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MA Sport Management & Leadership, Cardiff School of Sport





Cardi� School of SportYsgol Chwaraeon Caerdydd

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Drawing on management and leadership perspectives, theprogramme critically examines the sport and leisure industry,its environment and current challenges.

There is a clear focus on applied and experiential learning. This is achieved by drawing extensively on sports organisationsoperating across all sectors of the industry and on using externalspeakers – experts in the field who bring real life issues andchallenges into the classroom. A quality experience is providedwith teaching undertaken in small groups and an emphasis oninteraction and group work. Assessment varies from essays topresentations and the preparation of plans with an expectationthat students critically evaluate and reflect on specific issues.

The programme was launched in September 2009 and wasonly available part-time with the first students graduating in2013. In 2012 the programme became available to study on a part-time and full-time basis and graduates in 2014 reflectthis change. Each graduate from 2013 and 2014 was invited to submit a short biographical entry offering their thoughts on postgraduate study, working life and managing theircareers. I hope you agree that based on the students who didoffer their thoughts, there is an interesting mix of backgroundsand experiences that offers some rich insights into themotivations of undertaking postgraduate study at the CardiffSchool of Spot, Cardiff Metropolitan University.

If you would like to know more about the programme,please do not hesitate to contact me. Contact details can befound at the end.

With best wishes,

Nicola BoltonProgramme DirectorJuly 2014

Welcome to this introduction to the MA in Sport Management and Leadership. It is an exciting, contemporary programme targeting professionals andpractitioners working in the sport and leisure industry who are seeking newopportunities. The programme is equally attractive to recent graduates seeking to develop their knowledge of the industry at the same time as addressing theiremployment potential. We also have interest from international students who wish to study at Wales’ premier University for sport.

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Larissa MuldoonCardiff School of Sport Student

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Claire Bryant

After graduating from Swansea University with a 2:1 BSc(Hons) Sport Science in 2004, I worked in a local authoritysports development department as a Dragon Sport Assistantfor 2 years. I then moved to Sport Wales to cover asecondment, before returning to local authority in a juniormanagement role. This is where I began the Mastersprogramme, and part-way through the second year I moved to my current employment within a National Governing Body,working on two distinct projects. Through my studies andcurrent employment I have developed an interest in projectmanagement, change management and physical education.

I undertook the course as it was a fantastic opportunity tofurther my knowledge and challenge my understanding. The entire programme was focussed around my work. I was able to make connections between theory and practice,experiencing some success in creating change in the way Iworked and improving on my self-reflection and evaluationskills. The experience has helped me understand how I like to work and identify my key strengths. It has also nurtured my inquisitive mind to understand more about the work I do. I now ask ‘why questions’ in a more structured way! This hasled me to be more innovative and creative, realising myabilities to conceptualise and implement change.

My final project was a critical reflection on my personallearning as I project managed the implementation of amodified game for young people. It involved me undertaking a reflective log throughout the process. The reflectionsupported me to evaluate critically the progress I was makingwhile undertaking the project. The log also supported me tomonitor my thought processes and develop clearunderstanding of management and leadership issues.

Jo Coombs

My background started in education having graduated as asecondary school PE teacher. Following 8 years of teaching Iworked in a local authority sports development department,firstly as a Dragon Sport Co-ordinator and then as a PE &School Sport Co-ordinator. I then moved to work in a NationalGoverning Body in a managerial role. My current role withinthe same NGB is managing the performance team thatdevelops elite athletes to achieve our goal of ‘more medals’.Alongside this I volunteer on a regular basis to coach, judgeand be a committee member which culminated last year inworking as a technical official during the 2012 Olympics.

The main reason for undertaking the programme was tosupport my professional role. The course provided theopportunity to further my knowledge and understanding of being a manager having had no formal academic trainingwithin this area - to date my experience within this field hadbeen ‘on the job’. Whilst the commitment of the course wasdaunting and the timing not great, due to my responsibilitiesprior to and during the Olympics, it certainly provided theconnection between theory and practice. It confirmed to methat a lot of practices that I currently undertake as a managerare supported by theory and my discussions among like-minded professionals were stimulating. Particularly useful was the opportunity to reflect and discuss issues and ideastogether within a peer group setting which in turn, gaveconfidence in the work place.

My final project was a significant piece of work relating to myprofessional role. It was important to ensure it was intrinsicallylinked to my position within the organisation as well as beingworthwhile in enabling further personal improvement andreflection on my practices. In particular, I wanted there to be a useful outcome for my employer, in evaluating andimproving the team’s effectiveness. Using a case studyapproach it focused on four main objectives: (1) understandwhat makes organisations effective and considered to be high performing; (2) evaluate the team’s current level ofperformance; (3) identify what and how team performancewill be monitored and evaluated; and (4) create and deliver an improvement strategy.

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Robin Strang, CEO, West Lothian Leisure said:

“Fraser was appointed to the Board ofTrustees of West Lothian Leisure inJune 2011 as one of three employeerepresentatives on the Board. Everythree years we carry out a ballot of allemployees to appoint threerepresentatives to the Board. Over thepast two years Fraser has grown inconfidence and influence and is nowcomfortable talking at a strategic levelwith other Trustees so much so that he was appointed by his peers as theHealth and Safety champion on theBoard. He is a member of the AuditSub Committee (a standing subcommittee of the Board whichscrutinises the financial performanceon the company) and was appointed to the sub committee of the Boardwhich recruits new Trustees andcontributed well in a recent selectionprocess. He is a committed member of the Board and works constructivelywith the other Trustees for the good of the company.”

Fraser Calderwood

I work in operations as a swimming pool duty manager forWest Lothian Leisure in Scotland and during the course Ibecame a Trustee on the Board of Non Executive Directors. I saw the MA in Sport Management and Leadership as anopportunity to continue my personal and career development. During the course we covered areas such as principles ofmanagement and leadership, entrepreneurship, organisationalstrategy and improving business performance. These havebenefited me at both operational and strategic levels.Reflecting on my personal practice has been a key aspect. As part of the development process I have improved mydecision-making, communication, organisation andprioritisation skills which has enhanced the quality andquantity of the work that I do.

I have aimed to be more innovative, regularly sharing businessimprovement ideas at various levels of the organisation. This has included technical improvements, HR developments,marketing, business planning and people management. I feel that I understand my business and have a greater insightinto how I can positively influence the development of my organisation.

My final project considered the communication barriers to developing employee engagement within West LothianLeisure. The research data were collected from the WestLothian Leisure 2012 employee survey with the support of the organisation. The research results revealed that managersneed to be open, honest, fair and transparent to develophigher levels of engagement. The very satisfying element ofthe research was being able to gain a greater understanding of my organisation and be able to compare the data with otherreliable sources, such as the Chartered Institute of PersonnelDevelopment. Overall I have gained much experience,knowledge and skills which will guide me through my careerin sports management and leadership.

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Helen Hughes

My background is in primary teaching and I am verypassionate about children having opportunities to take part insport and physical activity. Following on from my teaching roleI held the position of Dragon Sport Coordinator in twodifferent local authorities before joining Sport Wales HQ inSophia Gardens, Cardiff. My initial role in Sport Wales was tolead a 3-year project for the Foundation Phase which enabledme to exercise my skills in education within the sport sector.My current role in Sport Wales is a mixed portfolio. I projectmanage key pieces of work within the Skills for Life in Sportpriority area. I also have a regional liaison role with the WelshRugby Union and am currently involved in facilitating a PartnerSelf-Assessment programme.

I chose to undertake the MA course seeing it as anopportunity to challenge myself academically in the sportsector. I was also involved in the Women in LeadershipProgramme and felt this opportunity would enhance myprofessional development.

I have learnt a lot from my peer group in terms of gainingwider knowledge and appreciation of our partners within thesector. I have also gained invaluable experience of theprinciples of leadership and management in their widestsense. The course helped me to identify my strengths andareas for improvement in terms of leadership. The theorygained throughout the course was then put into action whenback in the workplace. I am also passionate about health andnutrition and since completing my degree I have put someentrepreneurial skills into action by supporting my husband insetting up a community nutrition business.

My selected final project enabled me to conduct a study basedon engaging parents / carers around an interactive websitefocusing on play in educational contexts. I felt this was highlyrelevant and would inform my day-to-day work. The researchapproach adopted for the study involved a qualitative methodwith a small cohort of parents from a school in the SouthWales valleys. There were challenges as there was low-levelengagement but this provided evidence that parents/carersare a diverse group who seek flexibility in how they engage in activity with their children. My time management skills weretested due to carrying out the study during my pregnancy andthankfully, I managed to complete it just a week before I gavebirth. Since receiving a merit award I have used the researchto write a paper which has been accepted for publication.

Sue Maughan

Since completing my initial degree in 1990, I spent 16 yearsworking in local authorities including nine in eventmanagement and PR, and seven working in sportsdevelopment both as an officer and a manager. During thistime I completed a Post Graduate Diploma which re-ignitedmy passion for learning and development. For the last 7 years I have worked as a Senior Officer for Sport Wales, initiallyworking at national level with Welsh national governing bodiesof sport and at UK level representing home country interests.More recently I have engaged with local authorities to shapetheir sporting vision as well as leading on a piece of workaround leadership development in the sports sector in Wales.

Running alongside this my passion is athletics and I havevolunteered as an official for the past 20 years. This culminated in being a National Technical Official forathletics at the London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games.

Both in a professional and voluntary capacity I am alwaysseeking new opportunities to learn and develop and this led to undertaking the MA in Sport Management and Leadership,alongside my involvement in Sport Wales’ Women inLeadership Programme. Completing the MA has really helpedshape my thinking and contributed to my confidence. I amable to reflect much more on my knowledge and experienceof leadership. This has ultimately led me to challenge andquestion more effectively the norms of working. It has alsoopened up new thinking both from within and in terms of myrelations with colleagues and partners. I have received muchpositive feedback from colleagues - they can see how it hasimproved my thinking, challenge and confidence.

While undertaking the programme, Sport Wales underwentsignificant change and this became the focus of severalprojects and assessment tasks. The final project provided the opportunity to investigate key elements of the change,particularly in relation to leadership. The study sought toidentify the role of leadership in facilitating organisationallearning and change. Particular focus was given to the role of emotional intelligence with the project taking the form of an observational study of four senior managers and follow-upinterviews. It considered the key aspects of emotionalintelligence including – emotional self-awareness; empathy;accurate self assessment; organisational awareness; inspirationand the conceptual and technical aspects of leadership. Theproject concluded with recommendations to support anyfuture change within the organisation.

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Sophie Moore

I started in the sports development industry at the age of 21 asan Athletic Development Office for Bridgend CBC. My boss atthe time told me he had taken a chance when he employedme - as I was the youngest candidate and he thought I couldbe moulded! Looking back I feel very lucky to have been giventhat opportunity.

Twelve years on and I am an Active Young People Coordinatorwith Bridgend CBC . My job encompasses a wide range ofresponsibilities from day to day management of Active YoungPeople officers to capital project development.

I put my name forward to study the MA in Sport Managementand Leadership to further my professional development. I cannot emphasise enough the positive experience andknowledge which I have gained through undertaking theprogramme and particularly from my peer group over the lastthree years.

The course has enabled me to identify my strengths andweaknesses in terms of leadership and focus on areas forimprovement. Reflection is an area that has helped me on my return from maternity leave - not only within my workingenvironment but my personal life also.

My final project based on organisational strategy and criticalreflection was linked to an area which I was reviewing withinmy portfolio of responsibility. To a certain extent this enabledme to work on my project alongside undertaking my currentjob role. This took away the pressure of assembling significantadditional research on top of what was a busy time in my life.The process of reflection supported me to evaluate criticallythe process I had undertaken and included feedback from mymanager as well as other colleagues whom I manage.Support from family members, my line manager, and workcolleagues were critical to the completion of my final project.Their continued encouragement and guidance ensured that Icompleted the course.

Faisal Nasser Al Karbi

My name is Faisal Nasser AL Karbi and I am from the UAE(United Arab Emirates). I was born and raised in Abu Dhabithe capital of UAE. I completed my graduation in Management from South-West Texas State University, USA.Presently, I have worked for 20 years as HR Advisor andcurrently am employed in ADMA-OPCO, a reputed Oil andGas Company under the prestigious ADNOC Group in AbuDhabi. My job has provided me with extensive knowledgeregarding the importance of Human Resource Management -its importance in business today, the role of technology inbusiness and its impact on deadlines, reporting and customerservice management.

My experiences within Human Resource Management helpedand encouraged me to continue my higher education.

The first main reason to choose the MA Sport Managementand Leadership is that it was a great opportunity to challengemyself academically in the sport sector. Ifelt this wouldenhance my leadership and professional development.

The MA in Sport Management and Leadership is an excellentprogramme for professionals working in sport organisationswho are seeking to develop and enhance their knowledge ofsport management and leadership skills. The second mainreason that this programme has great value is due to excellentteaching skills, depth of knowledge and courteouspersonalities. These have helped me tremendously throughmy journey at Cardiff Met (Cardiff School of Sport). With theirhelpfulness and directness I have achieved my goal andattained a MA in Sport Management and Leadership. I havelearned so much from about sport management andleadership and I was encouraged to finish my degree.

My final project was on developing sports managementtraining in Abu Dhabi Sport Counsel (ADSC). The project was focusing on developing suitable HRM trainingprogrammes that would improve overall individual andorganisational performance management. The background to this topic refers to providing a guideline of global bestpractices related to HRM performance managementframeworks and processes that can be the foundation of theADSC to ensure the highest level of productivity, efficiencyand performance.

Thank you all for the countless hours spent in coaching,improving capabilities and shaping us to become sport leaders.

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Paul Jones

After graduating from Bangor University with a 2:1 BA (Hons)degree in History in 1994, I worked for several years in a juniormanagement role in a local authority Leisure Servicesdepartment. Following two successful secondments, I becamethe strategy and business performance lead officer for Leisurewithin a unitary authority. I became immersed in the publicsector change management programme and the modernisingagenda which has gathered pace in recent years as a result ofthe economic downturn. The research and analytical skills Ideveloped whilst reading History have been utilised well in my current post with the increased emphasis on the need for a sound evidence base to inform political decisions on futurelocal government provision.

I decided to embark on the MA in Sport Management andLeadership as the course modules represented a perfect fitwith my working environment and presented the opportunityto enhance my reflective thinking as a manager and to furtherhone my evaluative skills. Once I began the course, I soonappreciated that there was great synergy between theacademic theory of my studies and the practical reality in theworkplace. Phrases such as ‘honouring the process’ (the roleof the manager), ‘being yourself…with skill’ (my favouritedefinition of leadership) and ‘healthy disillusionment’ (the lifeof the public sector manager!) remain with me on a daily basiseven though I completed the MA several months ago.

My final project evaluated the challenges of securing politicalsupport for service re-structure during financial austerity. Iconducted the interpretive study as a covert ‘insider’ to thegroup, recording events and the opinions of those involved in service re-design with anonymity to ensure authenticity.The critique sought to identify, whether change owed more to political reality and organisational expediency than toinnovative and outward-looking leadership.

Phil Judd

I am a mature student who originally attended the forerunnerof Cardiff Metropolitan University – Cardiff College ofEducation – in 1970. I have had a long and varied career whichhas been focused on sport but in many different aspects of it. I taught as a PE specialist in 3 different schools, spent time inoutdoor education and was also a PE Officer in the RAF. Inrecent years I have been heavily involved in the developmentof sports facilities especially winter sports and tennis. All mylife I have had a great love of rugby as a player, coach andadministrator. In recent years I have become chairman of myhome club and we have enjoyed a period of considerablesuccess both on and off the field.

When I saw the advertisement in the Western Mail for thiscourse I was immediately taken by the idea that this could bewhat I have been looking for over quite a few years. I was very conscious of the need to try and keep pace with modernthinking and practices. When I first attended the Cyncoedcampus in 1970 there wasn’t a single computer on site so inboth my business and private life I have been obliged to takeon new technologies and approaches so this MA courselooked to be a natural fit both for my own personal satisfactionand also to enhance my professional capacity.

My final dissertation was a case study of how my own rugbyclub was trying to come to terms with the enormous changesthat have taken place in rugby over the last few years. It was aperfect opportunity to put into practice much of the new ideasand approaches that I learned on the course and the result wasa very useful piece of work that has put many of the clubsproblems and issues into a much clearer perspective. It hasalso given the club a much better understanding of where it isand how to proceed.

In conclusion the course has been immensely satisfying, hasexceeded my expectations and has provided me with manynew useful tools.

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Angela Parry-Lowther

I have always felt that sport can contribute greatly to anindividual both in a professional and personal capacity. During my career within senior management, including Head of Marketing for the BBC, I have drawn upon the skillsused during my time as a Welsh track athlete. It was with thisin mind that I enrolled on a two year part time MA in SportManagement and Leadership.

The course covered the range of areas included withinmanagement with particular reference to sport and enabled us to draw upon our relevant experience as senior managers.An aspect of the course which was of particular interest wasthat of reflective practice and personal development.

The work within reflection highlighted the skills successfullyused in business which I felt were developed whilst competingin sport. It was with this in mind that the area selected for mydissertation was that of Emotional Intelligence; its use by eliteathletes within sport and how this could be used and impacton their transition through University. The resources availablethrough the University enabled me to retrieve worldwideresearch and to benefit from both the lecturers’ expertise aswell as gaining access to elite athletes studying at the University.

Gerwyn Owen

I left school with a minimum number of qualifications that sawme go directly to work in the leisure industry at the age of16yrs old. For 16 years I worked within Local Authority LeisureCentres in the Gwynedd area of North Wales. I rose from alifeguard to be a Centre Manager of a Lottery funded LeisureCentre. I then moved to Sports Development, firstly as a LocalDevelopment Officer for Disability Sport Wales, beforemoving to a National role as their Swimming DevelopmentOfficer. In 2007 I moved into my current role as their AcademyManager, which identifies talented disabled athletes toachieve our main target of representing GB at Paralympic &Deaflympic level. In 2012 at the London 2012 ParalympicGames, 18 Academy Athletes were selected forParalympicsGB.

The main reason for undertaking the programme was tosupport my professional role. The course provided theopportunity to further my knowledge and understanding of being a manager having had no formal academic training -to date my experience had been ‘on the job’. Whilst thecommitment of the course was daunting and the timing notgreat, due to my responsibilities prior and during theParalympic Games, it certainly provided the connectionbetween theory and practice. It confirmed to me that a lot of practices that I currently undertake as a manager aresupported by theory and my discussions among like-mindedprofessionals were stimulating. Particularly useful was theopportunity to reflect and discuss issues and ideas togetherwithin a peer group setting, which in turn, gave confidence in the workplace.

My final project was a significant piece of work relating to theorganisation I work for. It enabled me to work on a relevantproject with tangible outcomes for the organisation and theteam itself. Adopting a case study approach on the re-branding exercise undertaken by Disability Sport Wales ahead of the London 2012 Paralympic Games, the studyfocused on three main objectives – 1) to understand how thebrand can support the organisation 2) to identify the currentprofile and position of the organisation to stakeholders; and 3)to consider how can the brand of the organisation could befurther enhanced.

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Hannah Pretty

Since becoming an athletics coach in my teenage years I havealways had a passion for sport. Naturally this led to me tocontinue this passion into a profession, which started withstudying Sport Development (BSC) at UWIC and graduatingwith a First Class Honours in 2012. Following this I decided toundertake the MA Sport Management and Leadership degreeto further my knowledge in the sport development industryand particularly within managerial aspects of sport, and toincrease my employability prospects. I am now working for a local authority as a sport development officer.

The course provided me with a valuable insight into howsports organisations work from the intricate details ofmanagement to the individual strategies and business plans of organisations. The peer group setting helped with this. As I was an undergraduate that came straight onto the full time MA degree I was worried that I would feel as though Iwasn't suitable for the course in comparison to many of myfellow learners who had copious amounts of experience 'in the field'. However, the synergy of our group allowed for atwo way learning experience between myself and those inemployment. I was able to help them with the more academicissues such as essay writing and research, whilst theyprovided me with insights into their 'real life' experiences. This really added texture to what was being delivered on the course.

I believe the degree taught me a lot of applicable theorieswhich, now I am in employment, I can put into my every dayworking environment. The modules were relevant andinteresting. They challenged how I thought I would do thingsif I was in that situation. Although at times the workloadseemed a lot to balance with two part time jobs and a sociallife, it was most definitely worth it as the degree has not onlyadded to my knowledge and understanding but has providedme with a firm basis on which to build my career.

My final dissertation looked at the development of school clublinks, focusing on two local clubs and their ability to provideparticipation opportunities that would engage 11-16 year oldsin sport. This was a qualitative piece of work that wassupported by several interviews with relevant individuals. Italso reflected my role as a part time '5x60' officer and so it keptme interested and motivated throughout the research project.

Overall, my experience on the MA Sport Management andLeadership was enjoyable and very educational. I would (andhave!) recommend this course to colleagues wishing to furtherdevelop their understanding of sport and to enhance theirprofessional development.

Aled Thomas

As a qualified PE Primary School Teacher with a background in Education, I worked for the Welsh Rugby Union as aDevelopment Officer. Following this role I became an AYPCoordinator for a Local Authority, in which I had a sharedresponsibility of managing and leading on three Sport Walesinitiatives: Dragon Sport, 5x60 and PE & School Sport. At thistime I began studying for my Masters. During the last year ofcompleting my final paper, I moved to Vancouver, Canada,where I have returned to teaching Physical Education.

The decision to undertake the MA course was a wonderfulopportunity to challenge myself academically and support myprofessional development goals. The topics within the courseallowed me to explore my understanding of a number ofthemes that related to my position as an AYP Coordinator.Relating the theoretical work to everyday management andleadership issues was provided in the class room throughdiscussions with peers, course tutors and guest speakers. In addition, the knowledge received allowed me to challengeand experiment with my thinking and practical skills inside and outside the work place.

Externally from the work place I’m a passionate rugby coach.As a coach working with elite and social athletes, this allowedme to trial acquired knowledge and skills in a different way toan office environment. Managing and leading within avoluntary setting provided a platform to be innovative andadopt a more self-reflective approach on my coaching.

My final paper enabled me to investigate a voluntaryorganisation located within the sporting community inVancouver. The investigation provided me with an opportunityto utilise the knowledge gained whilst also researching furtheraround the topics of management and leadership. A particularfocus was given to leadership, especially the role of the personwho was responsible with the day to day running of theorganisation. A huge amount of gratitude goes to thevolunteers within the organisation and to those from CardiffMetropolitan University who provided the support andguidance for me to successfully complete my Masters.

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Additional Information

The programme can be studied on a full-time or part-timebasis. The contact teaching time for each 20 credit module is four days and these are typically undertaken as 2 x 2 dayblocks. There are some additional days allocated for inductionand presentations.

All students study five compulsory modules which embracekey management and leadership topics as well as researchskills and developing a personal leadership plan. There is one optional module and students can decide whether toundertake this or produce an alternative independent piece of work. The Independent Study offers flexibility as studentsselect a specific management / leadership area of interest tothem. Completion of the MA requires students to undertake a sustained project – either a traditional dissertation or a FinalProject. The ‘live’ Final Project is a further feature available tothose with appropriate experience.

MA in Sport Management and Leadership students areexpected to have a first degree (usually a minimum of 2:1).This is not a requirement for students with the appropriateexperience, but do not have a first degree, they are stilleligible to apply. Immediate graduates applying for theprogramme should be comfortable with the delivery style of learning and teaching which emphasises interaction andworkshop sessions. In addition, International students will be expected to have English to a standard of 6.5 IELTS. Bothdomestic and international students will be encouraged to beinvolved in working in a sports organisation (either paid orvoluntary) in order to develop at first hand a close knowledgeand understanding of management and leadership issues.

Modules undertaken are:

• Principles of management and leadership (SSP7060)

• Leadership and entrepreneurship (SSP7061)

• Organisational strategy (SSP7062)

• Personal skill and leadership development (SSP7064)

• Research skills for management and leadership (SSP7064)

• Improving business performance (SSP7063) or Independent study (SSP7016)

• Dissertation project (SSP7040) or Final project (SSP7066)

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For further information about the MA Sport

Management and Leadership please contact:

Nicola Bolton, Cardiff School of Sport,

Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, CF23 6XD

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 029-20-416484

The Programme Team is enormously grateful to external contributors to the

programme and listed below are examples of individuals and organisations:

Colleen Bevan – Parkwood Leisure

Simon Bolton / Craig Fabian – The Brand Union, London

Kevin Bowring – Rugby Football Union

Alan Chambers, MBE – Polar Explorer

Ian Derrick – Bank of England

Bernadette Elias – Blaenau Gwent CBC

Rachel Fowler – Managing Director, Strategic Leisure

Rhian Gibson – CEO, Welsh Gymnastics

Andy Green – Andy Green Creativity

Paul Griffiths – Former Adviser to the First Minister

Paul Harris – HR Consultant

David Henwood – British Skeleton

Helen Humphreys – Sport Wales Advisory Group

Sarah Powell – CEO, Sport Wales

Roger Lewis – CEO, Welsh Rugby Union

Johanna Lloyd – Member, Sport Wales

Laura McAllister – Chair, Sport Wales

Matthew Maynard – Glamorgan Cricket

Steve Martin – Professor of Regional and Local Government, Cardiff Business School

Karen Morgan – Utility Warehouse

Richard Palmer, OBE – Member, British Olympic Association

Helen Phillips – Chair, Welsh Gymnastics

Cardi� School of SportYsgol Chwaraeon Caerdydd