Download - Mar 20 2016

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West York Church of the Brethren Loving, Building, and Nurturing the

Community of Christ



PRELUDE Lenten Meditation Janet Jones


In Christ Alone We Will Glorify #105 Above All


Children dismissed for Children’s Church



The Birth of Hope John 12:12-19

OUR RESPONSE At the Cross #323


Via Dolorosa Tom Whitcraft


*Please stand as you feel comfortable.

West York Church of the Brethren Pastor: Gregory L. Jones 5101 Darlington Road, York, PA 17408 [email protected] Phone: (717)792-9260; Prayer Line: (717)792-8816 Pastor: 717-308-7499

E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Find us on Facebook:

Morning Worship March 20, 2016

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For your children

Crib and Toddler Nursery Service is available up to age 3.

Special children’s bulletins are available in the foyer.

This Week’s Calendar


Bible Study - 9 am

Care and Share Women’s Group - 7 pm


Meal for Habitat for Humanity - 6 pm


AA meeting - 8 pm Thursday


Child Education Center Closed

Choir Rehearsal - 6:30 pm Praise Team Rehearsal - 7:30 pm


GOOD FRIDAY - Office Closed

Child Education Center Closed

Community Good Friday Service 7 pm

(Faith E.C. Church - Bair)

Welcome to all who are visiting with us today. Please sign the sheet on the table in the narthex.

Thank you.


Love Feast TODAY

Right ater the orship ser ice. Fello ship eal, a feet ashi g ser ice a d Co u io

Child care will be provided!

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Opportunities to Serve

Special Announcements



The 2016 “Meat Canning Project” is scheduled for TUESDAY, APRIL 5th

The work hours will be from 6 am to 12 noon, with lunch & transportation provided.

(Ted Schmittel will be serving lunch) Please see Bill Fulmele for additional details.

April Newsletter is in your mailbox today.



July 10th thru 14th, 2016

“Finding Truth Below the Surface”

A MEAL WITH HABITAT FOR HUMANITY WORKERS This Tuesday evening, March 22, we are providing a dinner for some college students who are working with Habitat for

Humanity. The work group, some Habitat staff, and a homeowner will be attending and they will give a short

presentation. We welcome you to come for the meal (Taco Bar) and show your support to these students. We would like to

have as many people attend for them to feel welcome.

The supper and presentation begins at 6:00 pm and lasts until 7:30. There will be a sign-up sheet in the narthex, but even if you don’t get a chance to sign up, you can still come. Any questions please contact Linda Fulmele.

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Today’s Important Reminders

March 28 - Child Education Center Closed

March 29 - Child Education Center Closed

April 1 - Girl Scouts Spaghetti Dinner

April 5 - Meat Canning

Leadership Team Meeting

April 9 - Yard Sale/Chicken BBQ

April 11 - Congregational Forum Information Due

STATISTICAL INFORMATION for March 13, 2016 Attendance: Giving Sunday School: 25 General Fund: $3,463.00 Worship: 100 Received to Date: $36,342.67 103.25% of Budgeted Giving


March Special Offering Our special offering for March is

“One Great Hour of Sharing”

Gits through this spe ial oferi g support the Chur h of the Brethre life- ha gi g i istries like Glo al Missio a d “er i e, Brethre Disaster Mi istries, Glo al Food Crisis Fu d, a d others.

Brochure and envelope are on the narthex table.

ACOLYTES NEEDED We are in need of more acolytes to serve during our worship service. If you are in 2nd grade or older and would like to serve as an acolyte, please contact Nicole Grove.

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Yard Sale, Soup & Bake Sale

& Chicken BBQ

Saturday, April 9 - 8:00 am to 2 pm Yard sale donations are needed. Donations of soup and baked

goods are also needed. Tickets for the Chicken BBQ are now on sale for $8.50 each

(which includes the chicken, baked potato, roll & butter). Pick up for chicken BBQ is 11 am to 1 pm. Please see Merl Keefer for Chicken BBQ

tickets. Anyone wishing to help, please contact

Beth Marshall or Bill Fulmele.

You can be part of making a

great first impression. Join the

Parking Lot Greeter Team– a

new ministry opportunity at the

West York Church. For more

information, contact Ken Miller.

Come celebrate the Risen Lord Easter Sunday

March 27th, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.

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Adult Sunday School class - NEW! A Guide For Biblical Studies: The Gift of Faith - Exploring themes of faith in the Gospels of Mark

and Luke. (Tom Whitcraft)

“Seeking Amazing Grace” Adult class - Study of Hebrews (Larry Marshall)


Monday Morning Bible Study - NEW STUDY— Book of Matthew

Care and Share Women’s Group - Meets Mondays at 7 pm. “Overcoming Fear”.

MEN’S BREAKFAST Saturday, April 23 at 8 am

(We will NOT be meeting in the banquet room)

Join us for All You Can Eat breakfast at the Old Country Buffet.

Ham, bacon, eggs, French toast, sausage, biscuits-n-gravy, pancakes, donuts and fruit

Only $7.99! Be sure to invite a friend.

Old Country Buffet 905 Loucks Rd, York PA 17404

Sponsored by West York Church of the Brethren

Mother/Daughter - Sisters in Christ Banquet May 14, 2016 6:00 pm

Leah Hileman will be our entertainment (More details to follow)

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Community Good Friday Service March 25, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

Faith Evangelical Congregational Church 833 Stoverstown Road - Bair


TODAY at : 0 p

Mark ou ale dar & pla to ate d the e u e i al hoir a tata at Sai t Paul Luthera Church Tri it Rd . This hoir is ade up of a si gers fro

difere t de o i aio s fro arou d our o u it i ludi g e ers of WYCOB . Behold the La is a usi al &

arrai e jour e that u ders ores the sig ii a t pri e that Je-sus paid for our freedo a d sal aio . It le ds origi al elo-dies ith i eless h s to reate a o pelli g orship e peri-e e a d dra ai re i der of God’s rele tless lo e a d gra e. There ould e o eter a to egi our alk through Hol

Week tha to e perie e this a tata for ourself! The harp prelude egi s at 2:00 p . Ba sii g pro ided

The Friends of Cross Keys Village (The Brethren Home) are collecting unused coupons (new or expired) as a project for the Adult Day Care program. There will be a box in the narthex to put these unused coupons. Thank you for your help!

The Child Education Center is conducting a

SUB & SANDWICH SALE until Tuesday, April 12th.

Order forms are on the narthex table.

Sub/Sandwich pickup will be Wednesday, April 20th

from 12:00 to 1:00 pm at the church.

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Friends of Cross Keys Village - The Brethren Home Community

Annual memberships are now being collected for the Friends of Cross Keys Village. Show our church’s support for The Friends.

See Nancy Ausherman. ******

“Taylor Marie” Spring Fashion Show

Tuesday, March 22nd - 11 am (Nicarry Meetinghouse)

Shopping until 3:30 pm See poster in narthex for more information.


Village Choir Easter Cantata

Friday, March 25 - 2:00 pm (Nicarry Meetinghouse) ******

“Previously Read” Book Sale Thursday, April 14th 8:00 am to 2:00 pm (Nicarry Meetinghouse)

Hard Back primarily $1 - Soft Back primarily 50¢


Saturday Morning, April , 6

Shippensburg Church of the Brethren

5 East Garield Street - Shippensburg

Registration begins at 8:00 am

2 Truths & A Lie Guest Speaker: Jill Hastings

Brochures with registration form are on the narthex table. Give your check for $10.00 (made payable to Southern PA District COB) to Darlis Parker by TODAY. We will leave the church at 7 am to carpool to this church and will return to

the church following lunch. Any questions see Darlis.


Administrator Coordinator

Details are posted on the hallway bulletin board.

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Giant gift cards for CAS will be sold in the

narthex Sunday, April 3rd between 9:30

and 10:00. If you are unable to be at church

that day, please call Nancy Anthony. ******

25th Annual Auction benefitting The Lehman Center

Tuesday, April 26, 2016 — York County 4-H Center

(771 Stoverstown Road - York, PA)

Doors open for auction preview, silent auction bidding,

and food at NOON. Live auction begins at 5:00 PM

Gift certificates, art work, food, sports memorabilia, antiques, baskets

Every dollar raised by the Auction provides a child and parent with the help they need.

Copies of donation forms, sponsorship forms, and program ad forms are on the narthex table.


CAS is once again in need of paper goods - paper towels, Kleen-ex, wipes, toilet paper, paper plates, copying paper and con-struction paper. Articles can be placed in the CAS box in the Narthex. Donations of these items mean that CAS will have more money to spend on services for the children.

Thank you for your continued support for CAS.

Local Girl Scouts and their parents (from the Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania Council) are preparing for our 6th annual spaghetti dinner and basket auction to support Council’s Family Partnership Campaign

and our Community’s Scholarship Program.

Spaghetti Dinner & Basket Auction West York Church of the Brethren

Saturday, April 2, 2016 2 seatings: 4:00-5:30 & 5:30-7:00

$7.00 per ticket (5 thru adult) Free (4 and under) Beverages--Salad--Dinner--Dessert--Basket Auction

Proceeds benefit Girl Scouts in the Heart of PA and our Community Please see Deona or Mariah for tickets.

Than y u f y u upp t f loca girl making a diference i the c m u i y!

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Dementia Care Support Group (Providence Place - Dover) Veterans’ Memorial Garden (Spring Grove High School) Hospice Volunteer Training in April (SpiriTrust Lutheran) Healing Hearts Support Group (3rd Thursday of the month)

The Wellspa Spiritual Care a d Educaio Depart e t a ts to let our hur h k o he a e er is i the hospital. PLEASE ide ify our church at registraio a d ad ita ce i to the hospital. A ordi g to HIPAA regulaio s, if ou pro ide this i for aio to the hospital, our hur h a e oiied of the ad issio .

Camp Eder Senior Day Wednesday, March 30th - 9:30 am

Ditzi Chix: Music & Comedy (10:00 am) Puppetry, Vetriloquism, Storytelling (1:00 pm)

Lunch: Baked cod, mac & cheese, stewed tomatoes - $17/person RSVP by March 25th (717-642-8256 or [email protected])


Mother/Daughter “Buttons and Bows” A Girls Day Out Saturday, April 2nd - 9 am to 4 pm

Day of sharing, pampering, crafts, friendship Cost: $35 Mother/Daughter Combo; Adult $25, Child $10

Register online: ***********

Father & Son Day - Saturday, April 2nd - 9 am

Weekend of bonding and fun Gun safety lesson, skeet shooting, woodworking, Chicken BBQ

Cost: $35 Father/Son Combo; Adult $25, Child $10 Register Online:


2016 Summer Camp Applications for Staff & Counselor in Training Positions

available on the narthex table. ***********

Copies of the 2016 Activities Booklet & Summer Camp Schedule are on the narthex table.


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Prayer Requests Praise: The children and youth of our church

New Concerns: Patsy Senft (Dave Miller): recovering from stroke Dan Lehigh: undergoing different round of chemotherapy Samuel (Carolyn Jones): recovering from lung surgery at Hershey Bill Zumbrum: recovering from cataract surgery that went well Tim Coonan: still having problems with his vision Bob Smith: in the Brethren Home for health issues, pray also for Sherril Lorene Trimmer (Darlis Parker): recovering from heart surgery Pearl Glatfelter (Reda Miller & Nancy Smith): recovering from surgery at Normandie Ridge Jean Brown: recovering from surgery; still some pain

Ongoing prayer concerns: Romaine Andrews: back pain, Tom Ausherman: health issues, Melinda Avey: multiple sclerosis, Bob Breeden: health issues, Ray Dentler: health concerns, Lillian Grove: recovery from spine surgery, Lois Hinson: recovery from knee procedure, Ron Horn, Sr.: health concerns, Cindy Lepley: cancer, Kathleen Lloyd: health concerns, Charleigh McDowell: tumor in abdomen, Merl & Sue Messinger: health concerns, Arlene Miller: cancer, Scott Miller: health concerns, Nancy Patterson: health concerns, Merle Senft: health issues, Joe Smith: health issues, Nancy Smith: recovering from surgery, Sherril Smith: health concerns, Joyce Whitcraft: health concerns, Bob & Mary Wildasin: health concerns, Carol Woolcock: cancer, Lorraine Yohe: heart issues Kume Mutah and the other Chibok girls & their families: abducted from school in Nigeria The Church of the Brethren in Nigeria Ted & Julie Smoker & family: doing mission work in Guatemala Numerous individuals who are grieving the loss of loved ones The Leadership Team


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SERVING TODAY: Pastor: Gregory Jones Worship Leader: Don Ausherman Music Coordinator: Beth Marshall Organist: Janet Jones Pianist: Judith Wallace Guitarists: Brendan Malloy & Mike King Acolyte: Carley McDowell Greeter: Chuck Wallace Power Point: Bill McDowell Sound Board: Bill Fulmele Head Usher: Dave Miller Children’s Worship: Linda Fulmele; Genie & Shawna Grove Nursery: Heather & Tom Fluke Children’s Story: Linda Zumbrum Hospitality: Pat Eutzy

SERVING NEXT WEEK: Pastor: Gregory Jones Worship Leader: Pastor Greg Music Coordinator: Beth Marshall Organist: Janet Jones Pianist: Linda Zumbrum Guitarists: Brendan Malloy & Mike King Acolyte: Ben Grove Greeter: Willis Emory Power Point: Mariah Schmittel Sound Board: Ed Jacobs Head Usher: Dave Miller Children’s Worship: Linda Fulmele; Genie & Shawna Grove NO NURSERY Hospitality: Darlis Parker



Words can’t express my gratitude for your thoughtfulness, concern, and most of all your prayers for me during and following my recent surgery. Your cards and visits helped me tremendously through this process….the good food—-well, what can I say, WYCOB has some awesome cooks who kept me well nourished for the weeks following surgery. Thank You. You are all very special. I am slowly getting back to “normal”.

Love to you all, Nancy Smith

If you have a prayer request you would like to share with the church, please fill out a prayer card (found in the narthex)

and give it to Pastor Greg or the Worship Leader.