Download - M3_SET_02




DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER APPLICATION (Examination Held in January -2016)



(PART1:40; PART 2:60)

NOTE:1There are TWO PARTS in this module

2.PART ONE is to be answered in the Answer sheet (Part-One) provided along with the question paper, following instructions therein.

3Maximum Time allotted for PART ONE is ONE HOUR. Answer Book for PART TWO will be supplied at the table when the answer sheet for PART ONE is collected. However candidates who complete PART ONE earlier than one hour can collect the answer book for PART TWO immediately on handing over the answer sheet for PART ONE


(Answer all questions; each questions carries one mark; Time one Hour)

1. Each question below gives MULTIPLE CHOICE of Answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the answer sheet provided with the question paper: (1x10)

1.1 The HTML tag must be written in

a. < > b. [ ]

c. { } d. ( )

1.2. A software program that is used to view the web pages is called a _________.

a. Web client b. Web server

c. Web browser d. Web site

1.3 Internet Explorer is a part of _________.

a. Corel Draw b. Windows

c. Microsoft word d. Macromedia

1.4 In email BCC means

a. Blind Carbon Copy b. Behind Carbon Copy

c. Blank Carbon Copy d. None of these

1.5 After typing the URL click on the _________ button.

a. Go b. Link

c. Refresh d. Next

1.6 HTTP is the protocol used to transmit _________ for searched URL.

a. Web client b. Web server

c. Web browser d. Web site

1.7 For making the character Bold, you use the tag

a. b. (B) c. [B] d All of these1.8 SMTP stands for _________. a. Server Mail Transfer Protocol b. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol c. Small Mail Transmission Protocol d. Server Mail Transmission Protocol1.9 Commonly used site for name registration: a. Yahoo! b. Inter NIC c. India times d. None of the above1.10 Google is _________ a. Search engine b. server c. email d. language2. Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE .Choose the most appropriate one and record in the answer sheet provided with the question paper. (1x10)2.1Download means to delete a file from your computer to another.2.2A website comprises of a collection of WebPages.2.3Password is a method of authentication.2.4Internet is network of networks.2.5 Java is a virus.2.6A byte is commonly used as a unit of storage measurement in computers.2.7A URL describes the location and a method of accessing a resource on the internet.2.8Client Computer is the base computer from where you access the Internet.2.9In Outlook Express, Inbox is used for sending messages.2.10You cannot copy data from a webpage.3. MATCH words and phrases in column X with the nearest in meaning to those in the column Y. Choose the most appropriate one and record in the answer sheet provided with the question paper: (1x10) X Y3.1 Basic unit of an screen imageA) Network cable3.2 Domain nameB) Yahoo3.3 To shrink store data in less spaceC) Protocol3.4 UTPD) Download the latest3.5 TCP/IPE) Pixel3.6 Refresh buttonF) Base computer to access Internet3.7 TitleG) Your signature to the attached to mail3.8 SignatureH) org 3.9 Client computer3.10 browser I) compress J) Used to give title to the page4. Each sentence below has a blank space to fit with the Suitable words or phrases. (1x10)A) virusB) web browserC) Sent mailD) .gov E) URLF) Out lookG) sendH) Face book I) dot J) carbon copy4.1Email program from Microsoft is ------------.4.2----------- networks are run by the government organization.4.3------------- is an example of social network site.4.4In Email CC means ------------.4.5 The two parts of a website address is separated by a ----------------.4.6----------- is the acronym for the address of a document found on the internet4.7After you have sent the message, it will go to ---------------.4.8For sending mail through Internet, you use the option called -----------------.4.9 Trojan is a----------------------. 4.10Mozilla fire fox is a popular -----------------------.PART-TWOAnswer any 4 questions; each carries 15 marks[15 x 4 =60 Marks]5. A)How would you create tables in HTML? 8B)List the advantages of internet. 76. Give HTML Commands to achieve the following.A) Put the following text in bold typeface: I am Bold15B) Put the following text in italic typeface:This is ItalicC) Create a level one heading:I am a Header 7. A) How would you create tables in HTML? 7 B) Explain LAN, WAN, MAN? 8 8. A)Write a short note on search engine?8. B) Write a short note on modem..79. A)write a short note on URL. 8 B) write a short note on Hyper Text. 74