Download - Magazine - Auchterarder Parish · reading the magazine, and was my invitation from her ... At the end of June I received


A u c h t e r a r d e r P a r i s h C h u r c h

Magazine Autumn 2017

Registered Charity SC001688

Page 2: Minister at Balmoral Castle 50/50 Lunch Club Page 3: Home Group Choir and Praise Orchestra The Mini Bus Trial Page 4: Art Exhibition Chrismon Tree Tayside Healthcare Arts Trust Page 5: What is the Purpose? Knitters Required Children and Teens @ APC Page 6: APC Guild 1010 Event Goes with a bang Have your magazine in colour! Page 7: Summer Picnic for Kidstream and GRID Church Flowers GRID - Teaching Update

Page 8: World Day of Prayer Page 9: Church Lights Auchterarder & District Leisure Classes Used Stamps Yesterday’s News Page 10: Letter from Thomas Brown Pennies From Heaven Church Giving Visit to Mull, Iona and Staffa Page 11: Breakfast Plus Samaritan Purse - Shoebox Appeal Pastoral Care Page 12: Diary of Events Congregational Roll Changes Church Funding - Coffee Mornings Useful Contacts

An Unexpected Realisation

It was in June this summer that Gwen and I received two particularly unexpected pieces of news. The first is by now well known to most of you reading the magazine, and was my invitation from her Majesty the Queen to stay at Balmoral castle for the weekend of 19-21 August. This was an exciting opportunity and a great honour which I have written about separately herein. The second piece of news was much more disturbing, and with far greater ramifications, as we both realised that we were being called out of the Church of Scotland. Following from this realisation there followed some weeks of personal turmoil which finally culminated in announcing, on Sunday 10th September, my intention to demit my charge of Auchterarder Parish Church on October 31st 2017.

This is no small thing to do, nor is it an action to take lightly, because of its impact not only upon myself, Gwen and the family living here in Auchterarder, but also upon a congregation and elders whom we have been called to love and serve. It was only at the end of this year’s General Assembly that we realised that our theology, based on our evangelical understanding of scripture, had obviously become so removed from the direction that the Church of Scotland has been moving that we could no longer continue in ministry therein.

Our future remains uncertain and probably lies within the United Free Church, but we would like to convey the fact that our time in Auchterarder ranks amongst those of our happiest and most fruitful years. It seems self-evident that the time here has been blessed which is an answer to many prayers, as well as the result of energy put into all that makes up Auchterarder Parish Church by so many.

The church is in a better state than when we came here and we believe we are leaving it in good hands too. There are still plenty of things to be done and a gospel to be proclaimed but whilst I know this news will bring a mixture of reactions we do pray for your understanding. Rest assured that APC will remain in our prayers as you go forward.

Yours in Christ, Rob Barlow


Minister at Balmoral Castle

At the end of June I received a letter which was obviously from Buckingham Palace (which has never happened before!) and the opening sentence read;

“Dear Dr Barlow, I am commanded by the Queen to invite you to stay at Balmoral Castle for the weekend of Saturday 19th August to Monday 21st August 2017 when you will be preaching at Crathie Church on the Sunday.”

I do know that Rev Ken McKenzie, the Minister of Braemar and Crathie, had put forward my name as a possible guest but he never did explain why, or who had suggested I might be a suitable candidate.

However, in due course I arrived at Balmoral Castle and was greeted by the Equerry in Waiting (a senior RAF officer). During the meeting that followed, along with gin and tonic, I was briefed on what was expected during my stay in terms of etiquette, as well as who was expected to be present at the castle during the weekend. Shortly thereafter I was shown to the Drawing Room where I was introduced to the Queen….

It is not uncommon at all for families to admit ministers into the centre of their family situation, whether at times of joy or of great sadness, and so it was with the Royal family. Whilst I was very nervous, they all made every effort to make me feel welcome and comfortable in their presence, an experience that I found very humbling. Conversations were had which covered many subjects including my own life story and coming to faith. I learned a great deal, though it would not be prudent to share more here.

Thank God though that I took the offer of preaching at Braemar church before going on to Crathie on the Sunday morning. Those of you who come regularly to APC will know that I preach from brief notes or none, but I had my 12 minute sermon written out in order to make sure that I kept to the time allowed. The problem was that I am not used to doing things this way and I found the sermon very dull. I even noticed one man having a snooze during the sermon! So, when we came back to Crathie I decided to ditch my notes and trust my timing, and I am convinced the outcome was much better for all.

I duly left Balmoral after breakfast on Monday morning and must confess I

was much more comfortable when I arrived back in Auchterarder. I know

that many were praying for me during my time at Balmoral and I really

appreciated that knowledge. Whilst it was a great honour it was

undoubtedly one of the most challenging weekends of my life. With that in

mind I was pleased when the Equerry expressed surprise when I shared this

fact as I was about to leave. “Really sir, I would never have guessed from

your demeanour throughout the weekend”. “Well that’s good” I replied,

“but you do know the story about the swan don’t you?” and with a big smile he responded “Oh yes sir!”

50/50 Club

The Lunch Club starts off the new season on 26th September with the Strathearn Singers as entertainment. In October, we have Lesley Buchan and George Stoneley singing some duets. This is a first time this popular pair have teamed up to offer an interesting mix of songs especially for the club. So, a musical start to the season sets the scene for an enjoyable programme. 50/50 Lunches are very popular with our members of course and the cooks are already planning their menus and I am searching for humorous stories to start the fun. Sometimes I feel like a stand-up comedian! Usually there is a short reflection after the lunch before the entertainment starts. The Club is held on the fourth Tuesday of each month and new members will be warmly welcomed. There Is no cost for lunch but donations are welcomed. If you are interested please speak to John or Gill Boyd or myself Renee Riddell.


Choir and Praise Orchestra

“Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody!” (Psalm 98:5 ESV) We may not have any lyres currently in the praise

orchestra, but we have plenty of other musical

instruments and voices supporting our worship!

As we now have a larger - and ever-growing,

thanks to Chris Haynes - repertoire of

orchestrated hymns and songs, we are aiming to

play every week. Not only does this enhance our

sung worship, it also affords players, both young

and not so young, the chance to play with others

and use their gifts to worship God. As a way of

supporting this, we are arranging evening

rehearsals for choir and praise orchestra between

6:30pm and 7:30pm on the first Sunday of each

month, September to December. If you play an

instrument or sing, or know of anyone else hiding

their ‘musical’ light under a bushel, please let

Stephen or Sandra know.

Home Group

The home group gives us an opportunity to meet informally together, study and learn from Gods word, pray and enjoy the friendship, fellowship and encouragement of other believers .

The current group is made up of those who are long established church members and those who have joined more recently.

This session we will be using a Scripture Union publication entitled Christian Beliefs. Whether we are new to the faith or have been Christians for many years we can learn from each other and have a better understanding of what we believe.

Anyone who wants to join the group will be made very welcome. At present we meet fortnightly on a Thursday evening as announced in the intimation sheet. If you have any questions or would like more information please speak contact me.

Bill Small Tel.01764 430260 Email. [email protected]

The Minibus Trial!

You may have noticed a very smart grey minibus with Auchterarder Parish Church livery in the Church car park

recently. This 17 seater mini bus was given to us by Docherty’s on a one year trial basis in May. During this trial year, Dochertys have very kindly agreed to maintain and service the bus. Rob Barlow has succeeded in securing a grant which has covered the cost of insurance and leave a little in the kitty. Whenever the mini bus is used, a donation will be very welcome.

We now want to embark on using the bus for the benefit of our church members and developing it as a provision which will enhance our Christian mission in the town.

We intend to use the bus to bring those people who have, for the past few years, been brought to and from Sunday worship by the Dochertys bus. We are issuing these current users with a questionnaire to confirm their requirements and we will be linking up with the Pastoral Care Group to identify any who might like to be included in the future. In the fullness of time, we hope we may be able to offer these people the chance to have fellowship with others during the teas and coffees after the service and also attend the monthly Communion. The Guild will be using the mini bus for outings and their theatre trips and it will help the organisers of the monthly 50:50 Club to bring people to the Church Centre from in and around the town.

Several people have kindly offered to drive the bus when required. Many of these are already involved in choir, orchestra and other activities before the service. This will preclude them from undertaking a pick up run and it would therefore be very helpful if we had more volunteer drivers. If your licence covers ‘D1’ use, you will be eligible to drive the mini bus. Please be aware that the mini bus is long and wide and some experience of driving substantial vehicles is important.

Please speak to any elder if you feel able to join the list of drivers and also if you identify a suitable use for the mini bus.

Thank you! Susie Robertson T: 07814 707989 E: [email protected]


Auchterarder Parish Church Art Exhibition 2017

The 8th annual Auchterarder Parish Church Art Exhibition will take place on 29th and 30th September 2017, with a Preview night on 28th September. This event has become a very popular exhibition for many artists not just locally but from further afield. Last year we had exhibitors from Inverness and Glasgow as well as many from Perthshire including local Auchterarder artists.

Because of its popularity, the exhibition has had to be limited to 120 paintings, which represent a variety of styles and subjects. The general standard of the exhibits is exceptionally good and this is supplemented by several professional artists also exhibiting. The exhibition is held in the Auchterarder Parish Church Community Centre and ample parking is available at the rear of the centre. It is open to the public from 10am to 7pm on Friday 29th September and 10am to 4pm on Saturday 30th September. Entrance is £2 which includes a catalogue and refreshments. A special Preview Night is being held on Thursday evening 28th September from 7pm till 10pm which includes a two course supper and wine at a cost of £12.50 per ticket. Tickets are available from the Church Centre or John Boyd (01764 663484). This evening has been a sell out every year and we expect the same this year. It is of course an opportunity to view the exhibits and possibly purchase a painting prior to the public opening the following day. The atmosphere is always very friendly and excellent home baked food is provided. Further information can be obtained from

JOHN BOYD, Organiser at 01764 663484 or

e mail [email protected]

Art Exhibition 2017

Auchterarder Community Church Centre

Friday 29th Sept - 10am to 7pm

Saturday 30th Sept - 10am to 4pm

catalogue & refreshments £2

children free

Preview Evening Thursday 28th Sept - 7pm to 10pm

Tickets £12.50, includes

fork super, wine & catalogue

Contact John Boyd

01764 663484 email [email protected]

Chrismon Tree

Do you remember that I spoke about a Chrismon tree at a morning service in June? A Chrismon tree is an evergreen tree decorated with symbols of Christ, which are made in gold and white, symbolizing the Majesty and purity of Christ. The symbols are all handmade. This tree will be a special part of the Christmas tree festival this year. At Easter, the tree comes back into church with bare branches and in the shape of a cross.

I have already had some beautiful Chrismons handed to me and I know that many folks are busy making angels, stars etc.

Why not come along to the Church Centre for a cup of tea or coffee on Wednesday 27th September at 10.00am and find out more. This will be an opportunity for those who have already been busy making Chrismons to bring them along and share ideas. One or two ladies are going to show us how to make different Chrismons. Please come along and enjoy a morning of chat, fun and interesting ideas.

Marjorie Paton

Archway reaches the high note……….

THAT (Tayside Healthcare Arts Trust) Musicality Programme is coming to Archway on Monday 18th September and will finish on Monday 18th November2017.

The programme will be run by an experienced singer/educator who has previously worked with THAT.

The participants will explore their creativity through singing as a fun and enjoyable activity.

This programme aims to contribute positively towards health and wellbeing.

Archway members are excited about taking part and although don't actually see themselves as a threat to Gareth Malone's Choirs but just in case,,,I will be acting as booking agent !!!!!

Renee Riddell



Should we ask ourselves this simple question about human life on planet earth we could expect many different answers. The biologist may refer us to the evolutionary explanations of Darwin, while others including secular and many non-secular people would refer to God and biblical explanations.

If we ask the same question to a busy mother or others also with a hectic working life the answers might be “I’ve never really thought about it” or “I haven’t the time to worry about things like that” and so it continues while Richard Dawkins would give us a very plausible scientific line of approach to ponder over.

Philosophers would soon loose us with their complex doctrines and even the medieval Christian Crusaders must have had their own thoughts on this.

It is hardly surprising that our early ancestry looked up to heavenly bodies or their numerous Gods for an explanation to every mystery in their lives.

The lonely ploughman or shepherd with his flock in years gone by could well have pondered on the meaning of his arduous life and his daily battle to survive the hazards in his life. Maybe it is better not to dwell on it or if we do to accept the many meaningful explanations in the Bible or in the teachings of Jesus.

In conclusion if there can ever be a satisfactory answer to this illusive question some may say that there is no realistic meaning to life other than that of a chemical chain of events that took place after the planet stopped erupting and all we can do about it is to enjoy life while we are here and do our best to help others.

Countless others turn to God working out His great purpose for us and that is all we need to know whatever faith we follow.

Can we accept that the answer lies in both camps and that way it resolves itself for both young and old and can then be forgotten? A biased way one way or the other is one of many reasons why church going is in decline. Likewise, when we set off on a warm sunny morning heading for the hills then “how great Thou art”, rings in the air.

How great it is to be alive. George Stoneley

Children and Teens @APC Here is the programme we have planned for the coming months. Knowing how busy family life is, this will give you a chance to put these dates in your diaries so you can plan your weeks/weekends ahead of time!

The ‘normal’ programme for teaching began on Sunday 03 September. An exciting new group will begin then, too. The group is called TNL (The Next Level) and is the introductory group for Grid for P7 age youngsters. Helen Lynn will lead it and they will follow a different, video-based teaching programme. Bubbles (pre-school to P1), Splash (P2-4) and XStream (P5-6) will continue to follow SU Light material as before. There will continue to be some quiet activities available in the Cozy Corner for any families whose children would rather remain in the church during the service.

Light Party

As an alternative to Halloween we plan to hold a Light Party again on Sunday 29 October. Children can dress up if they wish in ‘light’ costumes e.g. super heroes, book characters etc, rather than dark Hallowe’en images. We will have games etc. and , of course, have our pumpkin carving to light up the church steps on Hallowe’en evening. Look out for any shops selling pumpkins with the ‘World Vision’ logo on them as they support this venture (Tesco has done this in the past!).


Following the success of previous events, there will be a Lock-In overnight on Saturday 02 December from 6pm onwards. Bubbles and Splash children can attend until 8pm, others can choose to stay overnight as they wish and be picked up in the morning. More details and permission forms will be available nearer the time.

‘On the Day’ Nativity

On Christmas Eve at the morning service of worship,

we plan to have an ‘On the Day’ Nativity when all

children attending can be part of a traditional re-telling

of the Christmas story. Costumes and parts will be

allocated at the event.

Knitters required As you may be aware in the past we have

provided knitted items for those who are in need

and they are sent to Blythswood for distribution.

For this service to continue we require more

knitters and if you are able to help or want more

information please contact Joy Godfery.


Auchterarder Parish Church Guild Strategy – Be Bold, Be Strong

Theme – Go in Love

Our new Guild session will shortly get under way and we have a most interesting and varied programme to offer this year. We would be delighted to have your company - you are assured of a very warm welcome for fun, fellowship and worship.

We usually meet on 2 Thursdays each month, so watch the intimations sheet for the date of each meeting. We meet at 7.30 pm, except our Christmas Party and the 3 meetings during January and February, when we meet at 2.30 pm.

Here are some dates for your diary – we do hope to see you at some or all of our meetings.

Sunday 19 November 2017 12 noon Church Lunch – soup and sweet lunch – all are welcome at the lunch which will take place after the service. Donations received will go towards Church funds

Thursday 14 December 2017 3.45 pm Guild outing to Pitlochry Theatre – 'Singing in the Rain' High Tea at Bankfoot, a little retail therapy, then back on the bus to head to Pitlochry for the show!

A total of 10 members of our Guild spent a wonderfully uplifting day at the Guild Annual Rally in the Caird Hall, Dundee on Saturday 2 September 2017. We heard from the Right Rev Dr Derek Browning, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. He gave an amusing and informative talk about our theme 'Go in Love'. We also heard from Dr Pam Cairns, who gave an excellent, thought-provoking talk about human trafficking and its awful effects – it was extremely emotional, and during her talk it would have been possible to hear a pin drop in the Caird Hall! Once again, as last year, we were wonderfully entertained by the Heart and Soul Swing Band – and once again we were dancing in the aisles!

Leadership Team 2017-2018

Renee Riddell, Secretary 652771 Susan Hill, Minute Secretary 660877 Alison Reynolds, Treasurer 660345 Janette Bain, Project Partner 662202 Doreen Stewart 660498 Kathleen Craik 430555 Barrie Thom 662903 Hazel Buchan 660306 Marjorie Paton 682234

Whose we are and whom we serve

Our Men’s Group, 1010, is motivated and inspired by Jesus’ words in John’s Gospel chapter 10 verse 10 ‘I come that they may have life – life in all its fullness’. We believe God wants our lives to be full-on, and that our faith makes life bigger and more exciting. We believe we can meet God in every aspect of our lives: over a beer with mates, clinging to a rock-face, changing the baby’s nappy, at work, or even in church! And we want to share that connection - with guys who do church, and guys who don’t do church. This month Larry, Bobby, Paul and Stew went clay shooting at the gun club near Comrie, in a beautiful setting. Lots of bangs, and even hit the occasional clay.

1010: mates, laughs, faith, beers, chillouts, challenges – life to the full!

Contact: Stewart Robertson 01764 664528 [email protected]

1010 Event Goes With a Bang! I come that they may have life – life in all its fullness. John 10:10

Have your magazine in colour! We are trying to reduce our costs for the publication of the magazine and we would like to be able to send the magazine to you in an email as a pdf file, or you can view the magazine by logging onto and click on the link. When you view the magazine as a pdf or view it on the web the magazine will be in colour and you can still print off any page you want to keep. I would be most grateful if you could let me know if you would rather have a pdf file by email or if you wish to view the magazine yourself on the web please let Sylvia know, by emailing [email protected]


Summer Picnic for Kidsteam and GRID

This year’s summer picnic was once again held, by kind invitation, in Sheila Ferguson-Smith’s garden. With the help of Sandra’s comprehensive games program, we had a most fantastic time! There were yummy snacks and Sheila’s now famous succulent strawberries. All finished off, of course with the Grand finale tug-of-war. Thank you Sheila

Church Flowers

Normally each Sunday we have a lovely display of flowers, they are placed there by members of the congregation as part of worship, sometimes they are to mark an event of remembrance in their family. We have a flower calendar in the vestibule with dates available, where you can add your name if you wish to help. If you wish more information please speak to Rosemary Lennox or Elise Galloway.

I wish to record my thanks, and the thanks of all the congregation who enjoy the hanging flower baskets and tubs on display at the front and around the Church, to Kathleen for transforming the patio area at the back, and to those members who sponsored a basket, "thank you very much", and to Rosemary for organising their planting. Thanks also to the volunteers who take a week on the watering rota, this is an extremely important duty, baskets dry out fast in our Scottish summer winds. This year the hanging baskets received first prize from Auchterarder in Bloom. Well done everybody. Allan Russell

GRID (Generating Really Incredible Disciples) teaching update

Having completed the Youth Alpha Course the young folk in GRID are now embarking on an exciting new Sunday morning teaching program provided by Youth For Christ (YFC), a national charity whose mission

statement is ‘taking good news relevantly to every young person in Britain’. You can see more about the work of Youth For Christ by visiting their website We are also

setting a challenge for the young folk to read their bible in one year using the Navigator’s Bible Reading Plan which can be found on the Navigators website The Navigators are an international, interdenominational, Christian ministry whose motto is “To Know Christ and to Make Him Known.” How about taking a look at the website and taking up the challenge for yourself!

Blessings from GRID.


World Day of Prayer

International Conference at Foz Do Iguacu, Brazil. August 2017

The quinquennial conference was held in Brazil for a week in August. Two of the Scottish Committee of World Day of Prayer were invited to attend and I was one of them. There were 188 delegates from 81 countries. The youngest delegate was 19 year old Ane Lizquina Lehauli from Tonga.

We arrived at Foz after travelling for 26 hours and after 3 hours break the conference began. The theme was “God’s Creation is very good” as this is the theme for the service in 2018 which has been written by the women of Suriname. The conference began every morning with worship, led by each of the 5 regions in turn, making it very varied. This was followed by a 2 hour bible study led by a different theologian/pastor each morning. The rest of the programme was filled with workshops, working groups etc. Some of the subjects were; Reaching out to children, Welcoming refugees, Ecumenical response to crisis, Community’s response to climate change.

On Thursday we all dressed in black as part of “Thursdays in Black” which is a campaign focusing on Violence against Women which says “Say No to violence and rape”

One group were tasked during the conference to decide on the themes and writing countries for the next 5 years and they were chosen as follows: 2022 “I know the plans I have for you” - England, Wales and Northern Ireland 2023 “I have heard about your faith” - Taiwan 2024 “I beg you to bear with one another in love” - Palestine 2025 “I made you wonderful” - Cook Islands 2026 “Come, I will give you rest” - Nigeria The countries and themes are decided after countries have been asked previously to send in themes and also asked if they would like to be the writing country. Women begin planning the service 4 years ahead… It is a huge task as generally about 30 women are involved with help and visits from the International Chairperson and International Director.

At this conference, The International Committee were also elected with 2 representatives each from the 7 regions. Africa - from Cameroon and Ghana Asia - from India and Sri Lanka Caribbean and North America - from Canada and Barbados Europe - from Croatia and Luxembourg Latin America - from Costa Rica and Brazil Middle East - from Palestine and Lebanon Pacific - from Cook Islands and Australia The new chairperson is Laurence Gangloff from France.

The next International Conference is in 2022 and we hope that Scotland will host it. So now begins a lot of work and we have to put forward proposals for this. Where, When, Costings …. But the Scottish Committee look forward to gathering all this information. We “Look forward in Faith, All time is in God’s hand”.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the service next year which will be hosted by St Kessogs Church on the first Friday in March 2018.

Marjorie Paton


Church Lights

We have many types of lights within and outside

the Church and Centre and it is necessary to check

them regularly (Emergency lighting and Exit sign

lights). Over time lights fail and require replacing

as can be seen in the Sanctuary, where one ceiling

lamp has been out for years. Now we have one at

the front where the Ballast (Black Box) is failing

and the light is going off and on. The problem is

the Ballast is on the very high wooded cross beam.

We have a set of Church scaffolding which allows

us to just reach the Globes (as they are not fitted

to allow lowering) for cleaning and lamp

replacement. The lamps which should last 20 years

were all replaced when they were installed over

25 years ago. For the Ballast Box to be replaced

our electrician will require construction type

scaffolding. An ongoing problem.

The main Church front doors have

2 very old large lanterns which are

unsafe, one to the extent the bulb

holder has rusted away, and they

contain some thin and broken glass. When we

have an evening event in the Church, the front of

the Church is dark as only one lantern is working.

We have obtained a quote to supply and replace

the two lanterns, and to fit two up/down wall

lights at the large windows, lighting up the front of

the Church, and the quote is £1,020 plus VAT. I

have some money left from other donations to

small projects, the last was installing twin dimming

wall lights in the Church Hall. This enables the

camera club to view photos in an almost dark area

and other groups who wish a subdued lighting,

and it is hoped to hold a film night this year. Three

members of our congregation have supported the

upgrading of the Front Door lanterns etc with

generous donations. If you wish to support this

project, please speak to Allan Russell for more


Auchterarder & District

Leisure Classes

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the Church Community Centre during the week? Apart from Church activities the rooms are hired out to various community groups. One of the regular users is the Auchterarder Adult Leisure Classes, a group run by volunteers keen to provide interest and entertainment over the winter months.

Research by Oxford University scientists has found that evening classes boost mental and physical health, making people feel more motivated and more active, and this applies to both creative and physically active classes. So why not do yourself some good and come along and join us? This year at the Church we have Scottish Country Dancing on a Tuesday evening, and Flower Arranging on a Wednesday. We are also starting two new courses; there is a Community Choir run by Sandra Miller (familiar to you all) on a Monday evening, and a course on a Wednesday evening called ‘Have Your Say’ aimed at teaching you how to speak up in public. A great skill to learn for anyone involved in regular meetings or for those on committees.

Pick up one of our leaflets from the Church Centre or the Library for full details of the classes held both at the Church and in various other venues around the town or visit our website

Lynn Gourlay Secretary AAEA

YESTERDAY'S NEWS Grantham Journal Saturday 22 September 1888

AMUSING INCIDENT An amusing incident occurred in a Leicester church on Sunday morning. When the time came, towards the close of the service, for making the offertory, the plates could not be found, though they had been brought out of the vestry and put in the usual place earlier in the morning. It was believed they had been stolen, and information was sent to the police. When the congregation left the missing plates were found in the pew and it was then remembered that a lady had occupied the seat. She had evidently sat upon them throughout the service without knowing it. Needless to say the messenger sent to the police was recalled as soon as possible. Taken from ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ magazine Sept 2017

Used Stamps - Susan Hill is willing to collect used postage stamps and will donate them to "The Church of Scotland world

mission council". Stamps can be left in the box in church porch or given to Susan Hill direct. Thanks for your support.


VISIT TO MULL, IONA AND STAFFA Iain and Marjorie Paton are leading a pilgrimage / tour to Mull, Iona and Staffa over the period Thursday 31st May to Monday 4th June 2018. There are brochures on the table at the back of the Church. There are just a few places left, but if anyone would like to come, please send in the booking form as soon as possible.

Pennies From Heaven

As mentioned in the previous magazine we completed our mammoth 16,000 metre journey from Auchterarder to Perth at the end of June 2016 and the sum raised was £8,000.00 (50 x 1p = 1 metre). The duration was 8 years but the end result was that

the Church benefitted by £4,000 and Tearfund by £4,000.

We have now challenged ourselves to make the return journey from Perth to Auchterarder and from 1st July 2016 to March 2017 we collected a further £425.00 which is 850 metres on our way. Since then we have collected a further £247 which make a grand total travelled 1,344metres of our 16,000 metre journey.

We would like to thank all those who have deposited their loose change and Tearfund boxes into our bucket at the back of the Church over the years and any new contributors would be most welcome. Perhaps our journey might be quicker this time.

Just to remind everyone the proceeds are divided equally between the Church and Tearfund. - Alan Mordaunt

Church Giving

We are so pleased to see so many new people attending Church in the past few months. As a guide to Church Giving, we should like to point out the various methods by which this can be done and particularly if you are a tax payer.

1. Taxpayer – Complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form 2. Monthly Standing Order Form – an ideal form of giving

Both of the above forms are available on table at back of Church 3. Weekly Free Will Offering Envelopes – Contact Alan Mordaunt at Church or 01764 662725 4. Gift Aid Envelopes when you attend – These envelopes are spread throughout the Church 5. Cash in the Offering Bags

We are most grateful for any contributions made and at this time would like to thank our existing members and attendees for their continued support.

If you have any queries or require assistance do not hesitate to contact Alan Mordaunt, Allan Russell, Graham Elsmere or Keith Allan.

My name is Thomas Brown and in Mondays Courier 4th September, I noted the passing of Martha Souter. Some years ago, when cousins of mine paid her a visit they informed me that she was connected to our family. Oddly enough I have family connections in Auchterarder. My mother known as Susan Docherty and sister Helen and her husband Sandy Sinclair resided at Ruthvenvale Terrace and another cousin Sandra Docherty emigrated to Australia.

For many years I have written to the newspapers, the letters pages, and articles, and Martha commented on my letters. She told my cousins on their visits that she enjoyed reading them, then I decided just last year to write to Martha. In her reply, she told me that she was well over ninety and she told me parts of her remarkable life. I did so admire her very neat writing and she and I did correspond briefly. I have only seen her in photos my cousins had taken but I never met her.

I noted in her letters that she always concluded by writing Cousin Martha.

I had written to Martha just recently as I had read a little about her in the paper, but no reply.

Sadly, I read of her passing. She was a cousin who sadly, I knew but briefly, but I will keep her letters.

Thomas Brown

3 Church Place, Bankfoot, PH1 4BE. Tele 01738 787 282


Breakfast Plus is back! The new term has brought with it the return of Breakfast Plus, so here are answers to some of the questions that you may have about it:

What is it? Breakfast Plus it can be what you want it to be, from an informal part of a long Sunday morning amidst the fellowship of APC, through to a brief dip into Church on a Sunday morning when otherwise you would not be able to be there.

Who is it aimed at? In short, it’s aimed at you. Yes, “you" could be anyone and everyone, so we provide a programme that is led by a wide range of APC people, covering different perspectives. The story of the Good Samaritan encourages us to see things from the perspective of others and we try to do that with Breakfast Plus. We are also very aware that Breakfast Plus may provide a good route into APC for those who are new to it and may feel reticent about coming along to Sunday worship in the Church sanctuary.

When is it? Sunday mornings in the Community Church Centre from 10.05 – 10.20am, although watch out for one Sunday during the Autumn when we will take Breakfast Plus outside for a walk that will be all about appreciating God’s creation.

Why is it there? Breakfast Plus is there because, like the rest of the Church, we are challenged to know God and to make Him and the story of His Son known. We take a relatively informal approach to exploring that story, and this term our programme is built around three themes: 1. Appreciating God’s creation 2. APC in the Community 3 Being a Christian today

Watch out for the weekly intimation in the Church notices on who will be taking the lead at Breakfast Plus over coming weeks, we look forward to welcoming you along one Sunday soon.

Pastoral Care

Firstly, thanks to all our Pastoral Carers for another year of visiting and caring for our members, you are greatly appreciated.

It is important that we care for members who are no longer able to come to church.

We have a small dedicated team of visitors who take responsibility for a few people who no longer can attend on Sunday and visit them regularly ensuring that these members learn what is happening in church on Sundays and feel included in church matters. They can become involved too by praying for the church.

Sick members are not forgotten and visits are arranged for them by the carer's team.

We rely on you the members telling us about anyone you know who is sick and would like or benefit from a visit. This communication is vital to ensure we can make a difference to their lives and more importantly they are loved.

The first commandment tells us to love God and love our neighbours and Pastoral Care is fulfilling the second part of this commandment.

If you are interested in becoming a pastoral career please speak to Rev Iain Paton, Rosemary Lennox or Renee Riddell and we can assure you of a warm welcome to the team. Renee Riddell

Samaritan Purse Operation Christmas Child

Shoe Box Appeal 2017

Many deprived children received a gift-filled shoebox last year from the UK through

the Operation Christmas Child Appeal. Globally, over 11 million children in 107 countries received a simple gift reminding them of God's love at Christmas time. Small toys, school supplies and hygiene items bring pleasure to children who live in difficult conditions and have nothing.

Auchterarder Parish Church have been supporting this Appeal for many years. Please join us this year and help us to give hope to children who don't have the home comforts and privileges enjoyed by our own families.

Explanatory leaflets with a list of gift suggestions, unwanted items and the necessary labels for the boxes, will be available at the back of the Church in the coming weeks. Please see weekly intimations for up to date information giving dates for collection etc.

Keep up to date with the latest campaign developments and activities on the social media pages. Facebook - Twitter - YouTube and


Please note Sunday Worship Starts at 10.30 am (followed by communion, last Sunday in the month)

Breakfast + at 9.30am

18th Sept to 18th Nov - Archway - THAT - see page 4

26th Sept - 50:50 Club - see page 2

27th Sept—Chrismon Tree meeting - see page 4

28th to 30th Sept—Art Exhibition - see page 4

29th Oct - Light Party - see page 5

19th Nov - Guild - Church Lunch - see page 6

2nd Dec - Lock-In - see page 5

14th Dec - Guild Outing - see page 6

24th Dec - On the Day Nativity - see page 5

Choir and Praise rehearsals - first Sun of the month

Guild - usually meet on 2 Thursdays each month

Archway Cafe - every Monday 1.30pm - 3pm

Perth Credit Union - every Wednesday 11am - 1pm

Carpet Bowls - every Thursday 10am - 12noon

50:50 Lunch Club - 4th Tuesday of the month

Last Saturday of every month Coffee Morning 10am-12noon

Congregational Roll Changes from June 2017 to 9th Sept 2017

New Members by Certificate of Transference Mrs Elsie Carnegie, 9 Balmallo Mr Ron Inglis, 36 Glenorchil View Miss Joanna Menzies, 34 Glenorchil Crescent Mrs Marjory Goodland, 1 Milton Place Mr Robert Wilson, 4 St Serf’s Place Mrs Caroline Wilson, 4 St Serf’s Place Mrs Barbara Aikman, 10 Elmvale Mrs Muriel Mackie, 3 Waukmill Drive, Blackford Mr Alfred Mackie, 3 Waukmill Drive, Blackford Mrs Cathie McLaren, Nether Allan, Blackford Mr William McLaren, Nether Allan, Blackford

Removals by Transference Certificate Mr Reginald Hanslip, 22 Allanwater Gardens, Blackford Mrs Moira Hanslip, 22 Allanwater Gardens, Blackford

Deaths Mrs Jean Haxton, 22 Victoria Road. Mrs Molly Mailer, 215 High Street. Mrs Elspeth Abell, 8 St Margaret’s Crescent. Mrs Betty Guthrie, Westfield, Castleton Road. Mrs Margo King, 9 Victoria Road. Mrs Isabella Miller, 65 The Feus. Mrs Janice Wilks, Cranberry, Townhead. Mr Alex MacKintosh, Shandon, Orchil Road. Miss Martha Soutar, 7 Foswell Place.

Communion Roll as at 9th September 2017 Communicants 511 Adherents 3 Members on Supplementary Roll 201 Susan M. Ross Roll Keeper

Church Office 24 High Street, PH3 1DF 01764 660 152 [email protected] Minister Rev Dr Rob Barlow 01764 662 399 [email protected] Assistant Minister Rev Iain Paton 01764 682 234 [email protected] Session Clerk Anne Robertson 01764 664 528 [email protected] Worship Team Stephen Miller 01764 663 998 Finance Team Ken MacKay Property Team Phil Brierley Stewardship Team Keith Allan 01764 664 826 Kids Team Sander Miller 01764 663 998 FWO Envelopes Alan Mordaunt 01764 662 725 Gift Aid Convener Susan McIntosh 01764 660 948 Guild Secretary Renee Riddell 01764 652 771 Roll Keeper Susan Ross 01764 663 044 Magazine Editor Sylvia Elsmere 01764 660 146 Flower Convenor Vacant Home Group Stewart Robertson 01764 664 528 Life & Work Magazine Margaret Gilmour 07717 545 235 Anne Elliott Centre Administrator 01764 660 152 Church web site -

The deadline for the next edition of the magazine will be published in the in the Church Intimations. Articles, photographs and artwork are all welcome. Material can be e-mailed to Sylvia Elsmere, [email protected], or handed in to the church office. Contact Church Office 660152 if you want to advertise your local business. Each edition goes out to 500 local homes.

Why not follow us on Facebook and Twitter for regular

news, updates and notices.

Church Website

For all the latest news, magazine and events taking place in Auchterarder Parish Church and the

Community Church Centre.

Coffee morning last Saturday of every month

Community Church Centre from 10am till 12 noon

You are invited to come along to enjoy the coffee, baking (of course) and meeting old and new friends.

Everyone will be made most welcome.