Download - MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

Page 1: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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July 8th - 27th 2018

Leader: Alex Durand Torres

Golden-backed Mountain Tanager – Alex Durand

No other Peru itinerary provides littler known and localized endemics as the Central Peru tour, though the better-known North Peru tour comes a close second. This little-known circuit takes us into the arid canyons of the Atacama Desert, shrubby mountain valleys, high-Andean bogs, bleak open puna country, bromeliad-laden cloud-forests, gnarled elfin forests, cool

Page 2: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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Polylepis woodland against the spectacular backdrop of the stunning Cordillera Blanca, and seashore habitats. By the end of the trip we came away with an impressive list of some 55 Peruvian endemics, quite a few other that barely reach into adjacent Ecuador or Chile, and a number of more widespread yet hard-to-come-by species. Highlights included great observations of the most sough-after Peruvian endemics and we recorded no less than 8 endemic Tapaculos, 15 endemic Ovenbirds, 3 endemic Antpittas, Black-spectacled Brush Finch, Bay-vented and White-cheeked Cotinga, Golden-backed Mountain Tanager and Junín Grebe. Most nights are spent in good hotels though we did camp at Bosque Unchog – an unforgettable experience in all respects. Our camp chef Aurelio looked after us well with hearty field breakfasts and lunches plus a variety of beverages in camp. Scenery could not have been better from the great expanses of Lake Junín to the white glaciers of the Cordillera Blanca, the magical elfin forest of Bosque Unchog to our wonderful hotel retreat in the town of Concepcion.


July 08th: We met up early morning in Lima and travelled to Lomas de Lachay where we birded in the morning until and after lunch we circumnavigated Lima and arrived at our country hotel in Santa Eulalia. July 09th: All morning biring the Santa Eulalia Valley with a picnic breakfast and lunch and then on toout truck stop hotel at San Mateo to acclimate for the next day. July 10th: San Mateo to the Marcapomacocha road and Concepcion. In the moorning we birded the high Puna for spoecilaities and after lunch in the afternoon travel to conception and overnighted at our lovely country hotel July 11th: To-day was aday trip to the Pariahuanca Road. The pass was at 4597m. - Huaytapallana and we continued along the road until Chilifruta where looked for specialists such the enedmeics Black Spectackled Brush Finch, Mantaro Wren, Mantaro Thornbird, and Azararas (Mantaro) Spinetail. The targets species where all seen there. We returned to our country hotel in Concepcion July 12th: Leaving Conception along the “Satipo” Road to Apalla. We started very early travelling and we stopped for breakfast below Comas at 3200 m elevation and then onwards after to high elevation at 4300 mm and we stopped for lunch at Carrizales an important birding stop and onto Apalla and overnight.

Page 3: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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July 13th: Apalla to Oxapampa – this day we started up the Apalla valley to some Bamboo forest for some targets. The light crowned form of Marcapata Spinetail and the endemic Junin Tapaculo - very good views and after we returned for breakfast and then we travelled to Oxapampa and some stops in the way and overnight at Ulcumano Lodge Oxapampa. July 14st:: Ulcumano Lodge to Villa Rica this day after breakfast we started travelling to Villa Rica where we birded in Bosque Shollet and later in coffee plantations for Creamy -bellied Antwren. We birded at Bosque Shollet and then back to to Ulcumano Lodge for lunch after which we birded trails. Night at Ulcumano Lodge Oxapampa. July 15. Ulcumano Lodge Full Day birded at trails and the evening we had Cloud forest Screech Owl - a great look. Overnight at Ulcumano Lodge. July 16. Ulcumano Lodge to Junin. Today again after breakfast we started travelling to junin where we made some stops somefor birding and lunch. In the afternoon we arrived in junin (Chinchaycocha) 4100 mm elevations where we birded around the Ondores and had great looks the Junin Rail. July 17nd: Junin to Huanuco (Chinchaycocha) (4100 m). Morning on the lake for Junín Grebe. Breakfast and after we travel to quinua polylepis forest where we birded and look for Line-cheeked Spinetail Giant Conebill and Stripe-headed Antpitta and after lunch to San Rafael where we stopped for birding and seen great views the endemic Rufous- backed Inca Finch, and Black-crested Tit-Tyrant. Overnight Huanuco. Department Huánuco July 18rd: Huanuco to Paty trail in the morning (2503 m) we birded all morning and saw amongst others Orange-breasted Falcon, Brown-flanked Tanager, Band-tailed Fruiteater and in the afternoon we birded at Carpish tunnel (2704 m) trail in the late afternoon and then we went back to Huánuco. Overnight at Gran Hotel Huanuco. Department of Huánuco July 19th: Bad luck: Transport strike and we could notgte out of town due to blocked roads – no birding. Department of Huánuco July 20th: Huanuco to Bosque Unchog again early start and on arrival breakfast. We started walking the trail where we had great views of the enigmatic Golden- backed Mountain Tanager and all morning birded trails and then back to camp. Rain. Overnight Camp Bosque Unchog. July 21: Bosque Unchog Camp at 3700 m elevations this day again. It was raining all day 😕 with few birds. Golden Backed Montain Tanager again, the endemic Yellow-scarfed Tanager, the plengei ssp of White-chinned Thistletail, Crowned Chat-Tyrant and other

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common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco. July 22: Bosque Unchog. Early start and all day at Bosque Unchog 3600-3100 m the weather was much better with not too much rain and it was good for birds and we saw: Bay-vented Cotinga, Pardusco and Rufous-browed Hemispingus seen for a second and other birds common and late come. Overnight camp. Bosque Unchog Department of Huánuco. July 23: All morning at Bosque Unchog 3700-3100 m. In the afternoon after late Lunch we returned to Huánuco and Overnight al Gran Hotel Huanuco. Department of Huanuco. July 24: Huánuco – Huaraz and Carhuaz via La Union and Huaraz (4896 m - highest point) with some stops - Black-crested Warbler, Line-chekked Spinetail, the endemic Rufous-eared Brush Finch, Brown-flanked Tanager. Night in Carhuaz. July 25: Carhuaz to Huascaran NP all day. Field breakfast and lunch. The endemic Ancash Tapaculo a great view after we continued over the Portochuello pass (4718 mts) and where we also had lunch at the same Cotinga Spot where saw one fantastic view (birding elevations 4258 – 4182 mts). And in the late afternoon we returned to Carhuaz with stops Overnight Carhuaz Department of Ancash. July 26: Huascaran National parquet. In the morning we birded Pueblo Libre in xerophytic habitas for an udescribed form of Pale-tailed Canastero where we found a couple responding really well to play-back and later up to the Huascaran look for the Rufous backed Inca-Finch - a few seen but very difficult to photograph. Overnight Carhuaz Hotel el Abuelo Department of Ancash. July 27: Huaraz – Lima. First Stop in Puya Raimondi where we saw many birds: Ornate Tinamou, Junin Canastero, Dark-winged Miner and many Ground Tyrants , Sierra Finch’s and after breakfast to Lima.


Species which were heard but not seen are indicated by the symbol * RED – IUCN RED LIST CATEGORY SACC = South American checklist Committee E = Peruvian Endemic

Page 5: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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Brown Tinamou - Crypturellus obsoletus* Heard at Ulcumano lodge and also along the Paty trail (ochraceiventris). The exclusively Neotropical tinamous are one of the most primitive families and they retain certain reptilian features, such as their blood proteins and the shape of the palate, which are similar to those found in the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus. Another interesting fact is that Tinamous are one of the few bird families that are believed to have reversed sex roles. Apparently, the females do most of the singing, and in most if not all species the male carries out the incubation. Ornate Tinamou – Nothoprocta ornata One individual seen on our way to Ondores in Junin great views and also common at Huascaran park. RR Taczanowski’s Tinamou - Nothoporocta taczanowski VULNERABLE Two individous seen other side the Huaytapallana pass. Great views. Andean Tinamou - Nothoprocta pentlandii

One seen at Bosque Unchog upper the pass.

ANATIDAE Andean (Ruddy) Duck - Oxyura jamiacensis This bird first seen at pomocochas lake on our way to to satipo and also in junin lakes (nominate). The SACC says “Andean populations of Ruddy Duck (O. jamaicensis) have often (e.g., Hellmayr & Conover 1948a, Siegfried 1976, Sibley & Ahlquist 1990, AOU 1998, Ridgely et al. 2001, Jaramillo 2003) been treated as a separate species, O. ferruginea ("Andean Duck" or "Andean Ruddy-Duck"). However, see Adams and Slavid (1984), Fjeldså (1986), and McCracken & Sorenson (2005) for rationale for treating them as conspecific, as done previously (e.g., Blake 1977, Johnsgard 1979), and then followed by Fjeldså & Krabbe (1990) and Carboneras (1992f). Siegfried (1976) and Livezey (1995) considered ferruginea to be more closely related to O. vittata than to O. jamaicensis, but McCracken & Sorenson (2005) showed that this is incorrect.” Go and chew that one over! In short it is split from O. jamaicensis (Ridgely & Greenfield 2001; Jaramillo 2003. All authorities now recognize this split Andean Goose - Oressochen melanoptera Very common seen at junin lakes and also in Huascaran park. of high andes and good views. Genetic data (mtDNA only; Bulgarella et al. 2014) suggest that Neochen jubata (Orinoco Goose) is the sister species to Chloephaga melanoptera (Andean Goose, and thus is likely embedded in Chloephaga as currently circumscribed. SACC proposal passed to treat Chloephaga melanoptera and Neochen jubata as congeners; Oressochen Bannister 1870 becomes the name for these two when treated in a separate genus.

Page 6: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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Torrent Duck - Merganetta armata One seen upper the Huancayo in small river and also in satipo road. Crested Duck - Lophonetta specularioides We saw 3 individouls roat to Marcapomacochas also at Junin Lake and Huascaran park very common. The SACC says “Lophonetta specularioides is often (e.g., Hellmayr & Conover 1948a, Johnsgard 1979) placed in Anas, but see Johnson & Sorenson (1999) for return to monotypic Lophonetta, as in Meyer de Schauensee (1970) and Blake (1977).” Yellow-billed Teal - Anas flavirostris Common seen in high elevations lakes. This is now a split form Andean Teal – Anas andium (Ridgely et al 2001, Hilty 2003, and SACC). Birds we saw belong to the altiplano form oxyptera, differing from nominate flavirostris of southern South America in size and coloration. The two might best be considered species. Jaramillo (2003) suggested that the subspecies oxyptera may also deserve recognition as a separate species from A. flavirostris. The SACC suggest a change of the English name to Yellow-billed Teal and this has been followed by the IOC Yellow-billed Pintail - Anas georgica Fairly common in the highlands, seen at Junín chinchay cocha Lakes. White-cheeked Pintail - Anas bahamensis. Seen 6 individuals at Banduria on last day on our way to Lima. Puna Teal - Spatula puna See tow invidous at pomacochas lake and also Common in Junin chinchay cocha lake , Huascaran park very common in small lakes. Cinnamon Teal - Spatula cyanoptera Seen a few at Junin lake

CRACIDAE Andean Guan - Penelope montagnii Heard at Apaya/Calabaza and one seen at Carpish tunnel trail. Penelope is the name of the wife of Ulysses, King of Ithaca, but why this name was bestowed on this genus of Neotropical guans is unknown. Speckled Chachalaca – Ortalis guttata. Commonly seen around Oxapampa and Satipo. Sickle winged Guan – Chamaepetes goudotii. One seen at Ucomano lodge in Oxapampa.

Page 7: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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PHOENICOPTERIDAE Chilean Flamingo - Phoenicopterus chilensis Very common at Lake Junín (Chinchaycocha is the correct Inca name for this lake), apparently the northernmost breeding locality of this species. A few more seen on our way to Huascaran.

PODICIPEDIDAE White-tufted Grebe - Rollandia rolland One seen at Junín Lake. Named for Master Gunner Rolland of the French Corvette L’Uranie which circumnavigated the globe 1817-1820 Great Grebe – Podiceps major A pair seen banduria arqueological near Laguna Paraiso Northern Silvery Grebe - Podiceps junensis Good looks at this Grebe on Lake Junín and few other localities Huascaran Reserve Small lake, providing good comparison with the next species. The species here is the northern and high-elevation juninensis, which in plumage is closer to Junín Grebe than to the southern, nominate race. Fjeldså & Krabbe (1990) and Jaramillo (2003) suggested that the northern Andean subspecies, juninensis, might merit recognition as a separate species from Podiceps occipitalis. The gene tree in Ogawa et al. (2015) is consistent with treating juninensis as a separate species E Junín Grebe - Podiceps taczanowskii One seen a fantastic view at Junin lake near our boat for long time. The species is named after Wladyslaw Taczanowski, a 19th century Polish Ornithologist who wrote Ornithologie du Pérou (he has several species and subspecies named after him). Junín Grebe is confined to Lake Junín in the highlands of Junín, west-central Peru. It was extremely abundant in 1938, and the population was probably well over 1,000 birds in 1961. In the early and mid-1980s there were c.250 birds, but only 100 were counted in 1992, falling to around 50 in 1993. New extrapolations in early 1995, using a different methodology, estimated 205 individuals. The 1995-1996 and 1996-1997 breeding seasons were unsuccessful, but two broods apparently fledged in 1997-19983. In August 1998, over 250 Podiceps sp. were found in 4 km of the lake (suggesting a total of 350-400 birds) and all those identified (over 20) were P. taczanowskii. Counts in late 2001 suggested a total population of c.300 birds, though this extrapolation from line transects may be overly optimistic, especially as counts in 2001 suggested a population of less than 100. Even if correct, this estimate is of total individuals following a good breeding season, and the number of mature individuals is likely to be far smaller, perhaps half as many. At present, the current global population is best estimated at between 100 and 300 individuals. You need a boat to see this bird. CRITICALLY ENDANGERED

Page 8: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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Junin Grebe – Alex Durand

COLUMBIDAE Spot-winged Pigeon - Patagioenas maculosa Very good views at Santa Eulalia and also in Huancayo. Band-tailed Pigeon - Patagioenas fasciata Common seen at high montane forest species. A widespread species, ranging from British Columbia (Canada) down into northern Argentina, though the southern races crissalis, roraimae and albilinea (= the one we saw) are sometimes regarded as a separate species, White-necked Pigeon C. albilinea. Also note that recent research has shown that the genus Columba is paraphyletic, with New World taxa being more closely related to Streptopelia than to Old World Columba pigeons. This is consistent with differences between New World and Old-World Columba in terms of morphology, serology and behavior. The suggestion was made to place all New World forms in the genus Patagioenas, and the AOU recently adopted this change. Eared Dove - Zenaida auriculata Fairly common at coastal and andes in open areas. Here the race hypoleuca, with white tail tips. West Peruvian Dove - Zenaida meloda Fairly common around lima and Lomas the lachay. A species of arid areas ranging from western Ecuador into northern Chile. The melancholic song is very different from that of the White-winged Dove Z. asiatica, from which it has been split.

Page 9: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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White-tipped Dove – Leptotila verreauxi Seen at Santa Eulalia very common Croaking Ground-Dove Columbina cruziana Common along the coast at Lomas de Lachay and Santa Eulalia Ruddy Ground-Dove - Columbina talpocotti Seen at Oxapampa Bare-faced Ground-Dove - Metriopelia ceciliae Very good views at Santa Eulalia valley and common. Metriopelia: Gr. Metrios= temperature, moderate and Peleia= a dove. ceciliae: in honor of Cecile Gautrau, daughter of French Naturalist Rene Primavre. Black winged Ground Dove – Metriolelia melanoptera. Fairly common at Santa Eulalia valley around Vacho Pampa.

CUCULIDAE Groove-billed Ani – Crotophaga sulicirostris. Very common at Lomas de Lachay and also in the Santa Eulalia valley. Squirrel Cuckoo – Piaya cayana A fews seen at Oxapampa on our roadside birding

CAPRIMULGIDAE Swallow-tailed Nightjar -Uropsalis segmentata One seen at Ulcumano Lodge great views of a male.

APODIDAE Andean Swift - Aeronautes andecolus Great views of several on the west slope on our way to Lima from Carhuaz White-collared Swift – Streptoprocne zonares Fairly commonly seen at Ulcumano lodge in Oxapampa Chestnut-collared Swift – Streptoprocne rutilus

Neotropical Fork-tailed Palm Swift - Tachornis squamata

TROCHILIDAE With some 330 currently recognized species, these amazing birds form one of the largest avian families in the New World, surpassed only by the Tyrant-flycatchers (Tyrannidae), the

Page 10: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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latter comprising over 370 species. Amazing little creatures, hummingbirds have a resting heart rate of 1000 beats per minute (compare this to the average human rate of around 60-80 beats per minute!). This carries tremendous amounts of oxygen and energy to the relatively massive breast muscles. In addition, birds have to have a huge lung capacity in order to keep up with the large amounts of oxygen needed. Their respiratory system is so highly developed that they can actually breathe in and out at the same time. Buff-tailed Scklebill – Eutoxeres condamini One seen at Carpish tunnel feeding at Flowers. Lesser Violet-ear - Colibri cyanotus

Great views on Paty trail. The English common name for Colibri thalassinus used to be

Green Violetear; now it is Mexican Violetear. The form from southern Middle America

south that was split off now becomes Colibri cyanotus, Lesser Violetear

Sparkling Violet-ear - Colibri coruscans Quite common at Santa Eulalia Valley near Huacho Pampa. Amethyst-throated Sunangel - Heliangelus amethysticollis A fews seen at Bosque Unchog. Speckled Hummingbird - Adelomyia melanogenys Seen at Apalla i E Bronze-tailed Comet - Polyonymus caroli One seen at Santa Eulalia. A localized endemic. Andean Hillstar - Oreotrochilus estella One seen in the Huascaran National Park. Oreotrochilus: Gr.oros, oreos= mountain and Trochilus= genus Trochilus. estella: In honor of Estelle-Marie Dessalines d’Orbigny (1801-1893) elder sister of French zoologist Alcide Dessalines d’Orbigny. E Black-breasted Hillstar - Oreotrochilus melanogaster A pair were seen at Lake Junín. RR Olivaceous Thornbill - Chalcostigma olivaceum Very good views of two individuals at Marcapomacocha E Coppery Metaltail - Metallura theresiae Fairly common seen at Bosque Unchog, and truly stunning. Here the nominate race, named after Princess Therese of Bavaria (1850-1925). E Fire-throated Metaltail - Metallura eupogon A pair seen at Toldo and also at Carrizales. Greek – Eu = Good. Pogon = Beard.

Page 11: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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RR Black Metaltail - Metallura phoebe A fairly common seen at National park Huascaran. Phoebe was an alternate name for the goddess Diana. In Roman mythology, Diana (lt. "heavenly" or "divine") was the goddess of the hunt and moon and birthing, being associated with wild animals and woodland, and having the power to talk to and control animals. Recently found in Chile

Tyrian Metaltail - Metallura tyrianthina Fairly common high elevation of andes. Named after the color Tyrian purple; variously known as Royal purple, Tyrian purple, purple of the ancients, this ancient dyestuff, mentioned in texts dating about 1600 BC, was produced from the mucus of the hypobranchial gland of various species of marine mollusks, notably Murex. Although originating in old port of Tyre in modern day Syria (hence the name), man's first large scale chemical industry spread throughout the world. With the decline of the Roman Empire, the use of the dye also declined and large-scale production ceased with the fall of Constantinople in 1453. It was replaced by other cheaper dyes like lichen purple and madder. Emerald-bellied Puffleg - Eriocnemis alinae One on the Paty trail. Named for Aline Bourcier wife of French naturalist and tochilidist Jules Bourcier Shining Sunbeam - Aglaeactis cupripennis Common seen on our way to Huanuco to Huaraz. Bronzy Inca - Coeligena coeligena 1 individual seen along the Paty trail Violet-throated Starfrontlet - Coeligena violifer A fews seen at Carrizales and near Chilifruta. Mountain Velvetbreast - Lafresnaya lafresnayi Seen on Pariahuanca road and on our way to Apalla/Calabaza Great Sapphirewing - Pterophanes cyanopterus Seen one at Bosque Unchog –the world’s second largest Hummer. Chestnut-breasted Coronet - Boissonneaua matthewsii Seen on Paty trail Giant Hummingbird - Patagona gigas This one is the large Hummingbird, first seen at Santa Eulalia and then at Huascaran National Park

Page 12: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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Violet-throated Starfrontlet – Dave Sargeant

Purple-collared Woodstar - Myrtis fanny Great views at Santa Eulalia and also seen at Pueblo Libre. RR Peruvian Sheartail - Thaumastura cora Nice views at Santa Eulalia but even better after Conococha Lake on our way to Lima. Cora, an Inca priestess of the sun in Jean Marmontel’s novel “Les Incas, ou la destruction de l’Empire du Pérou”, 1777. E Spot-throated Hummingbird - Leucippus taczanowskii Excellent views at Pueblo Libre inxerophytic scrub. Leucippus: Gr. myth. Leucippus, son of Oenomaus, who developed a passion for Daphne and disguised himself as a woman companion to be near her. taczanowskii: In honor of Wladyslaw Taczanowski (1819-1890) Polish ornithologist and author of (Ornithologie du Perou, 1984).

Page 13: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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Spot-throated Hummingbird - Dave Sargeant

Amazilia Hummingbird - Amazilia amazilia Seen at Lomas de Lachay RR Oasis Humming Bird – Rhodopis vesper. Quite common seen at Santa Eulalia Valley. Sword billed Hummingbird –Ensifera ensifera One seen at Parihuanca Road. Sapphire-spangled emerald – Amazilia lactea One seen near satipo on our way to Oxapampa. White-bellied Hummingbird – Amazilia chionogaster A fews seen at carpish tunnels

OPISTHOCOMIDAE Hoatzin – Opisthocomus hoazin A surprise for this route but we saw a few near Apalla/Calabaza

Page 14: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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RALLIDAE Plumbeous Rail - Pardirallus sanguinolentus 3 individous seen at Junin Lake and also 2 more seen on our way to Huaraz . E Black (Junin) Rail – Laterallus jaimacensisi tuerosi 3 individuals seen at Junin Lake great views ENDANGERED Common Gallinule -Gallinula galeatus Fairly common bird in high andes lakes and also incoastal. Note that this species is a recent split from Common Moorhen of the old world (Gallinula chlorops) on the basis of morphological, genetic, and vocal differences (Groenenberg et al 2008) Slate-colored Coot Fulica ardesiaca Common at Junín lake and also in national park Huaraz common on small lakes. Giant Coot - Fulica gigantean 3 near Ticlio pass on the first day, Common at Lake Conococha near Huaraz and on the aptly named Patococha in the Carpa valley.

CHARADRIIDAE Andean Lapwing -Vanellus resplendens Very common bird at hight elevation Marca pomacochas Huaytapallana and Junin lake. Diademed Sandpiper-Plover - Phegornis mitchellii Wonderful views of 2 individuals one adult and one Juvenil at Marcapomacocha. Phegornis: Gr. Phengos= light, splendour, and ornis: bird. mitchellii: after David William Mitchell, English Zoologist and secretary of the Zoological Society of London.

HAEMATOPODIDAE American Oystercatcher - Haematopus palliatus One seen in Banduria near Paraiso

THICK-KNEES RR Peruvian Thick-knee - Burhinus superciliaris 2 individuals seen at Lomas de Lachay fantastic views

Page 15: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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Diademed Sandpiper-Plover – Alex Durand

Peruvian Thicknee - Dave Sargeant

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SCOLOPACIDAE Puna Snipe - Gallinago andina Great looks seen 7 individuals on wedlans road to Marcapomacocha and one more at Lake Junín. The SACC says “Species limits in New World Gallinago have been fluid and controversial, and not based on explicit analyses. Many authors (e.g., Peters 1934, Pinto 1938, and Hellmayr & Conover 1948b) have considered paraguaiae, magellanica, and andina to be conspecific. Additionally, Gallinago paraguaiae was considered conspecific with G. [gallinago] delicata by Phelps & Phelps (1958a), Meyer de Schauensee (1970), and Blake (1970). Fjeldså and Krabbe (1990) placed magellanica with paraguaiae, making this species G. magellanica. Any arrangement of species limits in these taxa is based largely on anecdotal data, and this group is badly in need of formal study, especially given that differences in displays and vocalizations among paraguaiae, magellanica, and andina have been reported (Jaramillo 2003).

Puna Snipe – Alex Durand

Greater Yellowlegs -Tringa melanoleuca Seen at Laguna Paraiso Jamesons Snipe – Gallinago jamesoni One seen at Bosque unchog at the pass and also heard more in the evening. jamesoni= in honor of James Sligo Jameson, Scottish naturalist, explorer, hunter, and author.

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THINOCORIDAE Gray-breasted Seedsnipe - Thinocorus orbignyianus Great views two individuals on road to Marcapomacochas. Rufous bellied Seedsnipe – Attagis gayi. Two individuals seen on the Marcopomacochas road Least Seedsnipe - Thinocorus rumicivorus Fairly commonly seen at Lomas de Lachay

Least Seedsnipe - Dave Sargeant

LARIDAE Belcher’s Gull - Larus belcheri Fairly common at coastal near the Paraiso. Larus belcheri and L. atlanticus were formerly (e.g., Meyer de Schauensee 1970, Blake 1977) considered conspecific, but Devillers (1977) provided rationale for treatment as separate species, and this treatment has been followed by most authors, e.g., Sibley & Monroe (1990), Burger & Gochfeld (1996), and AOU (1998); they form a superspecies (Sibley & Monroe 1990). Named for Sir Edward Belcher British naval explore of the pacific coast of America 1825-1828

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Kelp Gull - Larus dominicanus A few seen at Bandurria the near Paraiso, quite common along the Pacific coast. For those of you visiting southern Africa - note that the subspecies found along the coast there has now been proposed to be a different species, the Cape Gull L. vetula. Grey-hooded Gull - Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus Common on the coast, seen at Bandurria near the Paraiso. The genetic data of Crochet et al. (1999) and Pons et al. (2005) indicate that Larus as currently constituted is polyphyletic, and that resurrection of Chroicocephalus for a group of species that includes L. cirrocephalus, L. serranus, L. ridibundus, and L. maculipennis is necessary to maintain Larus as monophyletic; this would represent a partial return to the classification of Ridgway (1919), which also included L. pipixcan and L. atricilla in Chroicocephalus. Andean Gull - Chroicocephalus serranus Very common at high elevations. Called Kellwa in native Quechua.

PHALACROCORACIDAE Neotropic Cormorant - Phalacrocorax brasilianus Seen at Satipo road on the Perene river fairly common.

ARDEIDAE Little-blue Heron - Egretta caerulea

One seen on our way to Huaraz. Snowy Egret - Egretta thula Seen on the way Huaraz to Carhuaz. ‘Thula’ is an Araucano (Chilean) Indian name for the Black-necked Swan, erroneously given to the Snowy Egret! Great Egret - Ardea alba A few seen near Carhuaz. Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis Very common seen on different occasions. It only colonized the Americas from the Old World in the 20th century, one of the most striking examples of avian range expansions in historic times. Largely a terrestrial feeder, reports of stomach contents have shown that grasshoppers are their main prey item. Fasciated Tiger-Heron- Tigrisoma fasciatum A few seen on the Satipo road on our way to Oxapampa. Rufescent Tiger Heron – Tigrisoma Lineatum. One seen at Ulcumano Lodge in the forest at a small swamp.

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Cocoi Heron – Ardea cocoi. One seen near Pueblo Libre.

THRESKIORNITHIDAE Puna Ibis - Plegadis ridgwayi Large numbers at high elevations around Marcapomacocha and alsoat Junin. Also on the coast – this species has only become a regular visitor to the coast in the last 20 years. Andean Ibis - Theristictus branickii We saw 6 individous at Carrizales on the road to satipo. Sibley & Monroe (1990) considered branickii as separate species (Andean Ibis) from melanopis (Black-faced Ibis); anecdotal observations (Vizcarra 2009) suggest that the two taxa segregate where they occur sympatrically during nonbreeding season. Del Hoyo & Collar (2014) treated branickii as a separate species. branickii: After Konstanty Graf Von Branicki, Polish Zoologist founder of the Branicki Zoological Museum in Warsaw.

CATHARTIDAE Black Vulture - Coragyps atratus Seen very commonly on our trip. After the opinions of a few 19th century taxonomists were long ignored, recent genetic studies have indicated that New World vultures are modified storks and don’t belong with the raptors; an excellent example of convergent evolution. Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura Observed In different places at Lomas de lachay, Satipo road, Oxapampa and san Raon. Birds here belong to resident forms, and what is currently known as the wide-ranging Turkey Vulture may consist of more than one biological species. Andean Condor - Vultur gryphus One seen at Santa Eulalia and two more at Marcapomacocha on our roadside birding to marcapomacochas and lastly 3 seen at Huascaran National reserve Huaraz.

ACCIPITRIDAE Plain-breasted Hawk Accipiter ventralis One seen at Bosque Unchog. The SACC says “Accipiter striatus was treated as four species in Sibley & Monroe (1990), Thiollay (1994), and Ridgely & Greenfield (2001): velox of N. America, chionogaster of Middle America, ventralis of the Andes, erythronemius of lowland southern South America); Pinto (1938) and Hellmayr & Conover (1949) considered erythronemius (including ventralis) to be a separate species from A. striatus, and Friedmann (1950) and Stiles & Skutch (1989) considered chionogaster and erythronemius as separate species from A. striatus. [split almost certainly good, but no published data support this split; check Storer (1952). [According to HBW account author Rob Bierregaard, through correspondence with Tom Schulenberg, no published data support this split and he was basically forced to comply with species taxonomy given to him.] Ferguson-Lees & Christie

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(2001) did not follow this split and provided rationale against following it. Proposal needed” So IOC splits SACC says it’s just a Sharp-shinned Hawk! Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle - Geranoaetus melanoleucus Seen at Lomas de Lachay and 2 more in Santa Eulalia valley. Variable Hawk - Geranoaetus polyosoma Fairly common seen at Huacho pampa and also around Comas and Junin. Buteo polyosoma includes B. poecilochrous, (Puna Hawk) currently recognized by some but which SACC treats as conspecific. The form seen in the inter-montane valleys and Lomas de Lachay was polyosoma and the big broad winged birds in the High Andes were poecilochrous, (Puna Hawk). Cabot & de Vries (2003, 2004, 2010) presented additional data that support their recognition as separate species. Roadside Hawk - Rupornis magnirostris Common aroud the satipo and Oxapampa. Swallow tailed Kite – Elanoides forficatus. One seen around Carrizales in flight. Cinereous Harrier – Circus cinereus. One seen at Junin Lake Harris´s Hawk – Parabuteo unicinctus One seen at Lomas de Lachay Collared Forest Falcon – Micrastur semitorquatus. A pair seen at Ulcumano Lodge Fantastic views male and female on the trail.

STRIGIDAE Rufous-banded Owl - Ciccaba albitarsus * Heard near Apalla/Calabaza also at Ulcumano lodge Peruvian Pygmy-owl - Glaucidium peruanum A pair seen at Santa Eulalia in a Eucalyptus tree. Yungas Pygmy-owl - Glaucidium bolivianum* Heard one at the Carpish Tunnel RR Cloud Forest Screech Owl – Megascops marshalli. One seen at Ulcumano Lodge in Oxapampa fantastic views. marshalli: In honor of Joe Truesdell Marshall, Jr. (b. 1918) US Army, zoologist, parasitologist, and ornithologist.

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Cloud Forest Screech Owl - Dave Sargeant

Burrowing Owl - Athene cunicularia Seen at Lomas the Lachay and also at Junin.

TROGONIDAE Golden-headed Quetzal - Pharomachrus auriceps* Heard at the Paty Trail. Masked Trogon - Trogon personatus A pair seen along the Paty trail

MOMOTIDAE Andean Motmot - Momotus aequatorialis Great views of two individual above Apalla/Calabaza

RAMPHASTIDAE Blue-banded Toucanet – Aulacorhynchus coerelencintus. A pair seen in apalla great views in our roadside Birded. Chestnut-eared Aracari - Pteroglossus castanotis 2 individuals on our way to Oxapampa to Junin on the roadside.

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Gray-breasted Mountain Toucan – Andigena hypoglauca* Heard around Carrizales Chestnut-tipped Toucanet – Aulacorhynchus derbianus* Heard on the Satipo road

PICIDAE Ocellated Piculet - Picumnus dorbygnianus. One seen on the Paty Trail Crimson-mantled Woodpecker - Piculus rivolli Seen one at the paty trail and another in satipo road apalla. Named for another Frenchman Francois Victor Massena Prince d’Essling and Duc de Rivoli –ornithologist and collector 1795-1863 E Black-necked Woodpecker - Colaptes atricollis Seen two individuals at Santa Eulalia and also at Pueblo Libre Andean Flicker - Colaptes rupicola Common seen in all of the andes. Two races were seen, cinereicapillus northward and puno southward. Lineated Woodpecker – Dryocopus lineatus. One seen around Oxapampa

FALCONIDAE Yellow-headed Caracara – Milvago chimachima. Two seen near Satipo Red throated Caracara – Ibycter americanus. Heard At Ulcumano Lodge. Mountain Caracara - Phalcoboenus megalopterus This bird very common in the Andes. American Kestrel - Falco sparverius Very commonly seen in the andes and some in cloud forest, which likely has benefited from centuries of habitat destruction in the Peruvian Andes. Orange-breasted Falcon - Falco deiroleucus Great views a male and female on the Paty trail – this seems to be a regular stakeout!

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Orange-breasted Falcon – Alex Durand

Alplomado falcon – Falco femoralis. One seen on our way from Huanuco to Huaraz. Peregrine Falcon – peregrinus. One at Santa Eulalia Valley in flight.

PSITTACIDAE Andean Parakeet - Bolborhynchus orbygnesius A flock seen bellow Comas village on our way to Carrizales Mountain Parakeet – Psilopsiagon aurifrons. Seen in the Santa Eulalia valley fairly common in big flocks Barred Parakeet – Bolborhynchus lineola. A big flock seen at Ulcumano Lodge in Oxapampa. Blue-headed Parrot - Pionus menstruus Small flocks seen around Oxapampa on our roadside birded. Speckle-faced Parrot - Pionus tumultuosus A pair seen at Apalla during our roadside birding - great views.

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Scaly-naped Parrot - Amazona mercenarius Seen several flocks in flight at the Paty trail. White-eyed Parakeet - Psittacara leucophthalmus* Heard on our way Oxapampa.

THAMNOPHILIDAE Variable Antshrike - Thamnophilus caerulescens One seen at Ulcumano Lodge and heard many more. E Creamy-bellied Antwren – Herpsilochmus motacilloides. This bird Seen at Villa rica in coffee plantation 3 individuals great views. Some photos

Creamy-bellied Antwren – Alex Durand

Streak-headed Antbird - Drymophila straticeps Seen at paty trail great views in Chusquea bamboo. The article in Condor “AN INTEGRATIVE APPROACH TO SPECIES-LEVEL SYSTEMATICS REVEALS THE DEPTH OF DIVERSIFICATION IN AN ANDEAN THAMNOPHILID, THE LONG-TAILED ANTBIRD” By Morton L. Isler, Andrés M. Cuervo, and Gustavo A, Bravo, and Robb T. Brumfield In part says “we propose the following taxonomic positions and English names for members of the complex. Regarding the English names, we have rejected the inclusion of “long-tailed” in the names, as proposed by Cory and Hellmayr (1924), because the names would become too cumbersome. The sequence reflects the estimated phylogeny:

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Drymophila klagesi Hellmayr and Seilern, 1912—Klages’s Antbird. Eastern and northern Venezuela, Serranía de Perijá, and northern Eastern Andes in Norte de Santander, Colombia (includes klagesi, aristeguietana, and Norte de Santander study groups; clade A). Drymophila hellmayri Todd, 1915—Santa Marta Antbird. Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia (includes hellmayri; clade B). Drymophila caudata (Sclater, 1854)—East Andean Antbird. Eastern Andes from Santander (west of the Chicamocha Canyon) to Caquetá and Huila, Colombia (includes Santander and Upper Magdalena study groups; clade C). Drymophila striaticeps Chapman, 1912—Streak-headed Antbird. The Western and Central Andes of Colombia south through Ecuador (both slopes) and Peru (eastern slope) to northwestern Bolivia in La Paz (includes striaticeps, occidentalis, peruviana, and boliviana; clade D).

Streak-headed Antbird – Alex Durand

Blackish Antbird – Cercomacroides nigrescens A pair seen around Oxapampa

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GRALLARIIDAE Undulated Antpitta - Grallaria squamigera One seen at ulcumano Lodge fantastic on the road feeding.

Undulated Antpitta – Alex Durand

Stripe-headed Antpitta - Grallaria andicola andicola One seen around toldo pampa on our way to Carrizales. The southern subspecies punensis was formerly (e.g., Cory & Hellmayr 1924) considered a separate species from Grallaria andicolus, but Peters (1951) treated them as conspecific; Krabbe & Schulenberg (2003a) noted that vocal differences suggest that punensis should be treated as a separate species. E Bay Antpitta - Grallaria capitalis One seen at Ulcumano lodge on the trail very shy and heard many but very difficult to see. E Rufous Antpitta - Grallaria rufula obscura* Heard around Parihuanca and also around Carrizales on the satipo road. The endemic race obscura. The ‘Rufous Antpitta’ complex will fall apart into a number of species. A possible English name for ‘G. obscura’ could be ‘Fulvous Antpitta’. E Chestnut Antpitta - Grallaria blakei* Heard many at the Carpish tunnel and Paty Trail but very difficult to see and not responsive to playback.

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Rufous-breasted Antpitta - Grallaricula leymebambae* Only heard at Carpish Tunnel. The SACC says: We therefore propose to elevate G. f. leymebambae to species rank. We recommend the complex be considered to consist of 2 species and, provisionally, 2 subspecies:

Species Grallaricula ferrugineipectus (Sclater 1857) Subspecies Grallaricula f. ferrugineipectus (Sclater 1857) Subspecies Grallaricula f. rara Hellmayr and Madarász 1914 Species Grallaricula leymebambae Carriker 1933

Chestnut-crowned Gnateater – Conopophaga castaneiceps. One Male seen below Apalla. Good Looks.

SCYTALOPIDAE E Large-footed Tapaculo - Scytalopus Macropus* Heard at Bosque Unchog this time the birds not responding to playback. E Rufous-vented Tapaculo- Scytalopus femoralis One seen at Ulcumano Lodge and heard long the Paty Trail. E “Millpo” Tapaculo - Scytalopus sp. nov. One seen on our way to satipo below Comas village fantastic views and great photos also we heard in defferent places undescribed species we searched for and saw well along the Satipo road. This Tapaculo has been known for over 25 years and was collected near Millpo in Pasco department. It is mentioned in Birds of the High Andeans by Fjeldså and Krabbe which published in 1991. E Junin Tapaculo - Scytalopus gettyae Great views of 1 individual on the Satipo road. Only described in June 2013. The new species is named gettyae after Caroline Marie Getty in honor of her long-term dedication to nature preservation. She has devoted significant time and effort to conservation, serving on boards for numerous organizations, including the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). E Neblina Tapaculo - Scytalopus altirostris One seen at Bosque Unchog in the pass and heard many more in forest at Unchog.

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“Milpo” Tapaculo – Alex Durand

Junin Tapaculo – Alex Durand

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E Ancash Tapaculo - Scytalopus affinis One seen Fantastic views at Huascaran National park well to playback on two consecutive days in the Huascaran National Park. Very small range in the Cordillera Blanca E Junin Tapaculo - Scytalopus gettyae Great view 1 individual on the Satipo road. Only described in June 2013. The new species is named gettyae after Caroline Marie Getty in honor of her long-term dedication to nature preservation. She has devoted significant time and effort to conservation, serving on boards for numerous organizations, including the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). E Tschudi’s Tapaculo - Scytalopus acutirostris The most common tapaculo we seen at Chilifruta and also at Bosque Unchog fantastic views.

Tschudi’s Tapaculo – Alex Durand

FURNARIIDAE Common Miner - Geositta cunicularia Several seen at marcapomacocha and also Junin Lake in Junín department. Race juninensis

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E Grayish Miner - Geositta maritima Good views at Lomas de Lachay E Coastal Miner - Geositta peruviana One seen at Lomas de Lachay and also in Bandurria near the paraiso. The genus name literally means ‘nuthatch of the earth’. E Dark-winged Miner - Geositta saxicolina 2 individuals seen at Junin Lake great views. E Thick-billed Miner - Geositta crassirostris Two individuals seen at Santa Eulalia Valley Fantastic views and photos. Slender-billed Miner - Geositta tenuirostris Two individuals at Marcapomacocha and also on our way to Huaraz from Huanuco Montane Woodcreeper - Lepidocolaptes lacrymiger Seen at Ulcumano lodge in the trails “tear gathering” referring to the spotting. Tyrannine Woodcreeper – Dendrocincla tyrannina One seen a great view at Paty Trail with mixed flock.

Tyrannine Woodcreeper – Alex Durand

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Streaked Tuftedcheek - Pseudocolaptes boissonneautii We seen very common at the Paty Trail in mixed flocks. boissonneautii: In honor of

Auguste Boissonneau (1802-1883) French ornithologist, natural history dealer, ocularist

Streaked Xenops – Xenops rutilans One at paty trail in a mixed flock. E Striated Earthcreeper - Geocerthia serrana One seen on the Marcapomacocha road and few more at Llanganuco lakes. Buff-breasted Earthcreeper - Upucerthia validirostris Great views at Marcapomacocha and Junin Lake. Although the jelskii subspecies group (Plain-breasted Earthcreeper) has been considered separate species from U. validirostris in most recent classifications (e.g., Meyer de Schauensee 1970, Ridgely & Tudor 1994, Sibley & Monroe 1990), evidence for their treatment as such is weak (Remsen 2003). Earlier classifications treated them as conspecific (e.g., Cory & Hellmayr 1925, Peters 1951). A report of sympatry in southern Bolivia (Cabot 1990) is based on a misidentification (Remsen 2003). Genetic data (Chesser et al. 2007, Fjeldsa et al. 2007) confirm that they are sister taxa but weakly differentiated (Derryberry et al. 2011). Areta & Pearman (2009, 2013) found no differences in their voices. Areta & Pearman (2013) proposed that they be treated as conspecific. SACC proposal passed to treat them as conspecific. SACC proposal passed to use the English name Buff-breasted Earthcreeper for broadly defined U. validirostris.

Buff-breasted Earthcreeper – Dave Sergeant

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Cream-winged Cinclodes - Cinclodes albiventris The most common of the andes, here of the races longipennis and rivularis, both having whitish wing bars. This is split from Cinclodes fuscus Bar-winged Cinclodes which now does not exist and is split as follows Buff-winged Cinclodes C. fuscus, Cream-winged Cinclodes C. albiventris & Chestnut-winged Cinclodes C. albidiventris. (Sanin et al 2009, SACC) E White-bellied Cinclodes - Cinclodes palliatus 3 individuals seen at Marca pomacochas fantastic views. CRITICALLY ENDENGERED

White-bellied Cinclodes - Dave Sergeant

Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner - Syndactyla rufosuperciliata One seen at Ulcumano lodge fantastic view. Pearled Treerunner - Margarornis squamiger Numerous encounters in high-elevation mixed flocks (peruvianus). E Rusty-crowned Tit-Spinetail - Leptasthenura pileata We saw this endemic bird at Santa Eulalia. RR Streaked Tit-spinetail - Leptasthenura striata One seen on our way from Huanuco to Huaraz.

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E Streak-fronted (Mantaro) Thornbird - Phacellodomus (sp.nov) striaticeps We saw two individuals bellow Chilifruta near Pariahuanca in the Mantaro drainage. White-chinned Thistletail - Asthenes fuliginosa plengei Two individuals seen at Bosque Unchog. Birds here belong to the endemic race plengei, one of two subspecies found south of the Marañon. With Mouse-coloured Thistletail S. griseomurina squeezed in between the range of these and the nominate further north, more than one species may be involved. Genetic work has indicated that the genus Schizoeaca shouldbe merged with Asthenes.

White-chinned Thistletail – Alex Durand

E Eye-ringed Thistletail - Asthenes palpebralis A pair seen at Carrizales along the Satipo road. A Peruvian endemic with just a small range in Junín department. Southward it is replaced by Vilcabamba Thistletail S. vilcabambae.

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Eye-ringed Thistletail – Alex Durand

RR Canyon Canastero - Asthenes pudibunda One seen at Santa Eulalia valley near the Vachu pampa. E Pale-tailed Canastero - Asthenes huancavelicae sp.nov This bird seen at Pueblo Libre in dry forest fairly common. Birds here belong to an un-described, highly localized and cinnamon-tailed race. Note that Pale-tailed Canastero, Dark-winged Canastero A. arequipae and Rusty-vented Canastero A. dorbignyi were all lumped together as Creamy-breasted Canastero A. dorbignyi at some stage. While there seems to be variation in both plumage and vocalizations in this complex, a thorough taxonomic analysis of all these forms is badly needed. Asthenes huancavelicae is split from A. dorbignyi (Fjeldså & Krabbe (1990, Ridgely & Tudor 1994); SACC needs analysis to reconsider VULNERABLE Streak-throated Canastero - Asthenes humilis This canastero we seen commonly in the high andes. Many-striped Canastero - Asthenes flammulata One individual seen on our way Huancayo to Parihuanca great views.

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Pale-tailed Canastero – Dave Sergeant

RR Line-fronted Canastero - Asthenes urubambensis Two individuals seen at Bosque Unchog. Almost an endemic. E Junin Canastero - Asthenes virgata Very good views seen 5 indiduals at Marcapomacocha road and also in Huaytapallana pass. Line-cheeked Spinetail – Cranioleuca antisiensis Fairly common seen on our way Huanuco to Huaraz. evidence for the Baron’s (or Southern Line-cheeked) Spinetail vs. Line-cheeked (or Northern Line-cheeked) Spinetail C. antisiensis split as proposed in e.g. Ridgely & Tudor has always seemed to be exceptionally weak. The closest populations, geographically, of C. antisiensis and C. baroni are more similar to one another than they are to other subspecies within their respective ‘species’, and drawing a line between these two is arbitrary so the two have now been lumped E Creamy-crested Spinetail - Cranioleuca albicapilla Fantastic views around the chilifrut parihuanca road and also Upper the Carrizales a long the satipo road Peruvian endemic, here of the nominate race above Chilifruta. Unlike Synallaxis spinetails, members of this genus are typically arboreal, often favoring vine tangles in mid-storey and subcanopy.

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E Marcapata Spinetail - Cranioleuca marcapatae weskeii 3 individuals seen fantastic views at Apalla/Calabaza I chusquea Bamboo find a mixed species flock. Dan Lane pointed out that these birds were practically identical to weskei race of Marcapata Spinetail in Cusco and Barry Walker has seen intermediates in the southern Vilcabamba Mountains. More analysis needed here. VULNERABLE E Cactus Canastero - Pseudosthenes cactorum 3 individuals seen at Lomas de Lachay and heard many more. Another great Peruvian endemic E Azara’s Spinetail (Satipo sp. nov)- Synallaxis sp. nov One seen at Chilifrut parihuanca road Azara’s Spinetail – Synallaxis azarae Along the Paty trail (infumata). Named for the Spaniard Brigadier General Felix Manuel de Azara (1742-1821) who commanded the Paraguayan/Brazilian frontier. Rufous Spinetail - Synallaxis unirufa This first seen at Apalla in Chusquea bamboo and also along the Carpish tunnel trail.

TYRANNIDAE Black-capped Tyrannulet - Phyllomyias nigrocapillus One seen at the Carpish tunnel on our roadside birding. Sierran Elaenia - Elaenia pallatangae Fairly common seen at Parihuanca road and the Paty Trail. Highland Elaenia – Elaenia obscura Two seen at Chilifruta and also at Ulcumano Lodge. Gray Elaenia – Myiopagis caniceps One male seen at Satipo road very good view White-throated Tyrannulet - Mecocerculus leucophrys Two consecutive days seen at Bosque Unchog. Here the race brunneomarginatus. White-banded Tyrannulet - Mecocerculus stictopterus Fairly common in mixed flocks in the Carpish tunnel and some at the Paty trail. Torrent Tyrannulet – Serpophaga cinerea Two seen on our way Huancayo to parihuanca on our roadside Birded. White Tailed Tyrannulet – Mecocerculus poecilocercus A fantastic view at te paty trail and fairly common

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RR Black-crested Tit-Tyrant - Anairetes nigrocristatus One seen on our way from Junin to Huanuco. RR Pied-crested Tit-Tyrant - Anairetes reguloides Very good views at Santa Eulalia. Yellow-billed Tit-Tyrant - Anairetes flavirostris Seen at Santa Eulalia and also Carhuaz. Tufted Tit-Tyrant - Anairetes parulus A pair seen in the Santa Eulalia Valley. E Unstreaked Tit-Tyrant - Uromyias agraphia 3 individuals seen at apalla in chusquea bamboo forest with a mixed flock.

Unstreaked Tit-Tyrant – Alex Durand

E Peruvian Tyrannulet - Zimmerius viridiflavus 4 individuals seen at Villa Rica on our roadside birding and also along the Paty trail, with 1 bird showing well in response to playback. . The genus is named in honor of John Zimmer (1889-1957), a US ornithologist who (among other works) wrote the monumental Studies of Peruvian Birds (1931).

Page 38: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet - Phylloscartes ventralis Fantastic views at Ulcumano lodge. Streak-necked Flycatcher - Mionectes striaticollis A fews seen on the Satipo road (palamblae). Flycatchers in this genus are unusual in being frugivorous rather than insectivorous. Hence, like many Cotingas and Manakins, they also have lek systems. E Inca Flycatcher - Leptopogon taczanowskii Two seen at Apalla on during roadside birding and also a along the Paty trail Flavescent Flycatcher - Myiophobus flavicans One seen at Ulcumano Lodge. Cinnamon Flycatcher - Pyrrhomyias cinnamomea Fairly common along the Paty trail and at the Carpish tunnel (nominate). Ochraceous-breasted Flycatcher - Nephelomyias ochraceiventris Seen on two consecutive days of these cuties at Bosque Unchog Black Phoebe - Sayornis nigricans One seen at Satipo Road on the river. Vermilion Flycatcher - Pyrocephalus obscurus Seen at Lomas de Lachay and at Pueblo Libre. The Galapagos subspecies nanus and dubius were each treated as a separate species from Pyrocephalus rubinus by Ridgway (1907). The obscurus subspecies group of coastal Peru was also treated/proposed as a separate species by Ridgway (1907), but see Zimmer (1941c). Based on voice, behavior, and genetics, Carmi et al. (2016) proposed the Pyrocephalus rubinus is best treated as four species, including both Galapagos subspecies. Species Pyrocephalus rubinus (Boddaert, 1783), Austral Vermilion Flycatcher Species Pyrocephalus obscurus Gould, 1839, Vermilion Flycatcher Species Pyrocephalus nanus Gould, 1838, Galapagos Vermilion Flycatcher Species Pyrocephalus dubius Gould, 1839, San Cristobal Vermilion Flycatcher (Extinct) Andean Negrito - Lessonia oreas Very commonly seen at Junin Lake. Rufous-tailed Tyrant - Knipolegus poecilurus Two individuals seen around Oxapampa in our roadside birded

Page 39: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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Rufous-tailed Tyrant – Dave Sergeant

Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant – Muscisaxicola maculirostris Two individuals seen at Santa Eulalia. Puna Ground-Tyrant - Muscisaxicola juninensis A pair seen on the Marcapomacocha road Taczanowski’s Ground-Tyrant - Muscisaxicola grisea Seen at Marcapomacocha and Huascaran National Park. White-browed Ground Tyrant – Muscisaxicola albilora One individual seen along the Marcapomacocha road Cinereous Ground-Tyrant - Muscisaxicola cinerea Good views also at Marcapomacocha and also in the Huascaran national park White-fronted Ground-Tyrant - Muscisaxicola albifrons Fairly common at Marcapomacocha and Ticlio pass. Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant - Muscisaxicola flavinucha Several individuals seen at Marcapomacocha and in the Huascaran National Park.

Page 40: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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Short-tailed Field Tyrant – Muscigralla brevicauda Two individuals at Pueblo libre in Carhuaz. Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant - Agriornis montana Seen in two different days first near the pass the Huaytapallana and also around Comas at high elevations. White-tailed Shrike Tyrant – Agriornis andicola. One on our way from Ulcumano Lodge to Junin. VULNERABLE Streak-throated Bush-Tyrant Myiotheretes striaticollis Seen at Santa Eulia and also below Chilifruta. Rufous-webbed Tyrant - Polioxolmis rufipennis Seen at the Huascaran National Park. Formerly either placed in Myiotheretes or Xolmis, but the new monotypic genus Polioxolmis was proposed for this species in the mid-eighties. Smoky Bush-Tyrant - Myiotheretes fumigatus One seen at Carpish tunnel Crowned (Kalinowski’s) Chat-Tyrant - Ochthoeca (spodionota) frontali Two consecutive days seen at Unchog forest. Rufous-breasted Chat-Tyrant - Ochthoeca rufipectoralis We seen commonly at parihuanca Road, satipo, Oxapampa and Huascaran National Park. Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant - Ochthoeca fumicolor Another commonly seen at Parihuanca road and also ata Bosque unchog. brunneifrons, more than one species possibly being involved (cf. Ridgely & Tudor, Vol. II). D’Orbigny’s Chat-Tyrant - Ochthoeca oenanthoides A pair seen at Huascaran National park. Alcide d’Orbigny was a 19th century French naturalist and collector who spent over half a decade in South America. In addition to birds he assembled specimens of many life forms, as well as a large collection of fossils. The latter led him to determine that there were many geological layers, revealing that they must have been laid down over millions of years. This was the first time such an idea had ever been suggested. White-browed Chat-Tyrant - Ochthoeca leucophrys Fairly common seen at Santa Eulalia valley, Parihuanca road and also at Huascaran National park this dry forest chat-tyrant. Red-rumped Bush tyrant – Cnemarchus erythropygius. A pair seen at Bosque Unchog. An impressive bird!

Page 41: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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Social Flycatcher - Myiozetetes similis Seen aroud Oxapampa Tropical Kingbird Tyrannus melancholicus Very common at Apalla Calabaza and along the Satipo road. Variegated Flycatcher – Empidonomus varius One seen at Ulcumano lodge.

COTINGIDAE Band-tailed (Huanuco) Fruiteater - Pipreola intermedia tallmanorum Nice look at a pair on the Paty trail. The isolated subspecies tallmanorum may deserve recognition as a separate species from Pipreola riefferii (O'Neill & Parker 1981, Sibley & Monroe 1990, Snow 2004a, Berv & Prum 2014). Barred Fruiteater - Pipreola arcuata One seen at the Carpish tunnel (viridicauda). E Masked Fruiteater - Pipreola pulchra Great looks of a male at Ulcumano Lodge

Masked Fruiteater – Alex Durand

Page 42: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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E White-cheeked Cotinga - Zaratornis Stresemanni Great looks at one individual at this Peruvian endemic beyond Portochuelo pass. Only described in the late 60’s. The generic name comes from the type locality – Bosque Zarate not far from the central highway. Stresmanni comes from Erwin Freidrich Stresemann the German ornithologist and collector. VULNERABLE

White-cheeked Cotinga – Alex Durand

E Bay-vented Cotinga - Doliornis sclateri Great Looks at Bosque Unchog on two consicuti days a total of 7 individuals . A Bosque Unchog speciality. Named for British ornithologist and collector Philip Lutley Sclater (1829-1913) who has lots of birds named after him. VULNERABLE Red-crested Cotinga - Ampelion rubrocristata One seen along the Parihuanca road. Chestnut-crested Cotinga – Ampelion rufaxilla A pair seen at Bosque shollet

TITYRIDAE Barred Becard - Pachyramphus versicolor One male seen on the Pariahuanca Road with a mixed flock

Page 43: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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Rufous-browed Peppershrike – Cyclarhis gujanensis One seen on our way to Huaraz fantastic views.

VIREONIDAE Brown-capped Vireo – Vireo leucophrys. One seen at Ulcumano Lodge.

CORVIIDAE RR White-collared Jay - Cyanolyca viridicyana 2 seen on the Carpish tunnel trail. Green Jay – Cyanocorax yncas Several at Ulcumano lodge and Oxapampa. Violaceous Jay - Cyanacorax violaceous Several times seen on the Satipo road on our way to Oxapampa.

HIRUNDINIDAE Blue-and-white Swallow - Pygochelidod cyanoleuca The most common swallow every day seen on the trip... Brown-bellied Swallow - Orchelidon murina Another fairly common of high andes. White-banded Swallow – Atticora fasciata A few seen around the Satipo road.

TROGLODYTIDAE House Wren - Troglodytes aedon Fairly common Mountain Wren

- Troglodytes solstitialis

Seen at the Paty trail several times with mixed flocks E Junín Wren - Cistothorus graminicola Excellent looks at Bosque Unchog forest at the race graminicola, one of the South American subspecies that seem to be quite different from the North American stellaris group. Robbins & Nyári (2014) found that Cistothorus platensis was paraphyletic with respect to the other two, and they proposed recognition of nine species within broadly defined platensis, seven of which are in South America: C. alticola, C. aequatorialis, C. graminicola, C. minimus, C. tucumanus, C. hornensis, and C. platensis.

Page 44: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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E Peruvian Wren - Cinnycerthia peruana Great looks at Carpish Tunnel and also along the Satipo road.

Peruvian Wren – Alex Durand

E ‘Mantaro Wren’ - Pheugopedius sp. nov Fantastic views around Chilifruta in chusquea Bamboo forest. of this vociferous Pheugopedius wren in Chusquea bamboo on the higher slopes above the Rio Mantaro along the Pariahuanca road. The spotting below is reminiscent of that found on the under parts of some races of the geographically quite remote Plain-tailed Wren P. euophrys but the voice is quite different from the latter (especially compared to the southernmost race schulenbergi), and moreover our birds had some faint barring on the tail. The song is not unlike that of Inca Wren T. eisenmanni (so far only known to occur farther south, in the Vilcanota and Vilcabamba mountains on both sides of the Urubamba valley) but the latter has plain underparts and is found in an area separated from where we were by the deep Apurimac Valley, a major biogeographic barrier. So, for now I tentatively regard this taxon as a new species to science, though collection of specimens, detailed comparisons and preferably also genetic analysis are needed to really determine the taxonomic status of this new form. Note the genus change the SACC says “Genetic data (Mann et al. 2006) indicate that the broad genus Thryothorus is polyphyletic, and that true Thryothorus is not found in South America; Mann et al. (2006) recommended recognition of three genera for South American taxa by resurrecting two from the synonymy of Thryothorus (Pheugopedius and Thryophilus)”

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Coraya Wren – Pheugopedius coraya. Two individuals seen around Villa rica on our roadside birded. Grey-breasted Wood-Wren - Henicorhina leucophrys Common along the Paty trail, and at the Carpish tunnel.

CINCLIDAE White-capped Dipper - Cinclus leucocephalus One seen on our way to Pariahuanca Road in small river.

TURDIDAE Andean Solitaire - Myadestes ralloides One seen at Ulcumano Lodge. White-eared Solitaire - Entomodestes lecotis Great looks aroun Oxapampa. Chiguanco Thrush - Turdus chiguanco Commonly and widespread, mainly in drier areas. Note that a detailed study of the Chiguanco/Great Thrush complex is needed to determine exactly how many species-level taxa exist. The name comes from the Quechua “Chiwanco” Great Thrush - Turdus fuscater Another common thrush in the cloud forests. Glossy-black Thrush - Turdus serranus A Pair seen at Ulcumano lodge Black-billed Thrush - Turdus ignobilis A fews seen along the Satipo road. Slaty-backed Nightingale Thrush - Catharus fuscater One near Oxapampa

MIMIDAE Long-tailed Mockingbird - Mimus longicaudatus First day at Lomas de Lachay

MOTACILLIDAE Short-billed (Puna) Pipit - Anthus furcatus brevirostris. One seen on our way from Concepcion to Apalla Calabaza and also more at Junin Lake. Van Els & Norambuena (2018) proposed that the subspecies brevirostris of the Andes be treated as a separate species from lowland nominate furcatusbased on voice and genetic distance

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Paramo Pipit – Anthus bogotensis Fairly common seen at Bosque unchog high pass.

THRAUPIDAE Drab Hemispingus - Pseudospingus xanthophthalmus. Seen on the Satipo road around apalla. E White-browed Hemispingus – Kleinothraupis auricularis

Several seen at Carpish tunnel trail in mixed flocks and Satipo road. A Peruvian endemic recently split from Black-capped Hemispingus H. atropileus (though the new Peru field guide does not follow this split). The SACC says “The subspecies auricularis is at least as distinct genetically and morphologically, and should presumably given equal taxonomic rank (García-Moreno et al. 2001, García-Moreno & Fjeldså 2003). Hemispingus auricularis is split from H. atropileus (García-Moreno & Fjeldså 2003); SACC needs proposal E Rufous-browed Hemispingus – Poospiza rufosuperciliaris One seen very briefly and heard several times but never responded to playback at Bosque Unchog. VULNERABLE Collared Warbling Finch – Poospiza hispaniolensis. Two consecutive days seen first at Lomas de Lachay and then Santa Eulalia vlley. Oleaginous Hemispingus – Sphenopsis frontalis One seen at Ulcumano Lodge in the trail. Superciliaried Hemispingus – Thlypopsis superciliaris Several times seen at Pariahuanca road and paty trail in mixced Flocks -grey race insignis Rufous-chested Tanager - Thlypopsis ornata Seen at Apalla very common I satipo road. E Brown-flanked Tanager - Thlypopsis pectoralis Excellent views at the paty trail. E Plain-tailed Warbling-Finch - Microspingus alticola One seen at Huascaran National park Upper the llanganuco lake (cebolla pampa) and also seen near the Laguna Suirococha in polylepis forest. A lovely Peruvian endemic, which has been given ‘Endangered’ status by Birdlife International. ENDANGERED E Pardusco - Nephelornis oneilli We saw more thn 10 individuals at Bosque Unchog and seen daily. Very playback responsive. Named after Dr. John O’Neill, ornithologist and artist who designed many of LSU’s expeditions to Peru which resulted in well over a dozen species new to science that

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were described in the last few decades. John is also one of the authors and artists of the Peru field guide. Hooded Mountain-Tanager - Buthraupis montana One seen at the Paty trail. E Golden-backed Mountain-Tanager - Cnemathraupis aureodorsalis This time aproximately 8 individuals in total great looks seen the first morning at Unchog forest near the camp site. Probably the hardest Unchog specialty to see. Sibley & Monroe (1990) considered Buthraupis eximia and B. aureodorsalis to form a superspecies. Sedano & Burns (2010) confirmed that they are sister species but also found that they are sister to Chlorornis riefferii. SACC proposal passed to remove from Buthraupis and to resurrect the genus Cnemathraupis for them. ENDANGERED

Golden-backed Mountain-Tanager – Alex Durand

Grass-green Tanager - Chlorornis riefferii Seen at Apalla great views and also in Carpish tunnel trail. Lacrimose Mountain Tanager - Anisognathus lacrymosus Several seen at apalla Calabaza in mixced flock. (nominate). Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager - Anisognathus igniventris Fairly common seen at Pariahuanca road, Calabaza and Bosque Unchog. (ignicrissus).

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Blue-winged Mountain Tanager – Anisognathus somptuosus. Two individuals seen at Ulcumano Lodge. Buff-breasted Mountain Tanager - Dubusia taeniata One Seen at the Carpish trail. RR Chestnut-bellied Mountain -Debusia castaneoventris One seen at apariahuanca road with mixced flock. Golden-collared Tanager - Iridosornis jelskii Several times and great looks in mixed flocks at Bosque Unchog. E Yellow-scarfed Tanager - Iridosornis reinhardti 4 individuals great looks with mixed flocks at Bosque Unchog and. This beautiful endemic is name for Danish ornithologist Johannes Theodore Reinhardt (1816-1882) Yellow-throated Tanager – Iridosornis analis Two individuals seen at Ulcumano Lodge fantastic views. Blue-grey Tanager - Thraupis episcopus Commonly seen aroud Satipo road and Oxapampa. Blue-capped Tanager - Thraupis cyanocephala Seen in several Places of cloud forest. Blue-and-yellow Tanager - Pipraeidea bonariensis Seen at Santa Eulalia Valley and Pariahuanca roda. Named after Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital. The southernmost ranging Tanager Fawn-breasted Tanager - Pipraeidea melanonota One seen around Apalla on the Satipo road. Saffron-crowned Tanager - Tangara xanthocephala Seen fairly common at Ulcumano Lodge and along the Paty trail. Flame-faced Tanager - Tangara parzudakii Good views at the Paty trail with mixced flock. Tangara= dancer, one who turns and skips, originally used for the manakins, but subsequently (Marcgrave 1648) transferred to other bright finch-like birds. parzudakii: In honor of Charles Parzudaki (1806-1889) French natural history dealer. Beryl-spangled Tanager - Tangara nigroviridis Seen at Ulcumano lodge in mixed flocks and also along the Paty trail.

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Blue-and-black Tanager - Tangara vassorii Two individuals see at Paty trail with a mixed flock. Tit-like Dacnis - Xenodacnis parina One seen at Pariahuanca road and also at HuascaranNational park very common in mixed Polylepis/Gynoxis woodland near the Llanganuco lakes (petersi) and beyond the pass. Cinereous Conebill - Conirostrum cinereum Seen in several localities. We saw two races, littorale and nominate. Blue Dacnis – Dacnis cayana. one seen at apalla in Satipo road. Blue-backed Conebill - Conirostrum sitticolor 4 indiiduals seen at Paty Trail with mixed flocks Capped Conebill - Conirostrum albifrons Seen twice along the Paty trail with mixed flocks. Giant Conebill - Oreomanes fraseri 3 individuals Wonderful views at Quinua Polylepis forest. Though at present the Giant Conebill is only regarded as near-threatened, its numbers must have dwindled considerably as the amount of Polylepis forest must have declined tremendously over the last few centuries, and this habitat is nowadays highly fragmented. Mustached Flowerpiercer - Diglossa mystacalis Several times seen on the trip first at Apalla satipo road and also Bosque Unchog. Flowerpiercers are nectar thieves, as their name suggests piercing the flowers at their base without performing any pollination duties. Black-throated Flowerpiercer - Diglossa brunneiventris Most common seen on the trip around Pariahuanca, satipo road, paty trail, bosque unchog and also in National Huascaran Park. Masked Flowerpiercer - Diglossopis cyanea 2 individuals seen at Pariahuanca road and also in Ulcumano lodge. Bluish Flowerpiercer – Diglossa caerulescens. One seen at Ulcumano Lodge on our birded trails. Rusty Flowerpiercer – Diglossa sittoides. One at Carhuaz at the hotel.

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Giant Conebill – Dave Sergeant

Mustached Flowerpiercer – Dave Sergeant

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Peruvian Sierra-Finch - Phrygilus punensis Seen at Marcapomacocha and around Junin Lake and also at the Huascaran National Park of the race chloronotus. Named for the town of Puno on Lake Titicaca Mourning Sierra-Finch - Phrygilus fruticeti Very common seen at Santa Eulaia valley. Plumbeous Sierra-Finch - Phrygilus unicolor Fairly common see at very high elevations. Marcapomacochas, Junin and Huascaran N.P. (inca). Band-tailed Sierra-Finch - Phrygilus alaudinus A pair good views at Lomas de Lachay Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch - Phrygilus plebejus Another very common bird at high elevation. White-winged Diuca-Finch - Diuca speculifera Several individuals seen at Marcapomacocha and also at Huascaran N. P. E Great Inca-Finch - Incaspiza pulchra Very nice view of 4 individuals inthe Santa Eulaia valley. E Rufous-backed Inca-Finch - Incaspiza personata 3 individuals seen at San Rafael on our way to Huanuco. Bright-rumped Yellow-Finch - Sicalis uropygialis Very commonly seen at high elevations at Marcapomacocha, around Lake Junín lake and also at Huascaran National Park. (sharpei). Greenish Yellow-Finch - Sicalis olivascens Seen at the Santa Eulalia valley. Band-tailed Seedeater -Catamenia analis Common seen at Santa Eulalia velley. Plain-colored Seedeater - Catamenia inornata Very common seen around Pariahuanca and at the Huascaran National Park. Black and White Seedeater – Sporophila luctuosa. Two seen at Ulcumano Lodge.

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Golden-billed Saltator - Saltator aurantiirostris Seen along the Pariahuanca road and also in Huascaran National Park (albociliaris).

EMBERIZIDAE Rufous-collared Sparrow - Zonotrichia capensis Very common all the trip. E Tricolored Brushfinch - Atlapetes tricolor A pair seen at Pariahuanca road and also Ulcumano lodge. Note that the widely disjunctive race crassus (found on the western slope of the Andes in Ecuador and Colombia) has been split off as a different species, the Choco Brush-Finch. Slaty Brushfinch - Atlapetes schistaceus Great views seen below Comas on our way to Carrizales and also at Apalla - the race taczanowskii. E Rusty-bellied Brushfinch Atlapetes nationi Great views seen at Santa Eulalia Valley. Atlapetes: Gr. myth. Atlas, a Titan king who was changed into a mountain and petes= flier, to fly. nationi: In honor of Prof. William Nation (1826-1907) British botanist, collector in Peru 1849. Yellow-breasted Brush – Atlapetes latinuchus A pair seen on our way from Huanuco to Huaraz. E Rufous-eared Brushfinch - Atlapetes rufigenis Excellent views on our way from Huanuco to Huaraz and also at Quebrada Llanganuco in Huascaran National park E Black-spectacled Brushfinch - Atlapetes melanopsis 2 individuals seen at Chillifruta not responing to playback very difficult to see. Originally described as A. melanops, this species is an endemic of the Rio Mantaro valley, and was only recently discovered and described by Dr. Thomas Valqui. ENDANGERED Common Chlorospingus - Chlorospingus opthalmicus Common in the Cloud forest aroud at Ulcumano lodge and also Paty trail

CARDINALIDAE Summer Tanager – Piranga rubra. One male seen on our way from Huanuco to Huaraz. Golden Grosbeak - Pheucticus chrysogaster 2 seen at Santa Eulalia and one more at Pueblo Libre.

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PARULIDAE Citrine Warbler - Myiothylpis luteoviridis Seen along the Pariahuanca road, Carrizales and Ulcumano lodge. Here the race striaticeps. Black-crested Warbler - Myiothylpis nigrocristatus Fantastic views seen on our way Huanuco to Huaraz and also at Huascaran National park. Russet-crowned Warbler - Myiothlypis coronatus Several seen at Ulcumano lodge and along the Paty trail Spectacled (Redstart) Whitestart - Myioborus melanocephalus Fairly common along the Pariahuanca road, Satipo road and Paty trail. Here the black-capped nominate race. Slate-throated (Redstart) Whitestart – Myioborus miniatus One seen at Satipo road around Calabaza.

ICTERIDAE Dusky-green Oropendola - Psarocolius atrovirens Seen at Apalla on the Satipo road and also Paty trail. Russet-backed Oropendola - Psarocolius angustifrons Fairly common around Satipo, La Merced, Villa Rica and Oxapampa Yellow-rumped Cacique – Cacicus cela Several times seen along the satipo road and near Villa Rica. Peruvian Meadowlark – Sturnella bellicosa A pair seen at Lomas de Lachay and also at Pueblo Libre. Scrub Blackbird - Dives warszewiczi Commonly seen in the Santa Eulalia Valley. Shiny Cowbird – Molothrus bonariensis

FRINGILLIDAE Yellow-rumped Siskin – Spinus uropygialis 4 individuals seen in the Santa Eulalia Valley near Wacho Pampa. Black Siskin - Carduelis atrata Seen at Marcapomacocha and also at Junin lake.

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Golden-bellied Euphonia – Euphonia chrysopasta. A couple seen at Satipo. Purple-throated Euphonia - Euphonia chlorotica. One seen at Satipo on our way to Oxapampa.

Culpeo – Dave Sergeant

MAMMALS Culpeo (Andean Fox) Lycalopex culpaeus One seen at Santa Eulalia Valley at high elevation. Llama Lama glama A domesticated South American camelid, widely used as a meat and pack animal by Andean cultures since pre-Hispanic times. Alpaca Vicugna pacos The alpaca is a domesticated species of South American camelid we seen around Marcopomacochas and Junin Lake. It resembles a small llama in appearance. Alpacas are considerably smaller than llamas, and unlike llamas, they were not bred to be beasts of burden, but were bred specifically for their fiber. Alpaca fiber is used for making knitted and woven items, similar to wool. These items include blankets, sweaters, hats, gloves, scarves,

Page 55: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

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a wide variety of textiles and ponchos in South America, and sweaters, socks, coats and bedding in other parts of the world. There are two breeds of alpaca; the Suri alpaca and the Huacaya alpaca. Vicuña Vicugna vicugna Many individuals or Gruops seen near Junin. The vicuña is one of two wild South American camelids, which live in the high alpine areas of the Andes; the other being the guanaco. It is a relative of the llama, and is now believed to be the wild ancestor of domesticated alpacas, which are raised for their coats. Vicuñas produce small amounts of extremely fine wool, which is very expensive because the animal can only be shorn every three years, and has to be caught from the wild. When knitted together, the product of the vicuña's wool is very soft and warm. The Inca valued vicuñas highly for their wool, and it was against the law for anyone but royalty to wear vicuña garments. Mountain Viscacha Lagidium peruanum Several times seen at Marcapomacochas and in Quebrada Llanganuco Huascaran National Park.

Mountain Viscacha – Dave Sergeant

Page 56: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

[email protected]

Tschudi’s Pacific Iguana - – Dave Sergeant

Olive Forest Racer – Dave Sergeant

Page 57: MANU EXPEDITIONS BIRDING & WILDLIFE TOURS · 2018-10-10 · common birds and late back to camp where we had a late lunch and all afternoon rain. Bosque Unchog. Department of Huánuco.

[email protected]

The Cordilera Blanca

The trail at Bosque Unchog