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Executive Summary

Why compile aCommunity Action Plan?

Our community now -community profile

Survey results & quotes

Stakeholders’ views

The children’s views

Themes and prioritiesidentified

Partnership & Progress


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Executive Summary

This Community Action Plan summarises thecommunity views on the following: • Our community and village as it is

now• The issues that matter most to the

community• Our vision for the future of Maddiston

and Rumford• Our priorities for projects and actions

This plan will be our guide for what welook to achieve as a community in the next5 years.

The themes and priorities identified areconsistent with the Falkirk StrategicCommunity Plan and the Falkirk CouncilSingle Outcome Agreement.

This Community Action Plan has beencreated by Maddiston Community Councilwith input from different groups, businessesand the people of Maddiston and Rumford.The Community Action Plan has beeninformed by extensive communityengagement over a period of 9 months.

Community Action Plan (Maddiston/Rumford2014 to 2019)

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The process involved stakeholder interviewsand meetings with groups and individualsrepresenting different aspects of thecommunity; carrying out a community viewssurvey, targeting the pupils at MaddistonPrimary School to ensure we have the viewsof the future generation of Maddiston;creating a community profile detailing factsand figures about our community; andorganising a public consultation exercise atMaddiston Fun Day.

Residents of Maddiston and Rumford havea long term stake in the future of thisvillage.

They want to confirm and strengthencommunity pride; bringing people togetherfrom a variety of backgrounds to create astrong and resilient community.

The main conclusion reached is that there isa need to further invest in the infrastructureof the community to meet the challengesand priorities set out in this report.

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v The community can assess what its residents want, needand aspire to.

v It can assist in influencing community planning partnersin the Falkirk Council area and other agencies whodeliver services in the area.

v It can be used as evidence to attract more externalfunding to the area.

v It can build on the community learning & developmentskills already present.

v The process is inclusive, raises awareness of issues andcan increase levels of participation.

v It increases understanding of local democracy,government structures and responsibilities.

v Local residents can play a part in shaping the future oftheir communities.

v It can be used as a reference document by both localorganisations and community planning partners.

Why compile a Community Action Plan?

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Maddiston Community Profile 2014


Maddiston and Rumford are situated in theupper Braes a rural area on the outskirts ofFalkirk. It has excellent links to the major townsand cities of the Central Belt thanks to itsproximity to the M8 and M9 motorway and itsaccess to the main Edinburgh/Glasgow railwayline. Also, larger towns such as Falkirk,Grangemouth, Linlithgow and Bathgate liewithin a 7 mile radius of the villages.


Maddiston and Rumford have a combinedpopulation of around 4,300 people.

The population in Maddiston and Rumford hasalmost doubled in the last 20 years, rising 40%in the 10 years between 1991 and 2001 andwill continue to rise due to a large amount ofdevelopment currently taking place andremaining land being earmarked for housing.

The area has a typical spread of ages in thepopulation for the area but with a significantlyhigher proportion of under16 year olds (22.7%)than the average for Falkirk (18.7%) andnationally (17.7%). There are also a largenumber of residents in Maddiston and Rumfordover the age of 80.

Maddiston did however have a much higherpercentage of people claiming state pension,pension credit, and disability living allowance,incapacity allowance and income support than

the average for the Falkirk area1. The welfarereform changes will have a great impact on thearea. In a future where digital technologyprovides a foundation for public services,expecting 80% of people to completeapplications online will lead to further difficultiesfor this community. Figures for Maddiston andRumford hide an area of longstandingdeprivation2.

Social and Community

The main facilities include: Maddiston CommunityCentre, Maddiston Old Folks Hall, the BraesFamily Centre and the Salvation Army Hall.

Community Groups

There are a number of groups for Early Yearsand Play (child-minders group, toddlers groups,etc). Other active organisations are theEvangelical Church, The Roman Catholic Churchand the Salvation Army. Culture, leisure andsports activity are catered for by Maddiston &Rumford Local History Group, Maddiston AFC,Polmont Golf Club, and the Taekwondo Club.Maddiston Community Council is now beginningto work closely with the Maddiston CommunityCentre Management Committee which also runsa credit union, a fruit barra and a recentlylaunched café facility.


There is a frequent bus service to Falkirk,although costs can be prohibitive to someresidents. There is a limited bus service toLinlithgow. The nearest railway station is in

Our Community Now

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Polmont, which connects to Glasgow, Edinburghand Stirling. Previously there was also an hourlybus service that connected the village to ForthValley Hospital, but this service was withdrawnin August 2013.

Environment and outdoor activities

There are 3 small play parks in the village, onespecifically designed for pre-school children. Thenew estates that have been built recently alsohave small play facilities in them. There is aninadequate football field used by MaddistonAFC. Polmont golf course (9 holes) is situated inMaddiston. There are a number of attractivewalks which provide links with the Union Canaland the surrounding countryside.


There are approximately 1850 houses inMaddiston and Rumford . Over 50% of thehouses fall into tax bands A-C of which morethan 25% are actually band A. 62% of thehouses in the area are owned, with 36% socialhousing and the remaining 2% private rentals. In comparison, Polmont (with which Maddistonand Rumford are grouped in the LocalDevelopment Plan) has 91% owner occupiedhouses and 5% social housing, with theremaining 4% being private rented.

Over the last 15 years there has been a hugeamount of housing development, almostdoubling the size of the villages. Further landhas been earmarked for housing development inthe near future.

Economy and the local environment

Maddiston and Rumford is in a perfect locationfor commuting, with easy access to both the M8and M9. It is not unusual for people to commute

to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling and Livingston.Polmont railway station is close by and there arefrequent buses to Falkirk.

The local economy consists of a post office,three small general stores, several takeaways, ahairdresser and a pharmacy. The only publichouse, the Maddiston Inn, known locally as “TheRanch”, has recently closed.

Education and childcare

The Braes Children and Family Centre is basedin Maddiston. There are several toddlers groupsin the village which are run by differentorganisations including the Salvation Army andthe Community Centre. There is no playgroup inthe area with the nearest being inReddingmuirhead or Polmont. People requirecars to attend both.

Maddiston Primary School which was opened in2008/9 has a capacity of 433 pupils and acurrent roll of 430 pupils3, with a pre-schoolnursery catering for 3 ½ and 4 years olds whichcurrently takes up to 47 children in each of themorning and afternoon sessions. St Andrew’s Primary in Falkirk is the local

Catholic primary school for Maddiston and StMungo’s is the local high school.

Health and care services

Primary health care services are situated inPolmont. Maddiston and Rumford are served byForth Valley Hospital. There is no longer adirect bus service that runs from Maddiston andRumford to the hospital.

1 Data from 2010 Insight profile from Falkirk Council 2 Falkirk Health Inequalities profile for Maddiston and

Rumford 20093 Data from Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics website Correct as of December 2012

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Survey results and quotes

The friendly people and sense of community“I have lived here all my life and alwaysfound it a friendly community.”“It's a close- knit community.”“A good neighbourhood.”

The nature of the area (clean, safe, quietand rural)“I've lived here for 53 years and alwaysfound it quite a safe place.”“A nice quiet area to live in.”“Small village where I can let my kids outto play in our street.”

Local amenities and services“A fantastic school.”“I like the school/nursery.”“Good school.”

Things the community like






The friendly people and sense of communityLocationLocal amenities and servicesThe nature of the area (clean, safe, quiet and rural)Surrounding counrtysideNothing/not a lot anymoreCommunity facilities, activities and eventsVillage environment/open spaces/parksLived here all my life







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Surrounding countryside“Very close toMuiravonside CountryPark and the UnionCanal.” “I enjoy the fact thecountryside is close by.”

Village environment/openspaces/parks“The High Road is nice forwalks.”“Good parks.”

Things that the community like about the area

Community facilities, activities and events“I like the community groups available forme such as the mum and toddler groups atthe Community Centre, Salvation Army andCalifornia church.”

Location“Close proximity to towns such as Falkirk,Linlithgow, Stirling, Edinburgh andGlasgow.”“It's easy to access the main motorways.”

SummaryMaddiston and Rumford has a communityspirit where several generations of a familylive together supporting each other. Theschool education standards are consideredto be very good and residents enjoy thesemi-rural location of the village. The smallamount of groups which already exist in thearea are well received and well attended.

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9Things that the community dislike about the area

What the community dislikes about Maddiston






Village appearanceLack of Services/amenitiesLack of facilitiesNot child friendlyotherAntisocial behavourHousing and developmentOpen space and outdoor facilitiesLack of communityPoor reputation



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Lack offacilities/amenities“There is nothinghere, no doctor,dentist, not even alibrary.”“There’s absolutelynothing for families inthe village.”

Village Appearance“The pavements are covered in dog messand the play parks are full of glass.”“The pavements and roads are full ofholes.”“The village centre is run down and lookslike it hasn’t been touched for 20 years.”

Not child friendly“There is nothing for kids to do.”“There are no clubs for kids, nothing to doin the evening or at the weekends.”“There are no facilities for children, noteven a playgroup.”

Housing and development“The council have turned Maddiston into agiant housing estate with nothing else here.”“Far too many housing developments.”“All these new houses but no suitablehousing for the elderly.”

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10Transport and travel issues“There’s not enough parking in Maddiston,cars parked along main road at StCatherines cause chaos on road and stopbuggies getting along pavements.”“The roads are really busy but there are nosafe crossing areas in the village.”“The buses are too expensive, if you don’thave a car you get stuck in the village.”

Antisocial behaviour“Kids hanging about drinking alcoholbecause they have nowhere else to .go”“Teenagers hanging about causingproblems for residents.”“Graffiti and vandalism because peoplestopped caring about the village.”

Open space and outdoor facilities“We have lost all our green space tohousing developments.”“They took away our play park but nevergave us anything else.”“The football pitch is uneven and alwaysflooded.”

Lack of community“All the new housing estates have ruinedthe sense of community we used to have.”“The folk in the new houses don’t want tobe a part of Maddiston.”“If you are not originally from Maddiston itcan be quite hard to fit in.”

Other“It’s like the forgotten village of FalkirkDistrict.”“Everything!!”“Maddiston is nothing more than a hugehousing estate on the outskirts of Polmontnow.”

Poor reputation“It’s been tagged as a terrible place to liveby other villages.”“It’s talked about as the “poor cousin” tosurrounding areas like Brightons andPolmont.”“It’s the council dumping ground for problemfamilies.”

SummaryThere is a definite need for a generalupgrading of the area. Continuing anti-social behaviour due to a lack of accessiblefacilities and activities is detrimental toinstilling a sense of pride in the community.There is no central focus, village square orestablished meeting place. The CommunityCentre, whilst offering a range of services, islimited in design and lacking space to allowfurther development of activities. Concernswere raised in a number of interviews aboutthe community’s ability to cope with theexpansion of the area in terms of ensuringthere are appropriate amenities, utilities andservices. Road safety, volume of traffic andcost of public transport were often cited asissues of concern. There may be a need toinform residents of what is available in termsof amenities and activities as there is fairdegree of both physical and socialinfrastructure which can be developed. Itwould also be important to discuss with thepolice the levels of crime compared to otherparts of the Falkirk area.

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SummaryFrom responses received it is clear that available facilities and amenities are not meeting theaspirations and needs of the community. It would be best to look at how the present availablespace could be utilised to meet community needs and then try to determine what otherdevelopments are required. Greater communication and collaboration within the communitywould lead to joint working and partnership activity. Employment and training opportunitiesmust be further developed.

Improvements that the community would like to see in the area

What would make Maddistion better to live in, work in or visit?






What would make Maddiston/Rumford better to live in, work in or visit?

More facilities

More amenities

More for children and young people


Improve look of village

Better open space and outdoor facilities

Bringing together the community

Business/Employment Opportunities

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Maddiston Community Council

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapwith the permission of the Controller of HerMajesty’s Stationery Office, Crown Copyright.Unauthorised reproduction infringes CrownCopyright and may lead to prosecution or civilproceedings.Falkirk Council 100023384 (2009)

± Scale:1:15,000

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Maddiston Community Council

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapwith the permission of the Controller of HerMajesty’s Stationery Office, Crown Copyright.Unauthorised reproduction infringes CrownCopyright and may lead to prosecution or civilproceedings.Falkirk Council 100023384 (2009)

± Scale:1:15,000


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The following stakeholder groups wereinterviewed regarding their views onthe Maddiston and Rumford area aspart of the process of drawing up acommunity action plan: Braes FamilyCentre, Child Minding Group, CreditUnion, Maddiston and Rumford LocalHistory Group, Maddiston CommunityEducation Centre ManagementCommittee, Muiravonside Church, andthe Old Folks Association. Thecomments of the groups were verysimilar and some broad commonthemes emerged. These are outlinedbelow.

v Busy Traffic/Road SafetyResidents are concerned that the trafficis extremely busy and dangerous in thearea, especially when children arebeing driven to and from school. Lackof parking facilities adds to theproblem.

v Condition of the RoadsResidents are annoyed at the state ofthe roads in general. In winter, it is feltthat the roads are not adequatelygritted.

v Paths/Access Issues forPedestrians

Residents say that it is difficult forpedestrians in the area to move aboutwithout hindrance because of

The Stakeholders’ Views

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dangerous volumes of traffic. A review ofthe crossings and footpaths in the area toconsider how to improve pedestrians’ abilityto walk safely in the area is urgentlyrequired as is consideration of traffic-calming measures. Residents alsohighlighted a particular safety hazard in thearea: a deep pool of standing water whichhas accumulated behind an area of newhousing.

v Expensive Bus Fares/DiscriminatoryZoning

You can buy a daily or weekly bus ticket tosave money on journeys in the FalkirkCouncil area. Residents report that,unfortunately, this does not apply within theMaddiston and Rumford area as the ticketsare based on zones and this area is outsidethe Falkirk zone. This discriminates againstMaddiston and Rumford residents.

v Parks/Open SpacesResidents are concerned at the continual lossof open space due to new house-building.They want parks to be more welcoming anduser friendly with facilities such as benches,picnic tables, better play equipment, moredog/waste bins, etc.

v New House Building Issues/Lack ofAmenities

Residents are concerned that with all thenew house-building which has gone on in

the area no new amenities have beenprovided to match the growth in population.Residents do not want their community tobecome more of a dormitory area than it isat present. Older residents also point outthat there are very few specially designedhouses for older people or sheltered housingin the area. Residents also say that the newhousing does not have access to cablemedia services.

v Council Housing Repairs and OtherIssues

Residents are concerned at the loss of theone stop shop in Wallace Crescent and howdifficult it now is to phone and ask forrepairs. Other concerns are anti-socialbehaviour and the lack of one-bedroomhouses for people to move to if affected bythe “bedroom tax”.

v Lack of Access to Health CareFacilities

Residents are very concerned by a lack ofhealth care facilities, no doctor’s surgery orchild clinic. There used to be a GP surgeryin Ercall Road but it was closed. It isexpensive to go by bus to the facilities inPolmont. Residents propose that an existingpublic building could be used as a suitablecentral point in the area for GPs, healthvisitors etc. to use.


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v Need for More Community Facilitiesand Activities/Need for Extension toCommunity Education Centre/Needfor Local Advice Surgeries

Residents appreciate the centre as the maincommunity facility in the area. However, theythink that it is not big enough for all thepurposes they want to use it for. They thinkthat an extension should be built to provide abetter meeting space and improved kitchenfacilities. The centre could then be used bydifferent services to hold weekly advicesurgeries, including health services asmentioned above. Residents would also liketo see a faster internet speed available in thecentre.

v YouthResidents say more activities and youthgroups are needed for young people.Residents are also concerned at the scale ofyouth unemployment.

v Use of Land and Buildings/ Shoppingand Socialising

Residents are aware of proposals to close thefire station and possibly the police station.They are worried that this land could be soldfor housing instead of thought being put intothe best community use of the sites. Residentshave put forward suggestions for the use ofthe sites if they become available: anindustrial estate to bring jobs to the area anda mini-shopping centre with a café.

v PolicingResidents say that the police station neverseems to be staffed and are concerned withthe absence of a police presence in thecommunity.

v New School, Positives and NegativesResidents are annoyed that the old school,with its history, has been completelydemolished. They would like the new schoolto be available for community use out ofhours. They appreciate the quality of thenew school building but note that it isalready becoming too small for the numberof pupils. This has resulted in the loss ofschool facilities in that some non-classroomspace has been turned into classrooms.Residents want their children to enter theschool by the main entrance rather thanthrough the back of the school as at present.They think that this would make it easier todrop children off and see that they haveentered the school building. Other concernsabout the new school are: too few parkingspaces; lack of a grass playing field; and noshelter in the playground for the children touse in bad weather.

v Avondale TipResidents are annoyed at the foul smell fromthe tip.


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The top ten issues to make animprovement were:1 clear up litter 172 more activities/places to go 123 swimming pool 84 better shops 85 a landmark/sculptures 66 more thing in the parks 57 sports area 58 more open space 49 more parks 410 café 4

When asked to name one small thingthat would make a positive change andone big thing they could work towardsthe top three results were as follows:

One Small Thingclear up litter 12Community Garden with veg. patches 6more/better parks for kids 6

One Big Thingsports centre with swimming pool 25Library 3shopping mall/more shops 3

We felt it important to make sure weprovided an opportunity for thechildren of Maddiston and Rumford toshare their views. They are the future ofthe village and it is vital to make surethey are engaged and included. Thechildren were from P5, P6 and P7. Theyhad some excellent and very matureideas of what they thought ofMaddiston and Rumford and how wecould improve the area.


They liked their school and enjoyed theshops and the community centre. Thepupils appreciated their friends andneighbours. They enjoyed the openspace, “good views” and “good hillsfor sledging” and the fact it was not “abig loud city”. The children alsoappreciated the inputs from externalagencies.

However the most dispiriting things forthem were the amount of litter,vandalism, broken glass and graffiti.The children had a good deal to sayabout the roads. Speeding traffic andpotholes meant that the roads were notsafe to cross. Comment was madeabout people being rude and “dodgypeople” (especially hanging about thepark). A desire was expressed formore activities for older children andfor the play park to have apparatus forthem, not just the younger children.

The children’s views

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Sustainable Maddiston/Rumford

Themes & Priorities Identified

Strategic Community Plan Themes Community Action Plan Themes

Sustainable Maddiston/Rumford Community Facilities & Activities

Fairer Maddiston/Rumford Access to Transport & Services

Growing Business and ProsperousPeople

Local Economy and Tourism, Heritage &Culture, Environment and Outdoor Recreation

Young People who are Confident &Successful

Community Facilities & Activities, Environment &Outdoor Recreation

Safer Communities Community Activities

Healthier People Community Facilities & Activities, Environment &Outdoor Recreation

The issues raised and the corresponding strategic community planning themes are listedin the table below.

The key areas as identified in the strategicplan (in italics) are priorities for Maddiston& Rumford:

v The quality of our infrastructure willhelp promote the growth of ourlocal economy

We need to ensure that we have the righthousing mix and the appropriate standardof amenities and utilities.

v We will be greenerEncourage responsible use of outdoorspace, promote recycling, and build on thechildren’s disapproval of graffiti, vandalism.

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v We will improve the builtenvironment

Therefore a key priority would be todevelop the community centre and ensurethe school will cope with the growing influxof people.

v Our open spaces will be attractive,accessible and safe

The people of Maddiston and Rumford haveshown great concern about the amount ofgreen space that has already been lost tohousing developments. They would like it tobe a priority to save the remaining spacesand utilise them for the village. There weresuggestions such as creating a communitygrowing area, community garden, betterand more play areas and a proper pathsnetwork, e.g. to allow people to get toMuiravonside country park and the UnionCanal safely without the use of a car.

Fairer Maddiston/Rumford

The key areas as identified in the strategicplan (in italics) are priorities for Maddiston& Rumford:

v Disadvantaged communities willbenefit from better services

Look at improving the range of servicesavailable in the area. We would look at arange of potential external funders tosupport such activity.

v Address financial inclusionExtend Credit Union activity and link withother related community initiatives.

v Tackle discriminationIntroduce diversity sessions. Make contactwith new residents, migrant workers, etc.Follow up anti–discrimination work recentlycarried out.

v Welfare ReformProvide information and access to onlinefacilities for claimants.


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Growing Business and Prosperous People

The key areas as identified in the strategicplan (in italics) are priorities for Maddiston& Rumford:

v Growing Business and EmploymentLook at the potential of developing businessincubator units. Investigate the potential forjob clubs, social enterprises. Investigatepotential growth areas and promoteopportunities, personal carers.

v Enhancing Business ConnectionsMake contact with existing businesses(Business Forum). IT classes. Promotebusiness development support agencies.

v Regeneration InitiativesPath making, dry-stane dyking and otherskills development, gardening, tidy-upschemes.

v Engaging Young PeopleILM activity, activity agreements, CreditUnion activity, volunteering opportunities incommunity activity, (fruit barras).

Young People who are Confident &Successful

The key areas as identified in the strategicplan (in italics) are priorities for Maddiston& Rumford:

v Young people are happy andhealthy and make positive decisions

Promote a range of activity that youngpeople can participate in. Include them inany development proposals for amenities,play development.

v Achieving their potential throughlearning and activity

Intergenerational activity (social media),young roots project to develop heritage.Promote youth achievement awards,volunteering opportunities, activityagreements.

v Identifying children at riskContinue the good work being conducted inthe community at the Community Centre, theSchool and the Multi-Agency Group and theFamily Centre. Look at extending childrenand family projects.


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Safer Communities

The key areas as identified in the strategicplan (in italics) are priorities for Maddiston& Rumford:

v Our Citizens will be protectedRoad traffic safety, congestion, speeding,safe crossing, traffic calming, parking offroad and dropped kerbs.

v Our Citizens will be protectedDischarge of sewage/inadequacy ofsewage system.

v Vulnerable children will be protectedSafer routes to school, stagnant water ditchnear school.

v Vulnerable children will be protectedFamily learning on safe internet/socialmedia use.

v Improving public confidence andsatisfaction

Avondale tip (pollution/smell).

v Home SafetyPromote available support offered todisadvantaged residents.

v Keeping our communities safe andimproving public confidence andsatisfaction

Establish community links with protectiveservices staff (Police, Community Wardens,and Fire & Rescue).

v Drug and alcohol abuseContinue educational programmes anddevelop alternative activities.

Healthier People

There was a lot of concern raised aboutaccessing health services. One way ofaddressing this would be to create an evengreater emphasis on community healthactivity.

The key areas as identified in the strategicplan (in italics) are priorities for Maddiston& Rumford:

v People will have equitable access tohealth services

Establish and develop a “Healthy LivingZone” within the Community Centre.

v Healthy EatingDevelop café and promote healthy eating atcommunity events. Encourage foodproduction initiatives.

v Taking exercisePromote walking, develop physical activityinitiatives, and develop outdoor gyms.

v Keeping activePromote activities to encourageintergenerational projects.

v Seeking helpProvide surgeries and advice andinformation needed by members of thecommunity, e.g. on welfare benefits and IT.


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Partnership & ProgressThe 3 Cs (Comment, Contact, Commit)

The community planning partners and other stakeholders were invited to a presentation by theCommunity Council. They were asked to:

Comment Tell Maddiston Community Council and other Community Organisations what theythink of the plan.

Contact Give a person who would be the first point of contact from their service/agency.Commit Sign up to action(s) which would further the action plan priorities.

Representatives were very supportive of the efforts of the Community Council and othercommunity organisations in compiling this plan. They also signed up to supporting variousaspects of the plan. This was largely around how to implement the plan, employability,environmental improvements and capacity building.

Those community planning partners who were not able to attend, will be encouraged to engagewith us to discuss the priorities and help us to address them.

Working Together to Make it Happen

Already we are working along with our local Councillors to see how we can improve playfacilities, open space and access. Community Learning & Development staff of Falkirk Councilare helping us scope out projects and seek external funding to meet the needs of ourcommunity as set out in the plan.

We hope to set up a newrepresentative “anchororganisation” to ensure we meetthe community’s aspirations. Tothis end we have attended aworkshop to look at setting up adevelopment trust. In the comingmonths and years we will belooking for further support fromlocal organisations and individualsto play their part in makingMaddiston & Rumford a strong andresilient community.

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Maddiston & RumfordCommunity Council isindebted to the residents ofthe area who have given sowillingly of their time toshare their concerns andaspirations. We would alsolike to thank our localcouncillors, CommunityLearning & Developmentstaff, and officers fromother services of FalkirkCouncil and other agencieswho have supported usthrough the process.

The development of this plan wassupported by members of CommunityLearning and Development staff from

Falkirk Council Education Services