Download - Mantrapatha or Prayer Book of the Apastambins, Winternitz M, 170p, RELIGION. THEOLOGY, English (1985)


Sri Garib Das Oriental Series :\o. 27



The Pra}rer Book of the Apastamhins

Edited b_v :




Published by :

SRI SATGURU PUBLICATIONS Indolo~ral & Oriental Publishers Ist Floor 40~i5, Shakti Nagar Delhi-110 007 (India)

First Edition University Press Reprint 1985 Delhi

Printed in India

The publishers are grateful to Shri Ridh~ S!iya m Bhiwani for the help and guidance in th: publication o



PROFESSOR F. l\I.l-\X I\! Li LI~E!~

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I~n.onrcr1os :-


The )iaterials for the Eili:io:i o! the Tex~

G 'cal ... . . +; .. rarr.m2ti L'Tei21llan ... es ....

Rela!!otl of tte !Yianrrapatha to 6e .A.pastar:ibiya Grhyasfitrd.

Relaton of the :&rantrapa!ha to the Taittinya, Rigveda, and Atharvaveda Sarr:bi·ai;

D21e of !he Yl.antrapa~a

O!~~opaphica: No!es

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Finc.liy I !1ave to zck~or;iedge r:iy obligat~ons to :\Ir. J. C. Pembrey, • 1 • "' • • -:. 1 ~ 1 ...,1 ~, n ,. • · h +le t'.i.'l• "'P e_...:. ~ !,.,,_,,,.,.:.,..' 1 ear er ot t"'\e J ja.,.e .... 110.., rres~s, .. iOf' a~1 t. f" carf> ~1.... '"" ... ~c~.i...1. i.:..... v ...... \..- ... J L..'1..- _ \. ~ ... J.... '--- " ii...... ....:. _ ~ _ _ _ _ .,..

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THE ~1antranatl-ia. 8f \vh!:~ !:I:!s iS the first cr:~ical ec!t1on. cc~tains .. -

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~a xx~x;. •

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the most convenient title, though the majority of the IvISS. are in fayour of Jlfantrafrasna 1• The Telugu c:dition has the title Ekagn£­kii~1¢1.11na11trapras1Zad1.1aJ1a1n, and Haradatta's commentary on the ).fan~:-as goes by the titl~ Ek1!g1zik,I~zlia~:J'{iki!)'tl, or Ek/ignik£1~ufa11zan­trii~i{i,;.i; t.')'iikh;1a. son1ctimes also .. Jlantrafra.fnablttisltj1a. In his co1n­me!1~c:ry on Ap. Dharmas. II, z~ 3, 16 Haradatta ~ uses _the \vord : ~Ia:i.:rapatha' for the i\Iantras occurring in the Taitt. ..Ar. X, 67 (see a~:::o l\Iahanarayar:ia-Upanishad 19~ '.2, eel. Colonel g. A. Jacob) tc be reritcd at the 1/ aisvadeva rite, and referred to by Ap. Dharmas. IJ, z_. 3~ i3-II, 2, 4, 8. In this case 'l\.iantrapatha' seen1s to be used in a general sense for •text of the l\1antras.' In the same \Vay l\1antrapatha, as 'vell as l\Iantrasarphita and l\'.lantrabrahma.l).J.. is found as the title of s~r:ii1ar Collections of Praj"ers belonging to the different \r edic schools g.

: Aufrecht's Catalogus C:italogorum (1891), p. 430, gi\'eS both ~e+::IQT'O and ii't'f.lflt"3lf · The tit.'..e if'f.ICO(! is given by Rice, 11SS. in l\Iysnre and Coorg (Bangalore, 1884), p. 46; Benares Catalogue in the 'PaQ.~it,' vol. iii, p. vii; G. Oppert, Lists of Sanskrit l\ISS. in Southern India, II, 2505. Buhler, Catalogue of San::.krit :\[SS. in Gujarat etc.,

1, p. 4. has illq~fif4fcr.fQl6: (but is not this ~IS. identical \\ith our }IS. E.?) and

~I q4ij4Gjlffif.i!'1f'!C'i I · Our MS. E. has 41;r.;\tiR'T ; so also Kieihcrn, Lists of Sanskrit 11SS. purchased for Governrnent during the years 1877-81 I Poona, 1E81 ), p. 21. Oppert,

I. 29431 gives 111¥141~ (sic). Our I\1SS. B. Eu. \Y. give the title ~i#IJfi;t:; so also Be!lares Catalog-ue in the •,' vol. iii~ p. vii; P. Peterson, Second Reporr in Search


of Sanskrit ~ISS. (1884), p. 178. "lff.tli?ft is given by Burnell, Tanjore 1'vTSS., p. 16 b;

also in the Catalogue of Sanskrit l\ISS. in the Sanskrit Co~lege Library, Benares (~.\.lla­

habad: GoYern...rnent Press, n. d.), p.99. Our l\lS. \Vh. has il~R~§>~3{. A.s to the title Ekagnika~<Ja, see below, p. xxxviii.

2 ti~((~: «r.tit ~fl~~ lITT~ 'fcriirll41 ~~: ld;CO?:i ~'41~ l:jeff\ltt~ :;w~af~iiii ~: ~ f{ &l~Gra qfc'JiiT: ! etc. See Buhler, Apastamba, 2nd ed., 11, p. 6+

~ A ::\-fantrapatha of the \\i~hite Yajurveda is quot...!d by P. Peterson, Se•,cnd Report in Search of Sanskrit ~1SS. (1884), p. 173. Severa! J.-rss. of a l\J antrasarphita of the \Vhit~ \'ajurveda are g1ven in the Catalogue of Sanskrit ~'1SS. iP- the Sanskrit College Library, Benares, p. 40. A 1\iadhyandin1ya-l\1antrasarphita, lithographed, appeared at

Bombay, 1890. It is a n:.cdern con1pilation, begin1~:ng '.vith ~iittZI (:, and con-• • • t'- ..s..

tau:~1ng sucn prayers as ~~~~ r:, ~c(C~~W-~!; , ~~·.:u ~:, ~vn1~~! etc. A .. ~amavedamantras2J!lh!ta) lithographed, Vias published by ?rao.aSa.ipkara and Daya­saipkara {Jln:}adurge, 1888). This is quite different from the \vell-knO\\'n 11antra­brahma~ belonging to the Gobhila-Grhyasutra, though it is also intended as a prayer



This edition of the l\fantrapatha is based on the follo\ving 1\:ISS. :-

(a) Jl/ SS. of the Tfxl, in Devaniigarl characters, -..uith accents.

1. \V. l\IS. Wilson 468 of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, containing the

first Prasna only. Paper, 15 leaves (ff. 37-51 of the volume), i lines on a page. It begins : 3!il flf ij] tt I!( 'ifir: II lT ~ ni'<rl etc. Colophon : ~

- -il<ti::wJiit CfiT~ 11~: ~: 11q11 Probably eighteenth century. Correct.

2. B. A modern copy, procured by Dr. G. Buhler and presented by him to the \:''ienna lTniversity Library, \Vhere it is entered under

'l\:Ianuscripta I, 299 (I, 83695).' Paper, 22 leaYes, r3 lines on a page.

It begins: 3!{ta1aJ111~ Wflf: 11 ~ ;r.rJpjl f~~a II m\: iiJ II~~ ~ffi etc.

The title is given on the first page as follo\vs: 'sql Q~Cf 4(!~ lP-f~JJT\­

iff tflH.11 The colophon: "(fa ~JP.l: lr~n:r: II \ 7 ery good copy. 3. E. }IS. No. Ij belonging to the Elphinstone College. l3ombay.

I"'aper: 33 lea\·es, I I lines on a page. The title-page has the follo\ring:

(o;« q\~) (~ qt:·~o·~ci) II (~IQ~il'f.C41ilf 'Q~Tfl!f q·~-Q.-CfC::;i~\ The

l\IS. begins : :l!ft~'lfl"q ~: um: ~ JJ ~ nl"ffl'T etc. The colophon runs - -as follO\\'S: ~~II~ S<Ettcfi ~~~lti'itt.44Til'Wfm: f~~ II ~Cf({_ '1'C~~

fq-ec\ll~Cf(ij'~ ~f~CJ~ ~ ~liti'Cf~ f~~ II '@l~ Q\i~ :q- II~ II~ U ~ II

YI~ Cfif':i ~ mfl::~~~lJ!"S~l'ti'iflllCfi(?I II 92 ll Kot very correct.

(b) Jf s..s·. of tltc Te:t:t, in Cr,vztlza clzaractcrs, unacct:ntuateti.

4. Bu. Palm leaf ?\IS., No. 50 ot Burnell's Collection 1n the India Office Librar:r· See A. C. J3urnc.ll, Catalogue of a Collection of Sanskrit l\ISS. Part I. \Tedie l\1SS. (London, 1870), p. 16 (lxiv). \\~hy

Burnell should ha\·e described the · ~Iantraprasnadvaya' as being ''I'aittiriya Arai:iyaka V and \7"I,' I cannot understand. The l\IS. is fJ.i . .-ly correct.

book to be used for <lo111estic ntes. The above-quoted Benares Catalogue, p. z6, n1entions a 1L1ntraplc)b5.. of the Sa1nJ.veda. There are several )ISS. and lithographed editions of a l\Ia:itrJ.sa111:i!ti of the Rigveda l\\'hKh does not, however, belong to the,·dayana-Grhy3.s0.tra, but is of a more modern character J. Saya~a t'l~g,·eda­Bhashya I, 1, 1, i\Iax ~luller's 2nd ed., vol. i, p. 24, 1. 12) quotes a 1\lantrabrahmal)a. cf the Rigveda, by ·which he certainly does not mean the .Aitareya· BrahmaQ.a.

b 2

.. Xll


5. \Vh. Palm leaf ~iS., No. 25 of the \iVhish Collection in the library of the Royal Asiatic Society, 37 leaves, 6 lines on a page. The first leaf contains the follo\\'ing entry: 'The Jvfantra-prasnam, ot 1\1antras for different Brahmanical ceremonies, in two Chapters of I 7 and 22

Lectures-CM \Vhish 1822.' The 11S. \vas probably \\Tritten to\vards

the end of the eighteenth century. \T ery correct.

(c) .1.WSS. of Haradatta's Conz111entary on tile J.l!antrapt.'itha.

6. Hw. Palm leaf MS., No. 26 of the-\Vhish Collection in the library of the Royal Asiatic Society, 135 leaves, 5 lines on a page, Grantha characters. Entry on the first leaf· 'This volume contains the l\Iantra­prasna-bhashyam: compleat. by Haridattacharyyah-C l\'1 Whish Calicut 1824-' The MS. looks a little older than No. 2.5 of the same collection

(Wh. ). Correct. 7. Hbg. A modem copy, procured by Dr. G. Buhler and presented

by him to the Vienna U n1versity IJbrar.r, where it is entered as 1IS. 31 z =I, 134855. It is written on paper in Grantha characters. Good copy.

8. Hbd. A Devanagari transcript (on paper), made for Dr. G. Buhler from a Grantha MS. of the library of the Maharaja of l\1ysore, and presented by Dr. Buhler to the Vienna University Librar}r, \Vhere it is entered as MS. 296 =I, 134819. Very incorrect.

9. HHg. Palm leaf MS., from Tiruvi<;lairnarudur, procured for me by Dr. Eugen H ultzsch. Very small Grantha characters, and difficult to read. 42 leaves, about 13 lines on a page. Size 17 x 2 in. The lIS. is correct, but the writing is perfect poison to the eyes, and the l\iIS. has therefore only been consulted for the most important passages.

(d') Other .Jf aterials.

10. P. A MS. of the Apastambiya-Sarpskara-Prayoga, in the Bodleian Library, Oxford (MS. Sansk. d. 1 ). This Prayoga gives the ~lantras in eztenso, but not in the order in which they occur in the Mantrapatfla, as the ceremonies are arranged differently from the _.\pastambiya Grhyasutra The MS. is imperfect, ff. 2 and 9 being missing. Consequently not all the Mantras are found in this !vIS. I thought it of some importance to collate the Mantras in this MS. for the sake of those grammatical peculiarities and irregularities i,vhich


\vill have to be discussed below. It is interesting to see that even in this Prayoga l\'IS.-which is quite independent from all the MSS. described above-it did not occur to the author or scribe to alter such strange readings as ti swm: ~ ~:, etc. I~ is a paper :J\.!S., in Devanagari character, probably written about roo years ago, and \Vas bought in r 886 by Dr. G. Thibaut, then at Benares, for the Bodleian

Library. 11. T. An edition, in Telugu characters, of Haradatta's commentary

on the i\'Iantrapatha, together \vith the texts of the Apastambiya Grhya~ sutra, and of the 1'Iantrapa~ha, printed at the } ... ~~~arasvafi Press, Chennipur, 1890. The complete title is as follo\YS :-


Apastarpbamaharshaye namaJ:i.

S asfttraik agnika11ic/a·nia 1!itrabhasliJ1a1!i

vivahopanayanadisakalasmartakarmopayukta-marptrarthajijnasunam atyarp.topakaraya

Apasta1!1bzyagrlzyasutra1tt, ektignikii1tzefanzan_ztraprasnadva;1a1tt srI-Hara­dattacri1J1a-viracita-1J1atfllrabhlislz;1aJ!l ca sukhabodhar:-i sarµputikp:ya, aneN kapracinata!apatralikhitagraqithavalokanapurvakarµ lekhakapramadadi­doshan yathamati parisodh)ra i'Tt'i'lJi/fa, Rii11zasrz,1ri}Jtist'istri~1ti adisarasva­tinilayakhyasviyamudraksharasalayaq1 mudrapya prakati:krtam vijayate­tararp. cennipuri. I 890 sarp.vatsararp..

The first Prasna ends: 1' ! 1'1~i!ti('l! I fi:\@qtUt: qoqi;('ij ! ~­&6'l'i'Jl I \tl'f ltll!t~~ I ~ntaf'i ~1f<O'rrn: I l:tdtif ifT iif,(~1if1 'Q'.Cfit~fifst­ftt(111afq'l{fff: 1 ttifCfifq'1!frf: 1 u irtef QCfitttfq11fd: 1 ~C(1t41m ~ 1 "IQ$

lCfl ~'l! I "&ll(hfl\ iJCf I fcttl!!ij'lf.i qi(lff:f 1t JO~tQMt1!1f('ltl!h(1t i

JI ld(N 'ifQt.{1! I tift <9if lffj4:.rl (1(1{ §\lf('ll I ~ tq1tfri (t!l~lf I

~ ?t' ~~I~~ '1'•1ltl_I etc .... f~\~qtUl""1if'Q: q(C=t4il: I

lf 1j tfi(l f N~ ~ t ii ('ij ~ '<1 {-OJ 11 qt= 11 lf ~ •ti '11 ltlfif it ~t t1 .,j 4:t ft1 M tft:: itf' 31.fteQ!]iQt!Jfi'a U Jl~ttR~~t11}t! ll

At the end of II, i4, T. has: (~CfilNCfii~ R\i1l~J4it ~~ l'ff: ft:rOfff'.R~ i~: ~t11R: n It ends: f;:tf\q: Rs::t~~IR! ijJlif1'1411c4 U"4(­tl IMCI QOCfit NCfil @ti~: I ~ l'ltei( U

These materials proved quite sufficient for the critical restoration of

. XI\"

JNTRrJDllCT/0,,'/ .

the text of the iviantrapatha, and it is not likely that more 1\I SS., \Vhich might have been procured from India, \rould have been of much avail.

Commentaries on the l\Jantrapa~ha by Sayai:ia (vridyarar,iya), and~~ Sudarsanacarya, are mentioned by Dr. G. Oppert (Lists of Sanskrit

2\Januscripts in Southern India, vol: ii, 2083, 6790, 10089; ti63). But Dr. Hultzsch, \vho \\·as kind enough to make enquiries about these l\ISS.~ could find no trace of them. ' No Par:ic:Iit,' he \vrites, · kno\YS anything

about the existence of these commentaries.' One very obliging Pai;i.c;Iit,

Triambaka Sastriar of Kumbakonam, indeed offered to 'make' a com­mentary of Sayal).a. I-Ie \Vrites to one of Dr. Hultzsch's correspondents:

'But if you \vant ': Saya1.1acharya's bhishya,'' as almost all these mantras occur in the Rigveda and '\'"ajuryeda. I think \ve can \Vrite it out of these veda bhashyas.' JJet us hope that \Ve shall ne\·cr find a Bhashya of Sayai)a made up in this fashion, though an authentic commentary of SayaD.a, and also of Sudarsanarya, if they really exist \Vould be n1ost va:uable. ...~s it is, \Ve must be satisfied \\'ith Haradatta's commentar)'·

There ca~ be no doubt that Haradatta, the author of the commentarv ~

on the I\Iantrapatha, is identical \vith the Haradatta \rho \\Tote the

Anakula \ 1rtti on the ... ~pastambiya Grhyasutra, and the lTjjvala \Trtti on the Apastambiya Dharmasutra. N O\V it has been pro\·ed by Dr. Buhler that this Haradatta cannot have \Vritten later than bet\veen A.D. 1..;.50-1500, and (if he \Vas also the author of the Padamafijari, a commentary on the Kasik~. \\ hich is not at all impossible) 1 may be much older .

.l\.s nor:e of our J\1SS. can claim so early a date as the fifteenth century, it follo\vs that Haradatta's commeni.ary must be considered as the highest authority for the reconstruction of the text of the l\Iantrapatha. \Vhenever, therefore, a reading was supported by Hara­~atta (H.) 2, it has invariably been adopted.

1 See Dr. Buhler's second edition of the Apastambfya Dharmasutra (Bo1nbay San~krir Series, No. XLIV), part i, p. viii seq. The l\litakshara-\'rtti on the Dharma­siitra of Gautama is probably the work of the same Haradatta. See Dr. Buhler ir, S. B. E., vo!. ii l2nd ed.), p. xlv1i n. For other \VOrks ascribed to Haradatta and p~ss:biy a biography of this learned author (Haradattlya? Haradattacaritra ?;, :;ee Tn. Auf!"echt, Catalogus Ca1:alogorum (Leipzig, 189!), p. 755.

~ \Ve have, of course, always to distinguish between a reading supported by a special remark of Haradatta-cnlv these have been pointed out in the notes by 'H.'-and


As to the l\'1SS. of the text, the Grantha J\ISS. had to be considered

as of higher authority than the Devanagari l\1SS., for the orthographical peculiarities of the latter leave no doubt that they go back to Grantha ~ISS. Resides, there is every reason to assume that the Southern l\'1SS. represent more accurately a text belonging to the school of the Apastambins. 1-i'or, as Dr. Buhler has sho\vn 1, both Brah1nanical tra<li­tion. and the information to be drrived fro1n inscriptions, as \Vell as the actual state of things in modern India, prove that the Apastambin~ belong to Southern India. The Taittirrya literature, generally, must have flourished in the Dckhan at a very early period 2, and for the best Taittirrya l\f SS. \\·e ha\'e ahv3.ys to turn to the South, \\'here, indeed, most of these i\1SS. are found.

The Grantha MS. \\7h. is, as a rule, more correct than Bu .. the other Grantha 1\1S .. \\·hich stands nearer to Ii. \\i. E. than \\Th. 'fhe l\'1SS. E. and \\r. sttnd much nean:r to each other than they stand to B.

The Tclug-u edition (T.) has only been collated after the text '\'as already in type. Its value is that of a good i'vlS., and it agrees on the \vhole \vith the text con1mcntcd on by I-Iaradatta. I have quoted it in the critical notes in all irnportant cases. Its importance, like that of P., lies in the fact that it also confirms the authenticity of all those strange and ungrammatical readings 'vhich an editor, at first sight, feels inclined to remove by· conjectural emendations. and \vhic:h, nevertheless, have to be retained. as they are confirmed by Haradatta's commentary, and by the best J\ISS.


There are numerous cases in these ~Tantras '"here every editor \vould be tempted to have recourse to conjectural e1nendations. But on closer examination he \vill remember that he has to edit, and not to correct his text, and that e\?cn a grammatically impossible reading has to be retained, if it is \Varranted by the best at1thority.

readings found in any nne nr ~otne ()f our 11SS. of Haradatta. A reading found in H \~., H hg, H bd._, or H Hg. has no in ore, or e\'en less, \veight than that of a single text l\IS., as the copy1sts of the co1n1nentary are not so careful as those of the text.

i c .._. l• E 1 d uee .1 .~. ., \"() •• !! I ~n ed.), pp. XX:Xlll-XXX\"11. 2

See ::ion1e excellrnt ~·en1arks by IJr. H. Luckrs, Die \'\·isa-Ciko;;ha 1 Kiel, 18t151, p. 5 ~ . ".J '

• XYl

Take for instance I, Ji 9. Nothing \\'ould be easier than to correct this verse and restore the readings found in Rv. \rl II, 91, 7 · There can-

not, of course, be the least doubt that ~ ~: for ~ ~ff@ is absolute

nonsense, that the vocative {ij( 'vith the third person 'llJ(Cfi\('(_ is gram­

matically impossible, that ~ is the correct reading, and not ~­Yet the evidence of the MSS. and the explanations of Haradatta leave no doubt that the faulty readings are those kno1vn among the Apa-

stambins. Qife: ~ \ef: is the reading of all the MSS., and is explained

by Haradatta. The reading of \V. ~: (sic) is clearly a \Yeak attempt

of some copyist to justify the third person ifCfi((\ by changing the

vocative into a nominative. ~' again, is supported by the readings

of all but one of the 1\ISS., and by Haradatta. As I had to edit, not to correct the prayer book of the Apastambins, I could only give the text as it is \varranted by the best MSS. and by the Commentator, and as \Ve must assume that the Apastambins repeated it on the occasion of ~lie bride's bath, \vithout exactly kno'.ving themselves \Vhat they were


I, 1, 10. Here again there is not the least doubt that~ ~;;c.q1q: is

the correct reading, but the explicit statement of Haradatta, that 1Jf1 S!_IP(ll!f I'!: is the reading kno,vn among the Apastambins (lfftfa-g q1a: ~ 1{fi«4ftt), forbids our adopting the correct reading given by the ~ISS.

\\r. Bu., and found Av. XIV, I, 40. \Ve find 1(1(. for~ again I, 11, 11,

and in I, I I, 6 Haradatta supports the reading of the best l\1SS. fcttt q m for fct 3!i'Q ra by Sa) ing 'l{Cifil (~ ;e41 <::. It might be said that we could not have both 1[ll and ~in the same verse. But the same promiscuous use of the t\VO sibilants occurs also in some of the Asoka inscriptions, and, as Dr. :Buhler has pointed out, is due to a laxness of pronunciation to be cbser\·ed in most parts of India 1•

I, 3, 14. Follo\\Ting the authority of the best !v1SS. and of 1-Iaradatt~.

1 'The vad:lation is just the saine as when the inhabitants of GuiarAt say in cae sentence l .f.t~z k.-:he chh& ("what does he say?"), a.'1d in the next ta;ne stun kahyu1r C' what did you say?").> Dr. Buhler in Epigraphia Indica, vol. ii?, p. r36. • See ·:us



l\'f. B!oomfie:C., the Kaw;ika-slitra, p. Jx; J. Amtr. Or. Soc., vol. xiii, p. ci~ seq_.: ar. -~ S. B. E., vol. xiii, pp. 255, 331; J. \\'ackernage~ Altindische Grammatik, p. 226.


I had to adopt the reading 4}1QC{T ~'though 4JRqC(fCfif!{, the reading found in Dr. Buhler's MS. of Bharadvaja-Grhy. I, 16, and in Hir. I, 21, ~

(ed. Kirste ), is far more plausible. But of t\vo Hiral).yakesin MSS. which

I have seen myself, one reads IQ~QC{I ~, the other 0~ ~-

I, 8, 2. The reading ~ ct~Rt ,rt~\144 tQJ IE(. is certainly ungram·

matical, and it would be easy enough to propose emendations. \Ve

might correct 'di4i11QJl4{ to ~'<lilll'.Ql((_, and all \Vould be \veil. Or, \Ve

might read ~ Cfilidl \fjdijii11'14!1~, taking these words as a paren-- I

thetical sentence. Compare Hir. I, 29, 2; Asv. II, 9, 5 ; Sankh. III, 5, 3 1 But the varietas lection£s and Haradatta's commentary leave no doubt that the ungrammatical reading is the traditional reading of the Apastambins. Baudh. I, 8 has the same reading.

I, 8, 7. Here, again, the reading 'l!lf!}qf"'lffl of Av. VI, 78. 2 might substituted for flQf'lrO, which gives hardly any sense. The latter, ho\vever, is the reading of all the MSS., and is explained by

Haradatta as meaning: q'tq( o:c?l'(iQ~fq"1' 'if i:tctftt <'ttll, or Q\ltliff­

<:IM lift.

I, 9, I. One\lllight tl}ink that the accents which are only found in the Devana~arI MSS. have little authority, and as a matter of fact, the IVISS. are not always reliable in this respect. In E., especially, the accents are often placed quite arbitrarily. Yet, although I have frequently allowed myself to deviate fi:om the MSS. with regard to the accentuation, I have never done so without giving the readings of the l\ISS. in the critical notes 2• For \Ve find in Haradatta's commentary references to the accents which prove that they also were fixed by tradition. Such a case occurs I, 9, 1, where Haradatta confirms the

1 Here also the Mantra is evidently cor.upt. 2 It is hardly necessary to state that if I quote in the notes a reading as occurring,

e.g. in 'B. V.l. \\'h.,' or in • E. Bu.,' etc., it always means that it occurs in B. \V. E. with the accents, and in \Vb. Bu. without the accents. The ~1SS. git;e frequently tlie verb \\-itil the A.nudatta. i:l a dependent clause ; as will be seen from the critical notes, I have cor:;-e.::ted d~e accentuation in these cases. In the accentuation of vocatives, also, the ~!SS. are frequently ·wrong, and I thought it better to follow the general rules of Vedic accentuation. Especially frequent are such cases of wrong accentuation towards the end of the book. See I, i31 3a; II, 2, 3; 6, 14a; 12, 1oa; 13, 5; lo; i4, 2d; 15, 12j 17, lj l!j 12; 18, 35; 36; 39 j 44i 20, Ij 21-23 j 33; 35; Zl, I9j 32b; 33 c; 22, S a; 10 a.

c (III. 8.J

. . . INT RODUCTJO;.V . XVlll

reading of our accentuated MSS.: ~ 411<!_: 'If 6'l4bctf'!,fil ~ ~:I by saying ~~"41f'lf~rtfi1'41i'l'i!tl"'(Ell€il~ if'Cffrl. This verse occurs in

Av. XX, 127, 12 in the follo\ving form: I I ~ 1 rl~ "« iQ(q! ll atttl'Cq i€f»d( (f ~(ttt: I - - - -w ~«d<f14_Q!l .tftl ~ f.t ~ ll

Now we find in Par. l, 8, 10, Bhar. I, 17, and Hir. I, 22, 9 the follo\ving

vers~on of the first line :

U irrcft fir tfh(filCt ~ t lfl 1 6 i\q I; I

That is to say, in order to make the first line harmonize better \Vith the second line, the vocatives 'vere changed into nominativ~es, and the second

person Jf ~ was changed into a third person fir ~({-U. In our

~'.lantrapatha, however, the vocatives \Vere changed into nominatives,

while the second person ll ~ ICI~~ \Vas retained. The ~Iantra occurs a!so Baudh. I, 8 (agreeing \Vith ~'Iantrapat;ha), and lVIBr. I, 3, i 3 (agree­ing \vith Av.), but unfortunately \ve do not kno\v ho\v the corresponding line in these texts \Vas accentuated. i\s regards !\1Br. I, 3, 13, Sayal).a's commentary-he says that the second person stands for the third person 1-may possibly refer to if(~!, "15& r:, and 1£4(l4t: being accen­tuated as nominatives.

I, 9, 3. ~A..s "\Ve have seen that Haradatta was acquainted \vith a traditional accentuation of the 11antras, \Ve may even be justHied in altering the accents, against our a~centuated :rvISS, according to Hara­datta's comLnentary. I l1a\·e ventured to do so in this difficult Yajus,

\\'here our rvISS. read Jt~Etf_!, \vhile the commentator explains ~: lW: - -

~ Sayana on \ (Royal Asiatic Society 1-lS. \Vh1sh 8 5, foll. 15 b, i6 a)

r, 3, 13: ~ ill~ U?r ~~§lit~ &{iO~: I ~1r1(it fctf.1~~1: I '11{ I ~'1 litT

~Cf?lt: I ~ iff(44i(_ ~ ~1 lq: ~dttq~ ~Ql ~Tf~'El"1fo§li\<tr mm ~"Cf°i1fif " q -.. "6:'.

C(~C(<l 11l<'riitf4i ~I~~ t~~: (~) ~~ttq\l1C1$Cf~i1~ at'CQ~ it~JJS~~iij'-.,.,,,_._..;• ~ - . ii <ftjit i iQipfi 1(%!{: I ~ ~ ~~a((q: ~st tttiflt 'if ~rq tGtiffi ot; r~T:

~en S\\f4i: ~'41~~: ~f;iq((ifq ~~: 1 ~ ~ ::qf~il 1fe- ~fit ~"tiiiT 1 if tTI ~ 0 f~: ;a~ (:1(fil01: llC1 ~1fi ~<ffiT ~: J4 ij f~ an ij ~fr1 ~ f ~m:T ~ . .... ~?lq(ijG(@.q: '.l



by saying 'Jn.Cf! Jfectif1f\@t 1:. As to 11: for 1!f, and the puzzling form tfl.._t, all I can say is that Haradatta only confirms the readings of the

MSS. when he says: lf,i:I tel~4i'r f1tijaii11t1: 111: l!{ Jtq(f I and 'R'iti+.l! AeN('\e 1

I, 10, 2. Here, again, it would have been easy enough for the com­mentator, as well as for the editor, to restore the readings of R v. X,

85, 21. Haradatta knew as \\·ell as we do that efctctdl is the reading in

the Rigveda-Sarphita, yet he states that the short £ of -qfttqfff is '\Tedie.'

\I is the reading of all the l.VtSS. and of Haradatta, for ~, the much

better reading of the Rigveda. More doubtful is the reading fqfC fl( for

~?Ii ii(. The 1'ISS. both of the text and of the commentary are divided

between fCli11'( and Cft?fill(, but Haradatta's explana.tion ~i(i1fJfijlf i?t­fit~lti is more appropriate for fc1+ttl{. 'fhe DevanagarI 1'1SS. often give the reading of the Rigveda, \Vhere the Grantha lVISS. have peculiar readings, and it is altogether more probable that a copyist should have substituted a reading of the Rigveda for a reading differing from it, than the other i..vay about. For the same reasons I have adopted the reading

~ I, ro, 1, instead of J:lq\~ of R v. X, 8 51 22.

I, r J, 2. If there could be any doubt as to Haradatta's thorough acquaintance \\'ith the readings of the Rigveda-Sarp.hita, it \\'Ould be

removed by his note on the reading (!_~for "'-· Ali the 1\'!SS. support

the reading criJ.. and I--Iaradatta has the follo\ving interesting remark on

it : : The it has the Anunasika; the Bahvrcas, hO\\'ever, read it as a pure vo\vel. Jn our case also, some people read an Anusvara after the u, but

pronounce the it itself as a pure vo\vel 1.' Such express1ons as~' 'th~y read, they· recite.' are very significant, and go far to prove tha':: Haradatta did not re!y merely on v.:hat he saw in 1\1SS., but based his ren1arks 01: \\'hat he lzcarti from the rnouth of .... i\.pastambins 'vhen .the~­\vere reciting their prayers.

1, I 1, 4. Here, aga~!1 1 1 \·entured to alter the accents on the authority

1 ~qi1~~•tl~1f~1<~~: ' -;;~tt1~ ~crr~1:qfl i mft! lRli,cti!<:1i'tt(Pij­

~i(6"l'~~=rt l 'dlCfift ~ 1·af{ I! The Anunas1ka is a nasal sound affecting ~.:­acconi p,1ny~ nr; th·~ VO\\ e:L the Anusvara i= ;:i nasal _lo/,, i;:, ·, n,:; ,yi.'r the vowel. Sr•­\ Yackernag el, -~~t.:1ci. ·-~r.·L.11L" ~t1l~. !-'· 25G; .. 1\ hitney. ·r<i.ittir~) d-~)r:.i.t1s5.k!iy.~. p >)

c ~

xx f/\lTRODUCTJ().\'

of Haradatta. While the accentuated rvrss. have ~ ij llff, \Vhich :rields - -no sense at all, H. explains 'Eitfltif: as being 'clzi'indasa' for \11t\f til1: • I do not believe that his explanation is right, but it sho\vs, at any rate._

thJ.t the Apastambins, heard by Haradattai did not recite ~ .:I !411, but

ij'ij~lit This, too, is corrupt, but it is not a corruption of 1'.ISS., I:;:

;;e that had become stereotyped in the recitation of the Apastambins. It ,,-n~.lld not be difficult to propose emendations, but if Vle once begin to co~~_:eLture there are so many possibilities that they all lose in

probability. I subjoin the readings of the J\'.ISS. of H., and some possible emendations:

ofit~~\flil(ij( lTnaccentuated l\ISS.

o~ :a1a ~Accentuated ~·ISS. - -.f,'.:;"_J I

o 1_,(ff~.:1!'4 ~ H. 0~~ij\11ctflfij(

offt~~43t 1' ~ Possible conjectures.

ofii~v itif (hiatus)~ I, 1 I, 11. There is much that is ungrammatical in this I\1antra. We

have ~i{'ft~I for <1l~ifll, 't[1{. for~' and 1{1(: for ~rt:. But all these readings are confirmed by Haradatta's commentary, and are given by nearly all our MSS. Hence I should not have been justified in correcting this verse according to Rv. VIII, 31, 9, \vhere \Ve find the

correct readings. As to lf1t for ~' see above, note to I, 1, 1 o. H. says that .f for s is ·Vedic,' and adds that the Bahvrcas read s. As to

<l.l(§rlCfr he says: qCfi((\ 'dqdlif:. He explains 4~'1': by ~ildJ(, and

inf': by a~<1f( (ii!tl~'f ~ S\t(Cf.tdfq~). The verse \Vas originally con­nected with some rite of the Soma sacrifice 1, and \vhen it \Vas in the I\Iantrapatha included among the prayers to be rectted at marital cohabitation after the wedding, its original meaning \Vas no longer

1 The two \Terses Rv. VIII, 31, 8-9 \Vould be very appropriate for an occasion where cohabitation forms part of the Soma sacnfice, as at the lvlahavrata ceremony. See r\.. Hillebrandt, Sonnwendfeste in Alt-Indien, pp. 42-44. I agree 'vith P1schel (Vedische Srudien, I, Ij8 seq.) as to l1dltar having the mean1ng of yoni, but I see no reason why r~'IJ:.aS..Z should not mean sepa. I translate Salll Rdlto ronzaidnt 1i,1to d1''l.'es!tu k.rnulo dkzs1~, 'they join together y<Jni and sepa, and (thereby) worship the goods.'



understood, or only half understood. And if people repeat what they do not understand, corruptions like those occurring in our Mantra are almost inevitable.

I, 16, 2. ~q I~\(\ for '!qf~~ (Rv. X, 159, 2) is not only the reading

of all the MSS. and T., but is also confirmed by Haradatta, v:ho says

that v for p is 'Vedic,' adding that the Bahvrcas read p. It is note­

worthy that the Grantha MSS. in our case write quite distinctly 'dtfi0 ,

though in many cases it is impossible to distinguish between Grantha v and p, the two letters being so much alike. We find also p for v, as

in qf(iqq I, 13, 5 for qf\'1CI of Av. XIX, 8, 4. In II, 22, 4 it is almost

impossible to say whether uqtQ"l or J4qij]i( ought to be read. Following

Haradatta's note JiqQJ'l Cf.(Cf((i(1, I adopted. the reading Jiqij]i(_, though

the MSS. of the text are in favour of RCliQi(. B. supports the read­

ing of T. JtCICQ ii(, which is not impossible for JCq«Qli( corresponding

to 11quj of Av. III, 15, 6. If Haradatta had read J4ctQJi(, he would have

made a remark on the <tCfii( 2• But the most startling interchange of

v and p occurs II, 22, 9, where the MSS. (a11 but one) read ~ 1" .f:l(t for~ cn"R on which Haradatta remarks: 'g&:tC(l~'lt41 '2Ri't <tifil(41

Q€1~e: QCll(! I Of course, when seeing it for ci1' in a Grantha MS.,

and the regular form ~: immediately after, one would naturally think that this is a clerical mistake due to the similarity of the two letters v and p in Grantha. But if we remember that Haradatta did not rely on MSS. alone, but heard the Apastambins recite their Mantras before he \Vrote his commentary, we shall have to admit that this interchange between v and pis due to a dialectic pronunciation of the Apastambins, and not to a slip made by a copyist. It is highly improbable that Haradatta would have made his remarks on the authority of a single faulty MS. In fact, if he relied on MSS. at all, he must have had more than one MS., as we have seen tha: he mentions a various reading

1 The Hara.datta MSS. vacillate, however, in the same way as the text l\:1SS., between AQ4Qi(, lJTifil, and 111q411 ti(, but there is more authority for J4QQ(i(. The readings are: ilQlUi( Cflqf (i( Hw. Hbg. JfC(Gli( Clfqil(i\ Hbd. JIQQ!i(

Ciifq(f(I'( HHg. MCflQli( ~Ciii{l(li\. T. r.omm. (1tq4t1'j~(lf'1 text of T.). 2 One might even derive Rq4li(fron1 ~ + J:J, but this is not probable.

. . XXll J.Vl RODL-"CTIOA· .

~for~ abO\'e p. xix. And a commentator like Harad~tta kne\v as \\·ell as ,re do. that copyists are b}? no means infallible. If he had found

~for cfr in a 11S, he v.rould have simply corrected it. His remark that

pis '\ ... edic 1 for'-' proves that he had the best authority for the reading

lh'. 11Ioreover. \\'e can imagine that an editor of both the text and the co~mentary (e.g. the editor of the Telugu edition) 1 \vould adopt the

reading til' on the strength of the commentary, but it is highly im~ probable that the \\Titers of the 1v1SS. E., B., and \Vh. should all have

fai~hfully and carefully fol1o\\·ed the commentary of Haradatta in writing it, "·hich must have been as startling to any scribe as it is to us.

I, r6, 4. The best :\fS. of the text (\\.Th.) and the best ~IS. of the

commentary (H\v.) read '1Af~~ instead of -=vf'Sfi'. It is just possible that \\'e ha\"e in this one irregularity more: but as Haradatta himself does not

make any special remark about it, I thought it safer to follolv the

majority of 1TSS. \rhich read~ \Yith Rv. X, i59, 4.

1, I 6~ 6. It looks strange, no doubt, that \Ve should read ~~

~~ \'tr. 5 and ~~: in ver. 6. But the evidence of the l\ISS. and

Haradatta's remark (~l~ij4'4j~q1mq: ~ff'§'iff f(ra Cl"l1) leave no doubt

that the ~:\pastambins-probably on account of the preceding lJlJ?.ft:­reac ~: in \'er. 6, "'hile the readings of the best l\ISS. and

Haradatta prove that \\'e have to read ~~ in ver. 5. Compa1e C. R. Lanman, X oun-Inflection in the \' eda, p. 376 seq.

II, ::, 3. I am doubtful about the reading ~'· Both the text

and the Haradatta 1'.ISS. \-acillate bet\veen ~ic:Uli(, ~~l!fil. and cttf~lQQ'(_.

Haradatta ex?lains : fCffcrti;J(:{<a~i{_ (viz. Cfil'~Tij1q~1 ~ i Gtli51 fiff\~11 tii{.). The evidence of the rvISS. is decidedly in favour of ~~Ulil_2• It ought

to ~e :nentioncd that the reading ~ft:li!fil is doubtful, as in the Grantha \rbat I read i :nay be n1ea:it for the \Tirama. And as the \/iraCJ.a is

freque~t:y omittr:::c! in Greintha 1TSS. even the reading ~~might be li1ea~t for c:tfi4J,l!!i'{_. In the same verse \Ve ought, of course, to expect

: '1'. reads :::lot oniy ~ tfT bt:t also firqfil' ~ in l I 22 q and .f"'<e :;t:f f ~ f,. ft:! ~ . i , , _, f" Y I ,1or Ftt ~ 1} in II, z21 Io! But the cornmentary in T. agrees with our t.ISS. 2

Cou!d ~~ be corrupted from C£it;i9'(_; Or is 1t forn1ed after the analogy of such fo:!':1s as iQ'1ifil, ~'\, etc.?


'IJlliffil (as in lVIantra 5), but the evidence of the MSS. leaves no doubt

that the ... .i\.pastambins read ifgli'fi( in this verse. The text MSS. have

all 'i0cti{_, so also the best Haradatta 1IS. (Hw.), and HHg. reads

'IQ~i'fi( iU!iitii\_, \vhich I believe to be Haradatta's O\Vn reading explaining the irregular by the regular form. The accents had to be corrected, as cakf tan is impossible.

II, 2, 8. The reading of Av. II, 13, 3; XIX, 24, 6 ~ rt iii~: is, no doubt, the correct reading of the verse, but it is not the reading of the Apastambins. It is true that in Grantha it is frequently impossible to distinguish the letters dh and th. But it cannot be a mere accident that all the l\1SS., both Devanagari and Grantha, read distinctly

vr:, not 'lt:. The Telugu edition1, too, and the Prayoga MS. read \ll:-, and, above all, Haradatta renders ~\l\TI: by qf\flttc:t tiff~, and remarks:

'e:iqj(\@ ~Ctif(JC~t~~:. Hiral).yakesin also reads ~: (though one

of Prof. Kirste's MSS. has ~:) Perhaps, \\re ought to read ~

~~:against the authority of the accentuated lYISS.

II, 2, I 1. The form t:tf.,'ii (which is also found in Bhar., Hir., and Baudh.) is, as Prof. Kirste (note to Hir. I, 4, 6) suggests, probably


a Prakritic form for ;e~'if, which occurs Sankh. II, I, 30. But it should , be added that in Sankh. also a various reading ijf't'fi is quoted in Prof. Oldenberg's edition (Ind. Stud. XV, p. 48). See also Prof. , Oldenberg's note on Sankh. II, 10, 4 (S. B. E., vol. xxix, p. 75 note).

II, 3, 2. Here we have again a clear instance of Haradatta's careful­ness and trustworthiness in recording readings of the Apastambins which differ from those of the Rigveda. While Rv. IV, 58, 1 and Vs. XVII,

89 read 'dC(i ~!q!"'!lif!, the Mantrapatha (agreeing with TA. X, 10, 2)

reads <a<l '<!q!s:Jil!. This difference ot accentuation between the Apa­stambins and the Bahvrcas is pointed out by Haradatta, who separates

~and 1i3!1ii I, and says: iJl~<Oli1Q16' CClttl~iif I il\l:'q 1@414!ji(iit1'qi'iftfitt I • d

I should prefer to explain 'dQ i'!)iif r in our Mantra with Sayava as meaning 'by the muttered prayer.'

In II, 3, 24 Haradatta again refers to the accentuation, pointing out

that ' some' {1'f"4(() read asau instead of asau.

1 However T. has very frequently \t for 1(.


II, 6, 8. It is almost too tempting to correct ~ to ~' the reading of Rv. I, 23, 24, especially if \Ve remember that ~in Grantha if 1

might easily be misread for tit. But all our MSS. (also T.) have ~«gift, and Haradatta says that the t for Visarga in~ is 'chiindasa,' adding that the Bahvrcas read ~:. It is certainly a mistake, but as it is. not merely a clerical mistake of some copyist, it has to be retained in the text as a faulty reading of the Apastambins.

II, 7, 25. The reading (llfilf-4~ is not only supported by all but one of our MSS., and by Haradatta's commentary, but it is also the reading of Hir. I, 10, 6, and I, rr, 3, and (according to Prof. Kirste) also of Bhar. II, ZI. The correct reading \vould, no doubt, be t:t1it1ttlft, which we find Par. I, 13, 1. But the correct reading was not the reading of the .A.pastambins, and the mistake is in all probability older than the Sutra .. karas Bharadvaja and HiraQ.yakesin.

II, 8, 4. Whether qiit is a Prakritic form for 9' ltll~ or a mistake for

Aili fiu (the reading of Hir. I, 10, 6) may be doubted, but there can be no

doubt that we have to read qriit in the Mantrapatha, as this is the reading of all MSS., and Haradatta tells us that qiit for iftWlfG is' Vedic.>

II, 8, 10. llillf ltf 1.- is the reading of all MSS., though we should

expect itiitfllQ-, as Kamayan! is the patronymic of Sraddha. II, 9, 1. In Q~d{~" we have ~ used as a neuter in the sense of ~. A similar neglect of Vrddhi occurs in (lbiilff.flft: II, 17, 26, where all MSS. have the short a, and Ha.radatta says fti4(4 llCtl'tt(J In II, 17, 8 we find an irregular Vrddhi in illlfffl::"<NI for iitftf(CA1 or

•tiitf\'41 · Haradatta says it l~ij\Cf li(I f'(«JR:i: I II, 11, 19. If Haradatta is right, we have here 'di(4i!t for '1((2, which

makes good sense. Tilada, a personification of the after-bi~ is addressed: 'Thou art neither flesh, nor (part of the) abdomen.' Compare

IIJ 16, 7 and 8, where according to the evidence of the MSS. (\ft" has to be read in ver. 7, and ~t flC'I in ver. 8. Two different beings seem to be meant .

• 1

Grantba MSS. always double the consonant after r. For this and other peculiari .. ues of Grantha MSS., see my edition of the lpastambiya Grhyasiitra, p. x note.

1 Compare 'dq« and '8Qf~, ttltJ• and 0iiig(, WackernageJ, Altindischc Gram­

matik, p. 220.


I!, 13, 7. Haradatta is hardly right in explaining ~as a nominative

standing for the accusative ~1, and in deriving lRl~ from m+ ~ 'to throw 2.' Perhaps we ought to read "4fii ~'Kali, the dice.' ~TI{ seems to .be used (as q9qr~ is sometimes) in the sense of 'to sit round (with hostile intentions); circumsedere.'

II, 14, :i. @i'lUC!IJafil is certainly a mistake for W.&:!Jqd.5'. But Haradatta

says l t\'l!J~al'"" i!itll!Ji~al~ and all the MSS. read tt'-l!P~tsi"lt. Compare

Apast. Grhy. 5, 23, where ~ is used as a feminine, as if it were ~ dfif · 111 15, 3. In this verse (which occurs also in a very corrupt form

in Asv. II, 8, 16 and Sankh. III, 31 i) \Ve find again an impossib1e mixture of second and third persons. Nothing would be easier than

to correct +aifi((lctM to .-T '°' and fittl'llf to fc'l81 in, but it is wiser to follow Haradatta, and simply state the purushav;1atya;1a, without tampering with the traditional text.

II, i6, ~ and 5. If I had been sure that Haradatta really read 1ICf

'*11411(( for ~ '*4 iil'ltll. in these verses, I should have adopted it in the text, as T. does, for HaradattaJs 3.Uthority must count for more than that of the MSS. On the other hand, this would be the only case in which a reading given by Haradatta is not supported by any of the

text MSS. And as he has no special gl0ss on TI, it is doubtful whether Haradatta really read it. The l\1SS. of the commentary have-

('lif 'Cf IC4i1l'.C( ifq$C( H w. Hbg. Hbd.

II, 16, 2 i'l141(t( q"'wtHHg. l ~ :q lcti1!t( ;aqa91:. Comm. in T.

(illlf"llq "'41:-'t!<l iU<il~liqs~n'(Hw. II,i 6,

5iiiUlifif 1'18!11!<( "llCftl~ Q2f4'l "l811•1..:d Hbg.

Cllliq\41Cfi'l(ct:_ iU4ilt! Qif.ii( HHg. Deest in Hbd.

~1ifCii'qlC61tC( 'lli411'1i qatt_ Comm. in T.

Hirar,iyakesin II, 7, 2 has (f~5':f1{-ef :q ICfil{t(. All the Mantras in this chapter are beset with difficulties, and it may

be doubted whether it will ever be possible to restore the text so as to bring out a satisfactory meaning. In fact, I do not believe that those

1 f\ift ft Nf A wt 111 I ~ Etifltll\ I 2 ••it'"<:tt(ci 'if gwt\re: 1 q~-aa 1

d [III. 8. J


who used these charms to cure children's diseases or to exorcise the demons harassing little children, kne\v the actual meaning of the words

which they recited. \Vhether we ought to read ~\l!J or ~~ in I I, I 6, 3 and 6 is ,

quite doubtful. If ~afff\t!I in Sa tap. Br. XI, 4, 1, 6 ; 14 means ' shaggy,' cf) f(-OJ might mean 'hair,' and ~aft f(t!J 'fine-haired.' But the best

~ l\fSS. (H lN". \:Vh.) support~ l~.

In II, i6, 7 the reading -:vcrmCJft:r, though syntactically impossible, seems to be \\'arranted by the best l\ISS. and by Haradatta's com­mentary. But the l\.f SS. are corrupt. I subjoin the readings of the

Haradatta l\'ISS. :

iQq\ltClfr'I '!lCfit \ctlttltl: I ""4Nl~<91 'SWl'I &'k?I I Hbd.

'fq~fqt'f \!lcnf (<ftdl~! I ~ ""li'l•fl I HHg. '!QCl\{IC1tt I ~Cfil(~(fl~: l \l\(t~~t "'lif~C1 l Hbg. '181q~IC!ftf ! f.l41(~Cfl~: I ~~T 'l'ctliff I Hw.

'tCf\ftqftf I ~IC4ft I \441 ~~ ~(ilq: -.\ll~~T ~·H l Comm. in T.

For the metre's sake it ought to be left out altogether, but the sense

seems to require ~~'ff, the corrected reading of Bu. Hir. II, 7, 2

also reads 1(q~(qft:t.

A most puzzling form is tft~(\C(tt in II, i6, 9 seq. Haradatta, indeed,

has no difficulty, he quietly explains i\tQ(\C(i't by 11Q'8q(!, without telling us how he arrives at this meaning. There can be no doubt that the verses must have had some sense at some time or other. But, as we find them in the Mantrapatha (and both Haradatta and the MSS. enable us to ascertain at least the traditional readings of the Apastam­bins), they defy all attempts at interpretation. The words if4'1Q ~ ~ seem to suggest that ~~ is the name of a male demon, and

ittt\) his female counterpart, and it is not impossible (as Dr. Buhler has

kindly suggested to me) that we have to look for something like 411.:f (\ ¥! in ~1.-J-OC(i't, while ijlij~'f might stand for ~ irc(. But in

conje"turing anything like that, v;e really go beyond the time when these Mantras \\'ere fixed in the school of the Apastambins. And if we could get at the original form of the Mantras, it would only mean that they were composed in this form, but became corrupt and intelligible, hefor~ they were received into the prayer book of the Apastambins.

Jll/1 RODl'C1 JO .. V. •• XXVll

II, Ij, i3. Here \VC have again a case \vhere an entirely impossible a~d ungrammatical reading is vvarranted both b}' Haradatta and by the rYISS. ~if4if I<\ is explained by ~:, and as to iilq_ Haradatta says:

il!(~4jl ~Cfi( (: 10

II, 22, 5 seq. l-Iere again the reading qf~rft~: is perfectly certain: though we may hesitate to adopt Haradatta's explanation, who says:

it! I i({j f(l\!f{<f qf<:fitff: ttn'.:cfl if~:. For the readings of Hirai;iyakesin and Paraskara seem to point to some other corruption.

In II, 22, IO Ql°il., f~l91 en is certainly the correct reading. But the

false reading Q lit if fij(Cii I lft' \Vas, no doubt, the traditional reading of the Apastambins, whether they explained to themselves the k as

'Vedic,' as Haradatta does (•ctt1 ~ 'dQ'5fflX· i~lJ:), or never thought of any explanation.

The grammatical irregularities "\\·hich have just been pointed out '"ill, I am afraid) prove of very little value to grammarians. A fe,v of the cases quoted may be due to dialectic pronunciation, and thus throw some light on the phonology of the Sanskrit spoken in Southern India. And I 'vill here add a fe\v cases of irregular contraction and euphonic combination, \vhich may be interesting for grammarians.

In I, 31 14 v;e read "1\~14\~i:tfli!, and the same contraction dmf1.!zdm

( = dnzus + ahdm? or drnii. + ahd1n ?) occurs also in Baudh. I, 12, Bhar. I: I91 and Hir. I, .20, 2 2, \vhich proves that the Th-'Iantra in this form was common property of the Black Yajurvedins.

Another Mantra Vt·hich belongs to the Taittiriyas generally is I, 4, 16 (repeated many times, see also Hir. I, 3, 6 etc.), 'vhich occurs already in TBr. II, 4, 1, 9. Both Saya1)a on this passage, and Haradatta on our

Mantra agree in explaining ~ti if~ =ayas asi, and ~f:4f'Qi(_=ayas sdn. Similar contractions as a;1asi = a_11tfsasi have been pointed out by the late Prof. Roth (Z. D. l\.L G., vol. 48, p. 678).

A case of elision occurs I, I 3, 9 (also Hir. I, 16, 3) in ~., which

Haradatta rightly· explains as nd as£, i.e. nti 'si. See Wackernagel, Altiudische Grammatik, p. 318.

1 The Telugu edition omits this remark (which is found in all our MSS.) in the

commentary, and reads i11\ii"1~lai._tl'(in the text. i See my paper, 'Das altindjsche Hochzeitsrituell,' etc. (Denkscbriften der k.

Akademie der Wissenscbaften in \Vien, Ph1l.-I-Iistor. Cl. Bd. XL, \\"ien, 1~92), p. 6.

d 2

XXVlll Jl'i/TRUDL'C F!o.v·.

Haradatta is no doubt right in explaining ftfitfl!, II, 14, 1 as an

irregular Sandhi for fefflftl = pitti eti, and lfltiijf~ II, zz, 5 for titQfQ =

kvd esft;1as£. Compare Wackern gel, 1. c., p. 321 seq.

Grammatical forms which deserve to be mentioned are perhaps the difficult form '!l(f.{141 I, 4, 41, for which Av. XIV, i, 52 has the much easier reading "41•iiC1, and ifil~1t4ift-. I, 5, i 8 (also Baudh. II, 10 with the

long f), and n;_ I, r r, 2, \vhich may possibly be a contraction for f(;qf2•

The occurrence of E!tftfl with the short i in ilii!tftfi: I, I, 5 (also Baudh.

I: r), and in @lf~m I, IO, 3-6 deserves also to be mentioned. But most of the grammatical irregularities discussed above admit of

no explanation from the grammarian's point of view-as little as the gibberish of magicians. They can only be explained by assuming that these prayers were handed down by oral tradition-probably for cen­

turies-among people who were no longer familiar with Vedic speech. What the Jaina monk Harikesa-Bala tells the Brahmans-' You are only the bearers of \Vords, as it \Vere, you do not understand their meaning, though you have learned the Vedas 3 '-was probably literally true at a very earl}r period. The authors of the Brahmal).as could not have used the Vedic Mantras for their fantastic speculations, if these Mantras had been clearly understood. But the charms and prayers collected in the Mantrapatha \¥ere not even in the keeping of learned priests, like the Saiµhitas of the Rigveda o: YajurYeda. They \\·ere used by people of all classes for their daily devotions and for all important occasions in their daily life. And folk-lorists know how folk­songs and children's rhJrmes become corrupted in the mouths of un­edw:.ated people, who care more for the beauty of the tunes or the fun of the rhymes, than for the actual meaning of the verses \vhich they repeat Just so will charms and prayers become corrupted in the mouths of \Vorshippers who repeat them, not on account of the meaning which they carry, but on account of their intrinsic sacredness. Indeed, the less they were understood, the more sacred would these time­honoured charms and prayers become, and the stronger the belief in

1 Baudh. I, 6 has (\illl~C(l\I. 2 But see C.R. Lanman, Noun-Inflection in the Veda, p. 412. 3 Uttaradhyayana-siitra XII, 15 (Sacred Books of the East, vol. xlv, p. 52).

. 1 ~vrRUDl'CJ'JU.\'. XXlX

their efficacy, for-as an oid adage ::-ays-' the gods love \\'hat is mysterious, and hate v;hat is evident 1.'

That the ~Iantras v.1ere not understood. or only half understood, may be seen from se\'eral passages "·here the :rviantras have absolutely nothing to do with the ccren1ony for \vhich they are used 2•

The very first verse of the l\lantrapatha, v~·hich is to be recited ,vhen the \VOoers are sent out, has really nothing to do \vith this act. The \VOrds 1.•arebhir 1.1araJt (vara meaning also '\\'ooer ') \Vere the only motive for using the :rvrantra in this connection.

l\fan'tra I, 2, 6, beginning v:ith the \Vords · 'A 'Y(lztnd thee, 0 Indra, may our songs be.' has certainly no connection \Vith the ceremony of dressing the bride. But the \Vords 'Qf( ID 'around thee' \Vere enough to use the Mantra \vhen putting the ne\v dress around the bride.

Mantra I, 6, J, 'The earth is supported by truth,' etc., was only prescribed for the supporting of the carriage on account of the \\'Ord

~'supported.' 1lore passages of that kind 'vill be pointed out in my translation

of the :rvrantrapatha. But ho\v little the l\fantras \\"ere understood, may be seen best from such passages as I, 8, 8, where t\vo lines, one taken from Rv. X, 85, 42, the other from Rv. VI, 57, 6, are joined together so as to form one 1Iantra, though they have nothing to do

q(lf40tto41 ~ff~: 14~"<1~: Brhadara1_1yaka-l;panishad IV, 2, 2, q()'<l­-4-1-tf-r ff ~: Sa tap. Br. \'~I, 1, r, 2; 1 r: 2, 3; 7, 1, 23 ; VII, ..;., 1, 10; I3; 16; 2, 12; 5, 1, 22. A German novelist tells of an old farm-servant \vho knows some verses from his hymn-book by heart, but recites them quite wrongly, n1aking sheer nonsense of them. But when he is told how he ought to recite them, he gets angry, and refuses to adopt such daring innovations. 'l\lein alter Jochem weiss noch einige Verse aus dem Gesangbuch auswendig. Er sagt sie hmner vor sich hin, aber ganz verkehrt, und es ist purer Unsinn, \\·as er daraus gemacht hat. Ich wollte ihm nun die \rerse richtig stcllen. Dariiber ward er sehr bos und sagte, das ware Neues, das gelte nicht. Sein Unsinn ist ihm lieber, er hat et,vas Geheimnisvolles daran, und das imponirt ihm, weil er's nicht versteht.' (B. Auerbach, Auf der Rohe, vol. iii.)

2 'It very frequently occurs in the Grhya ritual that ~Iantras are used at sacrifices standing in no connection with those for which they have originally been composed.' Prof. Oldenberg, S. B. E., vol. xxx, p. I 14 note. See also A. Hillebrandt, Ritual Litteratur (Buhler's Grundriss, III, 2), p. 19, and the interesting remarks by Prof. R. G. Bhandarka.r, Report on the Search for Sanskrit MSS. in the Bombay Pre5idency during the year l883-84 (Bon1bay, 1887), p. 37 s\!q., and by Prof. Bloomfield, S. B. E., vol xiii, p. 480.

xxx Il'/TRODUCT!01V.

\Vith one another. The literal translation of the Mantra would be: 'Stay ye here, may ye not be separated, may ye reach old age 1 For great \velfare, 0 Indra.' A grammatical construction is impossible.

A similar case occurs II, 3, 2, \vhere the first line is derived from Rv. IV, 58, I, and the second line from Rv. I, 109, 7. A literal trans­lation will sho\\' how absurd the combination of the two lines is : ' From the ocean forth the \vave full of honey; may I obtain immortality by the muttered prayer. These, indeed, are the rays of the sun by which our Fathers Vt·ent up to their common home (lit. common drinking-place?).'

It is, I believe, sufficiently clear, that the Apastambins recited these ~1antras much in the same way as many a Roman Catholic will listen to Latin prayers, and many a J e\v \vill say, and listen to, Hebrew prayers without any kno\vledge of the language in which they are composed. But not only that: the evidence adduced compels us also to assume that the 1\fantras of the .Apastambins were compiled, arranged, and some of them composed by men who knew the Vedic Sa.iµhitas, but to whom the language of these Sarp.hitas 'vas a dead and half-forgotten language The priests or P~<;lits, who finally arranged these Mantras so as to form part of the liturgical books of the Apastambins, knew, no doubt~ Sanskrit as \Vell as our commentator Haradatta, and \Vere thus able to see the gist of many of the l'v1antras, and to assign to them a place in the ritual. In the case of other Mantras, \Vhich they did not under­stand, they were satisfied if one or two words-as a rule the first word or worc.1s-of the Mantra suggested something similar to the rite for \Vhich it was used. The important thing for them was always the words, and not the meaning of the l'viantras. The words were sacred, because they were either taken from their sacred literature, from the Satphitas of the Rigveda or Yajurveda, or because they were magic spells and charms hallowed by time and ancient usage. If they thought of any meaning at all, they must have felt at liberty to explain to themselves any ungrammatical forms and constructions in the same way as Saya{la and Haradatta used to explain them in more recent times, as being ' chandasa' or 'Vedic.'

But all this seems to suggest that the Mantrapat}ia must have had an independent existence from the Grhyasutra of Apastamba, and that Apastamba himself was neither the author nor the compiler of the Mantrapatha. In order to arrive at a more definite conclusion about

J.i\"TRODlJCTJOJ'l. • Xxx1 ... ~ "" ...

this, \Ve shall have to examine more closely into the reiatior. o!" the

1:\vo \vorks.


GRH\~ • .\SUTRA.

The relation betv.reen the Apastambiya Grhyasutra and the IV[antra­patha is very sim,ilar to that bet\veen the Gobhila-Grhyasiitra and the 11antra-Brah1naQ.a of the Samaveda. \Vhile most of the other Grhya­siltras give the prayers in full, when describing the different domestic rites, Apastan1ba and Gobhila merel3.r describe the rites, and refer to the prayers as known from their respective prayer books.

Professor Knauer has sho\vn that the Gobhila-Grhya..c;;iitra not only

presupposes, but is entirely based on the J\i1antra-Brahma~a, that the

Grhyasutra is! in fact, nothing but a careful and systematic \vorking up of the !v!antras into a treatise on domestic rites. That certain Mantras are not given in the 11antra-Brahmal).a, but are quoted by Gobhila in the Grhyasutra either by their Pratikas, or in tzlenso, is explained by Prof. Knauer as due to the fact that the l\Iantra-Brahmat)a is strictly limited to the Grhya ritual, carefully excluding everything that


pertains to the Srauta rites 1 • A different theory has been proposed by Prof. Oldenberg, \\'ho beJievec; that the t\\·o Vi'orks-the Gobhila­Grhyasutra and the I\'1antra-Brahmana-\vere ' composed together and on one common pian.' His chief argun1ent is the occurrence of certain l\ in the Grhyasutra. \Vhich are omitted in the Thlantra-Brahrnaµa. 'Gobhila gave the full \\'Ording of the shorter :i\Iantras i.,vith \vhich the de1~ription of the ceremony could be inter,voven 'vithout be~oming obscure or ciisproportionate; the longer l\1antras \VOt!ld have interrupted, rather tediously an~ inconveniently, the coherency of his :-itual state­ments; so he separated them from the rest of his \vork and made a separate Sarphita of thern.' He admits that there are exceptions, :hat short I\.'.Iantras o.::c:ir in the Ivfantra-BrahrTI2.l).a, 2.Iic long 1\1antras in the Grhvasutra. but thinks that 'allo\\'ancc mus~ be made for a ce!-'.:air.. . . inconsis:ency or car.elessncss in the distr:bution of tne material bet\veen the two tex:s '-\v.hicn is rather a\Vk\vard, as the nuraber of Mantras ra question is not very 12.:·ge, so that the exceptions really make the :u~e

1 Das r..obh1l"'zi·.·1'1~·::_,.::;-_ .• _.rn. ' :•na' uber,.··· • 'on .i.J' '..- i.--1'ed-c1- Kn~··e- 1~ .. ...... "'~ .' .. • ~ - ~ ~ _.e lZ l • LO -1 l , , ., .,, ..... .! , re (Dor?at, 1886), pp. zz-J-t·

.. :XXXli

illcsory 1• In fact, Prof. Knauer has sho,vn that of 33 short l\Iantras O[C!lrrz'ng t"n the-~ .J.~I antra-Briih1Jra~za no less than 28 are given tll cx:cns,) in the Grhyasutra, and only 5 in an abridged form, \\Chile, if P!"of. Oldenbcrg's theory \Vere right, these 28 l\fantras ought not to be included in the 1\fantra-Brahmal)a. Prof. ](nauer also dra\vs attention to the fact that tradition does not ascribe the l\Iantta­Brahm~a to Gobhila. It \vould certain})· be a very uncommon thing in Indian literature if a work compiled b31 Gobhila should have no author's or compiler's name assigned to it by tradition, it being far more usual that n·orks are ascribed to a ren_o\vned author even if they do not belong to him 2•

Prof. 01denberg is inclined to extend his theory about the relation be­t\\·een lVlantra-Brahma.J).a and Gobhila-G:rhyasutra also to the parallel case of .l\1antrapatha and Apastambi:ya Grhyasutra. No doubt, the cases are parailel, and the Sutras of Apastamba presuppose the existence of the ~Iantrapa!ha, but there is no reason to assume that the l\ifantrapatha presupposes the Sutras 3• The 1\ilantras, certainly, presuppose a Grhya , ritual. But as there were Vedic SaIIJhitas and a Srauta ritual before there existed any Srautasutras, so there ma}' have been (and I believe there \\'ere) lVIantra-Saiphitas or prayer books for the domestic rites and a Grhya ritual before any Grhyasiitras existed 4•

If there is any difference bet\veen Apastamba and Gobhila as regards their relation to their respective prayer books, it is this, that Apastamba is far more dependent on the Mantrapa~ha than Gobhila on the 1\iantra­Brahm~a-so much so, that the ritual in Apastamba is hardly intelli­gible from the Siitras alone without referring to the Mantras. 'fhe Grhyasiitra not only presupposes the Mantrapatha, but \Vas framed after it. To begin \Vith, the G:rhyasiitra constantly refers to the

lVIantrapatha by such phrases as 'dil ('Cl t 'with the following ~g verse,' - .... 'dit(<il or 'd11f(41 ~~'41 'with the following Yajus formula 5.' But not

! H. Oldenberg in Sacred Books of the East, vol :xxx, pp. 4-8. 2 See F. Knauer, V'edische Fragen, in' Festgruss an Rudolf von Roth' (Stuttgart,

18911, pp. 61-64. :i Sacred Books of the East, vol. xxx, p. 249 .

.. ~ ~ha~. thei: existed an At~a\'eda-Saqibita and Atharvan practices long before .he 1:-:aus:ka-sutra. See the Kau<;1ka-sutra of the Atharva·veda, ed. by l\J. Bloomfield, p. xxn.

l! • • 1t lS not nght to say that the l'rlantras are always referred to as ya111s b}' Apa-

1.71..t'T R ODUCTI01V. XXXll 1

only that; \VC are also told, e.g. (Ap. 4, 2 ), that the wooers should be sent out 'v.dth the two first verses' (viz. of the Mantrapatha), or (Ap. 4, 1 o) that the bridegroom should recite over his bride 'the t\vo first verses' (viz. of the third Anuvaka) In Ap. 8, ro \Ve are told that 'the remaining Mantras' (viz. of the eleventh Anuvaka) should be recited at the cohabitation. This is a particularly interesting case. In most of the MSS., Mantras I, r 1, 7-1 I form a separate section, only in our l\1S. Wh. (generally the best MS.!) they forrn part of the eleventh Khai:ic;Ia. It is by no means improbable that Apastamba in the Grhyasutra (8, 10) alludes to a difference of opinion \Vi th regard to

this section, when he says : 1{l{ ~*' fiitt~ ~ ' let hirn mutter the rest

(it~Cf IC!iltt.f "the rest of the section,', says the commentary) at the cohabitation.' Instead of saying, as he generally does, "d=rt <:rf~: (with the follov:ing (~g verses),' he may have chosen the phrase ltl.f 'the rest,' in order expressly to refute the idea of these lVIantras forming a section by themselves. In Ap. 9, 9 it is said that he should worship the sun 1 with the following Anuva.ka,' i.e. 11antrapatha I, I 6. The \Vater for the Upanayana rite is to be mixed (according to .Ap. 10, 5) 'with the first Yajus of the Anuvaka,' i.e. with Mantrap. II, 1, 1~

Interesting is the manner in \vhich Ap. 11, I-4 refers to Mantrap. II> 3, 26-32. The Pratika is quoted of II, 3, 26, the short questions and answers II, 3, 27-30 are referred to by the Sutra ~ q<:lijfi Jllfficrttif !'fl I (ti 1 The questions are for the. teacher, the ans\vers for the boy.'

Then follow the two Sutras ~ 1"1 51qf(f and ll<t1a11fi:{t4 iiai ctl'.:tcafct. This can only mean, •The other (i.e. the teacher) mutters the '"est (of the Anuvaka). But he should cause him (the pupil) to recite the (Mantra) containing a wish for himself.' I do not think that ~ can mean anything else but '41''tlCCICij1tt.lj 'the rest of the Anuvaka 1,' but as the Mantra meant (II, 3, 31) is not the end of the Anuvaka, we have, I believe. to take ;:r" in Ap. 11, 4 in the sense of 'but 2

: Mantra II,

stamba (Prof. Bloomfield, S. B. E., vol. x1ii, p. xliv note). Ht;. refers to prose formulas by yajus, to (fas, or verses, by using the feminine of u_tJ.a.ra ( d. uttaram 4, 6, uttaraya 4, 7 etc. etc.). The only reason.why he says repeate&y utt<;i-r~ayajusha, and never uttarayarca, but always uttaraya, is that u!tare!Ja (whis=h also means 'to the north,' etc.) would in many cases have been ambiguou, while the meaning of uttaraya was always clear.

1 Sudarsanarya says: 'il~q ICfi~~'ii 'a portion of the rest of the Anuvaka.' ~ A.bout ;:r in the sense of' but/ see Bohtlingk-Roth, Sanskrit-,Vbrterbuch, s. v. ;::r' 6).

e [TIT. 8.J

. xxx:v l~VTRODfJCTJO~V .

3, 32, 'C Lord of the Paths, may I obtain the other end of the path .. ' is the Mantra containing 1 a \Vish for himself.' These l\1antras are al'.)'~ il!teresti:Jg for a:i.other reason. If Prof. Oldenberg \Vere right in assu~T1-ing tha~ the authors of the Grhyasutras \\·ere also the compilers of tl-12

I\lantra collections, surely Gobhila, as \Vell as i\.pastamba, '\•ould ha\·c

inc:uded such short questions and ans,,·ers as CfiT iffmf~, ~~ 91 I iiTf~ ei:c. not in the collection of 1Iantras, but in their Grhyasutras 1• Yet we End theI:I both in the :\:Iantra-Brahmana (I, 6, r 7) and in our ~fan::-apatha (II, 3! '.2j-30 ).

In i\.p. 11, 18 ~ :q- i:i- ~C\ is, no doubt, rightly explained by

Haradatta as meaning 'that group of ~fantras beginning 'vi th ~ ;!f' it' ~

(lOcl = QJ'i4fiffli51 ldf(). The l\ISS. 1ead ::\Iantrapatha I I, j, .z-10, and again II, 3, r z-::: r \Vithout dividing the single l\fantras. I ha Ye follo\ved the Telugu edition in numbering them. That I\-f antras I 2-~1 ,,·ere not intended to be one iVIantra is clear from Apastamba's usual phrase

.... ld=tt \: 'v.rith ~he follo\\ring (iliantras).' Sudarsanarya also explains ''vith the follov;ing ten l\iantras.'

Quite exceptional is the \Va}.t in \'i·hich _-\.p. 8, 2 refers to l\Iantrap. I.

9, 8 by the \vords :e~e~ Fctfi<fl~: 'Sadasaspati is the second (deity to

be worshipped).' The lYiantra begins ~~frrif~ etc. By far the most usual \Vay in ,,·hich Apastamba refers to the l\1arrtra­

patha is by tile \rord 'di'f \ ·the follo,ving .' \:\lhenever a number of

b~rnt-oblations are to be offered, Apastamba simply says: ' Let hirn offer the fvl!owing burnt-oblations' (ahutz). that is to sa}r, the burnt­oblatio~s which a:e to be offered \\'ith the l\Iantras folIO\\·ing in the ~\lantrapatha. As inany :i.\i1antras there are, so many oblations haYe to be cifered. In order to kno\v the exact number of oblations to

be raace. it is necessary to knoVv' the l\Iar..trapatha by heart. That t:i.e Apastambins are expected to learn first :he l\'.Iantras by

!'lear: befo:e they proceed to the study of the Grhyasutra, follo\vs even ~-,.,...... L' 4- ••t• 1 ,. 1 1\ I I b ..c Lu~~. ;.2e .. raa1 iona1 arrangement or t.:.1e tVv·o l\ antraprasn8.s tj ore t~e C-;-l:y .. a-s:!tra 2• But this method of :-eferring to the 1J antrapa~ha­t.::;. Cf~a_::>te:- ar:d verse of ~he 'prayer book' -\Vhich \Ve have jus: pointed

· .r=~~ot!::e:- se: 1Jf very sb.ort i\~antras-fonn!:las cons1snng ef one or nvo words only-..,,..,.,. __ .!i +t..,. "If.,..._ p T.,. - 8 ""'""'"'"""" .... .::: ..1..a. ... 1...1.. ... - .l\ -.1\..ia • _ill 10, 11--1 .

,... - 1 • .. ~ee acove, u. ix ..

I .. YT R 0 D lI CT I 0 ;.V. xxxv

out, proves that the author of the Grhyasutra had an actual collection of Mantras, arranged and divided into Anuvakas (corresponding to the Khai:i~as of our J\ISS.) exactly in the same manner as \Ve find the l\'lantrapatha in our :rvISS., constantly before lz£s vzind i.vhen he composed his Sutras.

Professor Knauer, \Vhen speaking of the analogous case of the lVIantra­BrahmaI).a, \vould go farther. He asserts that Gobhila must have had an actual -zvrittt-~n 'book' of 1{antras 'in his hands' \>;:hen \vriting his

Grhyasutra 1. I do not think that it can be proved that the authors of the Grhyasutras \\'rote or used \Vritten books. Though it is extremely probable that the art of \\'riting \Vas kno\\'n at the time \Vhen the Sutras \Vtre composed::!, I do not believe that the Sutras ~·ere intended for reading, as the very Sutra style is intended as a 1pe1noria ttchnica for texts to be learnt by heart. The l\Iantras, too, \Yere learnt by heart-as prayers and hymns are learnt to the present day, not only in India-and there "'-Vas no occasion for \vriting them do\vn. \Vhat is true even to-day, that for the Hindu 'sacred books and all sciences exist only in the mouth of the teacher, compared \\'ith \\'hich a \Vritten text has no authority, and that they can be learnt correctly oniy from a teacher, not from manuscripts 3,' \Vas certainly true in the days of the

S i1 trakaras. There are only Yer;.r fei.v 1\1ant:-as \\'hich are inserted in the Apastam­

b'iya Grhyasutra and are not found in the J\Iantrapatha 4• They a:.-e-( 1) The Parishtcana 2.\Iantras given by Ap. 2, 3 and 8:

~- w 'ii6f ff$tJl'i4~~ and ... 0ij&f~i: I

1 Knaue:-. Das Gobhilag~hyasiJ.tra) II, pp. 31-3.t, and 'Festgruss an Rudolf von Roth,' p. 63.

2 See G. Bunler, l:-icische Falaeographie (Grundriss, I, 1r1, p. 17 5 G. Buhle!", 1. c.; p. 4. ~ There are, besides, a fe";r l\ian<:ras \\'h1ch n1erely indicated :n the G!'hyasutra,

a:id not gi,·en :."1! t:zli::;nn in eithei: of the t\ro v;orks. They are the J aya. A.bhyatana, ?..nd ~3.shtrabr;t formulas (f0und in Ts. III, 4, 4-7), the Prajapati ve:se fs. I, 8, I4. :,

a:!d the Vyanrtis (~ :~r~r ~er~'{!~ '@ilf1i), all referred to by Ap. 2, 7. The Rudra-1\iantnts ('I's. I\7

1 SJ also, prescribed by ~:\p. 20, 8, do no~ occur ir.. the Jiantra· patha. They evidently formed a sep.irate book, and had to be learnt separately.

Haradatta says:~ ~~l§f~I~ il4~'6! Ci!l®TffT: I frorr.. \Vhich \-:,'e may conclude that Haradatta \Vrote a com1nentary on the Rudras.

e z

. XX XVI J;\';,

il~ii'ti S14titll9 and ... 0~'i~ r: I '.:/

~\~'fl r 1il~~ and ... o~;y~ i: '

~ ijf~rt: Jr1jCf and ... JI l.:trcil: I The last of these 1\:Iantras (in a n1uch longer version) is the first ~Iantra in the ?viantra-Brahmana, \vhile the other l\Iantras are given by Gob1'.ila (I, 3, r -3).

(2) The :.\'.Iantras for the t\VO l\jyabhaga offerings (Ap. 2, 6):

"dl(lq ffi~ I

~<&JI~ mn 1

t3) The ~Jantra for the Svishtakrt offering (~~P- 2, 7):

~~~ 41fit!!l Stt.¥\1 f(;:( ~ i.._i1 ~i5fi(4(_1 llRfefr@geiffi:{\1 .. ~Ci f@i ~liri CfiUTI ~r~T 11

(4) The J\lantra ~I QfSI I m 3.fl~mrt 11 \vhich. according to .i\p. H, 6, is to be recited optionally in lieu of the t'vo l\1antras I, 9, 9-10 of the 1v!antrapatha, prescribed by Ap. R, 5.

(5) The l\Iantra ~ qf45{4!.~f~ Ci4;\QJliE41 fift:qilQ!tfu lrf~ il'Rlf+t ~r~T Mt;J1lt!J 1f11 II \vhich. according to ~4...p. 9, 5. is to be recited at the pe:-formance of a kind of love charm. N O\V it is Yerv remarkable that - -the very similar 1\Jantra ?l'c:rfu .frift ~~I~ lCfT '\Tit qf(qilt{! lflf etc., employed at the Pun1savana rite, is given i1l txtc-'JZ.fl) b.Y Gobhila II, 6, 7, and does not occur in the l\'Iantra-Brahmana. This cannot be a mere accident.

One thing is certain. The occurrence of these l\Iantra.s in the .i:\ stamb1ya Grhyasutra, and their omission in the 1\Iantrapatha, are !1.Jt due to any distinction made bet\\'et:n long and short l\'lantras, as Prof. Olde!lberg suggests. N urnerous short rii1antras occur in the l.Iantrapatha 1 and the Iviantras occurring in the Grhyasutra are b~,r no mea~'" all short }Iantra~. I can see no other reason \\'hy ... :\..pastan1ba sl:ol:ld J::ave included these I\1antras in his Grhyasutra than the fact :h;:;!: t~~ey \•.:ere missing in the: I\Iantrapatha 1vhjcl1 formed the basis for 2is ~:-eatise. If he hin1sel{ 11ad been the compiler of the 1\!Iantrapatha, d:e:e :s no visible reason u;hv he shoultl have inc~uded 1 ust these fe\v . ~

. ... =i. .......... - - ' ... -.::. ...... -

='·Iant~· and :\I<~ntta pat ha \Vi th - n . 1 r tnf: l an:; !cC,tr.a 1\ <i.ntras ~nd th(' ~V1antra,



llff( Cil\@f~ etc. seems to indicate that different \Tedie schools had their prayer books for domestic rites, \\-hich -vw·ere arranged according to some uniform plan. That the 1v1antrapatha is included in the corpus of Siitras ascribed to A.pastamba 1 may be merely for the sake of con­venience, as the t\VO works are so closely connected \\·ith one another. But it does not follo\v that even the tradition of the Apastambins credited Apastamba with the authorship or compilership of the Mantra­patha. With the exception of the quite modern lVIS. E., none of the other MSS. mentions the name of Apastamba in the colophons. Nor did the commentators look upon Apastamba as the author of the Mantrapatha. It has struck Sudarsanarya, the commentator of Apa­stamba's Grhyasiitra, that the Sutras Ap. 9, 2 seqq. have nothing to do with the wedding ritual in the middle of 'vhich they occur, and he explains this fact by saying that this heterogeneous matter is treated

here on account of the order followed by the ~1antrapatha (ti•f.ii I ti lif­Sfiil(lci) 2• This sho\vs that Sudarsanarya did not consider Apastamba to be the compiler of the Mantrapatha 3.

But there is also some external evidence showing that the Mantra­patha existed as an independent Vedic work, forming a kind of appendix to the literature of the TaittirI3ras. For in the Ka.!)9anukran1a of the AtreyI Sakha of the Black Ya jurveda, after the 41 Kandas and the

1 See above, p. ix. That Apastamba refers to the Anuvaka division of the Mantrapatha (see above, p. xxxiii), but not to the division into z Prasnas, seems to show that the division of the corpus of Apastambiya Siitras into 30 Prasnas~ of which the Mantras formed 2 Prasnas, is of a more recent date.

2 See my essay,' Das altindische Hocbzeitsrituell,' 1. c., p. 95. Similarly the author of the Khadira-Grhyasutra looked upon the ::vrantra .... Brahma"l)a as an independent work, nc~ z.s ::he work of Gobhila. Tbis is proved. by Kbad. I, 3, 3 seq., where it says that the San1avartana or bath at the end of studentship comes first, and then marriage. 'As, ~owever, in the (collection of) l\1antras marriage is treated of (first), it is explained (here) ber'orc (the bath).' Pr:>f. O!C.enberg, S. B. E., vol. xxix, ?· 379 seq. I doubt whethe!" ?roi. Knauer's int:;r?retation of t!'lis passage (Das Gobh1lagrhyasutra, II, ?· 39 se~. ! 'S 2.G.m1ss.i::ile.

:l Co;:imer:tatJrs u.:-e so f·)::..d cf long discussions as to rrhy a Sutrr .. ka:,1 said some-1.hir.g whic.J :J.c. cug1:c :J.Ot t'.:l ~!a\·e said, fuey \vould have c~rtainly tried to 'e:i.::?lai::; a:ite:;: J::ei::- fas:::.iJu, \Y:'.y !:e:-tain l'11a::itras occu; ::1 tbe G~ J yasQtra :r.stead •)f' '.Jeir..g ir..c!ud.;;;C. in :=-ic ~,ian:rap::t~1CJ.. ~h.eir r..o: doir.g sa: sr..0,vs alsc t~at ['.-"lt;1


~ .. "'::ir. .. r ..,"-' d~ _., ~r-· ... C.)-r.::= _"ff~ .... ~ .....,-ci ... .;...~<l""l,·--j ......... 'he .... , ... +ho- c- - ..... '\ ... 1..:.-- .....,r ih \I ... ,>- • "-" - ., ~ ""' -·~ ... _.~ ··-··-~ • .t-..i .... ::iu.- •• LU. --- cl.·-· • ' CuL.p; -.... "' ·- e .1- ...i.r d -...... -:;:-.'j"'. t_,_ .


3 Cpanishads ascribed to Tittiri and the 8 Kdthakani have been

enamerated, \Ve read:

t«it f\f ei) N rtr: ~1 ctS qJU~ccr+tftr ftwfrt: 1

This Eklgnikant/a 1 consistsl as the commentary states) of the Parishe­cana Mant!"as ~<ff ~'d'1~@ etc, the 39 \Taisvadeva l\1antras (=TA. X, 67=!\fahanarayana-lTpanishad 19, 2, see .Ap. Dh. II, 2, 3, r6-II, ~' 4, 8),

and :finaH)r of the praJJZati-z.•a;1a1n beginning Jr ~ ll"'ftft fit, i.e. our 1'1ancra­patha 2_ \Ve do not kno\v the date of this Kc1.ndanukrama, but it seems to be older than the final arrangen1ent of the Taittir1ya-Brahmana and Tait:ir1ya-Aranyaka. For though it agrees \Vith the present arrange­r::ient of the Tarttiriya-Samhita, there is, as Professor \"Veber has sho~~vn 3,

some difference in the arrangement of the Taittiriya-Brahmana and Taittiriya-... i\ranyaka, as-Compared \Vith the Kand5.nukran1a

Haradatta called his commentary the Ekagnzka~ztja1.:rdkhJ 1ll-1, becalisc he included i..'1 it also the Parishecana l\'Iantras and the \T aisvadeva ::\Iantras 4, occurring at the beginning of the ... :\pastambiya Grhyasutra, and in the Taittiriya-Aranyaka X, 67. The l\Iantrapatha seems, then, to !:ave formed part of an Ekagn1kanqa, 'a chapter (of l\.fantras for the rites to be perforn1ed) \\rith one fire,' br-fore it came to be included in the corpus o! ... :\.pastamb!ya Siitras.

TI::~ proves~ I believe, conciusively that J-\pastan1ba is neither the a~thor nar__thc compiler of the Mantrapatha, 'vhich must have existed as c;.n independent collection before the Grhyasutra \Vas composed.

It seems to me not impossible that other Grhyasutras, too, ma}r be

1 See above, p. x. ~ See Ao\. \Ye~er, Indisc!:e Stud:en, III, pp. 376, 387, 391; XII, p 354 In a note

t-:i 1:-!d. S;:ud, II:.:? 387, Prof. \Yebe!" already (1n i855) referred to the BodJe1an ~lS .. \\;.: 0: ;:he )..Ia:-i•

• L

;; - c., ............. p c::•~·a' e·0 -1-1 I ·-An ,:, _~y - .u. 1 ••• , ' p . .)/ 4. t Tf..e ':'e~s5i..: e:c:t10n gives the Farishecana and son1e of the \ra18vadeva .:Yiantras

G.S z. k::J.c c: :ntrod;.ict1on, omitting ~he IVIantras for the Bah offerings. It begins.

:: ~ ~~~q;f~J:i' I {di: ll ~'1~'*'1~ i "ii!jJJ(HttJtail9 I ~<~1'tl&t*'ll9 I ~ $:; ....... ~ ~ 4"::.....;:.......~ ........

7€ie(f!: ~ 11 ~ %J:q~ 'l.91~1 I ~tlS'll~ l@!i~l I i~~ve.ii ~rn ! l:icrT~ ' '..)

~30Lif! @.l~! l ~qf~tt4 ~P~! ! il~nf=tjfl~ l91~f ! ::;;qq ~~~ '@ifJT ! ...... - .:; 11 1.:1 ~ l:J -

~~"ct~(@1: I ~~Krdl+liti !: l ~{€! C'lt=Cf &1W(: l ~q ~fcrn: 11 [OH re?c: u II qsnr ·ftr~~ ll ~!'hen follows the beginning of Haradatta's co1nmentary

],VT ROD r_;cr IO.\'. . XXXlX

based on similar prayer books or 1\fantra collections Such modern pra;~er books as the Rig,·eda-1\f antra-Sarµhita 1, \vhich contain prayers for domestic rites. may possibly be developed from older books of that

kinci i.v:iicl1 \\'ere i,vorked up into the Grhyasutras as \Ve have them no\v. Dr. Buhler has discovered a 1\13.ntrabhashya, containing a commentary on the }Iantras prescribed in the "'Paraskara-Grhyasutra 2 , so that there ma)r

have been a separate collection of ~Iantras, \vhich formed the basis of

our Paraskara-Grhyasutia. For practical purposes such an entire sepa­raticn of :.\fantras and Sutras. as it is carried out in the case of the

l\:Iaatrap.1tha and the r\.pastambiya Grhyasutra, and (though less rigorously) in the case of the 11antra-Brahmai:ia and Gobhila, must have

been very inconvenient. That this is so even no\v-a-days, n1ay be seen from a native edition of the .L~pastan1b1ya Grhyasutra in Grantha

characters, \vhich gives the }\Tantras in !1ratika form 3•

But \vhether they existed originally in separate collections or not, the 1\ ought, I believe, ahra)~S to be regarded as belonging to

an oider stratum of Vedic literature than the Sutras in \vhich they occur.

This is not ahvays borne in mind by scholars "'·hen investigating the language of the Sutras 4•

1 I possess a lithographed edition, Bombay. r891 tSake r813), beginning with

9tl41~C!li:li141if.t{:, "11~l3511~i'l'tll: etc. This is different from the 'Asvalaya­nas2.kbokta-iY1antra-Saf!1hICa' (Bodle1an 11S. \\"alker 144, cf. 11ax 11uller, History

of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, P· 4741, which begins with m, S\~fifl' rq ll!!\iti etc. Neither the edition, nor the :Jr'lS., contains the :\Iantras as found in our Asvala­yana-Grhyasutra. See also the books quoted above, p. x, note 3.

!! Dr. Buhleris Report on Sanskrit :'.\·ISS. in Gujarat for 18t:::-3 (see Indian Antiquary II, 304).

3 Apastarpbagrhyasutram sapratlkarn (printed at Tanjore, Jyotirvilasa Press, 1885).

Instead of the Siitra fllitlfi:{C'tt ~ft'f-1~(1(Ap.4, 2) this edition, e.g., has:

itii( lf ~ 1~1mr ~':(~(f. 4 Dr. 0. Franke, in his article '\\Tas ist Sanskrit?' (Bezz. Beitrage, XVII, 54 ff.),

says (p 5 5 J that in Pal). IV, r, 6z • bhiish(z · is opposed to 'Sanskrit,' not to 'chandas,' for, he says, the example given by the K:hiika (saklui sajtajadr ~ha-:!a) is taken from the .As\"alaya~a-G!hyasutra (I, 7, 19). \'et the 'vords are not Asvalayana's, but, as the author of the Kasi ka kne\v 'veil, the '"·ords of a \T ed1c Jlantra (also occurring Sankh. I, r4, 6, Kaus. 76, 24, cf. 11antrap. I, 3, 14), and therefore 'chandasa,' not 'Sanskrit' in Dr. Fracke's sense. Sakha as a feminine occ11rs also in S~f:lkh. I I, 2 1 1, again in a Jfantra.

xl J1VTRODlJCTI01'l.



Even if we had not the testimony of the Kai:ir;Ianukrama, there could not be the least doubt that the Mantrapatha belongs to the Taittiriya­

Veda. An analysis of the synoptical list of parallel passages given in

Appendix B yields the following facts. There are roo Mantras for which parallel passages are found in the

Taittiriya-Sarp.hita. Of these, 80 are idrntical ¥.'ith the corresponding Mantras of the Taittir1ya-Sarµhita, \vhile 14 are omy si11zilar l\fantras. Most of the identical Mantras-66 in number-are not given in extenso by our MSS., but only indicated by Pratikas. It was evidently taken for granted that every Apastambin would know these Mantras by heart from his Saip.hita-the more so, as most of them occur several times in the Taittiriya books. In using these verses or formulas for the ritual, they had all, of course, to be recited in full. They are accordingly given in full in the Apastambiya-Samskara-Prayoga (MS. P.), and are fully commented on in Haradatta's commentary. H'or the sake of conveni­ence I have printed these Mantras in eztenso 1, as it would have been mere pedantry to compel the reader to ref er to the Taittiriya-Samhita every t!me that such a Mantra occurs. It has, however, always been stated in the critical notes when the MSS. give the Pratika only. This very practice of the scribes of our MSS. shows that a thorough familiarity with the Taittiriya-Samhita is presupposed on the part of the...:wor.ship~ pers who had to make use of the Mantrapatha.

Besides those lOO Mantras occurring in the Taittir1ya-Sarµhita, tnany of which occur also in the Brahma~a and Ara~yaka, there are 20 para.Ile! passages which are found in the Taittiriya-Aranyaka only, and l R which are found in the Taittir1ya-Brahmana only. Of these 38 Mantras, 31 are identical, and only 7 are variants of the corresponding Taittiriya Mantras.

If we turn to the Rigveda-Samhita we find parallel passages for 140

1 The editor af T. is not consistent in this respect. Sometimes he gives the Mantras in full, sometinies their Pratlkas only, and occasionally be even gives first

the Pratika, with (ii 141 etc. after it, and then the Mantras in extenso.


Mantras (86 in Prasna 11 and 54 in Prasna II), many of which occur also in the Taittiriya books. But only 45 out of these 140 Mantras are identical with the corresponding verses of the Rigveda, while all the other Mantras contain either slight various readings, or are entirely different versions of the Rigveda verses. If \Ve take into account the Mantras which occur in the Rigveda-Sarp_hita only, and not in the Tait­tir1ya books, there are 84 parallel passages ( 68 in l)rasna I and 16 in Prasna II), of which only z4 are identical with the corresponding verses

of the Rigveda. Still more remarkable is the result of an analysis of the parallel

passages occurring in the Atharvaveda-Sa:qihita. Of 120 Mantras occurring in this Sarp.hita, only 9 are identical with the corresponding Atharvaveda verses, \Vhile all the rest are either different versions, or contain at least one or two various readings. Excluding the Mantras found also in the Rigveda-San1hita, and in the Taittiriya books, ~hf . .:: are 41 Mantras found in the Atharvaveda-Samhita only, out of which only z are identical verses.

The following table will show clearly how much closer the relation of the Mantrapatha to the Taittiriya books is, than its relation to the other Vedic Samhitas 2 :-•

Of 138 Mantras found in Ts. TBr. TA. 117 are identical, 21 have variants

" 140 ,, ,, Rv. 45 ~ " 95 ,, ,,

" 84 " " ~ Rv. and no! in} 24 Ts. TBr. T .A. "

,, 60 " "

,, 120 " "

Av. 9 " " Ill

" " ., 41 ,, ,, { Av.andnotinRv.)

Ts. TBr. TA. ~ 2 ,, " 39 " "

If any further proof v.,·ere \Vanted to sho\v that the Mantrapatha belongs to the Black Yajurveda, \Ve have only· to refer to those 1fantras which occur in the Rigveda or .l\.tharvaveda \Vith variants, while the Taittiriyas have the same readings as our Mantrapatha. Thus Mp. I~

1 The large number of Rigveda 11antras in the first Prasna is due to the fact tha~ this Prasna contains the I\Iantras for the wedding ritual, collected in the Surya hymni Rv. X, 85.

' It is hardfy necessary to add anything about other Sal}lhitas but those mentioned, as there is nothing to suggest any closer connection of the 11antrapatha with either the, Vs., or the Maitr. S., or the Samaveda-Samhita .

f [III. 8]

. . . Xlll f!VTRODUCTJOl'-l .

-:. J has tee same readings as T.l\ I\r, :20, r seq., \vhile Rv. VIII, 1, r2 l

a~rees i.vith A\·. XI\r. 2. 47. :\1p. I. J 4 corresponds to RY. I, 14; the

i:~r!ous :eadings occurring in vv. 3, 5, and 7 are also found in TBr. II, 5, 5, I; 8, 8, 9. l\Ip. II, rz, 6-10 agrees \\'ith TBr. II, 5, 6, 1-3, both differing from the corresponding hymn of .t\v. II, ro. l\Ip. II, 15, 2

shares ,,·ith T~\. X, I, 10 the reading lJJJWTZ, ''rhile Rv. I, :42, 15 reads


The total her of J\{antras in the ii.TantrapJ.tha (excluding repeti­t!ons) is _ _sgo; for 264 of these Tviantras I have been able to find parallel vassacres in the San1hitas of the Rigveda or Atharvavcda, and in the . :::::.

Ta:ttiriya books. Of the rer11aining 326 1\Iantras many "·ill be found in the other Grhvasutras and in the ivfantra-Brahmana of the Samaveda. . .. A corr.parison of these l\Iantras \\·ould sho,\· that the 1'lantras of the l\Iantrapatha have much more in common \vith those of the Baudha1rana, Bharad\'aja1and Hiral).yakesin Grhyasutras-that is to say, \\'ith the Grhya­s~tras of the Black Y ... ajurveda-than \vith any of the other Grhyasurras.

Baudhayana1 Bharadvaja, and Hiral)yakcsin have frequently the same 1\fantras ( \Vith t~e same various readings \vhere they differ from the Sarphitas) as the Mantrapatha. though they do not prescribe them for the same occasions. Thus Baudh. I, 10 agrees \¥ith l'vI p. I, I, 6 in

reading ~ct 11', for ~'(fi'{ ofRv. X, 40, 10, although Apastamba prescribes the ~'lantra for the mon1ent \Vhen the bride begins to cry at the pre­paratory marriage rites, \vhile Baudhayana includes it among the prayers

to be recited at the cohabitation 2• Instead of ifl\!t'twtl~ llcrf1f of Rv. X

85, 28, the iVIp. I, 6. 8 reads if\~'-!ilft<f trcra:. The same reading occurs in Baudh. I, 8. Apastamba prescribes it for the \\'Cdding ceremon:y, which I be!ieve to be identical \vith the European custom of barricading the bridal procession;), \Vhile according to Baudhayana it is to be recited \vhen the bride looks at the setting sun. It has been sho\\'Il 4 that in some cases ungrammatical readings of the 11antrapatha occur also in the

1 Vs. XXXv-, 21(=XXXVI,13) also has ~:tr\QI:. See besides, p. xxiii, on II, 3, 2.

~ See' Das altindiscbe Hochzeitsrituell/ pp. i2, 4~ stq. s See 'Das altindische HochzeitsntuE.ll,' µp. 12, 67 seq., a.nd my paper 'On a Com­

parative Study of Indo-European Customs' (Transactions of the Intemational Folk­lore Congress, London, 1891) 1 p. 26~ seq.

• See above, pp. xvii, xxi1i seq., :xxvii. on I, 8, 2 · II, 2, II; 11, 7, z5; and I, 3, 14.

l.i'lTRODUCTJOJ.V. xliii

Grhyasutras of Baudhayana, Bharadvi3.ja. and Hira9yakesin. If \Ve had critical editicins of Baudh. and Bhar., many mcire cases of this k!nd \\"Ould certainly come to iight. They pJove th2t these I\iantras are derived from one source common to the schools of the Black Yajurveda.

As is only to be expected, the Grhyasutra of the \Vhite Yajunreda, the Paraskara-Grhyasutra, has more ?r'Iantras in common \vith the Mantra­patha than the lVIantra-Brahma~a and the Grhyasutras of the Rigveda schools. The parallel passages from the Grhyasutras 1 quoted in the critical notes \vill gi\~e some idea of the relation of the l\!Iantrapatha to the l\Iantras of the other Grhyasutras. A full analysis of the Mantras occurring in the Grhyasutras has been promised by Prof. E. \V. Fay, \\'ho also intends to publish a complete Index of l\'1antras covering all the Grhyasutras 2• This \\'ill, no doubt, prove extren1ely i_1seful for the study of \ 1 edic J\'lantras, and it is only to be hl._ped that it may include the Grhyasutras of Baudhayana and Bharadvaja, for \vhich the MS. material unfortunately seems as yet to be insufficient. Of still greater importance \vill be such a Vedic Concordance on a large scale as announced b~' another American scholar, Prof. Bloomfield 3• Only such a Concordance of the P/idas of \T edic l\1antras \vill enable us to get a clearer insight into the origin of the :~,fantrapatha than it is at present possible to arrive at. \\rith the help of such a Concordance we should, no doubt, also be able to find n1any more parallel passages than I have been able to point out. But there \Vill al\vays remain a considerable number of l\iantras \vhich \Vere not derived from any 'l edic Sarµhita. Such 11antras as those of II, r3, used at the ceremonies connected with the birth of a child, or the exorcisms against the demons harassing little children, found in I I, J 6, belong to ancient popular tradition, and are probably older than the hymns o~ the \T edic bards.

: In the first Prasna i have only gi,·en a few paral1el passages, as they have been given more completel_; in the 'Erlauteru.ngen' to my essay 'Das altindische Hochzeits­rituell.' 1'· 27 seqq., wht.e I have also quoted the weddir..g ~1antras from the .Ba.uchJ.yana and Dharadvaja Grbyasutras. Editions of these two works are still among the a:es:'de:r_qta. I regret that it was too late to make any use of Prof. Knauer's excellent edition of the 1\1anava-Grhyasutra, which has just been published.

2 See John Hopkins University Circulars, Baltimore, J\.1ay, i8so, vol. ix, no. 81, p. 74.

11 See American Oriental Society's Proceedings, April. I 892.

f 2


Prof. Oldenberg1, indeed, believes 'that, during the latter part of the Rigveda period, ceremoni,es such as marriage and burial began to be decked out with poetry as had long been the case with the Soma offering.' And from metrical usage he concludes 2 'that the develop­ment of the Grhya rites in the form in which they are described to us in the Siitras, that especially their being accompanied \Vith verses, which were to be recited at their performance, is later than the time of the oldest Vedic poetry, and coincides rather with the transition period in the development of the Anushtubh metre, a period which lies between the old Vedic and the later Buddhistic and epic form.'

I confess I am not convinced by Prof. Oldenberg's argumentation of the comparatively late origin of the Grhya Mantras. It seems to me highly improbable that marriage rites and burial ceremonies should have been performed without any prayers, until they began to be 'decked out with poetry' after the analogy of the Soma sacrifice. In fact, many of the Grhya 'rites' consist merely in invocations addressed to popular deities, or in the recitation of magic formulas, while others are no ' rites ' at all unless they are accompanied by prayers or formulas. And it has not yet been proved that the elaborate Soma sacrifice can claim a higher antiquity than the simple Grhya offerings 3 I am rather inclined to think that the artificial poetry of the Brahmans, as represented by the hymns of the Rigveda, and the popular poetry connected with Atharvan practices and Grhya rites, as represented by the Atharvaveda-Sarp.hita, and the Grhya Mantras, are two parallel streams running in different channels, approaching each other at times, and diverging widely at other times. The peculiarities of the Anushtubh pointed out by Prof. Olden­berg may just as well be due to the fact that these Mantras were popular poetry, and as such followed different rules of metrics from those fallowed by the authors of the Vedic hymns. Besides, a glance at our Mantrapa~ha will show that metrical laws are disregarded in these Grhya Mantras quite as much as the rules of grammar. See e.g. I, 1, 9, where the metre is as corrupt as the text of the Mantra. Or, take the Mantras of II, 16, which offer no less difficulties to scanning than to

1 S. B. E., vol. xxx, p. x. 2 S. B. E., vol. xxx, p. xi'1. 1

See the very interesting and suggestive remarks made by Prof. Knauer in the 'Fcstgruss an Rudolf von Reth/ p. 64 seqq. .


interpretation. Compare also such Mantras as I, I, 3 ; 3, 6; 4, r I ; 5, 7; II, 5, :22 ; 7, 24-26, etc., \vhere \\re have either too many or too fe\\" syllables, or Mantras v.There 've have a kind of mixed prose and verse, as in I, 3, 14; 13, 7-8; II, 3, 3-12; 5, 2-9; 13, 12, etc. I doubt whether, with such a state of things, it would be safe to drav; any conclusions as to chronology from the metrical usage of the Grhya 1'.Iantras 1•


Needless to say that it is absolutel1r impossible to arrive at any safe conclusion as to the exact, or even approximate date of the Mantra­patha. It presupposes the Saif!hitas of the Rigveda, Y ajurveda, and Atharvaveda, and refers to the three \T edas in II, 19, 14-16, and to the four Vedas in II, 21, 2-5. It is older than the Ka~9anukrama of the AtreyI school, but \Ve kno\v nothing about the date of this work. If I have succeeded in proving that the Apastambiya Grhyasutra is based on the Mantrapatha, and that for the author of the G;hyasutra the Mantrapatha was a sacred text \Vith v.rhich he did not dare to tamper, but \vhich was to him a given fact, we shall have to assume, as it must have taken some time for this sacred character to develop, that the Mantrapatha preceded the Grhyasutra by something like a century. As Dr. Blihler has shown that, on linguistic grounds, Apastamba cannot be placed later than the third century B. c. i, we may conclude that the Mantrapatha cannot be much later than the fourth century B. c., though it may be much older.

If Haradatta \Vere right in explaining 'iflfitqf\'f: II, 16, 14 as meaning 1 The ~shi of the Bodhayana Gotra' (f-1@ mi~~~:), it might prove the anteriority of the Siitrakara Bodhayana or Baudha­yana to the l\Iantrapatha. But this interpretation is more tha~ doubtful.

There is one other Mantra which may possibly help us some day to arrive at a more certain date of the Mantrapatha. This is the Gatha to be sung by two lute players at the Simantonna}rana among the Salvas.

1 On the similar state of things in the hymns of the Atharvaveda, see Prof. Bloomfield, S. B. E., vol. xlii, p. 296: 'Atharvan metres are so generally capable of improvement, that we are in danger of singing our own, rather than Athanian hy1nns, when we apply ourselves to the task of impro\•ing them.' See also ibid., p. 584 seq.

2 S. B. £., vol. ii, p. xlvi.

. . v 1\"" . "\.. I


o:::e:- Gd:\·asGtra$ '.!-Er. II, 1, 3; _-\.sv. I. 1+, 7 ; Par. I, 15. 8) quote a Gatha, s~::Ji>.:.- t~ ~T ?· I I, l .J: 1.): in ,~:hich king So1;1a is praised, and the nan1e of ~2.e !"i·:e:· :-:ear 1;, hie "r.. the \rorshipper d\\'ells, is to be mentioned '· .:-\.pa­.::::c:..1:1~a:: al or:-:: s~ vs that the Gatha (}Ip. II, I 1, I 2) is to be sung - . . c.:>:::·::c tP-c: peo:=>:e of :he St"il'<-··as, \\•hile the second one (II. I J, 13) is to

'-- - -'.::e ;_.:;.::.d for Br3l:mazias g-enera!l:y. The Gatha is a fragment of some .L.;_;.::1~:2:--ta, ar:d c;.-~n only be translated quite tentatively: • "J'auganlihari ,...~.',- ;;:; C'"'" ·.:.-r-" t' h·L'S s•1al·e th•"' C't.zf7. 1a f ,VOffien)) Sitting On th\.r banks \,,,J' .. J.- ... .._ &~ ,,i. .... .l'\. ..... ~c, ..... .. '"l '\.. """ 0 \ .. ·' J '

. ' h h 1 ' ) ' T • • I . . bl 0 } 0 ;z::.i·oz)1

:u:-:1.:1.g ~ounu t e "" cc (? . it rs s1mp y 1n1poss1 e to krro·_,; :~e ex'.12t nlc:aning of this verse, \Yhich must originall}' have forr:ied part c: a :0:1gc:- ball.:::.d, of \\·hich only this one 1,-erse has come clo,vn to t:~. -~."et ::hus n1uch is certain that \·augandhari is the nan1e of a king of C1e Sah·2.s, a tribe that must haYe been living some\vhere near the "\.'a:r.ur.a. _q_r:d ~t seer~s ob\'ious, too, that the author or compiler of tl-ie :.Ian::-aoatha m1~st have had some connection \Vith this or some .. .

.\o·.,·, the Salvas or Sah'as are frequently mentioned in Sanskrit Etera'.:1.:re. T;iey \Yere diYided into se\·eral t1ibes, one of \Vhich \Vere t~1:: 1· ugancil1aras ·", as \Ve see from the Karika quoted by the Kasika on Pazi. I\~, 1 , :r; 3 :

'dl!iet'tf~~(ij\!t I ~Cfit (t S'lit.1(1: I

~~: it(f.(O:sRJ +:tt~tctlQct~fi:JoT: 11

Salvas and \ ... ugandh2..ras are mentioned together in the 1\iahabharata Iv-. :

1 r ~ ainong the 'love.Jy countries around the K.urus,' and in the

' I\Iahabh. \:-III: +.+ (-t..)_l, r4 the Salvas are mentioned immediately after ~~1e Ka~ravas and Pancalas along \Vith other nations \vho follov: the · ete::~al 1a\r 1 c: the Brahrnanic religion. According to H. H. Wilson 4,

the Salvas 'seem to have occupied part of Rajasthan, a Salva Raja be:r.g else\r!:erc described. as engaging in hostilities \vith the people

1 Cf. Prof. Oldc:::i:ierg, Zeit.schrift der D. :\1. G., vol. 39, p. 88. As to Soma as the ,. -;i. ~..,,,;:. .... ..... • \:J

~:ng r: !!)as, see Ts. I, gJ Io, z : 'I.~ l .... l +f \it f (I Sil ~'111 s ... 1 an S'il hJI (Q'l ifl '(l'l\1' · Cf. Sat. Br. V, 3: 3. T2.

~ Gr~1yasutra 14, 4-6. 3 According to the Kas1ka on Pag. III, 2, 46, ·yugandhara is the name of a mountain. 4- Y1sh9u-Pu::a1.1a I London, 18.i,o), p. 177.

Ti'/TROD [F ( T 10.\".

of Dvaraka in Guzer2.~.' Ch. Lassen L identifies the .S:'.ilvas vdth the Salabastrae of PEny, and places them bet\vcen the indus and the

Aravali in Lower Rajasthan. According to our 1\1antra \Ve shouid have to place either the Salvas, or at least the \"'" ugandhaias as forming one division of the Salvas, some\vh·ere near the -y~ an1u


na. ~A..s the school of

the Apastambins undoubtedly belongs to the South of India 2, \Ve ought to expect the ~1antrapatha, too, to have arisen in the South. Could there be any possible connection bet\veen the Sal\·as of the \.,. amuna, and the 'Salvas 1 or 'Saluvas' met \vith in South-Indian inscriptions of modern times 3 ?

At any rate, this seems to be the only passage in the Iviantrapatha which may be said to contain a historical allusion. It is to be hoped

that future researches and future disco\·eries of our excellent Indian epi­graphists may enable us to use this allusion for chronological purposes.


There can be no doubt, that if v:e \Vant to kno1v ho\V the .i\.pastambins

actually recited their prayers, \Ve have to take into accou!lt the phonetic peculiarities of the Grantha 11SS., \Yhich-for reasons strtted above (p. xv) -gi\·e the most authentic text of the l\Iantrapatha. Ko1v. the Grantha

r~-ISS. are perfectly consistent \\'"ith regard to the Sandhi of sibilants.

1 indische .<\.lterthumskunde, p. 613 seq. I \·ol. i 2, p. 760 seq. J. 2 See above, p. xv. s Saluvaganda II, A. D. 1428, and Sa1uva Kars1nha, A. D. 1477. are giyen in a genea­

logical list of \'ijayanagarc. kings, by H. H. \Yilson, in the Asi.itic Researches, XX, p. 7. Sfiluva Nrsimha occurs in a Grant of Ranga lL dated in I644-5 A. D., and Dr. }lultzsch thinks that this king, 'who was the p1ott'.ge of Ratna's great-gr.lndfa.thcr Bukka according to the Kar:t;at5. grants, :nay ha\·e been Sadas1\·a':3 gr2.ndfath..:r Nrsiq1ha or Karas:i of \'"ijayanagara' (Indian _..\ntiquary, XIII, p. i55 1

• See ,1lso R. Sewell, Sketch of the Dynasties of South.:::rn India I 1\In.dras, I SS 3 ! , pp . .+..J. seq., 109, and L. I<.ice, Epigraphi.:i. Carnataca, l\Iysore, l (BJ.ngalore, 18941, p. :15, ~ntrc.d., p. 2ft seq. Dr. infonns me that Sf:1lv1-Tin1ma is a name of a chief 1ninisttr of ... -r • J

king KrshI,J.a Raya 0f VijayanJ.gara in an inscription fron: Koi:icJaviO.u, <lated ~,Lka-Saqivat, 144:;;. Dr. E. Hultzsch (South-Indian Inscri?tions, 1, 1~90, p. 1791 gil.'fS for Saluva, as occurring in Ta1nil inscriptions of thest~ kings, the meaning, 'ti,1e !ta':r.'lii a biruda.' See, ho\vever, I.'. \'isvanath.t pj;Jai, . .\ l)ict1onary. Tamil anc! En:;lish (11adras, 1888), s. v. CFiT(:-!J·'Zllii, 'tributary ki11g-s frorn regarded by the ::ii::urle ir.

SoiJthern Indid. as intruders.'


They never \vrite a Visarga before a sibilant, but always the correspond­ing sibilant, and they drop the Visarga (or rather the final sibilant) before an initial sibilant with any follo\ving consonant. That is to say,


they follow the practice recommended by the Vyasa-Siksha 1, and probably kno\vn already to the author of the Taittiriya-Pratisakhya. For tl:e teaching of the latter (IX, 1 ), that 'Visarga, when followed by a spirant \vhich has a surd letter after it, is dropped, according to KaJ).\iamayana,' seems to imply, as the co1nmentator explains it, that according to others the Visarga is dropped not only in this case, but also before a spirant that is followed by a sonant letter 2 DevanagarI copyists seem to have been puzzled sometimes in consequence of this

\\·ay of making Sandhi. Thus, they separated 11@4': (I, 9, 3) into ii @41: instead of~: 1,1: and were doubtful as to fitte!{1 before iillf -I, 12, 7, or as to ti I QI before t:.Ci' II, 4, 1+

As I wish~d to edit the text as I believe it to have been recited by the Apastambins, I had to follow the Grantha MSS. with regard to this Sandhi of sibilants 3•

I ought also to have written the nasals in accordance with the Grantha IVISS.-that is, the corresponding nasal instead of Anusvara-ana to have omitted the Avagraha. But if I had done so, it would have made the separation of \\·ords almost illusory, and would have been mere pedantry. Every Sanskrit scholar knows that the Anusvara is used as a niere graphic sign, expressive of the nasal required by the following con­

sonant, that, e.g. 1f' vTI' ~ ~ 1l{ "i:ltl'G~ is meant to be read ~ ~ ~ 'l!~d~~. as the Grantha MSS. actually \vrite. I have also followed the European practice \Vith regard to the Avagraha, as I consider it, '\'ith Dr. von Bohtlingk 4, as useful for practical purposes. If \Ve were tc fo:lo\v the l\ISS. in all respects, \\'e should have to do away with

1 See !--1 • i..,iJce~~, Die ·\·y;l.s;:i.-\iksha (Kiel, 1895), p. 57. ~ See\ . D. "',\"n;~ney. The ~'.1ittiriya-Prati($3.khya (Journal of the F~n1erican Oriental

Sc ~;- •.. , c' :.... ~ "o- ,...f .,. .,. -'-,,.- l ·\It. a· h G ... ·k ~ (.' --..c.1, . l. --~ • _J. - ~- \... • J. \, a: .. . ; in 1sc e rammalI , ~ 207. 5 ::J::-. Oer~ei, :!':! eciitic:'.1 cf the j a.imin!ya-TJpanishad-BrahmaJ?a (Journal of the

• .\:ne:-::c2::1 O:·:e:i.::d S0ciety, ·;cl. xri, I, I 8<;-t. i, has also folloi;red his lVlSS. ,vith regard F''"l'e:.::':r.'1i·:cr-it•l-ntc;:(l-.,p1·1"111 - J,li·,,.·.,.,,.,r 0 t \ b th 1 fi 1 ···1

J • • ~ .. ·'-'··, • :::> J. a· - .. J._ .;, {~,. "'••-'.·'·-c'.I .. 1,, ~ C.,, U .e eaves a :la Slbl ant ........ ,'.':o- ...... =r-:+1·,. .. -==;~ ... ;1·~nt ,;~"'lf,J' ~ r·-- ... t 1 / - ) ... \;;.vi .......... ., -'-· - • ...,, a - \\. (,. ..... 0 iC\• tnb :.o~an. lCt er ( t:. g. : a ilSS)'i?t: etc. . The s-ame :u:e is f<:.J·.• ::c ~~ t::te Tel~g~ editior. of OLir i\.I<:.utra;:i~ha

:2. ":" ~1-'.::.r--1_..·..-t- c, -~- ~ '~ ,-.. •""\, ·- -. t:.0" ......,,__,.....,. __ ............. t - ,,..._J. _r.,.. .. ;..._:~, 1 v!• ...+..)" .t-"• 0 -•


the separation of \vords altogether. If \Ve write \Tisarga instead of ~·

~· or ~ .... ' \\'e give an entirely wrong impression of the actual recitation of the text But I see no reason \vhy \Ve should not avail ourselves of such 01 thographical expedients as the Anusvara and the Avagraha "·hich do not affect the oral recitation.

I also adopted the usual practice of placing the figures q and ~ after

short and long Svarita vovvels, \vhen follo\ved b}' an U datta .syllable,

although the l\ISS never use these figures They \Vrite, e.g. ~~1

('( ilf0

- -I. L '), 0~ fcto I, 4, 9, ~ ~I fi! I, 7, 9, 4ftlfiQ i ctcffitt I, I I, 6 etc.


I see from the 'Catalogue of the Libra11? of the India Office, \T ol. II.­Part I. Sanskrit Books.' \vhich has just been published, that there is also an edition of the ' 1\Iantraprasna , in Grantha characters, printed at lVIadra..,, 188·:z. Unfortunately the book is not accessible at present.

( , :::-

LIST Of' . .-\BBRE\'IA 1'IONS.

Ap.=Apastambiya Grhyasiitra led. ~1. \\l1nternitz) . . ~p. Dh.:::::Apastan1b1ya Dharmasiitra (ed. G. Buhler) . .. ~p. Sraut.=Apastambiya Srautasutra (ed. R. Garbe). (ed ... .\. F. Stenzler). Av.= :\.tharva veda-San1h1ta. B.=Dr. Buhlers V1enna iv1S. I, 299 (Devanagari, with accents). Baudh.=Baudhayana-Grhyasutra (quoted from Dr. Buhler's 115.). Bhar.=Bharadv3.Ja-Grhyasiitra (quoted from Dr. Buhler's ~1S.). Brh. Up =Brhadarai:iyaka-Upanishad. Bu.=Burnell's India Office 11S., No. 50 (Grantha). E. =Elph1nstone College !YIS., No. 17 (Devanagari, '\·ith accents). H.=Haradatta's commentary on the 11antrapatha. Hbd.= Dr. Buhler's Devanagari :\IS. of Haradatta (\rienna AIS. 296 ). Hbg.=Dr. Buhler's Grantha 1\:IS. of Haradatta (\l1enna ~IS. 312). HHg.=Dr. Hultzsch's Grantha MS. of Haradatta. H1r.= HiraI,lyakesi-Grhyasiitra (ed. J. Kirste). Hw.==R.A. S. ~'15. \\Thish, No. 26, of Haradatta (Grantha~ Kaus.= Kaus1kasiitra (ed. 1\.1. Bloomfield). ~1aitr. S.=Ivlaitrayal}.i Sa1nh1ta led. L. v. Scl-iroeder). :\1Dr.=11antra-Brahmana of the San1aveda (ed. by Satyavrata Sa1nasran11: 1n vol. i

of the Usha). :!.1SS.=11anuscripta omn1a (includes T.} unless the contrary be stated). P.= Bodleian ~IS. Sansk. d. I of the Apastambiya-Sarpskara-Prayoga. Par.==Paraskara-Grhyasutra (ed. A. F. Stenzler). Rv. = Rjgveda-Samh1ta. i,tv.-~!s. -,I_{gi,.·eda-~fa~trasan1hita (lithographed, Bombay, 1891, ~ake 1813). sa:.-:k!l.=Sankhayana·Grhyasutra (ed. H. Oldenberg, Indische Stud1en, vol. xv).

I r '

Sat. B:-. = Satapatha-Brahmai:i.a. T.=Tc2u6u edition of the 1~antrapatha. 'i' ... :\.. = Tait~iriya-.~a!fyaka. :'Dr.= Taitt1;iya-Brahma1.1a. ·fs.= Taittir!ya-Samh1ta. ·vs.= ·va.1asane}1-Saip.hita.

W.=Bodleian 11S. \V1:son 468 (Devanagari, with accents). ~Th.== R .. .\. S. J1S. \Yh1sf.~ No. z; (GranthaJ.



ll iJ i1fiTri f~~('1~'1('lJ ij~ ct~~\l ~ ~ ll ~I =w:iriififii~ ~ ~ra ~~1*U ~lfn 11q11

w;mr iffit at ~ii! -q~ ~ (¥J ~I~ 'eftit .n 't°'t1fi\ 1 -~-ijl{T ij ~ilf ';fr f.:r;;~ffl{ ~1~"11 'J4~1'1~ ~: II~ II

. ~~tttfnif ~ I 1ft: • M~Ji4 ffill~ ij II~ II

1(qj{".f~\lffniltf'~ ~ ~~+!ifl~q~: I . - -

~ ..,. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ fttR_ 'Si ~~ 11811

I, 1, 1a Ji~ q N~ijt'l@ 'V. E.-! Ji~ W. ! lT ~: E. ! 1i - - .... - - -~Bu. °! ~: Rv. X, 32 1 I. 11 fataf\~f~ B.-~0 MSS. ~

P.Rv.1.c. 2 b ~1~~ E.-Rv. X, 85, 23. 3a ~1 'V.E. 3b otmf1 B.-~ Bu. ~! E. See Av. XIV, r, 62. 4a oqfttfil~N W. Bu. B pr. m.-

•: B. Bu. \Vh. H. T. ~: \V, E. P. Rv. X, 85, 44. 4b ~ MSS. H.

~ Rv. l.c.

B [III. 8.}

I, 1, 5-10.

5 qfrft:i!fE!ifT4i{tfi fifo \Vh. H. T. ttf<'tut~~~f fifo \V. P. qft1f14~41"tff'J-- - -4ifl~ 0 E. qf(tf\( \'~i ~t'c. 111.) tf~f~tf4!dlflf0 B. qfitf4t~ff:l4*iiifR 0 Bu . .....

6 e. ~ Rv. X, 40. 10. 6 b Qf<:~'§f B. 7 and 8 See Av. XIV, 1, 39. 8 ...q_ - -~ l:J ...... \:I -J ~'tf 1 E.-0 %!et"lf ~"?:lqf B11 Wh. Hw. HHg. (lacuua. in lfb<l. lILg.) 0 14iri1 @l!iqf

~ -\Y. E. P. 0~C1f {i"?lf~ D. 0 i19t'li "'&'3!(,cft T. 9a ~: iij' 4(ll: B. l4it~: i'g

- - - -~: \V. E. {§a,'{f: ~ ~: !311. \\' 11. lI. P. T. ~ ~ ~ ,s~; Rr. VIII, 91, 7.-

- - -~ "\Y. E.-%;:f''aifd ::\lSS. 1!ffsti<11 Rv. L<'. 9 b 0f~%~: '\V. In Du. it looks

;ike 0fti'5(f~:. 1_•ut the lila: 1s dan1.~ge11 just where tlie .Akshara \lCCnr1-1, R.nd it 1nay have

1J~en °~ f-:q: .-~~ah\fl E. ~~Cfi'\(\ \\h. P. T ~~(C\ Bu. See Intrnd'., ] . -t.

i'· xxi. .. .:oa ~ ~tel J "!_: 3-3. E. ~ 'Qrtc;r:l: \Vh. H. P. 1ffl ~"(q fq: Bu. ~~

::Sl6l IQ: w. T·. _.\y, :{l'i,'', I, 40. - - See Inh11<l.: l'· '(\'!. -ifl:fr B. \Y. E. Hh<l. Hbg. P. -

~..ft \\"h. H\\'. T. In. Bu. the two lettt-rs ~ au1l '{.are n1Jt kt>pt distinct in \Vriting, so

~:u-:; we 1nay reau e~ther ~ 11r ~in this \f8 f:ee I, 9, 6.-1{'¥!"1@ ~ \'llt.

I, 1, 10---I, z, 6.

o a ~fc T \!I~ -.:J 1 1f i! ~ q t)ij if -Cl 'iT ~~ 01M ii! ~, i! ;q .! ~ ~~ n q ti U

~: ~<1t: u 9 n

f@tlNat<fi!9'~~: tnC!ant: li :J~t~·ramirrd': ' 1!" qfq<i1! f~ii! ~ fltWi ~T ~q~~nT ~q;Tg n q l!

~t<t4at4J!~~'li! lff~T ~~ ~n: ~lll-QT ~~'fti: I

ll1~11~ "ef\t1: ~~'Wflir ~·~'W ~~T ~ct'V! 11 ~ n -atriji ~filr ~~ lITfff 11~ fh~T-.;~ ~e«W4~ift;;~ 1 - - - - (,, - -

irl ~ Tl~ ~~~ ,C1~4;3 I~ ~'! 9'9J ~;:rt f:fGt~ II ~ ~ij 111m ~~1 ~fq ¢rff ~~ ~T ~ iif ft~ ~l.TI f~f~l! I: ~ irT ~ 11~ ~~ ~!~Rif ~tfl.i ~iii ~ 118 il NJ~;i' ~ "Et~EtT t;~~tlFs:f!cf~i ~fer \iit!'1 ~~ W ~

'~'i!"-'li!~ lll: -qf<!OJii~li! \.'Tr~~ ti!'il ~_, u~ n --qft m f31~ f11t !+n ~ f~ii: ~ ~ I I ~ \'ii T ~'"Ii "1 ~ ""! 1""f ~Cf'rr! l!'ll: U 'q II -

10 b ~ E.- •di@! Bn.-J4ttit: -Sil>S: I Wh. I c:t D Bu. 'J! , iitat'l!ll

~ n q H W. E. H q n 1' , •iialt!14(1l " B. I, 2, lb lltfl:i(l'-tt yi,r_ B. E. P.

3a '!M~lt Bu. 4a ~ Bu.-fifftltsT! E. 5a q$(qtQ: E. qwJtq1q: W. . q "'ti 'q . n . q'!(CI I : B.-~!jql ,sr-u B ~;q I ~ E. ft~q 11 ,'Q~ Bu. ,5b 'Ji'·

1i!ff! ~: Bu.-To :rtlantrM 2-5, see Av. I, 33; Ts. v·, 6, I, I-2 ; TBr. II, 8, 9, 3

lj Rv. I, ro, r 2.

H 2

r. 2, 7-1, 3, 4

l-'11 aj re t ~ mJR~ lf5fl it~ ~1={ ~ - - - -

•(;jqrtf ~iitl ~ ;:f~ 'J¥'1! ~ 11~11 - ~ -~ ~ ;t~ (~'l~.;t rt! 1' ~~;If ~ I 1J:( I ill i 4 1Ji:th;fl' ll iij I if crf~ ~ ~~"!_Ji I' ~rft:r II t: U - -

rpft~ ~!fJPI~ qfrf G!{l~4i1 i19Jii!~ f: U 9 II

il"iTI «fi*!414 'l*!atl ~~ I efti ~ ,ifi•i<::rsf~~«! .. ~ !~ 11~11 ~ if \iA'ii!(;CI I~ ~ ii~ ~ ~~~'lrfi: I -~ ~m ~rn ~tf'4.fticl r41~11~qrq14 ~err: n qi. -ff~~ 5trtl«! ~ l!clqij ftrn: I

~ I ~ ~~ I

~ ~: 1,~' G.~~ ttlifq( nJJu -7 Wb. only gives this ~Ia.ntra. in full. .All the other lISS. have only 'iJlrtlT-

-lli'ilMltf D I have tiupplied the accents from Ts. I, r, Io, I. See also TBr. III, -3, 3, 2; Ap. S'raut. II, 5, 2; Av. XIV, 1, 42. Sa. ~ W. E.-0f11;f lrfSS. -0 fiaiitl Rv. X, 85, l6.-(~ilf Bu. 8b f~tti*': ~q: I Wh. A~· Bu. R ~-'ICftUI! ~ I~ II E. f«(®CltQ 1: ~ n q'4 I~ n w. II~ u ftl«!JcrQfl: ~I B. I, 3, I and l Rv. X, 85, 40; 41. 3a. !11'51l((Ct1'41 Bu. 4J'1'tatltt j<q

R'·· X, 85, 36. Si(f{flo W. 4b ~: B.-iC(fftqd T.

I, 3, .s-1 +

fft(qfi! itt::~ea ~ <nfit;:ft~fH ~ ffi A! fatii}(:al ~i1~ JI •I litl+i~t!_n: ll ~ II -11 m J!f~'!(ijq! ~s~ trcfm~: i

f@(<t4@(d ~iii~ ~ fll~W,ij ~ II~ II

l!~il few ~t;it 1 ~ g u '9 u w ~~ f ct GCY4i<t r~g 11 t; 11 - f!HI~ faJ-YWI~ llQ.11 ~~ ~~<414! fct~· - -~ nqou q5'] ~~ f'atctg4i+41~ij uqqu ~

- -f<4,6iil~g UC\~U ~ ~ ~ fct~@fl~ U~~U

- -m ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ 'if~~ , ~~ w •1fi~ ..._ ~ ~ .,::.L I • ,J. ~ -e@ ...... r~~ i:rr 'II~ ij@tlat l=l'T ~1wt: I ~flfllfat tr CijiEq'fq~

- - - - - -•nl ~ ::.t:: I ~ ~I ~ • ~ •

ti JIC'IT (lli!'i ~~ ... ,~, I ~'i'it~i~ ~~l~! t ~

if! 41.flf\! ~ £!i11 ~ ~;qf ~ I ~T iq'!~~@'tft - -ta=ff~ ~i'i W~ti ~<ft ~~W!sf~~li~S{a:ff~

5b ~ Ailt'C41° W. E. 7 ~ W. E. B. 8-12 \Vh., P .. and T. have~-

(ltll~ Q si.t the end of each Mantra. The other ~!SS. read ~ ~ 'C!lC4 If'! llttil:ttql'f! lfC ~: lt'!tJ~: ~etc. But the Commentator says: m ~-~l~ftC4(14~qf: l 13 °~ B.E. W. 14a *tctl Bu.-ijHq<:l ~ B. ~ftQf(1 - -~ (~Bu.) Wh. Bu. H.F. T. ~fiQC(I ~ E. 4'.!flclC(iCf'l_q W. But W.

often has 1f for 1f, e.g. ~ I, r, r, for ~?I'. See Introd., p. xvi seq.

14 c-e Cf. Te. IV, 21 5, I. 14f 0'1\11f\1~f~ W. E. 01'1(~ marg.)~ B. 04ili\Cit41Cltf~ Wh. Bu. II. P. T. 1'11i!''Jif~ .A.v. XIV, 2, 71. See also

Brh. Up. VI: 4, 19, and Introd., p. xxvii.-~ E.W.

~ I ~~ ~ I~

qi' ijiti!~'!~ii ~ JfT1=fijtti1( ~ §~ ~ ?ft'~

~l Tl~ q~<4! lif@ '!iJR uq8u - -

~: @(!!! II ~II

ij1 fi f li 5' f ii f cte: ~~ II 9 II - -~ ~~~ ~~ 11~11 - - - ....

~'trtl ~~ ~ II~ II - - -~~M't ~ ~ 'Efra~qrqcl °<!!~~~T~ ~~ II~ ll

init 1fiTTI! '914j rt~~'"''"!.,,. l<ll(I\_ ' -~~~f'4~ ifl1~~ ... , ~tl1ll~fff 111.111

~~~~~~I t • ~ ~..... . '.C ~

~ ~t S'iil'11 ~I~ "'II n'Jf'Cfil~ ~'" n ~ u -n1 in ~--W!! ~ ~ • I "!_(I ij 14'! ~~nl'1~ ij'TS~ ~str 4f"(t ~q!iJJlfl_I ~1f (l'ilt at~(ijtS~1'~Hi ~~ lfr~-;; ~11911

ti \!I • d .!... '\U '"> ~ ?

r4f 0~tci E. 0~ Wh.-tfJif i!i'ft ttq E.-~+1~'14 ICI E.-q"'f1q E.W. B.

~:Bu. Hbd. Hbg. P. T. ~iti:l Wh. Hw.-~ 9"11'4 ~'ftq I 1lft ~(without acooit.s) B.-~~ Hbd. Hbg. ~E. mw. 1'+iq Bu.Wh.T. ~~ Hw.-- -~ 'SQ: D Wh. I~ Q Bu. I q~ 0 int: A~it: '4l::d11: I~ H Vl I int: iif!it: if\lfi~ I' U E. I~ D itlf: A'-14: tft'Ct{: U ~ 8 B. I, 4, 4 ~ W. ~ B pr. m. Wh. T.~: W. Cf. Av. XIV, 2, 52; MBr. I,~. 5. 5 Cf. Rv. X, 85, 25.

6a ~ Bu. Wh. Hw. Hhg. T. W'1! B. W. E. Rv. X, 85, 45. Hbd. has ~ corrected

(by the same hand) from q. 7a ~ B.-Vft B.-Cf. MBr. I, 1, 10.

I, 4. 8-13·

t\fltll'ifiJ@f lfn!. 111~~: J!Sf fJt~ tfllfj ~1q3141~: I

¥t'1;ijfQ'-'4! :ir4nl~l'! .-i!nT ~i:tl'"!~'!f~ 11 ~ .. f J?'l11=( II Ii It -

1'Y 7f 11~ fi!f'1J ~ ~~~ ~~1~ fcf~ I m ~ f~"Cnt:tl< w ctf\l~ ~A~ qfrtc?t4' f~ ~

- \:Ji- - - -

q(ij rrft ~~ ~~~l=li';f~ II ~ U

n ,,,, t~g- Cf!11~~ ~!~~ ~ (ij1 \f~ fif~rtrf~ -~~

~ CS\T~~: ~l.11Vf!~~~fi!f40J~qt ~~~ '!'411f(li90ll

\'!~i!GJT ai:sttt1 tt!~l*ln Cf!~ I tJJ!q "Q"°Stfa:tc4}"j~ ~tfi!: llfrt 4j5'11f~ 1'~ n 99 u ~ it q~4!! 'V;t\il ~ctilm ~ ~1' I - Q ~ -

3=I I~ iill~tiU ~ 119~ II

~ cnfil ii~-O!T ~Tii~T CJJi(ij ~~itTifT efcrffl: t - - - - -~s¥t1'ifl 't~~ ~~~ lf1 i! \11~: ti ittft: 119~ n

Sa 0~ B.-Cf. ~!Br. I, I~ II. 9b f;fit\• 0 E.-~ W. E. "It - " ~ B.-Cf. ~IBr. I, I, 13. 10 Cf. )!Br. I, I, 12. Ila. lit~ Bu.

II b o~ E.-Cf. 1.IBr. I, 1, 14; Av. VIII, 6, 26. 12-15 Wh. and P. give

these verses in full. The other ltfSS. give the Pratikas, viz. ~ it 11'\iJ!. m itlfil W 1"' ~ V"" 1ff' ~. See Ts. II, 1, 11, 6; II, 5, 12, 3 seq.; Rv. I, z5 - - -19; I, 24, 11; IV, 1, 4 and 5; TBr. III, 7, Ir, 3; 12 1 6; 11A.. IV, 20, 3.

I, 4, L+-I, 5, 3·

ii{ ;:ft ~ Cltl!J~ ~ie>=t~ ~itSGJ t?Tftf~: I - - -

fr...... i ........ , '.:I .c..... ... J. WriU"l+ini 'i~JA r{ •~U ... ~ I

- - -

~ fif1' 1l"~"~e@ ~1~rt= 11911

~"li ;;$t ~ ~~let~~ I ~~ i! qf'!Jfql~ ~(~t\S!~ 11~11 ~ ~~q~~ ~~f ~I 'f!: efrf ~ ~lfi ~ ~V lf5f'l1t ~ II :? II - - - -

16 See TBr. II, 41 I, 9. Both Sayana on thlh passage, and H. on uur ManttH.,

explain~~·~= ili41! ilfir, and "!tf(iji( = 'JftCI: ~--~: ijJQ! U Wh.

ggg Bu. 080 ~t{[:q 'elf~N~!l4tt D8ft W.B.E. In :B. these note8 at the end of the

Kh&J,IQAS always given without accents. I, 5, I a~ Bu. 2 a if!_qq. W. E.­

~lctt• B. ~iit(l0 Bu. HHg. Hbd. P. T. ,.t .. 1° 'v. E. ~@Of tflfr0 \Vh.

Hw. ~IM Hbg. See Av. XIV, 2, 63; ~!Br. I, 2, 2; Par. I, 6, 2; S'ankh. I,

14, 1; Hir. I, 20, 3. 2b <.1'4!~\:49 W. E. 3a ~ E. ~ W.

°'t l(filfi:t Bu °1l ~ 'Vh. 0~ T. 3b ~ Bu.-Rv. X, 85, 38.

I r' J.-I'.!. ' J• '

f.!: ~M1'!f~~l,tfT ~~ ~~1 I

~Tm~~~T ~: tiff! ((( ~ m:~~~!H '"( U 8 U

~ ~ r;('lft OT~ l.llti ~G";llt S?-f l I- -

~ftf 11T~i:Jf~ f~l{: II ll ll

~ fif~lf lt1'Ji I ;of 11_ II ~ ll

~~wJj 'j ~if ~~t ~"Qi:{~!ln I

~ ~t ~~ ~~l:: ifffi 'jSiJTfl! ;;rij~~i!IJl~­l'fi(i't II '9 II

" ij~~ 'qlfct'~, II t U

W!: ttMl'J!filt~i\ ll <!.II

~ ~n -rqzj Gf'lfl{ ll ~ O II -~ raw '1 '11-J:t l"" ..._ n ~ 9 "

-r:c_.f"i ..... ~lff .{q~ llrtit=ft'it illl=f "l<1'\llcfr~ti fq.,fi{ : - - - - - - -~ I '.!J t:; I • ~ ~ • I ft f ;;:.~

~~~~~ 1rrr -,~ 'j1l.ln if 1111~~~qw _ ~t:trteT t-OJ1rt1 n ~~ u - -

4a qr.(i(fqo B. 4 b ~~ig(~i E. \\·.--qfcl: ~ ~ B. E.W. Bu. H. T. - - - - -QfHet1ctitJ Wh. qfi!6ff'crtfcr Rv. X, 85, 39 5a '{CfT Bu.-Rv. II, 7, 3.

6 Id est verse I to be repeated. 7a ij Bu.-~'*'11 E.-0 tl'1i"il Bu.-See MBr. •

I, 2, 3; Bv. X, 85, 25; Av. XI,r, I, Ij ~eq. 7h ~illij P. 8-ro I.e. 3-5 repeated.

11J.e.1repoated. 12a~E.,Y. ~B. ~Rv. - - - -V, 3, 2. Haradatta must have reail ~- -fit<ttfij E. H. fit1ttfij \V

~ B. Rv. l. "· 12 h rif JIISS. ~~ Rv. J. c.

C [III. 8.J

~ trit~@:rt n 9:? u

~: q R•ff '! firt~Jfl tl 9 8 II fcpJt ~n iq~ fP!_ ll fl( 11 9 4 II

J,.J'"',J•)l-1 f., ~ , ' ' ' ....,_

JI ~ ~Tfi; qt~~ trf'JJ!Wi! FU~mf~nl ~~: I

"!\i'*! ~;ff +J1ff~ ~ ~';l if ~ -qri;ri ifi'ftflf II ti~ 11

~ fq ~ qtlg~ lff~ "lil=l~ii ef~nT ~i(fc{: ~

"!~ ~;lf ~Cfit~ ~~Sft!f ffi ~~ tr~t ,~lfll 119~11 ~~rsetil s~w:rf~fit1" ~~J:ttc1ir~T ~fe ij - - - -~lie! ~~T l£"fft s ~m ~&t 4f ~~ s lIT #t it r~ ~'Sl'5ll=( u 9 t u -

---~ n -...r;.~ ~ ~rqw; '" 1~H ! ~'!~lllll 1-a 1~nT wr: 1

~;;f~rq Ir~ '1 fr;:r [ef Cf ~~ wfl.t f9'n: II 9 II - - - - -

~ tt f;;:j-~~ -:qtrff tfft H li4t4: - - - - _\j

u:Jrn ~~ fef'af 11 ~ n - -13-15 I.e. 3-5 repeated. 16b ~rt~ E.--lt \V. \Vh. Bu. P. ~r. 1f B.}"J. Cf. ]hr,

X, 85, 24; .A,·. :XIV. I, 19; 58. 17b 'i4!i1~ \Y.-See Ts. I, 1, ro, 2; R\·. X, 85, 24.

t8a ii~ l'd t~@~f~ W. E.-ijti.f f~\q~q I B. <eteif~\qifC( f \Y. E. .:tt!lfi:t~tf ((f - - - - - -Wh. ijtQf'ftc4 l+tq I B11. 18b '41tl~I E.-W'l'4iji ,V. E.-q~Ji: C{IQ.\S: U \Vh. -- -0 4 0 Bu. n 4 U 11 'llr fd~if =31qtf(1(fd: ft~ U E. \V. B. I, 6, I. R\·. X, 85, r.

2 and 3 are gi\·en in full by 'Vh. a.nd P. The other MSS. give the Pratikas, viz.~ -.....-J .... 1" il"l iO'iJf,fl ll See Rv. I, 6, I; 30, 7; Ts. VII, 4, lo, 1; IV, r, :z, r.

I, 6, 3-9·

~lianil mt ct1ii~1it T{at1+t@ 1 - -~~wit u~u -~ fi~fc;S f'!ISl4;;~ ~hl4'<1'1 ~ 'J~~ I "' ~ 1f~'[rl~ m~ ~;:i ~~ ~ ~~6C4 " 8 n ~~~(+t!U~ifft oq~i'fff qn~rt: 1

lfb'! q1'3(r ~ ~"lft -:q f~ (IS Cf It 4 II - -~1111(1!-~ ~ ~Tiff "Q,qj ~ ! ttiil'(ft: ~Qr(fl' ~ ~'ltsf! ~l.f ~ n ~ u ~ l • I I ~~·~!. ilJ"j~~ A'iillt ill \1i14;l4 ~ l -qift''1i "f ~rm -,.f ~ill !ilr-:rl ~~ II S II

if!iW!M)'fitt -~: fi11~f~J;(~ij I

tllt.if ~Eal ~!ff'!! lffif~ ~ U t II

1f ~~'!~ ~~ 11~ ~frn ~ ~;j ' 9'!6ildlf~"llt ~ illlii! ~ ~· l fll! u Q. ll

4a. ~ T. 4b ~0 ~'ISS. ~ ~0 Rv. X, 85, 20.-e~tClf Bu. 5a ~-

"f'l(tti0 E. Vl. 6a ~Gli1} E.\Y. B. \l~lif' Bt1.-~;fl'ijl1

E. ""· B. Bu.-• • • +

._C!J__..41 "\Yh.. Eu. Hw. Hbd. P. lf!il!{q n Hhg. '~f~.q I F. 'aJ!!Cif llil 'Y. lt!33ti'fi H.

. ' . "' -·"'inr?' B 8 "· UJ. T. n.v. xj 85, 46. See above, I, I' 8. 6 h ~ii4 I iii ,v. B. Bu.-

4Qt'lf\ E. B. Bu. 7b <'.ct~4!f \V. B. P. ~Cf~Uli E. Sb~ 'Yh,

Bu.-See Rv. X, 85, 28. 9a !"'0 E. '\V.-ijiat! ~ :\1SR. and H.==:Av. XIV,

2, 10. et'tl(~ Rv. X, 85, 3r. 9 b ~ ll. ~(jiri :E. - ~ c 2

II lt~trri: II I, 6, 1 o-1, i , 2

~~ n' I t ~-,,ri~ll+:fifH!ftll ~9"( il"lf: 119011

wt Ui'\ili'!lil~~~ftf (.:q fG! ctl{Vi +( I -4"'4tCtllJ ;; f(G4ff!~\ll ~ ~ II q9 U

nT ff~+f!rfT i=r1tit ~~ ~ ~ efli ~-afft cr:q~~ I • r..,.-.:1~ I ~ l fT • q-... .J.~~ ~ n i ~ 'JJ:tt1!l!l 9J~'-"4 n ~!ca ill e 1 i1.... ~ ~, " ~" ~ u ct~ u ~ ;ft liiR I: 1'Jt ~fg if t1 il'1 ~: I - - - - - -mi.:t ;:r~ifti ~ ~dt~iq(lf q~~ ll q~ n - - -iX~ -cm: f.-i~'I~ ~ Wif~~11ff@ - - - -41f 'RT ~ ~lij:l{ II 98 II - -

IO Rv. X, 85, 32. 11 b ~ B. See ~"1v. XI,r, ::?, 8.-B. E. \V. T. n..a1k here

the end of Khsntla. 6. See below, I, 7, 12. The Gra.ntha ?ti SS. (Bu. \Vh.) and Hara-

<l.atta oa:k tbe enc of the Khal)da. after verse 14-o See also p. 30, note :;:. 12 a f!1!i1( 1fSS. ai.:d I-J. ~itciR P. Rv. x, 40, 13. l3R ·i!~ffl: Vii. 14a fiice!rr+d w.-'6J"§: i@@: P. \Vh. ii~ n Bu. I, 7, I a ~ B. P. ~ Bu. I b fcri~

E \Y. P.-See TA. IV: 201 r; RY. 'VIII, !, 12, A.v. XIV, 2, 47. z Wh. and P.

f,'1.Ye thiS !1Ian.t?"E lTI. full~ the other MSS. give the Prati:ka, readrng ~ ~ etc. -

I "': •1 -I l ' I , ,,,. •

~l~'l~~ m~ ;Ji it ~fn~~ n ~ u t_l:i ~ CT~~ U ~ U -~ ~tft:t n8u rr.f 'il ~ ll lt II ~~.UWu~u

RiR1 ~rf~ II '9 II ...._I~ I I~~...._, -... ...!!:'. 11 Tf~CTT ~"i ~l:~ G. Gt 1 '-'3 'C{~ atlil Wi'll EGtl~n I .c,.._ -... ~ ~I f-.:JI~ t 1~ct1'1ir ilfl;Q <!GI ~et, l{l ~1~~,.,~~iiR+:t ~111_ II tll

llT ~.q.q'ijt 'IT ;:rWf ~ lllf.i l.i;qifii ii Gl'ffl I - - -- - -.

if rd CJU ~Tcfn1· tr ~ 'it~~t~: II ~ II ~ - - ~ -

~ W1ritTfi:r Gf~ q~T 7J~l:iftl!J T.J+! Tf~ I -~-qi~~~~ ~~~'l ~);{ efrt~'lij°~nT ~~nil 119 o u ~ ctf+trr?~'!fn~'5it=tT9~ Vlff lllriT ~m ~ltl ~~~" ~ - - ~

~{ri Jl)tTT f~;;1 11~~nT f11~ ~"Rfft ~ltT ;_qm--

l={f~ 11 q9 ll

See RY. III, I, 23; 'l's. IV, 2, 4, 3. 3-7=1, 4, 12-16. Sa~ .. E. P.-

~ ~°' I il ~ • :cfl~S B. 8b 0i[~~iifl'\ \Yb. Bu. H. T. 01{~~11 iff B. E. \V. P. 0~J~-

~Ti1 Ii{\ Av. XI\\ 2, 9· 9a Cfirl! E. P. ~ B. 9 h zj~ E. ,V, @l tcia P.­

Sce A.v. XIV, 2, i. 10 See .:\_v. XIV, 2, :::2. 11 a. 0~0 W. E. \Yh. B1~.-0~ 1~­

lffq\ \Y. =~tf~;f\q, }~.-~ ~ISS. an<l H. q\l&l i Rv. :X, 40, 12.-

I, 7, 12-I, 8, 5.

Wli ;ft ~ql'Jf~HT ~~f(~tft ft:1~~'Vr ~t&ttf I - -

i<ft!! ~: 1!~1't ~((!(11! 'liTi! ~llh! Cfi'liJR ~! ft.t ~~II~~ II

1Jq ctli~ ~~ ;:n1'f ~trftil~ I - - - -fu;•ffcttff1 ti ~nT¥ ~rl~ ~l!fflcT~ II 9 II ~y~--r·re--.:i"' 111-;:s ... '~: 11 ~scfiuft ct~~~'atlU~ 1 - - -~! qtrit l{n'j~Jtt<u!lil~~ fj~~~ ntmfJJ 11 ~ 11

- - -"11f;Jlr~ lif~ iTrf~~U~tfirqr;:ft ~~ ~clft I ~· ~aj ~t=r1J'TIT ~l:tq'1f!ffl 1!fff@fil(ijq~Ti\ 11 ~ U

,,,.._ ~ .Jfr ~ IQ ~I

i.!!Zlif 1>;1 1 !~4rt~~ij~f'! C4\lil! t -

~ ~· ll"Q ~~j ~f~ w~l{~ ~'ifJ1' II g 11

I • I ft ~I 11·~51-14~1 ~T 115' f q ~ ~g _ ifJf l:f "i9: fl'"( I

rib ijfi;i": ~lt_-S: U \Yb. ll'9H Bu. 11"~!1 ~~~?TT ~iiif(ij!~(~ 1':.)anr~fq 11{·


s:tfff! d ~ n E. \V. B. I, 8, r:i ~0 \\'it. Hw. ~\lo B. E. \\. llu.

!fliu. Hbg. Hlig P. 'r.-'d~f~~ '"· Bn. Hhtl. p r_r. I l) 1"lfifTO }~. f'.- ~T ~B. E.,r. P.-See ~\.v. XI''· 2, ir. 2lJ crrt<;T B. ~itiT }:.-o~tt!JT: )!SS. and H. See Iutrod., p. xvii. 3a 0~ftjc+if<! E. o(;~cq?qr.ft' 1L

3 h ~if-4:;.n E. B. T. 'Sfif~;tff Bn. 4 u ~ D. E. \r. 1).-~o E. ,y_ ~ B. ~·by l'unjertnre. 5n ~~'!ft B i1r. n1. Ru.

I, 8, 5-12.

~ifit.t l:fm~1nt ~~if-clWT: irat u q n - - - - -

ffrf iff ;:l ef ql{J"tJl'iT 14t4 RT W{: ' ~lrt 111~! ~crit'1'Glt ~'ij;rrf ~ ohlrn+( n ~ u ......&:. I ~ • I &:_ ~ ".:n.l-:::n,.,. ~I~ q\fif! q lt+i ! I~ l:! ~ ~ '-" ~ 11 t .,_ t

'.fr --. ~ ~~ (iQT ~~Q-q{·l'iff ~Jf.,'t1~n1 n~u - - - -!l'af ~ m fct ~~ ~ .. ,~~~"'"l ' -Ji\lll ~ €4 641' II t II - -~ ~ 1if1! ~ m~~~: t -Jiif f tiRrt lt:itl~nl tj ~ ~~~ II~ II - - ..... - -m S1!441f4~~~¥1"e~ ~i efrit:( I

f'.t°!t ~@t!~l\~ tt.q11~: ~ ~~ 1190 II l# 1:t q~~ 119911 -nwt l(rrn u 9~ n


5 b 1( \Y f-ec. m. Bu.-R~_'.tff\1j0 B.-~dl'I: B. E. Vtr. Bu. P. T. 6 A,·,

.... YI, 78, I. 7 b ('ti 1 B. (&(I "\V.-\(C4 iit0 vr. P. li4 it1° E. (cutl 0 B.-- - - -0~itfi.llff\ ~ISS. and H. 0~qf;qt(t Av. VI, 78, 2. See Introd., p. xvii. 8a fcf lfri Wh. Bu. l-l\\'. IIllg. T. fcr lfVtt ,V.=Rv. X, 85, 42; AY. XIV, 1, 22. CIQJ

1! -B. E. ~ P. 1fT aiT't 1fT f"if "4l ! Hbg. 'Ill Clfti 1('f fqlfi t Hbd. See "''hituey.

Sanskrit Grammar: §§ 887 a, 894 b. 8 b ~ B. E. W sec. m. ~ \V pr. m.

Ha.ra.da.tta oxp1;:i.ins ~: • Cf. RY. ·vr, 57, 6, and eee In trod., p. xxix seq. 9 Of. Av.

XIV, 1~ 52. 11-15=1, 4, 12-16.

C\~ I, 8, I 3-I, 9, 6.

~ rft ~II 9~U ~ ~ ~ W UC\HU

m ~xtt1FIA n q411

l_i '1161! Ji '51~~'@11iJT !~ ~lil: I - -~ e~tief~rttfl l:T11~t fii tff~rx n ct u - - -

~~ ~~;:r l{f~ ~I \q~ "1 eJ "54 T<t! l~lfllj-qlif ~ ~: II ~ U - -

I ""' • I..._ -..... -....

-A ~pomi;. ~: 1111 tr51~ ~ii ~1"4 e II ~ II - - - -~ fil1i 'A"Sf1rl ~ ~~ifl'!f~ .. l~ rtl~'Qiqll( ~~I -

__.J. ~l_ ~ I ~ J!. ~ l!"'IT \ol~I rr;q~ ~ ~~(Cl'lillf ~l~I T14~¥11 ....,~ ... ~ u8n - - - ~- - - -

~ ,&::i • ..... ~. \tJ -..._ I

'1-i!-~-~,....,~1 f..., '4~..,.,,4 ~ ~ ~ l'1 ~ 4'11 f! q t\llif I -~~l:r~ ~lfl'lt°Gi fat ql:rf;; II ~ II - - -

1~ :eJH!iC ~q;s: tt \Yb. ft~~ Bu il"C:ll ~ qlf~fqmra: u t::: ll E. w. B. -... J' 9,

! a 0-:vt ~ R. - S\'41! Bu. p - See Av. L~, 127, 12, and I11t1od. p. X\'11 se.q.

I b tfi(fff P. 2 See Rv. X: 85, 2. 3 144:§14': B. E. ..\:i~t:'g W. Jlf@I@! - -B:1. \\~"!J. l' T. ;11;§: tgt: H. See Introd .. :p. XVlll seq.-~ E_ .t 3ee Rv. xi 8,5. - -:i;. 5 a ~ W. 5b ~~Ciii ! Bn.-Rv, :X, 85, 33.

I, 9. 6-10.

~ ~~T1'Ji ~fu ~ ~t qyf~ T{?f'~n: 11 ~ n ~· ·~' ~ \!) .c

~lfl{l(: "1!~T ~· ~~1;:irn~n I ~-i 4rtT ~ Ii!~: I

li~ ~ftlcwr ~~tj c:t~rrr!~l!lffrcfii=r~~'ffT 11 '911 I fr I • l".;_ .C.... I J

+A<t~ ~ rf Ji i!'ff I ~ 'lf 1.-. 'i;(li Clil~ t

~ iJ\1T1:f~Tf~tn={ II t 11

~'4€4 '5lTn~~Strltf;rilfrj ~.( I

-q'>i~ mR'l=IT cf{ ~cfrf ~ fG_Wf f~~ II ~ ll - ~ - - - -1=lT ~ f{erEt fii~~ Tfll=I~ lJ~'! ~r(_ 1

~qf~~<t~ ~ TiffI f~cn ~T -qft -q1.,~ u qo u - -

6b "v.lf~ B. P. ~'llt~ ~ Hbg. 'itfW I~~ Ill1d. ~~E.T. ll~ - - - - - -''· if-mftt Wh. Bu. 'it>mnt ~ Hw. See I, r, Io. 7a ijlfqtt: \Y. fl8~



E. ~ ::afS\~: B. P. T <e}f ~'COi! Wh. Bu.-0i::tf(~ctt ,Y. Ru.-~0 B pr. m. - - -

W.E.Bu.P. ~ 1:'1° Hir. 1, 22, i4. Bhar. I, 18. Baudb. I, 8.-~: Bu. P. 7b ~ ~ ~ '

f,: I -... • ..,J,..,... (.:;; ~ -... • •I "" _.ct. ti:iiCfif ij4if((!~ ~~·~ E. vt'~ 1aCTI ij4ijf~t"i cl'~f1!(4'!_0 "~. ~ enn-

(f-ff sec. m.)Cfff ~@ea}ii t:l~ri.[-4~0 B. Rarndatta support~ the reading adopted in

f, ~· our text. :Bui it is not impossible that the ol"iginal reading was tf~ei "f1f(i1ij®~laf - - - -- - -q~aftl~~~. E~udh. 1: 8 has ~ iif+t~l&lf ~~~;yj <'ffiisiftJ!l~~'bf@H?afl'

... ~r. Bhar. I, 18 Bg:::ee~ with I-!b. I, Z2, r4. Sb~ B. Rv. I, i8, 6. ~ "'Il\T E ..,.,A- ~ .. n • , .!. .... \, I 1 {·

~-9 b ~ ~ <1.t t T~1 Bu. 1ob~

Bu.-31anl:ras 8-rv occur T.:\. ~I,.:, 4 aeq.-;iic;;iJ: i@JtS~ "'·h. ll ~Jl Bu. '.l~U

'I(~ ~r ~~ iW~1; ii Q. :~ ,..Y. E, TI. - .... -; \ _, :-rr~. R.1

II lf~Qli: II 1, IO, 1-6.

<:. ~ f< :. ...... ...... ~~TntGf '411 C4tl ! if"lij~lit~ i\{l I

i31"lf1f~4: ~9 ~ ~1'T ~ ~ II 911

\iJ-et~1if: qfJqf~ ~~ ~T ~~ -;r;le1 ii!f'~~ I - - -ii~( f~ fltiJ:q~ f ~_'tti ~ it ~ :i!'!~ i1~ AA II~ II

- fi 'RT"tr;i~ F.f ~ctt'1i At4filtfijef~ BtliRl!I~ '11'1· - - - - -•: "A ~ i41~i qfi!Ml i!'i: Q!lft 1'9jit M~lfl - -iil~ift~~ ni ,<?ff'!~ U~ll

qrijf £111.TftliW - - .. - II g II -

~q1f~rt1 ltl~~ - - - .. u ~ u -trW mllNit ~ ~ctr'1i At~f111ftref'~ S5Cl'M~ - - - -

rt!t4~: 11~t11~i1'fi!lft ~~it ti'jlft c;S~lft -~iflJl(3l nT ,<iffii ~~t U~ll - -

I, 10, 1b ~ Wh. Ilw. jfftaQ Baudh. I, 10. ~ B sec. m. W. E. Hbg. Hbd

T. Rv. X, 85, 22. ~ B pr. m. AQicei Bu.-4&11 Bu 2a lITTtlJfi! iJilll

B. Wb. H. T. qfflqif! ~ E. P qfdctiilGttl W qfflqal: 'i{1rr Bu.-

fc!"111~; ilftijl E pr. m. 0 ct!i*tt\IT Wh. Hw sec. m. 0 lfli!ltt\ll Bu. 0~-~tf(i(t E sec.m. ,V, B. 0 q,Atfij( Hwpr. m. N"tllct~ 'fi iltf\tl Hbd. f~lltT­~ m 'if0 Hhg. 0 Cf'Jli\Ct I 'i(D HHg. The difference between if and i is very slight

in Grantha.~ MSS. and H. See Introd., p. xix.. 2 b 0~ fet"tt j Wh. Hw. • I "' t'r '~ • ' 0~ Cfliti ! E. t'. Rv. X, 85, 2r. 01.t! cq" l B. o~ ctl'ifi I Bu. Hbd. Hbg. HHg. - -

P. T. 3 ~·~:m W. T. @ii(W4tn P. 4-5 qttil Rlfllf441it •nfi(M

("JJilf<:lft E.) Alttf•~ MSS. ~ ~ <.ql'ltMCll~'4'f: H. ~ 'fl~V\ -"\Y-. .\.hridged in Bu. to J4iJl(q'fl J41t1Nit ~ l(C41ili + '1'·

II IO, 7-I, II, I.

-.1 I t ii I ~ .,.r.; I • I JfflqT!Jft{lfllf11T Cfit(!'fll ~ q'Si( \l~I~ ~1q~ ~ ~·l'l(f• -- - - - - - - ... rnft:W ~ f~ ~~""! ~t.~i'll f!ttJ&i~"f11! it 1i ~1"t

-~111 ;:i1 ifu rr~qf '5'lli ~~ ~ n '9 u

- - - -

7 °~ 11rht0 E. ,V.-~tQ4lii ,Vh.-lll!}~~ E.- 0~:qj~ \Y. P.-~ W.

P. T. ~: B pr. m. ~: .B sec. m. ~'il,'I Wh. Bu.-Cf. Maitr. S. III, 12, 12.

8 ~: B pr. m. ~: B sec. m. ~ "~h. ~ P. T. it lf + {T, ahridged, in

Bu.-See Ts. I, 4, J.f.. 9 °"Q l"i'i 'it 13\ffi~ "\Vh. Hw.-0~ II~ 'ii I f\!fit'I!_ E.

~ ~ omitted in \Vh. See T~. III, 4, 4, 1.-~'( "\Vb. C{lJ:J P. T.

~: B. ~ ~ + ~, aliridgecl, in Bu. 10 ~~I'~! E. r r ~Cl@hfl "'"h. Bu.

12-13 ~~4:11°%t l9ti!I E. lj~@lfi @l~I "\Yh. P. ,q@l~T fr '@1'1 Bu.­

C(tttf: <{4ct_-S: II \Yl1. 1190 II Bu. II ~ct1tifn~: -q:iiji('l( II qo ll E. ll ~~~G:f 1C"I:

~ II q4 M w. II qo n ~'lt41ttt '{1r It qo II n. I, 11, 1 Rv. :x, 183, 1.

D 2

I, I I' I-6

1:~ A3Jit I fit@" lf~ ~: 11 ~~ J!l'~ 9ii4 tflf t{ U q II

;,q;q m-ti~et ~ ~ ~ •f~4 '11'4iiT'11'( I - -

~ ff lfjil t!f~: 'A ~~ ~it~I ~'tCfilif II~ II ~~'!111 'ITTt ~4ijtll~ ~ff if I ~ lffnfl:1'lf ti \flfl I ~ ~ ~ "' II ~II - - ~

Astf qif ?Pf ~ ¥~ ~~m11 ~ I fq~fct efrm4Ql'((!Q!! f~ ~..-f if!fft ~p:r tni II

~ ;:f: J!~T *-;~ ~iittcifrroat!~14! \1~Yi tfl~'"IT '

~ff f\'Ml! -qfrlc:8!Cfit1T f~ 1f ;:f ~~ti~ tJ ~~~ U~ It • I~ I ..,_ t • ~ I qfi 'RT \~1~ ctn"I!~ ll~ lfl;Zfl Gt 1~ 41iiil! ~ at ffl I

liT ;t ~ J\Qtfl fct*ilfiif if+sqifj~iff: ~~(1! itch:{ U ~II -

l& '!f B. E. \Vb. Bu. H. ~ W. ~ P. ~ l{,-. X, 183, 2. ff- T.

See Iutrod., p. :xix.-~ftct~ E.W. •?'i4 Wh.Hw.-~ D. F.. '\T P 'J1 Rv.

1. c. In Bu. \{_and "t not distmguisbable, see I, I. 10 note. 21.1 'dQ+i t~0 l ~ -

~: Wh. ~ 9\•n: ,.fi'n: Hw. ~: ~: Hbd. lll>g. 3 11 ~ Wb. Bu. H. T. f'((fl E.W. B. ~ Rv. XJ 85, 47. 4 a ~o E. \V. P -~

~Iii B. E.W. 41414' H. See Introd., p. xx. 4 b 0~\i fttfit: "\V sec. m. - - -°'((Jfitfil: :B. T. 0--(((0 or O~((t• Wb.-Jjiitl W. alli@t ( ?fif E. 5 b 1f ... 1'f Wtf :B. E. Rv. X, 85, 43· 6a 0-\+:((Ct Wh. Hw. 6 b fct~ ti tl\ Wh. Bu.

T. H. Hir. I, 20, 2. fiw~tl lit E. :B. fqlJ(:qt1' W sec. m. Rv. X, sl, 37. fttlJffl P. - -fit'!ll~lfit Av. XIV, 2, 38. tt.'!f'4i'll probably W pr. m. fitl!liQ('t\ Eaudb. I, 12.

See Introd., p. xvi-At(rt Wh. Bu. T. H. Hir. l.c. 1't(llf B. E.W. P. Rv. 1. c.­

In all the MSS. of the text except Wb., the I 1th Khan4a ends here: U qq R Bu. B qq U

I, II, 7-11.

wr iji!~ ~~~ ~~ ttft: &t~BT ~111 ~~{:IOl11t~: ~ if(:qi ~~~~;fr~ 1!_3ilT :il~llrffl ~~m U'911

~ ,J.. I J.. • n:k-., tf!{itl((lti ! "lf':ifl+t·~ftj~(l ~~tf'{!I ~: I

~ f i1Uj'1i ~~;fr 1!5f~!if#~ll l°f ~ri '1: U Ii II ... ~ ~ I fl • ,t:... 9'J I -.,

~ rt ti+i ~lf!Kt 6J tl ~ ~ I ~ ~~ ~qYl..--..t:et-..'fl : I -

~ ~<iii ~~;;7' ftr7~f1!~ 'iffrtllf'! wq~ f"Ti{ 11(t11

Fti!lff ~;efl"(!J! f~~~T~iflf!if+{ I - -~ ftI'hN~1Jm l\ C\ o '' -<f!frrit=n ¥i'W~ ~~fit!~ ~ 1

~~ iJf!,j ~~ ~~, ft-ff! ~<:.{: II 9911

~T~~: 4''4 <!~: II 9 ~ II

11q11i m ~~ II qq ll B. ~q%i ~ ~~11! II 9q II E. II '19 II ~~ m ~~ n q~ II W. In T. alllo vv. 7-rI form a separate Khai;i.c}.a. But r:cc InboL1., p. xxx111.

7a. See AY. Xl'r 2, 39. 7b g~ci ~ ,V.-4!1\o~( \Yh. Bu. Hw. HHg. T.

- - n -J n "ft">~ ....! • '(rt'Qt ~<:R< Ilbd. Hhg. <tt<:ii~ B. E.W. 9a •a~ .. ~~o W. 9b ~b1'1'!4

~o W, T. =llf'51i1ti ~o B. ~i'(tjfi:q~o E. 1li1qf=;q2o «~orre0ted to '1'«'1tffi<t~o

Wh. '9Jl<5ti1tilfl 'firg0 Bu. N~(!( [- - - ~'Sli1<4'( ~iltlTfii H\v. HHg. N~4Q i - .. -ilotifqi( dliltl I fJI Hbd. N~(!( i - - - 1151i1~ 151i1CI If~ Hbg. "Ct&ti1<i ~-Cff(O Rv. X, 183, 3.-~ Wh. Bu. T. H. R,·. l. c. ~ B. W. ~ E

~ . 1oa. ~N\!t11 aud o ~ct~lt'ISS.a.nd H. See Ilv.VIII, 31, 8. 11a '(1!_@(q1° E. 'V

f(f!4iflC4!oB. f(t(Jl?4F(Cll 0 'Yh. Bu. H. See RY.VIII, 31, 9,andlntrod., p.xx.

11b ~ 1\IS~. and H.-"'"' "\\r. E. "\Vh. Bu. II. t<fT B. Rv. 1.c.-~ W.

'l'fiT B. (Clftli(t{: 'El qgs: Wh. 11 q~ U Bu. II q~ II ~ (1~1\ ifCf II q~ U W. E. B.

fq~cifffl ~~lt~ i'fft ~ttrfl!i ftf~ ' ~ f~ J!:illqfiflhilf 1'(~ ~lg if II Ci II

~ ~ f~t=rlct If~ rrl!f \tf~ ~~~fir I ~ ff ;srfig;f( ~GIT tlill ~Ech(Q~T II~ II - - -f(({!.~ll~ W(;qJT 1f f;;lf;tt4rfr ~~ I -- - -rf ~ 7f{:t {<TI"Jf~ ~~ ~~ ~rf~ II ~ II ~li 11~ ~ fire rrrT 11~11~ I ~ ~ 11~1'1 ~ ~&i '11Tft:r ~~ H 8 II - - - -ll1lt ~ ~ ftrti~ tll~~ tf~11 C1!~4~j f~ TT~ ~Gj 31~ ~ W U ll U c. :., ..... 9'I -.. • -!SJ. ft r C1 cu1 9JI e., 'ti q <n tEll T ., 1 c-t 1 1fGl' .... at .... T .... t( t

- - -~.ft~ 11~a:tt ~ ~ it!_f~ ~rf~ ll ~ II ~~ -qtj tr.! ~: ~'!~f tfff

I, r2, 1-7

(without accents) B.-See Rv. Khila 30, 2; Av. ,r, 25, 2; VI, 17, 1. 4b ll:Cfiti

Bu. 1Pi WW. P. lA cf E. Rv. 1. c. 5b ~Bu Hw. RHg. T. Hir. I, 25, 1

See Brb. Up. VI, 4, 2r. Ja fcttii!.!1 W. B sec. m. Wb.. Bu. T. P. fq«tfl: B pr. n1 - -E. Rv. Khila 30, 3. In the Grantha ~lSS. V1sarga before a s1b1lant with a fo1lo\\·1ng

consonant rn, as a rule, dropped, hence there is no difference in writing the vocative

fit & and the genitive N in our case. Haradatta. explains it as a vocative l - -~ ~ ft .• GQ1. See also Av. V, 25, 10-13.-ar:q tiQf E.W. 6b '\lr@ P. -Bu. -JIQ\f! Wh. W. Hbg. T.-q(if Bu.-See Rv. Kh1la. 30, r.

I, 12, 7-I, 13, 3.

~Ufii ff Rlitl~rttl;( 11~! "lfrf~ H I \q;fr: v_~l ~lirtr••ri!Wlsf~~: 11911 -13¥f{(ij ~~ ~tf! rf ~~";f~ :if~~ I -nrf~ ~flJJ ~~~t:ft ~;:rltfll #r n ~ n ~ ~<;I fl!! afl 512f at t4 f.lT '5t'i1'f 'TI if: I - - ~ - -~~ y:nf'~~ ~T J!~~'jCfiT ~ II~ ll

- -7b if Il. E \Y. 8a *-"f.! 'Q~(Af '!}~I~ E. \V. P. ~~?fr~ B.

mfir lfftf ~ '!!i!llQ 'Vb. Bu. T. H. See Hu. I, 25, 1; S'ankh. I, 19, 6.--ai'fi E.

B11. T. Sb ~'!_JI I~ \V. E.-~ Il. E.T. P.-~Cf<!: E. 9a Sitt~~ I~ ~o E ,V.Av. III, 23, 2. 9b ~ ~ISS. ~,s-;;t .. ~v.1. c. EJ.r. 1.c. S-ankh.

1. c.-(tC(1{: ~(iji: U \Yb. It q~ I: B. \V. E. Bu. I, 13, 1a See Av. III, 23, 5a.

1b ~l~<'lifil 0 E. ~l't4olii0 '\V.-0'l!im W. 0~(ll Bu.-0~: Bu. 2a See - - -Av. III, 23, 3a.-~ rf E. crifG \V. 2 b lfTfif E. &iitflfiti ~: E. See Av.

lII, 23, 4a. 3a wrfit ~.-st•rf'Jf.d if:, the accents by correctio:. tfJ- E. - -tiliittfttt 'if: W. ai11<ifff if! B. dfii~ftft ~Av. III, 23, 4. 3b ~ *r B. - - -E W ~ Jfq' A\•. I.e.

I, I 3, 4-9.

qn~i liititTt-uf~ttiia, lt 1 - - (,.

~ Cfil ft Cfil~~ ~ rf lf qr~ ij~tfll II 8 ll - -

~<f'1@:4 tt~~ ttucn~ lffl:!l~ 1 -~- -

~ ~ ~~f~~ nfl~ f~~ 11 lf II

~1§:~ qfti_ff ~~~~ I ii·1~ ~~"'! rrf~W fG_"JJl'Rf~ II~ II

""-.f ,.... t ....J- ~ "' wmr ~1 1rr &:1!Urt.t~ ~"~ w 1

fi!q!W "'!f~ ~ ~~ ifs~ GJrr~ ~f~ T.ts~

I -.. I ~ I '"'I

'i+i~tttre~ ~~'1! ~irr ~~11 lJ~re~ 1

Tf!1~ ~~ ~ ltl i:rf f~: II t II

fu°' ff~ ;;fu -q:if ~~~ ~ (\\ 1tT lft f ~m: It ~ II

4a Cilii~'l'&l?ff 'Vb. T. H. ~ B pr. m. 'qifl!.! ~ B sec. rn

iil4!! ~ E. \V. q\('t(ij'J:'mrrl Bn. 4 b ~ ~ E. - ~lfd~f Bu.

5a q()c:u{ Wh. Hw. Hbd. T. P. ttf(ct~a{ R. E.W. Hbg. HIIg .• \.Y. XIX, 8, 4a.-

qf~f4q Bu. H. T. P. qf\f~q E. B qf<f~fi ,r. Qf(=<lct~ \fh. J .. v. I. c.

• ~ ..,,. ... s:.J, • ~ "' I . ::. " 6a ~~~rt Bu.-~-q,_~11 B.-'J$~tl~i!l1if B. 5_!3i~tl~t[ ~ \V. ~3'~'-'1<-

~ E. tt317'6Q~o Bu. 1!3\~6lf<:0 'Vh. 611 ~t1Ji,QJ Cl! E. IIbd. Hl•g. HHg.

P. (In Hw. tho commentary on this verse is inissing.) 'a<1fi~l.Qt:l I V·l. ~o T. - -~ti~flfltl! B. {f;<llti~ttf Bn. Vfh. See Hir. I, 16, 17. 9 filal~ ,V. ~

B.-~ (for iflRi H.) MSS., also H1r. I, 16, 3. See Par. III, 15, 17 1 and Int.rod.,

p. xxvii.

I, 13, 10-I, 14, 5.

~~!iicf 'JJ~~ ~i{ TTT~f~ it~ ~4:f ~ ~~, ~ijfu e

l:4!f4il ;i(.~,~ ~ 1:1frt 'i~l=i~t ~q 11901; - -~~~: ~~: 119~ II

mnefli t1rnf~ ~GJTlf~ J:11nf~~1ITT mnef~-;;f 1 -- - - - --JT!nM itt-0! ~l!!~ff ll!~~~n ~~ ~~"ff II 9 II

R!ef~ ~~ij'X ~ll ~"li ~~~T felt.Ifft I

~<t!~W l'triO(~T'1~ef~"?T'5ft f~~ ~T{ ~~1t II~ U

~~ "R~i!~ ~fl{'{J~) ~Trill fl.I~~~ ~~: l

~1! 'R 1ijt :;;~ 11~~~7T 'A -;f~'}:qrrf ~TJ:f ll ~ U

~~;;! ~Jlctrrt ~tmn 'Afl!Fl ~ 1=1~ ,}t~ti\' ~ iflf ~m 11t1~~~~ ~7.J ~;:(1 ~ii HT l"J.1TJi n 8 u firJ ~ ~ql ~~ ~!~;t -q-if ~7JCftir ~~ ! ff 'Fft ~11 ~ ~li!~l! ~ ~ ~11 ~tti"fll ~~ Ii 4 1;

roa 'd5' 17tc;r ~il' E. 'dA (a4 ~ \Y. See Rv. II, +3· '.?a. ro h 'W,if - - -- -- -E. ,Y.-~~: ~tg;: ,,-h. II 98 II Du. 119~ II f'Ctaymf'if ~~ ~m-!H{t[ U q}j II E. '"'· B. I, r4 This Khal)~a corre'-pund..<1 to R'·· VII, 41; TBi. II,

5, 5, I seq.; 8, 9, 7-9. 2 b ~S{0 Bu. 3 a 0~ B. 'V. \Vh. T. 'l'Br. II, 5, 5, r;

8, 9, 8. oiji"1Cf Bll. 0~ E. I>. Rv. YII, +r, 3. 5 b ~T~ql~ 1ISS. and II.,

like TBr. II, 5, 5, 2; 8, 9, 9 °lit'ft! P. Rv.v"'"II, 41, 5. See A. Ludwig, rher di~

Kritik rles ~g\"eLla-Textes, Prag 1889, §§ 35 and 37.

E [III. 8.J

~~ n a:t~tn~: n 1, i4, 6-I, 15, 4.

~m-qm ;;llrrr ef$.1~~~ ~~~ ~ 1 - - -

;atr~ cJefcR l=fif ~ ~fl!et19'lf Cl!f~ ~ Gt@fiJ U~ll - - - -,.st P<J f q rft11 I ;4 rft~ '3 q Im GJ!'{~n~4:i {ij ~ii! ~~T: ' - -¥ ~ ~: 11tft.:IT ilf -crin ~~ ;:r: 11'911

~~: ~<t~: 1198 II

• I ~ Im~• I l_i:rf ~;:jlltt f11~l.I ~<=1C4~f:llJ( I - - - -1Jaj ~qr;:tJ. "aJNff l11rl ti fq'(rl efrt~ 11911

- - - - -~lti'1q~ ~ ~;JT~ ~~ r ~~ ~ -qtl ~l! -qfW 'R ~~ ~ II~ U

I I ....._ I

\$J'Ei(!@:'ji4~ ~~~'8(1~: I

wtrl eqr;fl 'llT ~ ~ftkl~: 11~11 - - -

6a. ata:fatll Bu. 7b J4Qliil B.W.\Vh. Bu. T.H.TBr.II,8,9,9. Jft01ril E.P.

Rv.VII, 41. 7.-~: @Q: U \Vb. II q4 ll Bu. II q4 U lf!d~fq- 'ifd(it II q4 U

E. '"· B. I! 15 This KhaT)<)a correspond8 to Rv. X, 14_.). Ia 0~ B. \V. '"11.

Hw.Hbd.Hbg. HHg. T. P. 0 R(p;!fij E.Bu. Rv.X, 145, r. In the Grantha 11SS., how­

ever, especially in Bu., it is often impos&ihle to distinguish the Jong i from the short i.

2 ~it!ifQQl E. \V. - Rv. has ~l..1! (so also P.) for ti.Iii~ and~ for ifN, 4a ~ B. ~ ~ E. 'V. 1' ~Bu. ii~~ \,n, H. T. 1'8i4f4 IP. Rv.-

- - - - -~w. ~f6\lf~ Wh. 4b Rv. has a1it~lilRJ for iiil{qlltf~.

I, 15, 5-I, i6, +

'¥4@f4f\+i ~'"11'4 ~~ ~tijf~: I - - - - --· ~ fl ~.... ~ ~., ~ Et i'1 1iql ~tt~ I lf ~~I ct~ ll 411

~ WSllf ~'11¥ifi:f ~~~I - - -111 ¥1 ~ lf ~ 1f"1 ~ ffi 3 if ftzt t1 I q g '!ill I cnftct \flcrfj 11 ~II

q!Sij~: 'l~'(fs: n 94 u

.... \$)~,..-J.....,j ~ifl ~<i• i I ti~ti i:rfJJ~ ~TT: I

Q 'fffS&t;sT ~ll~~ fcrqlBf~: UC\U - - - -~@ ~g~@ ~ ~~iam i7!qt~ift I - -::. . fi' ...... -J. ,...._ :tlli1~Vj ~ q ft Ea@!ftt q I ~Cf('=q~ II ~ II

- -~1=t -rn~1f~l!ftsvft it~~~ I -an tt'4M tj ~111 qi"ilf~ 'iJik 'dil 11: u ~ u - - \;) - -

~ @fctttl ii'll~qft_6JijJI! ~ - - - ~

5b 1l_m ::.\ISS. ~ P. Rv. 6 h ~{qt(_ (bis) 1.'.-q,4\'J{! @Q: "~h. llf:t~ll \r

in marg. E. B. Bu. I, 16 This Khal).4-a corresponds to Rv. X, i59. 1 b Clf~~~ IE.

Plfi;'14!11 Bu. W. has ~(ilrtf\0 pr.n1.)1\C!f(qfftfil~Eiif~ ~'41Eifl!, placing-, by - - - - -mistake, these words after l:ltf(C4 ~lq'ij in I, 15, 6. 2a. ~ ~Ctj'(il

B.W. -,ft ilt,.i.f{.E. ir'tt~44( 'Vb. Bu. P. Rv. ~.S~0 T. 2b ~

'\V. d'ft~~ Wh. ~ (corrected to <ifill'I<() ;a:{qq Hbd. iiJldC( (by correction)

.Hbg. lfltflr{H"'' -'d~ti\« MSS. and H. for 'dQlii'<t( P. Rv., see Introd., -p. xxi. 3b tdtl~;t;if+J! ~~ti! .lfrcl W.-~ HSS. and H. for q(til P. Rv.

4a !t'f(l"Jq B¥c. m.)Jf"l~~o B. Wb. Bu. T. H. !if!41qff!~0 W. ~­

~o E. ! ~~ qtqtajo R\'. l!i <tlot 'l'ijiig" P.

E 2

~Ii 11 1f;(St qlc: II I, 16, 4-I, 17, 2.

~ ~ ~l ~<t~trMT f<iiMT~4&( u8u ,,.<fijQf411 ~qfr111if ~at'fll~~O I - - - - --l'~ ~I ~ ..__-;;,. ~ ~ ~ ~'ti 1 ~ ~ i\1 ~crrm (_I~ I at :q I ~<( dll:til l 41 Qj II ll u

- - - -!~~ ~ H'e: ~

~f1~141+1! ~~ ~qi'lf1 (f~9~1: ' - - - -4utl~;J~ c:fl'~ f<¥u~ li~ ':t( u ~ n - - - - -

~'!eft~ ~ 'ilfijqrr~! ~\Cit ~Cfi!ef~ i ~ ~itif<tif i=rf'61£Cfiif~:@lllf fq ~ ff 119 ll

tft~~ ~~: i}cfiijt~S;=f ~i( I c:--.

4b fl~f#i~q (ijQt.ifT Wh. Hw. The corrupt readings of Hbd. {agfqf(fif Cli(.l ftt) 1

Hbg. (?iiSN(f!ff ~~ftt), and HHg. (it~(fct(flti) point to ~- Hbd. HLg.

HHg. a11'io have l ~err:. See Introu., p. xrii.-0~ B. \V. 'Vh. Bu. H. 0~ E.T. Rv.

IJ~ P. 5a ~qff.!'il l\ISS. and H. ll4'1m P. Rv.-~wtttti0 Bu.-0~:

B pr. m. "\Y. T. P. 511 "llf~f(Q :e4l~t (~~i~'f W.) um ct'if B. W. "\Vh. Bu. - - - -

I • -~---~ ~ JI.P. T. '3Jll~iJ"!iQ''ij~ el'ilJ '\t q~ Rv.-11 'l{0 \V.-In E. 5b and 6a. are missing.

Ga 0f~1J': :t1SS. and H. fur 0~, see Introd., p. xx.E. 6 b 0 ;:J@ B sec. m.

Tf.-Cj(~ C!l(t0 H.-fc¥(1ijijif'fi. ~ l\ISS. fcp(JsTifat &lvt~ ;q Rv. P.-- - - - - -lfrnr: ~tts: ii \rb. II q~ u Bu. u q~ !& ~Jf i caif!~~Yt ~~ ~'ll: ~ :; q·~ ~ :E~. -.v. :B. I, r7. r-6 corresponn to Rv. X. I63. See clso Rv.-1IS., fol. ro.

' I .

I'.1 ~~~0 E. Z. Bu. t{SCfi~0 \V. fEf ~~~! 0 'rh. ~o Rv. The ·word i~ not

!'e:::es.tei: '·;· :daTI".L:ltta. 1 b-6 b Bu. reads ~~ ~ f:.::r f 01 ''!ii f-51. 2 a o~fl "\Y

.2. \Y~. B.~. T. 0*i1 il~_CNfrl E. RY.

I, 17, 2-8.

~ ~f!4J:Ol.f ~~~T ~~t fcl ~"It W II~ U

lr'l!~wilif 1Jzj~ ~if~<t_~ I ~ ~ ~~~T ~~: grf~~ fq ~~fq if II~ 11

~~~ RSlftq tQj ~~ttt~t ~~ I

4a4'. ~~ ~T~~~ fq c{~r(1{ if 11811 ~ • t ~...J....~ ..._ I .,.,~., Tif M Cfi <9 I~ t '11 "'I~ ~1§~: I

- - -ll~ ~~~T~i'tf i! (ij f~ii fq .,ef .,:r W ll ~ 11

~~W!~1JtMla:if 7it"Trf -qi{ft!J-q~l!J t

'll~ ~~~T~Hii!l;J¥ fq ~IT W 11 ~ II

~~~ m~~ ~ fGJ ~~er~ 1

<f~lll '!ti rff ~~T '5f!1IT fc{~ ti~ ti '9 II - -,5! t(!M T f!ii.~fi! ~nT -q!ll°lft1f-TT 1

-trfn~~~ qr~m -eti:rwllf~fl.rr6frr u tu - - -- - -

.ipi itiflq #JT D. \\"lt. J:u. P. ~ ~m-0 E. '"· H\ .. -~~ 'r. B. \Yh. Bu. H. - - - -~~ E. trrf~NTT ll\. 4li l!!lQ_O~T n. \Yh. T. I-I. ~ \V. ~ - - - -E. l1Y. In nu. it nu1.y 110 real1 mf'wo 01 l!f1Q.i) 0.-~~~ E. P. ~!~~fj--..:+ 1:1 ~ • -.,. I • I,..:. -tt~~ \\". 11T~~~~~ H. +fl~li(f~~~ Ru. \rh. H. ~~~ij"~! Rv.-

Iu IL \'er1'e 4 i1rl'Cuut1s 'ersL: 3. 5.1 °~cr(o ::\ISF:. and JI. 0~~an<0 Rv.

:i1' awl () 11 °1:ftfi{lf I~.\\'. \\'h. Gu. T. lf. 0*dfcl'f~ E. R\'. 7 a it Iii~ \rh. Bu. - -•I .1 ~

T. lI. 1111~ D. E. 1!1'~ \Y. m~~ Rv. X. 85. 29. /b ~~I l\fSS. ~!

Hr.1.•~. fla ~~l :'.\lSS. ~lJlf\T R''· X. 85. 30.-~ \Yh. Du. Sb 0~ - - - -

}.i~:-> ~~~JI 0003 llr i. c.--0~ra E. n. \Yh. Hu. JT. oft~ \r.

I, i 7, 9-10.

... ~ "' ~ ·n ""' ~ f(flfniifi i!fi"!_n q!'" ~~~•ne."' cw 1

~ ~: f!Rltif f~Wtl\i ~rtritfr1 ~'lffil II ~II - "' fii'!\ll;:j fcti!~iiwij ~\lfC!~ff iii( I - - -i~: qs:q ~ iltf.t ~.Qli1 fl\lfr• II C\O II

fl lll (!'JJ: 1§~: II q S II

~it a~ U t_ll't ¥.Sillfif n 14id(Nf( H 4\ifil lit I N«!!¢fM'l I IJ!lqwf m n ca<_'l&:f t<t: u u: •uq: u 1tit 1"t 1 t.rtlt ~ n 4Ailit n

-.r ffftii+<.n ~+tlfl a~: 11"J1: n ~(®ct-11: u1R1J

t if ifl t n ff I fit iUitl ~ 1!(4 fa I 2

II '{fir Aii4~: A"~iiiA: 11 3

~ Rv. I. c. 9a 0ll!J° B.-~ Bn. Hw. 9b f'!Wiit<\t E.-Cf. Rv.

~ '"' ~ " . fl ~ . X, 85, :14· xoa 0 ili\ili( \Vh. Bu. H. 0 t1 it B. W. 0 4Cfi 'I E. Rv. X, - - -85, 35. Harada.tta seems to explain °1" ..N fif:q Nwi. 10 b tlti\ t1 i\'43 fie B.

- - -n ~· ~· ~ E. "\Th. H. SifQ(\Q 11° ,V. ,,~ ·~ 11° Bu. i!Gi 1 U° J ··u•• Rv. I. c. - 4fli(1l!

Ci! q; ,,n. H ql: n ~ lt fWltftt! a qt: u E. \V. B. I qt: n ~ cil" I '411 if!I - -i!ifi: "ilttt 14{'1 ii:{•llN (I ~ lflT U Bu. T. 1 So according to Wb., except the.t"

'I IC(: is left out. In E. this list of Kba'J}.9a beginnings is omitted. E.W. Bu. have

~ ~ .,1ft4•1flri H ~ ~ ••••ct (1{~'11~ Bu.) a ~i -dii!R4l~iff (0-Sifi~tt0 \V. 0~11iHfltt0 B pr. m. 0@tti~~0 B sec. m.) H 141ft(N n ce(\fi4 - - - - - -1t ~tac1qtfl n ficfl!!<iif4 fi'ltt 1-=. "D~ (()'ft'\ Bu.) u 'l1'hli m il~tt 1 - - - -~fcfiat;; (''·has only. m) d <a(\&l1fft N"'IJlq .. l I u 111'4: ll &illq\Ci H - - -1fi! c(i!f(ttt ~ft WT tfi(ij!ilf ~~(Bu. hru1 lf .W f~h(f4ifetf4: instead

of it) I~~: U ~ fd~~t4'(¥4fif 11 ttflttf\1 atf"IN(( '@111' H ~: - -

:q~;{f ~{Bu. adC.11 ~:)ft ff(®cttnT: ~: Qtq4t: H 2 lf ! :r+ittt - - - -

.... , ....._...._ f<lfr ~ ~ GQ]~ Gfl~~Sq;'i ~ <:\ ~: "'~I rq ~ II q II

i!Tt ;g;e:; "if!~ ~~~ q~ij l -

~ ~~ ~ 11~11 - -~'1~ qref~ ~~ «l~ l'.Ti! Cft~ ~ I itft ~f qtf.!~~l~PS!~~~Tij~~l'I~ II ~II ~ ilfl ~if~ ":ql~qS'Cl'Qil I - -~q ~ nwr~ ~~ 11811

f'!q\t!if~ ~fit 'r. 1', nfm Ntfli!'1(!f ~ II~ II m: ~ H B. l1 ~

•itlHt f\1~~'"~ ~f'lf~ 1 ll ~ •tttttt ittt(ijfilif ~ ~iif(u~1&.i1qa•t.q1~ m fcrti[iff.i A1a~fqf4i11i <s'ft4if~~111q\1~m 11lT,1~tfl1 m ~ 'liiftt U Bu. 3 1fil Ji~~~ ~"ttA~: \lif 1'g: B. \fff :ftif~l4~ m J4ijtf:

n: uq 11 'V. ~ 111JilQTCf ~'lfT'R! II E. Deest in Bu. 'Vh. As to T. ~ee

Introd., p. xiii.

II, r, r See Ar.VI, 68, r; Par. II, 1, 6: Asv. J, 17, 6 seq.; ~IBr. I,6, r. 2a ~

B.-8ee Ts. I, 2, 1, 1 ; Av. ·v1, 68, 2; S'ankh. I, 28, 9; Par. II, 1, 9: I, 17, 7; ~fBr.

I, 6, 2. 2 b See Rv. I, 23, 21. 3 b 0Q4f.tif" E. -See TBr. II, 7, 17, 2; Av. -VI,68,3; VIII, 5, 21b; Asv. I, 17, ro. 4a il!g~~qf{_ B.-Cf. ~iBr. I, 6, 7;

Iav. I, 17, 12.

~~ II' I' 5-II' 2, 2.

"" _.l._ • ......_ ,U:: ~ I

~'! ~~.,J~lf :;![~ t1'(linf! ~~ i

Rfl!~l~ ~ ~T~T~ ~~ti u 4 11

~ i"Etl &£~\t4~f{~lJ! '=tfl~ S~tlil I - -ff;:{ ¥1' oqq l~{=ITqT~ Of~~! 1t'lf! ~~ WI~ ~ijt: u ~ ii

-..... I ~ I ..,.._ I -.',..(:; -.. ~.

~r~~~ ;r-::e;llm ~t'J1U~ ar[_! Cl~ i ~ ~~ 1 r~ 1

~~ ~n 111~1~: !:I ~tt1: u ~ u ~~1~ ~aJii=ai~;m~ '{~ ~~~m~rr1 ffim ~tJ: i

~~ f~\iT~ ~~1~fq't{lit~1:.l ~-qf'lf~T ~~~~~: U liU -

:Q~: ~~: H 9 1~

7 r1 ~~11~2 H j 1J :tf1Z:.l fWD l :. ':'. ~[Jqft:rn F.. - - - -

·~m" fuc •r• .. -.,.-r ,.... ~ ~ i' • ' ~ / · ) ~- ~ ·~ \· :-i • .:.--!! ;.:. ~ ~~:.. }111. '.1'1! \~i! ~~) ;T\,, 1~§ \~{[;- j1~ Ilhd.

~rJc:. 2-~e A:· .. r 17 16. I'ii.r I:- r . (;. \,. ·i;r~r;- ., . ... ,..:.1 1, C..e! fq-··""!.~e ,._, -+j~· Tl• ' ,. a• • • .... ,. , ... l..t .... ~..11 .. ,.,.1, .. • rJ ·-~ G ............... .

• I '-

:'\. \', h. 'l'. ~~: B·.1. ~: IL-J;!ijl§:[: ?.etl!.5! \\ h. !i'1il i~n. ;lql; ~ltJO"f 't!~~'J( 11'111 - -I

L. B. ~I. ::!, r1i ~ '~ r dee~t in Dn. "h. T.- Cf .. \ \' II, I.}. r: Tl!r. L z, I, I I •

....,,_ •• 1 - 6 ~' .... l ., ... ~i.il1!'i.LJ, -. •.J· . ::: 3. ~ B11. See I ;:;. r

II, 2, 3-9.


ij!ej ! ~~~fttqrr~1~if \iif f I

fuilsor~Of "'ril ~1~~(t!_41rffi w~fft i!=(~~ ll ~Ii ~-cft~CfTir -qftl:.ll ;jf-q~ 1!~~~t~T~~4V41ff!~~l\ II 8 U - -~ ~~l"f!'ilcf~~ ~;qrr 'll1~ ~ql~~f~'ffrs~G!ff 1

n~t ~~1~l.~ tj &:liiG"~1~i+rnrr~ mt ttrBJ qr~: 11411 - - - - - -tfft tr~ ti~ GJT~~~ WnT~~ ~~rr ~!t1m~: i

~~f!: RT~~~~~ ~m11=ft7i lJ~ t1ft ~lnCiT ~ ll~U ~t ~~Tfu trft Q!Tm ):{Olt ~1";;1#~'iJfliitrrc1t ~ - -

'Jff ~ ~)q ~u!~cr~t ~11~ itll~l! tj' ~~ u ~ u - -1:1u~ -q"ffil ~fti l.71 ~~~ .s~:trcft;;1l4f~ml11-crtcrl ~ - - - - -

o- I ~ I ~ ~ I~ ......_f" .C,. ,J.-~ ~ I

~ ~ ~ J Of ~ <<: ~T.f ~Cl~~ "'1l "4 ! 4 l l Cf ~ ~ I 1 ~ '5=f ;'~~ II ti II

!~ ~~fti~1~Ff! ~~ Cf~ ~iil i! ~rrirl l 'R!ll1Tl1!9i!~l 9~~~t'Oift f"Q~1 ~Ci1;f f WITf! ~z~ ~~Ii=(~~ ((U

3a ~ E. Du. Y•:h. 111.,t!· P. T. Clf~~J~. TI1Jg. Cijfijl!Jil(_anLl Cllf~t!!lc-( Hw.

°'ee!'(¢i( I-!hd. ~l:e Iutrc<l., l'· xxii ~ea.·-0~~-?d r~WB,ql E. D. Bu. \Yh. P. ':.:l!le'i<=/6(

Jiw. H~-!t;. -=ui~nQ"(,_ T. Jfli1!. ~2'i~Cflii\ 1IJ.!f. -~ ;, ~@!:iB 0 E. ~~51(-$ 0 E. c - -

ill~51Gt_ "'8° Bu. "'41~%i&( ~6 \':h.. ~~:§i?l :iw. m ~~)Tbcl. ~T ~~§f"( llb III -~ir;:L·f=-r· l' :i·n"';~""';;. r·-'·~ \ "'\~T,.- .0$.;::<r~~ E B . g • ..i. g. ;)a ··Vl'a'l<'~r.t~ .• .. - ·~r~ ~""~""-·.I{', . -... -"-'.I. 45· !?ir~ :"'' ,, '.;.

0~t1r~.4o"<l! I'.tt. 8f. \!!I:·.~. J, ;); Piir I. J.. iJ; !iir. I,{. 2. 6-8 Bee .Av. II.

r ). 2-3: X TX. 2..t, -~ · t; ~TJfr. 1, ! , <i. 6~> 't:.tfr:S:>T :i J~. lJ. 1-fir I, 4, ;;; 7 :t 1=[~

T• .._, 11 . 1 ~ ( ( - - l ..• > di'. , ..f. 2. , a •>L'._" _:.nr1 u1 •. , p. xx1n.

0 ('f. :'.\!Br. I fi. -;;7: !':tr. "TL 2 . . \.\: S'iii1kh. 11. :?. : : Jlir. I -t. ·t

rrr "'l J ••

II, 2, 10-II, 3, 12

::Oil~ iftft ntf~: q~~1 llrft '{~1Jjtf&11'11 ~ift: I •,,,//J "- - - - -- -~ ;iQJ1!rr1if'l ~ ~~ ~rl I(~~~~ f~t1=1 II C\OU

m::t(:ll ~-· Cf~~°it lf"'J!f~ ~~ ~fi:t~ I ·' - - -- - ,... -

*!~!'Ii!~-~ ~llY ~'(!~ ~~~;i ~s~ u 9911

fsrfl ~: ~(!!: II~ II

l,<ffJifi511 ij'4•19'1f( 11 ~ ~ ~4Jn91 I - - - -

,$1rte1QJ ~~i:rf~ ~m ~urn~ ~~1 ii~at: 11911 - - - - -~~JefA~~~!~zj~~!~!~~,~~~1.?ln\t

- -

~ 'j if !~&f~l{lf~ iff~(ff~i'{ ~ '! ~*" II~ II ~m tt'1i:t•=1~1ffrtitg ~Gi&t~nr w ~'il41tt~-- - - - - -

fftt~rfl ~ ~lJfitf~~~T ~ ~tt~T ~ ~~tit«· ~\tJt I ....._ I ~ ~ I -....- I frC::.qo -.... I "..Q.+.;qq ~1~6'.i @OGIJi~~i'iC'IG:I @:(dli~ i*iiit(d '@_'(dtftlt,11iii-'=I· - - - - - - -ijq;f fij l.JittgifQ(l:;Jti~ 9-g~ II ~-9~ II - - - -

roa 4\W 'Vh.H.P.T. q~@l B. E. Bu. I\IBr.I,6,28. rob q(fl! E. 110. For

sti!ftt4@att Cl1{f~ (B. E.) one expects atW't't«@rajqt{fl<f.-ijfq:J MSS. and H. - - -• S'ankh. II, r, 30. See Hir. I. 4, 6, and Introd., p. xx1li. 11 b 0&14nili B.

II, 3, r a 041'11~ Jf ,tjtS E.-~l1i1 f Bu.-See ~1Br. I,6, l{; Hir. I,5, I. 2a See - -Rv.IT, 58, r a; Ti. X, ro, 2. 2 b See R\•. I, 109, i b, and Introd., p . .x:xx. 3-12 'These

are, according to the commentaries on Ap. ro, 12, ten Mantras, 3.Ild 13-23 eleven

!tiantra.s. So also T. Hw. HHg. have ;r(flq'i"!IJf'lfJi 1: and qf~:J(I "14f'f.t I:, but Hbd.

'!4iFQf!tQi1'f.4: and llft:4J'lii•f.1:,while 14ti~CQlt1if.4: ~nd qf(i(lillti\'41:.

The M8S. of the text rea<l '1ffq"g to olifCt without l3. break, and again 'l\lq m to - - - -0~(1~ trft: C{C{l'4at \\'ithnut a break. 3-11 -.rU,lC(_Bu. 8-9 °lfl'tl{~ii! B.

I2 C:fiuftl) 1° Bu.-0 ii I i;J'fit Cf f E. o:q I tl4it~ B.-See }iIBr. I, 6, 15; Hir. l, 5, 9 seq.; - -s.,j ~ ~ S'ai1kh. II, 3, r. 23 ~Cf '¥J tif \I E. B.-C(i(I R(\f l E.-See !Iir. l 6, 5; S'ankh. II. - - -

3, I; ~iDr. I. 6, 23 seq.; Kaus. 56,I3. 24 "1~~l D. wt'?r.ft E. Seelntrod., p.x:xiii. --Cf. Hir. I, 5, 8; Asv. I .. ~q .. rs; S'J.nkh. II, 2, 12; l\IDr. I, 6, IS; TA. III, IO, I.

~ . ~ ~ 25 ~1! E. Hir. l 5, I3- 26 S11$1'if~ E.-0 ittiuf(H. 0 iIT ifif( .-ifq@f - - - - -Bu.-See Hu. I, 5, 2; )!Bi. I, 6, I6: Kaua. 55, 9. 27 ~f iffill0 }}.-See IIir.

I, 5. 4 seq.; lt:lBr. I, 6. 17: Kaus. 55, Io. . d ~ 29 9ttil'EI l 43 t E. 30 See Hir. I, -

6, 3; A.av. I, 20, s. F 2

II, 3, 31-II, 4, 4.

~fill{ ?t ~ \i-a if~~u w ilTtfF! ~ i:rT ~tt it - -

~ ~"4~ ~ lfT lj:rr I 11'f B!_f(d~ftp\!1Fi~· 1111t1it1 wri"Us~ ~~tfrr! n'f ~lill'j ~ ~~1m n ~~u - ~"11'"1Uf qif ~~tuf.:r: ~~~1ft1' II~~ II - -

i[rftli: t§(I!: u ~ n

~it nctGt( CTI~~ ~Clllt~ I - -JA~ (;{3'1nt! II q ll

- C'.,.

!+4~ ~~ ""'~ ~ f¥i'~ffi 2'~4U mif ((it~ I itltt <4l41 ( wreyr wi1 4:;g f~cn &1tW!~il"l l4:irt n ~ n - - - -'!fff'1, ~ wfrrt ~Cf! 1f.ft ;:f~Sfil ~~ ~~ t ~ 'llif Ftin(! ~~ ~T ;ft ~llff (ff~l!i11~~: 11~11 '!~ ~~: Af!U ~\Jl~f~ Wf lfl!ti c!lll)g I

~ l!~f~sti~m ~mrf~~r~ -q~ ~"Tfl nan -. ~"' I"' 31 ~ 1fT 1l" l 'ftT Wh. Bu. '!_'4t ti~t E. ij&f £+J'1 tfl B.-See Hir. I, 6, 3;

A.Bv. I, 20, 7; S'ankh.II, 18, 3. 32 }Iantras 26-32 in B. and 27-32 in E. are given

without any break, as regards a.C('Antuation and Sandhi. Bu. and Wb, mark only the

end of 31 a iJ.nd of 31 by -0~ Bu.-~: {@QI: 'Vb. II ~ U Bu. U ~ D

iil•i'!ft ~ I~ U B. R qq 191!_~~ ~ It~ I E. II, 41 1 and 2 Only "\Vh. gives

the two Mantras in fu11, the other MSS. give the Pratikas, viz. f,ff4'j "41'it ft t1 '6 ({11~ - -;r;fq ~ ~ ~ l U See I, 6, 3 (Rv. I, 30, 7)1 and Ts. II, 3, Io, 3; TBr. - - - -II, 7, 7, 5. 3 Rv. I, 89, 9. 4 See Hir. I, 7, II.

II, 4, 5-13.

"' • ..,..A4 ~ ""' \tJ I ~ ~ i=t«l~a1f(.~; ~T ~~~t ~~: i - - - -°' • •I q fr """ n ~I .._ ~T 11~ ~'ii f rif!'Qllfl! 'i~TQ +r U 4 H

I -.... I ..._,., l

\!~~~in ~m ··~~ ~ tt~: 1

~ ~ 1=1r.1tft ~l.11 ~ ~ll=fl f~nl~~ 11 ~ B

s__li ~Of~ usu~ 1ftf11 n tu~ ;lt ~ u~11 ~ -Fci ~ ~~ U 90 U ~ ;airTftf ll ~9 II -~~~~r:a1~;(t ill ~wt~ n 9~ u

rt~f6!_gq(qttf .. ~qy ll 9~ H

5a ~ 'ifi~t{f B. T.-See Rv. Khila 29, r. 6a ilCQ'(I! ~ Bu.\Vh. -I

6b m-~ E.-lf !ff T E.-See R\·, Khila 29, 3; TA. X, 4r; Bir. I, 8, 4. 7-rr See I,

4, r2-r6. 12 ~o E. ~ B pr. rr. ~o B sec. m.-See Hir.

I, 6, 9; 12, r7. 13 A.11 the MSS. give only the Prafika of the 8livitr1 (R\'. III, 62,

10; Ts. I, 5, 6, 4). According to Ap. II, 9-r2 (see Haradatta on II, I2, ana t.:f. Hir. I,

6, 11) it has to be recited as follows:

ifi ~~cijf~}jll\®i( I or, <00° ... 0~~j ~ I ':iff ~ ~ "'41fj I or,~ .•• 0lf1ll ~: I - - -~ ~ l(f if: Jii(l~fftq: I or,~ ... 0~!~f ~: I

• i!~~~o~\4lfl friIT ~ ~1+tft I or~ ~0 ••• ~~I

itf ~ l(r vi: ll"Ct1f('4 irt_ I or, Nlft ... 0~ ~: I - - - - -~ i~~{ijfc!tl~(ct! ~~~lit~ I~ lfi if: 14=ctlf(ttictu

or, iraJo ... 0~ fCf: U ~

II, 4, 14-II, 5, 9.

~~1 ~~ JI!~ ~ ~ ifttr~ n q8 u I ~ I

i(~ W~1 ~: U 94 II -'[ft~: ~~: II 8 II

1 I• ~~ ....._. 't.i

~?Aaf*J?ACI~ lfT ~ ll~ iii9Jl~~YJ4~! "ii~Cli1!@

~~q~v;;i;u ~111~ ~! iit' ~~ ~;:rl f.:r~ S~q;f~ itJ414!TYiT q~ f;rfWTrlfr ~~~ II q U

- - - - - c-...

(+frf ~ ~s~rt ~it nwi ~'iii~~ -:q j(s~ ' - ~ - - - - -....._ - I +J \!.I~ ....._ I ...,_ __....,J. ,....=L •~

~ lJ H;alf ~~~if 9Jiliil -:q ~Siii'll ~ if n""t ~t1c.t iffi - - - - - - - -~m ~ irsf~a1 -:q i! H;;i ~~ 1'W

4 wf ~ ~s,ri -:q

it if'4 ~i:iit i! ft~ ~iii ~ ii s ;fri ':q ~ if~-~~i{ i!if ~ ~ ~snqfll ~ n;i:t ~if ?fift ?rri ~ ~strt ~ ~ wii=( ~~ - - - - - - -

~ • ~ • ...;+-. • ~ • 14 ~I~ Ail!!~ E. ~1~: flllt]! ~B. "\ll9'C4 flll!l@"1i. ""'toef Jf(Q]@Bu - -

As to ·risa.rga before s, see a.hove note on I, 12, 6a. The toxt of H. is corrupt, but he

E>eems to explain Ei=>lff4 as a. vocatiYe, and fl lt.U: as a nominath-e. 15 ~!

il€1@: \Th. n ~I Bu. ~1di~r1~ ;;ril('i! II g" E. B. II, 5, I ~: ~

E.-~! ~ E. ~J4q! 4JS!f q l B.-~: ~l!f q ! ~o E. ~! i§J5!<if "° _....,,.._.-J ~ •l ~ ..._i ;, - ·I - ~ -.J ~ -

B.-!~cll ~Cfii'fl E. 'S"Oil'1• 4jj'!ltctf ~Cllitf B.- 0 af(Ql'@0 B. E.-See MBr. I, - - - - - -6, 31; As~. I, 22, 21; Par. II, 4, z; Kaus. 56. 3. 2 B. inaerts ~ ~ (~:

pr. m.) "i'ii f ~~ t (Pi"lt: pr. m.) ~ ~ n<ft f!ri at the beginning of this Mantra..

See Asv. Ill, 9, I with Narayal)a·s commentary. 2-9 ~inf B sec. m. 'd<i1fi4itft - - - -~~' ..... . . .

B pr. m. 'ijliffflii4d E. 'd+fCll 5fi1 \Vh. 'dil'C4sta Bu.

deest in "D..

11, 5, 9-II, 6, I,

~ I

l!lJ.nT ~'j II 9 9 II

n%1ffi~crf~rr m~1~_Sfl+"l,t( 119~ 11 -.:i_ '3'- ~ ~ - - -

-....1 I • q~ ~ 9'J I • q~ I I • C\"1 --·q1...,..t1i:f ~~V,'J'Jn ~1Gll=f m_~1:~ri it~lii m_~~H

- - - - - -..;:;.~ I +9~ I I '-!JC\Y 1 I ~'1t .-CIG_t~ ~{~~~ +l?.4T~ ~~~ ,-O]Gfi+1 ~{.~ff l1

-lf'Cflll -m:~~! H~~nl ~Tl1 ~~~1JJ"ff ~


~~ ~1( ~~~ II~ 9 11 -

1rf~f"irf -:q ~~ -:q ~tf m~ l'3 i=tT"ftriT: I ~ - - - --

i;;f 'J~Tfi:! ~ll1~ 1=1~ J}~TI11 ~i:r~ ~Ttifif;;y ~ •I ~

'fflll ~rRJm u ~ ~ 11

q seJ i:t: ~-Os: II 4 II

I 1 See Ti=;. I. 2, 8, r ; Hir. I, 7, IO.

I 2-2 I TA. I\', 42, 5 (32); cf. l{v.YII. 66, 16: Hir. I. 7. ro. See Iritrild., p. xx.xiv. 22 b

~i!'l!R4~ B. G~if: ~o:zs: II '\Vh. 11411 Bu. 11411 4jJ3Cq«Q: *j3511:f~Jfit u 4 u B.

11 l: ll ~: ~~ q t "et II 4 Q E. - - -

T f, 6, i-1 o.

~1~ '.!w ~~ <i~m ~~'!: .qN~11it 3I~~-~: -qzj ~~T ~zj ~ iiltq*l!ftfil: 11911 -~ ._..(.; I·~ ~ """' .....,. , ...__ ~.~ ,~,.,.(sf tt1i:rtt111r@ q 1~,i ~n~~ lfW! r:r~ ~11t1tt1 - - -

~f~*Aff ~ 41111fT~ ~~T ti;QT ~ti~ J!~t ~9Jf~-- - -~-. ......_, ~ L

WRCl iifi '1 f e;n~ ~ +1~ ~~I II ~ II - - - -

:e:~ S mu'ffTri~ l._=ql~f H ~ II - -~fi:ref~ ~}4fu~111f{ ~ U 8 II - - - -~ sfa Ri'f lifif ~f~ ~'{t II 4 II - - -~ I A~~ I fl

~q-ql ~tif'6Ji41 {GJ '{~ ~"i~ ~ I ~ Ill I • • ~ I ~I ~

t'f ~I ~qlf! \\TITfi! n i:f! ti' ~if ~~~ ~~1 U ~II

~ +ti~ ~~~ ~1' ~zj ~ t.Tifi=I ~ ~~t II '911

f~if SJ4l"4 ~ql ~ ~trT~~ ~tf~ ~T{t 11 lill

~•;ttf W rtlClil'i ~~ II Q.U

tllf4t'i:~~T ~{t ll 90 II

II, 6, I b ~9tiif I it0 E. - 2 °Jtt,if.._~ Du. 'Yh. Hw. o~ Hbg.-~ -

E. - See Av. XIX, 64, I seq.; Hir. I, 7, 2: ~fBr. I, 6, 32; Par. JI, 4, 3: S'ankh. II,

ro, 4. 3-5 See Ts. I, 4, 4.), 3; TBr. II, 6, 6, 4 seq.; S'ai1kh. II. 10, 4. 6 a ~

111~ 1«1° \Vh. Bn. P. ~ ~ ~ \ftr Cfi'4if 1ii etc. II. ~ il~r ~;qo 1,.

~ ~0 Ts. I, 4, 45, 3; 46, 2; TBr. II, 6, 6, 5. "!Ill Qf ~~ t'4° B. E. Hv. I, 23, 23;

X, 9, 9· 6b ~df f Bu. 7 See Hr. I, 23, 24a. 8 f~ 1HSS. an1l H. ~1

Rv. I. 23, 24b. See Introd., p. xxh·.-Nc:JTC4i,N'f+T: E.1'. O(iji(fi\flt Bu. \Yh. - - -

-.._ I I

11Tiil ~llttlffi'Uf I lfi:tl:rt '! €t4 t~f I! ~9 H -. I-. '~ ~ i • f ~I~ 'lJT i'f i 'f'I 911 I 1'f.i ~ '"if i"f ~ ~11 "'4 f::tH t1 I M ~ - - - -~~~T.t ri ~ m~~ ~fii;:f W§ ~T~t n 9 ~ u m~m'lfttr ~~etrir ~tt1~ ~m u ~~ u - - - (;'-, -

~I .;;J. r-1 I

....... ~~--'ii-!· ..... ;q~- \.! ~ s ~F! C1il1 ~ ~ ~~: ~

~~~ ~D~T~ltIT~T ~ ll ct 8 u - - -I -.... ~I ~ • .,(::. ...._, ....._

ti~ n ~ttl"1tfr~9 ~~1l'f~ m 1~ ~liCi*i ~r: ~ - - - - \JI_

• I ..... , ~I I • I

n ~ ~ra (Q~/1~! et~l"f 1~1 ~~ml ~~~"i1Tn11 ll ~ 411 -

t;;'q: (ct;!~: II ~ II '

I I ~fit :fl CIT E. ~+fit !I I Bu. -Se~" I-:Iu. I 8. -1-. I~ ;i I fdi'it ij a <R 0 E. -- - - -f-t(Cf!lqf(( I ~o \Yh. f:qCf11tifu ~o E. 0~HT0 B. Eu. T. IJ €f~\1° E.-- -_.\t tL.~ e1Hl uf this :JiautI a 1:. anil \Yh. i11se1 t · ~ ( ~ B fil. ni. \Yh.) t§t I ~l ~: l ~

\Yh) @tij! ~: (~ \Yh.) ~ i~f (0"{T if \Yh) mm II IIa1:tLlrttt,i •loe~ not

mention the ·ryah!tis (grren als1) in P.) here. But i:i his C'om1nel!tary ··n Ap. rr, 22. he

I, 22, :::?; :JIBr. I, G, 25 ::.eq.; K<i.u,s. 56, r 2.

B pr. ni.-~ B. 611~rti B.-See AY. II, r3, 5; I-IiJ. I, i1 r;.-"ff9': @ll_~: \Yh. - -

II~ II Bu. 11 ~'UI t1ft:: ~~ ~"J!f?t: II~ II E. II ~II 'Qft: t<4 (q 1l4ilR fq¥{f(l: II B.

8~ II $1Vli5i~! U II, 7, 1--15.

?__~ ~liiitfrt 7ifl#f~~ ~fit~ ~ i=f~JTT ~~lft I - - - -~ f~ ;;: R..f frt~~ ~~~~ ~~ '1i1 ftttTJJl -qlf rrcf U 911 - - - -

~tt ~~: <!'9'lltl~ ~TR I ...__ .. . ~

~g::at I ;om I 7:1~'( iT~ ~~ "l!.TT~lfJ{ 11 ~ II - - -filrq) '1141 j fft ~fltf n~ ftrrrT ;=J;i1i ~~ 1'T iff

.... - - ...


'El~: II 9 ~ II

ill~ f@ TI ~~~(di if ~~ ~\lln;=J I

~ \.~ ':q~ 119~ II - -~ ~f\tt f.trtilt (ft Gt~ ~f51llrl~ ;:f: I

.... - - -<atJrft~ 1Unt: u ct811 - - -if~f ~ '141111 ~ ~ ~zj~ f51;qtt I ... - - -\<lltU 51'1~'.fl -:q' ;:r: 119411 -

II, 7, rb ~ E.-Rv. I, 94, 1. 2 ~if !~t.f B. P. T. ~ (the last time

only) E.-See Hir. I. 9, 6; ~fBr. I, 6, 8; ' 1s. III, 62 (Par. I, 16, 7; II, 1, 15); A'·· V, 28,

7a. 3 Cf.Vs. III, 63; Hir. I, 9, io; S'ankh. I, 281

14. 4-11 Cf ltl ~o B.­

~: Yiz. •iact I Cfi!, i.e. the -whole of II, I is to be repeated here. See Sndar8anarya

on Ap. 12, 3. 12 °ifijQ :Bu. T. 0 itt{<f Bir. I, 91

18. 13-15 The :rt!SS. of the

text have only ~ ff IT ~ 1:f# ~:, but H. explains the three verses.

II, 7, 16-26. II fsifllr: tr~: II

f{t-0:.11ct<ii!"-~:;44: qf<!<ir s__frt fi!V: u ~~-~t:u

~~;a I #JI':! at~ui ~-QJt~lifi!~ ~41~'"" I ~ I --._ • ~a,.. ---._, (:I

~I.._! U?.ifltll+"ITTJflfi\t ~ ~ lT ~~ lf! ~Tfrr ~ ct~T ll 9~11

if Ji(al i! ilffl ~cf if tnf~ 'l<JT ~f i! 1:(T fci11 II ~o ti Vflll t1~t11 ~~tl@:fit ':q fill~~l~·~ 'ill~ - - - - - -

~Cl~ ~T ~ftittl f@<UT! 11~ct-~~11 - - -°i!~~ -ijy ?fr~~~ crW1J: I

~~ ~-m~ •!i4.14ia llt ~ef~tCtt1~ 11~g11 ~~ ~l~l'IT~ ~i=ff ~~€Clift I - - - -~11f! f~t<tlf at~ iftAat~fft~ llT ~ II ~411 ill~ s~{f if 'IT ~ m-6: I - \,:) -~) li1T-t fue~ ~11rql4 "'!HiQ~~ I

\!/ ~~n~~ ~ '!if 1!\'! "",, ~ ~ GI "q ~ ~ <4 t r:.c ~ ~"" , 11 11 ~ T.t n

See Rv. X, 9, l-3; Ts. IV, r, 5, l; V, 6J I, 4; VII, 4, I9, 4; T.:\.. IV, 42, 4; X, 1,

I •

II seq.; Hir. I•ro, 2; 21, 5; II, 18,9. 16-18=I, 2, 1-3. r9a. 0r:fit41-.'\af

B.-i(l~l~!o E. 19 b 0~~!*' B pr. m. +J@l Bu. ~'41 ~ B. T.-8ee Hir.

I, IO, I; Par. II, 6, 17. 20 '!_'[it I B. m T.-fct t[l Bu.-See Hir. I, IO, 5·

2r 'lif ~ E. 21-23 See Hir.I,ro,4. 24a iltEl(\f! ;!I' 'ffr' Bu. P. 'IQil(llJ

~ i\' Hir. I, 10, 4. 25a t:filfiq\f B. P. T. (€itfl~i:l E. fiifli4\t 'Th. (€lift-- - - -1'N Bu. f\14\1 ~: fclflff1fi4'iqx«!1~~: H. See Introd., p.xxiv. 25b qr-.. l1'lif(.<4;f B pr. m. 26a. See Hir. I, 11, 3. 26 b, c See TBr. I, 2, I, 19 seq. -

G 2

~?~:~ ~~f~rQnT: !I ~'9-~~ H

~~: :t§(!s: u '9 n

II, 7, 27-II, 8, 4.

~io:l!!MfflEu E. ~~q!fiifil1't: B.-:t~rr:~m~: t§lll_.S! U \Yh. - - - -•• II, 8, 1n ~~ B.-

._...., ;.-;:i '..,, ~ .-- • -s ·.:. -=r·- I r 6. -- ,-~.,-.-r-;r "" . A- ' , °TT' 8 .., ;;i ot ] , o"l •...;• ;'\ . ...,; :-1. -.e. ~L. , ... v, , \ 5 ..... ~A .... i..~ ~, ~0, S, • ..11.~-".., , ~I, au'-' 1") enz el' S

. . . ,.. . - .., , K' ·1 \ ""i:- '""~ "' i "' ... '"'.. .,.....,., - '"' 1".._•l I.., I"'•+ -.. I o,..{' ... l "'l i)... i;'" • P .,. r 1:1 , ,,,.. , L.'.l ..•.. .:.l.':i ~l-•··-·' -··-- .~110.,' ~·\· .r D-~ •;' - . ~LL-1Hs., ro1. !J2::L. 2a !~~T~ B.

-- - 2b~G "P "P . 1 "P '":' ..a....a .. __ 1 ....... ~ "i .c{~~ v·h - ~ee rr;~ l .., • A-s'·· l c · "Rv Kh;J,, 2"' 2 • Rv 11,,.._ l c . c. ~ ~ . ..._ _:i.L .... _.?..,:;.If '· •• , .I."' • • t.~ ,, ' .. -lJ~ .. ••

~~ B. E. ~Bu. -See

TI1r. :. r. See I J.:1 011.. p. ~xiv.

II, 8, 5-11.

itT frr<'1l fittt~s{ ~~1 l_frt ~ ~ - - - -

nt Rt ,n~ mtil! ~ ~~N;r11!~ ~i 411 -'1u\Jlt ~ ~ II~ ll - -~~ ~"@f U'9H - -

., .CJ. °""' ~ 9'1 ".: I

~l Hl~n~ ;=ttaS~ ~Cl!'i ~~ -q ....... +.te-1 u~ou - - -

~~J ssi~i '~ ~ii ~Gin ~ttft ' -ft';{ Gft-;:fN ff~ q~e ~111-:t ~ n q1 H

- - -

5-7 See Rir. I, 2, r8; lV1Br. I, 5, 6; Brh. l:p. VI, 3, 3. 511 ~(TN~~$1\t

Bu. Ebd. Hbg. l)~ B. T. 6 ~ Bu. ~ \Yh. i ~ti l--~nu. 8 ~ :Bu. 1-!"·· P. T.-See Asv. l.c.; TI.v. Kbila 2i, 4; RY.-)Is

l.c.; Hir. J, II, I. 9 See Bir. I, II, 4, and Sayai;ta, RigYeda-Ilhashya, Yol. i, p. 3~

1. 19 (Prof. ~1a..x.1'1filler's 2nd ed.). IO a CfitilJ I if i~ \Vh. Hw. IO h ~ r~fti Bu.

\Th. See Hir. I, II, 4. rr a TA.. VI, ro, 2; Av. JV, 9, 9. 11b ~4tl~ ~Bu. '1\h

~ill !t4 B. H. il@l'if ':er E.T. See Hir. I, rr, 5.-iltii: ~: ~ \Yh. ~ -C: ~ Bu

'M_!'!ibti~SN!ff (QitcfrR" B.) ~~: ~ l;; U E. B.

I ~ 4~ (:: ~·-t"..J. ~ '- ·~ ~ 'Qctif'i~~ t1 I~ q·~ fl~~ ._I~ "qeffi~'!_ 'if "1 I «it

lfclrl I ~qi{ II q U -

11;if ~: tm3iffJtTMl'4ijqfiftfH I - - ~ -~ Hfii'!U ~ ~~Ml~ -atif~ II~ II

Q Frt -a ~ ~ffi;rj ilT in ~ ""°"' u $ II - - - - -If '.ii r ci n ~ t41efu 11 l4i (!J1'a f eJl se i ;:i 42d ar111ftt {11.q Rt - - - - - -. -

'JTT~llHU ~ m~: A~q~s~ _ ., ~) ~~lJT ~mm Cf\ttlct{(:Q ~sf~ qtifit'(~ft "ff~ '"1r<trti - - - - - .-. -wf;;t ~ II ll 11

~aft&t4§ -qf: ~Ti! ~ -~err~ ~~ cfR~ I if"( ,1~r@ ~1'! ill '!if~ii1 ~m r-'!it ~ (lst'"( n~u

'{Tl~~1"4T~l\'I(} irT ~~ U '911 -- -'{Tl~ eill~ lij(} irT RWt~ II t I - - -~~~fq qfdl l\!;(t llT lit ii El'{ II t II

II, 9, 2a •flteit Wh. ~ T. 3 ~q lit j B ~ Hir. I, II, 9. Cf. Par. - -n, 6, 30; A.av. III, 8, 19 4 Soo Hir. I, II, IO; Par. II, 6, 29. 5 See Ts. VII, I'

II, 1; V, 7, 3, I; Bir. I, 11, 7. 6 The MSS. of the text give only the Pratika, ~.ft:

'4'§~\~ttt. See Rv. X, 128, 5; Ts. IV, 7, 14, 2. 7 \!!'J~i@r0 B pr. m. See

II, 4, 12. 8 \14;1 t'i !0 .B. E. Bn. Hw. Hbg. T. 9 °11r.fl ~ \Vh.-The three

~Iantra.s 7-9 are gh-en without any break in B. E. Bu.

If, 9, 10-II. IO, 4.

~ti": ti1~T<i~ ii~Tfil.1~ 'iT'Jll'ffl ~ r - - \j>

~~~~ ~4i*!1f?!i~rf;:r u 90 ~~ t: ~ A. ~ ff~ . ~

;f1'l! i:t~ ( ~ @'l ~'J~ ;r~r~ ~ 'q'! .. l If\ H ~9 f~ - - - - - -' · ~ ~I I ..._,

~ 1TI ~~~m -q ~! ~ ~'il ~ 4~! n".iml ~ ~

rt ;rr f~~ i:r34J1v;1 ~~fttttfff t4~~1' u 'i ~ u - -

fq-uit €J~.sf~ faitJ~ ~~4=t~Ott ;(i:t tf'1ill ~ - - - - - -'{~ u 9~ !~

~ii~ GI: ~ f{1!Jlfi:f ~ ~~fq 71~n ~ _\) - - ...,.

~f~: :o:~lit ~~1l! lil -qrj ~ 1=n=q~: u9gu

914+1! ~~!! l1 ~II

-=t~ ferwr~ 11~sfu ~m ll~sftl iijaj4ft ~~~ ~ - - - - - - -if i;t fJ!li ~T'iT ~~tfqfif q~";ti-~ u 9 n

- -W 11f 1ffr.tRf611 U ~II - -

~Jf"!l!~t~~ 11 ~ u ~nTfi:r"tt!~f:tl ll 8 II - - - - -

1ort m~r~ifaiiiTf~t('i{ 1~ .. o~lfi{ B.-~ee .~it. Br.VIII. 27, 9: Kaus. 90. ii.

"'-·· 1 ~ 11 ~Ft! E. 12 SiJ<: lli1·. f. :::3, 3; P;Lr. T, 3. 15. 13 tfitll~ ilfSS. anLl FI. lf~l'Cr4

Ilir. I, IJ. r: I'ar. !, 3, J~; ?..~· .. I, 24. 20-22; S'iLiikh. III, 7, :5· 14a oifff.1 ~ijjiiif

Hn. :-:~.:.- ?::L~ . .:, ;i. 1.t~ Ilii. !. 13. +.--ifqif: tgtts: II \Yh. !I Q.h Bu. iffit 'Qtfn-[~i;l ml( u ~ 1: E. r:. II, IO. I a :qift«! ~ ii l;l0 E. I b n.nJ 2 =II, ~/. i:'

- . 1· ~1 "'f ··~ . ·1·- Y• "'I" T 6 _\, I 'l~ ~..;: Jan<14 ~tr~. 3'.•:t se;iar:11e:...1:it .eJ ::-;~. 1-'e·~ .\ · •. ~2: .;:)' 1 11. ,13, ; <,1: 'i\' .• ~'f.17: :....

8t I I. I 0, :)-1 I.

~T iN<il ~~~11;a1il ql~ I v - - - -

it.m i:aj~ ~u~rt ~i1¥JJ!~m.; ~lil!J ds~ ~~ smf;; ll 4 II

ifrt~1:r~rt Qft;i Jq 'ql'Q:fT;:f ~~ +11=f ~!'jllf -:q ll ~ U - - - -~: ~ Rtf11~ ~ ~ ~ efq: I

~ftefi~l~ ij<t1•iittri't iilf~~: II '9 II - - - -

crsfr fut ~SJ~ ~lf1 ~rcrf~f"!~~f-:qf# ill

~"Elf~ S~ ~~ ~l~ II t II - -

•nlS~ ~nr ~~1~ ~~rr1 q~~ €Cfflif~rt11ifh!-~~ ~Tf.f: II Q.11

ll 1JJ ~~ 'f:qfcfi~ ~1! ift rtT;r~i{fef if~ II 9o11

f ~~~ 1-0J j tltl ~ II '19 ll

5.1 ~iil~ifl+t~ E.-~ E ;jli ~~m(lft pi. 111.)~ H. q~fli1-~ ::: ~ . ~!~, E.-See IIir. I. r ). ~: l':LL I .1· 20. (1 lJ 1 ~~ ~dQ!0 E.-0 q I CR f q I 'If I if

\\ h. 0 Q1~1Q Q((ijlij 1J1, - 1.--et' 1I1r. I. 13, i3; P:Li. I. J. 2i Sl'•1.; A~'· I. 24, JL

;.t ~t·e TBr. 11. 4. 8. 7; I':ti. III, I. -t )IJ:r. ll. I, 15. jh "iQf{J!ft0 Du. "\rh. lJw.

't f ~ g~o E. ~ f 91 ii!.0 E. Wil~0 Jl], ~. 'l'. ";gf f(g~o i11 I £l ,J. ~t L'lllS tn ha,,_. l1ccn

lorrel'ted fron1 11ifett0• 8 ~~1Qf::etfi't'(0 Bn. ~qfitf1R:o 1'.-~ ~-"' -.. p. I - --...!' C'

9 ~ E. Bu. \rh.1£". Ill11l T. r. m~(~ l'L 111 )ctn H. ;ft: ~: 14Q£11

In ~ - 1.r I 1 P ~ I - · . - ~ --•'g . ...,t'e .dr. 'IJ. JJ an1. ll11. \llStt" s n11t~: I. 3. 2/ . • \ ... t(J "'1~W'1~l ~C(.' Ap.

II~. I. JI. 12: Gant. JX., 19 IO~ m I.-~L'e lln. l.c.; P:t.r. l.r. II 8ee

lhr I.e .. P:-tr. I, 3, 2~.- • .\.LC1·rrli11g 1"11 ~u<l.11;an:t1~a on Ap. 13. 17, 1Iautras S-111

i\ • uld 11!:' • JJ :y thrt:•_' T. C'L•lint" ') rnd To ;i ... one \f anrr l

11, 10, I~-Il, 11,5.

-.,. I

lmlj~~ u ~~ ll

~rn=( 119~ II ~T fCR~ ll ,g 11 i1diT ~~ ti C\~ 11 H~ - -if s1ft~ II 9~ II iftq ~ m: ti 9'9 II ~ ~1ffi II qt II -

lf!nT <!:~ ~ tf~lft~t '5'~ I rt '4 fH : I I -..r- J

~ if: ll!Iif CfTCfifit II 9 II

l.l!?fl ~T'lff ~n 'U"ll ~ ~~ f~ ~cf;i it'itl\:f I • I _._J. • ~....._

l.1!i1T ~ 1t'51flt1Willf ~if! n~1 ~ ~ lJ_nq1~11 II~ II - -\J!ifl ~~~.;fr efl[ llT~ :ill24fttl=if~iITT={ I ~1i ~~ \J~ tp!fi ~Rl<i~: n ~ u

\J!nT ~~lg ~~ cttf'1 ~3if 1Clifltt~ "Jl~q ~ I ~ ~Cfl ~ntw ~it 'i1t f~ ~1~) ;af~nlJI~: u g u - - - - - - -

11~ ~~ cfitf~l9T '"'~"' r~ s-ffra 11r:q1 5fr@:cftf;:r ~ - - - - - -

1-...-.._ -.J I ~ ...h°J....:+ I

:sflifCR_T 'llm ~~\+fl~ ~ 1 t: lT$~1 lf"l~".t ~"i'i!~ltt:lllfl( U q U

12 °~atdf Bu.-See J.Iir. I.e.; Pir. Le. r3 ~ ~ \\ h. :-:ct~ l1ii-. T . .::.~'

14 seq. rf)-17 11~ i4lfif fl~ 1'li!ltf Oi1i n. ~411 ~iftr ~ ?tlff~ Cl-W .....

E.-Se~ 1-lir. I, lJ. r.)· r8 ?{trit: <gtt_s: 11 'Yh. U 90 II Be. II qo 11 ~w ·-n.~1~1 "!Q!t~'! oqon B. qcrc:u ~~ f~t::i!'tl!f!ii(l! Hqon 1;. II, I I' l - ~'

~'"' ~ ifr ·~~r~rn ;qa~ ti~+~ ci.Rtnfti ~= :Jl~~. - - - - - - -Mantras r-4 frorn 'l'-.. 1TI, 3 . .., 1, z "eq., rind ;-)-8 fron1 T::::. I. +. 46. I !'f'q. 1-larada.tta.

explain~ then1 iu11y.


1i~ ~ :fJ~ ~Tri~S ~ ~Ci~~ Cf(!!~ ~l'i1\ ~ - -~~ ~ ~ GJ!t:~rff ifrl=iril ~f7-j ~~ 13! f~ u ~ ll ~ ~ ~~ $J~if s·4~'%T~qr:rrli: ~

~ :

~~~~ct: H Q.U

~~r{~ tr~clt ~ ~ ~rf i=(W~7JT ~tfn ~ i _ _ ..:i ~ ~ ' I I S . t. ~ '\S _ \;i - - - - -moir~tt~-<d:lTf~~I~~ ~~Ci~~~~ II 90 II

- -11rij :{.{~ ~~~~~ti! 11rf~~zjft:r ~~ -qtf;; I

rrrf~1 ~~ ~~;rt ~tfttjf~ ~@tttr)if ~~it uf~T U9ttll ~ I ,.... ""' ~ ~ fil .r':, !IT~~q ~~ U~1'! ~1€.Cf {qf1~,: I

f-qi~..q~ W~ii!"(ij'~ ~~ ~ 119~11 ~it ~ ~ rr:ifrql%~1~4JI1: lf~: 1

fq~~"Sn! W(~~!Gfi~T~! iicf H C\~ U ~ ! ffl1 u::rar;;i P ~ r l G ~J I' ·\:)' •.• , ~ ,Q l


The :Jlanlra:-;. wh1cl1 are C"'{pl:uned by

::. ... - ...... 12.t~lif\TT\(Cj H.Bu l:LT -

: .): b res~.~. ?,,Ji_~ }~ -Al a,. ' ~!ii -~(Lt' l r: 1 Tl. 7 .., r-\s \' I "l ~ .. p;;l. I I:- <,./ l...,.._ q, - ,, . •-"t•I' ...,., , ,)•l.J'

-· ' .

II, 11, 15--zo.

~~~ ~~~ ~rfJ:f ~T~t~ ~~ ~~q4a; ~~ ~~ ~~ 44art ~wt; ~¥w 2

- - - 9 • ~ ~ . .c c• .~ ~

'J.!q tN Tq~4 ~~ ~ 51(1~ 1~&Sft&:q 'Rft! "4 Htti'di!'\!1""

Jt'it!t sr~TI?t ;aaw._(f~ ~ $ s ;;'ll~ ~' 9 €t 11

~ ~(!riSti:tt!4r?fl "':!~ T~ n~ 1ri"( I

~~ 31~ ~ :Wici1 5flq;rq1: u 9-9 ii

iM~·l~~4if ~ ~eftiQJt.~rft: ij - - - -q ~~~ ~m 4flan ~1~91?41: ,~ 9b"n

rams-ct ~· ~ ~~~~ ;=tt~*~ ~ .t,:: '* _;;:v,-.... I ! n I ~ i dj 4S14 1C4 ;gj JE4 ~ +1 !. ~ v:f '10Q{~ ';; ~ill :A a ~ Sffl4d1 U 9 ~ II

f~~ ~ ~ci~ Wt ~~¥1~ ~;~on

II, I I, 21-28,

~q~f{ 11"'1Tf ~ ~!filll~~~ 1'ft: ~if~: I - -

;rrftli11't1 tiiflITT ~'iief~rr ~ :sr~ ~tit: n ~911 " - \l (.. - - -

fcmt it ~ ~lfT ~~ ~ ~ ~ fcr1ii ~"ll I - -~ ~ ~ ~~ lj{! ll~VT ~~ l:fit i<tlEJill•tt 11~~11 *!'j~ Rf 11=fl!lt ,J!L~~rnvpi~ ~ ~~,~~~I nrftiJ i'fT ~~ nf~(fltf +fH~ ~ ~fitrr ;s(f~~ U ~~II ' - - - - -~ sfite:~fl~ (ii ;\'ilf;;tq llt: ~Tlff Ut{it~~ (ij flt %C ii( I - - - - - -~fit ~;it f-at frf~ -:64@_ ~T ~~T ~;:rt ~I"! iii: n ~8 u

~BJ1i qf f:!~ ;riffe~~l.tT ifff~m~ r., ~ , ~lffrf ~114Ji~t( }if(~~~~({f ii!f~ El! trlf~;iej'l_ 11 ~q II

- -,C. I ..._ C:::I ~ ~ ~ I Cf P/J ~ <!iijtj 6f '1 ~ J"P! ~ \.I G,'1 I ~ '{4!! I iit l &f T '1 ! I

qJt f.q~f~fllf~'1fq(lli%f;:fT t1~ft1'14:itflfl ~ U ~€t ti -~ - ._ - - -~1~~u l!~ (ai!4Ut il;f!l(ll!J! inqt!!_4*lt.-iinq1: ,

~'j*B@+Jt ~ l:T'5f! f~ ~!tt4.J ~61elfi:t\t!ii: 11~'911 ~ ~ ,~~~'ifRSJlf ~ Tf'~"iti:t~ I

ll if ~ Jli!d Cl~ ~'4_!fi:I ~ ~q~iii lfffft II ~t'll

~r-3r The l\ISS. of the text have onlyfClq~{til~'a'll4i: B This is, a.s •Bara-- - -

datta's commentary shows, Ts. IV, 2, 2 (not Rv. X, 45). Ap. 15, 1 refers to it by

111 KOU:U. 22 Jiw. consistently f~Cil I a.nd f1nlf' for N'~' 'also a for ~. 27 b H. remarks that cnil: stands for '"J!, the reading of the Bahvrcas.

II, II, 19-II, 12, 2. 43

\'IT if ~ ei~ot~&:i'tf '3Cf44'3Cf44 \11 ~~ 1:_r~m~ i - - - -

fi!~\(it ~1fl" i$!\IT ~CC!155t!rl~ ~;;S~lEif~~: I! ~Q.U m~ 115'.-c1'1! ~1 ~~ Cf(fii ef~ cniiifllJ 1 -Rtlt ~ efci-0Jf11;e:.-.t;;r il~ iitii'T11tf~it ~ qL'Sl: n~o u - - - ~ - ..:;

~'IJT91t ~"" ~ ~it'@~itl~ fl511t t-:qf;:r: ~ ~- - - ~ - ..;, - -- -n ffi _...~t:~~I • ~ I ~ i1t 'Ill ~i{ '=t.~ +1 ~~Cot 11 '! q ~'ill tfT~9;"ll~ 'C.. n I : II ~ 911

-" It/~ -..1 -.. ~ '! '*'~@ ~~~ tjCil!~ll11Tf! ~ q~ n~~u

wwt~1·1~ ~qfij l~eftt ~~~' - - -tt!ii11 ~ ~lfllifl! ~ ~ ~~~n'{ n~~u

l!<fit~~: (q(Js: n 9 q n

G~t ~ ~~ f@t4'! ii\ifri ~ I '!.1''ii Rt f~Cfi! (<n!f~ ftmi:t4e1 u 911

-iflrt it ~"3fC4nt iNi ~ ijt@ift 1

._ - - - -

32 °'4ii li1 !: E. 0\1it 1'11 \Vh. T. 33 b ~"!fl 1'4 \0 E -:::lee Hir. II, 3, 2; As\",

I, 15, 9; Par. I, 18, 2; 1\iBr. I, 5, 17; Brh. Up. VI, 4, 8; 26.-QOifit<1l: @1$! I

Wb. U "ct I Bu. '\a!"I ~ 1"' ~ fM: H qq I E. B. II, 12, 1a See

MBr. I, 5, r8; Hir. II, 3. 2; Par. I, 16, r8; Agv, l, 15, 3; Brh. Up. VI, 4, 26.

I l> Ria 1c:q«f B.-See MBr. I, 5, r9; Par. I, 18, 4. 211 it' •fsa-tt B. ~Al~ - -Bu.-See 'IBr. I, 5, 9; As\.', I, 15, 2; Rv.-M.;;., fol. 56a; Rv. Khila 29, 2.

fi-10 See TBr. II, 5, 6, 1-3; _·\x }J. 10; Hir. II, 3, 10-4, I.

8a ~if'r•o \Vh.-0~ :Bu.-~ ~ ~ B. ~ ·ftj:qtl Bu. °" - 0....-..

B. E. TBr. l.c. C'll4:1! tcrT (tYa=tra+~J H. roa ~: B. E.

\9~: II 'Yh. ll'l~H Bn "Sl'il:ift if1! tO~tt nC1~11 E. B.

II, Il, 3-14.

I •

6 b ~61 l3fQ B. -sb mm~

14 U,14(1(!

II, 13, 1-7.

m ?I ¥!~ ~ artit~t ~~~D1ff ij ~-~ I oao..,.°'

i ~~I ~ ~ 1_'li! l!\Jlfi i Vft'! ~ 1J~ H 9 U -~"li ~!U ~1:t ~tJQ ~ifm~: ~ if~~ 1ij~ 11 ~l!l~~~f ~ ~~ U~H ~i7f~li ~ ~ f'£!!n~ I

ilif~ 'tl~ ~i~ ~~l:f ~ H ~ U

"tl~ ~~179J ~~~ ~~~ 11ffii~ ij

~~ W~ W ~ti~~~~~~~ UHijl

ii!~fi! ~ ~eff! ~~ ~ Gf~~ft! ~~ ~~~~ H :~Ji ~~¥4~ ~17fi! '~lfia firf!ffi ~~ u~~! -

i&!'lf ~ ~~rff ~1i=f fil ~t'li 41\ I -

II, i3, 1 a (,l(te! t~~ Bu. '\h. H. T. 0 \tcll=it lf\({fl E. 0 (~1"q (~ B. P. - -,,(fi1'€11f\@ft· Hir. II, 4, 2. 21> li~ 1Yh. Hw. ~ B. E. Bu. T.-lfl11! B. P. Hir.

II, 4, 3. Cf. RY.-~is., fol. 56 a. 3 b ~ E.-Cf. Hir. lI, 3, 8. 4a ~ !C(~

H. ~ i(~ \Th. T. ~ ~ B. ~ ~ E. P. ~~l'i!(l(ti Bu. Cf.

Hir. II, 3. 8; MBr. I, 5, IO; Asv. I, 13, 7; Piir. I. I I' 9.-Cili(!~ E. + b ~~ E.

5 ~~and ~Tfl!.ijtt\~FQ, accents by conjecture. ~f.(ia:tf"+! and :q!f;t ~!l!

B. E.-See Hir. JI, 4, 5; Par. I, 16, 25. 6 ~t<f~ B. E.T. 'afl<!l;f '.Ai'iiT ifqff'

Hl1d. The Gran tho. l\ISS. do not distingni8h between if and ~, heitce we may read

&l itld or 'di t~i1 in Bu. "\Vh. Hw. Hbg. HHg. See Hir. II, 4, 5; Par. l, r6, 22.-

fit('!fiti\ "\Vh. 7a JU liifiicfit'if E. ' - -

Il, 13, 7-12.

....... ~--aj<fstit~l~S~ Zd({~M: l - - -~ctifr ;;s:unt~n ~l!t 11 tJu - -

~~~~~<ti! '"I~ \?lrCf1t 'd(f@M: I

~~~ rrt:4rttfG:n ~~ 11~11 - -W-~'11 ~f+:t••ft: l§~"ijf s'11)qqii~1: ~ -~ii '19'lli1t~n ~ 119011 - -.C,, I ..::::.. -.. ..a..;;:. ...._ ....._ C I

T"f 94 ac tija: qrr~<fit (. ~, U~";t 111 N "RT: 1 - - - -ti 1 si ~;;1fr :a I ~tfft ~;:rft S lffl:~lcpil~ltt T~t 119 Ci U - - -

..J~ I ~~ • I

l!H f•ii rt if l;;:a I lti\iri iii 1-1 if~~'if: I - - (, - - \)

if1~ f'.JI: -qif~¢;;~Gtl;i~WfH: I • ~ I I ~-- ~

-n1-~~"@ -q~ m~~: ~n: ~~lflT1"9Cfi1'JJl~•wi~t;T-

.,.€4 T~f II 9 ~ II

'ifit~: ~~~: II q~ II

7b ttiNttfi:tCl E-qaali° Bu. qti1'i "\Vh. -q<l1'6T. Sa 'JtQ(~! (?) H. q - - -

~ ·~ • ~~ ~ B. E. 9a. ~: B. ~: E.-\{-slctif E-Cf. Hir. II. 3. 7; Par. - - - - -I, 16, 23. roa ~fttif1: B \fir;ft' E. '4fitfit Bu. - ((:ISi t tn B. Bu. '\n. - - - - -H. rr. ij~dd: 1f!_ E.- 0 Cfil fiJ:;fl B. E.-Cf. Hir. II, 3, i. Io b if ta IHI fi:{i'I: E

-rra Tcf'<tdl! Bu. rrb 0 •-al4f\\f(laii11i( (.91° Bu. '''b. H. o~Af qf~~I!~

ai@t0 (?@I sec. m.) B. 0 iiwft'tqR!_ai!'iiiMt• E. See Hir. l.c. 12a -~QI-

~ B. ctfillff1'5t: E. Slltlfijj: ~: \Yb 12c if l"QJ B.-JlfJ1!,ff: cto H.

II, 14, i-6. ll f ilrft :q : 1"i: II

;; '€frq 1fl.~ ~~ 'JT s% M*'Gf1;cfi QI M''tlfi{ ~ -- - - ~ - - ..

..S! • fi ""' ~ --L ~ °iq t!1'T '°! H ~ 4~1611 ~'!!qi: I

innt 'it l4 t:tl i· ~.qfn tilij m(fi:I 'iirnl ~T{t It q U - - - ~ - -f"!'l~'I! ~!fl:~T ~~ ~~1=1! it~~ ~~ I ~ l:ct q ffl ~lfltfn ~~ f~~irrr1lT lfii: I - - -ill~ R cf&jjdt~~ ~ini! l~"lf ~trt I ~ W~ f~~i! ~~t II~ II - - -~wf ~fi~! te ~ct f~ ~"llT~'fit :ifl~ I ~~ ~ ~~iillilf~ l=I "-if1cJ 9!l~9!if1\ II~ II

i ...._ ..... ~<t\flll ~itrlfl II 8 U - -

=ifQ(I~ ti:I !~ 2'9! ~ frif~(ilj41191( I Hi! N '1" 1:9 t;:t'it ~Ufi:r II ~ II

~1! Wf4iiR!•ffi ~t{l.ft~(f~tiAIW,: I ~ .. - - - ll ~II

~: 'f0 E.-See Hir. l.c.-:et~i(tt: 'ilQJ: Wh. nq~n Bu. irtif 'ft!( ~~fq({ffi: Qq~Q E. B. II, 14, 1 a 'e(~1li5f0 Bu. \3\~ttit_0 B. E. See Bir.

I.e. re 51~if4i ijQfi! E.-~0 B. 2h ~ E. P. 2c @.~q~~ B.

{ @i«!Jq~ t!'i «!] qdf-.- H. See Introd., p. x.xv. 2 d •=cqlfi!r ~ B. '41"11filt fif(!ttE. P. 3b 9i!ifllit 0 E. See II, 11,33. 4 See II, 12, I. 5-9 The}ISS.

of the text have "!N (l'gtlli! Mfi! q I, and H. explains the.five Mantras as given from

Ts. II, 3, 10, 3. (So alFio in P. 'I'.) The Mantra fi!rt:S 'illl9tll'f~~ ~ e!c. is

only mentioned in H"·., not in Hhd. I-Ihg. HHg. See a]..;1) Par. I, 16, 6; Hir. II. 4-, 18.

I [III. 8.]

lI, L+, 7-II, 15, !.

~: ~ ~ffl t<rf~ ~t~ fil~ft! ft;~~il"rtit ~ ~~S~tiiG!JlT ~~~ ifr'!_~fqfil~ 1' ~ 11911 -

11b fitq!l\t'Jl, and 0~tltdl T-ijFc.ct41 E. - 12-13 ijtOlff (O'Qf B.) @;w::qi - -:B. E.T. t?IGi 'q(Qf \Vb. Bu. r.p1 ~q\qj Wh. nu. @~qj B. E.T.

r5-1z=II, I, 1-8. See II, 7, +-JI. - ~: <{I@: II Wh. u qg" Bu. I qg n

9!_~~ !f\tQ'd(tt U q~ U E. B. II, 15, I b ~ B.-lt 1ilf B. 1P1! Bu.

IT, 15, z-1 2.

~lt:fl 4fiqfcJ ~llf1:~ ~~lf;ft ~ ~~ 11~·~ ~~: H ~ i~ - -

at~'l!'All~~ u~u tt~~ ~~"5i: u90~; ~ ~~~ 1;~qu - - - ~ - 0-..

ef\4t11QJ '3-i< 1:1rq:a;:ft 111 iref~u~ e:tt%! fstsr~~t ; -- - - - - -

2a ~ ( ofi! isec. m.) ~0 B. tjf~ ~qrc E. ~ ~" \Y~. B•J. See

fi iffi ~ ft: -~--l TA. X, I, ro; Rv. I, 22, 15: 1\IBr. II, 2, 7.- .., ~i"if B11. 5:1 C'!'~~Ti;Cfr E. - -

¥;1 lf~(t 0 R. f3"lf'. Jnirucl., p. xxv.

i'( 1•t~ :E. Dc:est in I-IJ1d. IIHg.

4, 4; Hir. I. 27, 4; A,. III, 12, 7.

E. ~ B.-~cfi~1f) \t4i( E.

3 b i1t~Clt@ Bu. Hvi·, T. ~~ TI. 'rh. Hl1g.

4 fl ~"U.m ~ F.. ~e~ x~h·. :I. s. 15. Pa1. III,

h fi . n ~· ~r ,r· 1' ~:r!' ~,. ~ 4 q '(~?{. a,-.J·-··· J .• 11 •. }<Jo,~ .tJli. .J.-.

5 o~ ~ E. o~~ We(~ se~. 1~L) B. - - - -See A'.'. III, 1z, 6a: Hir. I, 27, ;; As\'. IT. 9, 2. 6 ~~ F.. - *'<lift E. ~~~ ,..

rc-:r O(j5fi<..fl@ ~= (~: E.) B. :E. - - e-... c-..

\Yh. Tiu. CL l'IT.r. III, 41 18: S'ai1kh. III, 3, .1 seqr_i

I 1

II, 15, i2-19.

I nl ~~I ~I ._....t"-l ~ \\4 f ! ~'l: ijH ti Gt tf!ti ..__ n ~~ c.t G. ;:r ! ~ n ._. , 'ltt 'f ! 't

t1~\+f1;;.l't;rft ~ n"l'lfrt n 9~ u -

$1]{( ~~...n ~~~'ill~( 'J~: Jt q ti 9~11 - -~~~~ lif~fti ~~QQIJ!f{fil'l! f~ I

J... - • I • I "- q fr ·~ A ~ &'-.- fQ i.r-~ 191 'fli Cfil+'ii:t~ '.il"IT1rt lrifl rf~ilttt •~·11lll IFl1 .... - - - - ..... - -~ 119811

it5tiil qif S ;;i(O:q ~ ~+{~ Pi f4J aj: I - - ~

ii d~!iit( ntf{'! ~~ ~ ilf~ rn~ ~d~ u9411

~fter st!!WIT4i ~\T(zjrtt ifl -qrj m~ i! \l~ U9~U ~fifJt:atli&fTilT i:tlrl~Jtul 1 1lil_ I C---~ - --

~~ ~= '!~~ttr iT! if! ~ fiftm1~ 11ct'911

wum m ~.;m™ 1..-(ICl'f qif ~;i~ *'1 ;1: , .... - - -

~;I{ llfi! n-it ~~ ~ ;:f ~ ~~ 1i it GUii~ ll 9 t II

C4l(ijltqrl if!•+illf qij~ W ~~1lfft !(~ifi Jll~ I -ilr~: itif ~ ~ ctt ;it~ lftrr ~(d~4ll~J ;J: n cte.u -

12b ~nilf@ (bis) B. E.-(1f"4ct! B. E. ,,a. Bn. (t'5!4t H.-~ E.

13 Cf. Par. III,+, 18; S'ankh. III, 4, 10. r4a ~(t~o Bn. I.f.u attf lf"f E.-

0N~t;;:.I E. 15 The )1SS. of the text give only the Pra.tika, 'illi:1Qff (taqf U See

Ts. IV, 2, 3, r; ·v, 2, 2, r: TBi. III, r 1 •• t., r. 16 1fl' '\1° T-Cf. Par. I, 3, 14; S'arikh.

III, 4, 4 Ij Cf. Kans. 136, 2. 18~19 The 3IS8 of the text have ql\1itqi1 '(fif - -

l 11 H. explains the :\Iantras a':l given from Ts. III, 4, 10, I; cf. Rv. VII, 54, r, and 3.

r1, I5, 20-11, 16, ~- n fsrftar: q: 11

qf6fltl4rl J!~T -.; ef~ inr~(\ftf~f(tey I

\'!5' (lttit ~ttif" ~tll °fl!~~ 13~1•111 f~ t=fl ~'l<f 11~o11 '!f"i!f!{( Cf~~ fct1'Jf ~-qy~mi\ I

I ....,_ I /::,. • -e@ ..... I ~q ~I~ Y{! II ~9 n -

m~u~~ll - -

\~~iF: ~U qt~~~: I - - -~f!!~3itllf i{rft~~T ~it ~q: II 9 U -~t t ff I Wf~ ~'aijq :f!~ill!'if Si§\i:f!tn:9!9M: I

~~ '23 Ci~ M (ij t (~it ~ \fTcffn ij 41c;:f ti~ 'i.11 cfi'!rt II~ n -

See ~lso Asv. II, 9, 9; Par. III, 4, i; Hir. I, ~s. 1: Kaus . .i3, 13. 2oa 1(N mo Bu. H. T. U:iif\! ~o E. llN 'If.!~ I i11 mo B. ~ee R\·. VII, 54, 2. In '\"h ..

Mantras 20 to 22 are missing. 2oh ildi(lfl@1 E. 21a Cll4ffi&:{ft E.-- - --· VJ f, Ill fit Rv. VII, 55, I. 22 Q'#ij((1{! <€1 tt.-S: \Yb. ~! ~ Et 11! : II C\411 E. B. Bu.

has n q411 before ~Iantra 22. II, 16. I a '*<!t Hl1c:.) (~1t!i<:: ~ ql~O

Wh. Hbg. Hbcl. ~: ~ IB= ~ ~o B. ~~<tt!J<: ~ma E.

t+<:~'~: nu q((!!O Bu. m: ~w: w: Cf l\'!!O Hw. w: ~: w: Cf 1'!1° l-IIJg. See Par I. 16. z+: Hir. II, j, 2. I b ~'JI t=th'I E.

2a ~~~ B.-(i'!ijQt E £t:lff!an4!il: ~: B. CJ.:q?.f!eJfl'tt~1' m: E.

&C4t1tf4~ WH'it\1J:Gf(!t: Wh. &~tftf~«?lliit:'J{0 Bu. £~\!I, ~p51"'f.._, Wll+t: H.

£:C:Cdtdff'S1i?lttt"11oT. 21_1 ~ E.-~af@: vYh. Bu. T. 'd;at@

~~ II, 16, 3-6.

~ ,C •I • >U I ft i CJ ~r~'&fi ~ ~~ ~ ,'l_!if •~ ~'if !-OJ: 1 - -~~~ ~ ~~ 'J~ ~~cfi~Tft! ~ ~ n~u

• -...~ r ~ t ~ \!J __J. A. t Ffrflil[ 4 iCI :tfl S int In I ~ '$] '"I~ In ~Ff ~I tJ Q ""I ~TT( ... - - - .. -• t ~ t:;. I ._c. I ~ ~.Q.. •I ~.c.J.

-~-(ij f'4 $i4 611G:_i~ ~ ~ ~"""4 l ~ ~ 1 I M ~ 1. ~_: "'1 I n 'l;T ... - - - - - - -~Off~ ~ ~ ~riJii<fr: If g II

~~ <4!~ n~ ·~rrfl:4~ ~ci~ U ~II f~ ~ §Ef4 ~ ~fi!J:tq ljaft~<!J: I

~ ~ ~ ~ ~l~ ~~ ~f\ll~ll

~ ~; HHg. has only :q'T4il{i'(, giving ueither -.rcr nor ~Cf. Cf. Hir. II, 7, z.

3a ~0 E. ~ fifo B pr. m. -icO\tQ: 'Vh. Hw. Hbg. iGtlf~tg: E.

Bu. HHg. T. ttcflf~((!: B. Hbd. 3b 4jC!ll\l!l 'Yh. Ilw. ~cO(tij 1-Ihl. tJ\_f\CQ Hbg. ,~,f~t!! Bu. PHg. T. 41cf\1f<JJI B. {jf.fl'f\"!!: E.-c~m B. OCfiCf ICN

Bu. - Cf. ITir. II, 7, 2; Par. I, 16, 24. 4 t(~'S{,9ist 0 B. E. 'll~'!(lSi1° 'Yh. T.

~~Cjll9' 0 Bu.- ~f'ijN{ef l~°ifri H sec. n1. 0~ B pr. nJ. ~iNftf{CfT-- - -'l'iti!:~ Bu. ~I tl'C4li=I tifitt"fi \,li. - ~ ~ B. E. Bu. T. { ~ 'Yh. (The two

Grantha ?\IS.S. ha\·e a peculiar sign so111ewhn.t resembling the G1antha l1f to n1ark the

pluta Yo1reL)-~ t:0 ,,h.- 0Silqlf~~~ Bu. orofg:~fi.l B. E. o~ I

~ ''li. (Cf ::ct' Sit (Si!cfl: 1-iw. ~ ~ giit (SifcftC( (sic) Hbd. Hbg. HHg. Cf.

Par. I, r6, 24; Hir. II. i. 3-4. 5 ~ qlt B. - iii I flf Cl Bu. If w. ci!l I fi:ict B. E. - - -

\Yb. iiltfiq T. Hbi;. I-TI-It;. (<leest ju Bbd.). See Introcl .. I>. x:xv. 6a Onlr Bu . •

s!,·es this verse :nan abridged form, the othe1 l'IS~. iepeat it in full. !4' <:l!!: \Yh.

~cf} ~tij: E.T. ,cnf\~: n. 6b ~iifl ((!! Wh. tiaff f\ 4!!_ E. T. ~ct1f(tq B.

II' 16' i- I I 0

'ff l{1~ "'J:!l ~'Z~? ~Y'M1 Uf~rt."~ fifnT ~ - - - -_..,A. ""' ....._ I ! IC.:: ~ I ~ ~ ~t"GB ?i en ~~en1 ~·QJ~T~1i? '!~~all~ !'ff~ aG_~: U'9U - - -~..J...- l ,C. l ~I -... f@: nen~ ~~~W!~ 1:<v)'& 1qf!ft!iilT~'151! 'M~ ff'! I

~MT ~ ~ilt CfT ~!iil 1=(~ l Cficfi1i ~ q-: ~ II ti II -u rr!Jf efrff ~ ~ rr ifr\=fu~w 1

a~qf@: ~T~~;:r ~Tl:~ rtl=f~ ~ ifr~l II ~II "~! ~: tf~ Vi ~yijfj~n I

~~rt m~~ ~1~~ ~1=1~ ~ ~ra-;c u 90 11

'Sli!fli~T~ ~li ~fl II q 9 II

7a ()~('{: TI.'\Yh. H. ~C!: E.T. ~'{R:B11.-Cf. PIT,r. I, r6, 2.1. 7 bit'

~o acco1ding to H. ~ ~o B. E.-0~tqd Bu. ~\4(~fd B. '\Vb. T. O\li~f-W E . •

See Introd, p. x.'{vi. and Hir. II, 7, 2. 8a ij{1<ifi!2~ E. ('(\~fl<t.....S: Hbd.

ij\iti11l@: Hbg. ~4!tlft'11H; HIIg.--gi!f~ f~o Bu. ~: ~~: Hbg. Hh<L-

0tt'Ci!E!ftf(~ E.-See Hir. 1. c. 811 ~ ! B. ~fl Bu.-lf"Wlct\afi'I ~

\1rn.Hbd.Iil1g.HHg. T. ilfl""'flCficfil'i{ Bu. if~ICficfi1°t B. ~e:tiCfi3\( E. ~;\!fiCfi: - -H\v.-See Hir. I. c. 9i~ l:f ~ H. ~crcri B. E. ;eij:q I \Yh.-q] if ~-

~ ~ISS. I cannot n1ake any sense uf this, nor dues Hara.datta give any he1p, who

says 1'<"1" 'if ~~ (l~o ifr ~t{~?{, le::n·ing ~: unexplained. See Bir. l.c., and

Int1od., p. x."X:Yi. 9 h and rob ilii!ilfl B. (f\e( for ltft~(l-1 Bu.-Cf. Par. I, --16, 24. IO a. ~VT ~tll!T: E. 'Etit?J! ~: B. 0:tJT ~l111lf! T.-~ ~

\lfl;fl(,l~ff B. ~{ui.if~l'li~ Bu. 'Vh. ~~ if \tfl~(1~ E. See a.bore 9a.

II ~P'!f~~{~il ~ E. 1al~f~~IS:~S(~ B. 0f~&ii1° \Vh.

~ l :.:ai.. ~ ........... • ~~Cl..:',;. :::i.rE"~OC...,?~i'"'l

~ f ,9 -...._1-: t.. 1..;, •

'fl ... ' l,. "<!" ~ ' ...

. ' •• o .~ >o

-·:::.--' ..-~('eL;: ~· "'' ....... J ~~ .. ..... \.J -

-q .. -ll ..


i,,,,...... ,-..... \,,I .... ,i I ,- ••

..-.L"1 ·, -:;.~';;'~r ~ ... I "\., --. • \ ~ -

.,,.., ":~r;~~~



~iu -r{ ----J .. ...:.....J. 'I .l v. .. .... . .,


iF.' ,,.. TI .--....~ ...... r, .., 'l -..:II ·-~'Jo·

, L .... -,t-....,vt{f;


;., ,.. ·u··,, 1 .... \.. \ J '\. • ..

. .. ,, !

TT' 6 lfl .;;. ;i.; 1 ~ l 2-..:. 1, I i, J •

·-{. 1'.

:fl:',,....:..-r ...... ~II

' ' -B.

i • --r,::ir .. ~ ('f ··~.,-~, ~-- ' .

\\'!1. ~]·~~;~ Eu. ~l'~: ~:

II, ::7, I a~-.;:[ .;;rj~, acrcnt~ hv eon-

II, 17, ~-6.

-~""'"'~m~r ;)"~~ ~ ~~ ~i1 ~ ~~~W~ ~~ ~1~t ~ ~rh! ~u~ scn~~r~ ~~ ~

I -._,C I ~ +~! ~ t ~i:m ~~M~n4fr ~J ~ ~ ·l ~~~ ~1~ n =< lJ - - - -'=11q1w~ -qft~~rm~ ~ftTtfu ~

::1, """"" --J ~ II1:i1, 2a ~l.Z".?? :'.."\1 1.Yh. li.w. ~f'(~·-g ~·. :S-~ R.

~ ~ "e'"" -., ...... ~;\Ci'V E. ~


~ °"" ~ - """"' 1,,...,~<-'6'"""'. ·~·a;l ~·& ~!i12.. :::~·-c ~(S ~'d~: -:.;~~~ J:Il1~. 3!Tµ. Ja ~1-t~n

\tJ ,°""' ~-l _ ........ ~ • ....,\

B. :::;:. 3 b ;-;r.-.Ir.ZIT;t-m ~; ~~ E.--'.!;1ff~::: C.1~ ·rr 3u I-:::. . . - ~

..._,.. I ..._i'

~ rl :oy B. T. tr~ ii &{

T, R - ,,.:.. ri .. llt. l.1.l. -·

·~ .''\... [I:::I. S. J

lI. i7, 7-12.

111 ~~ llT~ttr;:rh1! it Ci! OfY!~rt1~~ i --.... t -.... ~ ~ I -.r ... ~ I 1J q ati ~ ~4..n n 'WI) (fftl "'I I 'il=I: ti 911

_\:'.) - - --~ ~ ~tf~ ~ qtfittt! 11 Rf!~T ~ ~~T ~

~w: I -~ ~;i ~ tf~G:TTfi! ff~ ~lj -ef;;s Ji~T.ql\ II t II

rr$fi ~m~ii t{ntt~crn~ '5f!~1~flt ;;~n~f1.f -m q~~ ;;: ttft ~ II ~II - - -~ ~ ~ -., ..;;.. ~ .._.t";. I C, I

~n\I ~~f cfff n~cn~ ctm~f.11 ~! r.f1~all 'ile H6i4t1'

~WJ' -qqT~ ;;: tfft ~ II 90 11 - - -~fi~1frf9~ ~Tql~ci ii9Qln6itfif +iii!) 'Cf.qT\.1ft - - - - -

;r: -qft_ W'~ ii ~ct II -~frf~c;r1f~~~ ~1crf(1q'fl! ;:r~n~f7-I ~ ~~~ - - - - -

'!: trft ~ U 9~U Sa ilf itif(ijl E. if fff(~ I B. \11"1f('4f I Bu. \Vh. IL T. Cf.1-Iir. II, 16, 6.-

- - -

II, J7. 13-~9.

~ .(JWT"!r:'l' etc -:;1'?.-f'"';r"!\ l,, Q~·1 ,~ ·iG..~ ~ \ <'.i..J ~ il'J u - • • • • ''\Q.. ~ ij ~ \i9J) jt ri...i .~

:911~1 iii~+f'fI m~i- ~~ rr~tti ~1;frsfti-qfrr ~~ - - - " - -

(tmnr ·etc ... , ~\Trfii) H 9~ ~~

~~~(44ict! ;;fTffI~~~1 f~ ii~l~ q~~Sfl.a~fiff~ .. 't~~ {~rn etc .... ~~rfu~ n 9'9 ~'

\ - /

~fli~ ;n;;rlf~ ,~rr1 f~~ n1€tlhi! ~fi!'ru~-ra f921~ (tf"!IWI etc .. · · ~mm) H 9t H - -~f~~ ~~~11 f~' fl~rar ~sN~frr~ ~enssi~

';!1f~\lii~~ ~Ofj0 E. vfciqi!iff~'E' ~ ~C!f0 TI. Bu. 13~ e{Oiii131'C(T! Bu. ------- -~Yh. libg.-!U ;~i_ft! E. ~(l~ft,._frl B--~lt'<fT Bu. 13b ~illli!"'44l0 R.

~~:a~"'i.o B. ~~eiraTiit~ Bu. ilf%~iti!'it~ "\Vb. "ilf~"1trm-'i~ T.

if?( ~P§f«'H\ ~ ~ H. See In~rod., p. xxvii. r4-25 The !\1~S. haYe only:

'll~~ iift~if\t ~ ~~~ ~l&f ~ 9'~C(1{G00: U H. explains all the - - .. _ - - - - - -~iantras as given from Ts., .. , 5, 10, r-3; 3-5.


20 Reqq. ctlttll'll+i to~ t.o be supplied from 25. 26h iti-!tfto E.-

oft:m. ft!0 B.-((ij(i(Olf:(ql! 1\fSS. and H. See Par. II, 14, 4; S'ankh. IV, 18, 1;

Asv. II, 3, 3; Hir. II, 16, 8, with Prof. Kirste's note; and Introd., p. xxiv.


~~....-­=~11 <;;_,-,J - . "


...... , 3 ---'~:i • '• ~l,,j

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- .. t.., ... -:... .. -- ,- ;:;.,-~ \}

, "": • ,. ... I - Ir .:; o.

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"'°"· r-;:.-:..• '"-!!?-"'-.. -~ _-.. -'· ~ : - I t ( '"' ,, ' ....

-.. '

,::..... . · ..... r ... :.--=, ' ~ ,, ..


, .. . ~

t=. .:;..:-- ' ~ .... .

'.. I ·~·· ..;I

;11 ~I

•=, ~r i.: l •

I ~ •

" '

.:-~ ...,;::.;, •• ~ .... : .. ., .. ., ~]lo~ .!"':'. 't.h -1,,, ... ~1 .....

r.: ~ I.. ·.... -,

...... l:lf\ I"". l.:;. -,

,_ -.: ... '

, .. . -

' '

-' ·-...

I~ ,:=t:... ~'el'~~~-=;"

I .c:"'..J ·'::2 I• :.:.

..,. ~ I -=i) ~ ..

:~..i:r:~y: ;-1 ' - -"'··~ ... "

~, ' \ ....... 1

1, .:a.. J

•:-..=..-~ ~"1~-..-::-- "\I ...... _ .....

~-;.~ ~ ._ ...... 11 r

.,..... ~·-...!..- , .. !r

_, '1 _,

•, ~" -"."'7 ·' ,­- - '

.... -~·~ •I~ •till i::-..,__c,-1"


~· -... ~ «=· ~, ' ·- .

-1 .... --

..... - • r! '-'


~ - :i.. -- :: ~~· L L

.. -.... -... ...... - ~

-'..!....!..-:.:.,1 J


......... ,_ .... - -~- =t..::.:.--._'


- ~·-...,,,:::....!:". ~

":.: ... ;... ~


"'"' -~ -:::i~r-:ic--:;11 ,~ ',, l 11 -•r:::,_ I>';.:; -\,. ... I .., • ,._; ... _

~ . -~ .

_..I ...,. 1

-.,....-~ ... v.1~, 1 . . .

...... I .,...,. .r .................... """,. ... ~p.~-

.... _ '11'1 -::.. ~· '•i.1 ..... ...... - ... '- '

...... ,, ' ~,

-..-­' ' -~·

.:S, !

' __ ..

~1' E.-mt Bu. ~vc.. ~. 3-5 Cf. S'a:r,kn, J:V, 18, 10 seq.; ~12-r. IT, 2 sea. ..

d i-· ,.., eea. l:r".'. nu.

' 1i'! 4 ~·, -

O:ily tile Pxa!ilrtHl are given ln tbe

(~j(@t E.) ~~·'ff~ii d'i@f?J °it ~ • - I - 9IQ

"l~ ~ 'T' , ~Ql\J .a. .. :: _s. i.e. ~ R1r. l. 1


1T 8 ..:. ~ ' 'i ' 1 0-,., j ' j"t·

~Oi'fli ~~ ~~~~~I ~ ~Ofl~ i@I1{f H ~fi~ ~~ ~~f~ ~ell~ - - -- - - - - -~ l ~ I ..,._ ~ ~ ~; t

Jl~ ~{I~~~~ H \!4~ ~?44€4 ·~~ ~f[f H ~~ H ~~l. -;;~ - ,,,_,, - - -~'?4~ it!~ ~m H ~g ~~ ~'qlf~-afl=4 ~ ~frl ~I ~4 a - - - -'V - - --

I~ ~ ~ ~. i * ~ ~ ~~ <;at~ 'qr;tj ~T$,.U u ~"f ~ij ~~ ·~q~ "qf;q ~T~u - - - - - - - -

~~~ ~ , ....... ~ ~ H ~s u ~It11~ ~~~ tJ~!l ~·r~1 ~1 ~t!~ ~~ ;_'d1<Elf -qr;q

- - - - cm- -... -

<.GJ 1~t j~ ~(( ~~ st~ ~n~ ~aj r~t ~' ~~ H - - -%J13.:t~ ~r~!~ii ~FI~ · ~~w1~t ~mc;i ~~~

.gizj ~! ~9 n

:c b ~~ .1.a(\0 Bu.-~1 S. ao::il'.g~ci ns ~l:..;, )i '.'.;;;r,1~'·~· 7[~. - -

II, 8, 2.

,.. H' ~eo .... 1r.

34 ~---

II, :: 8, 34-46.

-~~71781:~ ~i~ )i~~~} -.c·...... ), ~ .

~~'ffi cl~~R{~ ~~.: J~ ~~ ~t ~~?Cij-\rff ~~~

~1~ ~~ ~t;H •

~~ ~~fff ~~~~ ' :e;i···?t

·~ ~'<Z e

~ot~~11 ~~ ~·s~~1F1 ~~~r~1?il'! <8nm 1~ ~c ti - ""' - - -' ~~ . ~--

~~1~~~'! ·:~~~'i! ~ i1,~rI G~~;;1~

~r-0iit~ ~w mu~~ ~1~t 11 g~ u - ~ - -

35 mf43! by conjecture. ~B.E. 36 ~lf~:tr by conje.Jture. "~'[~~ - -JJ. E. .)S 1'{~~cii! E.T. ~;:;:(~ R. ~ \Yh. ~8-

"Tqilt'l! ~~qe<~,: Ehg. ~fiieei·:rff Bu. J:rfQ96!'*'f! ~: H~·. ~fiiuaur:~

~: HHg·. :Deest in H1a.-~~~~: E. R. T. li$tlC1tQ Y1·h. J;fq;q~ B:!.

~*.~Ci B. - -~a<i'W\'?!1' m~ ~ E. ~ ~yo ~.!• ~~~~raT deest in n. The ::\Iantra r1mitte1?. in


"\Vh. "But. see co!nm. on Ap. 20, G 42, 43 ~'!<.{tf..~ ~~'l\d'a!'ff ~: ~ ttr~: @t(7 ~l

a:~ <r~~m'.?J ~~?j ~ '(l~ ~~·'.' ;; Z. il,i<c"f41Q'RJ~O ~l ~~ij Q ! ~ ~fO fl:ld G:l ~_f-- _ e - e

~ ·~ '!{ ~,,.i"~ £~ ~ 13. ~"{'f~GI ·.fl~:: m«:d4 I~ autl 4a t 11J ~G ~ '{f ~~ 1Vb.

.... ~ ~~~ri~r.::; ~1[ <.::r. <=ti~ 2nc1 ~cz;~~~, <.~1'W g:-1 '\. ~ Ru. All the li:tr:-L11·1:t:~ :.\I:S~. rearl

- LJ -

~jrj. ~111~ ~f~1tlf· 4-1- ~«([0 hy L'onjeeture. ~;<;f!<.1!R~ E. ;:c:n:Sif'-~ B.

46 H.

"ta.tes that this is not meant to lie a Prafika of the l\iantra. occurring T.s. IV. 5 3. I.

47-48 ~C.e l\'i:SS. give only the Prn.tlk:ts, -riz. ~~~ t.(f~vfl' ~ii!JfM.t'?i 1.\ ;~ D ., .. ..L-l • 'll .. '?i..

plains the two '\'erses as foulld in Ts. I, r. I-4-. 2 seq.-~~~: c,s~: \\'h. i! CJ;;:

Btl. ·~(~~R'; Q('1•n;:nf;· iiq~ll E.3. II, 19, I.i :q"((l~~~~TE. Ib i.t~·---- - - - '\.:.I\!.!_ e:1.

~'-~tj~~t{a:t~ E. ~'Sf'iiJ:if-6\~itP:tfi:J?J~~ :Bu. or\s-r.ti ?.1?'11{~ ~it T. _ .. _ -~ - ..... \,,L. d. ...... ii\j

~~4!d 11\, R. See on this and the following verse~ Ilir. II, ro, 7; .Ap. S'raut. I,

9, 9 ~ S'ankh. III. 13, 5; 11anu IX, 20; Dr. \V. Caland, Al tincli.)cher A hnencult (Leideu,

:;:893), PP· 193-197. 2a 0f~~f~ E.--~~;Qm: E. B. \rh. 1'. ·~r~.=rtT: Bu.

6' i · ~ · ~ '"' rr -~ n ~ iitj_l~· ~I tt{. Hw. ill!.(Tm: ~I ~:\it: IILg. "Iii( 1\1 : ill?{ Hbd. ......... '">. ;l.,. ~ I ...Q,l l _ __s::

'3.11Vi~. rii4 I IIHg. See Oaland l.c.-Tif, f!~ : E. B. Reatl tlft:~~~ 1: . 2 li a.!"2-nlSC!Sitf E. itt.fff~\ffl(Q Bu. 3a 0~tj~t11 E. 3h ~~·1*1!0 E .

~~ii !Ai !0 Bu. T.-0 a(i qq~o E. R.

- - - -

-. s~u~j~i:~ ~

4a emat ~; E.

~i2fl ~tJ~~ E. B. Eu.

• sbwaGG~C£.

6a cu~:~ ~GB. - -~ . I

to read O(~ \aj<QfiE('fit': with ':.1• - -~~ 'Vh. H.

Bu. 8-11 E. has only~ ft!.~ ~~ ~ U

""" ~~ .......... ~. 4%..i ~ • ... ~ %:

~\ • .-1,,.~-'.... -

. - I\ ~.r' '!tr,

.. (~ ~~

. . ..,.. .. i I l ~· I I ~ ,.. ~.

0:::: ;>;,'fJW } - ::::r-i:=-C."')'-.i­""' .,!?'\ '. c' ., - ?'. <-, , ,~· .,,...--:... :._'.I ... .. . ' .....

....... ~ .:::.:..... ~ icz:-.,--::-::-, ";"..C:--'ll.T-:'t:"JO..:& .... :---= ..... ''j: ~...::. I - ...... _.

·~ J. • .. • ·- ........

r3 ~ G.eest in \\"h.

14-16 See Hir. II, 13, I 14 ':aifl'f: ~~@ fi(E.- 0 t!44C(e (twice) Du. both here - -[III. 8.]

.. \!J • • 1,1 ',Y

~::a.:.:: t~e .::.e:.--! ~W·J }1~tr~.-~ t:'"f ~ ~~TI '\Yh. Bu. H. 34~cr~ ~ E. -

; • '.t.J •

J!rc:ri 1 Fi~ B. 'l."1. - -·~~J[ :B. :'.-Q~~'"1fci1a;'.: :@'.t@~ i: 1Y!J.. il'le.l! B.E.Bu. :::I, zo, :! 0~ ->4~1 E. .,~ ~l~:tij({64! B.- 0-f!MJfi:lri~ B.-~ E.-o~ ~)o - - - -:a. \\"h. T. o~ '\!i1_0 E. :Bu. See II1r. II, I I, 4· 2-7 ~ deest lil


r4-:r9=2-7 to be repeated. zo Ciij0(1T OT?J "qij\!tl1 E. C4'€arti ~ cttttd - - - -B. 2r-z3 Acceilts by conjecture. ~i!J ffC!f~,cii'd 1fq~1td~421lf ~~cQi1 E.

R ~~~dJij 11;;f~,.lli'! ~ ~ B. Sudarsanarya (comm. to Ap. 21, 9)

takeB 20-23 to be six Mantraa, but adds that some explain them as foul'. :z3 Omitted

in Wh. •24a ~:qpx:c21'9!19!M ~0 B. ~ cf!'iiii~fiil ~ E. See Hir. II, :;:2,

10. 26 See Hir. TI, II, 5; 12, :.


II, 20, 27-33.

• --J. fl; 1e.. ~' rC' ~ m ~ 1"'j l: r~r::~!ttJ7ff 7't1~~ ':) ~t1~1 ;;.rarJtJ~ J - - -

:R~re~ 11r -q~ft ~r ~1 ;s.'.~ ~~i~~ ~r(f ~~ ~\9 B - - - - -~ ~m ~-n~~ ~~I ~~~r!~~r f~$f·P;tr.c1~ 1

~Jf! ~~f~~~~ ~~ - - \:!l


~ ~~ rn~~

·.~~~t H ~C' ~ij

~t ~: :Qt~~awl~T H ~·-e. H - - -

2CJ = 27. 30-32 The 3ISS. gn·e the :Prat11u~ r1 1 !]v~ viz. ~¥!q- ~ ·~7 ·;:(~ af{i~-- - - -

~ i~: a .H. explains the Vl'l'Ses as given fro1n Ta. IF. 3. I I, I. 33a "...ii~.' E.

'4$IB \Yh. 33 b ·0 <ti1if iif1~o E.

flfll!MI q1Ett~ ij\(itihn : qf<f4iEl6<Qi( I - - -q:cfff W!_Stl ~tfteffl ~ ~ qffift ~'l!li( 11'8U

~"'!!41 ff QEI! nczliit'1 f \14'~(EI! '1r;ff ~ Acffflfl t -'Ii~ 1ft111t1fiutt:4!_t4'tr<f!tffi4lii!4~11~lfh

fc11l: ~ijs: n ~o u

~-f(llfitlj'l'li ~111~••<-t]t ~ l - - -- ~

-~,..,'!~ ~ •'i f'llefqtqi'! ~ 11q11

~ ~~fa1~1ij imt ••'! fi:r t"~ ~ u~n ~ il!t'f!iffflit<! ~~ ~ ''ii fi:r i.,f*!

Q" U~ll ~qff~~i! ~~ irl1! cnt'i fi:r ~.,~ ~ H till

S!*l<Jf:at'4~1ftUfi4~¥j ~ '.fil'!_ fif i.,f~ ~nllu <t=4lwtt~if•<rt11'11i ~rA ~ n ~ n

._, _. ._ - - ._.

3~a •1111r Wh. 0 •a T.-0 N:C(\tQT E. See Hir. II, 14, 4; Av. IIJ, IO, 5· -35 8ee Bir. II, 15, 9. 35b fiffli::: E. Nff(! B. -finr: •@: I - -\ft .. , I~ I Bu. 'Iii' il!ffl ~ ~ q1~'f4ttflttff<'.tt~'!fl'I! I~ I E. B.

ll, 21, ta •+li•&@ftri(f111fi E. 'CtcfUl\llfd(l'4f4 B.-~t'l'9ft0 E. ~(• - - - -sec .. m.)tll* B. •Qttllfi@a• Bu. 1b '!~'Jd!!f~ E.-q iif\lftlq• E . .., iif4fittq~ B. 2 g~itffitlo E. B. 4 @r~cwi• E. 5 '!'li(flt<-..... fil• B. In E. this Mantra is not accentuated. 6 (\iC I( tit 1° E. B.

~ -

II, 21, 7-19

~ ~~ ~~atsrlrtit ~ nsn - - - - -~\TI~ U~U m ~?41('11~ ~\fl~ llQ.U - - ... -::s4ilfii-ar it ~ 1~Tiji!( u qo n ct'ilf~oj w ~ i~T-

m'Zf U q q H fq tf~ Cf W ~ .t4JlDD U q ~ II imiJ q W ~ '"""\ (; ~ ''""\ 4&; - -{&1!+13"( u9~u ~124 it~ ~1fli( u~gu -~ \JC4'ff ~ +1~4Jiiif \ftq'if ~: I ~ - ~ ~'1.'"

~ enr11-t ~~~ii! 1t1~~~m~:1194~~ 11\ltsft! 111J)s~ ~ ~~a:t~ 119~11 ~ ~_:. 1 ~ • f I • t ~ '!1\~ ~ytl~1totn!. ~ ~I tit! 'if C4 ff!tli'I~ ~ :q 'Tll I

~nft:f~~rqf .. qi!:sft if vi!s~: qd11: -qi~ uqsn - -~"it"IUl"tfir ~~ ifT ~ ~ 119b'll - -~ qf;ifsq'i! ~ 11T ~:~ ifr ~ ~ t - -~ ~f6i rf;ag ~~Rl{ni1!llr1: uq~u

I3 ill'~ a E. 14 ~'i'i lcfd E.-T. has 14 before 13 15a See HLr. I,

12, 6.w\JEjfitt E.-im: D ~ E. ifit: H ~o B. r6 See Ilrr - ~ - -17 The ~!SS. grve the Pratika only· ~ 9iflfCIJilqf+t"ff - - - -

(~en t~ H. explains the verse as given from Ts. I, 7, 7, 2. See P::Lrw ill, 14, 6; Hir.

I, :::2, 2. rS <i:rl deest m T.-q(ii41 Bt:.. r9a See Hir. I, 12, 2; cf. Par. ill, 14,

r2.-1fl~f=cr--i! E. Cl !~f-Wii! B.-~ E.-;rf T.-,:~ m ~ B.-~ -B. E. 19 b '!Qf(g T.-Mfi! ~~ E. Bu.11\li. T. H. (~IC(ij 'fSl:it~·~ ~-

~). ftfcrflkt B.-~ffif l'!_fi: Bo E.

II, 21, 20-Il, 22, I.

~ ~ ~ ~11 -'1 .c. -. ~~ ~S1~~0 ~""tlS~"ffS1~~~ VJliS~~~~ ~fR(fij~".

- - - - -'at!~~~ ~~~~ ~ll!t ~~t ~!"ii~ifi;i(!r.;i qtqle

- - - -Pctf@: u ~o u ef~cttjijt=if~ ef~~1Jijl~l11~ ~ Cfil M ~ m ~?{@; - --- - ~ - - ....

~ ~ at4'-0Jtf~ f;:r ~Ri~T n ~9 n - -~~~ fiTIS'ld#if\IGf tqt {'fcfttf ~ I - -nrttrti ~~ if?.ft~U ~~ ct~tr<ccOO° u~~ n - - - - - -=al ~ <41*!31T~ ~ ~ ~'!E34l ~~~ I ~ll'il W Cll~iff nT if \'TT ~ I

~ - - -ft re Ri ~~ ErcJr~U itrtl tt t:ct 1Bt u ~ ~ n - - - -

l!~<i~: (qtqt : " ~ ~ ti

~ rf ~~ tq41t i!'l4;411it(:I! ilrf~ I nT ~Cf"f ~(Q ;.c!ft:aU! fq ;flt;g ~tt~: II 9 II

20-30 See '!'s. VII, r, r2; llir. I, 12, 3· 26 Cif !iriif~ E. 31 a tft Al1f "!'lfif ct{tE. 31b 0~E.-Cf.Hir.I,12,4; Par.IIT,15,2. 32af¥rfdi­~ E. fwtfijf&4il~ \Vh. 32b tcito B. E.-0~ B.-t1(41 "\Vb. T.-- -~ E.-See Hir. I, r5, 5. 33 Cf. Hir. I, r5, 6; Par. ill, 13. 6. 33a 0~tt!4

E. 33b it Cil'dl fvto Bn. T. i(ctlfit 0 "\Th. ~ fifo E. 33 c ~o B. E.­

Cl'4lN1l: cs ca: U \Yh. U ~q II Bu. <a¥J,1t.afff(l'if?4 tOl\f!( H ~"IE. id4GQ .. - - -!fdtfft(l'i(l;( tft::St{ U~C\U B. TI, 22, ra 1f'{T ((!'41 E.-~ Bu. ~ E. o~ T.-'lft'tf.0 E. See Par. III, 13, 5; Hir. I, r5, 3·

to II, Z2, 2-7.

U ~RPIJ~Sl!if ~~<! faaulfi1 1

fcl ii siN iiitt31M ~~*!n~T (q u~u - - -Wi! wrf~Cf! ~m ~ey *ii ifitlfi.l it 1

(tt;\fqJl'Q Etif~a1~~: ~q~s;q'!_ ~il u ~n . ~ ~ ~ ...... , ~ 'fl -J.-

~~ \lifif A q (!1111 ~· 1 "1 \lifit G. ~a \1'1 .ti ;a 411 ~: I - - - - -ff~~"Alril! ~'!'il ~~ ~~~ ~m n~n -qft: "1 fii((f~ ~ ~liJ: ~ &t~: I

-iITT.: ~~~ ~~: qf(tftn: •tttf\1 n ~ n - - - -SJ"'! N ft'!' fqff i! ti Sfil ~<QI f~ f:ag:~ t

'!M'! qf(tflrfts~ tf~TWrs~~rt n~n ~~w;r CSln'! r.. fiiqffif q~~~ ~,

B.-See Hir. I, 15, 3; Par. III, 13, 5. 3a ~C!_d'Q1f.C~ E.-See Av. VI, 42, ta.

3b (if(itllER E. (!(l'flti@ B. Cf. Hir. I, 14, j, where the ~Iantra is quite co~rupt

-4a AqG' il4Clt(,H. Jl~{ij~ (I flf E. Sf ti(!! l~(I~ B. J1qt!Jfl8° T Jiqitfq• - - -

Wh. Bn. See Hir. I, 15, 1; Av. III, 15, 6; Introt'L. p. x.x1.-~ B.-0 fii 'i(ilttt1: - -B. Wh. 4b "'til\4iiftiC4° E. 5a M\\f~( E. f'i\<:ffff B. k(\flf - - - - -Wh. 5b qf(lf!.<'1! B. ~~: E. qf\fili'I: Bu. See Introtl., p. x..icYii.-

8&lf~ B. See Introd., p. x:x:Yn1.-See Hll'. l 14, 2; Par. III, j, 2. 6a. 0 iQIN­

~ E. 0 4.t lfclitt4-1 "\\n. Bu. 6b ~@if qf\tf\dtfu E. ~if qf(NRIRI - - -B.-qf(fi4ff\~\ft~ E. qf(Nlll~'@~ B. See Hir. I, 14. 2. 7 The ~IS8. of - -the text give the Prafika only, viz ~iq=flif cr-d'iffil~t II \1lh. Bu. illCf~lli fcl~+f-- -

II, z2, 7-12. U fgrft~: q: II

~!'l~Q: ~~'!(ijl~ chl~ wt: usu \'Jim fi:r'Cfir.:r ~C!frtW1f'1ctiffltir ~ II t It - -. - -~ -&Ts~~1i4T fi:r'!ff1 ~ ~~' ~~: qf{sfilt.ll 'C!: ttft it1J~ ~~: II Q. II

~ "J:fl""' f rt 111"4 ltrU ~~ ~Cf~ ii (i( l - - - -~: 'tlTihl fi:tiil cif a:ttaf'1111!11T ~~l'@t n9011 - .... - - - -~ itt1Clt!rntl:tt!r4'M~Aiqi!_it~ ct!~1ct I -'ll'iii~'i!1~ 'll~ Cill~ ttiail ~ltt'11i f'1sifi1 qq~: 119q11

~ ..n~: Qn~f.w A~ f91s(nltJ@ , - - - - -

~~'fl E. '4114ffif cttf-1~'41 B. ~IUCiftif fifctffilNlttl '1'. Haradatta, explaining

the verse as given from Ts. m, 3, IO, I, takes .... ~d'if = ~ + ~crffir. Cf. Rv. x, 19, 8. 8 f.t~:flil E. fctcrWif B.-'!811cr=a'11f91q~ifl~ E. "J8ilq~ilfil (f.T

- - - - -ser. m.} C!idit fq B. - - 9a ~ tft E. B. \\·h. H. ~ 1ft Bu. See Introd.1

P· x.'tl.-0&<~'" ~4!'ttl "'! E. 0~f(~CI'°'! f¥t'!iff B. UCIC(~ftt~-n11" Wh. G' f.t41ffi lflo Bu.-'fflcft~dC( Bu. H. 'r. ~ E. B. Wh.

9b ~: qf(stifm ~: E. ~: Qf(ift")l'I( q! 'Yh. ti{: llft:o T. Ioa ttt lif·

fH+t._l'lf il4'ctl Wh. Bu. 4t ltf~ii9*41~ iSll5ctt B. T. 4tt&lfi!'19ffi(T -..r~

E.-~q~it~ E. cfl(q"tt( \Vb. roh ~: 'Vh. RtAd <fr' H., who says tha.t

ft:tAH is • t "(E for RtlC4 t. RtID cfl R. fitM1 cil E. f~(qi I '4l Bu. Ht«t ltO - - - -

\Vh. ~Ar tIT T. See Introd., p. xxvii. r1a ~ ~0 E. 0~~~ill

~i!c B. ~ 'CfTO Bu. 11 b o~'1i!~~ E. \\n. o~iijctd'ac.i nu.-cu~

~sHcn ~ E. CIPS ~141" ~EL-See !-Iir. I. 16, 7. l2a ~\Vb. - - -

II, 22, 1 z-23.

it i:rt f1J~;:t tJ•~wt it1'il<:i! er~ n q~ n - - - -fs~ 'j id~ \!iffftattS"f V!cfit ~~Vf I tfa:t@f '1f'{~ijJ l'lri~l@ifl 'Ii"" (QI ff'{6'J!fll "'"I ~119~H - - - - - - -'fli l:f q~ijj II qg II -lfiCrt ~m II q 4 II

R ;r1 ~ nq~u ~ iii ;it W n t:t'9 n ~ i'll.1 rfzj II 't t II -A5fl q~ ;; ~nT~ f<At ~nlfi! irf! ifT ~ai 1

~'4itii1~ ~~R q ~ ~ ..ra~ ~'!4!!11( 11 q~u m ~ 11~-ou -~~ft II ~fi II ~ i.:crl'{t U ~~ U ~ ~ II~~ U

12b %;rf E.-)isf~!_~~ B. ttafQ~~ E. fl&l.t)iijt't! Bu.-See Hir. I, 16, 5.

13a ~ ~ ift B. ~ ~ ilifl E. ff{ql~ if Iii~ Hw.-~141c;:qf 4tlli40 - - -E.-~Q'elf~7f1d E. ftf~lt is omitted by H. 13b lft"~ inserted befortl - - - -ti~QI in E.T. °'~ijff'ilaTI E.-if""tQt ~2"f!il! ~ ~ B. fi\lltfJL "ti

~: ~~i11mflif E. iJf1;1an1 , 2§11"'\1'"1 m Wb. MG1ct1• ~2*''"l8'", ~ Bu.-See Hir. I. 16, 6. 14-18 ==I, 4, 12-16. 19 The ?tISS. of the tex

have only the Pratika : Jlldt l Q'ft. H. explains the verse as given fron1 Ts. I, 8, r4, 2 = Rv.X, 121, 10. 2o=II, 8, 8. 4E4iat :q' B. Bu. ~"f leC 'Iii' fq(i*' ~ E. T - - - -21-23 The }!SS. have only: Clllf!ffif~(rn: E. Cti tttftf~(\ri I: :B. 41 lttffl f«itlcl 1, -

~ "S~~: ~fij ~mf1! ~! , Jt!~tiq ~ ' 1!ii ~ 1!Z~: ~~~fG!U ~ ~ ~;; n ~uu

t~: ~: n~~n

1 ?.fT 'ft 1f.1n --(tl!llf itl: •2 'dCftili'll'lffi(t._, 13 ~RQ@ft ~ ql'Eilll(~ ~ ¥tlftt I

Q(¥itk4fi!t ll(Cllf'tR ~ ~ 4:~1'4ii(D' ,;(-(: 115• ~R

il'Fiiiitf<ttJ <a<~ttl'l n iil w ~ ~ .. n =ctitl 1llf q<35At4 a ~Utt ~f(!tJ 1fr (f£1fttffl "4tt4W! R ~ fq<l 1~ R 1'flt q~ft{'\iilt( U

\tl'gtti ~"141&(. ~ «'tteif~ u -qft ~ -qft:: aadltflt a i°"q~SJCC44 1fT ~I tf\1\+lft'"Ji i'fqfii(~ I llJ({fl'i!it

.... aa•ft a "llu!(t ~ et(ij ~aJtt'l: 1 6 'd&Qit '41t19f4.'°4'ilf,7· n ce&!l1t ~ qt1flww I

• U '19\54 A 'A i ti """10-ii ... l-M fl(- U

~: \\If+( n 1~'1"! n

Bu. Wh. T. CiltCt1'Q18 'lt't 1: H. I follow Haradatta on Ap. 23, 9, who says that there ten Ahutis ; according to Sudarsanarya. there are eleven, so that after ~ @It l , ilf ~would have to be added. But eee A.p. 2, 7 with the comm. 24a ('(If'!_ B

pr. m. T.-'1mj E. itl 9"' ~ T.-o~ E. 24 b ~ E.-~ E.­

See TBr. m. 7, Il, 3.-911fq'l(: cs cx:s: n Wh. Q ~~- Bu. cit " 1l1'T ((£dl1

~ 4!_Nf~'i(f& I E. B. E. adds here: f~m+.t1 4fi¢1Qlii \ltt I ft: U "I

1 This list from l:fT l( 't(q1 down to q c:ca9c;_4ilft is omitted in Wh. 2 E. adds


numbers from r-22. s '""~ B. E. Wtl'l lctl~1 Bu. 4 ~ E. • 5 •• 4Wii lift 6 mth. ~Bu. 'n\• '!' B. E. 1 i{~ 1 ~'if Bu. B. ends: ~~wt \UifT

((I{*'' ~ I 11\i: f I '1ff ~~R~: ~: I E. ends: 1"' ~~~-:1~1 Wh.ends: ~~·ltR;: ti\ ~-A~~ ij~IR~ I m:: iti{_ ~ ~ Bu. ends: ~

~ ~ lift ~ Vl~llll4f ~ ~ 1'm ~I ~ ~ • Um: iii{_ I ilflll!llq~~, I 71'Tff ~ E. • Bu.




Mantra- Apastambiya Mantra- lpastambiya patha Grhyasutra patha Grhyasiitra

I, I, I-2 • • • • . • 4, 2 I, 5, 8-ro l 3 5, 9 3 • • • • • • ' II · • . •

12 ~ 4 I • ' • • • . 4 5 • • • • • • • 5 r3-r5 • • • • • IO

6 • • • ' • • 6 16-r7 • • • . • 12

7 • • • . • • • 7 r8 • ' I • • • 18 8 6, I • • • • • • 19 9 2-3 • • • • • • 20

IO 8 4-7 22 • • • • • •

• • • • • 2, r-5 8 • • ' • • • • 23

6 9-11 . 24 • • • • •

7 I2 I 25 • • • • • • 8 ' • • I • • • 9

13 . • • • • • • 6, I 3, I-2 • • • • • • IO

3-6 r4. • • • • • • 3 15 • • I I • •

7-r3 · I6 7, 1-7 • • • • • • 4 • • • • •

14. 17 8-9 • • • • • • 5 • • I • • •

4, I-16 . 5, 2 IO • • • • • • 6 • • • • •

5, I • • • • • • • 3 II-12 • • • • • 7 2 • • • • • t • 6 8, ~} 8 I • • • • I

rs} • • • • I 7 3-r5} 10 • • • • I

~ • • • • • • • 8 9, I


I'r!antra- .Apastambiya Mantra- lpastambiya pa~ha Grhyasiitra patha Grhyasiitra

I, 9, 2 II, 3, I

3 • . • • • 6, I J 2

4-5 3-12 10, 12 • . • •

6-7 . ' • ' • 12 13-23

8 • • ' • ' 8, 2 24

9-10 . 5 25 . ' •

IO, I-2 26 • • • • • 11, 1

3-9 27-30 . • . • 2

10-13 31 . • . • • • 3

1 Ii: l-2 IO 32 • • . . • 4 . . . •

3 4. I-11 . • • • • 6

4-6 I2 . • • 7 7-1 I !J • • • 9-12

12, 1-13, 4 14 . • 13 . • • 13 13, 5-6 9, 2

15 . • . • 14 ' • I • •

5, I • • . I 15 7-10 • • . . • 3

2-10 l I 4, 1-7 • • 4 18 I I

12-2 I i . • . •

! 5· I l 2-4


~ ) • • • • • 2 2 • . • • 19

6, I } ' • • • 22

I 6 (AnllV~.ka) 9 2-13

• . • •

17,1-6 14 . . • • • 25

• • . • 10 I"" 26 ti • . ' • •

7-10 • • . II 7, I

II, 1, : }

2 • . . • 10,5 . • • • 12, 3

3 3-6 . • 6 4-II

7 • • . . • 7 12 • . • • • . 5 8 • • . • ' • 8 13-18 }

6 . • ,, 1 1 IO



Apastambiya Grhyasiitra

II, 8, 1-8 . . . . 1-8 (bis) . . . 9-ro

. 12, 9

11-9, I

9, 2

3 4 5 6 . •

7 . .

. . .

• • : } . . . • •

IO • •

I I .

• • •

. . 12} 13 •

14 . • •

lO, I-2

• •

. ... . . 8-12

13-18 . . • •

11, 1-8 .... 9-z I . . .

I 2 • • . . 13 . • •

I 4 · · ·

15 } 16-18 19-20 • . •


32 '

33_12 ! (tri.r, ~udarSa.· ' ruiryaJ ·-

I 2' ! 3 } CHaradatta) l



13 13, 2


5 6




17 18


3 5 6 II


15, I

Ivlantra- Apastamb!ya pa~ha Grhyastitra

II, I 2~ 3-5 (Haradatta) l ) 2-5 (Sudadanarya) J f 15,

4 6-ro ) 11-14

13, : l 3-41 5 .

. . .. . ..

~-14, 2} . . . .



5-9 . . .. .

IO • • •

II-14. .

15-22 . .

15, I

;_4} . 3-4

• •

. .

5· . . . 6-11

: ; t . . I4J 15 16 .

17 . . . I 8-2 I . .

22 . . . I 6, I-I I .

12-13} 14 15-17 . .

• •

. . .

. . . .

. . .

. .




13 16, I

8 17, l



5 6


9 IO




18, I



7 8





p. = Pratika, indicates that the MSS. of the Mantrapat}la give the Pratika only.

Rigveda- Atharvaveda- Taittirlya Taittiriya lv1w1Ja pat ha Bri]ima:;ia and Other Vedas Sam bi ti Samhiti Satµhiti

Ara.inJca l, I, I cf. X, 321 l

l = x, 85, 23 c£ XIV, i, 34 3 cf. XIV, r, 62

4 cf. x, 85, # cf. XIV, 2, I 7 6 cf. X, 401 IO cf. XIV, 11 46

7 cf, XIV, I, 39 8 cf. XIV, I, 39

9 cf. VIII, 91, 7 cf, XIV, I, +1 IO cf. XIV, I, 40

21 I cf. Maitr. S. L 2, r 2-5 cf. I, 33 cf. V, 6, 1, 1-.2 cf. Br. II, B, 9, 3 cf. Maitr. s. n, 13, I 6 = I, 101 12 = I, 3, I, 2 ;

\i1, 2, 10, 7

7 P· cf. XIV, I, 42 = I, 1, 10, I = Br. Ill, 3, 3, 2

8 cf. X, 85, 26 3, 1 = x, 85, 40 cf. XIV, 2, 3

2 = x, 85, .p =XIV, 21 4

3 cf. x, 85, 36 cf. XIV, 1, 50 14c-e I cf. IV, 21 51 1 cf. Vs. XII, 58

14 f cf. XIV, 21 71

.+it cf. XIV, 2, 52 cf. Brti. Up. VI, 4, 19

5 cf. X, 85, 25 I cf. XIV, 1, 18 6 cf. X, 8;, 45 11 cf. VIII, 6, 26 12 p. = I, 25, r9 };::; II, I, II, 6 l =~.11:~7,~113 13 P· ;:::; I, 24, I I , = A. Iv , 20, 3 14 P· =IV, I, 4 } =I!, 51 12, 3-4 j s:Br.III,7,13,6 15 P· = I\T11,5

N (III. 8.J

SY~\"OPSIS OF P.4R . ...J.LLEL P~.f.SS.4.GES.

~ia.:1 trnratha . .

' 't

5 .. I


"' ' I

2 P· 3 P·

4 , l


9 10



j, I



: = x. 85, 38 I cf. X, 85, 3Y I = II, j, 3

ct. X, 85, 25 cf. Y, 3, 2

I } cf. X, S5, 2{

I "" x. 85, I

! = I, 6, I

i == I, 30, 7 I I

Athan·ave~a­Sarn hi ta

cf. xrr, ~. 63 cf. XIY, ::, r

I cf. XIV, 2. ~ I

I 1 cf.XIV,1,17-18

lcf. XIV, r,19; f ·S 0

= XLV I I ' ,

... XIX, 24, 7

cf. X, S5, 20 cf. XIY, r. 6r

1cf.X185,46 cf.XlV,1,44

I cf. X1 85, 28 cf. XIV. 1, 26 I ~f. x, 85, 31 =XIV, 2. IO 1 = X, 85, 32 cf. XIV, 2, II

cf.XIYi 2. 8 : cf. X. 40, 13 cf. XIr, 2, 6 1

cf. VIII, I, I 2 cf. XIV, 2, 47

T1ittiriva Samh1ta

lcf I, 1, ro. 2;

J III,5,6,1-2

= VII, 4, :!O, I

= IV, I' J. I ;

V, I, 2, I-2

2 p. 8

= III,. I' 7'l = I~·. 2, .j., ~

9 IO



S, I

6 .. ' 8



9, ·I

I d.XIY, J, 9 cf. xrv, 2, 7 cf. XTY, J, r2

cf.X, 40, 12 cf. XlV. 2, 5 cf. VII. 17, 4 I cf. XIV, 2, 2T

I =VI, 78, I 1 cf. VI, 78, 2

cf. X, 85, 42 a; cf. XIV, I, :!2 a VI, 57, 6b

cf. XIV, r, 52 = VI, 78, 3 cf. XX, 127. 12

2 cf. x, 85, 2

I cf. XIY, I, 2

c£ XIV, r, 2r i cf. XIV, 2, 28

4 cf. x, 85, '!.7 5 = X, ~I 33

6 l 8 =- T,'~8, 6

9 IO


Tn.ittiriv:i. Drahmana nntl

.lraz:iy.'.lka. == Br. II, 4, I, 9

==A.IV, 20, I-2

=A. x, I, 4 = A.. x, r, 4_,.

= .:\. X, I' 5

Other \' eda:;,

d. Vs. XIV, r cf. ~fa.itr. S. II, 8, 1

= Vs. XXXII, r 3


M antra.patha l\igveda- Ath.ln·aved:i.- Taittiriya Taitti1•ya

SalllhiUi Samhita S:unhiti Brahmana and Other Vedas Ar:i.r:i yak:i..

I, 10, J cf.X,85,22 cf. XIV, 2, 33 2 cf. X, 85, 21 c.f. xrv, 2, 33 .. cf. Mai tr. S. III. I 2, r 2 I

8 cf. I, 4, 14

9 cf. III, 4. 41 r

II 1 I Cl X, 183, I

:l cf. X, 1831 2

3 cf. X, 85, ~7

5 cf. X. 85, 43 cf. XIV, 2 40 6 cf. X, 85, Si c£ XIV, 2, 3R .. cf. XIV. 2 1 39 a I

9 cf. x, 183, 3 Io cf. VIII, 31 1 8 II cf. VIII, 31, 9

Il 1 I-3 == X, rS+ cf.V,25,3; S

4 cf. Khila 30, 2 cf. V, 25, :i; VI, I j, I

5 cf. Ilrh. U !'·VI. .y. 2 I

6 cf. Kbila ~o, 3 cf. Y, 25, icr-13 .. r;::: Kh1la 30, I I

9 cf. III, 23, 2

13, I cf. III, 23. 5 a

~ cf. III, 23, 3-4

3 cf. III, 23, 4

5 cf. XIX, 8, 4 a 10 = II, 43, ~a

I 41 I ""'VII, 41, I cf. III, r6, l -= l3r. II, S, 9. i =l's. XXXIY. 34

2 = Yll, 41, 2 cf. ITI. 16. 2 = Br.II,S,9,7-sl =Vs. XXXIY. 35

3 cf. VII, 41, 3 cf. III, 16, 3 =Br. II, E• 5, 2, 1 cf. Ys. XXXI\', 36

8, 9, s 4 ==VII, 41, 4 cf. III, 16, 4 == Br. II, S, 9, S == V!:>. XXXIY, 3i

5 cf. VIL .p, 5 cf. III. 16, 5 == Br. II, 5. 5, 2; cf. Vs. XX:X1V. ;,S

8,9,S-9 . 6 == vn, 41, 6 cf nr. 16. 6 I = Br. rr, s, 9, 9 ""' \'~. XXXt\·, 39

7 cf. VII, +1, 7 cf. III, 16. 7 "" Br. II, 8, 9, 9 cf. Vs. xxx.rv, 40 I

I 51 I cf. X, q._s, I cf III, i8, I I

2 cf. X, 145, 2 cf. I1I. iS, 2 '

' == x. 145, 3 cf. III, I 8, 4 I L' cf.X, 145, 4 cf. III. 18, 3 4

5 cf. x, 14£1 5 cf. III, r8, 5

6 c x, 145, 6 cf. III, rS, 6

16, I ::: X, 159, I cf. I. 29, 5

z cf. X, If9, 2

N 2


Rigvcd&· Atharvaveda- Taittiriya Taittiriya i\.f an tra patha Brigi~aand Other Ve&s Sazph1ti Sarphita Samh1ti


!, 16, 3 cf. X, 1f91 3

f I cf. X, r59, 4 5 I cf. x, 159, 5 6 cf. X, r59, 6

·7 ~ 1 , , I cf. X, I63, I c£XX, 96, 17;

II, 33, I ~ = XJ 163, 2 =XX, ¢, 18; •

II, 33, 2

I = X, r63, 3 =xx:, 96, 19 r d. II, 33. 4

4 cf. X, 163, 4 cf. xx, ¢, 20;

II, 33, 5 • cf. X, 163, 5 cf. X...'X, 96, 21 ~

"' 6 cf. x, 163, 6 cf. XX,¢, 22 .. cf. x, 85, 29 cf. XIV, r, 25 ' 8 cf. X, 85, 30 cf. XIV, 1, 27 9 c[ x, 85, 34 cf XIV, 1, 29 10 cf. x. 85, 35 cf. XIV, r, :z8

II, I, I cf. VI) 68, I

:ia cf. VI, 68, 2 =l,:J,1,1 2b .=I, ::13, 21b

3a ==VI, 68, 3a '"" Br. II, 7, I 7, ::i 3b cf. VI, 68, 3 b ; cf.Br. II, 7, 17, 2

VIII,5,21b 7 d. vm, 2, 17

3, I c(. II, 13, I cf. Br. I, 2, 1, 11

5 cf. XIV, 1, 45 6 cf. II, I31 :.1;

XIX, 24, 4 7 cf. XIX, 24, 5 8 cf. II, r3, 3;

XIX, 24, 6 3, :J a cf. IV, 58, r a cf. A. X, 10, i cf. Vs. XVII, 89 I

2b cf I, 1091 7 b 24 cf. Ts. I, 31 I, I; cf. A. III, 10, I

II, 6, 4, I,

ruid often 4 ~ P· = II, 3, IO, 3 =Br.II,7,7.5

I cf. A. II, 5. I r

3 \ =I, 89, 9 5a I ::: Kh1la 29. r

I cf. A. X, 4r 6 cf Khila 29, 3


kig.,.eda- Ath:i.n·n. ve1ia- Taittiriva Taittiriva :Mantrapa~ha • Rrihmana'. and Other Yedas S:imlnta Sarph1tl s h" -,_ ,1m 1ta Aran v·aka

II, •h 13 P· =Ill, 6.J, 10 = I, 5. 6, 4 5, I I = I, 2, 8, I

I 2-::?I cf. \'II, 66, 16 - :\. IV 4, • ( '~ \ I - .... , .. ,~ :i-J

6, 2 cf. XIX, 64. I-~

3-5 - =- I, 4, 45, 3 ; = Br. II, 6. 6, 4-5 cf. Maitr. S. I. 3, 39 t 1 I \ ' ' \, \

VI. 6, 31 5 6 d. l, 23, 23 j x, cf. I, 4, 45, 3; cf. Br. II, 6, 6, 5 ~- Mait:. S. I. 3, 39

9·9 +6, 2

... cf.I,23.24a I

8 cf. I, 23, 24 b I.

:'.1 cf. II. 13, ~

7' I i ...:. I, 94, I

'..I cf. V, 28, 7 cf. Vs. III, 62

3 = Vs. III. 63

13-15p. = x, 9, 1-3 =- IV, i, 51 I • ' = A. IV, 4 ~' 4 j

\'' 6, I l 4 j X, 11 II-12 I \'II, 4. I 9, 4

26 cf. Br.I, 2. 1,19-20

8, I cf. Khth 27, 1 cf. Vs. XX...XI\', 50 cf. Khih 27, 2

5 cf. Khih 27, 3

5 cf. Brb. Up. VI, 3, 3

8 cf. Khila. 27, 4

II cf. IV,9,9 cf. A. VI, ro, ::

9, 3 cf. v~ v, 33

~ cf. Vs. V, :i8

5 d. II, 6, 4, i ;

VII, I' I I l I ;

V, 7, 3, I

6 P· = x, 128, 5 - IV, 71 14, z

10, 3 =A. X, 32

4 =A. x, 35

7a c£ Br. II, 4, S, 7

11, 1-+ p. = JI!, 3, I I, 2-3

5-8 P· 5==.V,4 1 IO = I, 4, 46, 1-l

IO-II p. = II, 32, 4-5 = III, 31 11, 5

20 cf. I, II' 4 21-31 p. cf. X, 45 =IV, :i, 2

33 a B!h. Up. VI, 4,8 a;

26 b

I l 1 I cf. Brh. Up.VI, 4, 26

l cL Klula 29, 2

6-10 cf. II, io = Br. II. 5, 6, r-3


Rigveda· Atharvaveda Ta1tt1riya Taittirira

)fan:raoatha Brahmana and Other Vedas . . Samhita Samh1ta S:unh1ta Aranyaka

II. :4, 5-9 P = II 3, IO, 3 .. .., c•r "'l r· cf xvrn, 2. 19 =A. x, I, IO cf Vs XXXV, 2I, .s.~, ~ 1 J., ... , ""'


XX..X\·I, 13

+ cf III, 12, 7 • er: III, 12, 6 a I .. •' ::5 p =- IV, 2, 3 I '

=Br III,rr,+,r V.2.2,I

-s' c:£ VII • 4 I } = III, 4, IO, I

• I ' ' ~ '

r9f F I

j cf \"II. 54· 3 '

20 c£ VII. 54, 2

ZI 1

== rII, 55 , r I" ... p I = IY, 2, 8, 3 ci Y s XIII. 6-8

' J ::i-' ••

14-r9 p. c:: V, 5, ro, 1-3 20-25 p = V, 5, IO, 3-5

18, 6-7 ' = VII, I, 12

9 P· cf. V, 84, I = II, 2, 1 ', 2

IO cf I, 16, I a cf 11a1tr S II, 9, I

46 cf IV, 5. 3, I

47-48 p = I, I 14 2-3 191 7 cf. X, 15, 13

10: 27 cf III, Io, 2

zS cf Vs XX.XV, 20

30-32 p. = IY, 3, II, I '

34 I cf III, 10, 5

35 I c( III ro, 12 I

2r. r j p. I -I., .. , - .,,,, .. 20-30 =VII, I, 12

:n, 3a cf. VI .. p, 1 a

' cf. III, 15, 6 "r

7P cf X, 19, 8 = III, 3, lo, l

19 p. = X, 121, IO cf VII, j9, 4; == I, 8, 14, 2; =Br.II,8,r,2-3, cf Vs X, 20

80, 3 III, 2,5,6 III, 5, /, 1-2

14 cL x, 18, 4 cf. XII. 2, 23 =Br. III, 7, II, 3 cf Vs XXXV, 15 cf. A. YI, Io, 2


An asterisk indicates that t1e MSS. give only the Pratika of the Mantra.

1'ff ~II, 3, 9. 'f(f lf(f f~ ~ *11S1q~{R II, 15, r5.

*•11ii(<N 4dttt1'l1r, II, ~ ~ rrf 14, 3· 11S1fit" a rt" rr, 21, 10. ~ ... ... .

24 '4ff l~f 1'1tal'@ft4: I, 17, '41Rl<ltflt i\''1II,7, 19.

-mt if it IRtCfit..t I, 6. iflq iij tf\(Q 1l( II, 1S, 44. 17, I. ilafldt 441it II, 5, 20. i(t(Sii ten t11fijf ~fq;tU~

m q\CfJCf 1«'11~ II, 19, •fc1~@tfifi II, r7, [2. t II, I.

13; 2r, 9· m~ftl II, 21. 22. ,qa "1 ti'1ijt ~

mitf.tfct~ @i'i I, 4,3. (11fl('44if1·(lfito II, 2r, I, II, z.

m tqf II, 3, 13 5.) ~ ifw ~II, 17, 26.

~~II, 6, 9· 'illiJ~T IT, 3, 21. ~ tct1'4tft"f II, 14, 11-

~ ijfit\litl'iij Il, 6, 2. *~ 'ifl1' \'f II, 17, Lf.

m f@!M ,,a,Cl TI, 24. 'il(qftft~~ ~II, 7, 26.

18, 3r. *wN1«i) i11+11fij II, 17, ~ 1'iQt;q:q1f\~ II, 6, 6. Jlltlt) II, IO, 7· 18. iJRat4di ~I, 4, II.

*'IJl~d(l9tlff (1t1a -II, 14, 5· ~b0 rr,3,32• 11\ij(~ ~ 1fi\{! II, 7, 24.

~ 1"fit ~<1t1lifT I, ~~II, 211 ii<ij(li, lf'(it\lTII, 4, 6.

4, 1· rS. .., ~ II, 17, z. m '=Jim: 1t<1(i II, 4, 4· ~ t0~m0 II, 22, 9· ~T -W 'ft9f'ITI'

_,.,\I '"111191 ~~al Q@4~l I, S, 7· '41fii! ~II, 3, 3 (~ 'i! II, 22

' 9.) ~ <t'IQlqfilfl" I, "fr.t Jlfq~it ~ I, IO, 3· 't~'q qf('q I, 13, 5· 1, 3.

'iJl\4l\'q'9(4fit\i(f\tI,1,4. ·~~rl 'Qf~ I, r3, 6· iiiflct'I ~l,1uffl II, r5,

*~ ~ II, 21, 11~'1 (j "161C1'9ftl I, I, 2• 2r

r7. 1fttt4it~ m II, 3, 20. •tJdtf4\4tiltff~ II, IO, 4·

IJJlf li(f 1(ij ~ · · · ~ 'ldfff (0 II. 19, 6. ii~~ tli ff!tt3Jt'flf4i II, r5,

illdl I~ II. I I, 33· ~ tr~~~o n, 19, 4· r4.

06 .... l1VDEX OF JiAJllTRAS.


. ,

*(<g llti~ I, 7, 2.

(C(+:f~ ~ lC{fl.t I, I, 5 .

(1!1'141 ~II, 18, 24.

lttt¥11'C( ~ Il, 18, 16.


ilildiiEI ~II, 2, IO.

*:eurt"I Qitf 111~ II, 20, 32.

•11"'1 4.\411 q f\1 rr, 15, 5.

'8f'4att~: ff'fil:l II, r6, 14.


15. ~+ji4jij(i'I Il, IO, 12.

i\ q~((Ct f II, 3, 22

-ft•at '("fltlQ' II, 161 2 •

• \'8 '8 T 'II I l'f I *ii II, 20,


Cfiiif4iil I ~ li<ft I, 4, 4·

Cfi Q f'1 =ff R I $J1 I Q til+( I,


f7t fit CU ~ ~II, IS, 35

it tit IR t1 ltcllf q ·~ I. 3 re.

~ i:f ~f:n~ I, IO, 9·

*~iii(~ ff) 'd6fij I II, :!O, 3 I

~ fct2fi!~ II, 16, Ij.

~ i;'JJcil IT, 16, 15.

amfr ~ II, I6, I6.

al'i'(~ ('441fj· 0 II, 21, 5 ~flliflltl @f@f II, 18, 30.






J.VDE.Y nF JJ • ..J..VTI~A.S

OT tiiE(~T'll ~:I. 6, 12.

wl 9'_qf:>«?:C(fff:f I'( I, II, 6. ~ tff1Glii!i!f:41'1! II, II,

('ffijl ~ @1«!] 0 II, r4, 2c. 17.

frt@a ~~ Qftl(.9 II, II, 19. *R(q~f~ Jl\qtf II, II, 2r.

~ q~~~'\ I. 5, 3; 8; (f~ct tft(~it II, 2I, 4.)

I3. ~ ~ JfT ~II, 22, 13.

~~~II, 20, 23; *tmifr '(Ctil II, II, 31 . 25· ~ct\4i1 I ~ ~0 II, 18, 40.

""""g"'._.itl ....... -.:a ifctdl: II, 20, 22. ~ ~ ~: ~\idl ~

2 Qi 't! ;r C!1 if1: II, 20, 2 I. II, 3, 24.

m 'fiij (a:tl'1 ll'6~ II, 16,8. ~ lC11 ~~ ~Sfifl0 ~ .Sftl ~: II, 6, 5· II, 9, 5·

~ ~ {fctqf I, 8, 6. *~ itl~fli'iwtijl II, 14, 9·

J.:.vTDE~Y OF .ll.JA 1.VT RAS. 99

n ,, - -


~if 1! (({0 II, 5, r6.

II; 22, 2I.


*~({ti I 1((1 cilf'\OJ t II, ~01 IC( Q(ij fcl i1 I II, 1, 3; 7, ~ ~ II, 16, 5.

6; r4. 1 7· f"tiefiifl ~ II, 18, 37. I I, 5·

~f&t .. ~ ~ ~ II, 5, 22.

*~ ~ ~ II, II, G.

~ lt lltf~Cf I~ II, 6, 15.

;;;;'ifiit ~qqy I, I6, 4· 'i'lfliif W ~it II, 2r, 12.

~ tITT:-,: 1«1~ rI, 22,12. ~a ~ Ir, II, 22. ......

f;q fcl * f~ ~ ql.q \ti! i( I, G, 9· r:J f ;:r if II, 5, 5. * ........... ~:;;:.

lfT ileilifli1( II. 2. 5; 7. 29. 'ft'llt(1•1 I. 6, 3; II, 4, I. ~ '14t-( II, 6, 8.

~ iil@ldl II, 18, 41. 1:ft li~ ~flfii II, 6, 12· ct~l~l ~·f~ II, 9, 13. ~

*~ ~ ~o IJ, 17, /. *~ qfl:Jp.fffif II. 7, I4. 'fcilg~ ~ II, II, 26.

m ~1 m ~= I.7. 9. lft~(ct 'iiT (16fr Ir fet3&t ~ \'Sfi(f ~I, 5, 5;

fc *

' f:lT @f\tt+tN: II, 3· 3r }1, II, 12. Io; r5.

* VJ • (lqjftf\J' tltC41 II, II, IO . ~l'§iJ'(fEl .:fQ(l\St0 II, 9, 8 .

. ,





. )


. I5.


NIA!l<if f.i ~~Cltl I, r2, 1.

fcl «!f\ m... ~ I, r 2, 6 .

f1fr1iflzet1 !iif@\1_ I, II, II. Cf

' t.tlf\f II, 2I, 27.

Cit 4t'l lfttit lITTf W I, I 2, 8.

~'1ri!,(4j(i4"li=CIQ: I, I, 7

Sfri ~ if II, 5, 9·

\!'l~("l.iJN=cti( II, i3, 8 .

'l{(lfiti! ~: II, 4, 3-

lf lt ilN~i{ II, 12, 7.

lf fl fl (<@i l, I, IO.

1!1l cffii(ll( I, 8, I.

~ ~ II, 18, 23 .

1!~1tl ~Cll'4 II, 18, 15.

t{3Q('q f\31N'flif II, 22, 6.

~ fitctt'( II, 15, 22 .

fijqi{ (fff ~!Ell I, 2, 5·

~if lttlfE II, 7, 3· ftril 1f\i:I M8@ II, 7, 26 b .

~"lit{ fl(Cl!l*i II, 8, 3.

~ fm: ~ Ut II, 8, 9·

102 Jf\TDE .. Y OF }rfAf.l JR.AS.


~~e/i 11, r4, 1. "1i~Q{i41 JI, 19, 14-16.

'11filfl ;I, !I, 17; 18. ~'tlan1I,13,6.

~I, r3, 6. ~~itf II, 22, 9.

~N~l~~ J. ;r 2, 5· -~ !, IO, 7. ~ 1, 4, 7; JI; II. I 3, 3; 4· ~II, IS, 44.

\4ttll~ JI, 15, 3· ,,Q(T~o 1, TJ, 4·

~ 11, 2r, 6.

~JI, 5, 20.

~tl0U }JI IJ, IO.

"frlq\!f II, 17, II; 12.

"=;ft°1(f-~ II. 2I, I.

*il~tialftvl_II, 13, I.

~~!I,21,t· ~~ I:, 22, JO.

~NQfitl!~ II, 9, 9·

~fclf'tl~~'/1. I, 17, IO.

~~~\[~ :I, 26, 2.

"1itff (~ I «\ tt II, I 3, ! I .

°'QT~ II, 7. 26.


iiQ~ffljftl II, 2r, 1.

11J4&i(ff f I, 4, II.

~1' II, 6, I 2.

~II,/. 21.

~'l"'l'~&j TI "" 23 ~ ~~~~~' ~'2 '\ j_ , ·1, I

~~Q(q•i( II, 2, 7; 8.

~ II,8,8.

~II, 13, 5.

I 'ii.( (Q!l I, I I, 8.

~II, IO, 7. ~ I,9,7.

~if II, 16, 8.

~I, IO, 7.

11~ f ~ p. xx-viii: I, 1, 5.

11qf~icn II, 21, 32.

itfctf~t( II, 22, 6. ' '4fc.ft <:tft l, 8, 2.

~with ~ II, 18, 39.

ift{ 15\if I, I 3, 6.

il~~Q-1 I, 4, 8.

• I, 17, 8.

~~1lll I, 13, I.

iPEHif (°t II, 22, 2.

~to be: lfC: p. xix; I, 9,3;

~ p. xxvii; I, 13, 9.

~(\ II, Ij, 27. o::&'~ II, 221 2. ~to throw1 with~ I, 12, 8.

~Tl, 3, 32. ~ (~~~¢{\) p. xxvii; I, ll~ II, r7, 14.

~\ :. tJ, 7. 3, J4 f. ~II, 12, r. . ~~~?':II, r9, 1; 3; 5. W-Ff(J ~I, r51 14. ~II. 17, 11; 12.

~~G~rl f1. xvii : I, 8, 7. ~ p. x~r; II, r3, 7; 9.

WT~ p.xxriii; I, 5,18. ~(I, 5, r8 (bis). ~ I, Io, 9·

\St~ 11, IO, IO. '4""tf(~ P· xxvii; I. ~l 16; 5, ~o I, IO, 9·

'l~rfiq~ II, 21

11. 18 (tris). 'JAl31iiJ II, 3, r.

lO+ !1VDEX OF Jltf PORT~.JJ.VT iroRDS.

'l!irEi i ~ (ij~) II, 4, r 2; 9, 7. 'dQcfl~ II, 13, 9·

iufa(J II, 4! r5. ~ p. xxiii; II, 3, 2.

~I, IO, 9· -e(~fl II, Lf., I.

~I, IO, 9· ~II, 22, 6.

illiflf\~ p. xxiv; II, 17, 8 'didiillil II, 16, 2.

'9Jfftr II, 2, 8. 'd@l~ijf II, 13, 8 ; 9; r6, r 2. 0..

~II, 19,r; 3; 5. '!llftttf;f'l II, II, r8.

~II, 2, I.

'll 9°fltt(qr.ft I, 8, 3·

~II, r6. 2.

~1-W't II, 19, 2.

~II, 2, 8.

d I, IO, 8.

~I, 7, 8 (eifUfliifil(_).

~II, 4,4.

•ftc:t'l4 I, II, 2.

iCI qffi! II, 22, 7; 8. llCfi~ I (if II, I 6, 3; 6.

'!Ill{( with ~ P· :uv; II, (Cii!CI( II, 20, 33-35

r3, 7· ~II, 16, 1. 11~1;e"4_1 II, 9, 7-g.

111~ II, 2r, 33. ~ I 6 ""'\.., ' 3, .

(fq71 ffi it\ Rt) ... (((qft II, 17, 9; ro. t:: , iij p. ll. Vlll ;

II, 14, I; 22, 5. r.:r-(~) ifl"N p. niv; II, 7, 25. , .. ..._ ~q ... p.xxvii; II,17,13.

~I, IO, 8.


~Cf&I Il, 2I, I.

n with f1r r, 1, 7. .....

~Q41~4( II, 8, 2.

'd,334 iftti( II, 14, r. 'dC(\,f;li( II, r7, 4.

~ p. xxiv; II, II, 19.

~II, 13, 7· 'Sqq itf I, IO, 7.

fiff ~ II, 8, r. .. "411'flil II, 16, 2.

'ift\.~'M II, 20, 34-

4Wlt'I f I, 4, 4· CIQ(i@lq II, 14, l.

ilif II, 17, 3.

~ II, 13, 7. cet'if t~4flq II, 17, r9.

49q I, 2, 2.

Cfitl I, IO, 7·

Cliltt1' I, 13, 4 ..

41¥f lqTift P· xxiv; res, IO.

ilT1't. (with ~ ?) p. xxv ; II, 16, 2 ; 5.

~II, I6, 13.

!1l with 'tff( II, 22, 6.

~I, 5, 2.

!i• f II, 20, 28.

fC!i.(ift II, I 3, l 2.

~II, 16, I.

i!iC( p. :x.x1ii; II, 2, 3; 5.

e\Mi( I, 16, 4-

i!if"flCI( I, 91 7; JI, 2, 3.

tfiM II, 2, 7. ~t(UC:hlM•P· xxv; II, r4, 2.

~II, 2r, 7.

4~iiC( II1 r8, ro.

'Cfifi!wt1 II, 13, ro.

<il~ ~Cfl II, 13, II.

lfi~ I, IO, 9.

'!11:( with l1ft: II, 22, 9.

~I, r7, 9. ....

in&t-t II, 14, 2.

~ ... with ~ c~"-tttil?) p. xxii; II, 2, 3 .

~f::t'lt II, I2, IO.

~II, 12, 6.

(!1161 I q I II, 13, IO.


m with lt I, 3, 5 (li 111!11- -~fi1fc1§: I, 4, r-3.

;ITTr). ~II, 17, r.

1ftfQlf.I I, 4. 8. &la:f~fq II, 8, IO.

~ I, 5, 2 v. l. af C(itt II, 18, 13; 30.

!Jt with ~ II, 7, 12. 'bf (~fi! II, 4, 2.

~ II, 18, 33· "Sf((( II, 2, l (bis).

~ ('cvfi;r) I, 8, 4· 01(1! II, II, I6; 20.

~ II, 18, 34· &tf\tQj II, 21 II.

'qT II, 2, 3. ~ I, 7, I. m:{_ II, 8, 3 (it'Qifte'(). aofiiif~ II, I2, ro.

11'{ with fcr II1 16, 5. 611 \W\ I, lo, 3-6. ' q II, 7, 21.

~II, I2, IO.

tfl Ni( II, I8, 35·

~I, I,4.

~II, 7, 26.

ai\it I, 9, 4·

~II, 8, 1.

"q f\ilii( II, J6, 9· (fifCfi II, l /, 9; IO.

~ (ifJcc I ii((() p. xxi; I, 16,2. '"Cfiji(. II, I6, 9. .....

fil' with fcf II, 18, 37· 'iltPP· xix, xxviii; I,10.3-6

~I IO 9 11,2,· II,i.r,20,· 22,1. l""''ll ' ' • I

f-q f ii I, IO, 9·

~I, I71 I v.J.

~I, 17, l.

'iiQqlit II, 13, 8; 9·

flC( II, 16, 3 ; 6; 9-1 r.

iQ~ij'._ II. 21, i.

attt~ II, If. I.

Qt'§ibf I T, I7, 4· ... 61 iff II, 7, 22.

~; fctdlldl'"li II, r4, 2.

at.,t( II, 21. 5

'ff1l with -.n- I, 3, +· ffQ~ I, IO, 8.

flQ@ I, IO, 8.

it l~QI II, 15, 3·

fct(<i (lfoti( II, 17, 17.

·fct~. II, 8. 5. ... fit ijj < I II, I I' I 9

fitf~« II, 15, 3·

l1.'"' II, I6, 8.

~I, I, IO.

itCfi II, 16, 8.

i(N'l II, 17, 13. p

. I

~ 9'(1_ii II, 17, 1 ; 13.

~I, IO, 9·

~ t{li (@ II, II, 15.

~ " i{ql( I, 6, I2.

~· ... P· xx; I, II, II.

~ (~ 11\(1'-i) p. xxviii;

I. 4, 4·

~with f.t1:l:. I, I, 5·

~II, 17, 8.

~I, 4· 4·

§) \fti II, 2, 9.

i_IC(fc(fl I, 13, 5·

~II, i6. 8.

iJ@R I, I3, 5.

~qat I~ II, 21, 6; 7.

~Cfc:rct II, 22, IO.

~c«i"I I II, I 8, 40

~I, IO,"/

(((14 II, IS, 12.

(I (I <ft II, I 8, 4'.-l·

\liiij(t( II. 8, z. l. IO, 7. ~II, 3, 12.

~I, 9, 2 (~:); with

qqf\1(?) p. xxiii; II,2,8

\ff I, 4, IO (\lfliff'(). \ITC{with-.cfn.nv1; II.16,7 . ....

\:fl' II, 2, 3.

~H(i~(lq(f II, 17, 9; IO

~ I,13, 3-

~~CIU II, TO, 9·

[III. 8.J

,. IOO l.VDE.Y OF l.~!PORT.4.~VT IVORIJ_~).

~1,Q,6 ~ -

'It m•c:u f\:&( II, I 4, I.

~~I . .:o, S. ~.,.. ~c ;< v~'lrl ~ .L.~ .l. • L..

(' T

Zill(~~ 1.J., 2~. ;.

·'1 \~Cf.r<?. I, IO, 3-E.

it l&l'l I, IO, 9·

1i1 fe-r&~ II, 2 I' 32.

~ rr, r. s. ~ II,5. I.

fWi::iii }I, 22. I2.

~'frf II. 22, II.

"f't'!i~'" ':' 6 r 4 ... .. .. ~ ...LL' ' ..... '"T.

-;ii q J ~}. 22, 9. .;C: " ~ ;~Cf fM _._I, 22, 7; 8.

<:-.r .-s 1 :P T r3 '"' ~ ~-?'4.\C ..... , ..... >I•

~I, 4· 9·

firatl~i:tt~:;:I, 14, 2.

~°iief~·;r( II, r8, 45; 45.

fv, iifi ij I. 7' I. '-

; tITTftjffl p. xix; l, 10. 2 °tT~ n., p. xxI\'; IT, 9, 1 I I r;.. ' I ...

; -r.r.;r II, :: I ' 3 .) ; \\ it h ?.!Cf II' I "lJ'ml!fr"l"d'i'l'TI ... ~ I I I 0' 9. 1"'~ .a... l 19, I: 3; 5· · uQf .M@" II 18. ,2, ' l~ ... :_J·~ ' ,)

I ...

: tfW IT, 9, J:j. 11l_qtj~ T, .?• +· i1 ti\llf96l_ II. r8, r. l'Q'rtii!lf« II, 8, 2.

I c:. J 14:~ II. 2, ro. i ~~ II, r7, r5.

I~ :_r. 22' 5· i ~ II, II, 20.

I q n: ¢1ll 'ij I:!:, 22, 9· ! Q' (~) P· X\'i; I, l l 9· I qfZcl<lq f'· XTI; I, lJ, 5. ' ~t:l I ~... Q ~ I. 4, 7; 8 ; II, I3, 3; 4-· t11\~~ II, 2, 4: 17. 3; 22,2+ .. ?i ~

I " I ~ iJJfq 1, 4, II. I q-f(Cf(B <JQ I!, zo, .34· \ w:r~ I ,,.

I ~ I "I!"'' I~ I , IO, 3-0. ef\ ~ 11:1 p. xx vii; II, 22, 5; 6.

I Fi J:l'tii "*I' I. r 7. 9·

q;.z~({ It T 5, +· -.::ii. ~ ,., lla:i 1\1 II, r6, r4.

! 4(\~?f I, r3, 6. _..~ ..;::. Jot., ~ I p. xix ; I, Io, r.

G<l q ii; T, r3, 5· .... ~ llff Cf I, IO, 7; II, 3. 24.

q 1J 31Cll iri II, T 7. I 3· ,...,..,;;+ ... c-. ; li~1l:.l¥"J1 II, S, i.

1 ~<lff[i(tf p. xxiv; 11, 9, r. ' : 'ITTi p. xviii seq.; I, 9. 3. qq C1fr~~ II, 9, I. " (' ilJl'51tq(i( I, 13, r.

Qtj ftq'tj~ lI, 9. r. i fi ~ r- : ~1~ i?J i Tl I, IO, 3-6.

Qqri!~'S, II. 9, !. I

- i

I~ I, IO, 3-6. j t§f~ II' 22, 3-

'G lf4: ! ~bi cfr II, 9. Io. "

! ~, "th n TI o g l 9~ with \3t1 I. II, 7 I"'!~.._ 1\! ~ l. , I0. J \'. . '

1 .,,~ ,: 1, ...,. 1 . rI 1

1 err~ ,, tth 'llft: 11, 2, 9. l '11 ,, .t ... J:1 ' I 4, 7 ' I 20, . I 3"' ! ~ p. XlV; II, 16, !4-1 :i · I

~Cl i'! JI. I I ' I 4 I ..,..~ @.,,.....,"ff~tfi~'(-.,._ 11, 1.Z, I.

"n~~~1ilri P· xlii; I 6, 8. I~ 11 II, s.

i tJ(\q~ I, 7, z.

§.;~"t p. xx.iv; JI, I, 3: 8, 4.

~n&:lJJ rr, re, 7; 11. 13. I l.J >.J.

W., \vtth 11 p. :xxi; II, 22, 4. ~ ~ I, 8, 4·

~ntw I, r. 5; IO, 3-6. i with !i II, r8, JS.

qfi1i!f1~ I, 4, 4; 9· I i't II, 8, 3·

~ I, IO, 7. t'

I~ II, 2, IO.

I~ II, 18, 5·

I NDE .. f. OF !Jf PORT.4~VT lVORDS 107

~f'I'( II, 6, I2.

~ (~) p. xvii; I, 3, i+. ~ II, 22, 7.

ii\l'CQ II, IO, 5·

~ l. IO, 8.

Jlif~ II, 2r. 33·

i1~ l'Cli~ II, r6. 8.

¥1'14i1l=( 1, 3. 6.

ri 11. 13. 9·

if'l!~ II. 16, r5-r7

l{il' I, 6. r3.

;IT'ijfqtq~ II, 2I, r.

1'~ I, IO. 8.

~I, 3, IO.

fif with lf I, P, 5.

fif:!Jp:f tijE( II, r3, II.

~IT, 22, 5. .....

~l&:tft II, r8, I2.

"' lfti~ Il, r8, t L

°' ~~I, 9, 7·

" \1q;:q(\ l, .~. 4·

fjtyql1l{ I. 4, 7 ·

~ II, 2::!, I.

¢15', 'Q: for q:, p. :X'ti seq.; J litrtlfSf\ II, 18. ro.

II, 22, 9. j ~II, 16, r.


... ~ p. x.lYt; II. II, 12. \ ~(ft(Cf II, Ij, 7·

.... I~ I, ·h 9; II. I 3. I.L

i(P( I'd'{ II, 13, I I. l fct "Sl I i'f I, IO, 9·

+:ffd Il, r8, 7· \ f°qi)li( I, IO, 9.







(TZ II, ~2, 2. ~ II, 16, 8.

'(lal II, 22, I: i• II, i6, 15-rj.

i~~~ p x:nv; II. 17.26. 1 fqi'U p. :tlI; I, IO,:.

l~@q- I. 9, I. f~ r, 3 , 14 r(-.:+t~); J!.xxiv; ' ~II. 4, 12; 9, 7-9. · II. 6, g (~).

~ I, 4. 7; 9 (~((ij:); II, I fer~ ~1th~ L 16. 5 I " 1

3· 3-.:J. ~ II, 8, 5. ~ with J:f~q IL 18, 2. .... ... ~Cf:_ I, 3, 14 f.

~cffl\' II, 2, 3.

°(t~if II, 21, 6.

\TN«!f 1, 3, 14 c. "'

~II, i4, r.

~II, 18, 6.

, ~~ .... I, 6, 5 ; 7 ; II, 8, 8. I

fq~=ffifS\fi II, II, I2; 13.

~~ II, 8, 4· D~?t p. xxiv; IT, 16, 7. fct"Qetii II, 9, 4.



fcPflc:f.l'Et6' I, 10. i. "f-tRtfl P· X.."\.Vlll; l, JO. 3-6. fu

~ Mtt&t 1"1 II, 17, 4· ~~I I. I, 3· .... ~~

I i'4t{t"t I, 7. I.

~~~44:r..if:n4il~il II J 13' I 2. • -

~II, r9. I ; 3, ti· iWT~ "'ith l{ II, r9, I: 3~ 5· 4W II \J ..... . ~with I "'I , 22, 9·

~lt{_ with 'R' II, 13, I2

itm ( \', l. 1l°\fi) I,

9. 6.

~~et p. xx1v; II, 16, 8. ~-with~ II, I~, 7.

-.. ~II, 14, 3·

. l, IO.I 'h";l!TI Cf':t .... wit ?I' , 4, 9·

a:. irsf],j,10

~ with '=Vq 11, 21, 32. '

~ J, 3, Lf b; with l( 11, i· r;

with f-q I, 8. 8.

Cfif_ with lf II, 22, 4 v.l.

'qt{_ to :;,hear, II, l, I ; ~-8

Cf'H II. I' 7. c:

q~Cfi\l!f I, 17, 5·

tf I fatiftctrr_ I, 3, 5· c::i1ctqffl1 rr. rz, s.

p 2

~II. 17, z7.

~~ II, 17, 9 j IO.

~II, 16, 15-17.

~ with "dG\I'( II, 2, 7·


1fW II, 16, r3.

1Pf\~ I, I, 9·

l!lfS II, 13, 9

1{f'l6'Cfi~ II, 13, 8.

'lllJ(" II, 13, 8.

i!H$11\<: II, 7, 26.

'i(H(l~ I I, 8, 3.

~H l'g(( II, 2, 6.

!!ftiii'( II, 17, 13.

1{i:f~ II, 16, 2.

1{i\pp.xv1,n; I,r,ro; II,Ir.

1l(TCfi II, 71 22.

11: I Gt ii!d ( v.1. 11 I ~pe) I, I 7, 7. , !, IO, 8.

~ (ti'lif!) p. xix; I, 9, 3.

~I, IO, 8.

"jifca II, 16, 3; 6.

~II, I, 7.

~II, 8, 9.

':J:i!f t{ii II, 14, I.

llJ with li II, 7, 26.

~II, II, 20

Sil tif II, 16, 2.

ft:r, see f ; . "" ...... 3511ttr r I, 17, 4.

~~lftifi1 II, 13, IO.

~ I, I' 8 ; 6, 6. °" ~I f\ii1(_ II, i8, 36.

~II, 17, r8.

mt II, 17, 26; 27.

• \Oft ta:f II, 22, 6.

ijO\ td I, 6, 7·

\lat rf.1 n, 13, rr.

ij441ijt" II, 8, 2.

~ 11; 14, 2; 19, 6.

QQf'fi4t.l I, 16, 5 ijf4c.q II, 3, z.

'ti ft q~ p. :xvii; I, 3, 14 a.

~I, 9, 7· 4131\4(\ p. xlil; II, 15, 2.

~for 1(1{_ p. xvi; I, I, 10.

4tf i&I ((ef II, 5, IO.

4141tif~~ II. 18, 31.

'Eltllitqijif II. 16, 12.

'QM'i p. n.ili; II, 2, II.

4Jlj ( I, IO, 7· qft{ II, 8, 2. , ,fA~ I, 3, 14 c.

j 41il 151, II, 8, 8.

4JQ l'S14~i II, 9, 8

ij""fif I, II, 7; 8.

41(~4 II, 16, 7.

43 (@((I, IO, 7.

~ (14q II, 17, r. ...... ~\<14{ I, I I, 7. "\i,1l II, 17, 2.

:S~Sfd II, 5, IO; 6, 13.

I ~~"!llfl\ II, 3, 23.

ijij(+fff@ YJ, r6, 8.

'ij~4'f lif Ii 15, 2.

~~~I, ro, 8.

ijt1•:u11 (~) p. xx; I, r1,4.

\f i((if.I !, IO, 8.

4:1 t~ \t I ( II, 20, 35· llT (f~), RtMI for ftttctt

II, 22, 10; q f\ilft?f II, 22,

5 ; 6 ; p. xx.vii.

\I l'G(tll II, 21, r.

' ' (it'Q II, 16, 2; 9 i IO

'El I (+.i II, r6, 12.

~l~ p. xlvi; II, II, 12.

M, see~. flcff:t I, IO, 7.

" ~I, 6, 13.

.ne(p.xxvi; II,16,9; 10.

.rle<:it 1r, i6, 9; 10.

(fl,(h(a(?) p. uvi; II, 16

9; ro.

~ 1, 5, 16. -'qi((( II, I, 7. ,116' l(lq I, 3, 3·

4ja0 \ill ( v. L tjafl f~tll) p. :nvi; II, r6, 3; 6.

'1ff i1•if 1'1 I, 3, 14 c; 4, 9·

~=~ I, 10, 12; II, I,

8; lI, 9; 12, IJ; 14, IJ;

r4; 22, 23.

~I, 5, 17. ·~

~ij! I, 8, 4. ,.. ~II, 13, 4.

~OJ ft$ i'( II, 18, 31.

~I, 3, 14f.

~~q'fle: 1, I, 9·

~1l I, 13, 6.

~I, 3,4.


~I, I, 1; II, 4, 14.

~II, I, 4i 5·

Tf II, r5, II. , !,8, I(~). ~II, i6, 13.

~II, II, 19.

m rr, 2, II.

~ II,15, IO.



~cans. II, 16, 4.

~II, 20, 33.

,~ll~~ II, 21 I 31.

~~~~tt_ II, 2r, 31.

~Ii 4, II. ~ II, r7, 2.

1' (~)p. xvi; I, II, 6. me_ p. xxvii; I, po; 11,

~ II, 17, 16. r7, 13.

@I I, 5, 12. ffcm; II, 12, I.

f~~t@q~~ II, 7, 25.

~with~ II, 21, 19; ~ f~(l!!l('i I, 3, 6. !!{: p. IX; I, II. II. ~ I, 3, 13.


" ...... ~·:-:r-·- -

1,r' / , ., ...... ... ,11 ~, ...: ... II,.. I ...... ~ .. ' • • ... ,.. ' ... ~' :..i. ~

.:,. / • 1 ~ , ~ •• , -· .. \ ... 4 , : ,· 1i ";•,. '

: .· ~'" . . ' . ... - .... ' ' '"' \\ ... ,·- ' ''\ '<-''\')

·' T '""' ·, \ ' "1 \ , \ ' I > -<I I

.. • I w.,.., ,I . ' " \ • • .._ 1 \ i"J' '1 , I ,. ' J , ·' .... , I . .·11, :

~ .... t.. J ,,

\ • ' .. • r '

,J '\\ :i ...... 1 ' .' : i ~ •' I \

. ,. I I . . ' .. . .... I

,'!> •' f I ~L • I."

, .. • I

I /: ' ' I \

I IT l

I ' ' I I ,

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