Download - Magento 2 Price Rule Management

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Magento2Price RuleManagement

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Promotional pricing is always the answer whether you wish to incentivize

customers to spend more on your store or to increase your average order

value. Sometimes promotional o�ers can also help you convert your

one-time customer into your loyal patrons or even boost your sales during

revenue critical season. Magento 2.0 is enabled with a good set of features

that can help you con�gure almost any kind of promotional campaign you

might plan.You can select multiple Categories, or multiple Attribute sets or

a combination of multiple attribute sets and Categories. Based on the

conditions de�ned here it will be decided if a product is eligible for the

discount rule.

You can select multiple Categories, or multiple Attribute sets or a

combination of multiple attribute sets and Categories. Based on the

conditions de�ned here it will be decided if a product is eligible for the

discount rule.

Magento 2.0 has its promotional rule section divided into two categories:

Catalog price rules and Cart price rules

The �rst category allows you to de�ne discount rules that get applied

before the products are added to cart, whereas Cart price rules allow

de�ning discount rules that get applied on the cart.


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Let’s �rst explore Catalog Price Rule section.

Go to Marketing > Catalog Price Rule

Catalog Price Rule

Click on Add New Rule

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Rule name – A rule name for your own reference. Name it so that even if

you have a whole list of rules set, you can identify it among them.

Description – A description for your reference only.

Status – Set the status as Active/Inactive

Websites – In case you have multiple websites, you can select the ones for

which this discount rule will be applicable.

Customer groups – You can restrict non-registered/ not-logged in

customers from availing the discount. Also if you are operating on a B2B

model you can set speci�c discount rules and percentages for customers of

speci�c groups. You can mark/unmark multiple groups.

From – To – A time period can be de�ned for the discount rule to be active.

For Halloween for example you might wish this particular discount rule to

active all across the month of October.

Priority – In case you have multiple catalog rules de�ned and more than

one of them are applicable on a product, the priority of the rule which will

come into e�ect will be based on the value you put in here. The lower the

number, higher the priority. So put in 1 and it will be applied before the rule

with priority 2.

Rule details:

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Now, go to the Conditions tab.

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You can de�ne a condition or a combination of conditions based on the elements

Attribute set and Category.

You can select multiple Categories, or multiple Attribute sets or a combination of

multiple attribute sets and Categories. Based on the conditions de�ned here it

will be decided if a product is eligible for the discount rule.

Next, go to the Actions tab.

You can de�ne a condition or a combination of conditions based on the elements

Attribute set and Category.

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Apply as percentage of original – The discount percentage will be

calculated on the original price of the product and deducted from it to put

up the discounted price. If the original amount is 200 USD and you select this

option along with Discount Amount as 10, then the �nal discounted price

will be 180 USD (100 – 20 (10% of 200)).

Apply as fixed amount – The Discount Amount (�xed sum; not

percentage) will be straight away deducted from the original price of the

product if this option is selected. So if the original price is 200 USD and the

Discount Amount is 10 USD, the �nal discounted price will be 190 USD

(200-10 (10 �xed sum).

Adjust final price to this percentage – The �nal price of the product will

be actually the percentage value (Discount Amount) of the original product

price. If the original product price is 200 USD and the value given as Discount

Amount is 70%, then the �nal discounted price will be 140 USD (70% of 200


Adjust final price to discount value – For this option whatever value you

put in the Discount Amount is going to be the actual �nal discounted price.

If the original product price is 200 USD and the Discount Amount is set as

120 USD, then the �nal discounted price at which your targeted customer


Select one of the options from the dropdown to de�ne how you want the

discount to be applied.

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Subproduct discounts

Select Yes/No based on your wish to extend the discount to the sub products

as well.

Discard Subsequent Rules

In case you have multiple rules de�ned there are chances that more than one

price rule might become applicable on a product. In order to prevent that you

can set the option Yes for this one which would ensure that no other rules will

be made applicable when this rule will qualify. Now, you must be wondering

that how does the Priority of the Catalog price rules make a di�erence. The

Discard Subsequent Rule value will ensure that the other rules with only less

priority will be prevented from becoming applicable when this rule quali�es.

Do not forget to click on Save and Apply. If you save only, the rule will not be


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Click on Add New Rule

Cart Price Rule

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Rule name – A rule name for your own reference. Name it so that even if

you have a whole list of rules set you can identify it among them.

Description – A description for your reference only.

Status – Set the status as Active/Inactive

Websites – In case you have multiple websites, you can select the ones for

which this discount rule will be applicable.

Customer groups – You can restrict non-registered/ not-logged in

customers from availing the discount. Also if you are operating on a B2B

model you can set speci�c discount rules and percentages for customers of

speci�c groups. You can mark/unmark multiple groups.

Rule details:

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Coupon – If you simply want to set up a rule that would be made applicable

on the cart without having the customer to use any coupon, select

No Coupon from the drop-down. The rule will get applied if the conditions

are met. Alternatively, if you want to set a Coupon code to be used by the

customers to avail the discount, select the option Speci�c Coupon.

Coupon Code – In case you have opted for de�ning a coupon code for your

customers, this is the place where you have to feed in the code.

There are two ways of con�guring here –

Create a Speci�c Coupon:

If you want one code to be used by all customers, you can de�ne it in the

Coupon Code �eld.

Uses per Coupon – You can limit the number of usage of the speci�c

Coupon code you have de�ned. For unlimited use you can keep it blank.

User per Customer – You can also limit the usage of the coupon speci�c to

a customer. If you feed in 1, a customer will be able to use this coupon to

avail discounts only once.

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From – To – You can de�ne a particular date or a time period during which

the coupon would stay valid. In case you don’t de�ne a period the coupon

will never expire. For Cyber Monday for example you can have a coupon

active just for that speci�c Monday.

Generate a series of Coupons:

If you want a series of coupons auto generated, then this the way to do it.

First tick the Use Auto generation checkbox and check if an extra tab called

Manage Coupon Code appears on the left hand side. If not save the rule and

open it again.

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Now, go back to the Rule information tab again.

Uses per Coupon – You can limit the number of usage of the series of

Coupon code you want to generate. For unlimited use you can keep it blank.

User per Customer – You can also limit the usage of the series of coupons

by a speci�c customer. If you feed in 1, a customer will be able to use the

series of coupons generated from this rule to avail discounts only once.

From – To – You can de�ne a particular date or a time period during which

the coupons would stay valid. In case you don’t de�ne a period the coupon

will never expire.

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For generating multiple coupons, go to Manage Coupon Codes tab.

Coupon Qty – Enter the number of coupons you want to generate

Code length – De�ne the code character length. This excludes the pre�x,

su�x and separators you can de�ne separately in the next �elds.

Code Format – You can select whether you want the coupon code would

comprise of only alphabets or only numbers or both.

Code Prefix – If you want the �rst part of the coupons to be common you

can de�ne a pre�x that would be added to the beginning of the code.

Code Suffix – If you want the last part of the coupons to be common you

can de�ne a su�x that would be added at the end of the code.

Dash Every X Character – If you want a dash in between the code

characters you can de�ne the uniform number of characters after which a

dash would be placed. So in case you provide 3, there would be dash after

every 3 characters and it will look like this xxx-xxx-xxx.

Click on Generate to have the coupon codes created.

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You can also see reports to evaluate how your Coupon campaign performed.

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Go to Reports > Sales > Coupons

Cart Price Rule

Coupon codes can be de�ned like this but now you have to de�ne the

conditions under which the coupon code can be applied.

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Cart Price RuleGo to the Conditions tab and you will �nd multiple ways to de�ne the criteria.

You can de�ne conditions with sub conditions. Qualifying criteria could be set

as either the condition being TRUE or FALSE.

Conditions can be set to check the Order subtotals or quantity in cart and

qualify if they are above or equal to a value.

You can set more than one condition and de�ne whether the coupon would

be applicable if ANY or ALL the conditions are met.

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Next, go to the Actions tab.

Apply – Select one of the options from the dropdown to de�ne how you

want the discount to be applied upon the coupon usage.

Percent of product price discount – The discount percentage will be

calculated on the original price of the product and deducted from it. If the

original amount is 200 USD and you select this option along with Discount

Amount as 10, then the �nal discounted price will be 180 USD (100 – 20

(10% of 200)).

Fixed amount discount – The Discount Amount (�xed sum; not

percentage) will be straight away deducted from the original price of the

product if this option is selected. So if the original price is 200 USD and the

Discount Amount is 10 USD, the �nal discounted price will be 190 USD

(200-10 (10 �xed sum).

Fixed amount discount for whole cart – In the previous option the

Discount Amount is to be deducted from individual product prices. So if

you had 3 products each costing 100, and the Discount Amount was 10,

your total cart value would have been 270 USD. But in this option the

Discount Amount will be deducted from the cart total. So the �nal cart

value would be 290 USD (300 – 10)

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Buy X get Y free (discount amount is Y) – This option can help you

enable a condition like, if a customer buys X number of products he will

get Y number of products for free. The number of products he needs to

buy to avail this o�er has to be de�ned in the �eld Discount Qty Step (Buy

X) and the number of products he would get for free has to be de�ned in

the �eld Discount Amount. For example, if you set the value for Discount

Qty Step (Buy X) as 6 and Discount Amount as 1, then on adding 7

products to cart, the cart total value would be 6 products’ cost.

Maximum Qty Discount is Applied To– In case you want to specify a

minimum number of products that has to be there in the cart for the

coupon to become applicable, feed in with the value in this �eld.

Discount Qty Step (Buy X) – As described above you have to put here

the number of products that a customer needs to add to the cart to get

certain number (Discount Amount) of that product for free. Now, this is a

scenario when you have selected the Buy X get Y free (discount amount is

Y). But this Discount Qty Step (Buy X) value is also applicable in case you

choose Percent of product price discount. For example, if you put 10% in

Discount Amount and 5 in Discount Qty Step (Buy X), a customer on

adding 5 products to cart will get each product at 10% less.

Apply to Shipping Amount – Choose yes if you wish to give discount on

the Shipping cost as well.

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Discard subsequent rules – If you do not want others rules to be made

applicable after this cart rule is applied choose ‘Yes’. Please note, only rules

with lower priority will be discarded based on the value of this �eld. Rules

with better priority value will not be stopped.

Free Shipping – Select ‘No’ if you do not wish to provide free shipping to

the customer for whom this cart rule is applicable.

For matching items only – Shipping charges will not be levied on those

items that qualify for this cart rule.

For Shipment for matching items only – Shipping charges will not be

levied on the entire shipment if there are any items that quali�es for this

cart rule.

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The last part is the labels tab.

Here you can set the label for the discount for your di�erent stores / store


Do not forget to click on Save, else all the con�guration will be lost.

So this is how you can enable the di�erent pricing rules in Magento and run

promotional campaigns.

If you are entering all the Magento orders into your ERP manually we have

the right solution for you. Even orders with complex discount rules applied

can be recreated in your ERP in real time with accurate details.

Get in touch with us if you wish to know how.

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Integrate your Magento store with your back-office ERP system
