important bill.

Contrary to media outcry and activist rhetoric, SB 101 contains no language about videotaping, photographing or employment fraud, all of which were elements of a bill that died in the fi nal hours of last year’s General Assembly.

“There seems to be some confusion surrounding this current trespass bill,” said Katrina Hall, IFB’s director of state government relations. “We keep hearing phrases like ‘ag-gag’ and ‘trampling of rights,’ but none of that lan-guage appears in SB 101. This bill simply gives farmers the same protection against tres-pass that other property own-ers have.”

During testimony before the

House Judiciary Committee, IFB state policy advisor Amy Cornell emphasized that farms and their economic viability are often harmed by trespass-ers; that farmers should be not be burdened with the ob-ligation to post signs in every fi eld and on every building; that First Amendment rights do not include a right to trespass; and that strengthening trespass laws has been a goal of Indiana farmers and Farm Bureau for many years.

While SB 373 morphed a number of times during the 2013 legislature, this year’s SB 101 has focused only on crimi-nal trespass since it was intro-duced by Sen. Travis Holdman.

“I don’t understand why the Hoosier Environmental Coun-cil and other opponents, none of whom testifi ed before the committee, continue to bring up issues that are not germane to this legislation,” said Cor-nell. “The potential of fi nan-cial loss because of criminal trespass is a very real issue for Hoosier farmers, and this bill provides them a greater de-gree of protection and peace of mind.”

Statement about Senate Bill 101

Page 3: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News




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Stendeback Family Funeral Home1330 E 4th St, Mt Vernon, IN • (812) 838-3888 •



Hoosiers have less than six weeks until open enroll-ment closes for 2014 under the Indiana Health Insurance Marketplace. Indiana Hospi-tal Association is encouraging those in need of coverage to apply through the program operated by the U.S. Depart-ment of Health and Human Services (HHS) before the 2014 deadline of March 31.

According to HHS almost 48,000 Indiana residents have enrolled in one of four cover-age plans under the Indiana Health Insurance Market-place since open enrollment began Oct. 1, 2013.

”We are pleased to see im-provements in the number of Hoosiers who have enrolled in a coverage plan since the program launched last year,”

said IHA President Doug Leonard. “But, there are still thousands of uninsured Hoo-siers who have yet to sign up. With open enrollment coming to a close in March, now is the time to visit the Market-place.”

According to Leonard, health care providers and other organizations across the state are helping uninsured Hoosiers learn about and ap-ply for health care coverage under the Indiana Health In-surance Marketplace.

The Indiana Health Insur-ance Marketplace allows eligible Hoosiers to compare health insurance options and enroll in a plan that meets both their needs and their budget. The six-month open enrollment period for cover-

age in 2014 ends March 31 with a deadline of March 15 for Hoosiers wanting cover-age to begin by April 1. For coverage beginning May 1, Hoosiers must enroll in a plan between March 16 and March 31.

Approximately 880,000 Hoosiers under the age of 65 do not have health insurance. Eligibility is generally avail-able to middle-income people under age 65 who are not cov-ered for health care benefi ts through their employer, Med-icaid or Medicare. All plans must cover doctor visits, hos-pital stays, preventive care and prescriptions, and no one can be denied coverage if they have a pre-existing condition. Low-cost plans and fi nancial help are available for those who qualify based on annual income through tax credits.

People who do not enroll in a coverage plan by March 31 will not be able to receive health care coverage until the next enrollment period be-gins, and may be subject to pay a penalty fee. The next open enrollment period for coverage starting in 2015 be-gins November 15, 2014.

To enroll in the Indiana Health Insurance Market-place, or for more information and assistance from a certifi ed individual, Hoosiers can ac-cess

Hoosiers face Health Care Plan deadline

Got a new job? Need some Steel-Toed Boots or Shoes? Thanks to the generous donations of area businesses’ we have sev-eral pairs of gently used steel-toed boots and shoes in various sizes. Just call 812-838-3851 or stop by the Black Township Trustee’s office located at 5773 Industrial Road.

Free boots available

Bridges of HopeA Fair Trade Mission of First United Methodist Church

Wesley Hall • 601 Main Street, Mt. Vernon, Indiana

Bring in this ad and receive 5% OFF an item!Tuesdays from 9am – 2pm • Saturdays from 9am – 2pm

812-838-2640 • rstumcmv/mission/bohFacebook : Bridges of Hope Fair Trade

We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities and

Correct Printing Errors. Find us on


J.L. Hirsch Company 8 W. Main St. Poseyville

V A L UV A L U M A R TM A R TServing Poseyville Since 1916

Prices effective March 5 through March 11, 2014

Velveeta Specialty Potatoes ......... $199Gatorade Sports Drink ............. 32oz

$119Velveeta Microwave Dinner ........... $289Black Top Salmon ........................ $249Shake-n-Bake Coating ........................ $199Oven Fry Coating ..........................

$209Planters Nuts .......................16oz

$329Jello Gelatin ..........................89¢Kraft BBQ Sauce ....................$119A1 Steak Sauce ............ 10oz

$359Kraft Dressing ..................16oz

$219Taco Bell Salsa ......................16oz

$209Taco Bell Taco Sauce ................... $149

Taco Bell Refried Beans ................ $149Taco Bell Shells .......................... $169Taco Bell Seasoning .....................69¢Del MonteVegetables ....................

$119Post PebblesCereal .......................... $229Post HoneycombCereal .......................... $269Post Golden CrispCereal .......................... $269

BeefSirloin Steak ................ lb

$499BeefLean Ground ............... lb

$399EckrichSmokie Links ................. $199EckrichJumbo Franks ................ $169EckrichBologna .....................1lb


Banquet TV Dinners .................... $100Lean Cuisine Dinners ........................ $249BanquetPot Pies ....................... 69¢Tombstone Pizza ....................... 12”

$359Totino Pizza Rolls ............... 40ct

$299Hot PocketsSandwich Pouches ......... $209TGIFAppetizers .................... $339NYGarlic Cheese Toast ..........

$299NYTexas Garlic Bread ........... $299O’World Ciabatta Roll ................. $299Rhoades Dinner Rolls .................. $349KraftAmerican Deluxe Singles ...... $499Kraft Shredded Cheese ........... $299

Praire Farms Cottage Cheese ........16oz

$249Yoplait Yogurt ......................

3/$200TropicanaOrange Juice ............59oz

$389Country Crock Margarine .................. 15oz

$189Country Crock Margarine .................. stick


Downy UltraSoftener ................... 40use

$429Tide 2x Laundry Detergent ....... 50oz

$699Dawn Detergent .................. 20oz







Veterans Benefi ts Seminar scheduledAmerican Legion Post 5 at 203 Walnut Street in Mount

Vernon will host a ‘Veterans Benefi ts Seminar’ at the Legion home on Wednesday, March 12. The seminar will begin at

6:30 p.m. and last about an hour with a question and answer period to follow. American Legion Department of Indiana

Veterans Service Offi cer, John Hickey, will be presenting the program and answering your questions. John has served the American Legion Department of Indiana Veterans Affairs 20 years and is well versed on all aspects of veteran’s benefi ts. Veterans with questions about their benefi ts are encouraged to attend this seminar. If you plan to attend please RSVP to Posey County Veterans Service Offi cer, David Sharber, by

phone at 812-838-8372 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Please include your contact phone number

in your message so that you can be notifi ed you in the event of changes. This event is open to the public for area veterans

and their families.

Report to PC Business Community Dinner to be held On Wednesday, March 5 at New Harmony Inn & Confer-

ence Center, the Southwest Indiana Chamber will host the annual Report to the Posey County Business Community

Dinner. The evening will feature highlight of recent business impacts made in the Posey County community and for a

celebration of 2014 Posey County Award recipients. The evening will begin with a 5:30 p.m. Cocktail

Reception followed by Dinner and Reception at 6 p.m. For more information, contact Brittaney Johnson, Posey County

Director at the Southwest Indiana Chamber, by phone at 812-838-3639 or email.

Community Center to host rummage saleThe Posey County Community Center, located at the

Posey County Fairgrounds on Highway 69 South of New Harmony, will be hosting a Rummage Sale on Saturday,

March 8. The doors will be open to the public from 8 a.m. until noon. With approximately 40 vendors committing to attend, there will be a wide selection of items to choose

from. Clothing, shoes, boots, kitchen and household items, collectibles, dolls, jewelry, antiques, decorations, picture

frames, books, glassware; are just a few of the many items that could be available at this event. There is still vendor

space available. For a registration form or more information, contact the Purdue Extension Offi ce at 838-1331.

St. Francis to host Relay paint partyPaint with your friends and support Relay for Life at the

same time. The St Francis Relay for Life team and friends will host their third Paint Party on Saturday, March 29 at St. Francis cafeteria in Poseyville beginning at 9 a.m. Paint your choice of an Egg, Initial (whimsical or regular), or a Heart or a Cross. Have something else in mind you’d like to paint?

Let us know and we may be able to accommodate. Your $45 registration and item choice is a must by Friday, March 22. Children are welcome to come and paint a smaller item for only $25. Snacks and drinks are included in the registration fee. Checks may be made payable to SFX Relay for Life. Contact Jeri Ziliak at 449-7445 or [email protected] for more information. You may also ‘like’Facebook and check

out events to keep up to date on our activities.

St. Philip Pre-School celebrated Valentine’s Day with interactive educational games and treats. St. Philip will be offering all day Pre-School and Pre-Kindergarten in the fall. Front row (left to right): Adeline Weis, Clare Woehler, Wilson Hudnall, Alyssa Sanders, Maci Lannert, Chelsea Hutton, and Gavin McClarney. Back row: Miss Con-nie Wilzbacher, Halle Woehler, Simon Goebel, Kade Norman, Luke Shumate, Darret Branson, and Miss Kellie Keitel. Photo submitted

Miss Connie Wilzbacher reads with the St. Philip Pre-School class. Pictured left to right: Alyssa Sanders, Luke Shumate, Wilson Hudnall, Simon Goebel, Halle Woehler, Gavin McClarney, Darret Branson, Kade Norman, Adeline Weis, Clare Woehler, Maci Lannert and Chelsea Hutton. Photo submitted

Mary Grace Price went home to be with the lord on Wednesday Feb. 26, 2014. Mary was born on July 22, 1917 in Gibson County, the daughter of Law-rence J. and Nellie L. (Almon) Overton.

Mary was preceded in death by her parents, husband Thomas Howard Price, daughters, infant and twin to Janice, Janet, Janice Pegram, and Diana Phil-lips, daughter-in-law Judith (Erbacher) Price, sisters, Irma Hooker and Kath-ryn McLimore, and brother, Nathan ‘Kenny’ Overton. Survivors include her son, Thomas L. Price (Barbara) of New Harmony, seven grandchildren, Greg (Sadonna) Price, Sherri (Kim) Rutledge, Jacki (Doug) Hamman, Todd (Chris) Price, Jana (Ned) Pirtle, Jeff Pegram, and Amanda (Lamont) Weidner, 10 great-grandchildren, one great-great-grandson, and two son-in-laws, Ronald Pegram and Michael Phillips.

Mary graduated from Stewartsville High School in 1935. Mary was a very gifted lady. She owned and operated Marys Ceramics in New Harmony, Poseyville, and Grayville. She taught ceramic classes to ladies and men from all over and even for the local colleges. Mary was an excellent cook, using her skills by working at many local restaurants, including the Playhouse Tavern, Main Café, and Red Geranium just to name a few. Mary also worked for many years and retired in her mid 80’s from SWIRCA, where she helped serve lunch and organize activities for the Cynthiana and Poseyville Senior centers.

Mary loved traveling, gardening, camping, fi shing, reading, word search puzzles and spending time with her family and friends. Mary attended Old Union Church and was an avid supporter of Black River and Saulmon Cemeteries.

Services were Saturday, March 1, 2014 at Holders Funeral Home in Owens-ville with Pastor Paul Huntsman offi ciating and burial at the Saulmon Cemetery.

Memorial contributions may be made to Black River Cemetery or Saulmon Cemetery, 1617 Pleasant Valley Drive, Mount Vernon, IN 47620.

Expressions of sympathy may be made online at www.holdersfuneralhome.The family would like to thank the nurses and staff at Mount Vernon Nursing

and Rehabilitation center for providing such sincere love and care to Mary in her last days.

Mary Price

Page 4: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News

Madeleine, the year you were a baby, and I was at your home, taking care of you, I always watched The Price is Right, while I was rocking you. It seemed to be on at the time you were needing your morning nap. Of course, I had watched it for many years, whenever I could. Recently, during all of those days I was ‘snowed in,’ I watched some of the current shows.

First of all, it is obvi-ous that the demographic they are aiming at is senior citizens. All one has to do is check out the commer-cials. Almost all of them are things that might be of interest to older folks, like life insurance, walk-in bath-tubs, or those little motor-ized chairs that take people up fl ights of stairs.

I guess that I fi t into that age group, even if I am not quite to the point of needing most of those things. My mother used to watch this and The Wheel of Fortune. Actually, I think that it has been proven to be benefi cial

for older people to watch game shows, as well as do crossword puzzles, etc. It

exercises one’s mind, and helps to keep us sharp.

When television became available to many house-holds in the 50s, game shows were amongst the fi rst things we all looked forward to seeing. We craned our necks at the little black and white screens to see Gary Moore host I’ve Got a Secret, and many others. Sunday nights, it was a viewing must to see ‘What’s My Line’ with John Daly. A panel of celebrities, like Arlene Francis, Bennet Cerf, and Dorothy Kilgal-len, had to guess what the contestants did for a living. None of the current genera-tion has ever heard of those

people, of course.Other famous game show

hosts of the past were Jack Berry, Bill Cullen, Wink Martindale, and numerous others. Many people will remember Alan Ludden and his show, ‘Password.’ His wife, Betty White, was on it many times, and, of course, is still very popular today. She is over 90, and has been a much-loved person-ality since the 50s, involved in many shows.

One very popular prime time game show was ‘The 64,000 Dollar Question.’ It was on from 1955 until 1958, with host Hal March. So-called experts on vari-ous subjects were on from week to week, winning their way to the grand prize by answering questions on their chosen topic. How-ever, it became known that it was ‘fi xed’ and many of these people were given the questions ahead of time. After this, much stronger rules were put into place.

One very popular show was ‘Family Feud’ with Richard Dawson. After he was gone, several other hosts were on this show, but it now only lives on in syn-dication. When ‘The Price

is Right’ had to fi nd another host when Bob Barker re-tired, the producers were very lucky to fi nd Drew Carey. After a very short time, he became totally ac-cepted.

Like many others, I wish I was in the audience, and heard my name called to ‘come on down.’ When Don, Heather, Jason, and I were in Branson Mo., about two years ago, we went to the much smaller version of the show there. Even then, none of our names were called, so a trip to Califor-nia would probably not pan out either.

However, as I watch the show, and see the people that do get picked, and how little they seem to know about how to play the games, it is very frustrating. If one really watches the show, several games could always be won. It makes me crazy to watch someone bid $499 after the person before them bids $500.

If I ever were lucky enough to be there and actually get up on stage, I would like to think that I would not let out sounds like a pig stuck in a fence. Nor would I ask the audi-

ence for help, especially for things that are only won with luck. Unless Super-man is sitting out there, and can use his X-Ray vision, I doubt anyone else could know which hidden spot holds the prize.

Some current game shows are based on intelli-gence and knowledge, like ‘Jeopardy’ and ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire.’ Even though I know a lot of those answers, I am sure that I would get asked things about subjects that are to-tally foreign to me, like a lot of current pop culture. My knowledge of rap groups and so on, is very limited.

Madeleine, I am sure that many of our readers do not watch nor remember many of these shows, and have no idea what I am writing about. The current mode of gaming is, of course, play-ing games on one’s cell phone or computer. It is nearly impossible to be in any group of people any-where, and not see someone doing this. I am sure that I could very easily become addicted also. I just don’t have time to get involved. I already feel that there are not enough hours in the day,

so shooting down ‘angry birds,’ and matching candy pieces for hours is just not for me.

Since this activity is im-portant to almost everyone that I know, I mean no dis-respect. I thought about doing the phone version of Scrabble, but I know I would spend way too long doing it, if I ever got start-ed. It is kind of like opening a package of Oreo cookies, and only eating one.

Bottom line, however anyone chooses to spend their leisure time is their own business, so if phone games work for you, that is fi ne. But I would rather see you and my other grand-children reading a book, painting a picture, or be-ing outside playing. I know that you do these things, also, and that I am defi -nitely in the minority about phone games. This is just the perspective of a senior citizen. So I will just go watch ‘The Price is Right,’ and you guys can get back to shooting down mythical birds and matching pieces of candy. I can only won-der what type of games will be important to your future children.


Featured Animalsof The Posey

County Pound Puppies Call

(812)-305-4737 for more

informationBrindle mix male, picked up on Bonebank Road on Feb. 18. Is wearing a black harness.

Featured Animalsof The Posey

HumaneSociety. Call

(812)-838-3211for more

informationSylvester is an approximately six-month-old male who has

recently had to have his eye removed. He is extremely sweet and affectionate, and likes to follow people around and snuggle. He is doing very well recovering in foster care and will be available as soon as he’s all healed up.

BirthdaysMarch 4 - Velma Hein, Mary Jean O’Dell, Halley Rus-

sell, Anna Rose Austin, Geneva Simpson, Rachel Stallings, Ava Bates, Alexander Carne, Grace Jolley

March 5 - Ryan Anderson, Hank Burns, Jodi Moore, Carolina Zampini, Lola Mae Healy, Fiona Kissinger,

March 6 - Jared S. Turney, Carol Ann Mcintire, Jackie Sue Burnett, Samuel Grimes, Volker Korger, Brian Laws, Jeff Hofman, Phil Williams, Matt Mills, Camryn Lansdell, Suzanne Williams

March 7 - John Lang, Patrick Seibert, Kyle Hon, Kenny Kuebler, Jim Kimmel, Elizabeth Reis

March 8 - Ed Paris, Casey Trela, Asher Storms, Alicia Barrickman-Riley, Trent Creek

March 9 - Anne Louise Tepool, Ellen Wade, Bill Shelby, Polly Certain

March 10 - Cassandra Ambrose, Beverly Fussner, Mi-chael Burns, Evan Wasson, Jeff Williams, Jim Montgomery, Bonnie Hyatt, Beverly Hardy

If you have a name to be included in the birthday calen-dar, please send to: Posey County News, P.O. Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631 or email: [email protected].



From game shows to angry birds, leisure time differs with age

PHS News

The PC Pound Pup-pies Spring Craft Show and Cruise-In will be held on Sat-urday, April 12, 2014 at the 4H Fairgrounds on Hwy 69 just south of New Harmony, Indiana. Hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Proceeds of the Craft Show & Cruise-In benefi t PC Pound Puppies (PCPP). This is our fi fth year.

The Craft Show will feature 40 plus booths of high-quality crafts and gift items. Vendors are now being accepted.

Registration for the Clas-sic Car Cruise-In is from 10 a.m.-noon. Trophies will be awarded. Other activities are planned throughout the day.

Breakfast and lunch will be available. The featured menu item is BBQ provided by River Days’ Team Cam-eron – Roy Cameron and Stan Hack. The menu also includes our popular homemade soups, plus coffee, soft drinks, and desserts.

The event is free and open to the public, but attendees are encouraged to bring along a donation that PCPP can use for homeless dogs. Suggested items include new collars and leashes, new dog toys, new or gently used dog crates (wire or plastic – especially large sizes), fl ea and heartworm preventives like Advantix and Heartgard, paper towels, and spray cleaners (409, etc.).

For more information about

the Craft Show or to inquire about booth rental, contact Cathy Powers at 812-499-6413 or [email protected].

For more information about the Cruise-In or to register, contact Ron Manning at 615-509-6410 or [email protected].

PC Pound Puppies is a group of volunteers who fi nd adoptive homes for stray and homeless dogs picked up by Animal Control in Posey County and the City of Mount Vernon, Indiana. The dogs are housed in a shelter that is pri-vately owned and is not open to the public, but the public can meet and adopt the PCPP dogs every Sunday noon-4 p.m. at the Pet Food Center on First Avenue in Evansville. We can be contacted by call-ing 812-483-4341 or 812-453-7150 or by emailing [email protected]. PCPP is a no-kill shelter that depends on the public’s sup-port to maintain that status.

The work of PCPP is fund-ed solely by donations. To make a donation to support the work of PCPP and to help provide medical care for the dogs, visit and click on the Do-nate button to contribute via PayPal, or send checks made payable to PCPP to PO Box 295, Mount Vernon, Indiana 47620. Donations to PCPP are tax deductible.





St. Patty’s CelebrationTis the Luck of the Irish this March at PHS. For the

month of March only and in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day on March 17, all dog and cat adoptions are only $17 (normal adoption policies apply). If you have been thinking about adding a furry friend to the family, March will be the perfect month to do it. Check out all the great dogs and cats available at PHS. They can be seen on Facebook, and Petfi Tis no blarney, let this be your lucky month. Save a life and enjoy the blessings of unconditional love only dogs and cats can give. PHS is located at 6500 Leonard Road. in Mount Vernon, Ind.

Hours are Mon – Wed 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 2 – 6 p.m. Thursday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 2 – 6 p.m, Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.. Phone is 812-838-3211.

‘That’s My Pan’ PartyHere is the perfect solution for those church dinners

and carry-in luncheons. If you have ever lost a baking dish or container, you will love the ‘That’s My Pan’ line of bake ware and kitchen accessories. They can be or-dered with your name, initials or favorite team logo on the item. No longer will you have to worry about how to identify your baking pans. As a fund raiser for the shelter, PHS will be hosting a sales party on March 16 from 1 – 3 p.m. at the Western Hills Country Club in Mount Vernon. You will be able to see the product line at the party. If you would prefer to view and order on line just go to Either

way, your purchases will be helping the animals at Posey Humane Society.

Critter Wish ListDonations of any of the following will greatly be ap-

preciated. This week the animals are in need of cat lit-ter, litter box scoops, extra- large trash bags, and used towels and washcloths. In preparation for the upcoming warmer weather, PHS will be needing donations of fl ea products such as Advantage, Revolution or Frontline for cats or dogs. PHS also accepts donations of aluminum cans for the Paws to Recycle Program. And as always, we thank everyone for their continued support.

Special Needs RequestDue to the large volume of bedding, towels and clean-

ing cloths used daily, the existing washing machine is on its last leg and the clothes dryer has given out complete-ly. PHS is in dire need of a new washer and dryer. If you are able to contribute towards the cost of new machines, your help will greatly be appreciated. Using clean lin-ens is essential to the health of shelter animals. The new machines do not need to have all the bells and whistles, just a large capacity and capable of handling heavy duty loads. Contributions can be made online at, via Facebook or sent to the shelter at 6500 Leonard Road. Mount Vernon, IN 47620. For more in-formation you can also call 812-838-3211. In the mean-time, we would like to give a big PHS Thank You to the wonderful volunteers who have taken on the task of doing the laundry until new equipment can be obtained.

Amil Dinsio Tells How He Stole Nixon’s ‘Dirty’ Mil-lions – and of the Laws Broken in the FBI’s Zeal to Con-vict Him.

In a daring bank burglary -- one of the most elaborate heists in U.S. history -- a team of brothers and friends broke into the United California Bank in Laguna Niguel, California, in April 1972. They penetrated the build-ing’s thick steel-reinforced walls, circumvented multiple alarms, and dropped down into the state-of-the-art vault, where they emptied hundreds of safe deposit boxes over the course of three nights.

Some of those boxes held $12 million of then-Presi-dent Nixon’s money – cash, the burglary mastermind was told, that had been hidden away because it came from bribes and other underhanded dealings.

Amil Dinsio, described by the FBI as ‘America’s greatest bank burglar,’ and the historic heist have been the subject of numerous documentaries and books. All of them, he says, got a lot of it wrong.

So Dinsio has written his own book, which begins with his and his brother James’ fi rst bank crime – a robbery as opposed to burglary – when Amil was just 16. ‘Inside the Vault’ (, focuses on the Laguna Niguel heist, including how they did it, why, and what they found in those safe deposit boxes. It also offers a glimpse into the philosophy of an Ohio family man with a strict code of ethics and a genius for outwitting ‘impen-etrable’ banks.

“I am what I am and there’s no denying it,” Dinsio says. “However, my crew and I weren’t the only law-breakers. The government wasn’t smart enough to catch me honestly. They had to lie, steal, and plant evidence to convict me.

“Anyone who’s been framed by law enforcement knows exactly what I’m talking about. But most people don’t have a clue about the laws that are broken in the name of ‘justice.’ It’s time American taxpayers found out what they’re paying for.”

Dinsio says FBI agents and the US attorneys general committed theft, perjury and falsifi ed evidence in their efforts to lock him away for seven years.

He offers these details of his notorious heist:• Some of the sources of Nixon’s United California

Bank stash: The men who tipped off Dinsio to the presi-dent’s safe deposit boxes told him the money came from underhanded dealings, Dinsio says. It included money from the dairy farmers’ lobby in exchange for a promise to increase the price of raw milk, he says. At least $3 mil-lion came from then-Teamsters Union head Jimmy Hoffa – money paid to have his prison sentence commuted by Nixon in 1971. Hoffa helped lead Dinsio to the vault in order to get some or all of his money back, Dinsio says.

• Interesting trivia from the heist: Nixon’s safe deposit boxes weren’t the only ones broken into. In addition to $12 million of the president’s money, the burglars got additional cash, gold coins, jewelry and bonds. Within a stack of bonds, they found an envelope with a note ap-parently written by the box owner. “The note said that if someone was reading this, he must be dead, and so he confesses to murdering his wife’s brother and begs for forgiveness,” Dinsio says. By the time they discovered the note, the bank heist had made headlines nationwide. The burglars guessed that whoever wrote the note would be panicking, and they joked about blackmailing him. ‘But we’d never stoop that low.’ They fl ushed the note down the toilet.

• The many reasons why the FBI’s evidence doesn’t fi t. They claimed to have found fi ngerprints on a fl ash-light battery, but Dinsio insists the burglars left no fi n-gerprints. Instead, he’s convinced agents stole a battery from one of his home garages. A second piece of fabrica-tion includes three coins, supposedly found in the get-away car, which was thoroughly cleaned out from top to bottom. He says agents could have easily planted them since the FBI had a large pile of valuables from the safety deposits in the bank vault. “But that’s just the tip of the iceberg,” he says.

Amil Dinsio, mastermind behind the greatest bank burglary in U.S. history, had committed scores of bank burglaries before stealing $12 million from President Richard Nixon in 1972. Because the law was unable to catch him, he says offi cials committed criminal acts such as perjury, falsifi cation and burglary in order to secure a criminal conviction. ‘Inside the Vault’ is his fi rst book and the fi rst insider revelation of the details behind one of the greatest heists in U.S. history.

Ginny Grimsley‘America’s Greatest Bank Burglar’ Reveals Details Behind Notorious ’72 Nixon Heist

Page 5: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News


Those wishing to enter the Posey County Artist exhibit may do to until March 4. There is no entry fee.

Quilts 101Join us March 4 at your

choice of times 10 a.m. or 6 p.m. as we celebrate Na-tional Quilt Month with the fi rst of four different presen-tations throughout March. Each session will feature presentations from quilt en-thusiasts Monica Emerson and Marissa Priddis and a short episode from the docu-mentary ‘Why Quilts Mat-ter: History, Art & Politics.’ This program is suitable for

all ages.Art For Youth With

Special NeedsArt teacher Peg Heck-

man will present a program for youth who have special needs on March 5 at 3:30 p.m. Please register for this fun and benefi cial program.

Posey County ArtistsMark your calendars for

this event. It is time again for local artists to shine. Last year we had the works of sixty-fi ve local artists on display. How many will there be this year? Fine craft artists and artisans from all over Posey County are in-

vited to participate in the Alexandrian Public Library Annual Fine Art and Craft Exhibition from March 7 to March 9. Organized and ex-hibited by the Alexandrian Public Library, the show is presented as a component of the library continuing com-munity art awareness proj-ect.

It’s-a me, Mario To celebrate National

Teen Tech Week, the teens will be playing any and all Mario games on March 10 at 3:30 p.m. Stop by to play and eat. This program is for those in grades 6 – 12 only.

Registration is required.Friends of the APL

MeetingMarch 10 at 6:30 p.m.

Everyone is invited. Join the Friends and learn how you can help the library.

QuiltsOur second quilting pro-

gram will be March 11 at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Staff DayOn March 13 the library

will be closed. Want to register?

The library offers mul-tiple ways you can register, including: on the web, by phone, and in person. You can register well in advance by going to our website at Can’t register on-line? Call the Adult Information Desk at (812) 838-3286 or visit the Adult Information Desk in person. Our library staff rep-resentative will be ready to assist you and answer your questions. Check out our Facebook page and Like us.

APL News By Stanley Campbell

Recipe of the Week

Point Township Church of the NazareneBonebank Rd., Mount Vernon 838-5182

1 round steak, cut into small pieces1 c. chopped onions2 chopped bell peppers1 can (28 oz.) tomatoes, cut into pieces2 Tbsp. cornstarch

1/4 c. cold water2 Tbsp. butter Crisco1 tsp. paprika1/8 tsp. garlic powder

DIRECTIONSBrown steak in butter Crisco. Add veggies, garlic and paprika. Add tomatoes and soy sauce.

Cook until meat is tender. Mix water with cornstarch and add to mixture. Cook until slightly thickened. Serve over rice.


from the cookbook of: Donna Wallace

The WMI is excited to announce the up-coming ‘Wear it and share it day.’

This Thursday and every following Thurs-day we will be wearing our new logo t-shirts. Come on by in your shirt and show your pas-sion for the WMI.

Ongoing program Thursdays - 10:30 a.m.

pre-school story time; 6:30 p.m. - Library Lil.Did you know? We now have over 800

DVDs including some long-running televi-sion shows such as The Sopranos, Modern Family, West Wing, etc. Plus, soon to be re-leased new book titles will be here shortly. See more info next week in your Insider.

WMI Insider

As part of New Harmony’s year-long bicentennial celebra-tion, the town will bury a time capsule and they need your contributions. The Legacy Time Capsule will be buried at the Working Men’s Institute in December 2014 and won’t be opened until 2114.

In order to fi t with the time capsule’s theme of ‘This is Our Time,’ residents and visitors alike are asked to include memo-rabilia from their life such as:

- Recent pictures of family, home, friends and job- Information on what they like to do in their spare time- Lists of favorite books, TV shows, games and music - Information on organizations to which they belong- Hope and predictions for the future of New Harmony

- Copies of report cards, marriage licenses, plus phone num-bers and addresses

- Signifi cant memorabilia or sentimental tokens with expla-nations of their importance

For a donation, you will receive a packet in which to include your memorabilia. The packet includes archival paper, a micro-pen and a large archival envelope for all your belongings. If an envelope isn’t big enough for all your items, special aluminum cylinders are also available for an additional donation.

To obtain additional information or to purchase a packet, contact Patricia Gosh at 812-319-5300 or visit the Antique Doll Shoppe at 507 S. Main Street or Town Hall at 520 Church Street in New Harmony.

Time capsule to mark New Harmony Bicentennial

Olive Muller enjoys the food at the annual Posey County Farm Bureau meeting on Thursday. Photo by Dave Pearce

Jake Wiseman enjoys the annual Posey County Farm Bu-reau meeting on Thursday. Photo by Dave Pearce

The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is seeking volunteers in Mount Vernon – walkers, cancer survivors, caregivers, community leaders, anyone wanting to make a difference – to organize and recruit fundraising teams, gar-ner community support, assist with logistics, seek refresh-ments and prizes, plan entertainment and lend a hand to en-sure the success of the 2014 event. Relay For Life is a truly unique experience which unites communities to fi nish the fi ght against cancer. Volunteer support is crucial to the event and will help the American Cancer Society create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.

The next volunteer committee and participant meeting will be held on February 27 at 6 p.m. at the Alexandrian Public Library, 115 West Fifth Street. The meeting will continue the planning process for the community’s Relay For Life event, which supports the mission of the American Cancer Society to save lives by helping people stay well, by helping people get well, by fi nding cures and by fi ghting back against the disease.

Relay For Life events are held overnight across the coun-try as individuals and teams camp out at an athletic track,

park, or fairground, with the goal of keeping at least one team member on the track or pathway at all times. Teams do most of their fundraising prior to the event, but some teams also hold creative fundraisers at their camp sites at the event. Relay For Life brings together friends, families, businesses, hospitals, schools, faith-based groups . . . people from all walks of life – all aimed at celebrating the lives of those who have had cancer, remembering those lost, and fi ghting back against the disease.

“Relay For Life is all about our community uniting with the American Cancer Society and supporting its efforts to fi nish the fi ght,” said Tiffani Weatherford, Event Co-Chair. “Volunteers and participants who are willing to give their time and energy to this exciting event are making a commit-ment to let Posey County know that cancer can be defeated.”

If you would like to join the Relay For Life of Mount Vernon as a volunteer or team participant, call Teri James at the American Cancer Society at 812-475-9486, visit, or contact Co-Chairs Brittaney Johnson and Tiffani Weatherford at [email protected].

Volunteers still needed for local Relay

Veterans Corner : New Veterans’ Service Offi cerPosey County Veterans Service Offi cer:

Dave SharberHours: Tuesday and Thursday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Offi ce phone: 812-838-8372Cell phone: 812-781-9105

e-mail: [email protected]

The Posey County Solid Waste District will begin charging to recycle TVs and computer monitors on March 1. Computer monitors and TVs that are 27 inches and smaller will be $10. TVs over 27 inches will be $15. Electronics and TVs can only be recycled at the Mount Vernon Center. To recycle TVs and moni-tors, pay at the District offi ce on Brown Street and take receipt with item to the recycling center. For more information, contact the District at 838-1613.

Electronic recycle to incur fees

Sara's Harmonie Way, located at the stoplight in New Har-mony, will host a second fund-raising event to raise money for Arts in Harmony, the community’s annual spring arts/crafts fair.

The Mardi Gras themed event, scheduled Tuesday, March 4, from 5-8 p.m., will feature music, games, gumbo, beads, bever-ages, half-pot, silent auction, masks, and miscellaneous revelry. Costumes are encouraged.

Arts in Harmony fundraiser set

The American Legion celebrates 95 years of service to the community, state and nation this year. Post 5, serving Mount Vernon and the American legion since 1919 will hold our an-nual ‘Birthday Dinner and Dance’ on Saturday, March 8 at the American Legion located at 203 Walnut Street in Mount Vernon.

The event is free to all paid 2014 Legion Family Members, (Legion, Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion). Dinner will begin at 6 p.m. and the dance will follow from 8 to 12 p.m.

A group dedicated to healing for friends and family members of those in recovery meets every Wednesday at 6 p.m. at Brent-wood Meadows, 4488 Roslin Road, Newburgh.

Anonymous Healing is an anonymous and compassionate meeting where individuals may voice experiences shared during the recovery of a loved one. Possible coping strategies are dis-cussed and families can expand their support networks among others experiencing similar situations, said Michelle Lovelady- Smith, Director of Clinical Services.

Brentwood Meadows is a psychiatric and chemical dependen-cy hospital located in Newburgh.

For more information, call Lovelady-Smith at 858-7200, ex-tension 2214 during regular business hours.

New Harmonie Healthcare Center will hold a town yard sale April 5, 2014, from 7 a.m. to noon.

Proceeds will go to the funding of a new golf cart for the residents to use.

Donations for both the yard sale and funding of the golf cart are gladly accepted.

Please contact the Activities Department at 812-682-4104 for any additional information or to drop off donations.

The Mount Vernon-Black Township Parks and Recreation is pleased to announce that the Community Center will be hosting a movie night on Friday, March 14.The movie Space Jam will be shown.Doors will open at 6 p.m. Admittance is free. Conces-sions will be available. Space Jam stars Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny and is rated PG. Running time is 88 minutes.

Legion to celebrate 95 years

Anonymous Healing meets

NH Healthcare to hold yard sale

Space Jam to be shown
















S, W








Have Questions for us? Call 1-812-838-5200

OFFICE HOURS:Monday through Friday:

7:30am - 5pmSaturday:

7:30am - 1:30pm



Randi Redman visits the Kings and Queens 4-H club with one of the shelter dogs, Lady. Sydney Redman is welcoming Lady to the meeting. The club donated a whole car full of items for the Humane Society. Photo submitted

The Tops and Tepool Relay for Life Teams are selling Sandy’s frozen pizzas as a fundraiser. The 12-inch pizzas come in eight different varieties and are $8 or $9, depending on the variety. Anyone interested in placing an order should call Karen Blaylock at (812) 874-2240 by March 15. The pizzas will be delivered in early April. All proceeds will be donated to North Posey Relay for Life.

The Mount Vernon and Poseyville yard sites will open on Wednesday, March 5. Both yard sites are open on Wednes-day from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.

The Mount Vernon yard

site will be open on Saturdays from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. and on Sundays from noon until 4 p.m.

The Poseyville yard site will be open on Saturdays

from 12:30 until 4:30 p.m. Only limbs, brush, grass clip-pings and leaves are accepte.

For more information, con-tact the Posey County Solid Waste District at 838-1613.

Relay for Life pizza offered

Posey yard waste sites hours are set

Page 6: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News


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Spring Fling in New Har-mony set for March 22-23, 2014 at the Ribeyre Gym located on Main & Tavern Streets, New Harmony, Ind.

This event is sponsored by New Harmony Business As-sociates and will have antiques, collectibles, personal gifts, handmade purses, jewelry, glass art, oil lamps, baked goods, Wat-kins, inspirational cards, soaps, pottery, quilts and much more.

Hours are Saturday for 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

For more information visit, or call Paula Alldredge at 455-7876 or Chris Laughbaum at 449-6839.

Spring Fling in New HarmonyThe Arts Council of

Southwestern Indiana is now accepting nominations for the 2014 Mayor’s Arts Awards. These prestigious awards are given annually, and recognize individuals who have made signifi cant or innovative arts contribu-tions to the community.

Nomination forms are now available at, and will

be accepted through Thurs-day, May 8. Committee review of the nominations will occur in May, with an award notifi cation in June. The Arts Council will hold a public press conference to announce the award recipi-ents on June 18 at 10 a.m., in the Bower Suhrheinrich Foundation gallery. Winners of the Mayor’s Arts Awards will be honored at Tropicana Evansville on Thursday, Au-gust 21.

Any questions about Mayor’s Arts Awards can be directed to the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana at (812) 422-2111 or [email protected].

Art Award nominations sought

Fine craft artists and artisans from all over Posey County are invited to participate in the Al-exandrian Public Library An-nual Fine Art and Craft Exhi-bition from March 7 to March 9. Those wishing to enter the exhibit may begin doing so February 26 to March 4.

Artists invited to participate in exhibit

Come Enjoy “A Taste of Ol’ Mexico”


Located at 408 Southwind Plaza. Mt Vernon, IN.812-838-2392

Mon to Thurs:11am - 9p.m. Fri to Sat:

11am - 10p.m. Sundays:

11am - 9p.m.


$4 OFFPurchases of $20 or more! (Dine in only. Does not

include alcohol. Not valid on Sundays)

Lunch Specialsfrom 11 am to 4 p.m.

$3.50 off your secondorder from Lunch Menu(Dine in only. Not valid on Sun-days or with other special plates)

Kiwanis will host their Corned Beef and Cabbage Supper on Tuesday, March 4 from 5 - 7 p.m. at the Catho-lic Community Center. Tickets will be available at the door and the cost for adults is $10, children up to 12 years is $5, and children under six are free. The meal includes corned beef and cabbage, soda bread, salad, ice cream and drink. Pizza is available for kids.

March 10-14 Sharpensiron Enrichment Program is having a Spring Fling with a free se-nior brunch on Monday, March 10 to kick it off. Call 319-4292 for more details.

The fl u season hit early this year, but experts say that doesn’t mean Hoosiers are out of the woods just yet. While fl u activity is on the downward trend, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, its prevalence in Indiana remains widespread. Flu season typi-cally runs through May, said Shawn Richards, a respiratory epidemiologist at the Indiana State Department of Health. “The recommendation from CDC is, as long as infl uenza is circulating, you should be vaccinated,” he said. “The infl uenza virus can circulate at any time of the year, and you would get some benefi t from being vaccinated if you haven’t done so already.”

Infl uenza cases hit a peak in January, and 45 infl uenza-associated deaths have been reported in the state. Over-all, Richards said, it’s been a moderate season for fl u activ-ity.

Typically, the fl u hits chil-dren and the elderly hardest, but Richards said young and middle-aged adults were af-fected the most this year.

“Typically, this age group does not get vaccinated very well for infl uenza,” he said, “and they go to work sick and spread it to other persons who aren’t vaccinated.”

According to the CDC, people from ages 18 to 64 represented 61 percent of all infl uenza-related hospitaliza-tions, compared with 35 per-

cent the year before.Richards said simple steps

can help to keep people from getting sick.

“The best ways that people can protect themselves,” he said, “is to be vaccinated, stay home when they’re sick, to wash their hands and cover your coughs and sneezes, and try to avoid being around people that are sick.”

It’s important to note that some parents choose not to vaccinate their children for religious or moral beliefs, and others hold off until it can be determined whether a child is at risk for adverse reactions.

Updated information on fl u activity in Indiana is online at

Kiwanis Beef and Cabbage Supper set

Sharpensiron Spring Fling to be held soon

Flu still widespread in Indiana

The Garden Club of New Harmony will meet Saturday morning, March 8, 2014, beginning at 9 a.m. in the Working Men’s Institute conference room, 407 Tavern Street, New Har-mony, Ind. This month’s program will be on herbs, concentrat-ing on culinary uses, given by Vicki Campbell. Offi cers for 2014-15 will be installed and committee sign-ups will be of-fered. Coffee and light refreshments will be served. 2014 dues of $25 for active members and $35 for associate members, and are due before the end of this month. Current members may mail dues checks to the club at P. O. Box 244, New Harmony, Ind. 47631. Meetings are open to everyone who is interested in nature, gardening, and landscaping, and visitors are always welcome. Come and see what we’re all about.

Garden Club to meet March 8Eunan McIntyre, an

award winning singer songwriter from Glencolm-cille in County Donnegal, Ire-land, will spin his magic Fri-day, March 7, at Stage Left Theatre, 515 S. Main Street, New Harmony. Showtime is 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

McIntyre is infl uenced by the beautiful natural surroundings in which he grew up and now lives with his wife Jackie and family. He writes about the place he was born, his experi-ences in being on of sixteen children, and his love of traditional ballads. He has toured in Canada and the United States and has also played in Spain with Enjoy Travel. In addition he has extensively Switzerland,

both as a solo musician and supported by Swiss band, Tacha. He is best known

for his song-writing skills and his warm pe r sona l i t y. Whilst he is on stage, he can reach into the hearts of the audience with his Irish humor and his

musicEunan has won several

song competitions in Ire-land and in 2000 he re-ceived the Pete St John ASCIA Award for his song “Josie” which also won the Sean McCarthy All-Ireland Ballad Song Competition. He won this competition again in 2002 and has, on several occasions, received fi rst prize in the Clonmany Song Writing Competition.

Eunan has supported acts such as Tommy Sands, Sean

Keane and the legendary, Wolfe Tones. He has also supported Danny Doyle, Daniel O’Donnell and Sean Cannon (a member of the legendary Dubliners).

To date Eunan has re-leased three albums based on his own material - ‘All the Love You Bring,’ ‘Rathlin Sky’ and ‘Blown on a Breeze.’ He has also released a live album with the Swiss band Tacha based on a project called ‘The Challenge Between Cul-tures.’ His latest CD has been released called ‘The Place that I Call Home.’

He has also collaborated with Irish artist, Maire Mc-Sorley to produce a DVD called An Rud a Lionas an Suil Lionann Se An Chroi (What fi lls the eye, fi lls the heart).

Check out his music at

Tickets for the show are $15 and may be reserved by calling 812-682-3310.

Eunan McIntyre

Eunan McIntyre in concert March 7

Brought to you by your localPosey County Farm Bureau, Inc.“Where it pays to be a member!”

Posey County Farm Bureau Inc.


Poseyville • 30 W Main Street • 812-874-2241Mt. Vernon • 1701 N. Main Street • 812-838-4886


$5 PER PERSON PRE-PAID MEAL TICKET(to be purchased at your local insurance offi ce and

will be refunded at the door the night of dinner)

Meal will be catered by HAWG N SAUCE

Featured speaker is TED MCKINNEY, current Director of

Indiana State Dept. of Agriculture.

Reservations need to be made by March 6th.

Air Force Airman Kevonte Wilkerson graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas.

The airman completed an intensive, eight-week pro-gram that included training in military discipline and stud-ies, Air Force core values, physical fi tness, and basic warfare principles and skills.

Airmen who complete ba-sic training earn four credits toward an associate in ap-plied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force.

Wilkerson is the son of Dawnita Wilkerson of Evans-ville.

He is a 2013 graduate of Mount Vernon Senior High School.

Wilkerson graduates basic training

Big Brothers Big Sisters is hosting its third annual Bowl for Kids’ Sake Sun-day, April 6 at Posey Lanes, Mount Vernon. Help Big Brothers Big Sisters get ad-ditional mentoring matches implemented throughout Posey County by collecting donations and then come celebrate with a free game of bowling, a free t-shirt, and

lots of prizes. Bowling ses-sions are Noon, 1:15, 2:30, or 3:45 p.m. so register soon to get your preferred time. Go to the Bowl for Kids’ Sake website, or call Ann McDonald (812-760-3947) to register. Check out the bowler incentive from Tracy Zeller Jewelry. Check out our silent auction during the

bowling event, open from 11:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., don’t miss it. Or give the greatest gift, mentor a child. Call Jordan Johnson at 812-781-2750 for information on how to become a mentor. The children of Posey Coun-ty thank you for supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters. All funds raised benefi t Posey County.

Bowl for Kids’ Sake and Silent Auction on April 6

There will be a Autism Awareness and Fun Day at the Posey County 4-H Fair Ground located at 111 Har-mony Township Road in New Harmony, Ind. from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

There will be venders, information for families living with autism, games, basket auction, corn hole tournament, a walk for au-

tism, infl atables are being brought out for a fundraiser. The admission is free. The walk, basket auction and corn hole tournament are fundraisers. Please bring your neighbors and friends and family members and enjoy the day for a great event.

Anyone that would like to help with the basket auction

or other activities please contact Kim Peerman 812-483-9392 for information. If you would like to have a table or help the day of the event you may contact Kim Peerman or Chris Hoehn at 812-449-9909.

To sign up for the corn hole please contact John Harriss at 812-305-2105 or at [email protected].

Autism Awareness, Fun Day set for April 19

Tom Schneider and Donnie Martin stand behind one of Martin’s famous carvings that was sold on Saturday evening at the annual Ducks Unlimited banquet held at the New Harmony Inn and Conference Center. Well over 200 were in attendance at the an-nual fundraiser for the organization. Photo by Dave Pearce

Russell and Connie Burnett enjoy the entertainment during the Posey County Farm Bureau Co-op’s annual meeting held Saturday evening at the Posey County Commu-nity Center on the 4-H Fairgrounds. Photo by Dave Pearce

February was a sweetheart of a month to Bassemiers Fireplace Patio and Spas. The local outdoor living company found itself on the 2014 Best Places to Work in Indiana. Among the time-honored retailer’s accolades in recent weeks is one of fi ve fi nalists for a national Retailer of the Year award and was selected as an award-winning local sustainable business.

The Hearth, Patio & Bar-becue Association (HPBA) has announced that Basse-miers Fireplace Patio and Spas is one of fi ve fi nalists for Retailer of the Year. The

local spa and patio store was selected out of over 4,500 retailers in North American retail outlets. The winner will be announced at the annual HPBA Expo convention on March 7, in Salt Lake City.

“This is quite an honor for Bassemiers Fireplace Patio and Spas. We work hard to be a great representative for the quality products we sell. We know we wouldn’t be where we are without our custom-ers. We hope to bring the top prize home to Evansville fol-lowing the convention,” said founder John Bassemier.

On Feb. 19, the Indiana

Chamber of Commerce an-nounced the 2014 Best Plac-es Work listing. Bassemiers Fireplace Patio and Spas is listed in the Small Business category. The selection pro-cess is managed by the Best Companies Group.

Bassemeiers is fi nalist for Retailer of the Year

Page 7: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News

By Pastor Timothy John-son, Countryside Baptist Church, Parke County, Ind.

The debt ceiling was raised last week. If you watch, read or listen to news at all; you know the words, “debt cri-sis” is constantly out there. The blame for the debt and a slew of other problems is often put on the shoulders of the politicians. I’m here to ask, especially if you are a Christian, to look at this in a different light. Don’t blame the parties; we (Americans), as a group, voted them into offi ce. A popular elected government is a refl ection of the people. Most Ameri-can households are so far in debt they will never be out of it. Why would we elect a government that wouldn’t be the same? The Biblical re-quirements for changing the country are humility, prayer, seeking God’s face and re-pentance, all done by God’s people (2 Chronicles 7:14). Could it be our problems are spiritual problems and not political?

The Bible speaks of a day when the world will be in such a mess that a man on a white horse will arrive to solve (or at least the world thinks he solves) all the world’s problems (Revela-tion 6:2). Whether this man is a year or a century from com-ing on the scene the truth is we are one day closer to his arrival today than we were

yesterday.This man will be looked

upon as a hero, a political genius, a mastermind of the battlefi eld, the greatest of diplomats, in fact, the day will come when many will see him as a god. He is the Antichrist.

I don’t know of any Chris-tians that don’t know the Antichrist is coming but few think about it. If the world is in such a mess that when this fellow “fi xes” the problems he looks like a god instead of a mere man how bad must the problems be when he arrives?

The stock market bubble, the debt approaching 20 tril-lion, the economic mess of Europe, the peace problems of the Middle East, social unrest, terrorism, all these things and more are leading the way to the unfi xable situ-ations the god on the white horse will appear to solve.

What are we to do? Again, 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble them-selves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

“My people, which are called by my name” - Could there be any doubt God is speaking to Christians here? We follow Christ, we are called Christians; we are called by His name.

“Humble themselves” – Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary of the Old Testament says the word “humble” here is to “bring down (low), into sub-jection, under, humble (self), subdue.” Christians need to humble themselves by put-ting themselves under the subjection of God. If you’re reading the Bible or listening to sermon and God tells you to stop something you are doing; stop. If He tells you, you should be doing some-thing you are not; start. Have a heart that is willing to do as He says, regardless.

“Pray” – Prayer is much more than telling God what you need or want. It helps bring us into His image. We need to talk to Him about our heart far more than we talk to Him about the material needs. If the humility men-tioned above is diffi cult for you; ask God for it.

“Seek my face” – Strive to get to know God better. This can only be done by studying His Word. God’s likes and dislikes, what makes Him happy, what makes Him sad, angry; even what will make Him laugh is all in there. Just like we learn the personality of our friends; we are to learn the personality of God. We get this from the Bible as He tells us the story of Himself.

“Turn from their wicked ways” – Simple enough; re-pent, stop doing what God says is wrong.

When all this happens on a mass scale with God’s people He will heal the land. The nation we have is a direct result of the spiritual well-being of the Christians. If Christians are not revived the crises we are experiencing will grow worse but when re-vival comes the land will be healed.


Community Table for MarchFree meal every Thursday, serving from 5 to 6 p.m. at St. Paul’s

United Methodist Church. Everyone is welcome. Singles, couples and families. No preaching, just good eating.

Thursday, March 6 – Baked Rotini, Corn, Applesauce, CookiesThursday, March 13 – Sweet Bean Soup, Chicken Salad Sand-

wich, Fritos, Chocolate PuddingThursday, March 20 – Chicken and Dressing, Green Beans,

Slaw, Vanilla Ice CreamThursday, March 27 – Breakfast Casserole, French Toast, Sau-

sage, Juice

Preacher’s Point: Is Debt The Real Crisis?

Spring Needs: Hamburger Helper Meals, Veggies (Other than corn, green

beans, peas), Tuna, Cereal/Oatmeal, Peanut Butter, Crackers, Canned Fruit, Pasta, Spaghettios (any type), Toilet Paper and Toiletries.

We are also in need of grocery bags donations. Paper, plastic, reusable, we can use them all. Bags can be donated anytime while we are open.

To donate food, simply bring it to the food pantry located at 601 Canal Street, Hedges Central School Building, Entrance #2 in Mount Vernon during our open hours, or call to set up a time to donate.

Monetary donations are tax-deductible and always appreci-ated. Make a donation by clicking on the ‘Donate’ button on the website, or mail your donation to Mount Vernon Food Pantry, P.O. Box 228, Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620.

The Mount Vernon Food Pantry serves any resident, or tran-sient working within Posey County, Indiana. We are a free out-reach that provides a 2-3 day emergency supply of food to house-holds in the county. There are no requirements to visit our food pantry, you must only have a need for food. Clients are allowed to visit the food pantry once per month. If there is an emergency situation, such as fi re or loss of power, we will also provide you with food. Additional food orders must be approved by the Black Township Trustee’s Offi ce.

We are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to noon as well as second and fourth Fridays. For assistance simply come during business hours. For best experience, try to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to closing.

For further information contact us at 812-838-3841 or [email protected].

Needs for:Mount Vernon Food Pantry

The earliest record of St. John’s stems from a June 1955 issue of the Mount Vernon Democrat citing an article in the South Western Advocate of 25 May 1855, ‘All persons interested in the establishment of an Episco-pal Church in this town…

meeting will be held at the courthouse Monday next for the purpose of organizing a Protestant Episcopal Church in Mount Vernon and electing a suitable number of Wardens and Vestrymen.’ Diocesan records show Bishop George Upfold preached at Mount Vernon, a missionary station in 1857 with clergy being as-signed from New Harmony to conduct services. St. John’s was fi rst listed in parochial reports at Convention in 1862 as a Missionary Station, The Rev. W. S. Rowe, Deacon Minister. The Church that year had one infant baptism, one communicant removed, seven current members, one funeral and services per-formed 34 times. St. John’s was without a permanent home, services being held in member’s homes. It was not until 1892 the physical church was built. The fi rst services held in the new building in

April of 1893.Physically the church

building has not changed much from the 1894 photo found in the prayer book of Mrs. Herbert B. Fitton. Trees have come and gone, a par-ish hall was built, then added to, and the surrounding area went from vacant lots to well established homes. Currently the church is completing the stained glass window project started in 2005 with the new window behind the altar of St. John on the Island of Patmos. Upon completion St. John’s will have stained glass win-dows replacing the original yellow glass in all windows of the church proper. The new windows are dedicated to church families past and present.

St John’s has seen nine Bishops come and go dur-ing its lifetime and has been served by 49 clergy during its 152 years. Many of the

early clergy served not only St. John’s, but St. Stephen’s, New Harmony and St. Paul’s, Evansville as well. It was in 1986 under the tenure of The Rev. Joseph Dunne St. John’s acquired parish status at Di-ocesan Convention moving from 124 years as a mission in the southwest corner of In-diana.

The women have always been a driving force in the parish life of St. John’s. The 12 July 1892 Mount Vernon Democrat tells of ‘the ladies of the Episcopal Guild who have been soliciting sub-scriptions for the purpose of building a church have met with great success. They have succeeded in raising the nec-essary funds, the contract has been let and the erection of the church will be commenced at once.’ According to the his-tory of St. John’s written by Gene and Mary Jane Brooks in 1976 the women were ac-

tive in making surgical dress-ings for the Red Cross during World War I, they paid to have the church painted in 1914 and for the basement and furnace in 1916. The women had teas, card parties and sold everything from can-dy to sponges in order to keep the church running during its early years. Throughout the years women have served on the Altar Guild, in the choir, as outreach workers, as teach-ers and as money makers to keep the church function-ing. Even with all of their efforts St. John’s was closed for ten months in 1925 due to a shortage of clergy. Upon reopening there were years of fi nancial struggle. The Woman’s Guild remained active refusing to give in to discouragement, placing their trust in God for the continu-ance of St. John’s. It was in 1943 a Bishop’s Committee was formed with Henry Kling

serving as vice-chair to “reor-ganize the church and relieve the women from some of their many responsibilities.

In 2005, St. John’s cele-brated it’s 150th year of serv-ing Christ in the community.

St. John’s also called its current rector, The Rev. Allen Rutherford. He and his family live in Mount Vernon. There is spiritual growth in the par-ish under Fr. Allen’s guidance. St. John’s is making new his-tory everyday with commu-nity involvement, worldwide outreach and the people who make up the church.

St. John’s Episcopal Church is located at 602 Mul-berry Street, Mount Vernon, Ind. 47620. For more infor-mation call the church secre-tary at 812-838-5445 or email them at [email protected], or [email protected].

Information gathered from

The Reverend Allen Rutherford

Featured church: The beginnings of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Mount Vernon

St. Peter's United Methodist Church, 2800 St. Phillips Road will have their Annual Flea Market, Craft Fair, Rummage Sale and Bake Sale on Satur-day, April 5, 2014 from 7 a.m. until 1 p.m.

There will be door prizes drawn every 15 minutes. Lots of great buys and fun. Food will be available.

If you would like to have a booth or need more informa-tion, please call 812-985-5143.

St. Peter’s UMC Craft Fair, Bake Sale set

First Christian Church, Car-mi, Ill., invites women of all faiths to a Ladies Day, Satur-day March 8, 2014, 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., featuring Anita Newlin, an inspirational speaker and accomplished musician.

Fellowship time with coffee

and breakfast breads 8:30-9:30 a.m., followed by the ‘Love Bears All Things’ program, and ending with a noon luncheon.

No charge but freewill offer-ings accepted. Call the church offi ce at 618-382-7081 to reg-ister by February 28.

First Christian Church to host Ladies Day


on the anniversary of his going home to heaven. “It is one thing to believe in God, but it is another thing

to believe God. God says in Hebrews 11:6, ‘...without faithit is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes

to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him’.”

Pastor’s Notes:Pastor Jerry I. HargettBishop Startus Hutcherson The House of Prayer Mount Vernon

We the members and Pastor of the House of Prayer at 8012 Bald Knob Road, Mount Vernon, Ind. would like to take a moment to invite you all to come and worship with us. The Lord has put on our Bishops heart to make ‘The House of Prayer’ as the passover, for that new type of polio that has started in California. Just as the children of Israel were told to slay a lamb and apply the blood to their door post and the death angel would pass by them, we want you to bring your children to ‘The House of Prayer’ and let us anoint them with oil and pray for them, that this thing will pass them by. Our doors will be open Wed. at 7 p.m. and Sun. at 10 a.m. Hope you will come to the Passover and let us pray. We love you all. Please bring your children.

Trinity UCC will offer thir-ty-minute mid-day services on Wednesdays in Lent. These services are scheduled in re-sponse to the needs of people who work in the evening or cannot drive at night. Six mid-day services on March 5, 12, 19, 26 and April 2 and 9 will be held 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. This time frame may allow people to squeeze in a service during their lunch hours.

On March 5, the Ash Wednesday services, which include an option for the im-position of ashes in addition to Holy Communion, will be held at 12:15 p.m. and 7 p.m. The evening service will in-

clude special music sung by the choir.

On Wednesdays from March 12 through April 9, the thirty-minute services at 12:15 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. will focus on Ar-tisans of the Crucifi xion. The tanner who made the whip, the basketmaker who created the crown of thorns, a blacksmith, a carpenter and a stone mason will speak.

On Wednesdays March 12 and 26 and April 9, a simple meal will be served in the Fel-lowship Hall at the corner of Mulberry and Fifth Streets from 5:45 - 6:30 p.m. for a free-will offering. For more in-formation, call 838-3805.

Trinity to host Lenten Series

On Ash Wednesday, March 5, some members of the Mount Vernon Ministerial Association (MVMA) will offer ‘Ashes to Go,’ a twenty-fi rst century approach to a centuries-old Chris-tian tradition. Clergy and licensed lay leaders will offer prayer and make the sign of the cross using ashes on the forehead of anyone who walks up or drives through at the following loca-tions: MVMA Food Pantry (Hedges Central Door 2) from 9 to 11 a.m., McKim’s IGA from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., and between Pizza Hut and United Fidelity Bank on Fourth Street from 3 to 4 p.m. The Rev Allen Rutherford will offer prayers for healing and anoint people who request it at the food pantry during the ‘Ashes to Go’ time.

Since ancient times, ashes have been associated with grief and turning to God. "The use of ashes was a common symbol once used by all Christian Churches," explained the Rev. Jim Sauer of St. Matthew Catholic Church, "expressing our interior desire to follow the Lord Jesus and His Gospel with greater generosity as we moved towards Easter, when new members died and rose with Christ in the waters of baptism, and Chris-tians celebrated their renewal in Christ during Lent."

‘Ashes to Go’ is for people whose schedules make it hard to spend 30 to 60 minutes within a church building. "This is, however, not meant to replace the regular Ash Wednesday of the church for those who have the time and commitment to at-tend a fuller Ash Wednesday service," clarifi ed the Rev. Allen Rutherford of St. John's Episcopal Church.

“Our need for God, humility, and healing is often greater in the middle of our daily business,” said the Rev. Monica Gould of the First Presbyterian Church in Mount Vernon. “Even though we encourage people to worship with a church, God meets us not just in worship, but in the midst of life.”

“Scripture that we read on Ash Wednesday at Trinity UCC warns us against practicing our piety before others in order to be seen by them,” said the Rev. Cynthia Priem, Secretary of the MVMA. "I don’t expect the people who stop for prayer and ashes will be focusing on rewards. They can stay in their ve-hicle and not be seen by anyone driving by. Instead, I suspect they will be attempting to consciously connect with God for one minute despite a crazy schedule.”

The fi rst ‘Ashes to Go’ was held outside a coffee shop in St. Louis in 2007, but it was in 2012 that USA Today noticed that churches in many states were offering this spiritual practice at transit stops, on street corners, and on college campuses.

The MVMA members encourage people to make time for worship with a community of faith. Ash Wednesday is the fi rst day of forty days when Christians repent of past wrongdoing and seek forgiveness and renewal.

‘Ashes to Go’ comes to Mount Vernon on March 5

Ash Wednesday Service, with the imposition of ash-es, will be held 7 p.m. Wed, March 5 at Our Savior Luther-an Church, 1102 Jill Street (behind CVS Pharmacy) in Carmi. A complimentary light

supper will be served begin-ning at 6 p.m. The Food Bank will also be open from 6-6:45 p.m. that day. We hope you will join us in Christ. Call Pastor Spooner 384-5291 for more information.

Ash Wednesday Services scheduled

Page 8: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News

The University of Southern Indiana’s Tri-State Science and Engi-neering Fair for students in grades K-12 will be held Thursday and Friday, March 13-14 in the Recre-ation, Fitness, and Well-ness Center on campus.

The fair has been held annually at USI since 2007.

Visiting students will watch chemistry dem-onstrations presented by USI faculty and view projects by more than 400 K-12 grade students from within a 75-mile radius of Evansville.

Categories include ani-mal sciences, behavioral and social sciences, chem-istry and biochemistry, earth and space sciences, engineering, environmen-tal sciences, mathematical and computer sciences, medicine and health sci-ences, microbiology and molecular biology, phys-ics, and plant sciences.

Grand Award Winners in the senior division will receive an iPad Air. Hon-orable Mention Winners in the senior division will receive $100.

Grand Award Winners in the junior division will also an iPad Mini. Honor-able Mention Winners in the junior division will re-

ceive $50.Seniors exhibiting at the

Tri-State Science and En-gineering Fair will have the opportunity to com-pete via an interview pro-cess for several four-year $1,500 renewable USI scholarships.

Elementary Division Winners will receive an iPod Touch.

Students will set their projects up in the RFWC from noon to 4 p.m. March 13. Judging will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. that evening. The fair will be open for the public to view from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 14. The awards ceremony will be held at 6:30 p.m. that evening in Mitchell Auditorium in

the Health Professions Center.

Twenty projects will go on to compete in the Hoosier Science and En-gineering Fair.

For more information, call 812/228-5019 or go to


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On Thursday, Feb. 27 the Saint Wendel Catholic School competed in the Diocesan MATH Bowl competition at Christ the King School. Saint Wendel took second place at the competition.

Pictured are top Row(L-R) Principal, Hallie Denstorff, Coach Mary Jo DeWolf, Sam Muensterman, Johnson Koester, Emma Lamble, Isaac Scheller, Raice Straub, and Coach Ryan Nowak.

Middle Row (L-R) Savana Schneider, Blaise Kelley, Megan Muensterman, Will Kie-sel, Caleb Dyson, and Evan Herr.

Bottom Row (L-R) Max Muensterman, and Audrey Hirsch. Photo by Cathy Dyson

USI’s Science and Engineering Fair scheduled for March 13-14

Who? TWO SESSIONS! Morning: 1st - 3rd grades & Afternoon: 4th - 8th grades.What? The Mt. Vernon High School Art Guild is hosting an art camp for students to

explore art techniques and mediums. Students will be given opportunities to express themselves through a ceramic activity and painting project. They will also create a tie dye pillow case. We will educate while having fun!

Where? The MVHS Cafeteria and the Art Rooms located across the hall. Please enter through the circle-drive foyer.

When? Saturday, March 8th, 2014 AM: Grades 1-3 will be from 8:00am to 11:00 am. Registration will start at 7:45am. PM: Grades 4-8 will be from 12:30pm to 3:30 pm. Registration will start at 12:15pm.Cost? The cost is $25.00 per student ($20 for additional siblings). Cost includes the

various art supplies, a pillow case and snack.

The MVHS Art Camp, hosted by the MVHS Art Guild.

Note! Students are encouraged to wear old clothing. Some supplies may stain.Complete the form below and return it with payment to MVHS/Kendra Glaser byMonday, March 3rd. Register early to guarantee a pillow case! Space is limited!

Make checks payable to MVHS Art Guild. For questions contact Kendra Glaser at [email protected] or 838-4356.

Include $25 cash or check payment (make checks payable to MVHS Art Guild). Return this form to MVHS, Attn. Kendra Glaser, 700 Harriett Street, Mt. Vernon, IN 47620 Deadline Monday, March 3rd. You may register at the door, but are not guaranteed a pillow case.

Student’s name:SELECT ONE: AM Session: Grades 1-3, 8am-11am PM Session: Grades 4-8, 12:30pm-3:30pmGrade: School: Teacher:Parent/Guardian’s name: Phone #:Comments (allergies, medical conditions, etc. If you have severe food allergies, please provide your own snack):

I give the above named student my permission to attend the MVHS Art Camp on Saturday, March 8th, 2014. *Photos of campers will be posted online and sent to local newspapers.

Parent / Guardian Signature: Date:

School Registrations and OrientationsSouth Terrace School in Wadesville

and North Elementary School in Poseyville will have Preschool registration for 2014-2015 the week of March 10-14. Parents may enroll students from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily that week. Information and enrollment forms may be picked up prior to the registration at the schools. Children that will be three or four years of age by August 1, 2014 are eligible.

Parents of incoming Kindergarten stu-dents will soon receive information on the upcoming Kindergarten ‘Round-ups.’ If you have not turned in your student’s name to the school, please call to be put on the mailing list.

Please call the schools for information. North Elementary (874-2710) and South Ter-race (985-3180).

St. Philip Catholic School is hosting a ‘Check It Out!’ open house night for prospective families on Thursday, March 6 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Guests will be able to tour the school, meet the teachers and ask questions about the four-star school’s curriculum, programs and community.

Also during the ‘Check It Out!’ night, the school will be unveiling its new all-day enrichment program for its pre-school and pre-kindergarten classes beginning in August. For questions, call Principal Andrea Lodato-Dickel at 985-2447.

North Posey Junior High School will soon begin the orientation process for students entering the seventh grade in the 2014-2015 school year. North Posey Junior High Orientation Schedule of Events:

• March 4, 2014 – Orientation folders distributed to students at North Elementary School and South Terrace Elementary School

• March 20, 2014 - Seventh Grade Orientation - 6 p.m. at North Posey Junior High• May 3, 2014 - 8 - 10 a.m., Athletic physicals administered free of charge at the

school. The IHSAA sport’s physical form will be included in the orientation folder and will also be available at orientation.

• August 6, 2014 – Jump Start 2014 - 5:30-7 p.m., Incoming seventh grade students receive schedules, locker assignments and combinations, and an overview of cafeteria procedures. Other students, not currently enrolled at North Elementary or South Ter-race Elementary, who are interested in enrolling in North Posey Junior High, should contact the school at 812-673-4244 information.

2014 AAF-GE Scholarship opportunty deadline nears

American Advertising Federation Greater Evansville pro-motes careers in Advertising, Marketing, Graphic Design and Public Relations through its scholarship program. In April 2014, at least three scholarships will be awarded:

$1,500 to a current college student (1)$1,000 to a graduating high school senior (2)Application Deadline: Completed applications and support-

ing materials should be received or postmarked by Thursday, March 27, 2014.

Scholarship requirements:Graduating from a high school or attending college in one

of these counties:Indiana: Vanderburgh, Warrick, Posey, Gibson and Pike.Illinois: Edwards, White, Wabash, and Wayne.Kentucky: Henderson, Union, and Daviess.Majoring in Advertising, Marketing, Graphic Design or

Public RelationsMinimum 3.00 GPA Applications are available through your high school coun-

selor, college fi nancial offi ce or on the AAF-GE website at

If you have any questions please contact Lori Martin, AAF-GE Education Committee Chair, at 812-779-8111 or email [email protected].

In a meeting hosted by Auditor Suzanne Crouch this week, members of the Youth First, Inc., Board of Directors and staff briefed Southwest Indiana legislators on the launch of a state-funded pilot project. Youth First, Inc. re-ceived a $500,000 grant from FSSA/DMHA to expand its school-based prevention model in Southwest Indiana and to measure outcomes.

Over the last decade, the Evansville-based agency has developed an effective solution to many of the costly prob-lems facing the state, including high school dropouts, substance abuse, and juvenile delinquency. Youth First cur-rently partners with schools in fi ve counties – Vanderburgh, Gibson, Pike, Posey, and Warrick – to place 34 Master’s level social workers in 47 buildings to assist students, families, and educators.

Youth First Social Workers are equipped with a toolkit of prevention programs and strategies that remove barri-ers to learning and improve the well-being of students and families. Youth First works with an independent evalu-ator to collect data and analyze the results, which will be reported back to the state in 2015. Pictured left to right:

Pictured front row left to right: Rep. Wendy McNamara, Carol Lynch, Rep. Holli Sullivan, Rep. Ron Bacon, Auditor Suzanne Crouch, and Wade Lowhorn. Back Row: Jim Back, Steve Fritz, Sen. Jim Tomes, Parri Black, Phil Delong, Dr. William Wooten, and Rep. Lloyd Arnold.

Farmersville School Kindergarten students have been learning about Living/Non-Living things, in our world. Louis Allyn and his parents (Mike and Donna) were kind enough to bring in a lamb to represent a living species. The lamb does not have a name, but was an excellent guest to have visit. Photo submitted

Page 9: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News


Danielle Johnson poses with her family, sons Ty, age eight, Reming-ton, age four, and husband, Justin, prior to the March 3, opening of her new hair salon in Poseyville. Photo by Valerie Werkmeister

Posey County Ag Day will be held on March 13, 2014 at 8 a.m. at the Posey Coun-ty Community Center located at the 4-H Fairgrounds between New Harmony and Mount Vernon on Hwy 69.

Registration is from 9 - 9:30 a.m.Speaker Jon Neufelder from 9:30 - 10

a.m.A Farmer’s Perspective on Growing 300

bu. Corn from 10 - 10:30 a.m.Break for 10:30 - 10:45The Quest for High Yield Corn from

10:45 - 11:45Lunch at 11:45Please RSVP your local Posey County

Co-op facility by March 7 if you plan to attend: Griffi n, 851-5761; Haubstadt, 768-6695; Mount Vernon, 838-4468; Poseyville, 874-2213 and St. Wendel, 963-3391.

If you have a disability that requires spe-cial assistance for your participation in any program, please call the Purdue Univer-sity Cooperative Extension Service, Posey County Offi ce at: 812-838-1331.

PC Ag Day set for March 13

The next scheduled talk to a lawyer telephone clinic is March 6, 2014 from 4:30 to 7 p.m. CST or 5:30 to 8 p.m. EST. Volunteer lawyers will be available to answer general legal questions concerning In-diana law during that time. The telephone numbers are: 812- 618-4845 and toll free 888-594-3449.

Talk to a lawyer is co-spon-sored by the Volunteer Lawyer Program of Southwestern Indi-ana, Inc, Evansville Bar Foun-dation and the Indiana Bar Foundation.

Talk to A Lawyer set

Poseyville Service Center began offering a new vehicle detailing service on March 1. Owner Jeff Wright (right) said they don’t just make your cars run good, they now make them feel good too. The service includes interior and exterior cleaning and a wax. The shop is open Mon-day through Friday and customers may call (812) 874-2498 for pricing and to make an appointment.

Pictured also is employee Derek Strickland. Photo by Valerie Werkmeister.

The Annual Meeting for Posey County Farm Bureau, Inc. will be held on March 10, 2014 at 6 p.m. at the Posey County 4-H Community Center. The cost is $5 per person for a pre-paid meal ticket (to be purchased at your local insurance offi ce and will be refunded at the door the night of dinner)

The meal will be catered by Hawg ‘N Sauce’ and the fea-tured speaker is Ted McKinney, current Director of Indiana State Dept. of Agriculture. Reservations need to be made by March 4.

PC Farm Bureau, Inc. meeting set

Financial Advice by Thomas Ruder

On March 8, we observe International Women’s Day, a celebration of women’s eco-nomic, political and social achievements. Yet women everywhere still face chal-lenges — and here in the United States, one of their biggest challenges may be to gain the resources they need to enjoy a comfortable retire-ment. So, if you’re a woman, what steps should you take to make progress toward this goal?

Your fi rst move should be to recognize some of the po-tential barriers to attaining your fi nancial freedom. First of all, a ‘wage gap’ between women and men still exists: The median earnings of full-time female workers are 77 percent of the median earn-ings of full-time male work-ers, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Also, women drop out of the workforce for an average of 12 years to care for young children or aging parents, according to the Older Wom-en’s League, a research and advocacy group — and this time away from the work-force results in women re-ceiving lower pensions or ac-cumulating much less money in their employer-sponsored retirement plans.

To give yourself the oppor-tunity to enjoy a comfortable

retirement lifestyle, consider these suggestions:

• Boost your retirement plan contributions. Each year, put in as much as you can afford to your traditional or Roth IRA. A traditional IRA grows on a tax-deferred basis, while a Roth IRA can grow tax free provided you meet certain conditions. Also, take advantage of your employer-sponsored, tax-de-ferred retirement plan, such as a 401(k), 403(b) or 457(b). At the very least, contribute as much to earn your employ-er’s matching contribution, if one is offered. And every year, if your salary increases, try to boost your contribu-tions to your retirement plan.

• Consider growth invest-ments. Some evidence sug-gests that women may be more conservative investors than men — in other words, women may tend to take few-er risks and pursue ‘safer’ in-vestments. But to help build the resources you will need for a comfortable retirement, consider growth-oriented ve-hicles in your IRA, 401(k) and other investment ac-counts.

• Talk to your spouse about Social Security. If your spouse starts collect-ing Social Security at 62 (the earliest age of eligibility), the monthly benefi ts will be

reduced, perhaps by as much as 25 percent. This reduction could affect you if you ever become a widow, because once you reach your own ‘full’ retirement age (which will likely be 66 or 67), you may qualify for survivor ben-efi ts of 100 percent of what your deceased spouse had been receiving — and if that amount was reduced, that’s what you’ll get. Talk to your spouse about this issue well before it’s time to receive So-cial Security. (You may also want to talk to a fi nancial ad-visor for help in coordinating survivor benefi ts with your own Social Security retire-ment benefi ts.)

• Evaluate your need for life insurance benefi ts. Once their children are grown, some couples drop their life insurance. Yet, the death benefi t from a life insurance policy can go a long way toward helping ensure your fi nancial security. Again, talk to your spouse about whether to maintain life insurance, and for how much.

International Women’s Day is a great occasion for commemorating women’s accomplishments. And by making the right moves, you can eventually celebrate your own achievement of attaining the fi nancial security you de-serve.

Smart fi nancial moves for women

By Valerie WerkmeisterAs one door closes, another one

opens. The doors at Al’s Place in Poseyville closed over the weekend as the last shampoo and haircut was administered in the long-time hair salon, a hub of Poseyville for 19 years.

Alice Simmons, owner of Al’s Place, has decided to change hats and will go from owner to just hair stylist. She will join her ‘girls’ in the new Danielle’s Salon, opening just across the street in the former Little Crazy Daisy building. Sim-mons began cutting hair in 1967 and opened her own business in 1980. Her location changed a few times, but she fi nally settled in the current location in 1995.

While she has mixed emotions about leaving her ownership role behind, she is happy for the oppor-tunity for Danielle.

“I know she will do well and I

wish her the best in this new adven-ture for her,” Simmons said.

Simmons intends to continue to work her same schedule on Tues-days, Thursdays and Fridays for at least three more years.

“I want to make it to 50 years, that’s my goal,” she said.

She added the past 47 years have gone by in a blur and it’s the type of business that can keep you young. Simmons has worked through sev-eral different decades of trendy hairstyles working alongside young hairstylists that have helped breathe new life into the business.

Danielle Johnson has been a hair stylist at Al’s Place for nine years. Things fell into place to open her own salon last Fall when she learned the Little Crazy Daisy would be closing.

“Alice had talked with me be-fore about opening my own salon. When I heard that Tracy (Williams)

might be closing, I went over and talked to her about buying the building,” Johnson said.

The rest, as they say, is history. Johnson purchased the building and she and her husband, Justin, set about the task of transforming the building from a fl ower shop into a hair salon. The little building began its life as a fi lling station and then later was converted into a fl ower shop, fi rst as Flowers by Chere then more recently as Little Crazy Daisy.

They had to remove the cooler used for the fl owers and built two new rooms for each tanning bed. They also installed new plumbing and electrical in order to accommo-date four work stations, two sham-poo chairs and a nail station.

The new salon offi cially opened its doors yesterday (Monday) and will offer the same services as Al’s Place. Both Simmons and Johnson

said not much will change, other than the location. Hair stylists Ash-ley Barrett and Mindy Brandenstein along with nail technician, Tricia Schmitt, will complete the staff at Danielle’s. The phone number will also be the same, (812) 874-3118.

The hours of operation will be: Monday and Wednesday – 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday – 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Friday –9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Saturday – 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Johnson intends to have a grand opening celebration at a future date.

Danielle’s Salon opens in Poseyville

On Monday, March 10 at 10 a.m. in the Commis-sioners’ Room of the Hovey House, the Posey County Board of Commissioners will conduct a live tax cer-tifi cate sale of delinquent properties that did not sell at the prior Posey County tax sale.

In Indiana, county com-missioners are authorized to offer for sale a tax lien on delinquent properties that remain unsold and unpaid from a prior year’s county tax sale. On March 10 at 10 a.m., the Posey County Commissioners will offer 13 previously unsold tax sale certifi cates at a live public sale for opening bids that equal less than the total

amount due in delinquent taxes, costs, and penalties. “The purpose of the com-missioners’ certifi cate sale is to offer delinquent prop-erties at a discounted price for the purpose of collect-ing back taxes and return-ing these properties to the tax rolls,” explained Posey County Auditor Kyle J. Haney. “Unpaid property taxes affect the funding of local government services and penalize responsible taxpayers with higher prop-erty tax rates to make up for the shortfalls in revenue.”

In addition to serving as a source for local govern-ments to collect unpaid property taxes, commis-sioners’ certifi cate sales

also serve as an opportunity for real estate investors to earn interest income upon redemption of the property within one hundred twenty days from the sale date, or to take title to the property through a post-sale process that involves petitioning the local court for a tax deed.

The Posey County Com-missioners have contracted with SRI, Inc., an Indianap-olis-based company found-ed in 1989 that conducts county tax sales and com-missioners’ certifi cate sales for over 83 counties in In-diana, Michigan, Colorado, Iowa and Florida. Persons interested in the sale should visit SRI, Inc.’s corporate site at

PC Commissioners’ Certifi cate Sale scheduled March 10

Cecil and Tammy Arbary, owners of the recently opened Arbary Floors and Walls, lo-cated at 613 East Fourth Street in Mount Vernon invite everyone to their Open House, April 4-5. Lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. See their ad on this month’s Community Calendar, page B8. Photo by Theresa Bratcher


[email protected]

Page 10: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News

With the Cowboys moving the ball relentlessly down the fi eld with running plays, Steve Owen and Rudy Comstock hit Cowboys running back Elbert Bloodgood high and low as George Levi stripped the ball from him. It was Haskell ball at mid-fi eld with less than half a minute to play.

Coach McDonald called a running play and had Jim Thor-pe carry the ball behind Owen and Comstock for about fi ve yards. Then John Levi’s pass was knocked down by the Cow-boys’ gigantic defensive tackle Jake Mintun. On third down Pepper Martin was stopped af-

ter a two yard gain. It was now fourth down, about three to go and time rapidly running out on Haskell’s dreams of a new sta-dium and Titanic Thompson and Hubert Cokes’s one hundred thousand dollars. McDonald hand signaled to John Levi to run “the play”.

With all Cowboys expecta-tions on the great Jim Thorpe getting the ball, Haskell did not disappoint. Haskell center Pe-ter Nevada centered the ball to Thorpe as John Levi unobtru-sively moved toward the right sideline and George Levi and Pepper Martin hung back be-hind Thorpe.

Just before the young Haskell line collapsed under the Cow-boys charge, Thorpe stopped, turned around and fl ipped the ball to the future St. Louis Car-dinals Hall of Fame third base-man, John Pepper “The Wild Horse of the Osage” Martin, who passed it to the all alone John Levi who caught it and streaked toward the Cowboys goal line.

The Cowboys players quick-ly recovered and began to chase John Levi. However, Levi was already on the Cowboys twenty yard line by the time the Cow-boys safety, Obie Bristow, was closing the gap by running at a forty-fi ve degree angle directly at Levi.

Just as Levi raced past the Haskell supporter marking the twenty yard line, the Cowboys supporter at the fi ve yard line stepped out onto the fi eld to stop Levi. Levi turned slightly to his left and ran right into Bristow at the fi ve yard line whose charge drove Levi against the Cowboys supporter/line marker.

John Levi struggled on with Bristow holding Levi’s left leg and the Cowboys line marker standing between Levi and the goal line. A pistol shot rang out just as John Levi dragged him-self, Bristow, the Cowboys line marker and the ball across the goal line.

Pistol Pete called the teams together and announced Haskell would get an extra point try, but if it failed, the game would end in a tie.

McDonald and Hanley con-ferred with their team and de-cided the muddy fi eld and slick ball made a kick too risky. Mc-Donald used a stick to diagram the play he wanted for the extra point try.

When the teams lined up about halfway between the fi ve yard line and the goal line, George Levi got down on one knee like he was going to re-ceive the ball from the Haskell center, Peter Nevada. John Levi lined up in the kicking position, Pepper Martin stood to John’s left and Jim Thorpe to his right as if to block.

Nevada centered the ball di-rectly to John Levi who put it behind him with his right hand. Thorpe grabbed the ball from Levi and raced across the right front corner of the end zone.

In the melee that followed, Rothstein slithered away toward his inevitable gambling fate as Haskell Indian Institute envi-sioned the fulfi llment of its sta-dium destiny, wealthy Osages opened their hearts and wallets in celebration of a long awaited victory over the white man and Raven and McDonald pondered their future.

















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‘Plant’ continued from Page A1Party Chairman, spoke on

behalf of the Mount Vernon Redevelopment Commis-sion. He stated the group fully supports the project.

Mark Beard also spoke in favor of the project on behalf of several thousand area construction workers. The fi nal person to speak was Steve Wilson who said he supports the project and appreciated the work IDEM

has performed on the proj-ect.

The public hearing lasted less than 15 minutes before it was concluded. IDEM offi cials will consider writ-ten comments submitted through March 3, before is-suing its fi nal decision on the permit. A decision is not ex-pected until June. Midwest offi cials hope to begin con-struction early this summer.

from large, new economic projects.

In addition to the Mid-west Fertilizer Plant project, the commission identifi ed a second allocation area near SABIC Innovative Plastics. The company is in the pro-cess of its own expansion project that will add to its overall assessed value. Only property tax revenues that are above the assessed value from March 1, 2013 will be captured.

According to the plan, one of the incentives provided to Midwest is $143 million in funds that will be generated through the creation of the allocation area. The company will use the funds to pay debt service on bonds that were is-sued by the county to fi nance the project.

The Redevelopment Com-mission also recognizes that through the construction of the fertilizer plant, additional development from related companies may follow. An estimated $6.6 million in road improvements could be per-formed on Sauerkraut, Lexan and Mackey Ferry Roads to provide access to the site.

The western bypass would connect State Road 62 on the west side of Mount Vernon with State Road 69 on the north side of the city.

Now that the commission has approved the resolution and plan, it will be passed to the Posey County Plan Com-mission for review during their next meeting on March 13. The Plan Commission will determine if the resolu-tion and plan conforms to the

plan of development for the county. It is not their duty to debate the merits of the plan.

Following their approval, it will be sent to the Posey County Commissioners for their approval during their March 18, meeting. The commission anticipates it will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 8, in which they will hear comments or objections from citizens. Af-ter the hearing, the commis-sion will consider passing a confi rmatory resolution that offi cially designates the eco-nomic development area.

An offi cial public hearing notice that will include the fi nalized date and time will appear in future issues of the newspaper.

‘Township’ continued from Page A1

‘Gavel Gamut’ continued from Page A2

Indiana’s newest telephone area code – 930 – will be introduced this year. It will ‘overlay’ the entire 812 area code that has been largely unchanged since 1947.

Starting March 1, 2014, consumers in the 812 area will have six months to adjust to ten-digit dialing for local calls. Man-datory ten-digit dialing will begin in September.

The new area code is needed be-cause of the dwindling supply of avail-able telephone numbers in the 812 area code. Without 930, the supply of avail-able numbers for southern and south-central Indiana would run out in 2015.

Most area codes that existed through-out the United States and Canada in 1993 have needed the addition of new codes because wireless phones, other competi-tive services and new technologies have used up the original number supplies. The vast majority of new area codes added since 2005 have used the over-lay approach, including the new 364 area code in western Kentucky (which is be-ing added to the 270 area).

On July 31, 2013, the Indiana Util-ity Regulatory Commission (IURC) approved the use of an overlay for 812.

The order was issued at the end of a year-long case, which included a seven-month pub-lic comment period with a series of ten IURC public fi eld hearings throughout the 812 area.

The Indiana Offi ce of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC) fi led testimony supporting the overlay method, as did the telecommunications industry.

How it works: Beginning on September 6, 2014, con-sumers in the 812/930 area will be required to dial ten digits (area code + number) for local calls, rather than the seven-digit dialing that’s now in place.

A six-month transition period starts on March 1, 2014 and will allow consumers to call local numbers either with seven or ten digits, to provide plenty of time to adjust to the changes.

All consumers with 812 numbers will keep their cur-rent numbers. This applies to both landline and wireless phones, meaning wireless phones will not need to be re-

programmed with new numbers. It also means businesses, not-for-profi t entities, etc. will save substantial sums of money that would have otherwise been needed for new

stationery, advertising, etc.Calls that are currently local will re-

main local, and local calling areas will not change.

Calls to three-digit services such as 211, 811 and 911 will still work the same way.

Timeframe: The telecommunications industry fi led a plan with the IURC for technical implementation of the new area code, along with a consumer educa-tion plan, shortly after the Commission order was issued.

Since then, the industry has been making the necessary technical chang-es to implement the new area code.

The next 6 months will be a tran-sitional, or “permissive dialing,” pe-riod.

During this time, consumers will be able to make local calls either

through seven-digit or ten-digit dialing.This period will run from March 1, 2014

through September 5, 2014.Beginning on September 6, 2014, ten-digit di-

aling will be mandatory for all local calls in the 812/930 area. A month later, new numbers with the 930 area code may be assigned.

Frequently asked questions:Q: If I live in the 812 area, what will change the most

once the new area code takes effect?A: Ten-digit dialing will be required for local calls. For

example, instead of dialing 555-5555 for a local call, you will need to dial 812-555-5555 or 930-555-5555.

Q: What changes the least?A: If you have an 812 number, you will keep your 812

number. Area code changes do not change rates or local calling areas.

Q: How is the overlay more convenient than a geo-graphic split?

A: Consumers will not need to have wireless phones reprogrammed with a new area code. Also, businesses, schools, government agencies, not-for-profi t organiza-tions, and other entities are not as likely to need new sig-nage, stationery and advertising with the area new code.

Q: If I have a home phone with the 812 area code and get a new cell phone, will the new cell phone’s number have the 930 area code?

A: If you get it after the end of the implementation pe-riod, it probably will. After the transition, telephone ser-vice providers will still be able to issue any 812 numbers remaining in their inventories. But otherwise, new phones – whether wireless or landline – will have 930 numbers.

Q: Can’t the new area code apply only to wireless phones or only to landlines?

A: No. A 1995 FCC order forbids area codes from being applied to specifi c technologies, citing that doing so could put certain technologies at a competitive disadvantage.

Q: Has anything been done to keep these changes from being needed?

A: While the addition of new area codes has been in-evitable for most of North America, number conservation efforts have prolonged the life spans of many area codes. Years ago, the 812 area code was projected to exhaust its number supply by 2004. But conservation efforts by the state and the telecom industry successfully delayed that by a decade.

Q: How long will it be before southern Indiana needs any more area code changes?

A: Once 930 is implemented, the 930 and 812 area codes are projected to need no additional changes for an-other 71 years.

Q: Will ten-digit dialing raise my telephone rates?A: Calls that are free now will remain free after the tran-

sition. Also, local calling areas are not affected by area code changes.

Q: Where else has this happened?A: More than 35 states, including Indiana, have imple-

mented new area codes within the last two decades. Cen-tral Indiana’s 317 area code was split in 1996, with the 219 area code in northern Indiana requiring the addition of new codes in 2001. All of Indiana’s neighboring states have either implemented new area codes through overlays, or are in the process of doing so.

Q: How common is the overlay concept, nationwide?A: All new area codes implemented in the United States

since 2008 have used the overlay method.Q: Will other parts of Indiana need new area codes or

ten-digit dialing in the near future?A: Most likely. The 317 area code, in Indianapolis and

most of its suburbs, is projected to use up its available number supply by 2017.

Area Code 930 to be added to 812 customer zones in the 812 o -n

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The members of the Saint Wendel Student Council work to help on projects within the school as well as in the com-munity. The Student Council will be leading the Stations of the Cross on Thursday at 7:30 a.m. at St. Wendel Catholic Church. Members of the Student Council are: L-R Alex Gries, Mr. Nowak, Hannah Adler, Isaac Scheller, Lindsey Koester, Casey Straub, Evan Cates, Mitch Hall, Emma Lam-ble, Mrs. DeWolf, Jenna Fehrenbacher and Caleb Dyson.

The fourth graders at Saint Wendel were given the task of building forts during Social Studies class. Stu-dents AnnaBelle Gries, Jamie Luigs, Avery Martin, and Will Weatherholt.

Students Blake Zirkelbach, Max Muensterman, and Audrey Hirsch constructed a fort during fourth grade Social Studies at Saint Wendel Catholic School. Photos submitted

Page 11: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News



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POSITION DEMOCRAT REPUBLICANUnited States Representatives William Bryk Larry Bucshon Tom Spangler Andrew T. McNeilState Senator-Dist 49 None Jim TomesState Representative-Dist 64 None Thomas W. WashburneState Representative-Dist 76 Tony Goben Wendy (Mac) McNamaraJudge of the Superior Court Brent Almon NoneProsecuting Attorney-11th Circuit None Travis ClowersClerk of the Circuit Court None Betty B. PostletheweightCounty Auditor Liz Miller Kyle J. HaneyCounty Recorder Mary ‘Hoehn’ Rhoades NoneCounty Sheriff Gregory R. Oeth NoneCounty Coroner Jay L. Price NoneCounty Assessor None Nancy A. HoehnCounty Commissioner-District 2 James L. (Jim) Alsop Bill GillenwaterCounty Council Member-District 1 Tom R. Schneider Rachel ToonCounty Council Member-District 2 E. Alan Blackburn Stefani MillerCounty Council Member-District 3 Bob Deig Don MattinglyCounty Council Member-District 4 Tracy Ripple NoneTownship Trustee Bethel Diana Meyer NoneTownship Trustee Black Teresa K. Blackburn Lindsay SuitsTownship Trustee Center Bre Johnson NoneTownship Trustee Harmony None NoneTownship Trustee Lynn Donald E. Mercer NoneTownship Trustee Marrs Gerald W. Nurrenbern Christina M. SeifertTownship Trustee Point Connie R. Thompson NoneTownship Trustee Robb Charles S. Baker NoneTownship Trustee Robinson Gary Saalweachter NoneTownship Trustee Smith Stephen M. Jarboe None Township Trustee Board-3 elected Bethel Lisa Kaye Daugherty None Patricia J. Hancock Georgeanna KernBlack Phyllis A. Alspaugh Allison F. Grabert Joyce M. Babillis Jason Michael Hamilton Beverly Emhuff Kay Kilgore Sue Shelton Don R. Oeth Jessica L. WrightCenter None None Harmony None None Lynn Spencer L. Aldrich None Gregory A. Redman Rebecca StallingsMarrs Tom M. Hall Adam Bigge Jim Wannemuehler Vincent A. Frazier Roselle Weinzapfel Alladean Kramer

POSITION DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN Township Trustee Board-3 electedPoint Michael Denning None Mary M. Price Beverly A. TuckerRobb Jean L. Fehribach Jim Nash Brenda A. GarrisRobinson Barbara Joan Gilles None Glen Saalweachter Charles A. SeibertSmith Jeffrey A. Lupfer None Joseph Alan Lupfer Leon K. Wilderman

Bethel NoneBlack 1 Mindy BourneBlack 2 Gary BaldwinBlack 3 NoneBlack 4 Teresa K. BlackburnBlack 5 Jackson L. HigginsBlack 6 Sherry J. WillisBlack 7 NoneBlack 8 Larry WilliamsBlack 9 Jo Dawne TomlinsonBlack 10 Bill CurtisBlack 11 Becky HigginsBlack 12 NoneBlack 13 None Center North None Center South NoneHarmony 1 None

Harmony 2 James L. (Jim) AlsopHarmony 3 Donald R. GibbsLynn East Jeff GreenwellLynn West Martin R. RedmanMarrs Center Greg MartinMarrs North Gerald ‘Bud’ Parkinson, JrMarrs South NoneMarrs West None Point Jay L. PriceRobb 1 None Robb 2 Jean L. FehribachRobb 3 Darrell CreekRobinson 1 Gary SaalweachterRobinson 2 NoneRobinson 3 NoneSmith East Berenice M. Blankenberger-Price Smith West Tracy Ripple


DEMOCRAT DELEGATES-ELECT 11 REPUBLICAN “DELEGATES ELECT 10Bob Deig Ann FischerBrian Jeffries George Fischer Sherri Lueder Bill GillenwaterGreg Martin Brenda GoffLiz Miller Allison F. GrabertGregory Oeth Susan HarrisonMelody Oeth Larry HortonJay L. Price Don MattinglyW. Trent Van Haaften Nancy Kay MattinglyJim Wannemuehler George R. PostletheweightRalph Weinzapfel Jim Tomes Margaret B. ‘Margie”’ Tomes Justin W. White

Page 12: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News


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In the 2014 Tri-State Spring Scholastic Chess Tourna-ment, the MVJHS U6 team placed fi rst of 23 teams. Top Players were: Zach Jones, third; Maggie Jones,sixth; Pake Davis, tenth (not shown); Parker Groves, sixteenth; Nicholas Schaefer, twenth-ninth; Ethan Parmenter, thir-ty-fi rst; and Ian Dutkiewicz , forty-third. Photo submit-ted

MVJHS’ U8 team secured second place of 11 teams. Top players were: Joseph Julian, third; Jacob Parmenter, thirty-second; Daniel Jones, twenty-fi fth; Cody Slaton, nineteenth; Rachel Price, twentyth; and Mark Garman sixth. Photo submitted



Marrs’ sixth and under team fi nished in second place, just behind MVJHS’ team. Front Row: Libby Steinhart, Emma Tenbarge, Nate Redman, Ryan Akins, and Henry Adams.

Back Row: Eli Jones, Daniel Juncker, Braden Blan-ford, Landen Blanford, Gracen Blanford, Autumn Schaf-fer, Matthias Gates, and Cole Bilskie.

Seth Harris weaves through the defence on the way to the basket during Thursday night’s Special Olympics game at Mount Vernon High School. Photo by Zach Straw

Devon Hoehn drives the ball down the court during the Special Olympics fi nal basketball game of the season. Photo by Zach Straw

Marrs Elementary’s third grade and under division team came in fi rst place out of 86 players. Seen here cel-ebrating are Colton Lippe, Grace Tenbarge, Lily Ten-barge, Nicholas Akins, Serenity Gates, Cassidy Jones, Meyer Robb, John Thomason, Micah Luckett, Deborah Mattingly and Brenna Julian. Photo submitted

Page 13: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News

By Dave PearceThe North Posey Vikings have not had

the kind of season they would like to have had if you base things simply on wins and losses. But the Vikings have shown this year that they can play with anyone they will face when they play well together as a team.

Two wins in the fi nal week of the regular season proved the Vikings are playing their best basketball of the season heading into

the sectional tonight (Tuesday) at Boonville.The Vikings got a preview of the team

they will face when they hosted the Tell City Marksmen on Tuesday evening. The Vikings dominated Tell City as it seemed the Marksmen did not have an answer for anything the Vikings threw at them.

Tell City never lead in the contest and the

By Steven KocherspergerMount Vernon High

School athletic director Gary Redman announced his retirement recently af-ter 21 years of service to the school and community. Redman, who started in that possition in 1993, will enter retirement after a uccessful career. It seems that success has been a theme of his life everywhere he has worked. Redman now heads to retire-ment as a successful teacher, coach, administrator, hus-band, and father looking for-ward to whatever the future holds.

Redman grew up in Posey County and has called Mount Vernon home for many years. It was here he grew to love and play sports especially baseball. Redman is a graduate of Mount Ver-non High School where he not only excelled in academ-ics but also was an important member of his High School baseball team. That 1971 Wildcat team is still the only

Mount Vernon team to win a Regional and compete in the semi state level.

“That 1971 team lost 2-1 on a bases loaded walk in the tenth inning,” Redman said. “To this day we are still the only Wildcat team to win a Regional and I really hope that will change in the fu-ture.”

Redman left Mount Ver-non upon graduation and at-tended junior college in Mis-souri before heading back to Indiana and the Tri State to play baseball at Indiana State University-Evansville where he played second base. It was here that Redman’s baseball skills and knowledge con-tinued to grow and when he graduated with a degree in secondary education he knew he wanted to share his love and knowledge with young people.

Redman took his fi rst teaching job at North Harri-son High School in Ramsey, Indiana where he taught for four years. During this time

Redman attended Indiana University Southeast and received his masters degree. From here Redman headed to Northeast Dubois to teach and coach. Gary did the best he knew how and fi nally landed himself back in the area when he took the head baseball coaching position at the University of Southern Indiana in 1987.

It was at the University of Southern Indiana that Red-man had great success as a baseball coach. “Out of the six years I was there we went to the NCAA tourna-ment three years,” Redman said. “We won back to back 40 win seasons for the fi rst time in school history and saw the highest ranking for any Eagle team being ranked sixth in the nation. My last season we won the confer-ence and the conference tournament for the fi rst time in school history as well. We did that with just one senior on the roster.”

Redman is proud of all

his time at the University of Southern Indiana but boasts mostly about the fi ve players that played for him that are currently in the school Hall of Fame. All of this success at the University was enough for Redman to be named to the Hall of Fame at the Uni-versity of Southern Indiana recently.

It was in 1993 that the possition of Athletic Direc-tor came open at Mount Vernon and Redman took the position knowing he was leaving a great situation but headed for one that he knew he could be successful in. That has been the way it has been in Mount Vernon with Redman at the helm.

During Redman’s 21 years his teams have won 75 sectional crowns with many individual accomplishments as well.

“Its diffi cult to leave here,” Redman said. “This is my home and Alma Mater. After 21 years this school has become part of my fami-ly and it will be an emotional exit for me. It’s time for me to slow down. This job takes a lot of time and energy and I am ready for retirement at this point. Mount Vernon High School is a great place and I’m going to miss every-one here.”

Speaking of family, Red-

man is married to Geralyn Redman, a fi ne athlete and coach in her own rights. THe couple has three sons, all graduates of Mount Ver-non High School. Josh, Jace, and Jevin were all scholar students and athletes at the school. Jevin, the youngest, gradtated from Mount Ver-non High School last year.

Redman is proud of his time in Mount Vernon and at the University of Southern Indiana. This Posey County native is humble about it

all and is taking it in stride. And while he steps out of the athletic director position be-ing honored for his years of service to these two schools, he knows he will still be around.

“I’ll be around and look forward to coming a little later and leaving a little earlier than I am used to,” Redman said with a smile. “Its great to be able to spend more time with my wife and sons. I’m excited for what the future holds for us.”

Please see Vikings, Page B3

Spring Soccer registration announced The Mount Vernon Parks and Recreation would like to an-

nounce that registrations are now available for Spring Youth Soccer and Spring Adult Softball. The forms can be found at the Parks and Recreation offi ce and online on Facebook, the city website, or the new recreation website: http://mvparks. deadline for Spring Youth Soccer is Friday, March 7.

Age range is 4- to 12-year-olds, boys and girls. Cost is $35 per participant, $20 for sibling. The season will begin the week of April 7. New weekly clinics will be utilized to assist coaches and offer each participant the same training and experience.

Local coaches and current and former players will assist with the clinics. The deadline for Spring Adult Softball is March

14. The Spring Fee is $350 per team. Play begins March 21. For any questions or concerns please contact Recreation

Manager Scott Royer at [email protected] Adult Volleyball scheduled

The Mount Vernon High School will be opening their auxiliary gym to area adults that want to come and play volleyball. The dates are March 10, 17, and 31; April 14 and 28; and May 19. All are Monday nights from 6:30

until 8 p.m. It is free of charge. Teams will be randomly drawn from the adults that attend. For questions, call Darla

Edwards at 812-833-5947.North Posey Babe Ruth Baseball Tryouts

Tryouts will be held at the North Posey High School baseball fi eld on Monday, March 10 from 6 - 8 p.m. for

any players interested in playing Babe Ruth Baseball. To be eligible, players must be born between May 1, 1998 and April 30, 2001. North Posey Babe Ruth fi elds two teams in the South Gibson Babe Ruth League. Teams are comprised of players aged 13 - 15 years old. Players should come pre-pared to try out both inside and outside and bring a baseball glove, protective cup, cleats, tennis shoes, a bat if you have

one, and layered clothing. North Posey Black is coached by Damien Word and North Posey Red is coached by Josh

Stoneberger. While not a requirement, interested players are encouraged to e-mail their name, date of birth, and contact phone number prior to the tryout to [email protected] or call 459-3539 so we know of your intent to try out for the teams. Players currently on the team rosters do not need to

try out again.

Sports Arena

By Dave PearceOn Friday evening, North

Posey’s senior night, the Vikings were tenaciously grinding it out against rival Gibson Southern until the fi -nal period. The Vikings out-scored the Titans 27-9 in the fi nal period and pulled away for what the score would in-dicate was an easy win. But for anyone in attendance, it was anything but easy.

“That was the closest 17-point game I have ever seen in my life,” Viking Coach Heath Howington said following the win. “But we stayed together. You got the best shot from Gibson Southern. They played well and you were able to beat them.”

The Vikings had trouble fi nding the basket early and with that, the Titans slowed the game down enabling them to take full advantage of every possession and keep the game close.

But in what would be a record-setting night for North Posey senior Michael Bender, the Viking defense took over in the fi nal period.

But the Vikings trailed early by as much as 11-5 as Cody Ungetheim and Reed Gerteisen would score early for the Vikings but it took a Bender offensive rebound bucket inside to pull the Vi-kings back to within 8-5.

But a 3-pointer by speedy Titan Alex Smith put the Gibson County visitors ahead 11-5. Ungetheim would get the fi nal Viking points in the quarter after he was able to snag a pair of offensive rebounds before sticking one in to make the score 11-7 at the end of the fi rst period.

The second period was not all that different than the fi rst once the Vikings caught up. A James Marshall steal and bucket pulled the Vikings to within 11-9 before Tyler Adkins was fouled inside and made both free throws to pull the Vikings even at 11.

Smith would score again for the Titans before Bender would fi nally nail the record-breaking shot with 4:30 remaining in the second pe-riod. It gave him 58 3-point baskets on the season as he took the school record for 3-pointers in a season away from Bobby Fallowfi eld, who had held the record since the 1994 season.

Bender’s 3-pointer gave the Vikings a 14-13 edge and Damon Cardin hit one of two free throws to give the Vikings a 15-13 lead before Chandler McKee tied the score at 15 with a bucket.

Bender would then fi nd Ungetheim streaking through the lane to give the Titans a 17-15 lead before Smith tied the game with two free throws just before half-time.

McKee and Smith scored back-to-back to open the second half before Un-getheim hit a free throw and Gerteisen scored on a drive.

But McKee would answer with a 3-pointer from the corner before Bender would grab an offensive board and put it back. Smith scored on a drive to put the Vikings ahead 27-22 before Viking Coach Heath Howington took a time out. Out of the time out, Gerteisen would hit one of two free throws and then score on a rebound basket as the Vikings actual-ly trailed 27-25 heading into the fi nal period.

Bender nailed his second 3-pointer of the night to give the Vikings an early 28-27 lead in the fi nal period but the Titans were not fi nished. Shane Murphy put the Titans ahead 29-28 before Bender was fouled on a 3-point at-tempt and hit two of the three free throws.

Titan Damian Silva hit a three to put the Titans ahead at 32-10 and that’s when the Vikings went to work in ear-nest.

Adkins hit Bryce Martin,

open for a 3-pointer and Un-getheim found Bender for another three and suddenly the Vikings had their largest lead of the night at 36-32. The Titans took a time out but the Vikings seemed to have found the momentum.

Drake Davenport found Ungetheim open at the 4:17 mark and the Vikings took a time out with 3:48 left.

Bender again found Un-getheim at the 3:25 mark for a bucket and Gerteisen was fouled taking the ball inside. He hit both free throws at

2:55 and the Vikings enjoyed a 42-32 lead.

Smith fi nally found a 3-pointer from the top of the key to get the Titans off the 32 mark but Gerteisen found Ungetheim off the press-breaker and the Vikings scored again. Smith hit a free throw but Marshall hit two for the Vikings.

Leading 46-36, the Vi-kings took another time out and out of the time out, Bender hit perhaps his most relaxed-looking 3-pointer of the night at the 1:17 mark to

put the Vikings ahead by 13.“I thought you guys

showed a lot of guts tonight, especially in that fourth quarter,” Howington told his team. “You went out and played the game you have been playing since you were this tall in this gym.”

Bryce Martin and Grant Scheller hit two free throws apiece to complete the scor-ing and the Vikings had won their third in a row, 53-36.

Bender led the team with 18 points while Ungetheim had 14 rebounds.

Bender sets 3-point record as team wins third straight

Redman honored for commitment to MVHS

Members of the 2014 North Posey Viking basketball team who will play in this week’s sectional in Boonville are, in front, managers Jared and Brandon Tepool. In row two are reserve coach Michael Travers, James Marshall, Michael Bender, Cody Ungetheim, Tyler Adkins, Reed

Gerteisen, Damon Cardin, and freshman coach Jeremy Schipp. In back are assistant coach Vince McClure, Jacob Brenton, Griffi n Motz, Drake Davenport, Bryce Martin, Zack Carl, head coach Heath Howington, and assistant coach Jason Simmons. Photo by Dave Pearce

Mount Vernon High School Principal Tom Russell presents a plaque of appreciation to retiring athletic director Gary Redman. Photo by Steve Kochersperger.


Sports ScheduleTuesday March 4Boys’ basketball: North Posey vs Tell City in Sectional at Boonville 5:30 p.m. Friday March 7Boys’ basketball: Mount Vernon vs Bosse/Gibson Southern in Sectional at Princeton 5:30 p.m.

Vikings get pre-tourney look at Marksmen

Page 14: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News

Wildcats play two of area’s best in tourney tune-ups

‘Great support system’ key to Wildcat duo’s successSenior Bryce Newman puts up a shot in Friday’s fi nal

home game against Castle. Photo by Steven Kochersperger

Austin Bethel and Paul Konrath stand ready to represent Mount Vernon at the state fi nals in Indianapolis. Photo sub-mitted

North Posey graduates Alicia Goedde and Abby Mayer at the presentation of the Regional winners banner as their volleyball team was winner of the 2013 Regionals held in November 2013. This is their second Regional Championship in a row. In 2012 they also won Regionals. Since winning Regionals they qualifi ed for Nationals which were held in Kissimmee Florida in December of 2012 and December 2013. The Oakland City University Might Oaks volley-ball team has won Regionals two years in a row one other time in the schools’ history. Alicia and Abby are both on the Dean’s list and will graduate in May 2014. Photo submitted


By Steven KocherspergerThe boys basketball season came to an end this week

with a pair of games played at Mount Vernon High School. The Wildcats took on both the Bosse Bulldogs and Castle Knights to end their regular season in hopes of getting things going in the right direction in preparation for this week’s sectional. And while the Wildcats lost big to both Bosse and Castle, coach Hostetter says he is seeing some signs of his team coming together for sectional play. The question continues to be, can this team put their season’s disappointments behind them for post season play?

After losing 89-58 on Tuesday to Bosse, the Wildcats came into Friday’s fi nal home game ready to send their se-niors out on a high note against the Castle Knights. Castle began the contest by scoring two easy baskets before Senior Wildcat Colton Irvin’s layup put Mount Vernon on the board trailing 4-2 early on. Both Irvin and fellow senior Bryce Newman would keep Mount Vernon close in the fi rst period with a pair of baskets. But Castle controlled much of the early part of the game eventually going on a 7-4 run to pull away and lead 13-8 midway through the opening period of play.

Mount Vernon would go on a run of their own at this point outscoring the Knights 7-4 to end the opening period trail-ing just two points at 17-15 at the buzzer. Mount Vernon felt good about what they were doing at this point hoping they could use their defensive pressure and size to rebound and gain the advantage over Castle in the second period.

That would prove to be a lot harder than it sounds as the Knights fl ipped the script on the Wildcats and applied a lot of pressure defensively. This allowed Castle some easy bas-kets and a cushion in their lead in the second period. Castle’s 11-3 run to start the second period had Mount Vernon down ten at 28-18 and desperation started to set in a bit for the Cats. The Wildcats found some points in that second period behind the great shooting of senior Bryce Newman and big man Zach French and when the buzzer sounded at the half Mount Vernon found themselves in a hole trailing 40-27.

Castle did not seem to let up any in the third period scor-ing at will and hitting the majority of their free throws to build their lead even more. But Mount Vernon’s fi ght did

not leave either as the Cats spread the ball around allow-ing four different players to score in that third period. Bryce Newman, Colton Irvin, Zach French, and Levi Duckworth all scored in the third but the defense continued to struggle to stop Castle. Eventually the Knights took a 57-39 lead into the fourth period fi rmly in control of the game.

The Wildcats opened the fi nal period of play playing with intensity and focus, scoring the fi rst two baskets of the game to trail 57-43. Newman and his Castle counter parts traded three pointers as Castle continued to build their lead. Mount Vernon found four points during the end of the period be-hind senior Justin Rutledge who has battled cancer his whole life and has overcome. His two layups in the fourth period lifted the spirits of all in attendance and was a great way for Rutledge to end his high school career.

Castle ended the game on top beating Mount Vernon 73-55 to end both team’s regular seasons. It was the last home game for the seniors in Mount Vernon and coach Marc Hostetter said after the game that it was an emotional game that showed promise for the post season.

“The last home game is always different,” Hostetter said. “Its a game that’s usually very emotional for the players and there is a bit of fi nality to it. I thought there were moments we played together and felt we played better tonight than we have in a little while.”

Mount Vernon senior Bryce Newman ended the night leading his team in scoring with 23 points while Colton Ir-vin had 11 in the contest.

Mount Vernon ends their regular season on an eight game losing streak heading into this week’s sectional play. The Wildcats will get the opening bye and play the winner of game one on Friday evening in Princeton. And while many coaches would be pessimistic after the end of a season like the one Mount Vernon has had, coach Hostetter says his players believe they can still win.

“Its all about winning in the post season,” Hostetter said. “We will prepare all week to play the best basketball of the year and hopefully we can do that and head home winners. This group continues to have a chance no matter what our record says. We believe in that locker room that we can win two in a row and that’s all that matters.”

By Steven KocherspergerWhat a year Paul and Austin Bethel had on the mat. Both

Konrath and Bethel got the attention of the county and state by becoming the fi rst two freshmen in Mount Vernon High School history to compete in the state wrestling fi nals. And while the year has ended and many are beginning to focus on spring sports, Konrath and Bethel are already planning and training for next season.

Both wrestlers are from very athletic families and have had a long history in wrestling. Konrath began wrestling so his brothers would stop pestering him. Konrath’s brother Danny was coaching the elementary team and would bug Paul to wrestle. That might have been one of the best moves the big brother has ever made. Konrath began to wrestle and the six-year-old boy loved every minute of it.

Austin also began to wrestle in Kindergarten as he was try-ing different sports out. Bethel’s family has a basketball his-tory and when he discovered the lack of talent he had on the basketball court he tried the mat instead. Paul and Austin had to wrestle in elementary school and the friendship began. The pair has been wrestling year around since the age of six and when they made their transition to High School they did so with many years of experience under their belt.

That one year as a high school wrestler landed Konrath with an overall record of 49-3 with seven tech falls and only allowing two take downs the entire season. Konrath went as far as a wrestler could go in post season eventually losing in overtime in the state championship match to become the run-ner up in the 106 pound weight class.

Bethel also had a tremendous fi rst season compiling an im-pressive 27-4 with 17 falls to his credit. His impressive move in the fi nal seconds of a semi state match in Evansville gained him both the win and also the respect of many in the high school wrestling community.

Both Konrath and Bethel have enjoyed their freshman year and are having fun. “Its been fun this year,” Konrath said. “Its great to wrestle with a team and not just wrestle on your own.” Bethel also agrees that the years of wrestling on an in-dividual basis helped him grow to the point where he now can shine on a team level. “I always looked forward to wrestling in High School with a team,” Bethel said. “I’ve loved being a part of the team and we all pulled together this year and are really a family.”

Konrath and Bethel are both team guys who are humble about their individual accomplishments. Both guys look for-ward to what the future will bring and can not say enough about being ready for next year.

But as we all know, behind any great athlete is usually a great support system and both of these Wildcat wrestlers have that. Over the years the Konrath’s and Bethel’s have driven thousands of miles and spent many days watching their boys learn the sport.

“We have often talked about how we do not want to know how many miles we have driven or how much we have spent on hotels over the year,” Vicki Bethel said. “We love to look back and share the stories and laugh together. We are proud of what these guys have done over the years.”

And while Austin is not back on the mat yet because of his concussion, Konrath is already back training and getting ready for next season. He does this with the help of his dad who has been his coach for most of his life. As for their high school coach Tim Alcorn, he couldn’t be more proud of Aus-tin and Paul and thinks that the best is yet to come.

“Both of these guys have accomplished so much this sea-son,” Alcorn said. “The best is yet to come though. The future looks extremely bright for them as individuals but also for our Wildcat team.”

Outside of the mat Konrath enjoys spending time with his family and friends as well as showing off his magic skills to anyone who would watch. Konrath is not only a great athlete but also a great student with a 3.8 grade point average.

Bethel enjoys his time wrestling but also plays soccer and loves hanging out with friends. He also is a great student and has a 4.0 grade point average.

Both Bethel and Konrath show what hard work and dedi-cation can do for anyone who fi nds their passion and keeps honing their craft. We all look forward to the next three years of wrestling for the Konraths and Bethels.

The twenty-fi fth-ranked and sixth-seeded University of Southern Indiana men’s basket-ball team advanced to the quarterfi nals of the Great Lakes Valley Conference Tournament with an 86-78 victory over eleventh-seeded Maryville University Sunday afternoon at the Physical Activities Center. USI starts the post-season with a win and rises to 22-5 overall, while Maryville fi nishes its 2013-14 campaign 13-14.

The Screaming Eagles proceed to the Ford Center Friday and will play fourth-seeded Lewis University (21-5) in the quarterfi nals. Game time for the USI-Lewis match-up is noon.

USI had to come from behind to earn its fourth-straight trip to conference quarterfi -nals as the fi rst round game with Maryville was a battle from start to fi nish. The match-up featured 10 ties and 10 lead changes throughout the afternoon before the Eagles prevailed.

It was the Saints that controlled the game at the intermission, leading 37-34 at the buzzer. The fi rst half was a series of runs with the Eagles starting with a 6-0 run to open game, while later in the half USI and Maryville traded 6-0 runs as they vied for the momentum. The Saints fi nished the opening

20 minutes on 7-2 run to take the lead into the locker room.

In the second half, Maryville quickly in-creased its margin to six points, 40-34, before USI rallied to tie the score, 41-41. The Saints would continue to cling to small margins un-til 9:09 left in the game when the Eagles used a 7-3 spurt to fi nally take the lead for good.

The deciding run of the second half came with 4:38 to play when senior center Aaron Nelson (Chicago Heights, Illinois) ignited a 12-2 surge that concluded with USI up 11 points, 78-67, with 1:33 left. The Eagles sealed the game in the fi nal minute by con-verting six-of-10 from the free throw line and get the 86-78 win.

For the game, Nelson produced his 22nd double-double to lead the Eagles with 22 points and 21 rebounds. This double-double marked the third time this year that Nelson has put up 20-or-more points and grabbed 20-or-more rebounds in a contest.

USI senior forward Orlando Rutledge (Louisville, Kentucky) followed Nelson in the scoring column with 20 points, while se-nior guard Ben Jones (Robinson, Illinois) and junior guard Gavin Schumann (Cincinnati, Ohio) rounded out the double-fi gure scorers with 13 points each.

The Viking Connection...USI wins GLVC Tourney opener,will face Lewis in Friday quarters

Brian and Carrie Wagner certainly had the youngest person in attendance at the Ducks Unlimited banquet Saturday night in New Harmony. Little Ellie Wagner, about two weeks ago, was making her fi rst trip to the DU Banquet. Photo by Dave Pearce

Dennis Blackburn and Greg Bachert sit at the table behind the National Ducks Unlim-ited Award received by the Posey County Chapter recently. Standing behind the pair is Pete Harry. The Saturday evening banquet was in New Harmony. Photo by Dave Pearce

Page 15: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News

By Steven KocherspergerThursday evening, the Mount Vernon

girls’ basketball team gathered to celebrate their individual and team accomplishments from this season. It was a season that ended with a 11-10 record, well below what coach Steve Mitchell and the Wildcat athletes ex-pected heading into the season. But the year was marred with injury giving the girls ob-stacles to overcome.

On Thursday coach Mitchell praised his team for overcoming these things and con-tinuing to fi ght through to the end. “To many people this was a what if kind of year,” Mitchell said. “What if we were healthy or could have had the ball bounce a different direction in a certain game? This team really went through a wide range of emotions this year but never gave up. There were times that we had only six players at practice but the girls continued to work and fi ght. I’m re-ally proud of what we did and proud of each and every girl on this team.”

The team honored their two seniors at the banquet on Thursday for their tremendous four years at Mount Vernon. Ellen Foster and Cheyenne Strobel might have played their last game as a Wildcat but they leave behind a legacy of winning like no other. Foster and Strobel have won more games

for the girls’ program than any other players that have gone before them. The two girls have also had the honor of never being on a high school team with a losing record, something they hope continues through the years to come. Foster and Strobel have been an honor to watch and will leave a big hole in the team, one that they hope will be fi lled by all the players they now leave behind.

The team not only looked back at the sea-son and all of the team accomplishments, but also honored the individuals that seemed to shine throughout the year. The fi rst award given on Thursday evening was the ‘New-comer of the year’ award. This award went to Alyssa Smolsky who entered this pro-gram this season and improved each and every time she stepped onto the court. By the end of the season Smolsky had become a force to be reckoned with and will be an im-portant piece of this team moving forward.

The ‘Coaches Award’ is an honor that is given by the coaches to a player that has done all they could do help her team win. This award went to senior Cheyenne Stro-bel. Strobel was honored for her tough in-side play and never-give-up attitude that will be missed.

The last award given was the ‘Most Valu-able Player’ award. This season these hon-

ors went to two players who continued to lead the team in scoring and in most every other way. This honor went to Senior Ellen Foster and Sophomore Alexis Nall. Nall, after just two seasons of play, is currently twentieth on the all time Mount Vernon girls basketball scoring list while Foster leaves her High School career in the tenth position.

Overall coach Mitchell calls this season a big success. He challenged those who are left to self evaluate themselves and ask what they can do to be a better player or coach. His hope is that when the Wildcats tip off another season next year, they do so ready to take what was learned this year and build upon it. Thank you all for a great year of basketball.


Lady Wildcats honored for accomplishments

North Posey High School senior Michael Bender became the school’s all time leading 3-point shooter

with his fi rst 3-pointer in Friday night’s game.




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Jacob Poole took part in this past Saturday’s state championship swim meet in Indianapolis.

Photo by Steve Kochersperger




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Award winners at Thursday’s Mount Vernon girls’ basketball banquet are: from left to right: Ellen Foster, Alexis Nall, Cheyenne Strobel, and Alyssa Smol-sky. Photo by Steven Kochersperger

NORTH POSEY – 70 TELL CITY - 42 TELL CITY 4 14 8 16 42

NORTH POSEY 10 19 21 20 70

TELL CITY FG FT TOTAL Rowe, Hunter 1 2Mowery, Drew 2 2-2 7Malone, B 3 6Miller, Gant 3 0-2 7Schafer, Chris 4-4 4Phillips, Jimmy 1 3Sanders, Grant 2 0-2 4Baumeister, R. 1 3Miller, Reese 1 2Flamion, Zach 1 2TOTALS 16 6-10 423pt FG (Mowery 1, Miller 1, Phillips 1, Baumeister 1)TOTAL FOULS 19 (Foul out Miller) N. POSEY FG FT TOTAL

Marshall, James 1 2-2 4Davenport, D. 1 3Bender, M. 8 3-4 22Martin, Bryce 1 2 Carl, Zack 1 3Brenton, J. 2 0-1 4Gerteisen, R. 5 4-7 14Cardin, D. 2 4Ungetheim, C. 2 4Motz, Griffi n 1 4-4 6Adkins, Tyler 2 4TOTALS 26 13-18 703pt FG (Bender 5, Davenport 1, Carl 1) TOTAL FOULS: 8JV SCORE – NP 47 – 22TEAM RECORDS: NP – 6 – 14, TC 5 – 15






Photo by Zach Straw




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game was tied only once, and that was at 4-all as the Vikings came out with good energy and a smothering de-fense in an attempt to send a message to the team they will see in the sectional opener.

Reed Gerteisen found Michael Bender for the fi rst two points of the contest and a Bryce Martin steal and conversion gave the Vikings an early 4-0 lead.

But Tell City pulled even and after the Vikings missed a pair of free throws, it ap-peared the Marksmen were going to be able to stay with the Vikings.

But Gerteisen was fouled on a putback attempt and a Bender steal and bucket doubled the score for the Vikings at 8-4 and the game was never really close after that. Tell City scored the fi -nal bucket of the opening period to pull to within 10-6. The fi rst bucket of the sec-ond peiod pulled the Marks-men to within 10-8 before Gerteisen scored on a drive and Drake Davenport nailed a 3-pointer from deep in the corner.

Bender then took over of-fensively, scoring the next seven points of the game to expand a 15-12 lead to 23-12. But the game was still within reach for Tell City at the half, 29-18.

But the Vikings took the ball inside and had good success doing it early in the third period as Gerteisen hit a two and Ungetheim scored

sandwiched around a bucket by Tell City.

Following a time out at 4:54 with the score 33-23, Ungetheim and Bender scored and James Marshall scored off a coast-to-coast drive and the Vikings went on to outscore Tell City 21-8 in the third period. Zack Carl, Damon Cardin, and Tyler all got on the score-board and the rout was on.

The Vikings led 50-26 at the end of the third period and won by 28, 70-42.

Griffi n Motz hit a pair of free throws to open the fourth quarter and put up six points in the fi nal period as Jacob Brenton and Tyler Ad-kins also got on the score-board.

“You have to understand that we are going to see a totally different basketball team next Tuesday,” Viking Coach Heath Howington told his team after the game. “They are going to do some-thing different against us because what they did to-night didn’t work. We are going to continue to run our gameplan. I can tell you are trusting yourselves and your teammates more and this whole process. We have 11 guys that battle and contrib-ute every day. And someone once told me you want to be playing your best basket-ball at the end of the season and that was a pretty smart man.”

Assistant Coach Vince McClure shared his pride for the team as he indicated that intensity in practice has picked up as the season winds down and this team has gotten a whole lot better in a relatively short period of time.

“There are a lot of teams, given our record, who wouldn’t have done that,” McClure told the team after the win. “What you are do-ing is paying off. Staying together is paying off. What-ever happens, that is just going to make it that much more enjoyable.”

Howington chided his

team to prepare for the Marksmen well because it will be a different gameplan, in a different place and with different circumstances.

“It was a school night in the middle of the week and they were on the bus for a long time just to get here,” Howington said of the Marksmen. “This time, ev-erything is on the line. Can we beat them again by this score? Yes, we can. But we can’t go into this thinking it is going to be easy. I promise you, it will not be easy.”

The Marksmen own a win over Mount Vernon this sea-son, a team that defeated the

Vikings twice in the regular season.

“I thought our guys came out and played with intensity and with focus,” Howington said. “We wanted to send a message.”

The Viking pressure de-fense was successful against the Marksmen and seemed to take them out of their rhythm.

“Our pressure defense kind of gets us going and I think it only increases our intensity,” Howington said. “I thought we got great looks early but we didn’t knock them down. But we got great effort for 32 minutes.

North Posey High School junior James Marshall is fouled as he drives to the basket during this week’s win over Tell City. Photo by Dave Pearce

Vikings, from Page B1

Page 16: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News

Arrests February 21

Ronald Gelarden—Mount Vernon—Operating a Vehicle as an Habitual Traffi c Violator—ISP

Rodney Allison—Poseyville—Warrant-Child Molesting x6—ISP

February 22

Jeffrey Bates—Mount Vernon—Warrant—Do-mestic Battery (Petition to Revoke)—MVPD

February 23

Trent Givens—Mount Vernon--Operating While Intoxicated—MVPD

Amber Anderson—Mount Vernon—Operating While Intoxicated—MVPD

February 24

Joseph Reinitz—Mount Vernon—Minor in Posses-sion of Alcohol—MPVD

Jeffrey Wade—Nebo, Ky.—False Informing—ISP

February 26

Steven Bledsoe—Peru—Warrant-Vicarious Sexual Gratifi cation, Child Solici-tation, Inappropriate Com-munication with a Child—PCS

Phillip Velasquez—Cyn-thiana—Battery Resulting in Bodily Injury--ISP

Complaints February 9

9:52 a.m.—Acci-dent—2010 Ford F150—Stillwell Road, Poseyville

12:14 p.m.—Reckless—Advised blue Chevy Im-pala with hazards on ran stop light at Keck Bypass. Also driving at a high rate of speed—Hwy 62, Mount Vernon

2:53 p.m.—Theft—Call-er requesting to speak to an offi cer in reference her TV that was stolen in October of 2013. Caller advised it has taken awhile to report due to fi nding paperwork and pawn receipts from pawn store—Broadway, Evansville

February 10

7:22 a.m.—Accident—Advised was hit by another vehicle. Advised does not need an ambulance. Other subject very angry because he does not have a license and is going to jail—Cop-perline Road, Evansville

9:43 p.m.—Extra Pa-trol—Requesting to speak to an offi cer in reference ex-tra patrol-south Street, New Harmony

10:59 p.m.—Domestic—Daughter is wanting her boyfriend removed from the residence. He has been drinking and took some pills. Nothing physical, just verbal arguing and he is refusing to leave—Sharp Street, Poseyville

February 11

7:51 a.m.—Lock-out—2008 Ford Escape. Caller is aware that Sheriff Department and or Deputy is not liable for any damage that may occur—Church Street, New Harmony

8:33 a.m.—Welfare Check—Male subject has not shown up for work last night and that is not nor-mal. Would like a welfare check on subject to make sure he is okay. Would like a call back—Scherer Road, Poseyville

8:33 a.m.-Standby—Needing to change locks at this residence. In the past there were threats by the home owner. Would like a deputy to be present just in case—Lang Road, Wades-ville

11:27 a.m.—Agency As-sist—Need help while get-ting vehicle out. It’s on a hill near curve. Need someone at the top of the hill—Fox

Hollow Road, Evansville1:53 p.m.—Alarm—

Lobby motion—Street. Francis Av, Poseyville

6:29 p.m.—Accident—Vehicle ran into ditch, hit several trees—Middle Mount Vernon Road, Mount Vernon

10:37 p.m.—Suspi-cious—Female subject ad-vised someone is knocking at her door. Doesn’t know who it is—Boberg Road, Evansville

11:39 p.m.—Welfare Check—Therapist called and advised person is threatening to jump off his balcony. Is not mak-ing sense on the phone and wanting someone to check on him—Poseyville

February 12

7:45 a.m.—Fraud—Sub-ject called her cell phone and said she won Pub-lisher Clearing House and $250,000 and new vehicle. They told her to call this number to register to get her money. She did not do this. Wants this on record. No offi cer needed. Will be willing to do a sting opera-tion to catch these people—Upper Mt. Vernon Road, Mount Vernon

9:49 a.m.—Standby—Terminating an employee at 10:30. Requesting an of-fi cer to standby—Hwy 62, Mount Vernon

February 13

8:19 a.m.—Alarm—Front door and patio door—Old Beech Road, New Harmony

1:43 p.m.—Fraud—Would like to speak with offi cer about fraud, forg-ery, theft—Stevens Road, Mount Vernon

3:59 p.m.—Fall—Ad-vised husband fell and is bleeding. Conscious—E Water, Mount Vernon

4:24 p.m.—Custodial—Advised child’s father has child and she is needing to get child. Advised just

fi led a protective order to-day—Lower Mount Vernon Road, Mount Vernon

5:41 p.m.—Impaired Driver—Silver Camry all over the roadway, driving at very slow speeds—SR 66, Wadesville

7:03 p.m.—Be-on-the-Look-Out—A newer style Dodge dually with extend-ed exhaust pipe, possibly with Illinois plates, with 2 four-wheelers in the bed of the truck, pulling a fl atbed. Vehicle involved in an at-tempted theft of a 4-wheel-er from Chandler 20-30 minutes ago. Occupied by 2 white males, tall, partial beard, jeans and Carhartt jackets. Last seen heading northbound on I-64, pos-sibly heading toward Illi-nois—I-64

7:39 p.m.—Welfare Check—Caller advised he’s the assistant director and concerned about a stu-dent—Middle Mount Ver-non Road, Evansville

8:38 p.m.—Medical—16 year old son—Barter Road, Mount Vernon

February 14

2:35 p.m.—Lockout—Blue Lincoln Town Car—Sabic, Mount Vernon

4:54 p.m.—Accident—2 vehicle accident. 1 person injured, complaining of back pain—Haines Road, Wadesville

7:04 p.m.—Accident—Red Ford Explorer is parked at named address. She was traveling on Hwy 165 and hit the guardrail. There are no injuries. She is just wanting a report—Fletchall, Poseyville

February 15

2:38 a.m.—Medical—24 year-old female, breathing but not responsive—Vine Street, Mount Vernon

8:17 a.m.—Alarm—Store motion—Lockwood Av, Poseyville

9:36 a.m.—VIN Inspec-tion—Dump truck, body

change to oil rig—Gib-son County Line Road, Poseyville

10:35 a.m.—Theft—Car broken into. Credit cards, gps, other items stolen—W. Franklin Road, Mount Vernon

12:17 p.m.—VIN In-spection—Side by side—E Copperline Road, Evans-ville

1:06 p.m.—Standby—Female subject needs to get articles from residence. Would like a call when deputy gets close—S Cale, Poseyville

5:35 p.m.—Theft—Ve-hicle was broken into last night. Doesn’t know if the vehicle was unlocked or not but no signs of forced entry. Camera, camcorder, and camera bag, racquetball racket is missing—Low-er Mount Vernon Road, Mount Vernon

February 16

6:05 p.m.—Informa-tion—Caller advised that her husband is supposed to be on his way to her address to pick up their child but he’s not allowed to have the child unless it’s supervised visits and he’s banned from the trailer park—Deer Run, Evansville

9:31 p.m.—Animal Problem—Neighbors dog chasing caller’s horses. Dog barking will not let caller onto his property to tell the owner. Cannot reach him by phone. Caller has dog down by road at this time. As soon as she turns, the dog goes back towards her horses. Caller has called back and advised that this dog is causing problems and if it kills her horses she’s going to sue someone. She advised she wants a deputy to do some-thing—Springfi eld Road, Wadesville

10:12 p.m.—Phone Ha-rassment—Caller advised she’s receiving threatening phone calls from her ex-husband’s Aunt—Stewarts-ville Road, Stewartsville

Marriage Applications

Andrew Michael Cox, 23, Mount Vernon and Aleece Danyelle Causey, 20, Mount Vernon

Daniel Lee Linck, 23, New Harmony and Stepha-nie Adam, 22, New Har-mony

Joshua Wayne Williams, 36, Henderson, Ky. and To-nia Michelle Simmons, 35, Henderson, Ky.

Gregory Dean Eyer, 53, Olney, Ill. and Kelly Su-zanne Beal, 45, Olney, Ill.

Mitchell Bradley Roe, 26, Carmi, Ill. and Anna Baumgart, 24, Carmi, Ill.

Dakota Shane Blanken-ship, 22, Knoxville, Tenn. and Kady Lee Lashley, 21, Mount Vernon

James Allen Mann, 52, Evansville and Melanie Diane Hoffman, 54, Evans-ville


Court News



Notice is hereby given that the undersignedBoard of Commissioners of Posey County, IN.Will receive sealed bids at the Posey CountyAuditor's Offi ce in the Coliseum, Mt. Vernon, IN.Up to the hour of 4:00PM local time March 17, 2014Or up to 9:00AM on March 18, 2014 at theHovey House. For the remaining months of year 2014March 18, 2014

Letting date March 18, 2014 for the following Items.

Section. VIIBituminous Material (Chip & Seal Paving)

Section VillAsphalt (Hot mix material)

All material shall meet all requirements of theState and Federal Governments.

Successful bidder shall furnish the highwaydepartment with a price list. Any item pickedup or delivered must have a SIGNED INVOICEDor PACKING SLIP accompanying it.

The highway superintendent may require thesuccessful bidder to remove. from th~ county job,any of the bidder's employees who the highwayd¢partment determines to be performing thecontracted work in an· unsafe or unsatisfactorymanner or who are disruptive to the job site. .

Bidder shall comply in every respect with IndianaState Laws governing the purchases of CountySupplies

Bidder shall use US weight and measures

The bidder shall submit his bond onForms prescribed by the State Board ofAcc~unts and shall be accompanied byCertifi ed check, cashier's check, bidder'sBond or cash in the sum often percent(10%) ofthe bid including any addedalternates.

All in accordance with the specifi cation on fi le inthe offi ce of Posey County Auditor, Mt.Vemon, IN

Checks, bonds or cash securing other contracts or bidswith the county will not be treated as accompanyingthese bids. ·

The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids

POSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERSCarl A. SchmitzJerry R. WaldenJames L. Alsop


Published in the Posey County News on February 25 & March 4, 2014 - hspaxlp


NOTICE TO BIDDERSThe County Commissioners of Posey County, Indiana, will receive sealed bids until 4:00PM local time, on the 31st day of March, 2014 at the Offi ce of the Posey County Auditor, Coliseum Building or until 9:00 AM local time on the 1st day of April, 2014 at the Hovey House, Mt. Vernon, Indiana for the:


The contract documents will be on fi le at the offi ce of the Owner for inspec-tion. Copies of the documents may be obtained at the offi ce of the Posey County Highway Department, 1203 O’Donnell Road, Mt. Vernon, Indiana.

Proposals shall be properly and completely executed on the forms furnished to bidders and must be accompanied by an executed non-collusion affi davit. Any bid in excess of $25,000.00 shall be accompanied by a bid bond or certifi ed check in the amount of not less than ten (1 0) per cent of the bid.

No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) calendar days after the date of the receipt of bids.

The Posey County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any part or all bids and waive any informalities in bidding. POSEY COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS Carl A. Schmitz, President Jerry R. Walden James L. Alsop

ATTEST:Kyle J. Haney, Auditor

Published in the Posey County News on February 25 & March 4, 2014 - hspaxlp

Legal Ads2014-40



On January 30, 2014, Duke Energy Indiana, Inc. fi led a Verifi ed Petition with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission in Cause No. 44452 for approval of a Premier Power Service Rider No. 25, for the installation and use of back-up generators during power outages, to be available to qualifying commercial and industrial customers, including alternative regulatory plan fl exibility and declination of jurisdiction under Ind. Code § 8-1-2.5-6.

Duke Energy Indiana, Inc. By: Douglas F Esamann, President

Published in the Posey County News on March 4, 2014 - hspaxlp

Hunters harvested fewer deer in the 2013 season than in each of the previous five sea-sons. That might be sobering news to some deer hunters, but it wasn’t unexpected.

“Going into the year, I knew it was going to be down,” said Chad Stewart, deer manage-ment biologist with the DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife. “It’s what we thought it would be.”

The reported harvest of 125,635 deer was about 10,600 fewer deer than the record har-vest of 136,248 in 2012, a decline of 7.8 per-cent. It still ranks eighth best since regulated deer hunting began in Indiana in 1951. The full harvest report is at, under Featured Topics.

“Down about 8 percent is very similar to what we’re seeing in a lot of other Midwest states, so we’re par for the course,” Stewart said. “We’re still harvesting a lot of deer. The 125,635 shows we’re down but not collaps-ing.”

At least two and possibly three factors contributed to the lower harvest – carryover from a widespread outbreak of epizootic hem-orrhagic disease (EHD) in 2012 and more in 2013, a record antlerless harvest in 2012, and the second season of new hunting regulations aimed at lowering deer densities in some areas of the state.

EHD, a viral disease transmitted by biting flies, was confirmed or suspected in 67 coun-ties in 2012. It was reported in 23 counties in 2013, with 20 of them taking a hit for the second straight year. EHD is often fatal to deer.

“We had a record antlerless harvest in 2012 on top of a major disease outbreak, which tells

us there were a lot less deer going into the season,” Stewart said. “It was pretty easy to predict the harvest would be down.”

It’s less certain how much of a role the new hunting regulations played.

“It really complicates things as far as inter-pretation,” Stewart said. “It’s not clear if deer numbers were down because of EHD or our management efforts or a combination of both.”

Harrison County had the highest harvest with 3,454 deer. Washington, Switzerland, Franklin, Steuben, Noble, Parke, Jefferson, Lawrence and Orange counties rounded out the top 10.

Harrison County’s total made it one of 10 counties with unofficial record harvests, com-pared to 35 record-setting counties in 2012.

Steuben, which had been the perennial top county until 2012, reported its lowest harvest total (2,652) since 1997 but still ranked fifth in the state.

Tipton had the lowest reported harvest with 91 deer, followed by Benton, Blackford, Hancock, Rush, Clinton, Wells, Howard, Shelby and Marion.

The firearms season accounted for 57 per-cent of the total, followed by archery at 27 percent. The muzzleloader (8 percent), late ant-lerless (5 percent), and youth season (2 percent) made up the rest.

Hunters had three options to report their harvest – traditional in-person check stations, online or by phone. It was nearly an even split between check stations (64,740) and the online/phone method (60,895). Last year, just over 60 percent were reported at check stations.

Deer harvest down in 2013, still a top season

Women can choose their own adventure at an outdoor sports workshop with courses ranging from shotgun shooting to canoeing.

The 20th annual Becoming an Outdoors-Woman is May 2-4 at Ross Camp in West Lafayette. The workshop is open to women ages 18 and older and limited to around 100 participants.

Registration begins March 1 at The cost for the workshop is $185 and includes all equipment, meals and lodging.

The program is designed for women to learn outdoor skills in a relaxed, low-pressure environment. Participants will choose four

activities from more than two dozen offer-ings, including fishing, kayaking, archery, outdoor photography, wild edibles, wildlife tracking, shooting muzzleloader guns and outdoor cooking.

The workshop is for women who have never tried these activities, but have hoped for an opportunity to learn; who have tried them but are beginners hoping to improve; or who know how to do some of the activities, but would like to try new ones.

Women who enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded individuals and who seek time away to reconnect with nature are also prime candidates for BOW.

Register for ‘Becoming an Outdoors Woman’

‘Timeless Treasure of Mesker’– An exhibit celebrating the history of Indiana’s first zoo to open with a preview event.

With 86 years of history, memories of special moments at Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden are abundant in the com-munity. These memories are celebrated in an exhibit opening Sunday in the newly renovated Kley Exhibit Hall at the zoo. The preview event is a for invitation only guests. Media is welcome to attend the preview.

Established in 1928, Mesker Park Zoo &

Botanic Garden was the first zoo in Indiana. The zoo quickly grew in size and popular-ity. Being the first zoo to establish bar less exhibits, the zoo became an industry leader and many zoos around the world modeled their exhibits after ones built here in the 1930s and 1940s. At the height of popular-ity in the 1950s, it was common to attract 10,000 visitors on a Sunday afternoon.

The exhibit opens to all zoo guests on Monday, March 3, 2014 during regular zoo hours. The exhibit is included with the cost of zoo admission and free to zoo members.

Indiana’s fi rst zoo exhibit celebrates history

What do you give the person who has it all?A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE POSEY

COUNTY NEWS! 628-3950

Page 17: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News



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Tinseltown Talks: TV pioneer Conrad JanisBy Nick Thomas

A fi xture on television since the late 1940s, Conrad Janis’s trademark baldness and youthful face made him a recognizable character actor throughout his 65-year-long fi lm and TV career.

As a teenager, Janis was already a vet-eran of several Broadway shows, and was just 17 when his fi rst fi lm, ‘Snafu,’ was re-leased in 1945 with costar Robert Bench-ley.

“Benchley was a famous New York writ-er and drama critic before playing the bum-bling expert in those comedy shorts of the 30s like ‘How to Sleep’ where everything goes wrong,” explained Janis, who turns 86 this month. “I learned a tremendous amount about naturalistic acting from him, years before that style became popular.”

Janis soon became a pioneer of early television.

“It was an exciting time because every-thing was live,” he recalled. “You had to memorize the entire show for the night of broadcast. We’d do one-hour shows six or seven nights a week, with very little time for rehearsal. If people forgot their lines or

a prop gun didn’t fi re, you just had to adlib your way out of it.”

Many fi lm legends also got their start alongside Janis.

“There were about 50 of us who were regulars on all those early, live comedies and dramas, in-cluding Grace Kelly, Eva Marie Saint, Paul New-man, and Robert Red-ford. For a leading role on a one-hour show you would make $400,” said Janis.

But that changed when a studio brought in Rob-ert Cummings.

“Bob was a big movie star,” said Janis. “They paid him something like $20,000 to take the lead role in one of the shows such as ‘Playhouse 90.’ It changed the entire concept of television produc-tion because Hollywood stars realized they could work for just a few days on a TV

show and make a lot of money.”Throughout his career, Janis says he

made around 700 TV appearances, although many early live perfor-mances were not re-corded and therefore lost forever.

Beginning in 1978, Janis was a regular on ‘Mork and Mindy’ play-ing Mindy’s father who worked, appropriately, in a music store. Janis is a noted jazz trombonist, having been inspired by legendary musician and bandleader Kid Ory in the 1940s.

More recently, Janis has enjoyed success as a director and producer

with his 2012 horror-thriller, ‘Bad Blood: The Hunger’ – a sequel to ‘Bad Blood’ six years earlier – both written by his wife, ac-tress Maria Grimm.

“She based it on a rather unpleasant inci-

dent that occurred as a child when living in Casablanca when she found a shish kabob with a fi nger on it under a table,” recalled Janis.

Despite the gruesome premise, the fi lms were more character driven than gory, with Janis starring in both alongside Piper Lau-rie.

In addition to several new fi lm projects currently in development, Janis and his wife are preparing a documentary on his life (see

But it’s television where Janis left his mark, even reaching today’s younger audi-ences who watch retro TV cable channels, says wife Maria, recalling a recent incident in Hollywood where the couple waited in line to attend a fi lm.

“This kid standing near us was covered in tattoos and staring intensely at Conrad,” Maria recalled. “Then he put his hands out and gave the Mork ‘nanu nanu’ sign. When we asked how he knew that, he just said ‘Nick at Night, man, Nick at Night.’ It was wonderful.”

“Conrad truly is a man for all seasons,” she added.

Conrad Janis in 1979.Source: Universal City Studios press release.

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Page 18: March 3, 2014 - The Posey County News

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Tutoring needed in preparation for SAT and ACT tests. Call Lynn for more information: 812-270-0221. 3/25

Summer Employment The Mount Vernon-Black Township Parks and Recreation Department is now accepting applica-tions for the summer. Positions include at Brittlebank Pool - As-sistant manager, lifeguards, concession workers, ticket takers, cashiers, pool maintenance and water safety instructors. Must be able to work weekends and fl exible hours. Other positions include park maintenance, umpires and scorekeepers. Applications can be picked up at the Parks Offi ce, 716 Locust St. or online at Please apply by Friday, March 28. 4/25

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Sudoku of the WeekThe solution to last week’s puzzle:


Sudoku and Crossword



t Wee

ks S



Crossword of the Week 3/4

10. Atomic #4511. Peremptorily12. Dishonorable men13. Spanish appetizers14. Algerian gulf & port15. Sets again25. About Freemason26. One point N of due W27. Not happy29. Accumulates on the surface31. Peels an apple33. Diamond weight unit36. Possesses38. Note39. About heraldry41. Hair fi lament42. Title of respect43. Hair product46. Colas47. Capital of Huila, Colombia49. More diaphanous51. Eliminate53. Change to a vapor54. Ancient temple sanctums55. Pesters58. Off-Broadway award60. Light Russian pancake64. Baseball offi cial65. Work unit68. Jr.’s father69. Atomic #77

57. “Crying” singer’s initials59. Taro root dish60. Bahrain dinar61. Sun god62. 39th state63. In a harmful way66. Immunoglobulin (abbr.)67. Differences70. Moves slowly71. Snarl, growl (var. sp.)

CLUES DOWN1. Aviator2. Boutros’ group3. Go over4. Be among5. Cloth scrap6. Clerks7. Vacuum tube8. Actress Blanchett9. Removes the lid

CLUES ACROSS1. Plural of eyrir6. Concord12. Photographer16. Atomic #1817. Tobacco cylinder18. Of I19. 1/10 meter (abbr.)20. In the year of Our Lord21. Belittle22. 1/2 of an em23. Equally24. Cornmeal mush (British)26. Desires28. Of sound mind30. 1st moon man’s initials31. Public broadcasting32. Bodily cavity34. Insecticide35. County in China37. Platforms39. Frost40. Crucifi x41. Bodily faculties43. Seladang44. Denotes three45. Imbibe slowly47. What’s left48. Liberal degree50. Competition52. Confederate54. 7th Hindu month56. Senator Frankin


Art Guild members working on painting samples, left to right clockwise are Sammi Forsee, Sarah Hernandez, Austin Morgan, Josh Osborne, Marcy Bilskie, Alicia Lara and Teena Walker. Photo submitted

Pictured left to right: Grace Wilson, Courtney Salmon and Erica Tidwell working on ceramic cup cake examples for Art Camp on Saturday March 8 at Mount Vernon High School.

Mount Vernon High School Art Guild is please to announce their Annual Spring Art Camp will be Saturday, March 8, 2014 in the Art Rooms at Mount Vernon High School. Cost is $25 per camper and $20 for additional siblings. There will be two sessions: Morning for grades fi rst through third from 8 to 11 a.m. and afternoon for grades fourth through eighth from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.

This year campers get to make a tie-dye pillow case. They will use clay to build a unique ceramic cup cake jar. Finally, they will explore value and color mixing through a painting project. Art Guild members have been working hard to prepare the lesson and make samples for the camp. Members are having a lot of fun with them and are sure the campers will enjoy them as well.

Pre registrations are requested by Marrch 3 but will be accepted any time before the camp and even at the door. However, to ensure we have enough supplies please contact Mrs. Kendra Glaser at Mount Vernon High School 812-838-4356 or [email protected] with any registrations after March 3. See form on page A8.

Pictured left to right: Art Guild members Jonathan Hamilton, Shy Zwiefka, Sammi Olsen and Ashlyn Cox work on painting examples for Art Camp on Saturday March 8.


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