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Magazine front coveranalyzed

Page 2: Magazine front cover

This attracts in the lazy audience, firstly because its bold writing and easy to see but allows the buyer to gain free songs, so enticing the audience into buying the magazine.

The masthead is typed in white with red highlighting making it stand out and attract the audience. It is also located behind Eminem’s head and can’t be seen properly, showing that the magazines name is recognisable. The magazine has a close up image of Eminem whih would get people to buy this issue. This Is because the use of celebritys on the front cover sells. By having headlines of the main stories inside the magazine gives and overview of whats inside.

Quote from emiem

Page 3: Magazine front cover

Q magazine famous red and white colours are used a lot on their front cover to make them iconic and easily recognizable and stand out from the others. The mise en sene of the main image (cheryl cole) red lips and pale face go with the overall colour scheme. The main image of Cheryl cole attracts the male audience because she is performing a sexual tease attracting the male audience.

Q magazine also uses little snippets of what is inside of the magazine to entise the audience it. This time by using a plain white background with black writing.

Page 4: Magazine front cover

This magazine uses cover lines to draw in the customers

Using two famous people attract buyers who aren’t sure on what they are going to purchase, this helps to persuade the audience into buying the magazine.

By using the plain white background in allows for the main title to stand out more and also the main image too.

By using a bold, darkred font it allows for the title to stand out on the magazine. Also with the extra title (the Hollywood issue) allows for the magazine to put the price up because it can be seen as a special edition.