Download - March 2013 Newsletter

Page 1: March 2013 Newsletter



Want  to  learn  how  to  become  more  involved?  Join  us  on  the  UNICEF  Action  Center  to  find  out  how.    

Have  you  registered  your  club  for  the  Campus  Challenge  yet?  The  deadline  is  fast  approaching!    

Seniors,  Alumni  Association  is  a  great  way  to  stay  in  touch  with  UNICEF  after  graduating!    

The  Emory  Campus  Initiative  organized  an  awareness-­‐raising  activity  for  World  Water  Week  as  part  of  the  university’s  “Wonderful  Wednesday”  gathering  of  student  groups.  The  Campus  Initiative  set  up  a  booth  with  creative  games  to  raise  awareness  about  global  water  issues.    Many  students  stopped  by  to  participate  and  learn!      

The   UNICEF   National   Council  Members   are   in   the   process   of  forming   an   online   training   series  for   you   and   the   future   leaders   of  your  UNICEF  Campus  Clubs  to  utilize,  beginning   next   year.     Part   of   the  process   involves   asking   you,   our  Campus   Leaders,   for   your   input.  Here   is   the   link   to   the   survey!  We  would   greatly   appreciate   the  completion   of   this   survey.     Thank  you,  UNICEF  Campus  Leaders!        

UNICEF  National  Council  Newsletter  March  2013          [email protected]    

UNICEF  of  Loyola  hosted  its  3rd  annual  Mr.  Rambler  contest  at  the  Loyola  University  of  Chicago.  The  Mr.  Rambler  contest  this  year,  especially,  has  been  a  great  way  to  promote  UNICEF’s  World  Water  Week,  as  well  as  raise  $2,500  for  the  UNICEF  Tap  Project.  Amazing  job,  UNICEF  of  Loyola!      

UNICEF  at  Emory  University  

             UNICEF  of  Loyola                     University  

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To  raise  awareness  for  the  Tap  Project,  students  from  UNICEF  at  Utah  State  University  carried  buckets  of  water  on  campus  to  understand  what  it  felt  like  to  walk  for  clean  water,  and  fundraised  about  $900  to  support  the  world’s  children!  Keep  it  up,  UNICEF  at  USU!    


This  month,  Rutgers  UNICEF  invited  Tara  Broughel,  a  US  Fund  for  UNICEF  Program  Officer,  to  present  the  “1.4  Billion  Reasons”  Presentation  to  the  Rutgers  community.  The  event  was  a  success,  inspiring  and  educating  Rutgers  students  on  the  extreme  barriers  and  issues  related  to  eliminating  extreme  poverty;  Rutgers  UNICEF  is  planning  to  have  the  Global  Poverty  Project  event  as  an  annual  event.    Keep  up  the  great  work,  RU  UNICEF!      

UNICEF  at  Boston  University  is  hosting  their  UNICEF  Across  the  Globe  event  to  raise  awareness  for  the  Tap  Project.  Local  bands  as  well  as  BU’s  very  own  acapella  groups  will  be  performing  to  raise  awareness  on  the  importance  of  clean  water  and  sanitation.  It  will  definitely  be  an  entertaining  night,  filled  with  music,  food,  and  fun  water  games!    Good  Luck,  UNICEF  at  BU!            

Zone  6  is  proud  to  welcome  two  new  UNICEF  Campus  Initiative  clubs  in  Fullerton,  California  and  San  Joaquin  Valley  College  in  Temecula,  California.  

Welcome,  guys!      

UNICEF  at  Iowa  State  University  held  World  Water  Week  with  various  activities  every  day  of  the  week.  On  Monday,  they  hosted  a  Mile  of  Change  with  a  line  of  duct  tape  in  front  of  their  library,  where  students  donated  any  change  they  had.  On  Wednesday,  they  held  a  Tap  Dance  Session,  offering  unlimited  dance  lessons  to  support  clean  water.    “Dirty  water”  was  also  available,  where  they  gave  out  water  with  different  flavors  of  kool-­‐aid  in  it,  with  each  color  representing  a  different  disease.  Great  job,  ISU!    

UNICEF  at  Utah  State  University  

UNICEF  at  Iowa  State  University  

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Excited  about  E-­‐board  elections  coming  up?  So  are  we!  The   USF   for   UNICEF   is   excited   to   welcome   upcoming  UNICEF   Campus   leaders   to   the   Campus   Initiative!    Please   email  us     at   [email protected]  with  your  e-­‐board’s   new   contact   information   and   most   up   to  date  back  to  school  kits!    

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UNICEF-­‐DePaul  organized  the  first  ever  'FOR  THE  SAKE  OF  FASHION'  show  in  early  March,  raising  about  $800.  UNICEF-­‐DePaul  focused  on  awareness  for  The  UNICEF  Tap  Project  and  shared  the  importance  of  clean  water  and  proper  sanitation  to  more  than  200  people.  Through  their  efforts,  UNICEF-­‐DePaul  aims  to  spread  the  goals  of  UNICEF  to  ensure  a  more  unified  front  to  help  the  world’s  children.  Great  work,  UNICEF-­‐DePaul!  

UNICEF  at  Puerto  Rico  Mayaguez  participated  in  an  event  called  Abrázame  Mayagüez  where  they  advocated  for  hugs  instead  of    violence.  It  was  a  succesful  event    held  at  the  Mayaguez  mall  on  March  17.  Great  job,  UPRM!    

 UNICEF  at  Puerto  Rico  Mayaguez  

The  US  Fund  for  UNICEF  has  partnered  with  The  Global  Poverty  Project  to  participate  in  Live  Below  the  Line  from  April  29–May  3.  Thousands  of  people  around  the  world  will  commit  to  Live  Below  the  Line  together.    To  learn  more,  join  us  for  the  Live  Below  the  Line  Webinar  on  April  24th!    

UNICEF  at  CSU  East  Bay  recently  created  an  informational  video  to  publicize  on  campus.  This  is  a  great  and  innovative  way  to  let  more  people  know  about  their  club.    We  commend  them  for  thinking  outside  the  box!  See  the  video  here.      

