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Florence Angelica C. Adviento

AB Management Economics

Florence or Flo is very dependable. She’s always ready to lend a hand despite her hectic schedule. A bonafide confidante and a good listener, she never runs out of exciting stories to share. This girl knows how to paint a smile in a long face. A very loyal and sensitive friend, she has proven to a lot that a seemingly quiet person can have a funny, boisterous, and infectious laugh. She is a warm-hearted and thoughtful person who never forgets the birthdays of her friends. She may be quiet and may look harmless in class but, lo and behold, she gets the highest of grades. A certified tough woman—that’s Florence!


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Clarisse Mabel C. Africa

AB Management Economics

Contrary to her last name, Clars doesn’t look wild at all even though she has the biggest eyes that blink 5 times per second. She’s pretty reserved and seems quiet most of the time—always patient, always careful with her words and actions, as if she’s crossing a minefield. When you get to know her, you’ll see her crazy side. Pick a joke—any joke—and you can be sure she’ll crack up. It’s endearing how Clars fills the room with her laughter. She could strike up a spontaneous, loud, and endless conversation with anyone. Clars is a small girl with a big forehe...heart. She is loved by every soul she touches. With her, the world suddenly feels safer and filled with so much love. It’s a wonder how a small and quiet little girl like Clars can do all this—to fill hearts with the courage to battle the monsters in our heads. She makes us believe we can do anything.


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Jan Paolo A. Alarilla

AB Management Economics

College has made many of us experience the many characteristics and personalities that wonderfully make Pao who he is. Pao is a beach bum, an old man, a philosopher, a British accent, a young boy, a collection of guffaw-inducing stories, a formally-delivered oral presentation, a bright Sunday morning, a reggae song, a gym instructor, a saxophone, a sentimental man, a loving and devoted brother, an obedient son, and an aficionado of all things beautiful. Yes, having Pao around has made college quite an interesting ride for those who’ve come to know him. We’ve all seen him grow and we’ve all grown because of him. Sometimes, wonderful people come into our lives, and we remain changed forever. Very rarely do we find people whom we feel comfortable with from the moment we meet them. Very rarely do we find people who can make us laugh till we cry. Very rarely do we find friends we know we will keep forever. Here’s to you Pao!


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Dio Angelo C. Alojado

AB Management Economics

I never thought I’d be lucky enough to experience that elusive thing called friendship. With this unique and gifted person who shares a passion for life, his friendship touched my life so much that I am never the same person. A very well-rounded person, he is able to balance his priorities. Being a student, the youth head of a parish, an active org member, a businessman, a loving boyfriend, and a good friend all at the same time, he knows when to have fun and when to work on his responsibilities. With his deep-seated sense of adventure, he loves challenges and thrives with competition. A talented cook, he experiments with food that always turn out good! A gifted follower and an experienced leader, he can easily be the next president. A gentleman to the core, he is both gallant and generous. He is a true and honest friend who listens and comforts. Whatever people say about him, Dio is a true person who knows what he wants and how to get it.


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Leo Angelo Miguel R. Añonuevo

AB Management Economics

A notice to the public:I, Leo Añonuevo, intend to be great. But before I can succeed, I must first taste defeat. But before I fail, I know I would have done my best. But beyond expending all my efforts, I’d know I never gave up.

I am a graduate of the Ateneo de Manila University. But before I became an alumnus, I labored as a student. Before I became a student, I was a respectful classmate. Before being a classmate I was a loyal friend. Before a friend, I was an [o]boy. But beyond the far reaches of being a mere “[o]boy,” I became their brother.

I am free and have the choice to do whatever I want. But before I can live my own desires, I was first a kuya. Before I became a kuya, I was a son. Before I became their child, I was a burden. But beyond the bounds of loins and blood and of sweat and tears I was first, loved.

I am who I am right now not because of this future but because of my past. Have me read this in the event that I lose my way.


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Katherine Angela P. Apostol

AB Management Economics

Kay. A word that evokes a myriad of meanings. Some people might say that Kay is a bright and upbeat girl who always has some new chika. Some may say that she’s the girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. Some might know her as jologs. But she is all that and then some! She has few but very close friends whom she holds dear. This is because it matters more to her to have lifelong friendships. She is also very determined especially when inspired! A professional and efficient worker (no social loafers please!), she wastes no time in getting the job done. Gifted with talents such as singing in the shower and air-guitar dancing, she is practically made for showbiz! Seriously though, Kay is a natural-born writer (just go to her blog!). She is able to articulate herself well whether in class or even in an ordinary conversation. An eloquent speaker indeed! But what is most striking about her is that she is a person of substance. She has a kind soul coupled with beauty and brains to boot. Right, Lindsay?


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Maria Theresa Belinda G. Aquino

AB Management Economics

Therinne. A unique name, for a unique person. This girl has it all—beauty, brains, body, and personality. It’s no wonder why everyone wants to know her and be with her. Despite all these, she remains to be the epitome of humility and simplicity. With her better-than-average grades and never-ending activities, it’s amazing how she still manages to go out every weekend without fail. Don’t be deceived by her mataray look. She’s very approachable and you can really be yourself when you’re with her. She has this distinct and contagious laugh that could be heard a mile away. Her sudden spells of hyperactivity will leave you breathless. She immediately captivates you with her silly antics, as well as her deep insights on life. Everyone loves to tease her, but that’s just because everyone loves her and she is never pikon. There are just some things you never forget. Therinne is one of them.


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Juan Antonio E. Arcilla

AB Management Economics

Save yourself the embarrassment of answering this guy’s questions because there is a great chance he’s just talking to himself. Anton must be contradiction incarnate. To give you an idea: he’s an introvert who cannot resist being hostile. His samurai-japanese features along with his colorfully blinding tees make him all the more an oddity. He complains a lot, yes, but ends up doing the things he complains about anyway. Flattery aside, there’s more wit and sensitivity to him than meets the eye. A very driven individual, but finds himself lost sometimes. He loves spending time with his family. As a friend, he’s your wake-up call but also the comforting “good night”. A strong believer in the bicycle. A good listener. A deep and passionate person. A source of a much-needed laughing spree. In between, he is the seemingly obnoxious guy waiting for that opportunity to show he cares. Oh, and when you meet him, say “hello!” twice for Anton 1 and Anton 2. There are two of him you see. Not crazy, just eccentric.


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Ma. Criselda Johanna L. Bagtas

AB Management Economics

Did you know that:1. Beneath the aloof and “ice maiden” exterior, Crissa is as humorous and as deadpan as Woody Allen?2. She turned semi-vegetarian after the loss of her beloved pet chicken, Kokak?3. She grew up listening to Pat Metheny, Jaco Pastorius, Charlie Parker, Stan Getz, Bill Evans, and all the jazz greats?4. She holds counseling and values formation seminars to her dachshunds namely: Latrell, Latifa, Kimi, and Jamal?5. Half of her brain functions during the day but all the literary juices flow freely at night?6. Ninoy Aquino gets demonetized first before it comes out of her wallet?7. Beneath the model-like, lithe, and leggy structure, there lies a voracious eater?


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Jennah Wendell E. Bautista

AB Management Economics

While every other kid was playing with their GI Joes or Barbie dolls, Jennah was outside sitting on the curb, contemplating what she’ll be twenty or thirty years into the future. She was just that kind of girl, ever so dreamy, a characteristic she has never lost through the years. She has plans of continuing her studies abroad and working in the corporate world—all plans that I am one hundred percent sure will push through. She’s never the type to not follow through with anything she says.

Jennah seems to be the only exception to the “no pets, no affection” rule. Although she absolutely despises cats and dogs and the only real pet she ever considered having is an ugly duckling that eventually grew up to be a less ugly duck. Insensitive is an adjective that she will never personify. She’s very loving and will absolutely worry about you and check up on you every hour just to see that you’re safe. And yes, that’s definitely a good thing.


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Mendel Graham A. Bernardino

AB Management Economics

Mendel is endowed with a selflessness that truly befits the moniker of being a man for others. Coming from a rival school, it is a lesson to us other Ateneans that Mendel has earned our school’s motto down to its bare essentials. He will go out of his way for those he cares about as long as it is humanly possible. It can actually bring a tear to a red blooded male’s eyes: the way he can reach out to touch your life just by being there; just by being himself; just by opening his heart to you. That’s Mendel for you, a man who won’t openly tell you (maybe not in English though); but he really does love you for being his friend and will repay you just for that by also being the best person he can be for you. Add into the mix, a humor befit of Jimmy Santos, looks of Tom Welling and a body of Brad Pitt and you got the quintessential, responsible, fun-loving male icon. He incorporates the values typical of an ideal Atenean.


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Maria Paula O. Braganza

AB Management Economics

Ia is a bear. Sure, she may look cute and cuddly but she is ferocious! She will deceive you by posing in a very endearing manner but once you get close to her, out comes her sharp claws and teeth! As a bear, she is also very sweet and generous. Her pointed teeth transform into a fascinating smile that makes her win lots of friends. Her laugh and growl, however, is hard to distinguish. After all, what can you expect from a bear?

As you can see, this kind of bear is very rare. She is both a lover and a fighter. She has lots of friends who go with her through thick and thin and a family that supports her through everything. This bear is also short-tempered. Try not to get her angry with you or she’ll rip you in pieces.

Ia is a wonderful, well-rounded bear. She is the best bear there is because she knows where to get the best honey among millions and millions of hives.


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Jethro E. Bugayon

AB Management Economics

I always strive to do my best if not to be the best. Indeed, the academe taught me about marketing, statistics, how to manage a business, how the economy goes and a whole lot more but if there’s one most imperative thing I picked up along the way in the last four years, it would be holistic maturity. I learned to listen and understand, to see and look beyond, to feel and reach out. I got to ponder on the difference between being human and being humane. It was all about comprehension and reaction. I realized that those I deemed indispensable were actually superficial and vice versa. I believe there’s a time and place for everything. Mine is here and now. It’s all about balance now. I know my dreams. I have set my goals. With my aspirations backed up with the proper inspirations and relationships, I am more than geared up to take on the bigger life. As the cliché goes, live life to the fullest, but to me, that’s tantamount to living for Christ. He’s my source of everything. Because of Him, I am who I am.


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Eunice Joy S. Bustos

AB Management Economics

You can call Eunice an all-around chick who has everything—great personality, good friends, loving family, and the list goes on. I bet she knows this but what’s good about her is that she never lets these superficialities get into her head.

If there’s a jack of all trades, then she could be the jill!! Ask her something and surely she has a ready answer. This one’s a tough troubleshooter, she has ready solutions for whatever problems.

She is a friend you can count on at all times. It may sound cliché, but that’s just how it is. You can go on with your ranting and expect that she’s listening without biases. She is a giver who doesn’t expect anything in return. That’s what she is to her acquaintances, friends and most of all, family. She is one person who is too good and too nice. She rarely, rarely gets mad. Eunice is just the sweetest, funniest, and best buddy you could ever have!


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Lisette Sophia V. Castillo

AB Management Economics

Pitet has prudently embraced the tenacity of college life. Thanks to the university’s fresh influences, her formerly well-structured and impervious contingencies to life are now painted with delicate hues of nonchalance and spirit. For this reason, she has learned to take pleasure in “matters-of-not-much-consequence”: from munching Sugarhouse’s chocolate truffles, to delusions on being a goddess, to fantasies of Jerry Yan, to lazily drooling over her beloved Korean and Chinese telenovelas. These idiosyncrasies aside, her greatest triumph so far cannot be measured by the numerous recognitions she has won, but on what she intrinsically possesses—the patience of The Alchemist’s desert woman, Fatima; the impossible curiosity and charm of Curious George; the adorable tacit manners of Pooh; and perhaps most remarkable is that when she finds something or someone worth cherishing, her care for it will be as perennial as the sun, as enchanting as the moon, as boundless as the sky.


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Crizelle L. Chan

AB Management Economic

Accomplished. Acrimonious. Amazing. Bespectacled. Blessed. Blogger. Bratty. Combative. Content. Crammer. CSI obsessed. Daring. Deft. Detail-oriented. Disorganized. Efficient. Effortlessly unique. Engaging. Enigma. Fallible. Fiery. Filipino-Chinese. Finicky. Generous. Gifted. Grumbler. Harry Potter fan. Homebody. Impertinent. Impish. Incurable romantic. Intricate. Jaundiced. Judgemental. Keen. Kindhearted. Lethargic. Listless. Living contradiction. Lovable. Magical. Marapets member. Masked. Mataray. Moody. Noble. Oblivious. Offbeat. Pessimistic. Picky eater. Plainspoken. Puzzling. Quiet. Quirky. Quixotic. Reality show addict. RegCom member. Resolute. Ruminative. Self-assured. Snarky. Snippy. Solitary. Spiritual. Sweet. Taciturn. Tenacious. Thoughtful. Trigger-happy photographer. Unpredictable. Unrestrained. Unstoppable. Valiant. Vengeful. Venturous. Vivacious. Wicked sense of humor. Winsome. Witty. Worrywart. Xanthous. Xerophilous. Yearning. Zany. Crizelle.


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Hannah Razel C. Chan

AB Management Economics

Common sense is the most fairly distributed thing in the world, for each one thinks he is so well-endowed with it that even those who are hardest to satisfy in all other matters are not in the habit of desiring more of it than they already have. – Rene Descartes


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Jeff Kendrick T. Chua

AB Management Economics

It starts out as a blur from the distance. All you can hear is a loud vrooom as you see the plate WMU 624 disappear around the corner. That’s Jeff the racer, driving to school. He parks his car at the far end of the east car park, waits a minute for his turbo to cool down, then heads for class. Once he enters his class, he becomes Jeff the student, who, like other Ateneans, has to worry about deadlines, exams, and the hustle and bustle of everyday school life. As the day ends, he grabs a couple of drinks with his buddies, catching up, telling jokes, and sharing laughs. Here, we see Jeff the friend, always reliable, always there. At the end of the day, as Jeff retires back to his room, he becomes the person anyone hardly sees. Jeff becomes the thinker, the dreamer, and the doer. While Jeff’s day may have already ended, he knows deep inside that his life has just begun. Jeff never rests with mediocrity still in sight. He has a drive and a passion and this is what pushes him towards excellence, pushes him to succeed.


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Kristine J. Chuacokiong

AB Management Economics

From the first occasion of our friendship— Tin had saved me a seat during ORSEM— I knew, with gut certainty, that I was in the company of quite possibly the nicest, genuinely sweetest girl in our batch. Nothing so far has dissuaded me to think otherwise. For near-total strangers, she made me feel less apprehensive towards the whole ordeal of freshmanhood and more welcome and responsive to the idea of going to school everyday for class, for at the very least, I had someone like her around. Tin has a certain charm to her that gains the respect and adoration of everybody and the disdain of none. Despite this, Tin deserves everything accorded to her, because she works so hard at the expense of no one other than herself, but more importantly, at the level of her soul is a goodness that cannot go unnoticed. If my first impression of her is any indication, I am thankful for having known Tin, and our every encounter since then only reinforces this.—Trisha Sarmenta


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Walter Ryan A. Contreras

AB Management Economics

At first, Ryan seems like the typical, laidback guy who will never miss a get-together with his friends. He has an infectious grin and a positive personality that never fail to cheer up anyone. He has a light-hearted nature that makes him a very good friend. He has a gift in making others feel comfortable in his presence. No wonder many seek his company and friendship. Beyond these traits, Ryan can impress people with his strong sense of responsibility. People approach him for all sorts of favors and he does his best to accommodate all of them. He rarely likes being the center of attention, but when the moment of reckoning arrives, he surely delivers. He takes his work seriously, but at the same time makes it a point to make the experience more enjoyable for those he works with. He doesn’t like to engage in debates, but he can stop you in the middle of your monologue and make you go “Oo nga noh.” Ryan seldom likes being in the spotlight, but he has earned a special spot on the stage of everyone’s hearts.


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Miguel Carlo F. Crespo

AB Management Economics

Miko’s greatest tragedy is that he thinks he resembles Jude Law when actually he looks less than a malnourished and anemic version of the said actor. Ironically and thankfully though, this sickly, pale-skinned boy doesn’t exhibit the frailty his physique implies. He usually greets people with a grin and joshes them with his lanky body jerking in jest. And as if to rub in his teases and jokes, he follows them up with an evil snicker. But mind you, no matter how devilish he seems, he nurtures an honest heart. He says whatever’s on his mind, holding back any cowardly pretensions. He tells things as they are, without perverting any words or situations. And because of this, he is worth listening to. Though he would come across as impish at times, he nestles a patient heart. Besides waiting for Marge, his twin, until 9pm, he is a dependable companion: always ready for a little booze and a few puffs, always ready to listen and always ready to help out. His good nature and tender demeanor definitely makes Miko a keeper.


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Joseph Peter L. Crisol

AB Management Economics

Spell #105: How to be an iron-chomping muscleman (Be a JP Crisol)

Make your pecs dance and think that it’s cool. Always be angry. Have swimming pool issues. Be a clumsy, blundering jock, “Miss, isang BK. ‘Yun o, ‘yung Burger King,” and trip over yourself in all your flat-footed glory, but by no means be just any Johnny Bravo. Be a nerd—be readily responsible; rarely, if not never, want to cut or come to class late; always have Thursday’s assignment finished by Monday; mutter things to yourself; trade a night out with friends for a date with your newest video game acquisition; tend to your mongo plants like they were ornamental. Head straight to the gym after class. Envision yourself: “I am Superman; I am the Hulk; I am a big brick wall.” Listen to “Eye of the Tiger” while doing your cardio workout. Break out into an arm-pumping (bicep-popping) dance with graceless propensity. Last of all, always have a barbell with your morning cup of coffee.


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Hanne Louise Q. Crisostomo

AB Management Economics

Sweet, smart, beautiful, and gifted with the propensity to make like a bull when driving behind a braking vehicle, Louise certainly knows how to spice up a dull day.

But this chica has so much more than her driving skills going for her. Though not an expert with computers nor camera timers, she has absolutely no problems in bringing out the best in people. She is a daughter that would make any parent proud, an exemplary student, and a one-of-a-kind friend. Her genuinely pleasant demeanor and naturally cheerful aura have rightfully earned her a place in the hearts of many. Her friends know that they are truly special just because they have her in their lives.

She is extraordinary, beautiful, and truly God-sent. Nevertheless, you might want to think twice when she offers you a ride.


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Ryan Christopher M. Cruz

AB Management Economics

Spontaneous. Versatile. Creative. With Ryan, every new day is full of fun, wonderful surprises. He is a jack-in-a-box of wacky antics and corny jokes that can drive anyone crying with laughter. He bursts of ideas that are sometimes weird, usually meaningful, but mostly unique and out-of-this world. Gifted with a charming smile backed with comedic gesture, Ryan can make you laugh like you never did before. He is also a great dreamer as well. Ryan dreams big but moves in small steps. He has this uncanny knack of combining illusions and reality to cope remarkably well with the demands of everyday living. Yet behind this easygoing facade lies a dynamic and dignified man who possesses a thirst for happiness and success. This young fellow is dedicated to his vision of the future. A true friend who will definitely go out of his way even if it means jumping leaps and bounds to be there. His aspirations in life serve to fascinate and inspire others with dreams that can be achieved, of course, with a big laugh and a little grin on the face.


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Adrian P. Dabao

AB Management Economics

“Adrian is a man of passion. He follows his heart in all actions with courage and style. He believes in the spontaneity of the choices we make in life.”—Jeb Victorino“Adrian is of the alcohol-soaked reverie, of the towel-grinding madness, of 915, of 1501, of Tahanan Village, and of the late-night-meditation-while-everyone-sleeps. He can be silly most of the time, yet prone to unexpected profundities.”—Jonathan Joson“Aid is just Aid. He is unique. He’s one of a kind. There are no other words to describe this guy.”—Denise Karunungan“Adrian or Aid is the “ball” guy in our barkada. He’s good in all types of games using balls, especially basketball and billiards. Aid is the type who will stay up late waiting for you and helping you finish your papers. He will go out of his way just to accompany you to the ends of the earth. Just say it and Adrian will do whatever it takes and be there for you. That’s Aid.”—Beau Salazar


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Emmanuel G. Dela Cruz

AB Management Economics

Sa wakas!Salamat kay Lord. Alay ko sa Kanya ang aking buhay.Para kay Ma at Pa, hindi sapat ang pasasalamat. Masusuklian ko rin ang pagpapasensiya at pagmamahal ninyo sa akin balang araw.Sa mga kaibigan, kalaro at kainuman…tuloy lang ang ligaya!Sa mga taong nagmahal, minahal, patuloy na nagmamahal at minamahal, salamat. Kasa-kasama ko kayo hanggang sa aking pagtulog. Kita-kita na lang tayo sa panaginip.Mabuti na lang, may teatro at may musika! Salamat din at naimbento ang radyo at gitara, mga kasama sa aking pag-iisa.Mabuti na lang at hindi nauubos ang umaga, puwede pang mangarap at magpatawa!Simula pa lang ng lahat.


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Anna Rica Lourdes S. Donato

AB Management Economics

Rica. Outgoing yet reserved. Naughty yet nice. She keeps her friends close despite distances. With a great heart, she never fails to put a smile on your face. A good daughter and a good friend, she is neither a pansy nor a prissy. Down to earth and gossipy, she is set apart from the “good friends” division as being one of the best friends you could ever have. A typical day with Rica is full of laughter and story-telling. A day will not pass without the two of you laughing at something or sharing about life experiences. If you’re bored in school, especially in classes, she is the girl you need to be with. If you love to eat, she’s a great partner, though it’s not obvious with her petite built. She is the type who dillydallies at times. Still, she makes sure that she accomplishes her work or assignment. She waits for the momentum to come to her. Rica is someone you can easily get along with and talk to about anything and everything. She is one true friend who will always be there for you, may it be a rainy or a sunny day in your life.


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Gene Jasmine C. Dy

AB Management Economics

I dedicate this to my parents, who have never failed to support, encourage and believe in me. Thank you for everything.

“The thing about expectations is they’re supposed to drive you to do more with your life, not stop you from living it.”

—Chloe Sullivan, Smallville


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Vitus Voltaire Y. Dysangco

AB Management Economics

Det is one hell of a character. He spends every waking moment in the basketball court and chugs gallons of alcohol everyday. He delights in annoying his opponents with his mindless chatter whenever he’s playing and enjoys drenching everyone with his tsunami-like splashes whenever he’s out swimming. He never fails to crack people up with his uncanny impressions and colorful insults. With his build and demeanor, people who don’t know him may think he’s some thug but in reality, he’s actually a sweetheart. This guy belongs to the almost extinct breed of men who still treat women with respect. He’s a super thoughtful son and brother and an incredible boyfriend.

In any case, whether he’s being sarcastic, funny and hyperactive or sweet, sensitive and thoughtful, Det always keeps things real. He’s very comfortable with himself, never trying to be someone that he isn’t. This sincerity and genuineness—more than any of his other traits—is what makes him such a great guy to be around.


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Jose Melchor O. Enriquez II

AB Management Economics

Jom Enriquez, the epitome of passion. From schoolwork & sports to family & friends, there is nothing this guy does without giving it all he’s got. The people of Block T regard him as their eternal eating and drinking buddy. Jom is a confidant & security blanket to those he loves. His sensitivity and experience allow him to give such levelheaded advice to any of his friends and siblings. Many say that it’s not what a person does that defines him but how he picks himself up after each and every hard fall. Jom is the quintessential example of this. He always bounces back and faces each dilemma head on. His seemingly happy-go-lucky attitude and genuine concern for people make it hard not to be won over by his all-around likeability. Best of all, he’s a family man who has all the time in the world for his parents, from dates with his mom to golf with his dad. Jom basically has all it takes to make anyone proud. A great person to know with all the traits you will forever admire and never forget.


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Jaimeangelo P. Ferrer

AB Management Economics

Jaime is a diamond in the rough. Rough because he’s so much more than how people see him. Rough, because in a world where everyone is disillusioned, he sticks to his principles. The world sucks, and we all live with it. Jaime chooses to do it differently. A diamond because from the day you meet him, he will be the exact same person to you years later. Just as candid, just as sincere. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t grow, because he does. He’s a diamond because he sees the world through child’s eyes, the way it was intended to be. There have been memories pleasant and tear-jerking, but Jaime’s been smiling through it all. His influence of stubborn idealism, albeit unprofitable at first because of the rough world we live in, only serves to inspire the people around him that there’s indeed something better we can all hope to be. One day you’ll shine above the rough, Jaims. We’ll all be there to look up and be happy for you, because we believed in you all along, just as you always believed in everybody else.


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Kristine M. Flores

AB Management Economics

Kitin, “The Bomb.” That’s how she wants to be called, but when you come to think of it, she really is indeed in every way.

This girl has an amazing drive to excel in her studies and everything she puts her heart into. A real leader and achiever, Kitin is sure to reach places and make her every goal into a reality.

Her friends will surely remember her for her exploding, yet very endearing kakulitan. She always has a crazy blooper to share that leaves everyone laughing. A jolly person by nature, she always sees the good and beautiful in every situation.

Above all, Kitin is undoubtedly one of the best people you will ever get to meet. She has a genuine concern for everyone around her and would run the extra mile to ensure your happiness. Friends simply can’t resist but love her. As such, she truly brightens up the life of everyone around her.


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Melissa Sue A. Floro

AB Management Economics

Misty likes books by Nick and Neil, Shakira’s belly, tea lattes, homemade puttanesca, “ugly” clothes, eyeliner, and baby polar bears. She likes playing Scrabble and answering crossword puzzles during her free time. Still, she likes many other things. Although she is not particularly fond of talking about herself in the third person, she would rather experience the world and meet new people to find more things to like.


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Dean V. Fonacier

AB Management Economics

This is Dean, a super likeable guy and a great friend. The epitome of a true gentleman, his kind heart and happy disposition is available to everyone, not just for the ladies. On that note, Dean is the kind of guy girls love—he respects them, appreciates what they have to say, quickly offers his bag-and-books carrying service, lends his ear to listen to their woes, and always gives his two cents worth with such ease and sincerity. He is always a ‘friend on call’ because he would go out of his way to be there for a friend. He values his relationships more than anything that is why he is loved and treasured by his friends in return. His open mind and curiosity about the world coupled with twinkling eyes and bedazzling smile make Dean a truly charming guy.


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Minnie L. Fong

AB Management Economics

By morning, she is an unassuming Atenean, sleepy-eyed & yawning. By mid-afternoon, however, her superpowers start to reveal themselves, reaching fever pitch by 10 p.m. So what exactly can we expect from a girl whose namesake is a mouse?

Extraordinary compassion (& determination), for one. While the default reaction to any calamitous event is to squirm uncomfortably, Minnie makes sure that something gets done whether it be packing relief goods or creating a Million Miracles for tsunami victims.

And what about genuine concern? She’ll listen to you rant & rave. Can’t find your third & fourth hands? She has two that are ready to help. Panic attack? She’s there. Food trip? She’s definitely there.

Every hero has a signature superpower. Spiderman: web-slinging. Sue Storm: transparency. Minnie? Two words: Master Crammer. Her best gift, however, is how she makes us realize that we should take off our rose-colored glasses and start planting roses instead.


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Ma. Fides Concepcion M. Ganzon

AB Management Economics

Whoever said that big things come in small packages must have had her in mind. Her amusingly complex character involves an inherent distaste for condiments, a passion for dancing, an obsession with the beach, a heart for Japan, and a dream of a world where all men are ultimately free. She’s a concoction of systematic routines and artistic ideas. Despite her eventful lifestyle, she manages to set her priorities straight while slowly but surely acquiring a sense of purpose and social consciousness that may just lead her to understand why she has been endowed with such giftedness. She believes that this is not just for her own self-fulfillment but for everyone around her—a circle that keeps growing and growing. She’s the friend who will believe in all the best about you, constantly reminding you of what you can achieve. She’s Fides, the faith that keeps you strong, pushes you the extra mile, and knocks some sense in you whenever it’s necessary. With her by your side, you can’t help but have faith that the best is yet to come.


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Karina Rachel M. Garcia

AB Management Economics

Confidence does not mean showing off, or blurting everything out in the open. It is by no means arrogance. Rather, it is expressing the self with substance and style. Confidence is what Karylle exudes. Fascinating you with her modish composure coupled with the skills and intelligence acquired from Meco, she is inevitably molded for success. She is literally a model student, leading and organizing group presentations on one hand, and showcasing her wares in parties on the other. She established a fondness for chic items, thus exemplifying openness and appreciation to the global culture that mirrors her fashion sense. Karylle’s openness further extends to her relationships with friends and family as she is easy to get along with and amusing to talk to. She can deliberately and unintentionally brighten your day with her offbeat remarks and childlike gestures. The quick passing of the years witnessed Karylle blossom into a confident young lady, exuding with flair, wit and foresight.


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Kathryn T. Genson

AB Management Economics

“K” in mathematical science has many meanings and can be placed in many places. It can be a constant or a variable. It can act as the numerator, denominator or as an exponent.

A “Kaye” in the observable science is not a mere quantified, finite, entity. Her smile resonates that your sadness rectifies. You cannot place Kaye anywhere but beside you. You can ‘borrow’ something from her even without a ‘carry’. The term Kaye can be commutative and associative—that’s her identity. If you integrate a Kaye partially with respect to being her friend, it is not instantaneous, but derived.


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Emmanuel Michael B. Gimarino

AB Management Economics

A corny joke and a listening ear. Crazy dance moves and an infinite supply of wisdom and advice. Witty comebacks and dynamic conversations about life. These unlikely combinations come in the unique package that is Mickee Gimarino. Mickee, or Mickee G. as he is more commonly called by his countless friends. He exudes a charm so irresistible that one can hardly wait until the next opportunity to talk to him comes. His generous heart gives him the capability to relate to anyone and make any person feel important and comfortable at once. He eases burdensome concerns of his friends with his comforting words and light humor. Serious yet enthusiastic about everything he cares about, Mickee finds the balance that is needed in enjoying life and accomplishing every goal. A friend to his very last breath, Mickee is an angel sent to inspire and effortlessly touch every person who encounters him to the very depths of the soul.


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Lauren Niña A. Go

AB Management Economics

Endless laugh. Loud whispers. Hump-less roads. Gallons of water. Bottomless food. Sappy songs. Movie trips. Videoke vigils. A hardworking and bright nerd. A crazy drunk. These are just some of the things that make Lauren the colorful and animated person that she is. These are the things that have endeared her to a lot of people. These are the things that make her a genuine and real person. In this world where finding joy in the simplest things and being happy about life have become so difficult, Lauren is a true rarity. She always sees that beyond the frowns, the sighs, and the tears are smiles and laughs that will make our struggles more bearable.

Lauren is a great friend, a loving daughter, and a beautiful person. With the many achievements she will surely be attaining, and her enthusiasm about life, it will be no surprise if Lauren becomes the happiest person on earth. She truly deserves to be one.


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Marianne C. Guiang

AB Management Economics

Who would have thought that the once shy & quiet girl will soon shine her own light? Mars has managed to keep herself on track—high grades & the company of friends. She is willing to help solve problems whether it is about family, love, or school (esp. math problems). She shares her talents to those who need them. Give her any accounting or eco problems & she’ll have the answers. Simply amazing! But amidst all these, she keeps a child’s heart delighting over shallow joys that paints a smile on her face. She’s a constant tong-its & pusoy dos buddy. She sings whatever’s on her mind & gives new lyrics to songs. Most of all, Mars is someone who would stick it out with a friend through good & bad times—ask Bessie, her lifelong friend. She laughs & cries with you & does not care if you don’t conform to the majority. Who cares? As long as we’re happy! She surely has a way with people; she has covered both ends of the spectrum with the people she’s befriended—from the cono type to the jologs (dats us! fab5+max)


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Gillian Verna Ricci L. Herrera

AB Management Economics

She is not what she seems. Shy yet noisy. Reserved yet outgoing. Once you see this girl, you think that she’s all serious and smart but she’s one of the craziest and “sabog” person that you’ll ever meet. When you’re with her, it’s like transporting back in time and being a kid again. She’s a great person to be with when you’re stuck in traffic because you’ll never get bored or hungry. Moments with her are all fun and wacky. She always has food in her bag or car. The best gift to give her is a megaphone that can be attached to her car so that when she shouts or says something to the people crossing or driving, she shall be heard. She shouts out all types of animals when she gets shocked. Apparently, there is such a thing as a “butiking baboy”. For her, everyone’s name is “baboy”.

She’s a great friend to have because she always sticks by your side no matter what happens. Also, she can easily be your best friend after a few minutes you met her. She’s a good daughter and a friend for life.


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Carmela Ysabelle P. Javellana

AB Management Economics

This woman’s pretty face does not only draw attention from the opposite sex, but from other women as well. She may seem aloof at first, but once she flashes that welcoming smile, people just can’t resist the sudden desire to befriend her.

There are two movie characters that describe this girl well. If South Glen South has Josie Geller, ADMU has Carmela Javellana, the inquisitive and hardworking student who studies even if she has to go through teary eyes and sleepless nights. She is the dedicated worker who meets deadlines come hell or high water—that is why she will always be a “Dean’s lister” by heart.

Her natural beauty is illuminated by her simplicity just like the Disney character Belle. She’s really a good catch because despite the demanding schedules, one would be assured that he/she will always have a friend in her. She does not need to vow to be a friend forever because at the end of the day, she just is.


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Ferdinand Alvin A. King

AB Management Economics

My trust in Ferdie has never faltered. He is the quintessential nice guy whom you can count on for anything in the world! “Ask and ye shall find”, but not only find something. No! Ferdie would take that extra step, deliver, mix it with some of his humorous wit, and create something light years beyond what you’ll ever expect. He is one of those who stand timidly in a corner, not wanting the spotlight, not wanting the attention. A man behind the scenes, who makes things happen. Humble, kind, and never wanting, Ferdie will literally give you the credit for the work he’s done. “For the team”, he’d reason out, as he completes projects single-handedly. Ferdie’s work ethic also reflects how he relates with people. He has a strangely unique charisma, which is together inviting and warm. His humble and open nature makes him very easy to get along and be friends with. Surrounded constantly by friends, Ferdie’s personality can seem to fit him with anyone and in any group.


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Rafael Alberto Y. Lazaro

AB Management Economics

With his boyish looks and charmingly innocent boy-next-door appeal, it’s no wonder Chino Lazaro wins the hearts and admiration of girls and guys. But beware! Beneath this child-like, angelic exterior lies mischief & mayhem. Chino can come up & throw all the best hirits and silliest jokes, one punch after another. However, this seemingly easy-going guy is actually very dependable, thoughtful, responsible, sweet and sincere—a living proof that gentlemen still exist! He patiently sits down, listens and comforts you at times you need it the most. Truly, he’s one transparent & genuine fellah. Yet, one could also say that Chino is a dreamer, not because he’s ambitious, but because he sleeps a lot! A lot, I say! Still, Chino is also quite an athlete, as he tries different kinds of sports like “dampa”, “sepak takraw” “jolens” & Pog.

Wild adventures, non-stop fun, sunlight during the rainiest days, and friendship like gold—all these, you can count on a Chino Lazaro… a blue-blooded man for others, with a giant green heart!


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Maria Eileen P. Lee

AB Management Economics

Eileen has always strived for excellence in all aspects of her life. Despite the fact that this pretty athletic chinita is currently taking up a business course, she has always dwelled on the creative side of herself. She has an enthusiasm for colors and a fascination for artworks. During special occasions, you would receive well-packaged creative gifts. This girl would really exert effort to make sure that whatever she prepares for the celebrant would be extra-memorable. Because of this, it is not surprising that people perceive her to be very sweet and thoughtful.

Ei a.k.a. Mulan is one of those people anyone can spend a whole afternoon with and talk to about anything under the sun, including heartbreaks of course. You can always count on her to dry your tears every time you have a dilemma. She can amuse you with her stories about anything and everything and she never fails to make you laugh. Her cheerful aura drives her friends to love her pleasing personality.


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Charles Albert R. Lejano

AB Management Economics

It can be said that Charles is a victim of that cliché, “Judging a book by its cover”. However, Mr. Lejano is in 5 simple words: As real as it gets. A laidback individual, he is a crammer in every sense of the word. Highly dependable though, because come crunch time, expect this guy to crank it up sky high as he always manages to deliver brilliant work. Born with the gift of gab, Charles always proves to be successful in his endeavors. He just doesn’t give up, making him one of the few people who can almost strike a perfect balance among studies, career, and friends. He goes to great lengths to ensure that those he holds dear are assured of his loyalty. Work hard and party harder is his motto in life, and he lives it to the fullest; a life that is truly lived, and will continue to be lived for others. He has somehow made us do our own funk and love life at his expense. With his heart and talent, rest assured that he will go a long way. Charles is living proof that it’s possible for one guy to have it all.


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Iris Veronica G. Lim

AB Management Economics

Want to know who she is? Facts as of 2005: blue and green colors, sleeps during mornings and awake at nights, doesn’t eat breakfast, draws (copies actually), sings out of tune, whistles in tune, loves any kind of music, somebody, what a wonderful world, only listens to the melody, Japanese anime, especially bishonens, slam dunk, gundam seed, fruits basket, now and then, here and there, reads any book, Dragonlance Heroes, Tracy Hickman, Margaret Weis, Raymond Feist, Anne McCaffrey, Harry Potter, The Little Prince, fanfiction, cats, hamsters, animax, Star movies Chinese, Frasier, soggy fries, spicy, siomai with sauce in Le Ching, green tea frap or tea or juice, coffee, coffee jelly, taho but the manong always isn’t there!!! Rather wear sandals than rubber shoes, bracelets, necklaces, anklets, silver or gold, always drops her cell phone so she doesn’t repair the screen anymore, uses fudge rather than swear, “square” in the psych test, hates roaches... Now you know her!!!


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Mary Rocelyn P. Lim

AB Management Economics

Mary Rocelyn Petalver Limmatalinong lokaret, magandang mataba, masarap kakwentuhan, chummy, chubby, rosy-cheeked, responsible, achiever, hardworking, security blanket, passionate, determined - Roque


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Nelwyn Jane O. Lim

AB Management Economics

There are still some good things left in this world. For Nelwyn, these include A’s and B+, love stories, dreams of bonfires by the beach, the hilarity of being “malas”, shopping, apple pies and her boo. Always bangs the door and scatters papers around the room, she makes her presence known. After all, she has a naturally captivating smile that radiates from her face. Who can forget the countless memories of her stumbling and falling on staircases albeit with much laughter and fun? Her loyalty to friends is unwavering. She embraces everything for love. And she won’t look back, but will keep going forward. She has continually evolved, shedding some of her previous persona to reveal someone totally different from the one used to be. With an occasional sigh here and there, with a sparkle in her eye and a lazy grin on her face, Nelwyn has a casual way of gracing your life with undeniable warmth that only her friends are fortunate enough to witness. Yes, there are good things left in this world. For us, Nelwyn is one of them.


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Wilmore A. Llamas

AB Management Economics

As soon as you get to know More, you will realize that there are still a few gentlemen left in this world after all. He always finds a way to make a friend feel secure and taken care of. He will stick around no matter what happens during your low times and won’t leave you until you feel better. But when it comes to food, More subtly goes out of his gentlemanly image and eats his heart out. For him, “More” is better.

Any time is eating time, so you can just imagine how enjoyable a companion he is during chow time. But you’d be surprised to find out that although More is very thrifty with all other things, he is willing to spend a moderate amount of money for food, and for treating his closest friends out. But sincerely, you can count on him to be there for you during the good and the bad times, and without regard for his own benefits at that. More is more valuable than what meets the eye, and you should feel lucky if you ever have/had the chance to be his friend.


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Jose Javier D. Lopez

AB Management Economics

Javi is considered to be the life of the party or the class. His slapstick yet witty humor always breaks the ice during boring subjects. His warm and carefree aura allows people to be themselves around him. But, he’s not all about being “kengkoy.” Once you get to know him, you’ll see that it’s his deeper side that will draw you in more so than his charming exterior. His altruistic nature is what his family and friends most love about him. He always thinks highly of people, always making you feel more than you are. He gives out so much, but not because he’s counting on something in return. Too drunk on a Saturday night? He’ll drive you home. Accounting hell? He’ll be more than willing to tutor you even though he hasn’t studied yet for his other subjects. A smart, sensitive and responsible guy with the looks to match makes him a keeper. We may not have the level of wisdom he has, but we are all wise enough to know that we are truly blessed to have a Javier Lopez, who continues to enrich and nurture our lives.


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Antonio Miguel C. Lu

AB Management Economics

Anyone who sees Tonz for the first time would immediately perceive him as reserved. What these people don’t know is that he’s the complete opposite. Fun-loving, witty, jovial, and gregarious, he gets along really well with all sorts of characters—the old, weird, serious, and quiet. With his thoughtful and caring acts, he can surely win anyone’s friendship in no time. He’s like a child with mischief sparkling in his eyes and his childlike charm makes him more lovable to the people around him. With all the goals he aspires in life, he knows exactly how to get it. Nothing can keep him from fulfilling his dreams. He is someone who fought every battle that came his way, not caring if he won or lost, but how he turned out in the end. He knows what spells the difference, what makes him survive is the strength that comes from within. Despite all the perilous tides of life, when one had to choose either to sink or swim, he chose to walk on top of the water instead.


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Randwil Dinbo U. Macaranas

AB Management Economics

I always liked Dinbo. I’ll remember him for being the nice, soft-spoken guy I know. He’s one of the few people I never doubted. He never got on my nerves, he was never hostile to anyone around him.

We didn’t talk often, but I’ve had many chances to observe him from a distance. Deep insights and profound thoughts usually go inside his head. He normally keeps these to himself but he can express them with clarity if given the chance. Obviously an intelligent guy. Sometimes shy, but conversations with him are sure worth it. Instinctively laidback and reserved, but he can be outgoing and assertive if the situation calls for it.

Truly, he has always made me feel glad and welcome. I’ll never forget his kind words, friendly gestures, and handshakes. Even that simple pat on the shoulder made me feel alright. I wish I spent more time with him.


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Aileen P. Macasaet

AB Management Economics

I am an Artist I create beauty. I am a Billboard I advertise life. I am a Cause I bring about. I am a Dreamer I imagine perfection. I am an Ember I glow from a fire. I am a Fallacy I reason in illogic. I am a Glutton I eat in excess. I am a Holler I cry out. I am an Intellectual I reflect and speculate rationally. I am a Jester I provide entertainment. I am a Kaleidoscope I show different patterns. I am a Leader I guide to a goal. I am a Monster I developed abnormally. I am a Nomad I roam around. I am an Oeuvre I constitute the lifework of an artist. I am a Patient I bear pain. I am a Queen I make moves. I am a Rebel I resist authority. I am a Smile I express amusement, or affection. I am a Tourist I journey for pleasure and culture. I am an Upbeat I accent musical measures. I am a Virus I grow in others. I am a Weirdo I live extraordinarily eccentric. I am a Xylem I transport nutrients for support. I am a Yawn I react involuntarily to fatigue or boredom. I am a Zealot I pursue with passion. - Sunburnt & Steady, from The Beach -


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Ralph Daniel A. Mancao

AB Management Economics

Dane Mancao is one of those people who makes his presence felt. A day with him is like opening Pandora’s box: you never know what you’re gonna unleash. This is a guy you won’t ever forget because he’ll surely makes an impact in your life at some point. He loves his life, his friends, his family and love itself.

Dane could be a lot of things to a lot of people. He may be a pious spiritual leader to some, a guiding light to the forlorn, a crusader of justice, a scholar in the realms of philosophy and theology, an agile athlete, an obedient son who loves with all his heart, a proud full-blooded Cebuano, the life of the party, or a faithful lover. But to me and to a lot of other people, he is a loyal friend, ever dependable to the end, most especially in the hardest of circumstances.

I believe it was Aristotle who said “Excellence is not a singular act but a habit.”

Dane is exactly this: a man of habit equipped with testicular fortitude.


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Nicolo Y. Maniquis

AB Management Economics

A loving, caring, responsible son who never fails to lighten up dull moments; has an open heart and has gone beyond the norms of understanding; a son who’ll make any parent proud any time, all the time.

A respectful grandson, who since his childhood has never failed to stand by his principles and to frankly express his own ideas, opinions and suggestions backed up with viable reasons.

A reliable and sincere friend, no pretensions. WYSIWYG. A charmer, an enthusiastic person who never fails to put a smile on everyone’s faces. Malakas mangupal. Spots the difference between plain and great. An image consultant. A friend who’ll do all that he can to help. A good friend till the end. Has hang ups and topaks… he’s as real as real gets.


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Mark Luwiz M. Martinez

AB Management Economics

Having Mark as a friend can truly spice up your life. The antics he pulls every now and then will leave you laughing for a long time. But what makes Mark really special is his caring nature and sincerity. Ark may be a beacon for mishaps, but this guy proves he has more heart than the average person. He is a good listener and his insights always shed a positive light to your dilemma. He is the Mr. Optimist amid the luck he gets. Ark is dependable and is fiercely loyal to his closest friends. Oh, and Ark is not only a name, it has a story. Ask him about it and you’ll get to know who this guy is. The Arkster himself, “Pooh Bear” is almost always the butt of all jokes, but that only goes to show how much we treasure him. Just like that cuddly bear you’ve always wanted but never did get. From E.T., “hello”, “need help”, missed math exams, burgundy elevator mishaps, and many others, Mark has given us so many fond memories that we will surely cherish for a lifetime. H2’s cuddly bear will never be forgotten. God bless!!!


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Kathleen Joyce A. Mejos

AB Management Economics

Full of life and love, changkabang maliit, passionate.

Although she’s fond of doing things at the last minute, aka cramming, she would always manage to get everything done right on time. Cute, friendly, marunong makisama, masayahing tahimik. Siya ang nagturo sa akin ng lahat ng gusto ko malaman (gitara, violin, etc) pero lagi naman niya nakakalimutan yung mga tinuturo niya.

Flexible, grabe kung mag laugh trip, survivor! She just might rival the Energizer Bunny, but she has her down moments too. But that’s a rarity, especially when you talk fast enough for your words to take flight by themselves. Fun to be with, game for everything, gregarious, very independent. Si Ken ay totoo at walang halo ng pagkukunwari. Kung ano ang nakikita mo sa kanya ay ganoon siya.

Madaldal, makulit, pero sobrang lambing!


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Maria Tara A. Mercado

AB Management Economics

“Do all the good you canBy all the means you canIn all the ways you canAt all the times you canTo all the people you can”She did. In her love for life and people, she did. In her grace for selfless compassion and strength in strife, she did. In her search for understanding, God, love and self, she unknowingly made people understand more, grow more, roll more, love more and maybe, worry less. Perhaps the sheer wonder of it all is that she continues despite not counting, and more yet, not needing to know, how many lives she has touched along the way. She did, and she still does.


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Tercel Maria G. Mercado

AB Management Economics

Has the ability to look poised even in the craziest situations. Amazingly affable. Good confidante. Person you can be a kid with, and not worry about tomorrow. Has the patience of a saint. When you’re down, she will listen, smile & tell you everything’s alright. It’s the absolute cliché, but with Terky around, it’s the absolute truth. Always willing to compromise & never asks anything in return. The busiest person in the world yet still puts others first before herself. Always ready to go the extra mile. One of the few people who can multitask like this: 1) Get an A in eco class; 2) Be head captain for the IAC team; 3) Take care of drunk friends; 4) Stay stunning at the end of the day. She’s got her hands full. But a task she doesn’t need to do is make people love her… everyone already does. After a day worth forgetting, you feel that something’s missing. You try to figure out what you are looking for. Don’t worry. Tercel will come to you. She’s the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. She’ll make you believe that miracles can come true.


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Fernand Joseph D. Miranda

AB Management Economics

No. I will not write about myself, nor my experience in college; it’s too much of a cliché. Besides, there is too much to say, with too little time. There’s too many people, experiences, and joys that I have come across this past 4 years. Words can never express what these memories mean to me. So, for all those who have touched my college life in any way, a sincere thank you.

Dream. Never stop believing. Be different, reinvent the world through your imagination and do not follow people who say “It can’t be done.” Shoot for the stars and never look down. Be a child. Be youthful and full of hope. Face the world and say “I will live today!” Too few have courage to do so; too few had the chance. Have strong convictions and steady principles. Keep within these principles and uphold your dignity. Be a good son or daughter, person and Filipino. These qualities have never been so sorely missed.


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Miguel Fernando G. Mojica

AB Management Economics

To all the people reading this write-up, I thank you. For listening to me babble things is something that only few people in this world have been able to do. So I start on this write-up by saying thank you.

I have learned a lot in college, no kidding. I have been exposed to the harshness of reality and yet, have still managed to overcome all and proudly stand here today, a graduate. Take that Mr. Stat teacher!

Let me end by once again thanking people, the people that have made me who I am today, those who’ve said I was sweet, smart, and all those things people say to make you feel appreciated. Thank you even to those people who didn’t believe and still don’t believe in me, for you are my motivation to continue aspiring for more. Rest assured that I will not stop here, for my journey in life is just nearing its peak. The ups and downs will still be there, but now I am more equipped and experienced to face them, with a degree in my hands and God by my side. To God be the glory.


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Mark Joseph L. Morales

AB Management Economics

Mark Morales…more commonly referred to as “ MO’ ” (he thinks it’s cool). It’s not hard to distinguish him from a crowd because of his out-of-this-world hairdos and the flashy clothes. Mo’ is definitely an attention grabber, or should I say seeker? His hairstyle has undergone serious changes these past four years. From his “Ronald Mc Donald” afro to his “Oh yes, I’m a stud!” shaved hair, Mo’ has truly evolved physically, emotionally, and of course, intellectually. Although he may not look like it (no offense), Mo’ is actually a responsible, smart (DL!), and very protective friend. He’s always “feeling kuya.” He can even make you cry just to prove you wrong and sometimes it’s hard to admit that what he’s saying might actually be right. By the way, if you try to mess with him, he will beat you to the ground…He’s buff boy! Always goes to Moro but never pays. Thanks for everything! Good luck with your chicas! Girls watch out! He’s really a keeper!


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Rachelle Anne A. Moreno

AB Management Economics

No-nonsense is her middle name. When she speaks, she says it like it is. Characterized with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, she has the curiosity of a child and never ceases to wonder and delve into the unknown, may it be about Greek Mythology or Egyptian pharaohs. While Rach may exude a seemingly intimidating aura, don’t be fooled! She has a golden heart that always showers love the way it knows how. Her presence is comforting, her friendships genuine and her generosity overflowing. Rach always makes for the perfect companion. She’s warm, entertaining and always manages to make everyone feel at home. Although firm in her beliefs, she’s really a softie inside. Delightfully witty, she’s comical, amusing, and likes keeping everybody happy. Rach is simply that kind of person you’ll feel immediately comfortable with. This critical, animated, caring, endearing and huggable individual will always embed a memorable mark in anyone’s life. An amazingly loving person, the world is her great love affair.


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Angela Carmela C. Nepomuceno

AB Management Economics

Angela, Ange, Phoebe… that’s how people usually call her. This girl talks and moves so slow but when it comes to shopping, it’s another story! Shopping is everything to her. All she does is swipe her credit cards. Physically, she is so white since she is so scared of the sun. She is beautiful and manages to stay slim even if she eats a lot. She is definitely a head-turner wherever we go. In spite of this, she never liked the limelight. But aside from her good looks, she also has a good heart. Though she is sometimes misinterpreted of being a “snob”, she is actually really friendly. She is such a sweet, thoughtful and caring friend. She always has time to listen to her friends even if she is so busy. What’s so amazing with her is she manages to be relaxed and cool even if all of us are packed with school work. She can’t get enough of night outs. But in spite of this, she still gets high grades. She really has everything a guy wishes for—

the brains, the body, good looks and good heart. Her name says it all: she is really heaven-sent.


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Emil D. Nucum

AB Management Economics

Uncomplicated. Ganyan ang saliw ng buhay tuwing makakasama si Emil. Walang sinumang nilalang na may problemang dinadala ang hindi makikinabang sa sagana ng kanyang nakatutuwang kabulastugan. Animo batang nakikipaglaro si Emil. At sa kaanyuan niyang yaon napapaalalahanan niya ang bawat kalaro na hindi kinakailangang maging pasanin ang buhay.

Sa halip, isa itong pagpupunyaging bumalik sa kabataan kung saan tanggap natin ang buhay bilang kaloob, isang regalo na dapat natin ikagalak at ibahagi sa kapwa. Sa pagbibigay tuwa sa kapwa, nakikibahagi si Emil sa bawat hinanakit, pagaalinlangan at takot. Kasabay nito ang pagpapaalalang ganiyan talaga ang pagiging tao.

Dalubhasa sa pagbibigay kasiyahan si Emil sapagkat malalim ang pag-uunawa niya sa kapwa at taimtim ang kanyang pananalig na may tunay na ligaya na naghihintay para sa lahat. Isang ligayang hindi makikita sa mga libro at sa loob ng mga silid ng Unibersidad, sa puso!


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April Kristine L. Ocampo

AB Management Economics

She gazes towards yesterday as she watches the rain trickling down her window. Memories of tribulations she had valiantly faced and weathered, of friends’ predicaments and secrets she had continuously shared, flood her eyes with empathy and utmost emotion. Selfless courage was her drive, to understand was her stance.

She slips a picture of treasured things and encounters in the leaves of her album—the Old Spaghetti House, God of Small Things, the songs of the 80’s, potatoes, of a star hanging from her neck, of football championships and sleepless nights. An ambiance of security and satisfaction emanates alongside the escape of a sigh of relief as she tenderly temporarily closes a chapter in her life to start anew.

She puts her past against her chest, closes her eyes and leans back as a tear takes its time to course down her cheeks only to settle on her lips, red as passion itself, without a doubt both fulfilled to have lived and blissful to have loved.


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Michael Joseph O. Olaño

AB Management Economics

Certain guys just have it—the knack for being loved by everyone and anyone around him. Mick is no exception to that. Often seen wearing a shirt, shorts, and sneakers, this boy-next-door walks through the campus with a relaxed vibe. He is a genuinely accommodating person that girls and even guys of all ages would not think twice to show their fondness for him back. His loyalty to friends identifies him as everyone’s favorite basketball, drinking, and project buddy all in one. Known for playing ruggedly but admirably on the basketball court, you will wonder how he manages to change that image smoothly when the game is over. Mick scores not only in the basketball court but in the classroom as well. This smart guy has a penchant for words, a remarkable drive, and a strikingly beautiful penmanship to match. But above all his talents is a heart of the kindest, funniest and the most down-to-earth person. Mick is actually your boy-next-door with a plus—a simple guy demanding so little yet deserving so much.


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Tiffany Lou N. Ong

AB Management Economics

Underneath all that chic panache lies a compassionate yet truly determined spirit. A head bursting with bright ideas matched with a heart full of ideals make her a unique combination among the rest. She is the perfect mix of sugar and spice. One look at her and you can already confirm that she is one sweet person; but amidst those sugary-sweet smiles also lies an amazingly strong, principled and intelligent woman. She takes her life seriously but hey, there are times when she can be a klutz and laugh at herself. Tiff will always brighten up your day despite the hectic schedule she has. Through the smiles and laughter she gives out, she never fails to cheer you up. Above all, she is one of the most wonderful people to keep as a friend. She will always have just the perfect advice to fix things up for you or the warmest words of encouragement to boost your spirits! They say that fun, beauty, and brains rarely go together but in her, they all do.


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Rebecca A. Paguio

AB Management Economics

The first thing that you will probably learn once you get to know Becca is that she really is not a 13-year-old nene. She is a no-nonsense type of person who sets her mind on things she wants to accomplish. She is actually more mature than most people her age. Becca truly is the perfect example of how a petite frame can pack a big punch.

She is not a spoiled brat. At 16, she asserted her independence by living away from her family to be able to study. Although she easily may be the most intelligent person in her class, she is not your typical geek. She has many friends who love to be around her because of the sheer cheerfulness she brings to any occasion. Whether it’s belting out Bon Jovi songs on the karaoke or going on Chinatown food trips, Becca is game for anything. Becca means fun!

Becca is not a lot of things and she will never be whatever you pin her down to be. But once you let yourself experience who she is, you’ll be surprised because she’s not who she seems to be.


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Katrina Maria D. Palomo

AB Management Economics

Kat is a wonderful blessing to everyone who gets to meet her. Caring and sweet, friends simply adore her. This lady’s special qualities blend well with any ground she chooses. Charming and superbly intelligent, she truly is. She gives her whole heart in everything she does, making her an indisputable achiever. A glimpse of Kat reveals a reflection of a true beauty, be it in or out. Loved by many, this girl brightens everyone’s day with that smile and those irresistible charms. She laughs at even the corniest jokes and her laughter can really be contagious. Kat is certainly a fantastic friend who is always willing to go out of her way to lend a helping hand. She has her own unique ways of showing support, from spending hours talking on the phone to going out of town or partying all night. Kat definitely knows how to have fun. May it be trying an exotic delicacy, going out on a Monday night or sleeping over at a friend’s house, you can count her in. Kat loves life and makes the most out of everything that comes her way.


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Patrick Ervin S. Patiño

AB Management Economics

Patrick has always been a big guy on campus; not only is he big in terms of height but also because of the size of his heart. Some may find it hard to believe that someone like him could house a personality like that. He has a soft spot for his Meco friends, making up his mind not to transfer to MIS because of the bond he formed with his block mates. Although branded as one of the Zobel boys, Pat has learned to adjust and love the ways of the Ateneo. So much so that joined the Blue Babble Band and remained in it for almost the entirety of his stay in college. Growing up in the south, he maintained the lifestyle of quiet and peaceful living. Never the one who is all riled up and tense even in the midst of hell weeks, he always finds time to stack up on some Zs and extra R&R. The quiet type in the gang but he has this occasional tendency to show rifts of insanity that is most uncommon and he is always a good source of humor. The gentle giant panda bear.


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Jaklyn Hanna V. Pineda

AB Management Economics

At first, it’s hard to get to know this person for she tends to be shy around new people. But once you do, you’ll realize it’s so easy to love her because of her sweet nature. The best of both worlds—you get exactly this when you’re with her. Ajang, as close friends call her, is a mixture of the old and new, of the naive and sophisticated, of the prim and the brash. She portrays a quality of truly talented people: a procrastinator at heart yet manages to produce the most excellent results in the end. She sometimes seems lost and jaded but in truth, she is amusingly urbane and mature. She is one lady who knows how to carry herself splendidly well. Despite all the challenges she faced, she has yet remained as composed and unscathed. With the sort of smile that is a little bit timid, quite demure and absolutely contagious, she brings a breath of fresh air everywhere she goes and makes people feel young with her beautiful outlook in life and carefree attitude. The world is yours Jang!


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Joana Grace R. Piñon

AB Management Economics

If only people would look beyond Jo’s infamous “taray” look, they’d realize how amazing she is. Not only does she have a distinctive chic fashion sense but she also effortlessly collects A’s. There is much more to her than meets the eye; her loud burps, scuba diving stories, and dreams of promoting justice in an oppressive world are at first glance unexpected of her. She is a strong yet fragile woman who just wants to get out of herself and somehow make a difference in the world. Jopi is an extraordinary gal who fills your life with spunk and treats you like that special friend she can’t live without. She’s also the person you can talk to about anything under the sun: from the juiciest story to the most confidential secrets, she’s the first person you’ll turn to in times of crisis or elation. You never hesitate to share with her your deepest problems or most ridiculous thoughts because you’re sure that she’ll never judge you. Soon enough, you begin to realize that it’s actually you who can’t live without her…and not the other way around.


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Clarisse Ann G. Pua

AB Management Economics

Ann is a truly unconventional person, with a childlike quality that makes her so particularly endearing. Her appreciation for life’s nuances emanates through her artistic creativity. She can be unintentionally funny. Joking around with Ann has always been one the high points of our day-to-day college experience. Knowing her for all these years has been so much fun because with her, one never knows what could possibly happen next. However, she’s a fiercely loyal friend, especially when you least expect it, and also surprisingly generous. She supports you in all your endeavors and strives to help you whenever she can. There has always been more to Ann’s capabilities than she has ever let on, and because of this, she will always be more interesting than most people have the capacity to be. She is a real friend and a true measure of the human spirit, the epitome of the pure and innocent juxtaposed with an eye that sees and understands things that are truly relevant.


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Tony Dane B. Quetulio

AB Management Economics

Tony is my ever-reliable classroom observation partner. It’s amazing how he can be extremely cheerful at 8 in the morning, surrounded by screaming little kids. It’s amazing how he can be extremely polite to crabby teachers who get so self-conscious in other people’s presence.

—MarlaThough Tony is deemed mataray, he was able to get along with our block and he and I became close. He’s frank and has no problem saying what he does and doesn’t like. That’s why people view him as mataray; but he is actually a very nice and kindhearted person. Even though he is a responsible and serious person, there has never been a dull moment with him especially when he jokes around. His face looks so serious but man, what a punch line!

—MadelleWhat I respect about Tony is that he knows both his purpose and the purpose of education.



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Thelma Ardelle V. Ramirez

AB Management Economics

Madelle, the blossom that she is becoming, exudes grace and passion. She is the feeling in the realm of apathy. She is a person with a genuine heart, who made every corner of Ateneo congenial to me. Her heart is even more evident in her concept of romantic love as both boon and bane of mankind. Bane to her but boon to her beloved because she believes in loving without boundaries. Youthful, she stays confident and refined despite difficulties that were beyond her embrace such as the pressures of being a student. She eases her way out and even goes the extra mile to help friends and loved ones in their life’s blunders with awesome grit. She takes things with caress, sacrifices with cheers, and meets sleepless nights and hell weeks with smiles as if weariness does not exist. College changed her. It opened doors for Madelle as she opened her doors to it. She is like the hope in Pandora’s box—what’s left inside when all the bad has gone.


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Paul Jayson I. Ramos

AB Management Economics

Fueled by relentless motivation and driven by intense passion, PeeJay lives life by treating each day as a fresh opportunity to make a difference in this world. Living the credo of “Dream Big, Do Big,” Peej never gives up on anything whether it is a personal endeavor or a collective venture. This is the reason why he is able to juggle his academics and remain active in fulfilling his responsibilities and roles in his extracurricular activities. Peej is genuinely a jolly and bubbly person that allows him to meet and keep friends from all walks of life. Intrinsically competitive, Peejay treats every failure as a chance to improve himself. Not only is he a good listener but he is also an individual that gives insightful advice. With a never-say-die spirit, PeeJay is a winner not only in the eyes of friends but also in the eyes of God, whom he considers His ultimate redeemer. For PeeJay, everything is Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam. With overflowing love for his family and friends, PeeJay is a man for keeps.


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Ivy Claire L. Reyes-Lao

AB Management Economics

Ivy (àivi:) 1. An evergreen woody climbing or creeping plant, often grown on walls etc. 2. A girl with attitude.

Obviously, we’re talking about the second kind. But since the girl in question is Ivy Reyes-Lao, then we must be talking about the only kind.

Ivy definitely belongs to a class all her own. With her winning smile and positive personality, you know she was born to make waves in the world. At first glance, she may seem the responsible, workaholic type. She is…but beyond these qualities lies a tough but gracious girl. This girl has guts and character. She is a remarkably first-rate friend. She is responsible and serious in dealing with tasks but Ivy is also cheerful and creative. Ivy always makes people happy. She’s always in the middle when it comes to cooking up thoughtful surprises for people dear to her. She’s also loved for being honest and endearing and for her sincerity and dedication in achieving her aspirations.


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Karen C. Reyes

AB Management Economics

There must be chance in the midst of design; by which we mean that events which are not designed necessarily arise from the pursuit of events which are designed – William Paley


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Rommel Paolo D. Reyes

AB Management Economics

Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.

– Aristotle


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Danielle Marie S. Rieza

AB Management Economics

You’d never hear her saying no to a gimmick, but she still excels in school. There’s never a dull moment with her. That’s why she made college life more enjoyable to the people around her.

—Kat P. (first friend in ADMU)She’s Elle Woods times 10—the pink, kikay, smile, determination, brains, and the boys. Manang’s or no Manang’s, Maia will surely be on everyone’s fave list.

—Anton 1 & 2 (sexy beast)There’s something captivating and feminine about the color pink, like Maia. Vivaciously bubbly and witty, she never ceases to put life in the atmosphere.

—Pitet (Isaw partner)The girl probably started talking the second she was conceived! She owns a windmill in a rainforest. A very loyal friend. A trustworthy confidant.

—Mo’ (ranting partner)Full of energy and always wants something sweet, it’s no wonder people love having Maia around. You can’t miss her voice in the crowd, but you definitely miss her every time she’s not around. —Ark (huggy bear)


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Martina Alexandria F. Roman

AB Management Economics

Alex is the one person who meets the challenges of everyday life head on, complete with high spirits and the passion to excel. She lives like a child, expressing great awe and excitement as if every experience is her first. She is a person who knows how to live life to the fullest by cherishing every moment that she has with her family and friends.

This girl may float like a butterfly but she stings like a bee. She will sting any man’s heart not only with her hypnotic beauty but also with the lasting sweetness that she gives.

Many would agree that perfect would be the only accolade befitting such a remarkable person like Alex. But if there is anybody who would refuse to believe such a qualified statement, it would be Alex. Such a refusal only does prove that Alex is only human, that she is flawed. But come to think of it, her denial of this reality that is witnessed and experienced by all the lives she has touched, makes her all the more perfect.


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Tamara R. Ruiz

AB Management Economics

A happy exhilarating thought multiplied a gazillion times = life with Tammy. A smile amidst a crowd of panic-stricken faces. The friend who can make life so kokomo, make hell week like summer, and make coffee like a tropical drink. A unique blend of wackiness, optimism, and openness. Never hesitates to defend you but easily gets a panic attack after a day at the salon. Chocolates = brainfood. Never gets through a day without taking a nap even for just five minutes. Master procrastinator. Free-spirited and carefree. A late-night buddy. Reaches for the stars but keeps her feet on the ground. Knows how to live for the moment. A fencer who can gracefully execute a lunge but cannot reach her toes. Elegance personified, she walks like she floats on air. Always knows how to brighten up people’s days. That single lifeline when all is lost. Truly an unconditional friend.

—Gigi, Kim, Tercel, Nancy, Cat, Regina, Tara, Trina, Miki, Fifi, Chay, Joemar, Gino, Madelle, and sabre friends—


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Joy Charmaine I. Sahilan

AB Management Economics

Joy. The name says it all. Bright-eyed and always brimming with excitement. When she is happy about something, it will no doubt show on her ever-smiling face. She has a smile so brilliant it never fails to rub on everyone she comes across. But beware! When she gets “Hectic!” about something (and oh does she know how to get hectic); she would fret about it over and over again so that you too somehow get worried yourself...which is not really something to complain about. After all, that is what we all love about her. Ever the self-appointed camerawoman, come hell or high water, she will take picture after picture after picture of just about everything in sight. Friendly, ever enthusiastic and full of life, this girl is easy to get along with and is flexible in every sense of the word. From the physical flexibility she gets from taekwondo to the kind that makes her a friend to just about any kind of person there is. She truly is one unique lady whose personality is characterized by an amazing and wonderful “kick.”


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Alexander C. Samson

AB Management Economics

Alex is known as a Taekwondo jin. Having spent more than ten years playing this sport, he surely has intense and swift kicks! Alex is actually a nice guy and a friend anyone would want to spend time with. Even though he once kicked a girl’s jaw (mine) during a Taekwondo sparring match.

Alex has a boiling point beyond 100 degrees and a scowling-whining-period not prolonging fifteen minutes! With his extensive patience, he can definitely win at MTV’s Boiling Point. He is also a friend who truthfully understands. In fact, he often tries to accept even weird things his friends do. Through thick or thin, Alex will always reach out to his friends. He may miss his Taekwondo training or 7:30am class, but he will never miss a chance to be with people he treasures.

I am infinitely thankful to have met him! I love you Huns!


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Phelia Charisse S. San Juan

AB Management Economics

Borrowing someone else’s words, “you can’t leave footprints on the sands of time by sitting on your butt.” And Cha is definitely not one to leave butt prints. Always caught up in a flurry of activities, you’ll never find her not doing anything. But even with all her engagements, she never runs out of time for the people who need her most. Those people fortunate enough to have her as a friend know Cha to be sincere, intelligent, grounded in principles and incredibly resilient. She is the most relaxed person; one who just laughs off serious problems and makes you feel better with her high spirits. Known to her closest friends as the creative brain and hands that has a passion for dancing, Cha is someone whom you can easily approach (she always lends a helping hand) and talk to (she knows just about everything—from the latest showbiz buzz to sports to hard-core politics). But the best thing about her is that she is real—no reservations, no pretensions, no put-ons. Cha is one true friend, a little girl with the biggest heart.


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Olivia Lara T. Santico

AB Management Economics

I’ve always joked that Lara would be the one to wear the pants in her family. That’s just how she is—outspoken but always well-spoken, a natural leader who knows when it’s better just to play the part of the hard worker. You just can’t point out where her strength comes from—the confidence that pulls her out of the most cruel of winters. Indeed, inside this girl is an invincible summer. But beyond her strengths, Lara hides a charming vulnerability most often seen only by the closest of friends. Whether it’s on the topic of love or the next project deadline, her sometimes frantic approaches have always been refreshing. We’ve all grown with Lars, there’s no other way to put it. We’ve seen her turn from the animated girl she was in OrSem to the graceful but still occasionally frantic woman she is today. A day with Lars is a roller coaster ride with its fair share of spills and thrills. But always in the end you step out ecstatic and satisfied. Then you begin to ask yourself, can I ride again? Thanks for the years Lars, we love you!


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Edward Allan G. Santos

AB Management Economics

Ed is a man of big dreams. He dreams of becoming the hottest, youngest and highest-paid CEO in the country, owning a hacienda and mansion in the countryside, and driving the hottest cars in town. He also dreams of becoming a star—a singer, actor, TV host, newscaster, model, and celebrity athlete. Big as these dreams may be, nothing is impossible with Ed. People who know him know that Ed is a very hard worker. He makes sure that he maintains high grades and at the same time performs well in his extra-curricular activities. His classmates and orgmates know that when assigned a task, Ed always gives his best and delivers the job exceptionally. But Ed is neither all that serious nor boring. He is a very warm, friendly, confident, cheerful, playful, and caring individual. His family, friends and all the sets of freshies he had as a TNT and INTACT facilitator know this for a fact. He loves having fun and simply likes to inspire and be inspired. Who knows? Being all these, in the future, Ed might just make his every dream come true.


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Franz Jan S. Santos

AB Management Economics

Franz is a paradox at first glance. He seems to be a hard guy to get along with—seems quite aloof and intimidating at first. You will soon find out however that he is your all-around, go-to guy. He is a sincere listener and a good adviser that everyone knows they can come and talk to about life, love, entertainment, philosophy, or any topic at all. People find him to be sentimental and through this trait, he is able to draw from his experiences stories that generate inspiration—stories that he tells with such passion and enthusiasm that listeners can’t help but be engrossed in his wide array of legendary “Guwapo-Stories”. Determined to achieve whatever challenge he comes across, Franz proves to be versatile. He can rise up to the challenge of any situation and assume leadership whenever necessary. And beyond all these, his passion for developing meaningful and long-lasting relationships with his friends and family is inspiring to those who are lucky enough to know him. The world is truly fortunate to have someone like Franz.


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Shiela Marie C. Santos

AB Management Economics

Chances are, when you see Shiela Santos striding down EDSA walk in her full fashionista glory, you’d conclude that this girl is a snob. Actually, she is. But then again, she’s a host of other things that when put together in one psychedelic personality, ends up dismantling the laws of physics. Shiela’s logic follows that: First, the amount of food you eat is directly proportional to how thin you become. Second, every story told must be illustrated by an intensity of hand movements and Dolby surround sound effects. Third, textbooks practically lose all their worth the moment a single page acquires a crease. And last, work and study can only be done with a methodology of intense OC-fication.

She’s a forest of interesting quirks but venture deep into the heart of the wood and find peace with what really lies within—the strength of truth and friendship. The world will continue to box us with all its burdens and complexities but Shiela will always sprout new wings and soar beyond the barriers that we know.


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Fredric Vincent C. Shih

AB Management Economics

Friendly. Reliable. Enthusiastic. Deep. Realistic. Independent. Carefree. Variable. Intuitive. Nifty. Composed. Energetic. Nocturnal. Thoughtful. Cooperative. Humorous. Unpredictable. Athlete. Simple. Honest. Industrious. Humble.


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Eva Marie M. Sison

AB Management Economics

Eva is living proof that great things do come in small packages. With her fun-loving disposition and refreshing outlook in life, Eva never fails to make the people around her smile and feel comfortable. A good confidante, she is always ready to listen, sympathize, and give advice on whatever matter is at hand. With these qualities, she has definitely won the hearts of the people especially those who matter most to her. So don’t be deceived by her petite and childlike appearance, for Eva has proven and accomplished a lot in all the roles she had assumed in her life, especially as a daughter, sister, and friend.

Living her life with passion, believing that there should be no room for regrets and what-ifs, Eva knows what she wants. With her priorities set, she goes after her dreams with determination and gusto. Armed with her wits and charm, she is most definitely set to face the world that awaits her.


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Marianne Camille C. Sy

AB Management Economics

Macy, as she is fondly remembered by most of her friends, reminds us all of Christmas. People prepare for the season of Christ by sharing God’s grace through acts of kindness, compassion, and love. Macy is all three. She is the kindest person that any friend or acquaintance can ever meet in a lifetime. Though she may not remember everyone by face, she always remembers them by heart. This young lady is also very compassionate. Christmas fills the goodness in each and every one of us. We feel the need to give. The life changing experiences Macy has had during her time in Days with the Lord, ICA, Ateneo, and the everyday encounters with less privileged people display her genuine desire to reach out and give back to the community. She is the dearest of friends and the fiercest of enemies. Macy is also known to be the ever thoughtful and loving person. Macy’s greatest gift is her love. She always puts her heart in every endeavor she pursues. She gives her best effort every time.


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Ornel Jayson K. Sy

AB Management Economics

This guy, at first glance, looks shy, serious and snobbish. Once you approach & get to know him, you will see that he portrays what a true friend really is. In times of happiness or sadness, he is always there to support you and is more than willing to be at your side whenever things go topsy-turvy. He is indeed a character of selflessness and compassion. A quantitative type of person, he revels in numbers. He spends most of his time studying. However, he can bring up interesting conversations that can go on for hours on end. As much as he likes studying, he also likes partying, going out & interacting with friends a lot more. He lives by the motto “study hard, party harder.” He also has a pious attribute. He places a great significance to the Almighty Father, showing his deep faith. In a nutshell, this guy can be described as cerebral, gifted, inspired, encouraged, goal-driven & God–driven. What distinguishes him the most is his undying and unwavering friendship. OJ is what makes anybody want to be a friend.


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Louie Brian R. Sze

AB Management Economics

Louie epitomizes the guy you can bring home to your mom. He does not only have that good-boy looks with the matching disarming smile that can fool any parent, but also carries a stellar record too in both his academics and extra-curricular activities. Louie effortlessly juggles between acing his exams and being the org guy. He may look serious but he has the wackiest sense of humor. He knows how to generate laugh trips with friends by cracking the corniest of jokes and making the wittiest comments. To everyone, Louie is probably the nicest guy in campus who is ready and willing to help anyone. Chances are when you see him walking around, he will give you full acknowledgement—a loud hi accompanied by a sparkly smile complete with a showcase of his dimples. He is not just your typical cute boy with a legion of fans; he is way more than that. Being the overachiever that he is, Louie is sure to get far in life. He is a true person whom everybody he crosses paths with would be blessed to have.


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Eric Gregor G. Tan

AB Management Economics

Eric Siopao. Siomai kid. Loves steam and steamy girls. He is a proof that looks can be deceiving. Don’t be fooled by his “innocent little boy” look because all the while, he’s actually thinking of witty (?) comebacks to redeem himself from that hirit you made about him minutes ago. Underestimated by some, he will take you by surprise. Looks conservative but he’s barbwire adventurer! Fiddy’s long lost brother and Ralph’s ka-maniacan brother. Greg is a basketball maniac, the shooter from the south, and great with girls. Loves chicks, hates them after a while, then loves them again. Really easy to get along with and good company when eating and drinking out. He laughs (and cracks) the corniest jokes. He is a smart fella and a ladies man too. He can give a lot of loving to anyone. A cool Meco and Burgundy person, not to mention having the face and smile that attracts so many people to be his friend. That boyish devilishly sheepish smile is one that you will never forget. Eric+JR+Inigo+Chino=16 Holler... palm reader.


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Jacqueline Steffannie O. Tan

AB Management Economics

With a sweet face, striking body, and superb personality, it is next to impossible to miss Jacq. When you see her walking, an involuntary smile appears. Yep, Jacq has this effect on people. She can light up any room with her warmth and charm. Her active mind and comical quips never fail to amaze people. With high spirit, optimism, and a golden heart, her close-to-perfect personality is undeniable. More than the aura she exudes, Jacq is unquestionably the most perfect friend anyone could have—someone who continues to be sincerely genuine in everything she does. Her unending patience and relentless understanding amidst difficulties inspire people. If there ever were a marker for friends, Jacq will certainly be on the bestseller lists. Jacq is one ultimate survivor. For her, nothing in life is impossible. Throw her anything and she’ll breeze through with that sweet smile on her face. You just can’t help but marvel. She’s one person who loves life and believes that hope knows no bounds. Yes, she’s definitely our Jacq!


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Kimberly Joy S. Tañedo

AB Management Economics

How often would you encounter someone who, effortlessly, just has it all? Her outright charm, beauty, wit (“Isa siyang utak na tinubuan ng paa!”), infectious smile, and addictive, always-up-for-anything personality remind you so much of genuine perfection. Countless of girls (and gays) would kill just to even be close to becoming a Kim Tañedo! She is the lady everyone speechlessly admires, and those of us in Ateneo are definitely no exception. Despite the fact that every other guy is attracted to her, she remains humble and down to earth, with a special way of making you feel good about yourself. Crazy, serious yet seriously fun, Kim is a girl who simply takes your breath away as you discover something new and inexplicably lovable about her each day. Selflessly putting others’ needs before hers, she has the whole world in her heart. The love that brings hope and the muse that makes you fly, she is the sunrise in every waking moment, reminding you of the brilliance and beauty that exists in this lifetime.


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Jorge Martin A. Temblique

AB Management Economics

Martin can be likened to an ace by Roddick, a ringless point by Jordan, or a hole-in-one by Woods. He is a “great shot” traveling towards a specific target and moving with a sense of determined purpose. He is perceived to be a person in constant motion, never wanting to stop and never allowing himself to be idle. He is obsessive-compulsive and this sometimes irritates others who are willing to settle for less than perfection. Always in deep thought when it comes to specific tasks at hand, may it be his next tennis training, or his most dreaded speech, he is often times lost into his own world, making him the butt of jokes by most of his friends. Feeling left out from the latest buzz, he would then become this charming persona that could make anyone smile with his kulit-but-dazzling ways of keeping conversations going in order to extract the not-so-latest juicy details of his friends’ lives. A lot could still be said about Martin but like an ace, a 3-point shot or a hole-in-one, he is just too good for words.


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Kristoffer L. Tiansay

AB Management Economics

Toff is the greatest guy in the world. Aside from being drop-dead gorgeous, he has the kindest heart and the most amorous personality. He is a humble person who loves to converse with anyone; he has made friends from all walks of life because of this. Due to his great looks, he is a heartthrob as well. Girls can’t resist this hottie (but I have to say that he has more gay admirers than there are girls).

Despite his tough exterior, Toff is a perfect family man. He adores and loves his family so much that he would do anything to make them happy. He honors his parents with utmost respect and he fulfills his role as the eldest child, which is why his siblings deeply revere him.

Toff is the all-around man—the best student, mechanic, companion, joker, son, brother, friend, and boyfriend one could ever have. He loves selflessly without fear of loving too much and gives selflessly without fear of losing what’s left of him. He has passion for life and this infectious passion he transmits to people whose lives he touches.


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Jaclyn Therese V. Tirona

AB Management Economics

The moment you’re waiting for may never arrive,The one you just missed will never return.So if I were you…Go for it!


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Christopher Mari M. Topacio

AB Management Economics

The guy with a thousand antics, Toffee’s unparalleled humor and wit is sure to put a smile on your face. Toffee is the annoyingly cute and adorably KSP guy who can tell you the oldest, lamest, obviously bogus, and corniest jokes but still manage to get a snicker out of you, no matter how hard you try not to. His rugged appeal and smooth moves never fail to mesmerize anyone. A social butterfly, he gets along with almost anyone with the right mix of charms, intelligence, and humor, thus earning him the position of Course Rep for Meco. Though a certified drama king, you can always count on him to put his inner artist aside to be there for you before anything else. It isn’t hard to talk to him because he’s always full of life and he’ll make you feel at ease, like you’re the most important person in the world. Also, his often undue humility, patience, and responsibility are second nature for him. And though we wish we didn’t have to say it again—you really can’t help but love Toffee Topacio.


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Gracelle Esther Marie M. Traviño

AB Management Economics

Grace is one of those people you know you’ll never forget because of her genuine cheerfulness and quirky personality. Her infectious laugh is like a virus affecting everyone around her, leaving a smile on their faces even after that moment of contact. But don’t let her high spirits deceive you. Underneath all that, there lies a sensitive and encouraging friend who never lets anyone down. She devotes her attention to you as if you’re the only two people there and gladly finds a way to help you whenever you ask for it. A genuine friend, Grace would never be just another face in the crowd.


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Ildefonso Marco T. Tronqued III

AB Management Economics

“All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.”

—T.E. Lawrence


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Catherine T. Tsang

AB Management Economics

… And then there was Catsang. Suddenly, the world doesn’t seem so scary anymore. An unbelievably comforting hug when you’re just about to give up. The witty remarks that make you go, “Oo nga noh!” The calming voice that assures you things will be okay. The distinctive shrieks of laughter that crack you up and transform whatever fears and troubles you have into smiles and tiny butterflies of hope. You can’t help but wonder how one can laugh as loud as she does with such unfathomable grace. But of course, that is precisely Catsang. Ms. Never-Sabog. Ms. OC. Ms. Always-On-Time. A Hottie. Someone who suddenly giggles at the most mababaw jokes. Who eats every time she can. Who often makes fun of you in her own loving way. Who’s up for anything, for anyone. Someone who instantly lights up at the sight of chocolate. Cries whenever she feels like it. Who’ll be with you. Stays with you. Someone you just gotta love.

… Now there is Catsang. Nothing else really matters.


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Carlo Miguel S. Valdez

AB Management Economics

Look Carlo Valdez in the eye and what do you see? The silent and conspicuous rumor mongrel who knows so much about almost anyone and everything? Maybe. The Chubi del Rosario-looking stud sought after by many girls, even boys, for his killer smile and toned physique? Could be. A true-blooded Atenean driven by the spirit of Magis in leading oral presentations and arranging organization projects? True enough. A friend who will always stick it out with you through thick and thin and will be there for you especially at you lowest point? Most certainly. Carlo has transcended mere definitions of the word “friendship” proving his sincerity to everyone—people, dogs, or what have you. Just by listening to your problems, lending you a ride or simply plain fooling around, Carlo does not let his friends down in drinking sessions, basketball games, work-outs, and outings. And at the end of it all, all his friends can look at him in the eye and sigh with gratitude. “Now that’s what friends are for.”


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Katrina F. Villanueva

AB Management Economics

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Don’t be fooled by this lady’s charming face and graceful stride, for she will catch you off guard and before you know it, wham! Your life will never be the same.

An encounter with Kaka would leave you dizzy. Yes, one’s mind might not be capable of discerning how she does it. How for instance, she can balance her studies with activities like dancing for the Philippine Ballet Theatre and still get good grades. Likewise, how she never fails to be the well-mannered person that she is, or how she remains to be a genuinely kind person even to those who do her harm. This combination of beauty, kindness, and intelligence can be a bit overwhelming for anyone that comes to face her.

What’s her secret? Hers is a virtuous life guided by rock hard principles concealed within her delicate frame. A life lived out as if by a child untainted by corruption. So much so that every time she falls down, her spirit calls her back up, a fighter in true form.


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Julian Roberto Joseph D. Villar

AB Management Economics

Call out Ian, Yan, Yan-Yan, Villy, or Pogi, and this baldheaded dude will turn to you and give you the biggest smile. Always the optimist, Ian remains unruffled when things go wrong or when the workload piles up. Never angry, Ian is approachable and outgoing but can be shy at times. He’s fun to be with and can blend with any crowd. Being the people-person that he is, Ian accepts people as they are and is always willing to help. He’s dependable and trustworthy. You can talk to him about anything. He’s patient, understanding, and always there for you. He’s sweet and charming. Ian never fails to brighten your day. He is a genuine nice guy or even the Joe Boxer if you will. Maybe that’s why teachers like him. Ian is a good son, a diligent student, a helpful classmate, and a true friend. He can be seen in his trademark shorts and with his handy digi. Belly-dancing, Mcdo cup-eating, banana-stuffing, athlete slash nerd slash music-lover slash feeling-artiste slash video-gamer slash freak show—just your everyday Ian.


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Elvie C. Weeguanco

AB Management Economics

Simple yet complicated. She may appear easygoing and carefree from the outside but beneath all these lie a very strong-willed, dauntless, and intrepid individual. A very straightforward person, she doesn’t care what others will think as long as she still understands herself. She is never contented with understanding just from the surface of things and makes an effort to search for the true meaning of things on a deeper level. As an effect, however, she has this tendency of coming up with weird and crazy principles she tries lives by. You can never tell what new ideas she has brewing in her head or even predict her next actions. Yet despite these, she doesn’t fail to crack up a joke in a middle of a serious class or laugh heartily at the corniest jokes. Her sense of resoluteness is balanced with her zests in life—watching Friends, chocolates, traveling and food tripping.


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Meg K. Yap

AB Management Economics

‘How does it feel now that you have turned seventeen?’ Even after four years, this is the question that even her closest friends have to bite back each time they see Meg. With her small frame, bouncy steps, loose ponytail, and easy smile, she can still fool anyone that she is an honest-to-goodness college freshman. Four years flew by, hell weeks came and went, distress levels fluctuated, and the country plunged deeper into crisis. In the midst of it all, while the rest of humanity developed premature wrinkles, Meg remained as she was on the first day of university: a ray of butter-yellow morning sunshine. Sunshine—for she always cheers us up. Sunshine—for our pretenses do not fool her perceptive mind. Sunshine—for even the worst of our personal, practical, even philosophical complications find swift, simple, and sound resolutions when placed in the palm of her hands. Sunshine—for in our minds, she will be forever young. Sunshine—for in her special way, she makes our world-within-this-world go round.