Download - Magic School Bus Trip to the Solar System Ms. Frizzle goes to Belize By Pat Holliday Third Grade Teacher.


Magic School Bus Trip to the Solar System Ms. Frizzle goes to


Pat Holliday

Third Grade Teacher

So who is Pat Holliday?

I have taught third grade Language Arts for over 25 years. I love third graders because

when they walk into your classrooms, they are so thirsty to learn how to better read, write and

express themselves. By the time they leave your room, they are more confident and ready

to take on the world.

One of my passions is to give back what I have learned over the years to other teachers. This is

my way of remaining a life long learner.

PurposeThe purpose of this presentation is

to present to teachers how to integrate a thematic unit using a variety of instructional strategies

and techniques.

Learning Objective

After reviewing this PowerPoint presentation teachers will create their own integrated unit by integrating reading with two or more other subjects.

Why Integration is Important to TeachersFor the teacher an integrated unit should include:

•A combination of subjects

•Assessments that are authentic, continuous and related to what the student is learning

•Resources that go beyond the textbook

•Relationships among concepts

•Flexible student groupings

•The teacher becomes the facilitator-this means the students will learn how to become responsible for their own learning

Why Integration is Important for Students

For students integrating provides the following:

•They are encouraged to share ideas

•They become engaged in their own learning

•They begin to see relationships among ideas and concepts as they plan and experience theme-based learning

•A sense of community develops as they begin to cooperate with each other

Assess Prior knowledge and introduce the Unit

This integrated unit began with our students completing a K-W-L-a tool used to assess prior knowledge

This unit integrates reading The Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System by Joanna Cole with science, writing and art. We started by:

Access prior knowledge about the Solar System

Introduce Joanna Cole

Introducing Ms. Valerie Felicity Frizzle aka “The Friz”

Joanna Cole

Joanna Cole has written more than 20 books for children. In her first book she studied

cockroaches, yes cockroaches. She has written about fleas, fish, frogs, hurricanes, tigers, water, bees and all sorts of interesting things. Readers everywhere enjoy her books and love following the Magic School Bus and Ms. Frizzle on their


If you wanted have your students do a short research paper about her.

Ms. Frizzle or the “Friz” Ms. Frizzle (known as "The Friz") is an a very strange (maybe magical) third grade teacher at Walkersville Elementary School (fantasy school). She uses a variety of unusual magic devices to teach the kids scientific concepts. The most notable of these is her magical school bus, a shape-shifting vehicle that seems to have a mind of its own



Students will read Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar System by Joanna Cole. We will it whole class and then:

small group-three or more students together

Pair share-with a partner (for fluency)

read it independently

Reading Non-fiction Text Content Standard Number and

TitleCS2-read aloud for main idea and other detailsCS8-ask and answer questions for a variety of purposesCS15-participate in group discussionsCS22-interpret and apply knowledge to visual images-text featuresCS31-32-comprehend non-fiction text and locate information for research

Fast Fact Card

Main Idea and Details worksheet

Text Features provide students with a visual to better understand text Nonfiction Text Features

Guide WordsTitle PageTable of ContentIndexGlossaryHeading, subheadingKeywordsIllustrations and photographsCaptionsDiagramsLabelsText boxMapsCharts: schedules, tables, etc.

Integrating Science using the Unit/Theme: The Universe

Area of Study Outcomes:ST1.a-Understand some similarities and differences between the earth, the planets and other celestial bodies

Science ResearchIf students have excess to the Internet these are two excellent websites that they can go for researching

information •


And I am sure there are lots more but these are two my science teachers use.

Integrating Expressive Arts-Visual Art-Unit: Decorative


Area of Study Outcomes:EA1.e-explore and experiment with styles, methods ideas and techniques that have been used to create artistic representation.

Making a Mobile

Students can create a mobile using wire coat hangers, fishing line, styrofoam balls Using a list of universal objects decorate with paints and hang so that shapes are balanced and move freely


Reading contracts

Exit Slips can be completed by students at the end of a lesson-this is a good way to see just what they are learning, for reflection or what concepts or subjects they are struggling with.

Complete the –L- portion of the K-W-L

Lost in the Solar System assessment

Other Books by

Joanna ColeThe Magic School Bus at the WaterworksThe Magic School Bus inside the EarthThe Magic School Bus inside the Human BodyThe Magic School Bus on the Ocean FloorThe Magic School Bus inside the Beehive The Magic School Bus Inside a Hurricaneand many, many more.

That’s a Wrap

Well that’s a wrap. I hope you enjoyed this Trip with Ms. Frizzle.

Let’s watch this 15 minute clip –Magic School Bus Lost in Space


Extensions If you would like there are ways to extend the unit. Here are some books that can be used.

Seymour Simon-has a whole series of books dedicated to reading and researching celestial bodies

Your Turn

Please form groups select any solar system book and in your groups create a list of activities that you might use to reinforce what your students are learning. Remember, it could be an language arts, science or art lesson. Use the

chart paper, markers and have fun!!! We will share in about 15 minutes.