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Since the very start of my college life, I’ve already thought that taxation’s tough (ang subject). And yes, now that I’ve taken up the course, I could really say ‘lisod jod ang tax bai’. We’ve got to assess the effects of personal, investment, and business transactions—individually and collectively, compare and contrast the tax treatment of the various business entities, analyze the effects of tax laws on employee and other worker compensation, including deferred compensation and other benefits, etc.. Nevertheless, I’m thankful that I came to know more about taxation despite the struggle moments (not to mention Sir Naranjo’s long problems that were really nerve-wracking) -.- Siguro push lang jod to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge needed in pursuit of passing the course.

And with regard to my views in taxation, to be sure, Taxes matter. Indeed, they matter a great deal. Even how bad people cursed it, taxes can also be beneficial. It’s just that we focus more on the cons and not the pros. Most citizens haven’t considered that the nation, its people, the government, the economy, and the world, benefit in taxes; one way or another. That’s why we still have to be thankful to the government, apparently. Could you imagine a world without government intervention? Even if you escape the obligation of paying taxes, your actions will reflect its consequence back to you; you will face serious legal actions, and you are helping the detriment of the very government that is helping you.