Download - MANOORA PRIMARY SCHOOL - 9 2016.pdf · KFC 3.15 – 4.30 21st June – Port Power at Manoora Oval 1.45 – 3.15 23RD June – School Photographs 28th organisation.June



Principal: Liam Whitwell Ph. (08) 88484304

[email protected]

Dates to Remember 9th June – State Cross Country 13th June – Queen’s Birthday Holiday 16th June – Parents’ Club 9 am 20th June – KFC 3.15 – 4.30 21st June – Port Power at Manoora Oval 1.45 – 3.15 23RD June – School Photographs 28th June – Governing Council 7 pm 6th July – Report Go Home 7th July – Assembly 2.45 8th July – Last Day Term 2 2.15 dismissal

Newsletter 9 - 8 June 2016

Dear Parents and Care givers,

Over the past few weeks a lot has been happening at Manoora Primary School. It

has been great to see fantastic individual results at school, as well as continue to

see the students being supported 100% from the wider school community.

Pink Day- On Friday 3rd June the SRC organised a ‘Pink Day’ to fundraise for the

McGrath Foundation. The day was an absolute success, from all students dressing

in pink or red, the selling of raffle tickets and the very delicious morning tea. In

total the SRC raised just under 700 dollars for the McGrath foundation which was a

fantastic effort. I would really like to thank the SRC and all staff members,

especially Mrs Merritt, for their hard work. I would also like to thank all the

parents/community members that cooked some morning tea, donated prizes

and/or their time to assist with the running of the day. The kids learnt many skills in

the build-up to the day such as cake decorating, public speaking and organisation.

Thanks again to everyone that helped. It was a fantastic day and it really did show

the community spirit, which is very much alive and well at Manoora Primary school,

so thanks again.

Assembly Awards- Congratulations to the following students that received awards

at last week’s assembly. Also congratulations to all students who participated in the

Assembly and showed off their hard work from over the past 5 weeks- Well done

Banksia Class-

Isaac Williams- Great reading effort, working hard in writing and excellent


Zoe Schwartz- Excellent persistence and confidence in learning ‘Time’ in Maths.

Boston Schwartz- Great resilience and persistence with learning ‘Time’ in Maths

Waratah class-

Sasha Willmott- outstanding leadership skills especially when organising the ‘Pink

Day’ in support of the McGrath foundation.

Heidi Kruse- Positive attitude in all curriculum areas and excellent focus in Maths

Alister Behn- Excellent effort in Literacy and improved confidence.

SAPSASA- Good luck to all students participating over the next couple weeks in

either trials for football and netball or in the State Cross Country finals on Thursday

the 9thof June. I am sure you will do a great job and represent MPS in a positive

manner. Good Luck.

Choir- students travelled to Saddleworth for their assessment on the 31st of May

Choir- students travelled to Saddleworth for their Assessment on the 31st of May and did a great job. Later in Term 3

nine students will be able to represent MPS in Adelaide as part of a larger production. I will be asking students to

nominate for these positions in the coming weeks.

QuickSmart- has started this week and we are going to continue with this program for the rest of 2016 and into


SANFL – On the 2nd of June, Todd Thorne from the SANFL visited and ran a clinic for both classes. He took the

students through the basic skills of football but also highlighted the importance of playing any sport. All students

participated enthusiastically and enjoyed the sessions.

Sally McArdle- Sally has been with us as a student teacher, for the past 4 weeks in Waratahs class, under the

guidance of Heather Merritt. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sally for all of her hard work and I know

the students enjoyed the learning experiences she created for them. I wish you all the best with the rest of your

studies. Well done and good luck.

Attendance- As stated in the last newsletter a recommendation from the Partnership Review is to continue to aim

for the DECD target of 95% attendance rate. A real positive is to see that in Term 1 our attendance rate was above

this target, finishing at 96% and Term 2 is currently just above this at 96.2%. This is great to see and as a school we

would like to see this continue for the rest of the year. The reasons why DECD as a whole are so concerned about

attendance data is highlighted below, and a more detailed summary of this information can be found on the DECD

website. This is not being put in here to scare people, but just to highlight why attendance data is so important.

Also it highlights why I am so impressed by our data as an individual site so far this year.

- There is a direct correlation between attendance and achievement.

- Missing one day a week from Reception to Year 10 means you are missing two years and one term of


- Being absent 5-10 (attendance rate of 80-90%) days a term from R-10 ads up to missing more than two years

of school.

- Having an individual attendance rate of below 80% (10+) days makes it really hard to keep up with work and

keep in touch with friends. If this is done between Reception to Year 10 it means the student misses up to,

and possibly over 3 years of schooling.

As a school our attendance data is tracking very well and our students’ achievement over the past 6 weeks has also

been very positive. I really look forward to seeing what we can achieve as a whole school community in the

remaining weeks of Term 2 and the remaining months of 2016.



Vanessa Size Photo Day Order Envelopes are attached today.

There are several options in payment for photographs of your

child/children. If you enclose cash or cheque, please make sure

envelopes are returned to the Front Office by Thursday,

16th June.

Banksia Autumn Haikus

Red, yellow, orange, Leaves are falling down from

trees, Falling to the ground.

By Noah

Snap! Cold, windy day! Leaves falling, orange,

yellow, Crackle, crackle, crack!

By Nathan

Bees and butterflies, Butterflies fly in Autumn,

Autumn places cool. By Boston

Red leaves falling down, Autumn colour is great!

Autumn leaves fall down. By Isaac The leaves are falling,

Leaves are falling off the trees,

Autumn is very good. By Megan


The S.R.C was amazed with the grand total of

$692.50 which was raised by the Pink Day

held on Friday the 3rd of

June. This would not have

been possible without

the generous donations

of cakes, slices, coffee

and raffle prizes.

Special thankyous to

Abbey Walker-

Schwartz for

involving the wind

farm in our

fundraiser, Chris Palmer for helping to set up

in the morning and delivering the plates of

sweets to Manoora Seeds, and to Rachael

Willmott for organising the cappuccinos.

Footy Clinic – SANFL

All students participated in an SANFL Football

Clinic on Thursday the 2nd of June. This session

focused on developing the student’s

handballing and kicking skills.

English – Narrative Writing

Students are well into creating their own

polished piece of narrative writing based on

‘The Key’. Using what they have learnt about

sizzling starts, character development, setting

the scene and developing exciting endings

students were asked to create an engaging

piece of writing that details how a key unlocks

a different world in which they become stuck

in and they need to find their way back home.

With such talented writers in our midst we

have read some amazing drafts and are

looking forward to seeing the final product.


We have continued our focus on fractions but have incorporated decimals into the unit for the past two weeks. Students now know how to find fractions of an amount, add and subtract decimals, round decimals and simplify fractions. These skills were targeted in an assessment task using M&M’s where students were asked to solve various problems in regards to the buying of M&M’s, the fraction of different colours they had in their packets and how they could be shared

amongst friends.

Students went quite well overall with this

assessment and it was good to see them apply

their mathematical knowledge to worded



All students are very busy creating dioramas

that showcase their knowledge of the history

topics we have been investigating. The year

4/5’s topic has been learning about

Antarctica, in particular the exploration of Sir

Douglas Mawson and the year 6/7’s have

been learning about all about Ancient Egypt.

We have been able to use the information we

gathered from out visit to the SA Museum on

camp to help us with our research as well as

using books and the internet. Students will be

presenting their work to the class and we will

be completing peer group assessments of

these diorama presentations.


Thank you to those who have completed the

catchment area surveys. The information you

have provided is helping us compile our photo

story about the River Light.

Pink Day Morning Tea

June, 2016 From: Jenny Hanson State Manager Southern Cross Cultural Exchange Dear School, Southern Cross Cultural Exchange are still URGENTLY trying find families for the last 7 French students and 1 Italian student arriving on the 6th July. Can you please help? Host families do not need to have a child the same age to have a student, what we require is people with a kind heart and a willingness to help bring different cultures closer together. Anyone interested to know more could contact me on (08)83230973 email me [email protected]

Kind Regards, Jenny Hanson

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