Download - Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Page 1: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe RodríguezMarcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez

A note on some A note on some inequalities for the Tutteinequalities for the Tuttepolynomial of a matroidpolynomial of a matroid

Page 2: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Matroids: definitionMatroids: definition

A matroid M = (E, r), where EA matroid M = (E, r), where E is a finite is a finite set and r :set and r :(E)(E)→→ is a rank function is a rank function mappingmapping



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Page 3: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Matroids:Basic conceptsMatroids:Basic concepts

A matroid M=(E,r) A matroid M=(E,r)

AAE is an independent set iff |A|=r(A).E is an independent set iff |A|=r(A).

BBE is a basis of M if B is a maximal E is a basis of M if B is a maximal independent set.independent set.

C is a circuit if it is a minimal C is a circuit if it is a minimal dependent set.dependent set.

Page 4: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Examples: Examples: Graphic MatroidsGraphic Matroids

For G=(V,E ) a connected graph we define the For G=(V,E ) a connected graph we define the matroid M(G)=(E,r) where the rank function ismatroid M(G)=(E,r) where the rank function is

An independent set is a forest of G, a An independent set is a forest of G, a basis is a spanning tree and a circuit basis is a spanning tree and a circuit is a a cycle.

r(A) is the maximum size of a r(A) is the maximum size of a spanning forest contained in (V,A).spanning forest contained in (V,A).

Page 5: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Examples: Examples: Uniform MatroidsUniform Matroids

UUr,nr,n=(E,r) where E is [n] and the rank =(E,r) where E is [n] and the rank function isfunction is

][for ),|,min{|)r( nArAA

An independent set is a set of size at An independent set is a set of size at most r, a basis is a set of size r and a most r, a basis is a set of size r and a circuit is a set of size r+1.circuit is a set of size r+1.

Page 6: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Matroids: DualityMatroids: DualityIf M=(E,r) is a matroid, then If M=(E,r) is a matroid, then M*=(E,r*) M*=(E,r*) where r*(A)=|A|-r(E)+r(E-A) is also a matroid, where r*(A)=|A|-r(E)+r(E-A) is also a matroid, called the dual matroid of M.called the dual matroid of M.

An element e of E with r(e)=0 is called a An element e of E with r(e)=0 is called a loop. Dually, an element with r*(e)=0 is loop. Dually, an element with r*(e)=0 is called a coloop.called a coloop.

Page 7: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

The Tutte PolynomialThe Tutte Polynomial

)r(||)r()r( )1()1()(TAA


AEM yxyx,

For a matroid M, the two variable polynomialFor a matroid M, the two variable polynomial

is known as the Tutte polynomialis known as the Tutte polynomial.

TTMM(1,1)=number of bases(1,1)=number of bases.



Page 8: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Not entirely obvious but not difficult to Not entirely obvious but not difficult to prove is thatprove is that

where the coefficients twhere the coefficients ti,ji,j are non- are non-negative integers. negative integers.

The Tutte PolynomialThe Tutte Polynomial


jijiM yxtyxT

,, ,),(

Page 9: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

There are numerous identities that hold forthe coefficients tij . We need the following.

The Tutte PolynomialThe Tutte Polynomial

Proposition. If a rank-r matroid M with m elements has neither loops nor coloop, then(i) tij = 0, whenever i > r or j > m − r;(ii) tr0 = 1 and t0,m−r = 1;(iii) trj = 0 for all j > 0 and ti,m−r = 0 for all i > 0.

Page 10: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

j/i 0 1 2 3 4 5

0 0 24 50 35 10 1

1 24 106 90 20    

2 80 145 45      

3 120 105 15      

4 120 60        

5 96 24        

6 64 6        

7 35          

8 15          

9 5          

10 1          

Page 11: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Theorem. If a matroid M has neither loops nor coloops, then

Inequalities Tutte PolynomialInequalities Tutte Polynomial










)2,2()}4,0(),0,4(max{ MMM TTT

Page 12: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Observation 1. For a matroid M = (E, r) with dual M*= (E, r*), the following inequalities are equivalent for any AE. |A| |E| − 2(r(E) − r(A)) (1) |E \ A| 2 r*(E \ A) (2)(r(E)-r(A)) + (|A|-r(A)) m − r. (3)

Inequalities Tutte PolynomialInequalities Tutte Polynomial

Page 13: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Inequalities Tutte PolynomialInequalities Tutte Polynomial

By a classical result of J. Edmonds, the matroids in which all subsets A E satisfy the (equivalent) inequalities above are the matroids that contain two disjoint bases; by duality, these are the matroids M whose ground set is the union of twobases of M*.

Page 14: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Observation 2. If a matroid M contains two disjoint bases, then tij = 0, for all i, j such that i + j > m − r. Dually, if its ground set is the union oftwo bases, then tij = 0, for all i, j such that i + j > r.

Inequalities Tutte PolynomialInequalities Tutte Polynomial

Proof:Every term (x−1)r(E)-r(A)(y −1)|A|-r(A) in TM hasxr(E)-r(A)y|A|-r(A) as its monomial of maximum degree. In M, (r(E)-r(A)) + (|A|-r(A)) m − r.

Page 15: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Theorem. If a matroid M contains two disjoint bases, then TM(0, 2a) TM(a, a) ,for all a 2. Dually, if its ground set is the union of two bases of M, then TM(2a, 0) TM(a, a), for all a 2

Inequalities Tutte PolynomialInequalities Tutte Polynomial

Page 16: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Inequalities Tutte PolynomialInequalities Tutte PolynomialProof. Case M has two disjoint bases. In this situation m− r r and



rm atT,


Note:Even if it has loops

Page 17: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Inequalities Tutte PolynomialInequalities Tutte PolynomialProof.



















Multiplying this inequality by (a/2)m−r we get

Page 18: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Inequalities Tutte PolynomialInequalities Tutte PolynomialProof.


, aaTataaT Mji



Page 19: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Corollary. For a matroid M, we have that max{TM(2a, 0), TM(0, 2a)} TM(a, a),for all a 2 whenever M is one of the following:• an identically self-dual matroid M,• a coloopless paving matroid • the uniform matroid Ur,n for 0 r n.• a rank-r projective geometry over GF(q) or its dual, for r 2.

Inequalities Tutte PolynomialInequalities Tutte Polynomial

Page 20: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Corollary. For a graph G, we have that max{TG(2a, 0), TG(0, 2a)} TG(a, a),a 2 whenever G is one of the following:• complete graph Kn, n 3,

• complete bipartite graph Kn,m

• the wheel graph Wn, for n 2,• the square lattice Ln, for n 2,• an n-cycle n 2,• a tree with n edges, for n 1.

Inequalities Tutte PolynomialInequalities Tutte Polynomial

Page 21: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Corollary. For a graph G, we have that max{TG(2a, 0), TG(0, 2a)} TG(a, a),a 2 whenever G is one of the following: • 4-edge-connected graph,[Tutte,Nash- Williams]• a series-parallel graph,[Nash-Williams]• a cubic graph, [Nash-Williams]• bipartite planar graphs, [Nash-Williams]• bridgeless threshold graph.

Inequalities Tutte PolynomialInequalities Tutte Polynomial

Page 22: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

ConjectureConjectureC. M. and D.J.A. Welsh, made the following

Conjecture. Let G be a 2-connected graph with no loops, thenmax{TG(2, 0), TG(0, 2)} TG(1, 1) .

Page 23: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Conjecture. If a cosimple matroid M contains two disjoint bases then TM(0, 2) TM(1, 1) .Dually, if the ground set of a simple M is the union of two bases, then TM(2, 0) TM(1, 1) .


Page 24: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Conjecture:Uniforme Conjecture:Uniforme matroidsmatroids
















)1(),( 1


Page 25: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Conjecture:Uniforme Conjecture:Uniforme matroidsmatroids


















mrmrmr UUU

Page 26: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Conjecture:Complete GraphsConjecture:Complete GraphsNote: for a graphic matroid M(G), the Note: for a graphic matroid M(G), the evaluations Tevaluations TGG(2, 0) and T(2, 0) and TGG (0, 2) have the (0, 2) have the

interpretation of being the number of acyclic interpretation of being the number of acyclic orientations and the number of totally cyclic orientations and the number of totally cyclic orientations of G, respectively.orientations of G, respectively.An acyclic orientation of a graph G is an An acyclic orientation of a graph G is an orientation where there are notorientation where there are notdirected cycles. A totally cyclic orientation is directed cycles. A totally cyclic orientation is an orientation where every edge is in a an orientation where every edge is in a directed cyclic.directed cyclic.

Page 27: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Lemma. For a 2-connected G and a vertex Lemma. For a 2-connected G and a vertex vv of degree of degree dd, we have that, we have that

)2,0()22()2,0( vGd



Conjecture:Complete GraphsConjecture:Complete Graphs

Criel Merino
Proof. If a*(G - v) = 0, the result is trivial. Otherwise, choose any totallycyclic orientation O_old of G-v. Now, choose O_v as any of the 2d-2 orientationsof the edges adjacent to v which do not make it a source or a sink. Weextend O_old to an orientation O_G of G by oriented the edges on v accordingto O_v. We prove that this orientation is totally cyclic. Any arc u ~ w (withu and v and w diferent) is in an oriented cycle of O_G-v. To an arc A= v ~ u correspondsan arc B=w ~ v by the choice of O_v. The orientation O_G-v makes G - vstrongly connected, so there is a directed path from u to w, that togetherwith w ~ v ~ u form a directed cycle. Thus, both A and B are in an orientedcycle.
Page 28: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Conjecture:Complete GraphsConjecture:Complete GraphsIt is a clasical result due to Cayley that TKn(1,1) = nn−2.The edge-set of K3 is the union of two spanning trees and TK3(x,y) = x2+x+yThus, TK3(2,0)=6 > 3 = TK3(1,1).

For n4, Kn has two disjoint spanning trees. TK4(x,y) =x3+ 3x2+ 2x+ 4xy+ 2y+ 3y2+ y3.Thus, TK4(0,2)=24 > 16 = TK4(1,1).

Criel Merino
Proof. If a*(G - v) = 0, the result is trivial. Otherwise, choose any totallycyclic orientation O_old of G-v. Now, choose O_v as any of the 2d-2 orientationsof the edges adjacent to v which do not make it a source or a sink. Weextend O_old to an orientation O_G of G by oriented the edges on v accordingto O_v. We prove that this orientation is totally cyclic. Any arc u ~ w (withu and v and w diferent) is in an oriented cycle of O_G-v. To an arc A= v ~ u correspondsan arc B=w ~ v by the choice of O_v. The orientation O_G-v makes G - vstrongly connected, so there is a directed path from u to w, that togetherwith w ~ v ~ u form a directed cycle. Thus, both A and B are in an orientedcycle.
Page 29: Marcelino Ibañez, C. M. and Guadalupe Rodríguez A note on some inequalities for the Tutte polynomial of a matroid.

Conjecture:Complete GraphsConjecture:Complete Graphs

























Criel Merino
Proof. If a*(G - v) = 0, the result is trivial. Otherwise, choose any totallycyclic orientation O_old of G-v. Now, choose O_v as any of the 2d-2 orientationsof the edges adjacent to v which do not make it a source or a sink. Weextend O_old to an orientation O_G of G by oriented the edges on v accordingto O_v. We prove that this orientation is totally cyclic. Any arc u ~ w (withu and v and w diferent) is in an oriented cycle of O_G-v. To an arc A= v ~ u correspondsan arc B=w ~ v by the choice of O_v. The orientation O_G-v makes G - vstrongly connected, so there is a directed path from u to w, that togetherwith w ~ v ~ u form a directed cycle. Thus, both A and B are in an orientedcycle.
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532)1,1( 2


nW LTn

)2()1()2();( xxxxxW nnn

33)( nnW

)()( nn WW


Conjecture:Wheels Conjecture:Wheels