Download - Magazine Shows and Events: Essentials for drawing attendance and managing revenue

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Sara  Soli  Execu-ve  Director  of  Integrated  


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B2B  B2C    


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PRE-­‐PROMOTIONAL  CAMPAIGNS    Paid/Trade  Marke9ng    Your  Por@olio  Media  Mix  (Print,  Broadcast,  Digital,  Direct  Mail,  Social  Media)  Timing        Free  Marke9ng  Online  Calendars  Social  Media      Earned  Media  Broadcast  Print  Bloggers                  

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     Create  Brand  Loyalty    Develop  aGendee  and  exhibitor  databases    Offer  previous  aGendees/vendors  incen-ves  to    purchase  early    Con-nue  to  build  a  rela-onship                    

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    Data collection up-front

Extend brand relationship On-site ease of use/registration

ON-­‐SITE  DATA  COLLECTION       In-person data captures

Extend brand relationships Create opportunity for bounce back

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EVENT  FOLLOW  UP  –  Don’t  let  that  rela-onship  die  that  day                        Foster  the  Rela9onship    Thank  aGendees/vendors    Gather  feedback    Introduce  other  products  of  interest    Invite  them  to  join  your  list/social  media    Con-nue  to  build  a  rela-onship                    

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Sara  Soli  Execu-ve  Director  of  Integrated  


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Cornerstones  of  Advance  Planning  That  Can  Impact  Your  Event’s  Bottom  Line      Gayle  Strawn  Conference  Director  Franchise  Times    

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Know  Your  History  AHendance  

•  Number  of  aGendees  for  space  planning  •  If  you  need  more  space  aSer  the  contract  is  signed  there  is  oSen  a  heSy  

rental  fee    

•  AGendees  who  will  stay  at  the  hotel  •  Knowing  this  is  a  key  to  saving  on  hotel  aGri-on  charges    

•  AGendees  for  meal  func-ons  •  Save  money  by  not  guaranteeing  too  much  F&B  •  History  will  show  what  percentage  of  your  group  stays  for  meal  func-ons  


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Know  Your  History  Budge9ng  

•  Create  a  Budget  Sheet  (and  use  the  same  one  from  year  to  year)    •  Hotel  budget  items  

•  By  knowing  your  history  you  will  be  able  to  see  how  your  budget  is  lining  up  from  year  to  year.    For  instance,  if  audio  visual  is  $10,000  more  than  last  year  –  you  can  dig  into  it  and  find  out  why  –  before  you  get  on  site  


•  Conference  Items  •  By  using  your  budget  sheet  you  can  see  what  you  might  have  missed.    Missed  

items  that  are  ordered  at  the  last  minute  can  be  costly,  not  only  for  the  product  but  for  the  shipping  you  may  incur  


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History  Report  –  Example  EXAMPLE OF ITEMS TO TRACK

Dates Audio VisualConference Attendance Speakers RoomsRoom Rate Staff RoomsPeak Night Room Block Electric for G.SessionFree Staff Rooms MiscellaneousHalf Price rooms Fire MarshallSuite Upgrades Cleaning Fee (booths)Cutoff Date Total Room Pickup MISCELLANEOUSCommission Rate Conference Manuals

Conference CD'sMaster Account Detail Overnight Security Dinners - Special event Photographer Monday Break On-Site Staff Opening Reception Booth/Decorator Breakfast Day 1 Paid Speakers Breaks - Tues Luncheon Conference Attendance Cocktail Reception # of operators Breaks - Wed Comps Breakfast Day 2 Paid Attendees 2nd Day Lunch Sponsors 2nd Lunch beverages ExhibitorsCONT. Coffee BreakPrivate Networking Bev. Total Exhibit BoothsOTHER GROUPSGolf Breakfast Number of SpeakersMisc. Speaker Water # of SponsorsMisc. Staff F&B Sponsorship $Keynoters Lunch Exhibitor $F&B (staff: rooms, restaurants) Commission's Paid to Sales

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Don’t  Know  Your  History?  Create  it!    

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Don’t  Be  Shy  –  Ask!  Contract  

•  Ask  for  what  you  need  •  EXAMPLES:    hotel  rate;  the  right  mee-ng  space  for  your  

group;  the  number  of  sleeping  rooms  you  need,  etc.  


•  Concessions:    Ask  for  what  you  what  –  what  is  important  to  your  group  •  EXAMPLES:    suite  upgrades,  free  WiFi,  no  resort  fee,  staff  

rate,  F&B  discounts,  etc.  


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CONCESSIONS 10% room commission (credit on master account) 1/40 room comp policy 12 suites at group rate for conference VIPS 12 complimentary VIP amenities sent to VIP guest rooms 50 complimentary passes for entrance/admission to the spa 12 – comp staff rooms 6 complimentary round trip airport transportation 15% room reduction 14 day cut-off on hotel reservations Complimentary guest rooms for site or planning visits Complimentary internet – registration desk and three hotel rooms Complimentary local calls Complimentary 800 or credit card access 10% discount on all F&B Assign “private desk” for checking in conference attendees 15% discount on all services at the Business Center 2 complimentary easels per room/per event Complimentary Electrical charges in GS and Breakouts Complimentary or discounted shipping and receiving Complimentary coffee/beverages in office Complimentary wired or wireless microphone Discounted AV pricing (up to 25%) Allowance of complementary foods to be handed to attendees Waive any resort fees (if applicable) Complimentary Staff lunch on pre-conference staff work day

Concessions  –  Examples  

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Event  Guarantees  (BEO’s)  Banquet  Event  Orders  (BEO’s)  

•  Be  aware  of  all  hotel  dates  for  providing  your  F&B  numbers  •  By  turning  your  BEO’s  in  on  -me  you  will  not  be  charged  addi-onal  charges  and  

some-mes  you  are  able  to  get  a  discount  by  turning  them  in  early  •  Find  out  what  other  groups  are  serving  –  there  may  be  a  discount  or  price  break  

if  you  choice  the  same  item    

Mee9ng  Event  Orders  (MEO’s)  •  Make  sure  to  turn  these  in  way  in  advance  also.  There  is  oSen  an  addi-onal  

charge  to  re-­‐set  the  room  or  add  or  delete  items  •  YOU  need  to  be  proac-ve  in  sending  informa-on  to  the  hotel  or  facility.    They  have  other  

groups  and  tend  to  deal  with  whomever  is  on  site.    Once  you  send  your  specs  insist  on  ge`ng  confirma-on  back  BEFORE  they  pass  out  to  their  team.    This  will  help  with  mis-­‐communica-on  or  a  banquet  person  not  ge`ng  informa-on  that  will  eventually  add  to  your  bill  because  of  a  re-­‐set.  


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Loyalty  Pays  Off  Savings  

•  Signing  a  mul--­‐year  contract  will  oSen  help  get  or  keep  rates  down    ie.  beGer  hotel  rates  

 •  If  you  work  with  the  same  vendor  oSen  –  you  may  get  a  discount  

•  Example:    AV        

•  Understand  your  value  to  the  hotel/facility  –  if  you  book  several  mee-ngs  you  are  a  loyal  customer  and  should  be  rewarded  in  some  way      

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Downloading  My  Brain      

•  Prepare  a  check  list  –  and  use  from  year  to  year  •  Watch  important  dates  in  your  contact  •  The  -me  of  year  can  effect  pricing  •  Speaker  agreements…nego-ate  the  travel  fees    •  Work  with  a  qualified  planner  •  Share  ideas  and  informa-on  •  Download  your  brain…..    

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You  will  always  learn  something  new  at  each  event.      

 Take  that  knowledge  –  good  or  bad  and  

learn  from  it.    

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Cornerstones  of  Advance  Planning  That  Can  Impact  Your  Event’s  Bottom  Line      Gayle  Strawn  Conference  Director  Franchise  Times