Download - MAMS – Country and Regional, and Kofi Nouve) for a forthcoming Burkina Faso Country Economic Memorandum report.

Page 1: MAMS – Country and Regional, and Kofi Nouve) for a forthcoming Burkina Faso Country Economic Memorandum report.

MAMS – Country and Regional Applications

The following links are to studies based on MAMS, carried out by the World Bank and its development partners (including UN-DESA, UNDP, governments, and other institutions in developing countries).

Regionwide Studies

Africa/Asia/Middle East

Latin America/Caribbean

Country studies

A-E G-O P-Z Afghanistan Argentina Bangladesh Benin Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Chile Colombia Congo, Dem. Republic of Congo, Republic of Costa Rica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt, Arab Republic El Salvador Ethiopia

Ghana Guatemala Honduras Jamaica Jordan Kenya Kyrgyz Republic Liberia Malawi Mexico Moldova Mongolia Morocco Nicaragua

Pakistan Paraguay Peru Philippines Rwanda Senegal South Africa Sudan Syrian Arab Republic Tanzania Tunisia Uganda Uruguay Uzbekistan Yemen Zimbabwe

Africa/Asia/Middle East

Sanchez, Marco V., and Rob Vos. (eds.) 2013. Financing Human Development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The United Nations Series on Development. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Sánchez, Marco V., Rob Vos, Keiji Inoue, and Diyora Kabulova. “Financing Options and Challenges to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals in Africa, Asia and the Middle East,”in Sanchez, Marco V., and Rob Vos (eds.) 2013. Financing Human Development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The United Nations Series on Development. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ^ top

Latin America and the Caribbean

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Lofgren, Hans, and Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. “MAMS: an Economy-wide Model for Analysis of MDG Country Strategies - an Application to Latin America and the Caribbean,” pp. 71-126 in Sánchez, Marco V., Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, and Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. (eds). 2010. Public Policies for Human Development: Achieving the MDGs in Latin America. London: Palgrave/Macmillan.

Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe? 2008. Editado por Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sánchez y Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. De próxima publicación. Material de la portada preliminar disponible en: Español (82 KB) English (51 KB).

Sánchez, Marco V., Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, and Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. (eds). 2010. Public Policies for Human Development: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Latin America and the Caribbean. London: Palgrave/Macmillan. The book is reviewed in the Latin American Review of Books.

Sánchez, Marco V., and Rob Vos. 2009. Impact of the global crisis on the achievement of the MDGs in Latin America (132 KB). United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA). DESA Working Paper no. 74, June.

Vos, Rob, Marco V. Sánchez and Cornelia Kaldewei. 2008. Latin America and the Caribbean’s Challenge to Reach the MDGs: Financing Options and Trade-offs. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA). DESA Working Paper no. 68, September.

Vos, Rob, Marco V. Sánchez, and Keiji Inoue. 2007. Constraints to achieving the MDGs through domestic resource mobilization (404 KB). United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA). DESA Working Paper no. 36, May.

Vos, Rob. 2011. Illusions and Disillusions with Poverty Reduction Strategies: Growth, Crisis and the MDGs in Bolivia, Honduras and Nicaragua. European Journal of Development Research, Vol. 23, pp. 23, 208–228.

Vos, Rob, Marco V. Sánchez, and Enrique Ganuza. “Overview,” pp. 1-15 in Sánchez, Marco V., Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, and Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. (eds). 2010. Public Policies for Human Development: Achieving the MDGs in Latin America. London: Palgrave/Macmillan.

Vos, Rob, Marco V. Sánchez, and Cornelia Kaldewei. “Latin America and the Caribbean's Challenge to Reach the MDGs: Financing Options and Trade-offs,” pp. 17-69 in Sánchez, Marco V., Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, and Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. (eds). 2010. Public Policies for Human Development: Achieving the MDGs in Latin America. London: Palgrave/Macmillan. ^ top


World Bank. 2014. Islamic State of Afghanistan: Pathways to Inclusive Growth. Full Report. Report no. ACS8228. (MAMS-related materials, prepared by Hans Lofgren and Susanna Gable, are found on pp. 6-8, 57-61, and 101-112.)

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Hogg, Richard, Claudia Nassif, Camilo Gomez Osorio, William Byrd, and Andrew Beath. 2013.Afghanistan in Transition: Looking beyond 2014. Directions in Development. Washington, DC: World Bank. MAMS-related part of the report. Analysis, carried out by Susanna Gable and Hans Lofgren, is presented on pp. 5-8, 55-59, and 149-168.

World Bank. 2012. Afghanistan in Transition: Looking Beyond 2014. Volume 1: Overview and Volume 2: Main Report. The MAMS-based part of the analysis, carried out by Susanna Gable and Hans Lofgren as part of a team lead by Claudia Nassif the World Bank’s South Asia Economic Policy and Poverty unit (SASEP). The analysis, which uses the core (non-MDG) version of MAMS, addresses the consequences of alternative scenarios for agricultural growth, foreign aid, mining, and security; it is presented on pp. viii-x in Volume 1 and pp. 112-131 in Volume 2. The team that carried out this work received the 2012 Team Award of the South Asia Region Vice Presidential Unit of the World Bank in recognition of outstanding team achievement. ^ top

Argentina Cicowiez, Martin, Luciano Di Gresia, and Leonardo Gasparini. “Argentina,” pp. 127-158 in Sánchez, Marco V., Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, and Carolina Díaz-Bonilla (eds). 2010. Public Policies for Human Development: Achieving the MDGs in Latin America. London: Palgrave/Macmillan.

Cicowiez, Martín, Luciano Di Gresia y Leonardo Gasparini. 2008. "Argentina." De próxima publicación como el Capítulo 4 en Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe? Editado por Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sánchez y Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. Material de la portada preliminar disponible en: Español (82 KB) English (51 KB). ^ top


MAMS-based research on Bangladesh, Moldova, and Tanzania is featured in the European Report on Development (ERD) 2015, “Combining finance and policies to implement a transformative post-2015 development agenda.” The lead institutions behind the report are the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), the German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), and the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM). For more on the analysis for Bangladesh, see the paper “Policy Options Beyond 2015 – Achieving the MDGs in Bangladesh” by Jörgen Levin (Örebro University, Sweden).

Analysis of policy issues related to Infrastructure and Human Development in Bangladesh using the MAMS MDG version. The analysis is carried out by Yeasmin Sayeed and Jörgen Levin, School of Economics Örebro University, as part of Yeasmin’s Licenciate dissertation in Economics at Örebro University under the supervision of Dr. Jörgen Levin. It is expected that the dissertation will be completed in 2015. ^ top

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Benin Republic of Benin (Ministry of Economy and Finance) and UNDP. 2010. Financing Strategy for Achieving MDGs in Benin: Fiscal Policy and Public Development Aid. August (in French; French title: Strategies de Financement pour l’Atteinte des OMD au Benin: Politique Fiscale et Aide Publique au Développement).

The study was conducted as part of the UNDP project “Support for the operationalization of MDGs, SCRP and DHD”. It analyses strategies for achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Benin with alternative financing schemes. The members of the team: Mohamed Ali Marouani, team leader (Université Paris1-Panthéon-Sorbonne and DIAL), Janvier Alofa (Economist, UNDP), André-Felix Sossou (project manager), Bachir Souberou (Director of Planning Division, Ministry of Economy and Finance), Anda-Mariana David (Université Paris-Dauphine and DIAL), Aristide Medenou (Head of Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Economy and Finance) and Touhami Abdelkhalek (INSEA Rabat). The study was concluded by a workshop organized in Cotonou in December 2009 to discuss the results of the project with various national stakeholders and propose improvements. This workshop was preceded by a training seminar on MAMS and on the microsimulation module built for analyzing the impact of the various reforms on monetary poverty and inequality. The training course was financed by GTZ and provided by Mohamed Ali Marouani and Anda-Mariana David to a group of civil servants from various institutions in Benin. ^ top


Gonzales Martínez, Rolando. 2014. “∆9-Tetrahydrocannabinol y el Desarrollo Económico en Bolivia Hasta 2025: Un Estudio de Equilibrio General.” 6th Bolivian Conference on Development Economics (BCDE2014), Cochabamba, 28 - 29 August 2014.

Jiménez, Wilson, Mirna Mariscal, and Gustavo Canavire. “Bolivia,” pp. 159-183 in Sánchez, Marco V., Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, and Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. (eds). 2010.Public Policies for Human Development: Achieving the MDGs in Latin America. London: Palgrave/Macmillan.

As part of the project “Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling,” the Development Policy and Analysis Division (DPAD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA) is undertaking an activity in Bolivia that (a) strengthens capacity in integrated (MAMS-based) CGE and micro-simulation modeling; and (b) applies this approach to policy analysis related to MDGs and human development. The project draws on MAMS materials developed by the World Bank. In this activity, the national counterpart of DPAD is the Social and Economic Policy Analysis Unit (UDAPE) of the Ministry of Economic Development. Support is provided by UNDP in Bolivia and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). Expected completion is in 2013.

Jiménez, Wilson, Mirna Mariscal y Gustavo Canavire. 2008. "Bolivia". De próxima publicación como el Capítulo 5 en Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe? Editado por Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sánchez y Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. Material de la portada preliminar disponible en: Español (82 KB) English (51 KB). ^ top

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Ulyssea, Gabriel y Yann Le Boulluec. 2008. "Brasil". De próxima publicación como el Capítulo 6 en Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe? Editado por Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sánchez y Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. Material de la portada preliminar disponible en: Español (82 KB) English (51 KB). ^ top


World Bank. 2015 Productivity in Bulgaria: Trends and Options. Document of the World Bank. June. MAMS-based analysis by Jouko Kinnunen (Statistics and Research Åland, Finland) with inputs from Hans Lofgren is presented in Chapter 8 (pp. 91-103). The team task leader was Doerte Doemeland of the World Bank’s Macro and Fiscal Management Global Practice. ^ top

Burkina Faso

World Bank. 2010. Burkina Faso: Promoting Growth, Competitiveness and Diversification. Country Economic Memorandum. Volumes 1, 2, and 3. Report No. 51815-BF. PREM 4, Africa Region. (MAMS-based analysis in Volume 3, pp. 8-26 [Chapter “Coping with Population Growth”] and pp. 97-122 [Chapter “Policy Options for Fiscal Space and Structural Changes — A Model-based Analysis”] and pp. 126-138 (Appendices). The MAMS-based analysis was carried out by Jan Gottschalk (IMF), Vu Le (IMF), Hans Lofgren, and Kofi Nouve.

Gottschalk, Jan (IMF). 2009. "Analyzing Fiscal Space Using MAMS: An Application to Burkina Faso." (421 KB) Presentation given at Informal Lunchtime Seminar, IMF Washington, D.C., April 8. The presentation was based on joint World Bank – IMF analysis (by Jan Gottschalk, Jan, Le Vu, Hans Lofgren, and Kofi Nouve) for a forthcoming Burkina Faso Country Economic Memorandum report.

Gottschalk, Jan, Vu Manh Le, Hans Lofgren, Hans, Kofi Nouve. 2009. Analyzing Fiscal Space Using the MAMS Model: An Application to Burkina Faso. IMF Working Paper 09/227. ^ top


Relying on MAMS, a World Bank study of Chilean fiscal reforms analyzes the consequences of tax reforms and investments in education, focusing on macroeconomic and distributive aspects. The reforms chosen for analysis include i) changes in the income tax structure: increased taxation of capital incomes

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and elimination of incentives to defer tax payments; and ii) indirect tax measures comprising introduction of green taxes, and increased excise tax rates on tobacco, and sweetened and alcoholic beverages. The team task leader is Rong Qian of the World Bank’s Macro and Fiscal Management Global Practice (MFM GP). The MAMS analysis is carried out by Calvin Djiofack (MFM GP) and Carmen Estrades (Consultant) in collaboration with Hans Lofgren of DECPG. The study will be completed during FY2015.

Mardones Poblete, Cristian, 2010, Evaluando Reformas Tributarias en Chile con un Modelo CGE (Evaluating Tax Reforms in Chile with a CGE Model), Estudios de Economía, Vol. 37 - Nº 2, Diciembre 2010. Págs. 243-284

O'Ryan, Raul, Carlos J. de Miguel, and Camilo Lagos. “Chile,” pp. 185-211 in Sánchez, Marco V., Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, and Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. (eds). 2010. Public Policies for Human Development: Achieving the MDGs in Latin America. London: Palgrave/Macmillan.

O'Ryan, Raúl, Carlos de Miguel y Camilo Lagos. 2008. "Chile" De próxima publicación como el Capítulo 7 en Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe? Editado por Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sánchez y Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. Material de la portada preliminar disponible en: Español (82 KB) English (51 KB). ^ top


Núñez, Jairo, Néstor González y Gustavo Hernández. 2008. "Colombia". De próxima publicación como el Capítulo 8 en Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe? Editado por Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sánchez y Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. Material de la portada preliminar disponible en: Español (82 KB) English (51 KB). ^ top

Congo, Dem. Republic of

World Bank. 2008. Democratic Republic of Congo: Public Expenditure Review (16.66 MB). World Bank Report no. 42167-ZR. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management 3, Africa Region. (For MAMS-related materials, see Chapter 2, "Analysis of Public Expenditure Trends and Fiscal Sustainability," pp. 26-45, prepared by Doerte Doemeland and François Painchaud.)

World Bank. 2007. Country Assistance Strategy for the Democratic Republic of Congo for the Period FY08-FY11 (8.36 MB). World Bank Report No. 41474-ZR. World Bank, Africa Region. (For MAMS-based input, prepared by Doerte Doemeland and François Painchaud, see page 22-23.) ^ top

Congo, Republic of

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World Bank. 2011. Republic of Congo. Employment and Growth Study: From jobless to inclusive growth. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management 3. Africa Region. Findings from MAMS-based analysis, carried out by Hannah Nielsen and Hans Lofgren, are summarized on pp. 56-58.

Nielsen, Hannah, and Hans Lofgren. 2011. How important is the efficiency of government investment? The case of the Republic of Congo. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5901. December.

Nielsen, Hannah and Hans Lofgren. 2011. “L’impact des politiques gouvernementales sur la croissance et l’emploi”. Presentation (in French) with preliminary results given by Hannah Nielsen at a workshop with some 70 participants from government, academia, other donors and the private sector. The workshop, which was held in Brazzaville on March 21, 2011, covered a series of background papers to the Employment and Growth Study. ^ top

Costa Rica

Sánchez Cantillo y Gerald Mora Muñoz (Eds.) Políticas públicas, crecimiento y objetivos de desarrollo del milenio en Costa Rica: costeo y notas con base en análisis de escenarios.Ministerio de Planificación Nacional y Política Económica (MIDEPLAN), Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), Costa Rica Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales de las Naciones Unidas (UN-DESA) (in Spanish) addresses policies, growth, and MDGs for Costa Rica using MAMS. The book is an output of the UN-DESA project “Strengthening Macroeconomic and Social Policy Coherence through Integrated Macro-Micro Modelling,” led by Marco V. Sánchez Cantillo. It includes the following chapters:

• Sánchez Cantillo. 2013. “Los retos del crecimiento económico y el gasto público social para cumplir los ODM en Costa Rica,” (pp. 13-25)

• Castro Villalobos, Pamela Chacón Calvo, Gerardo Ramírez Céspedes, and Lucrecia Rodríguez Guzmán. 2013. “Uso de los recursos de Eurobonos y gasto público para promover la educación primaria: efectos en la pobreza y la distribución del ingreso,” (pp. 27-43).

• Chinchilla, Néstor y Olman Cortes. 2013. “Impactos macroeconómicos de la colocación de títulos valores del Gobierno costarricense en el mercado internacional y usos alternativos de los recursos,” (pp. 45-55).

• García Valerio, Juan Pablo. 2013. “La educación primaria en Costa Rica: los problemas de graduación a tiempo y eficiencia del gasto público,” (pp. 57-70).

• Monge, Carlos y Pablo Slon. 2013. “La meta del milenio en educación en Costa Rica: su financiamiento y efecto sobre la tasa de interés,” (pp. 71-78).

Sánchez, Marco V. “Costa Rica,” pp. 213-243 in Sánchez, Marco V., Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, and Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. (eds). 2010. Public Policies for Human Development: Achieving the MDGs in Latin America. London: Palgrave/Macmillan.

Sánchez, Marco V. 2008. "Costa Rica". De próxima publicación como el Capítulo 9 en Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe? Editado por Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sánchez y Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. Material de la portada

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preliminar disponible en: Español (82 KB) English (51 KB). ^ top

Dominican Republic

Diaz-Bonilla, Carolina, with Hans Lofgren and Martin Cicowiez. 2008. Public Policies and the MDGS: the Case of the Dominican Republic (481 KB). Presentation given at Segundo Encuentro Regional sobre Modelos de Equilibrio General: sus Aportes en la Formulación de la Política Económica en América Latina y el Caribe, Alajuela, Costa Rica, November 24-25.

Díaz-Bonilla, Carolina, Hans Lofgren, and Martín Cicowiez. 2008. Public Policies for the MDGs: the Case of the Dominican Republic (141 KB). Revised draft March 11. A longer version was issued as Documento de Trabajo nro. 72 (259 KB) by CEDLAS (Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Sociales). Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Julio 2008.

Díaz-Bonilla, Carolina, Hans Lofgren y Martín Cicowiez. 2008. "República Dominicana" (141 KB) De próxima publicación como el Capítulo 20 en Politicas Públic para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe?. Editado por Robert Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Logren, Marvo V. Sánchez, y Carolina Diaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. Material de la portada preliminar disponible en: Español (82 KB) English (51 KB). ^ top


León, Mauricio, José Rosero, and Rob Vos. “Ecuador,” pp. 245-277 in Sánchez, Marco V., Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, and Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. (eds). 2010. Public Policies for Human Development: Achieving the MDGs in Latin America. London: Palgrave/Macmillan.

León, Mauricio, José Rosero y Rob Vos. 2008. "Ecuador". De próxima publicación como el Capítulo 11 en Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe? Editado por Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sánchez y Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. Material de la portada preliminar disponible en: Español (82 KB) English (51 KB). ^ top

Egypt, Arab Rep.

Khorshid, Motaz, Ahmed Kamaly, Heba El-Laithy and Sohair Abou El-Enein. 2013. “Egypt,” in Sanchez, Marco V., and Rob Vos. Financing Human Development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The United Nations Series on Development. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Khorshid, Motaz, Ahmed Kamaly, Heba El Leithy, and Soheir Aboul-Einein. 2011. Country Study: Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in the Arab Republic of Egypt.United Nations Department for Social and Economic Affairs, March. A Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Egypt was

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built as part of the study. This Egypt study is part of the broader projectRealizing the Millennium Development Goals through Socially Inclusive Macroeconomic Policies,carried out by the Development Policy and Analysis Division (DPAD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA) together with the UNDP, the World Bank, and country teams and related institutions, in the case of Egypt, Cairo University, the Arab council for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, the American University in Cairo, the Ministry of Economic Development, and the Institute of National Planning. ^ top

El Salvador

Acevedo, Carlos. 2008. "El Salvador". De próxima publicación como el Capítulo 12 en Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe? Editado por Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sánchez y Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. Material de la portada preliminar disponible en: Español (82 KB) English (51 KB). ^ top


Ruggeri Laderchi, Caterina, Hans Lofgren, and Rahimaisa Abdula. 2010. "Addressing Gender Inequality in Ethiopia: Trends, Impacts, and the Way Forward," pp. 193-227 in eds. Jorge Arbache, Alexandre Kolev, and Ewa Filipiak. Gender Disparities in Africa's Labor Market. Africa Development Forum. Agence Française de Développement and the World Bank.

World Bank. 2009. Unleashing the Potential of Ethiopian Women: Trends and Options for Economic Empowerment (626 KB). Report 49366-ET. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management 2, Africa Region. Washington, D.C. (For MAMS-related materials, prepared by Hans Lofgren, Caterina Ruggeri Laderchi and Rahimaisa Abdula, see pp. 44-52.) For related presentation, see below Ruggeri Laderchi, Caterina, and Hans Lofgren. 2008.

Ruggeri Laderchi, Caterina, and Hans Lofgren. 2008. Unleashing the Potential of Ethiopian Women: Trends and Options for Economic Empowerment (620 KB). Edited and synthesized version of presentations to the Ministry of Finance and Development given on July 2, 2008 in Addis Ababa and to the International Conference on the Ethiopian Economy of the Ethiopian Economic Association, held on July 4, 2008 at the United Nations Conference Center in Addis Ababa. The presentations were based on World Bank Report 49366-ET (see above).

Lofgren, Hans. 2008. “An Exploratory General-Equilibrium Analysis of Time, Gender, and Education in Ethiopia.” (180 KB). Presentation given via video link to the Department for International Development (DfID) – World Bank Seminar “Integrating Gender into Country-Level Growth Analysis: Practical Tools and Analytical Approaches,” held at the UK Department for International Development (DfID), London, June 2-3, 2008. Related paper (145 KB).

Lofgren, Hans, and Carolina Diaz-Bonilla. 2008. "Foreign aid, taxes, and government productivity: Alternative scenarios for Ethiopia’s Millennium Development Goal Strategy," pp. 267-300 in eds. Delfin

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S. Go and John Page, Africa at a Turning Point? Growth, Aid, and External Shocks. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

World Bank. 2007. Capturing the Demographic Bonus in Ethiopia: The Role of Gender Equitable Development and Demographic Actions. Sector Report No. 36434-ET. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management 2 (AFTP2). Country Department for Ethiopia. Africa Region. For MAMS-based inputs, prepared by Hans Lofgren and Rahimaisa Abdula, see pp. viii-ix and 105-114.

Christiaensen, Luc. 2006. Benefits from Accelerating the Demographic Transition – Evidence from Ethiopia. Presentation (with inputs from Hans Lofgren and Rahimaisa Abdula) given at the "Economists Forum" held at World Bank Headquarters, April 19. The presentation was based on World Bank Report No. 36434-ET. Capturing the Demographic Bonus in Ethiopia: The Role of Gender Equitable Development and Demographic Actions. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management 2 (AFTP2). Country Department for Ethiopia. Africa Region.

World Bank. 2007. Urban Labour Markets in Ethiopia: Challenges and Prospects. Volume I: Synthesis Report; Volume II: Background Papers. Sector Report No. 38665-ET. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit, Africa Region. March, 2007. For MAMS-based inputs, prepared by Hans Lofgren and Rahimaisa Abdula, see Vol. I pp. 71-73 and Vol. II, pp. 167-175

World Bank Report. Ethiopia. Review of Public Finance. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit. Country Department for Ethiopia. Africa Region. Draft. June 15, 2006. For MAMS-based inputs, prepared by Hans Lofgren and Rahimaisa Abdula, see pp. 13-14, 41-47 and 89-93.

Lofgren, Hans, and Rahimaisa Abdula. 2006. "Domestic Policies and Foreign Aid: Alternative Scenarios for Ethiopia, 2006-2010." Background Paper for Ethiopia: Review of Public Finance. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit. Country Department for Ethiopia. Africa Region. Draft. June 15.

Sundberg, Mark, and Hans Lofgren. 2006. "Absorptive Capacity and Achieving the MDGs: The Case of Ethiopia," pp. 141-167 in eds. Peter Isard, Leslie Lipschitz, Alex Mourmouras, and Boriana Yontcheva. The Macroeconomic Management of Foreign Aid: Opportunities and Pitfalls. Washington, DC: IMF.

Bourguignon, François, and Mark Sundberg. 2006. “Absorptive Capacity and Achieving the MDGs,” UNU-WIDER Research Paper No. 2006/47. May.

Bourguignon, Francois, and Mark Sundberg. 2006. "Constraints to Achieving the MDGs with Scaled-Up Aid", UNDESA Working Paper 15, March. United Nations: New York.

Sundberg, Mark, and Hans Lofgren. 2005. "Addressing absorptive capacity: the case of Ethiopia," box prepared for the Global Monitoring Report: Millennium Development Goals: From Consensus to Momentum (pp. 164-165), World Bank, 2005. ^ top


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Bogetic, Zeljko, Maurizio Bussolo, and Denis Medvedev. 2008. Achieving Accelerated and Shared Growth in Ghana: A MAMS-based Analysis of Costs and Opportunities (204 KB). World Bank Policy Research Paper No. 4523. Washington, D.C. February.

World Bank. 2008. "Introduction to Policy Analysis with MAMS in GAMS for Ghana." A one-week course offered June 2-7 to seven Ghanian officials from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning by a team from the World Bank's Development Prospects Group with inputs from other World Bank staff. Hans Lofgren was the course coordinator and main instructor.

Bussolo, Maurizio, and Denis Medvedev. 2007. Accelerated Growth and MDG Achievement in Ghana: A General Equilibrium Analysis of Fiscal Policy Alternatives (388 KB). Presentation given at the Poverty Reduction, Equity and Growth Network (PEGNet) Conference, held in Berlin, September 6-7.

Bussolo, Maurizio, and Denis Medvedev. 2007. Challenges to MDG Achievement in Low-Income Countries: Lessons for Ghana and Honduras (722 KB). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 4383. World Bank, Development Prospects Group. Washington, D.C. November. Also issued under the same title in pp. 65-96 of editors John Cockburn and Martin Valdivia. 2008. "Reaching the MDGs: An International Perspective (1.18 MB). Papers prepared as contributions to a researcher-stakeholder forum on 'Reaching the MDGs: An International Perspective (Lima, Peru, June 12, 2007) co-organized by the Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) Research Network, the Grupo de Analisis para el Desarollo (GRADE), Universidad del Pacifico and the Network on Inequality and Poverty (NIP).

World Bank. 2007. Ghana: Meeting the Challenge of Accelerated and Shared Growth. Country Economic Memorandum. World Bank Report No. 40934-GH. PREM 4. Africa Region. November 28. (For MAMS-based materials, prepared by Zeljko Bogetic, Maurizio Bussolo,and Denis Medvedev, see Vol. I: Synthesis (546 KB), pp. 52-72). ^ top


Vázquez, William F. 2008. "Guatemala". De próxima publicación como el Capítulo 13 enPolíticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe? Editado por Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sánchez y Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. Material de la portada preliminar disponible en: Español (82 BK) English (51 KB). ^ top


[available soon] ^ top


King, Damien y Sudhanshu Handa. 2008. "Jamaica". De próxima publicación como el Capítulo 15 en Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe? Editado por Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sánchez

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y Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. Material de la portada preliminar disponible en: Español (82 KB) English (51 KB). ^ top


[available soon] ^ top


World Bank. 2009. Kenya Poverty and Inequality Assessment: Executive summary and synthesis. Report 44190-KE. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit. Country. Africa Region. Washington, D.C. (For MAMS-related materials, prepared by Hans Lofgren and Martin Cicowiez, see pp. 130-134 and 157-158; for background note, see below under Lofgren and Cicowiez, June 2008.)

Lofgren, Hans, and Martin Cicowiez. 2008. Note on MAMS Simulation Analysis for Kenya Poverty and Inequality Assessment. Unpublished. World Bank.

World Bank. 2008. Kenya: Accelerating and Sustaining Inclusive Growth (8.95 MB). Policy Note. Report no. 42844-KE. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit 2. Country Department for Kenya. Africa Region. (For MAMS-related materials, prepared by Hans Lofgren and Praveen Kumar, see pp. 24 and 101-104.). World Bank. Washington, D.C.

Kiringai, Jane, and Jörgen Levin. 2008. Achieving the MDGs in Kenya with Some Aid and Reallocation of Public Expenditures (177 KB). Working Paper No. 10, Swedish Business School at Örebro University.

Levin, Jörgen, and Jane Kiringai. 2008. "Achieving the MDGs in Kenya -- some aid and reallocation of public expenditures" (183 KB). Presentation at Business School, Nairobi University, August 21.

Levin, Jörgen, and Jane Kiringai. 2008. "Achieving the MDGs in Kenya -- a need for additional aid flows?" (271 KB). Presentation at Business School, Nairobi University, April 15.

Lofgren, Hans, and Praveen Kumar. 2007. The Challenges of Achieving Kenya’s Vision 2030: A Macro Perspective (137 KB). Draft. August. Background paper for Kenya: Accelerating and Sustaining Inclusive Growth (8.95 MB). Policy Note. Report no. 42844-KE. (Cited above.) ^ top

Kyrgyz Republic

Mogilevskii, Roman, Nazgul Abdrazakova and Saule Chalbasova. 2015. “The Impact of Kumtor Gold Mine on the Economic and Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic.” Working Paper No.32, Institute

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of Public Policy and Administration, Graduate School of Development, University of Central Asia, Bishkek.

Mogilevsky, Roman, and Gulnaz Kaalykova. 2011. Country Study: Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in the Kyrgyz Republic. United Nations Department for Social and Economic Affairs, March. A Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the Kyrgyz Republic was built as part of the study. This Kyrgyz study is part of the broader project Realizing the Millennium Development Goals through Socially Inclusive Macroeconomic Policies, carried out by the Development Policy and Analysis Division (DPAD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA) together with the UNDP, the World Bank, and country teams and related institutions, in the case of the Kyrgyz Republic the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and the Center for Economic and Social Research.

Mogilevsky, Roman, and Anara Omorova. 2011. “Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in Asia: Macroeconomic Strategies of MDG Achievement in the Kyrgyz Republic.“CASE Center for Social and Economic Research) Network Report, Warsaw. ^ top


The impact of Ebola on Liberia (as of October 2014) is addressed, in part on the basis of MAMS simulations, in World Bank Group. 2014. The Economic Impact of the 2014 Ebola Epidemic: Short and Medium Term Estimates for West Africa. Document prepared jointly by a team drawn from the World Bank’s Global Practice for Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management (GMFDR), the Office of the Chief Economist for the Africa Region (AFRCE), and the Development Prospects Group in the Development Economics Vice Presidency (DECPG). For the MAMS -based Liberia analysis, see pp.41-42 and 79-86.

World Bank. 2013. Liberia: Public Expenditure Review -- Options for Fiscal Space Enlargement.Report No. 75049-LR. Africa Region. May. Washington, D.C. (For MAMS-related material, prepared by Hans Lofgren, see pp. 43-50.)

Lofgren, Hans. 2013. Creating and Using Fiscal Space for Accelerated Development in Liberia.World Bank Policy Research Working Paper WPS 6678.

Dessus, Sébastien, Jariya Hoffman, and Hans Lofgren. 2012. Liberia: Strategic Policy Options for Medium Term Growth and Development. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper WPS 6081.

World Bank. 2012. Liberia: Strategic Policy Options for Medium Term Growth and Development. Report No: 67300-LR. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management, Africa Region, March. ^ top


Diaz-Bonilla, Carolina. 2007. "Choosing the Balance between Human Development and Infrastructure Spending in Malawi." Presentation given in Lilongwe, Malawi, June 20-21.

Page 14: MAMS – Country and Regional, and Kofi Nouve) for a forthcoming Burkina Faso Country Economic Memorandum report.

World Bank. 2007. Malawi: Public Expenditures Review 2006 (12 MB). World Bank Report No. 40145-MW. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management, Africa Region. September. (For MAMS-related input, prepared by Carolina Diaz-Bonilla, Hans Lofgren, Pavel Lukyantsau, and Antonio Nucifora, see pp. xv-xvi, 13-20, and 127-133). ^ top


Ortega, Araceli and Miguel Székely. “Mexico,” pp. 307-327 in Sánchez, Marco V., Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, and Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. (eds). 2010. Public Policies for Human Development: Achieving the MDGs in Latin America. London: Palgrave/Macmillan.

Ortega, Araceli y Miguel Sezékely. 2008. "México". De próxima publicación como el Capítulo 16 en Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe? Editado por Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sánchez y Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. Material de la portada preliminar disponible en: Español (82 KB) English (51 KB). ^ top


MAMS-based research on Bangladesh, Moldova, and Tanzania is featured in the European Report on Development (ERD) 2015, “Combining finance and policies to implement a transformative post-2015 development agenda.” The lead institutions behind the report are the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), the German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), and the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM). For more on the analysis for Moldova, see the paper “The Role of Infrastructure, Finance and FDI in Boosting Moldova’s Growth: MAMS-based Analysis” by Jouko Kinnunen (Statistics and Research Åland, ÅSUB, Finland).

Kinnunen, Jouko, Hans Lofgren, Victor Sulla, Dino Merotto. 2013. External shocks, fiscal policy and income distribution: Alternative scenarios for Moldova. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper WPS 6365. Revised version of paper presented at the ECOMOD Conference, held in Seville, Spain, July 4-6, 2012. The study is part of the study “State and Redistribution: Analyzing the Distributional Impact of Fiscal Policy,” led by Jose Cuesta of the World Bank’s Poverty Reduction and Equity Unit (PRMPR) and supported by the Trust Fund for Environmentally & Socially Sustainable Development (TFESSD). ^ top


World Bank. 2013. Mongolia: Raising Female Participation in the Large Scale Mining Sector.Policy note prepared by a World Bank team with Tehmina Khan as the lead author. The note draws on MAMS simulations.

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World Bank. 2011. “Fiscal Developments,” pp. 11-19, in Mongolia Quarterly Economic Update,January. The analysis uses results from MAMS simulations.

World Bank. 2009. “Near and medium¬term outlook for Mongolia,” pp. 9-10, in Mongolia Monthly Economic Update, December. The analysis uses results from MAMS simulations. ^ top


The objective of the ongoing study “A Moroccan Strategy for Structural Transformation” is to analyze alternative sectoral strategies for Morocco aimed at transforming its economy toward a structure that is flexible, diversified and income-generating, and which over time brings about more rapid growth and progress in terms of employment generation, poverty reduction, and human development. The analysis integrates MAMS with the product space (PS) method of Hausmann and Klinger (2006) and consultations with sector experts. The core research team is made up of Ayache Khellaf and Mariam El Joubari, both of Morocco’s Haut Commissariat au Plan, and Hans Lofgren and Israel Osorio-Rodarte of the World Bank. The work is part of a broader set of activities led by Paolo Verme of the World Bank’s Economic Policy, Poverty and Gender Unit for the Middle East and North Africa region (MNSED). The study will be completed in 2015.

Khellaf, Ayache, Elhoucine Belhachmi, and Mohamed Karim. 2011. Country Study: Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in the Kingdom of Morocco. United Nations Department for Social and Economic Affairs, March. A Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Morocco was built as part of the study. This Morocco study is part of the broader projectRealizing the Millennium Development Goals through Socially Inclusive Macroeconomic Policies,carried out by the Development Policy and Analysis Division (DPAD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA) together with the UNDP, the World Bank, and country teams and related institutions, in the case of Morocco, the Haut Commissariat au Plan and Université Mohammed V – Souissi. ^ top


Sánchez, Marco V. and Rob Vos. “Nicaragua,” pp. 329-364 in Sánchez, Marco V., Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, and Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. (eds). 2010. Public Policies for Human Development: Achieving the MDGs in Latin America. London: Palgrave/Macmillan. ^ top


Kinnunen, Jouko, and Hans Lofgren. 2013. Infrastructure for Growth and Human Development in Pakistan: A Simulation Analysis of Fiscal Policy Options. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper WPS 6554. A summary of paper findings is found on pp. 88-90 and 104-107 in World Bank. 2013. Pakistan: Finding the Path to Job-Enhancing Growth. Country Economic Memorandum. Report

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No. 75521-PK. ^ top


Cicowiez, Martin, and Horacio Santander. 2015. Construcción de una Matriz de Contabilidad Social para Paraguay para el Año 2009. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. División de Cambio Climático y Sostenibilidad. NOTA TÉCNICA Nº 879.

As part of the non-lending technical assistance program “Paraguay Poverty and Equity” the World Bank is offering training on MAMS to officials at Paraguay’s Secretaría Técnica de Planificación del Desarrollo Económico y Social (STP), which depends on the Presidency. Going forward, STP’s officials plan to use the model for forward-looking distributional analysis of issues facing Paraguay’s economy, including investment in infrastructure and spending in education and health sectors. The training and technical supervision is provided by Martin Cicowiez (CEDLAS-Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina). The project is led by Maria Ana Lugo of the World Bank. Funding for the activity is provided by the PSIA (Poverty Social Impact Analysis) Trust Fund, through the activity “Capacity building in Paraguay on tools for distributional analysis” (TF017321). This activity started in the fall of 2014 and is expected to end in June 2015.

World Bank. 2013. A Public Expenditure Review for Paraguay: The quest for optimal tax and expenditure policies for shared prosperity. Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay Country Management Unit, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management, Latin America and the Caribbean Region. Report No. 78194-PY. Volumes 1 and 2. For MAMS-based analysis, done by Carolina Diaz-Bonilla and Martin Cicowiez, see Volume 1, pp. xiii, 9-11, 25, 49-50, and Volume 2, pp. 142-160 (Chapter 4, titled “Assessing the Poverty and Social Impact of Fiscal Policies and External Shocks in Paraguay”).

Biederman, Gustavo y Jorge Corvalán. 2008. "Paraguay". De próxima publicación como el Capítulo 18 en Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe? Editado por Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sánchez y Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. Material de la portada preliminar disponible en: Español (82 KB) English (51 KB). ^ top


Castro, Juan F. y Gustavo Yamada. 2008. "Perú". De próxima publicación como el Capítulo 19 en Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe? Editado por Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sánchez y Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. Material de la portada preliminar disponible en: Español (82 KB) English (51 KB). ^ top

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Briones, Roehlano M. 2014. Millennium Development Goals Scenarios to 2015 and Beyond: An Integrated Micro-Macro Modelling Approach. Philippine Institute for Development Studies.Discussion Paper Series No. 2014-12. In the press, the study was covered by the Manila Times,and Malaya Business Insight.

Briones, Roehlano M., Francis Quimba, Myrna Asuncion, Jonathan B. Bungcayao, Joseph B. Paglingayen and Ivee Libunao. 2013. “Philippines” in Sanchez, Marco V., and Rob Vos..Financing Human Development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The United Nations Series on Development. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Briones, Roehlano M., Francis Quimba, Jonathan B. Bungcayao, Joseph B. Paglingayen, Ivee Libunao and Myrna B. Asuncion. 2011. Country Study: Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in the Republic of the Philippines. United Nations Department for Social and Economic Affairs, March. A Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the Philippines was built as part of the study. This study of the Philippines is part of the broader project Realizing the Millennium Development Goals through Socially Inclusive Macroeconomic Policies, carried out by the Development Policy and Analysis Division (DPAD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA) together with the UNDP, the World Bank, and country teams and related institutions, in the case of the Philippines, Philippine Institute for Development Studies and National Economic and Development Authority.

Briones, Roehlano, Francis Quimba, Myrna Asuncion, Jonathan Bungcayao, Joseph Paglingayen, and Ivee Libunao. 2011. “New tax measures needed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals,” Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) Policy Notes No. 2011-10. ^ top


Lofgren, Hans, Hannah Nielsen, and Kene Ezemenari, Kene. 2009. Scaling Up Aid or Scaling Down: the Global Economic Crisis and Rwanda's MDGs (265 KB). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4958. June. ^ top


Diagne, Abdoulaye, François Joseph Cabral, Anne-Sophie Robilliard and Fatou Cissé. 2013. “Senegal” in Sanchez, Marco V., and Rob Vos. Financing Human Development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The United Nations Series on Development. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Diagne, Abdoulaye, François Joseph Cabral, Fatou Cissé, and Anne-Sophie Robilliard. 2011. Country Study: Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in the Republic of Senegal. United Nations Department for Social and Economic Affairs, March. A Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Senegal was built as part of the study. This study of Senegal is part of the broader project Realizing the Millennium Development Goals through Socially Inclusive Macroeconomic Policies, carried out by the Development Policy and Analysis Division (DPAD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social

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Affairs (UN/DESA) together with the UNDP, the World Bank, and country teams and related institutions, in the case of Senegal, Consortium pour la recherche économique et sociale (CRES), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD).

Cisse, Fatou and Anne-Sophie Robilliard, with input from Mohamed Chemingui. 2009. An MDG-sensitive economic policy model with application to Senegal. ECA Policy Research Report no. 6.United Nations’ Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa. ^ top

South Africa

Kearney, Marna and Ayodele Odusola. 2013. “South Africa” in Sanchez, Marco V., and Rob Vos. Financing Human Development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The United Nations Series on Development. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Kearney, Marna, and Ayodele Odusola. 2011. Country Study: Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in the Republic of South Africa. United Nations Department for Social and Economic Affairs, March. A Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for South Africa was built as part of the study. This study of South Africa is part of the broader project Realizing the Millennium Development Goals through Socially Inclusive Macroeconomic Policies, carried out by the Development Policy and Analysis Division (DPAD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA) together with the UNDP, the World Bank, and country teams and related institutions, in the case of South Africa, Quantec Research and UNDP South Africa. ^ top


World Bank. 2015. Sudan Country Economic Memorandum: Realizing the Potential for Diversified Development. Washington, D.C. (For MAMS-related materials, based on background note prepared by Hans Lofgren, see pp. xviii-xx, 2-9, and 149-160). ^ top

Syrian Arab Republic

In the context of a World Bank Public Expenditure Review (PER), a policy note based on MAMS was prepared, addressing the evolution of the Syrian economy during the period 2008-2018 under alternative scenarios for government spending, international oil prices, and domestic productivity growth. The analysis was carried out by Hans Lofgren in collaboration with Syria's Ministry of Finance. Due to the eruption of war in Syria in 2011, the PER was not completed. ^ top


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MAMS-based research on Bangladesh, Moldova, and Tanzania is featured in the European Report on Development (ERD) 2015, “Combining finance and policies to implement a transformative post-2015 development agenda.” The lead institutions behind the report are the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), the German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), and the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM). For more on the analysis for Tanzania, see the paper “Achieving the MDGs in Tanzania – Is it Possible?” by Jörgen Levin (Örebro University, Sweden). ^ top


Sánchez, Marco V., and Mohammed Chemingui. 2013. “Tunisia” in Sanchez, Marco V., and Rob Vos. Financing Human Development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The United Nations Series on Development. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Chemingui, Mohamed A.M., and Marco V. Sánchez. 2011. Country Study: Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in the Republic of Tunisia. United Nations Department for Social and Economic Affairs, October. A Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Tunisia was built as part of the study. This study of Tunisia is part of the broader projectRealizing the Millennium Development Goals through Socially Inclusive Macroeconomic Policies, carried out by the Development Policy and Analysis Division (DPAD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA) together with the UNDP, the World Bank, and country teams and related institutions, in the case of Tunisia, the Economic Development and NEPAD Division, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA); and United Nations Department for Social and Economic Affairs. ^ top


Republic of Uganda. 2014. Uganda’s Employment Challenge: An Evaluation of Government’s Strategy. Economic Development Policy and Research Department. Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Kampala, Uganda.

Musisi, Albert A., and Peter Richens. 2014. Uganda’s Public Sector Borrowing Requirements, Financing Options and the Implications for Economic Performance. Economic Development Policy and Research Department, Working Paper. Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Kampala, Uganda.

Republic of Uganda. 2014. Poverty Status Report 2014: Structural Change and Poverty Reduction in Uganda. Economic Development Policy and Research Department. Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. November. (MAMS-related materials are found on pp. 44-54 and 125-126.)

Republic of Uganda. Millennium Development Goals Report for Uganda 2013. Special theme: Drivers of MDG Progress in Uganda and Implications for the Post-2015 Development Agenda.(Section 3 of the report, "Progress toward the MDGs" [pp. 41-59] is based on simulations with MAMS.)

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World Bank. 2011. Demography and Economic Growth in Uganda. Report No. 63165-UG. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit. Africa Region. December. Washington, D.C. (For MAMS-related materials, based on background note prepared by Hans Lofgren, see pp. 18-22, 40, and 69-75.)

Matovu, John Mary, Evarist Twimukye, Albert Musisi and Sebastian Levine. 2013. “Uganda” in Sanchez, Marco V., and Rob Vos. Financing Human Development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The United Nations Series on Development. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Matovu, John Mary, Evarist Twimukye, Albert Musisi, and Sebastian Levine. 2011. Country Study: Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in the Republic of Uganda. United Nations Department for Social and Economic Affairs, March. A Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Uganda was built as part of the study. This study of Uganda is part of the broader project Realizing the Millennium Development Goals through Socially Inclusive Macroeconomic Policies, carried out by the Development Policy and Analysis Division (DPAD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA) together with the UNDP, the World Bank, and country teams and related institutions, in the case of Uganda, Economic Policy Research Center; Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development; and UNDP in Uganda.

Kinnunen. Jouko. 2009. Family Planning, Human Development and Growth in Uganda (489 KB). Presentation given at the "Twelfth Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis" held June 10-12 in Santiago, Chile. The presentation was based on a paper with the same title by Jouko Kinnunen, Hans Lofgren, and Dino Merotto.

Lofgren, Hans, and Carolina Diaz-Bonilla. 2008. "Scaling Up Aid in Uganda: a MAMS-based Analysis." A presentation offered as part of the two-day "Module 7: Evaluating the Poverty Impacts of Economy-Wide Policies" of the DEC course, "Poverty and Inequality Analysis." April 14. World Bank. Washington, D.C. Information about the course and a full set of course materials are found at

World Bank. 2007. "Introduction to MAMS: a Tool for Analysis of Development Strategies." A two-day course conducted by Hans Lofgren and Jouko Kinnunen for 15 trainees from the Ministry of Finance, other government agencies, and local research institutes, December 10-11 in Kampala.

World Bank. 2007. Uganda: Moving Beyond Recovery – Investment & Behavior Change, For Growth. Country Economic Memorandum. Volume 1: Summary and Recommendations (6 MB). Volume 2: Overview (1.96 MB). Country Economic Memorandum. World Bank Report No. 39221-UG. Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit. Africa Region. September. Washington, D.C. (For MAMS-related material, prepared by Hans Lofgren and Carolina Diaz-Bonilla, see Vol. II, pp. 128-147.)

Lofgren, Hans, and Carolina Diaz-Bonilla. 2006. Patterns of Growth and Public Spending in Uganda: Alternative Scenarios for 2003-2020. Draft. October 11. Background paper forUganda: Moving Beyond Recovery – Investment & Behavior Change, For Growth. Country Economic Memorandum. (See above.) ^ top


Perera M., Llambí, C., Rovira F. and C. Estrades. 2014. Macroeconomic impact of large-scale mining. A dynamic general equilibrium assessment. Project document for the Center of Fiscal Studies – Uruguay

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(Centro de Estudios Fiscales-Uruguay). (in Spanish; Spanish title: Impactos macroeconómicos de la minería de gran porte. Una evaluación en base a un Modelo de Equilibrio General Dinámico)

Llambí, C. 2011. Global Crisis and Prospects for Achieving the MDGs: the case of Uruguay. CINVE Working Paper 01/11 (in Spanish; Spanish title: Crisis Mundial y Alcance de los ODM en América Latina: El caso de Uruguay).

Laens, Silvia y Cecilia Llambi. 2008. "Uruguay". De próxima publicación como el Capítulo 21 enPolíticas Públicas para el Desarrollo Humano: ¿Cómo lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en América Latina y el Caribe? Editado por Rob Vos, Enrique Ganuza, Hans Lofgren, Marco V. Sánchez y Carolina Díaz-Bonilla. PNUD — ONU/DAES — Banco Mundial — ONU/CEPAL. Material de la portada preliminar disponible en: Español (82 KB) English (51 KB). ^ top


Olimov, Ulugbek, and Yadgar Fayzullaev. 2013. “Uzbekistan” in Sanchez, Marco V., and Rob Vos. Financing Human Development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The United Nations Series on Development. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Olimov, Ulugbek, and Yadgar Fayzullaev. 2011. Country Study: Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in the Republic of Uzbekistan. United Nations Department for Social and Economic Affairs, March. This study of Uzbekistan is part of the broader projectRealizing the Millennium Development Goals through Socially Inclusive Macroeconomic Policies, carried out by the Development Policy and Analysis Division (DPAD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA) together with the UNDP, the World Bank, and country teams and related institutions, in the case of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Economy and the project “Statistical capacity building for MDG monitoring and reporting,” funded by UNDP Uzbekistan. ^ top

Yemen, Rep.

Lofgren, Hans, and Martin Cicowiez. 2013. “Yemen,” in Sanchez, Marco V., and Rob Vos.Financing Human Development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The United Nations Series on Development. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Al-Batuly, Abdulmajeed, Mohamed Al-Hawri, Martin Cicowiez, Hans Lofgren, and Mohammad Pournik. 2012. Achieving the MDGs in Yemen: An Assessment. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper WPS 6013.

Al-Batuly, Abdulmajeed, Mohamed Al-Hawri, Martin Cicowiez, Hans Lofgren, Mohammad Pournik. 2011. Country Study: Assessing Development Strategies to Achieve the MDGs in the Republic of Yemen. United Nations Department for Social and Economic Affairs, July. A Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Yemen was built as part of the study. This study of Yemen is part of the broader project Realizing the Millennium Development Goals through Socially Inclusive Macroeconomic Policies, carried out by the Development Policy and Analysis Division (DPAD) of the UN Department of

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Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA) together with the UNDP, the World Bank, and country teams and related institutions, in the case of Yemen, Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, CEDLAS-UNLP (La Plata, Argentina), World Bank, and UNDP (Regional Bureau for Arab States, Cairo). ^ top


[available soon] ^ top

MAMS inputs to the Global Monitoring Report

World Bank. 2015. Global Monitoring Report 2015/2016: Development Goals in an Era of Demographic Change. (Hans Lofgren contributed materials based on MAMS simulations, presented on pp. 213-219.)

Lofgren, Hans. 2013. Closing Rural-Urban MDG Gaps in Low-Income Countries: A General Equilibrium Perspective. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper WPS 6390. A summary of paper findings is found on pp. 94-95 and 119-122 in World Bank and IMF. 2013. Rural-Urban Dynamics and the Millennium Development Goals. Global Monitoring Report 2013.

Lofgren, Hans. 2012. World Food Prices and Human Development: Policy Simulations for Archetype Low-Income Countries. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper WPS 6033. The analysis is summarized on pp. 81-85 in World Bank and IMF. 2012. Food Prices, Nutrition, and the Millennium Development Goals. Global Monitoring Report 2012.

World Bank. 2010. The MDGs After the Crisis. Global Monitoring Report 2010. (Delfin S. Go, Hans Lofgren, Sherman Robinson, and Karen Thierfelder contributed materials, based on MAMS simulations, used on pp. 107-114.)

World Bank. 2005. Millennium Development Goals: From Consensus to Momentum. Global Monitoring Report 2005. Hans Lofgren contributed Box on p. 164, based on MAMS simulations. ^ top