Download - Mamenuand


Our imaginary country:

Our country:MamenulandStudents: -Kamila Machuca -Olenka Massa -Alejandra Menacho -Camila Nuez del Arco

PrologueWe are Brooke and Skyler, two researchers who came for some samples of acuatic rocks. When we were in our expedition we have an accident. We saw some stranges lines and our boat loose controlSomething strange happened, we woke up in a dark cave. We were under water; however, we could breathe. A very big rock blocked the entrance of it. We opened it and then


IndexHistoryLegend (Kami)LanguageCostumes Social Organization EconomyAquicultureMamenuCustomsFlag (Kami)Typical dance (Kami)FoodAnimalsWeatherImportant PlacesPlans for a better life (Kami)

HistoryMamenuland was created many years before the human being appeared in the Earth. It is located between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Florida. It is inhabited by creatures with advanced intelligence and that have learned a way to live in harmony and with peace.

Legend (Kami)A long time ago, there were two towns that were in war. One day, one of them made a surprise attack wich gave them the victory.Nevertheless, Some people could escape in a t boat. They sail for many months until they met with a big wave wich destroyed their boat and provisions.

Some strange creatures of the ocean notice this and decided to help them. They lead people to a strange underwater island called Mamenuland were some type of underwater snakes received them with hospitality. They show them all the parts of the kingdom and the people tell them how did they arrived there. This snakes decide to take care about this people and protect them.

The time pass and many snakes start to disappear. Cilia, the leader of all the snakes, knew that she will disappear soon too. So, she decided to tell people the secret of the ocean and life. Also, she created a barrier made with the strong of waves and wind that pass between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Florida that will protect them sending anything or anyone that passed close to it to anywhere far from human beings.

LanguageTheir language is called Meme, that consists of singing. In addition, it is a language with signs.They use this kind of language because they think that singing it is a good form to live with harmony, instead of saying, from their perspective, words that can only transmit lies and threats.

CostumesThe costumes of people were very simple.For girls: a blue dress with some arrangements with seashells.For boys; a white integral with a belt of algae.


Social OrganizationFirst, it was a King who govern in a democratic constitution and nobles.Then, people that were messengers called lithorchy.Finally there were artisans, merchants, and other workers.

EconomyTheir economy was based in the aquiculture that consist in growing kelps and seashells.Other Economic Activities were:-Fishing-The Architecture-Crafts

Aquiculture They raised fish and they grew kelps.They contein them in kind of tiny farms were fish reproduce and grow.


CustomTheir principal custom was that before eat they dance.

Another custom was that when they go to school they make a secret sign and then they can pass.

The hymn.

When the war goes on, and they kept with all, feeling frightened of living far and alone; it was all destroyed, all destroyed, it was all destroyed and we were so lost, so far of our homes, when some creatures came and guide us to: Mamenuland, Mamenuland, Mamenuland. We got all we need when we got you and us; we look around us and see a sweet life. We were stucked in thed ark but you're our flashlight; you're are gettin us, gettin us to the light. Can't stop our hearts. Can't lie, it's a sweet life; we were stucked in the dark but you're our flafhlight, you're gettin us, gettin us to the light. 'cause you're our flashlight, our flashlight, our flashlight. Oh oh

Flag (Kami)Their flag have a triangle that means peace.






Typical dance (Kami)Aleca was their typical dance.They dance it before eating and in many important festivities.They participate in the dance wearing a specific cloth:-A blue dress with a long layer and a crown with many kind of seashells.

FoodTheir food attraction was the PISU. Pisu: pizza and sushi.

Other typical food was the HUMHOT, CRABURGER, etc.

Animals Dumbo octopus

Irrawaddy Dolphin



Yeti Crab

Blob Fish

Glaucus Atlanticus

WeatherTheir weather was normal, cool.

Important Places

The Palace

The PalaceIt is one of the most important places in all the kingdom.In this place, at difference of many countries, kings doesnt live. The palace is like a museum were it is narrated the history of ancient people and the brilliant ideas they had. Is a kind of exhibition.


OceanaThis place is the capital of the city.It is important because in this place was the first place were people established.Also in this place snakes find the people according to the legend.


AquamarineIt is located in the center of the city.In addition, here people in all the country get together to make important ceremonies like when the have to choose another king.

Plans for a better life (Kami)The Mamenuland will send a person of their country to humans land to see if the world keep fighting trying to prove who is the most powerful.When the human being would prove that he is worthy of all their advanced knowledge. They will destroyed the barrier that protected them and will teach people that violence is not the answer and that is not so difficult to live in peace.
