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Mad Martigan’s

Mayhem MiniaturesThe story of a family, as told by Terry

Martigan. Redecorated per request of

pleading, puppy-eyed narrator.

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My first memories are of my

father’s toy store. Mad

Martigan’s Mayhem Toys, it was

called. I knew I wasn’t all that

important from early on, but I did

spend a lot of time with several

different children, all answering

to the name Phantasma.

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The first clue I had that my

family had a chance to survive

the test of time and the

boredom of the Great Plumbob

was my younger sisters. Both

of them were born in the shop,

and spent their earliest years

bringing in customers with the

help of my dog, Vlad.

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Vlad was a breeding dog. I think

now that he may have been the most

important one among the family.

Between Vlad and my sisters Daisy

and Delilah, I made it safely to my

teen years. By luck of the draw, I

met a young woman named Miri

Hatfield. She was beautiful. She

was of the Phantasma blood.

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Miri and I went to college

that winter. We rented a little

house together and continued

the romance from our early

years. We kissed in the snow,

made snow angels, and did all

sorts of cute couples

interactions in the snow.

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I resolved that winter to do my

best to give Miri, and the

children I knew we both wanted,

the same kind of home that both

of us had grown up in. A home

bustling with friendly faces, and

endless shelves of fun things. A

home over a shop—a toy shop.

Maybe even with a dog.

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The year seemed to fly by.

After winter came spring, and

then summer. Miri and I got

engaged, and I knew that

graduation would bring a

wedding and the little ones

both of us longed for. There

would be new challenges, and

new struggles.

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With fall came both celebration

and preparation. We were

getting married, and I had a

down payment on the most

perfect house I could find, with

a large front room to sell toys

out of and a nursery upstairs

for the prospective little ones.

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Graduation was a sweet taste

of freedom and possibility. My

party, with my family, was

first; then Miri’s with hers.

Both of us were ready to meet

the world head-on and see what

it had to offer.

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We moved into the house over

the shop; a shop we decided to

call Visions of Sugarplums.

Both house and shop were

christened with a dinner party

and the arrival of a small, furry

gift; Callie, the daughter of my

own beloved Vlad, a gift from

Miri’s grandfather Erik.

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Miri and I were married in

the backyard of our home,

and Miri Hatfield came to

be known as Miri Martigan.

The ceremony was only

family, but what a family!

It seems the both of us have

quite a variety of relations.

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Honeymoon in the


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Miri was soon carrying a child. Both of

us were thrilled; as was her mother, who

was eagerly awaiting a fifth (logically,

not really chronologically) grandchild. I

wondered, with Miri’s family history, if

we might have twins, but decided not to

dwell on it. The nursery was fitted out

for one baby—our precious first.

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My daughter Julianna was born

in the shop one evening in early

fall. She has my pale skin and

grey eyes, and her mother’s brown

hair. My perfect firstborn;

always to have a special place in

my heart through the challenges of

an ever-growing family.

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Julianna grew faster than I could

believe, and was soon a charming

young lady as much as an adorable

baby. Her features seemed to fit

well on her face; a trait that seems

not always to bless the little ones.

So many could be so beautiful

with one eye a little more to the

left, or a smaller nose.

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Julianna learned fast, and I was

already looking forward to the

day that I could bring her down

to the shop as more than just an

advertisement for the toys. Such

a pretty child would surely bring

home lots of little friends, to buy

toys and play with the dog.

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Snow came with the winter, and

the promise of another child.

Business slowed down a little;

Miri was too tired to help in the

shop, I was often occupied with

Julianna, and customers were

scarce to come through the deep

winter snow just to buy toys.

Still, life was good.

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Julianna grew into a charming

child that winter, and my second

daughter Carli was born on a

morning of bright white sunlight

on snow. To pay for the extra

child while the snows continued,

I took up a side job in law,

promising myself to return to the

shop when spring came.

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This is where I myself shall make an

appearance. Julianna was gorgeous,

right up there with one Elizabeth

Hatfield. Plans began forming—

’twas going to be an interesting spring

for childhood bonding, if I had

anything to do with it.

Project Carter had another child.

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The nursery got a few

improvements for my angelic

oldest; a bed as well as the crib,

and a desk for schoolwork. The

nursery remains plenty large

enough for two girls, and would

take three without an issue—

something I hoped to discuss

with Miri come spring.

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Birthday time for my littlest!

Solid Carli landed in my arms

in a heap of confetti, the same

as Julianna had done, and

every child in history born.

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Colors make a difference. Julianna, with

her ivory skin and grey eyes, pulls off the

look my wife and I create with elegant

grace. Carli, with her toasted skin and

brown eyes, just doesn’t have quite the

same effect.

Carli did enjoy meeting Great-

Grandma Faustina and Great-

Grandfather Erik at her party, though.

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That pup we got when the shop

opened grew up, the same as my

daughters. Cobie, loyal shop dog and

protector of my precious little ones,

purebred Shopwulf*, and daughter

of my childhood companion Vlad.

*Shopwulf being the official breed name of the

large, white, fluffy, Samoyed-spin-offs that

haunt the Sim-run businesses around the island.

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Spring came in with a silent

whisper of melting snow.

Julianna, a bit stir-crazy from her

winter in the nursery, was thrilled

to be able to play outside for the

first time in her short life without

a heavy coat. (I bought her a

lemonade stand to celebrate, and

help promote the family shop).

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Spring also brought the promise

of a new member of the family.

As much as I love my

daughters, I do admit to hoping

for a son—or maybe one with

my auburn hair. Julianna and

Carli were clearly Hatfields—I

wanted a little Martigan.

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Still, I didn’t have the heart

to be disappointed when my

third daughter Emma was

laid in my arms; another

perfect, brunette Hatfield girl.

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Carli grew into a child just in

time; Emma needed the crib.

Charming child; perfectly

average beauty, creative the

same as her sister and

multitude of cousins.

Unobtrusive—a good middle


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Emma grew up, as well. Just

as darling as her sisters, but a

bit unfortunate in the looks

department—my facial

structure apparently doesn’t

always mix well. Emma was

still an adorable and

precocious toddler.

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Carli and Julianna continued to

get on remarkably well into

childhood. I had moved out

before my young siblings had

gotten up to much, but I heard

horror stories from Miri’s various

drop-by relatives of fights and

rivalries that only got nastier as

the little ones grew.

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They grow up so fast; and my

little Emma became a child on

the same night that Julianna

became a teen—also the same

night I discovered that I had

a fourth on the way. Emma

and Carli also became fast


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Not another word. You’ve gone far enough.

Spoilers, Terry, spoilers. Think of the children.

Think of the readers!

The next chapter, “Project Carter”, is coming to

a laptop screen near you. Sometime. Maybe

next week. Hopefully sooner. Stay tuned!