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Macie’s Crazy Stories


Macie’s Crazy Stories

Author: Macie Ames

Sooner Ink

Huntsville, Arkansas

May 10, 2013


Table of Contents Pg. 4- Acknowledgements

Pg. 5- Part 1- Be Yourself

Pg. 6- Face Paint

Pg. 7- Philippians 4:13

Pg. 8- Savage vs. Proper

Pg. 9- Stand Up

Pg. 10- Look up, Get up, and never give up

Pg. 11- Part 2- Sporty

Pg. 12- Batter Batter, swing!

Pg. 13- He shoots...He scores

Pg. 14- 50-30-20-Touchdown

Pg. 15- Game Time

Pg. 16- All about me

Pg. 17-Part 3- Have Fun

Pg. 18- Over You

Pg. 19- Mud Fight

Pg. 20- Baby

Pg. 21- Center of the Earth

Pg. 22- Mother Nature



I would like to say a big thanks to everyone that have made these writings easy

to write.

First, I would like to say thanks to my basketball team for the great memories.

Lastly I would like to say thanks to my uncle Robert.

Thank you for all the great memories we had.


Part 1: Be Yourself This section of my writing anthology shows how I feel about things.

In this section it tells how I feel about some little things, and also big things that mean

a lot.

Something little to me may seem like a big thing to someone else and I’m not going to

down them for it.

And that’s what other people need to learn to do.

Don’t judge people by their appearance.


Face Paint A mask serves as a mask that allows anyone and everyone to become someone that

they are not.

Face Paint.

Everyone wears it and then the mask ends up becoming a part of who you are.

For example, you are not part of a basketball team if you don’t go out there with a

jersey on, or sit with your team.

A mask becomes a part of who we are.


Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

-Philippians 4:13-

This verse from the bible says so much.

When I have those days where I’m just like okay I give up I can’t go on any longer, I just

can’t take it, I think of this verse and know I can do it.

It’s not easy to go through a day where you feel like giving up, but I know by the living


I can do anything.


Savage vs. Proper Imagine you’re on an abandon island with nothing to survive with.

What would you do to survive?

Would you just wait and hope for the best?

No, you would more than likely try to become used to the island and this new place

you’re at.

You have no idea what the woods are like if you’re never in them.


Go have fun while you’re there.

What about water?

Well you’re on an island next to an island next to water so it couldn’t be that hard.

But what about food?

Well, try to find things on the island to kill things with.

Once you have, go have fun and hunt.


Stand Up Let’s say all of your friends were talking about throwing a party on Friday night, and all

that they want to drink there is alcoholic beverages.

Well you have never drank alcohol and aren’t going to start then, so you are thinking

well I think we should have something else at the party other than alcohol, maybe like

some pop.

Would you stand up for what you believe or would you just sit back and not say

anything about it?

I would stand up for what I want.

You will at least both be happy and get what you want.


Look up, get up, and never give

up There’s only so much you can do until you feel like you just want to give up.

At time you feel like life is throwing rocks at you and saying, you’re not good enough,

just go away no one likes you, but life isn’t saying this.

You are.

Believe in yourself.

You know you can do it.

“Look up, get up, and never give up.”

-Michael Irvin-


Part 2: Sporty This section of my writing is made up stories of sports, of how I wished a game would

turn out or how it did.

These stories in this section are mainly about football games and how I loved how they

turned out.

Not only are these stories about football but also softball and basketball.


Batter Batter, Swing! There are so many rules to the game of softball.

You could go from little tiny rules and huge rules that could possible get you thrown

out of the game.

There are also so many steps you have to know to play softball.

The first thing you need to know to play this sport is know how to throw and catch

the ball.

If you don’t know how to throw and catch the ball well your no help to the team,

because that’s the main thing you do in the game is throw and catch.

Also you have to know how to bat.

If you don’t know to bat then again, you’re not any help to the team.

There are also many other things you have to know but these two things that I have

just listed are mandatory to know.

Always remember get out there and have fun!


He shoots…He scores! There’s 3.9 seconds left in the game and its tied 32-32.

BJ Young on the line to shoot 2 free throws,

He goes to shoot and misses the first one; if he makes the second one then they will

win the championship game!

The opposing team’s fans are screaming and hollering trying to make it to where BJ

can’t make the shot.

He goes to shoot and the ball goes round and round and then it goes….


The ball goes in!

He stands in shock.

His team comes running to the court lifting him up, pouring Gatorade over him and

saying; you did amazing out there BJ, I’m so proud of you.

It was easily his best day ever.


50-30-20-Touchdown! I couldn’t have asked for a better day.

There I was cheering on the Oklahoma Sooners; what better way can you spend an


Blake Bell was on the 30 yard line about to run in a touchdown.

Down-set-hut and the play went into action.

Sooners throw the ball to Bell and he’s on his way to the line.

This touchdown can help his team win.

There’s 50 seconds left in the 4th


30 yard line-20-10-5-1-Touchdown sooners!


Game Time The room is loud.

Loud as the stands at the game.

Game time is my families’ favorite part.

Part of the time the room is calm, part of the time its havoc.

There is 3 seconds left in the game.

Game of the season, they have to win.

Win is there name.

Name them and they will come.

Bell Dozer throws the pass.

Pass it right then left.

Left of Bell is an open player.

Player of the game…Touchdown OU!


All about Me Macie

Who is funny, friendly, energetic, and respectful.

Sibling of Paetin.

Lover of basketball, Jesus, and family.

Who feels sleepy in the morning,

excited after school and,

energetic around friends

Who give laughter, smiles, and hugs.

Who fears frog’s spiders, and worms.

Who wants to see Paris.

Who lives in a small town called Huntsville.




Part 3: Have Fun In this section of my writing is all of the fun things that I have loved doing.

This section also has some of the mottos that keep me going of a day.

This section has activities that have made me cry or laugh while doing.


Over You I never knew saying goodbye would be so hard.

Not only was every little memory going through my head that I had with him but so

was the memories from the weekend before that.

Why do people do stupid things for no reason?

I remember walking into that cold place and seeing him lay there in the casket.

No one to save him, he was just there without a single goodbye.

I’m never going to get over you.

It’s only been a few weeks and it’s absolutely ki lling me.

I remember calling you every Friday night saying,

“I miss you. Can I just come live with you?”

And you saying, “I don’t care, I’m on my way to get you, get all your stuff packed, I’ll be

there later.”

We both knew we were kidding.

I love you Uncle Robert.

I’m never going to get over you.


Mud Fight On your mark. Get set,, GO!

And off we go.

Whoever finds an egg gets in a drawing for something big.

It’s not go find the eggs in the yard, its go find eggs in a giant mud hole.

This is time when getting dirty was a good thing.

All of us tackled everyone and made sure they were covered head to toe with dirt.

Nasty gritty dirt was all in our mouths and covered our whole entire body.

It was not just an egg hunt, it was a mud fight.


Baby “When I was thirteen, I had my first love.

There was nobody that could compare to my baby or could ever come above.

She had me going crazy, oh I was star struck.

She woke me up daily, don’t need no Starbucks.

She makes my heart pound

a skip a beat when I see her on the street and

on the school on the playground,

but I really wanna see her on the weekend.

She know she got me dazing but she was so amazing

And now my heart is racing but I just keep on saying..”

Basketball is not all about seriousness, well until you step out onto the court, but

basketball can be fun too, Bus rides are always the funniest.

The lyrics to Baby by Justin Beieber are hilarious when sung by the basketball girls.


Center of the Earth After searching and searching I finally discovered that this is a lot harder than I thought

it would be.

I was always told I could never do this on my own, but I didn’t think that it would be this


Trying to find the center of the earth is pretty stinking hard.

No one would believe me that I could do it but I’m going to show everyone that I can.

All I have to do is believe in myself.

Weeks passed and I’m still on search.

Months passed. Nothing.

Finally one year and I showed everyone that told me I couldn’t do it that I could.

Me all by myself found the center of the earth.


Mother Nature Not only did I make it rain, but I also made it thunder and lightning.

Everyone was in shock.

I just knew that they all hated me for this.

They knew that if they kept saying things then it would be worse,

I mean that’s how I work, I’m Mother Nature.

Ten minutes passed and they hadn’t stopped talking about all the horrible things that I

was doing, so I made the thunder and lightning even worse.

I made their homes shake, while putting a face of fear on them.

I made it lightning and thunder, the electricity flickered so bad that they all thought

that the world was ending.

Lightning crashed down and struck someone dead.

They knew that was the end for them!

Hours passed and no was talking about me, all but one person.

Cursing my name.


Why do that?

Me, Mother Nature is bigger and stronger than them.

30 minutes passed and he had finally stopped talking about me, so I let up the storm,

and sunshine came all over the earth.