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Magazine Cover and Contents Codes and Conventions

The masterhead of the magazine has a bold accent to the cover. It fills up the majority of the top of the cover. The use of large font and the bright colours allows it to stand out even more. The bright colours match the colour scheme of the over and main image. The font of 'Vogue' is the same in every issue and therefore, people are easily able to recognise the popular company.

In this cover, the headline is bigger than the other cover lines and in a bright colour, a similar colour to the masterhead and coverlines. It is the boldest piece of writing, apart from the masterhead, this is because the editors want to catch customer's eyes so they will buy the magazine.

The main image in this magazine is Taylor Swift, a popular celebrity. The act that she is popular makes customers more likely to buy the magazine as they most likely will want to read about her if they are a fan. The use of direct mode of address with her looking directly at the camera makes the magazine appeal even more. The top that Taylor is wearing links in with the colour scheme of the cover and the title 'Teen' and her blue eyes match the title 'Vogue'.

Coverlines makes the magazine appeal to more people. While the image, masthead and headline gain most of the readers attention, the featured articles are something that encourages people more to buy the magazine. In this cover, the feature headlines share the same colour scheme as the masterhead and headline while still letting them stand out.

The date is an important convention for a magazine and is essential due to the fact that it keeps people track of which monthly issue the magazine is.The barcode is also an essential convention for a magazine as it allows the customer to buy the issue.