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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. March 2013

“Selecting Leaders”

Sorors, the time has come for YOU to choose the next leaders of Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. At our April 6, 2013 chapter meeting, we will elect 8 new members of the Executive Committee. We will vote for the following offices; President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Financial Secretary. Deuteronomy 1:13 states, “Take ye wise men, and understanding, and known among your tribes, Not only whose persons were well known, but their characters and qualifications, for their probity and integrity, for their wisdom and prudence in the management of affairs, for their skill and knowledge in things divine and human, civil and religious, and for their capacity in judging and determining matters in difference.” This is one of many instances in the bible where leadership and electing leaders is discussed. It goes without saying; selecting leaders is an important task which should not be taken lightly. Sorors, you must think for yourself and consider facts in making your decision. Each of us must determine for ourselves what characteristics, qualities, and skills we believe are needed for leaders in each of these 8 offices. The leaders you elect will work together to develop a vision and set the chapter on a course to achieve her goals and objectives over the next two years. I am confident that each of the slated candidates is capable of serving our chapter well. As April 6 approaches, review your campaign material, pray, and come to our chapter meeting prepared

to make your own decision. This, in the end, will be the best decision. I don't know about you, but I am excited to see what God has in store for Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter via our new leadership for the coming years!

Soror Kara Brooks - named by Governor Mike Pence as his Press Secretary! Soror Takeena Thompson—elected and installed as the President of the MARION COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION.

PRESIDENT’S PEN From Soror Adrienne Lizzi Cosby

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Contents Page 1 President’s Pen Congratulations Page 2 Chaplain’s Corner Upcoming Events Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Past Event Re-cap Page 7 Calling All Greeks to the Yard Page 8 Hammer Out Colon Cancer Page 9 Economic Empowerment DDMCCCC

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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. March 2013

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CHAPLAIN’S CORNER From Soror Sylvia Anderson, Chaplain’s Council

ARE YOU EXCITED YET? ARE YOU EXHAUSTED? ARE YOU OVERWHELMED? The celebration of our Centennial Year has been power packed with event after event, historical and memorable. God has truly blessed our Chapter and Sorority. Through our many committees Sorors are busy with past and upcoming events; from participating in chapter service opportunities, Alpha House Nursing Home, Round Up The Remix-Centennial Sweep, College Tour, Suffrage March in DC and at Purdue, Torch in Chicago, Healthy Choice events and our list could go on and on…On top of all that, in our personal life, we are dealing with the death of a love one, medical issues, feeling overwhelmed, maintaining a relationship, church commitments, being superwoman (trying to be everything to everyone), frustrated, looking for a job, in a new job, considering a new leadership role and of course this list could go on and on. Through it all, it is important that we try to maintain a positive attitude even though we don’t feel like it, because our ATTITUDE affects others. Sorors, the blessing is, no matter what we are doing or going through and we BELIEVE…God is with us through it all. At times, I have to remind myself to take one day, one moment and sometimes one second at a time because I know that in the end, it is not about me, it is about what God can do if I let Him. Psalm 46:10 says…Be Still and know that I am God…. 2 Corinthians 9:8 says… And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. Take care and be blessed

IAC at the Indiana Pacers Game In honor of 100 years of service, scholarship and sisterhood, the Indiana Pacers will pay tribute to the trailblazing women of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and IAC. Sorors, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. For Delta Night Out, Sorors, friends, family and fellow Greeks are invited to celebrate at the Pacers vs. Cavaliers game at Bankers Life Fieldhouse on Tuesday, April 9th at 7pm. Zumba Soror Black will be hosting Zumba classes on Thursday April 11, 18, 25 and May 9 and 23 at New Direction Church. Cost is $5 for Sorors and $6 for the public. Race for the Cure Team DST-IAC has now been set up and you can start registering today. We are asking that 100 sorors participate on team DST-IAC with a fundraising goal of $2,013. As usual, we welcome all family and friends and anyone else that would like to join our team along with the 100 soror participation.


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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. March 2013

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On Sunday, Feb 17th the 7th Annual Indiana World Marriage Day was celebrated at Lifeworks Christian Church. This yearly event is sponsored by the Indiana Healthy Marriage and Family Coalition. World Marriage Day honors a husband and wife as the foundation of the family, thru the theme of “Love One Another”. Our very own Soror Tanya Walton Pratt, Esq. of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana served as moderator for the

afternoon. Soror Walton Pratt was introduced by her mother, Soror Joan Walton. The program honored two couples for their commitment to marriage and service to the community, Mr and Mrs. Julian Coleman (60 years of marriage) and our very own Soror Rose Pettygrue and her devoted husband, Ernest Pettygrue (53 years of marriage). A big thank you goes to the sorors who serve on the Family Life and Ed-ucation Committee for their time and service to make the pro-gram a success.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT From Soror Thiwasha Harper, 1st Vice President

At the MLK Day of service, IAC received acknowledgment for our group participation from Gov. Mike Pence and Jamal Smith Ex-ecutive Director of The Indiana Civil Rights Commission. We had the opportunity to take a photo with special guest Gary Bracket former Colt as well as other photos at the work site. Lunch was provided and the students from Holy Angels performed musical selections. It was a great event for the first of 22 service projects in this year of the Delta.

Sorors from Zeta Theta and Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter support Soror Melissa Harris-Perry at the MLK program at Purdue on January 24, 2013.

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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. March 2013

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One of Delta's own, the Honorable Judge Denise LaRue was the guest speaker for the National Association for Female Executives (NAFE) and Women in Networking (WIN)'s Celebration of Women's History, "Women Celebrating Women!" The Sorors who work in the MG Emmett Bean Federal Building (Building 1), presented Soror LaRue with a corsage and small token prior to the start of the program. Attached is a group photo of the Sorors with the Honorable Judge LaRue.

On March 20, 2013 Sorors Cosby, Harper, Moss, Phillips and Hester-Harris participated in the Flanner House Elementary School Greek Panel discussion and presentation. A great opportunity to share with youth about our GEMS, Academy, EMBODI and Black College Tour programs, while encouraging them to excel academically.

The IAC Step Team represented Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. with a presentation at the Franklin College Black Student Union Black Greek Letter Organization Informational event during Black History Month. Pictured are several IAC Sorors that came to support.

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Social Action Committee members attended the February Marion County City-County Council Meeting. IAC was greeted and welcomed by members of the Council. Sorors Stokes-Lucas and Lands were both acknowledged as leaders in the Indianapolis community.

Social Action Chair, Soror Anita Wood-Gaillard, represents Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter at Delta Days in the Nation’s Capitol, along with committee members, Sorors Janai S. A. Downs and Karmyn Saunders.


Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. March 2013

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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. March 2013