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Magical Thinking: 101

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Cover art: ‘Dark Crystal’ by Carly Waito

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Introduction to Magical ThinkingCrystals are one of the easiest ways to start bringing magic into your life. There are thousands of varieties, all with different properties and meanings. They’re inexpensive, and really beautiful. People often keep them beside their bed, on their desk or deep in a dark pocket. They can be a great visual marker of what you want, too - and they can help remind you of whatever it is you are seeking.

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How to Choose Your CrystalCrystals are natural solids made from minerals. They are formed in the earth’s surface. Although there are many different shapes, color and sizes of crystal, each type of crystal has a precise atomic arrangement.

When it comes to choosing a crystal, it can be helpful to know what area of your life your looking to supercharge! Love, money, friendships, creativity, dreams? Which crystals come closest to what you are looking for?

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Which Crystal Speaks to You?Clear Quartz A ‘feel-better’ stone. Channels any energy, a thought or intention will be amplified with quartz. Focuses the mind, relieves negativity.

Rose Quartz Like a bubble bath for the emotions. Magnifies creativity and imagination. Good for youthful appearance.

Amethyst Magnifies the energy of other crystals. Heals the causes of dis-ease. Helps with additions. Enhances the aura and spirituality.

Carnelian Good for performers, helps with memory and speech. Revitalizes the blood and helps appetite.

Yellow Jasper Protects during spiritual work and physical travel. Channels positive energy. Releases toxins and heals digestion and the stomach.

Aventurine Good for physical balance, eyesight and cellular detox. Helps with depression and insomnia.

Citrine Helps tissue regeneration, nausea, and detoxing. Good for relationships, getting rid of emotional toxins and helps with self esteem.

Blue Lace Agate Improves communication. Good for eyesight, speech, nails, and pancreas. Gentle and calming. Brings emotional stability.

Rhodonite Good for mental balance, attention to detail, memory and making music. Grounds the feeling of love.

Apache Tears Good for change, moving forward in life, forgiveness, and spontaneity. Combats self limiting beliefs. Helps shed tears, especially supressed tears.

Red Jasper Prevents illness. Aids rebirth, new ideas, astral travel, meditation, survival instinct, and dream recall.

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Cleansing your CrystalsThere are many ways to cleanse your crystals and help them release unwanted vibrations and surplus energy. You can place your crystal on an amethyst bed, quartz cluster or inside a geode to remove any surplus energy. Another method is to recharge your crystal in the moonlight, especially the light of a full or new moon. You can also clear your crystal of unwanted vibrations with sound. Use Tibetan bells (tingshaw), a tuning fork or place on a speaker while blaring Queen’s ‘We Will Rock You’.Let your crystal bathe in the sun to help it release any energy build-up. (Unsafe for am-ethyst) My favorite method for crystal jewelry is to cleanse your crystal in salt water.

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How To Cleanse Your Crystals With Salt Water

Recipe* 1/4 Teaspoon per liter of distilled water* Find a bowl made of natural material such as glass, ceramic, stoneware, wood, etc. Avoid using plastic or metal. * Pour natural source or distilled water in the bowl and add a pinch of salt. Stir.

Keep this bowl near your bed. You will see how important is to cleanse your crystal every day. Place crystal jewelry in the bowl before you go to bed and take out the crystal with which you sleep. Each morning remove your jewelry and put your night crystal back in the bowl. Use this method for every new stone or crystal you get and cleanse it for an entire week .

CautionStones that have a hardness level less than 7 may become damaged using this method. If you are unsure if it is safe to cleanse your crystal, use another method.

How it worksThis purification technique is an electrical phenomenon. The sea salt crystals which are dissolved are equally distributed amongst the water molecules and create an electric charge in the water molecules. This charge, being higher than the one in the crystal molecules, erases the memory of the crystal and removes the accumulated positive ions in it’s electromagnetic field. This ancient technique has been scientifically proven by OhShinnah FastWolf.

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Balancing the ChakrasAs well as a physical body we also have a subtle body that consists of channels of energy. When the flow of energy through these channels slows down or gets blocked we become ill. When energy flows freely, we live in a state of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

‘Chakra ’ is a Sanskrit word that means ‘wheel’. Each of the seven major chakras, or energy vortexes, has an associated crystal that relates to that color.

To balance your own chakras, create a special place in which you can relax and focus. Place crystals that have the same color frequency as the chakras over each energy center. Rest and relax for 30 minutes, trying to be aware of the subtle energy sensations and your responses during the treatment.

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How To Cleanse Your Crystals With Salt Water

Recipe* 1/4 Teaspoon per liter of distilled water* Find a bowl made of natural material such as glass, ceramic, stoneware, wood, etc. Avoid using plastic or metal. * Pour natural source or distilled water in the bowl and add a pinch of salt. Stir.

Keep this bowl near your bed. You will see how important is to cleanse your crystal every day. Place crystal jewelry in the bowl before you go to bed and take out the crystal with which you sleep. Each morning remove your jewelry and put your night crystal back in the bowl. Use this method for every new stone or crystal you get and cleanse it for an entire week .

CautionStones that have a hardness level less than 7 may become damaged using this method. If you are unsure if it is safe to cleanse your crystal, use another method.

How it worksThis purification technique is an electrical phenomenon. The sea salt crystals which are dissolved are equally distributed amongst the water molecules and create an electric charge in the water molecules. This charge, being higher than the one in the crystal molecules, erases the memory of the crystal and removes the accumulated positive ions in it’s electromagnetic field. This ancient technique has been scientifically proven by OhShinnah FastWolf.

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Crystals in Science and TechnologyMarcel Vogel was an IBM Crystallographer and Magnetologist for 27 years. His work with Phosphor Luminescence lights up our lives every day, his work with computers allow us to compute the way we do, pioneering computer hard-drives as we know them, crystal hard-drives, and liquid crystal displays.

His scientific work on crystals and liquid crystal systems, including water, has not been understood or furthered until recently largely with Masaru Emoto's water crystallography work which stems directly from Marcel who scientifically discovered and charted the healing power water, but also how crystals and gems relate to water (structure). Marcel found that water is a processing liquid crystal storage system, a virtual computer, capable of being highly patterned. This pattern structure found in 'Holy Water' has over 40,000 times more energy than tap water and said that the two should not be considered the same substance.

Marcel spent the later years of his life researching the healing and metaphysical aspects of crystals and charting them scientifically. He opened the lab, Psychic Research Inc. where he worked with the top minds of his time, including astronauts, scientists, doctors, and mystics in order to scientifically understand all things metaphysical. He accomplished much using some of the most advanced scientific equipment ever used on bioenergetics, water, Crystals, magnetism, and Gems, donated to his post-retirement work by IBM.

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Crystal Grids for ManifestingA crystal grid is a geometric pattern of energetically aligned stones charged by intention set in a sacred space for the purpose of manifesting a particular objective. A crystal grid incorporates the use of crystals and stones because of their precise vibratory frequency. Each stone has its own specific energy vibration which we can use for manifesting our intentions. The great thing about crystal grids is that you can use them to manifest almost any intention.

To create a crystal grid, choose stones that have a meaning that will amplify your intention. Chose the largest stone and put it in the center. Arrange supporting stones around the center stone, quartz points can be placed pointing outward to amplify the center stone. Use a ‘wand’ or crystal point to activate the grid. Simply draw from the center stone and direct the energy as you would be ‘cutting a pie’ and state your intention. You can also place photos and affirmations under the center stone to make the grid more powerful.

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HEALING THE EARTH THROUGH YOUThe biggest challenge we face is shifting human consciousness, not saving the planet. The planet doesn't need saving, we do. - Xiuhtezcatl Martinez

All medicine is essentially energy medicine, for energy composes the universe. Curing and healing are very different concepts. To cure is to erase symptoms. To heal is to assure a state of wholeness. A healer is essentially someone who helps another person realize his or her inherent wholeness, regardless of appearances or the outcome of treatment.

CRYSTALS AS HEALING TOOLSEnergetic imbalances are often felt on an emotional level and may start to manifest physically. Each energy healing session is a deeply relaxing, rejuvenating therapy of placing crystals on the body in a relaxed state. With crystals and vibrational frequency as our energetic tools, you will return to a state of wholeness and your energetic imbalances will be relieved.

Our jewelry is made with healing crystals and created by a process called electroforming. Electroforming is a type of modern alchemy where particles of copper form a coating through electrodeposition. After the forming process the copper coating gets an antique patina, then is polished and coated with many coats of museum quality wax sealer.

Every piece of jewelry is one-of-a-kind and handmade by a Certified Crystal Healer. Your jewelry is charged, cleansed, reset and sent with this blessing: For the highest good of all, bless the wearer of this stone and may it support them in their spiritual growth and healing efforts.

Lots of love,[email protected] / TW / IG : @WOODMERKABAPage 12

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ResourcesLuc Bourgault. The American Indian Secrets Of Crystal Healing.

Cyndi Dale. The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia Of Energetic Anatomy. Richard Gerber, M.D. Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook Of Subtle Energy Therapies.

Hibiscus Moon. Crystal Grids: How And Why They Work.

Phillip Permutt. The Crystal Healer: Crystal Pre-scriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever.

Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian. The Book Of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach.

Foundation for Balance and Harmony.

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