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Page 1: Managing your Franchise Social Media


Page 2: Managing your Franchise Social Media

BRAND VS. LOCALDetermine whether you want to represent use your franchise social media to represent one brand or multiple local identities. This will determine how many social media pages you’ll need to create over time.

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MANAGEMENT CONTROLIt is absolutely essential to define who will be responsible for managing social media communication and provide customer service: corporate, franchisees, or a combination of both. Make sure you define this in writing so responsibilities are very clear.

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POLICIES AND PROCEDURESMake sure your franchise social media strategy includes these foundational pieces: social media usage policy and social care policy for customer service.

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CREATE A STRATEGYTo do your franchise social media well, you can’t just “wing it.” You need to create a strategy so that you can implement it effectively either from head office or from each local franchise. Your strategy should include:

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CONTENTDefine what types of content (offers, blogs, emails, posts, infographics, videos, images, etc.) you will be creating and how you will share them.

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ENGAGEMENTPlan in advance how you will proactively engage with your audience. Engagement is the difference between a franchise social media campaign that lectures and one that truly transforms the audience into advocates.

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SOCIAL CAREMore and more consumers are turning to social media to resolve their customer service needs. You need a plan for how to handle these concerns when they arise online.

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MEASUREMENTIf you don’t measure the results, it’s all for nothing. Track your engagement, your traffic, your leads, your conversions, and every step along the way to using social media to grow your customer base and your business.

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