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St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church April 2011


Live in Christ… transform the world.

Letter from the Rector ............... 1

Outreach and Events ................. 2

Where are we doing God’s work,

and how can you help?

Merger Talk ............................... 4

Learn the latest news regarding

this important topic.

News from the Pews ................. 7

Find out what’s happening with

our St. Matthew’s family!

A Special Appeal for Easter ........ 8

Help the Easter Bunny do his very

important work for families in


Service Ministries ...................... 9

Discover how we’re being of

service in our own St. Matthew’s


Supporting Our Families .......... 10

Find helpful tips and resources

available in our community.

Parish Calendar ....................... 12

Get a snapshot of events for April.

(This letter was originally shared during a parish-wide Q&A session on Sunday, March 20, 2011.)

Dear St. Matthew’s Family,

We come together as a community fed by Christ and committed to His service to discuss a merger between

St. Mark’s Riverside and St. Matthew’s. Some of us are excited by this prospect and see Divine Design at

work. Some of us are deeply apprehensive about a merger, and see in it the death knell for all that makes

St. Matthew’s our beloved spiritual home. But no matter what stance we take, we honor each other’s point

of view and re-affirm our mutual affection.

Here is some background that may help us understand the reasons the merger is seen as the best possible

response to our separate situations.

1) When St. Mark’s, St. Mary’s, and St. Matthew’s first began to meet together, it was to deepen our ties

and (hopefully) save duplication of programs and equipment.

2) It has become clear that St. Mark’s finances require a more proactive remedy — and, my illness of last

year brought the prospect of a clergy-less St. Matthew’s into sharp relief.

3) After votes of both vestries in favor of exploring a merger, we sought and obtained the permission of

the Standing Committee and our bishop to move forward.

What changes might we expect that a merger would entail?

1) As Richard’s letter (see pp. 4-5) indicates, parking would be more of a challenge, and we would need to

be scrupulous about not inconveniencing our neighbors.

2) We would go to two Sunday services and perhaps a Saturday night Eucharist. (We could designate one

weekend each month as a children’s weekend.)

3) We would get shaken, like a kaleidoscope, into new patterns of friendship and affinity; we would lose,

inevitably, some of the intimacy that has marked our community thus far.

4) While St. Mark’s projects a surplus with greatly decreased expenditures, there would be expenses

(insurance for their building, lawyer’s fees...). What we heard from rectors who have been through this

process on Standing Committee was that we would eventually recoup these when the building was

sold — but we can’t predict how long that might take.

5) We would gain numbers. While it would be unduly optimistic to see all of St. Mark’s coming here,

experience indicates that a majority would become our fellow parishioners. (St. Mark’s has a Youth

Group and Godly Play, and active crafters for example.)

6) And, assuming that stewardship figures support the change, there would be a full-time rector... and for

several months, a half-time rector as well. Richard would come with the parish, and could be offered a

three-year contract, with the proviso that levels of giving to support the position would be analyzed at

the end of the first year.

7) As a part of the merging process policies promulgated by the Diocese, we would be given the

opportunity to envision new ways of serving Christ through evangelization and outreach.

I see this last point as the most persuasive; indeed, as the most challenging aspect of the whole issue:

“courage and confidence” must mark our discussions and decisions about merging as they have

throughout St. Matthew’s history.

In Christ’s love,


As we continue

discussing a possible

merger with St.

Mark’s Riverside, you may have

questions. So, starting this month, we’ll feature a new section called

Merger Talk where we’ll post the latest news and updates. As always, please contact members of

the vestry for more information.

Submit story ideas, news and requests

to Michele Adamo via email at

[email protected] or send them to:

12 Williams Street

Barrington, RI 02806

Rector: The Reverend Judith N. Mitchell Minister of Music: Charles J. Elder

Church Office: (401) 245-3690 Rectory: (401) 521-0673 Liturgy: Sunday at 9:30am

The mission of St. Matthew’s Parish is to worship and glorify God through our Lord Jesus Christ

and encourage an environment of love and service for the Parish community and its neighbors.

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St. Matthew’s Church Newsletter 2 April 2011

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Outreach and Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As this month begins, we find ourselves in the middle of Lent... thinking about our own faith journeys and about what it

means to be a Christian, and reflecting solemnly on what God sacrificed in order to offer all of His body the promise of

redemption. We approach this upcoming Easter somberly, humbly, gratefully, and in full awareness of how much is

given to us, how much we have to be thankful for. And we recognize that God’s grace offers us fresh opportunities each

day to serve Him by serving others, and to commit our acts to the glory of God.

May you find peace and joy in this Easter season.

Faith Night Celebration with the Providence Bruins: Do you want to catch a great hockey game?

Gather with friends and fellow parishioners and join us for a special game on April 8th, 2011 at

the Dunkin’ Donuts Center in Providence. For this special offer, all group tickets are only $14—a

savings of up to 50%. Also, all of the children in your group will receive a free Providence Bruins

hat! There is no minimum number needed for your group, and you’re invited to stay for a

performance by Christian worship musical group FAVA directly after the game at no extra cost.

The members of FAVA are siblings who have been performing together since childhood. They have developed into local

worship leaders who travel to churches throughout the area, singing and sharing the message of Christ through their

music. If you need help forming a group, we will provide free flyers and additional information to help you promote and

arrange your Providence Bruins group outing. To confirm your participation in this event and discuss the details, please

contact Charles Ricketts at (401) 273-5000 x38.

FREE EVENT — Practical Evangelism: This event features Christina Rees, a well known

public speaker, writer, and broadcaster who is also a member of the General Synod of the

Church of England and the former Chair of WATCH (Women and the Church).

Many of us have trouble talking about God to our friends and neighbors, but Christina

talks openly about God on the BBC and in the Guardian, the most prominent news outlets

of the UK. She has learned a bit about evangelism in the process and will share practical

tools and ideas to learn how to share Christ's love effectively and honestly with the

community around your church as well as the individuals you see in your everyday life.

Join us on Saturday, April 9th from 9am to noon at Synod Hall, the Cathedral of St. John in Providence. Use the link

below to register online by April 7th. The parish who has the most registered members will receive, for each attendee, a

copy of Christina Rees’ new book Feast + Fast: Food for Lent and Easter, so bring a friend!


Want to know who else is going? After you register, visit the event on Facebook. If you have any problems registering

online, please contact Gloria Williams at [email protected] or (401) 274-4500 x221 for help.

Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow

down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand,

as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.

May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you

will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

[Ephesians 3:17-19]

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St. Matthew’s Church Newsletter 3 April 2011

The Challenge is NOW: The Louis and Goldie Full Plate Kosher Food Pantry is taking up

the Alan Shawn Feinstein challenge. Alan Feinstein is giving away $1 million to fight

hunger nationwide, which will be divided proportionately among all the agencies that

join the challenge. Each agency will receive between $250.00 and $40,000.00. This

challenge runs from March 1 to April 30, and the Food Pantry will receive $1.00 for

each can or package that is donated during that time. For a list of collection sites, visit

FIT2cook4KIDS Searching for a Summer Camp Location: Fit2cook4Kids is looking for a church to host a 9-week summer

camp! Created as an immediate, specific and realizable solution to the

catastrophic epidemic of childhood obesity and related diseases such as diabetes,

heart disease and cancer, campers aged 11 to 15 learn how to stay fit, prepare

healthy family meals, and improve communication skills — including social and

professional etiquette.

The camp model is being developed in Rhode Island by Food And Truth, a non-

profit organization that intends to replicate the program nationally. Their plan is

to build a summer camp program at a local church, and spin off the program to

be run by that church for years to come. The success of the first church will open

the door for Fit2cook4Kids programs at other churches. The goal is to grow this

unique solution one church at a time. Campers may even be able to help support the food needs for scheduled church

activities taking place during the summer months. For more information visit the website and

call Karen Salvatore at (401) 294-6800.

And he directed the crowd to sit down on the ground. And he took the seven loaves, and

having given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to set before the people;

and they set them before the crowd. [Mark 8:6]

Looking for a Guest Speaker?: The Rev. Dr. Don Anderson, Executive Minister of the Rhode Island State Council of

Churches, is available throughout the year to serve as a guest speaker for various church and civic organizations on

topics that the RISCC is currently involved in. Topics include predatory gambling, poverty issues, immigration, Haiti, and

the ecumenical movement in the 21st century.

Job Opening with the RI Department of Health: The RI Department of Health is seeking a Healthy

Food Environment Specialist to manage food policy initiatives. Please visit the website for details: Or to apply for this position, forward a resume and cover letter to For more information, contact Lori Mendoza at Adil Business Systems at

(401) 331-0755.

Space Available!: The To Life Center in Cranston is currently accepting applications for participation in

their active adult day center. Located at 100 Niantic Avenue, the center offers transportation, catered

meals and snacks, various activities (including music, art and games), field trips, celebrations, nursing

care and much more! Please call Susan at (401) 621-5374 for more information.

Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome

of their way of life, and imitate their faith. [Hebrews 13:7]

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St. Matthew’s Church Newsletter

Merger Talk In late February 2011, it was announced to the Vestry and members of St. Matthew’s, Barrington that — in light of the impending closinexploring the possibility of a merger with St. Mark’s, Riverside. Much work has yet to be done, and many conversations must be had between the leadership, vestries and members of both parishes before such an event will take place. In an effort to keep you informed on developmentsrelevant updates, news and communications related to the merger discussions. No doubt, many of us will have questions as this situation unfolds. And St. Matthew’s leadershiprecognizes that these circumstances may cause confusion, concern and stress for youin a timely and unbiased manner. Should you have questions as we move forward in exploring this opportunity, please feel free to contact Judy Mitchell, Sally Easton, or any of our vestry members. Those elected representatives are here to speak for you and are responsible for bringing your concerns to the rest of the leadership body if you are unable to do so, so be sure to keep with them.

(The following letter was originally shared during a worship service at St. Matthew’s on Sunday, March 13, 2011.)

March 9, 2011 Dear Judy: First, we want to thank you, John Donahue, Tom Gregory, and Diane Donahue for meetiMark’s Church and the Standing Committee yesterday. We were pleased to hear you explain the steps you have taken thus far to effect a merger between your two congregations and we were impressed by the positive attitude congregation. With that in mind, the Standing Committee voted unanimously to approval formal merger conversations between St. Mark’s Church, Riverside and St. Matthew’s Church, Barrington and we voted to authorize the leadeformal plan of merger. The Diocese of Rhode Island does have guidelines to help you as you move forward and requirements thatwill need to be fulfilled. From the conversation at yesterday’s meeting, you know that there have already completed a merger. Those offers came from the Rev. Pamela Mott from St. Mary’s, Portsmouth and the Rev. Jennifer Pedrick from the Church of the Epiphany, Rumford. We see great promise in this proposed merger for those who will worship and work together and for those you will serve in the community. We do wish you well and look forward to a future meeting with the Standing Committee. Sincerely, Caryl Frink Secretary of the Standing Committee

(The following letter was sent to members of St. Mark’s Riverside on March 9, 2011.)

Dear Sisters and Brothers of St. Mark’s, This past Sunday, we had a parish meeting after church to discuss the possible closing of St.Matthew’s in Barrington. I am writing to inform those of you who were not able to attend the meeting how we have arrived at this point.


In late February 2011, it was announced to the Vestry and members of St. Matthew’s, in light of the impending closing of our neighbor parish — we are officially

possibility of a merger with St. Mark’s, Riverside.

Much work has yet to be done, and many conversations must be had between the leadership, vestries and members of both parishes before such an event will take place.

on developments, we have created this forum for posting relevant updates, news and communications related to the merger discussions.

No doubt, many of us will have questions as this situation unfolds. And St. Matthew’s leadership that these circumstances may cause confusion, concern and stress for you. We will do our best to provide information

hould you have questions as we move forward in exploring this opportunity, please feel free to udy Mitchell, Sally Easton, or any of our vestry members. Those elected representatives are here to speak for you and

are responsible for bringing your concerns to the rest of the leadership body if you are unable to do so, so be sure to keep


originally shared during a worship service at St. Matthew’s on Sunday, March 13, 2011.)

First, we want to thank you, John Donahue, Tom Gregory, and Diane Donahue for meeting with the representatives from St. Mark’s Church and the Standing Committee yesterday. We were pleased to hear you explain the steps you have taken thus far to effect a merger between your two congregations and we were impressed by the positive attitude of the representatives of each

With that in mind, the Standing Committee voted unanimously to approval formal merger conversations between St. Mark’s Church, Riverside and St. Matthew’s Church, Barrington and we voted to authorize the leadership to work together to prepare a formal plan of merger. The Diocese of Rhode Island does have guidelines to help you as you move forward and requirements that

From the conversation at yesterday’s meeting, you know that there is also informal help available from clergy and laity who have already completed a merger. Those offers came from the Rev. Pamela Mott from St. Mary’s, Portsmouth and the Rev. Jennifer Pedrick from the Church of the Epiphany, Rumford.

in this proposed merger for those who will worship and work together and for those you will serve in the community. We do wish you well and look forward to a future meeting with the Standing Committee.


(The following letter was sent to members of St. Mark’s Riverside on March 9, 2011.)

This past Sunday, we had a parish meeting after church to discuss the possible closing of St. Mark’s and a merger with St. Matthew’s in Barrington. I am writing to inform those of you who were not able to attend the meeting how we have arrived at

April 2011

e will do our best to provide information hould you have questions as we move forward in exploring this opportunity, please feel free to

udy Mitchell, Sally Easton, or any of our vestry members. Those elected representatives are here to speak for you and are responsible for bringing your concerns to the rest of the leadership body if you are unable to do so, so be sure to keep in touch

ng with the representatives from St. Mark’s Church and the Standing Committee yesterday. We were pleased to hear you explain the steps you have taken thus far to

of the representatives of each

With that in mind, the Standing Committee voted unanimously to approval formal merger conversations between St. Mark’s rship to work together to prepare a

formal plan of merger. The Diocese of Rhode Island does have guidelines to help you as you move forward and requirements that

is also informal help available from clergy and laity who have already completed a merger. Those offers came from the Rev. Pamela Mott from St. Mary’s, Portsmouth and the Rev.

in this proposed merger for those who will worship and work together and for those you will serve in the community. We do wish you well and look forward to a future meeting with the Standing Committee.

Mark’s and a merger with St. Matthew’s in Barrington. I am writing to inform those of you who were not able to attend the meeting how we have arrived at

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St. Matthew’s Church Newsletter

In my 2009 message for the Annual Report, I noted that we were facing a substantial defiat the present rate, it was estimated that we could stay open for only another year or year and a half. This past January at the Annual Meeting, I reported that we face a deficit of $100,000 for this year and that we could continue only for owas time to push ahead on a possible merger with St. Matthew’s. The key issue we faced was financial; that is, could we make the numbers work if St. Matthew’s were to come to St. Mark’s. With tmind, the Vestry worked very hard this fall to reduce our operating costs as much as possible. To see if there was a merger possibility, the treasurers of St. Mark’s and St. Matthew’s met with our mutual accountant to draw up a combined budget. TheSt. Mark’s. If St. Matthew’s were to come here, we would still face an annual deficit of approximately $25,000 per year. This obviously would not work, and the Dioceses has made it clear that they would nota merger that was not financially feasible. If we werean estimated surplus of $10,000 per year. At their February meeting, our Vestry discussed a possible merger at some length and, with heavy hearts, voted unanimously (one member being absent) to close and merge with St. Matthew’s. St. Matthew’s’ Vestry also voted [in favor of Our Vestry felt that St. Matthew’s was our best option for several reasons. First was the fact thahave been in dialogue with them about a possible merger for the past 5opportunities both in worship and fellowship to get to know one another. They also felt that SMatthew’s was the most compatible parish to ours and thatpossibility for keeping our community together during a merger. They also feared that, were we to move to a larger parish (St. John’s or Epiphany), we were more likely to be absorbed in such a way as to lose our sense of identity as a community. They also recognized that any possible move and merger presents a number of difficulties, with parking. This past Tuesday, Dan Pacheco and I, along with J

member and a parishioner] from St. Matthew’s, met with the Standing Committee of the Diocese to ask their approval to put together a merger plan. We were notified later this week that the Standing Committee vopossibility. The next step is to initiate a more intensive dialogue with St. Matthew’s to begin to address the many issues inand to develop a plan of merger. We will continue to have Parish Meetings after churchinformed of our progress and to provide an opportunity for questions and discussion. Once we have a plan and have had ample opportunity to talk about it, we will have a parish meeting to vote on the merger. The final dethe parish as a whole to make. I know that this causes a great deal of pain and grief, and I share those feelings. I have only been here at St. Mark’s for tyears, but I have come to love this place and I feel its sayour whole lives and have seen loved ones baptized and married and buried from St. Mark’s. church burn in 1965 and through your dedication and hard work sawimportant parishes in the Diocese, and more importantly, a place that you called home. It is not only you who have been here that long, but even those who have more recently responded to the Spirit in tdeeply the loss of this place. We all need, individually and as a parish, to mourn, grieve, and say goodbye to this place thalove. In the midst of great and painful change, Jesus tells us, “Do not be we also know that God is with us, that He loves us, and that wherever two or three of us gather in His name, He is with us. Because of that, no matter how painful it is right now, we do know that Peace and blessings, Richard Shippee+ Priest-in-Charge


In my 2009 message for the Annual Report, I noted that we were facing a substantial defiat the present rate, it was estimated that we could stay open for only another year or year and a half. This past January at the Annual Meeting, I reported that we face a deficit of $100,000 for this year and that we could continue only for one more year at best. Practically speaking, this meant that it was time to push ahead on a possible merger with St. Matthew’s. The key issue we faced was financial; that is, could we make the numbers work if St. Matthew’s were to come to St. Mark’s. With tmind, the Vestry worked very hard this fall to reduce our operating costs as much as possible.

To see if there was a merger possibility, the treasurers of St. Mark’s and St. Matthew’s met with our mutual accountant to draw up a combined budget. The results were not favorable for a merger here at

If St. Matthew’s were to come here, we would still face an annual deficit of approximately $25,000 per year. This obviously would not work, and the Dioceses has made it clear that they would nota merger that was not financially feasible. If we were to close and go to St. Matthew’s, there would be an estimated surplus of $10,000 per year.

At their February meeting, our Vestry discussed a possible merger at some length and, with heavy arts, voted unanimously (one member being absent) to close and merge with St. Matthew’s. St.

Matthew’s’ Vestry also voted [in favor of a] possible merger.

Our Vestry felt that St. Matthew’s was our best option for several reasons. First was the fact thahave been in dialogue with them about a possible merger for the past 5-6 years and have had many opportunities both in worship and fellowship to get to know one another. They also felt that SMatthew’s was the most compatible parish to ours and that, due to its location, it presented the best possibility for keeping our community together during a merger. They also feared that, were we to move to a larger parish (St. John’s or Epiphany), we were more likely to be absorbed in such a way as

sense of identity as a community. They also recognized that any possible move and merger presents a number of difficulties, with two key ones in this case being the size of the worship space and

This past Tuesday, Dan Pacheco and I, along with Judy Mitchell and the Junior Warden [, a Vestry member and a parishioner] from St. Matthew’s, met with the Standing Committee of the Diocese to ask their approval to put together a merger plan. We were notified later this week that the Standing Committee voted unanimously for us to explore the possibility. The next step is to initiate a more intensive dialogue with St. Matthew’s to begin to address the many issues in

will continue to have Parish Meetings after church on a regular basis to keep everyone informed of our progress and to provide an opportunity for questions and discussion. Once we have a plan and have had ample opportunity to talk about it, we will have a parish meeting to vote on the merger. The final decision is for every one of you and

I know that this causes a great deal of pain and grief, and I share those feelings. I have only been here at St. Mark’s for tyears, but I have come to love this place and I feel its sacredness. I also feel the depth of your loss. Many of you have been here

es and have seen loved ones baptized and married and buried from St. Mark’s. And many of you watched the church burn in 1965 and through your dedication and hard work saw it rise again from the rubble and be one of the most important parishes in the Diocese, and more importantly, a place that you called home. It is not only you who have been here that long, but even those who have more recently responded to the Spirit in this place and joined our parish family who feel deeply the loss of this place. We all need, individually and as a parish, to mourn, grieve, and say goodbye to this place tha

In the midst of great and painful change, Jesus tells us, “Do not be afraid.” We know now that the future will be different, but we also know that God is with us, that He loves us, and that wherever two or three of us gather in His name, He is with us. Because of that, no matter how painful it is right now, we do know that “all will be well.”


April 2011

In my 2009 message for the Annual Report, I noted that we were facing a substantial deficit and that, at the present rate, it was estimated that we could stay open for only another year or year and a half. This past January at the Annual Meeting, I reported that we face a deficit of $100,000 for this year

ne more year at best. Practically speaking, this meant that it was time to push ahead on a possible merger with St. Matthew’s. The key issue we faced was financial; that is, could we make the numbers work if St. Matthew’s were to come to St. Mark’s. With this in mind, the Vestry worked very hard this fall to reduce our operating costs as much as possible.

To see if there was a merger possibility, the treasurers of St. Mark’s and St. Matthew’s met with our results were not favorable for a merger here at

If St. Matthew’s were to come here, we would still face an annual deficit of approximately $25,000 per year. This obviously would not work, and the Dioceses has made it clear that they would not approve

to close and go to St. Matthew’s, there would be

At their February meeting, our Vestry discussed a possible merger at some length and, with heavy arts, voted unanimously (one member being absent) to close and merge with St. Matthew’s. St.

Our Vestry felt that St. Matthew’s was our best option for several reasons. First was the fact that we 6 years and have had many

opportunities both in worship and fellowship to get to know one another. They also felt that St. , due to its location, it presented the best

possibility for keeping our community together during a merger. They also feared that, were we to move to a larger parish (St. John’s or Epiphany), we were more likely to be absorbed in such a way as

sense of identity as a community. They also recognized that any possible move and merger key ones in this case being the size of the worship space and

udy Mitchell and the Junior Warden [, a Vestry member and a parishioner] from St. Matthew’s, met with the Standing Committee of the Diocese to ask their approval to put

ted unanimously for us to explore the possibility. The next step is to initiate a more intensive dialogue with St. Matthew’s to begin to address the many issues involved

on a regular basis to keep everyone informed of our progress and to provide an opportunity for questions and discussion. Once we have a plan and have had ample

cision is for every one of you and

I know that this causes a great deal of pain and grief, and I share those feelings. I have only been here at St. Mark’s for three credness. I also feel the depth of your loss. Many of you have been here

nd many of you watched the it rise again from the rubble and be one of the most

important parishes in the Diocese, and more importantly, a place that you called home. It is not only you who have been here his place and joined our parish family who feel

deeply the loss of this place. We all need, individually and as a parish, to mourn, grieve, and say goodbye to this place that we

afraid.” We know now that the future will be different, but we also know that God is with us, that He loves us, and that wherever two or three of us gather in His name, He is with us.

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St. Matthew’s Church Newsletter 6 April 2011

(The following letter was originally shared during a worship service at St. Matthew’s on Sunday, March 13, 2011.) March 11, 2011 Dear Judy: I hereby approve of your decision to create a merger plan between St. Mark’s Church, Riverside and St. Matthew’s Church, Barrington. Upon review of your plan and in conversation with the Standing Committee, I will determine the final approval of your merger. Yours faithfully, Geralyn Wolf + Bishop of Rhode Island


The Diocese of Rhode Island has guidelines regarding steps that need to be taken in order to merge two parishes. In early March, copies of those guidelines were shared with the vestry and were made available to members of the parish. Senior Warden Sally Easton presented a summary of those guidelines during a parish-wide Q&A session at St. Matthew’s on Sunday, March 20, 2011. Below is a recap of the information she presented which outlines the major steps that St. Mark’s (the merging parish) and St Matthew’s (as the continuing parish) would need to complete in order to effect the merger.

Form a Merger Team to explore what each parish brings to the table, including financially. Try to determine whether full-time or part-time clergy is realistic. Then, in parallel, study the Merger of Communities and Merger of Resources as follows:

Merger of Communities Merger of Resources

Engage lawyer to prepare merger plan Prepare to sell St. Mark’s property: □ Get appraisal □ Hire real estate agent □ Review title □ Review zoning & environmental requirements □ Continue insurance □ Review endowment documents

Two Vestries vote on merger plan Obtain approval of Bishop & Standing Committee

Memberships vote on merger plan

Obtain approval of Bishop & Standing Committee

The Continuing Parish (St. Matthew’s) then develops a Strategic Plan including plans for new ministries, use of assets, etc.


• 100 % of St. Mark’s Riverside’s endowments would be forwarded to the continuing parish.

• 75 % of the proceeds of the sale of the real estate (minus expenses) would be forwarded to the continuing parish, but is restricted to “congregational development” (the meaning of which needs to be clarified with the diocese).

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St. Matthew’s Church Newsletter 7 April 2011

News from

the Pews

Thanks to the efforts of Father Richard Laremore, we have a

comprehensive description of the symbols depicted in the stained glass

windows that grace our church. During the next several months, you’ll

be able to read this profile as it was prepared for the Tour of All

Churches in Barrington (May 26, 1964). Many thanks to Fr. Laremore for

his hard work in creating this wonderful record and to Dennis Hogan for

rediscovering this piece of history!

Installment #4: The Windows Above the Altar

Left Panel This window represents Christ with His hands bound as he appeared before Pontius Pilate. The words

“Ecce Homo” (“behold the man”) were Pilate’s charge to the crowd. Like them, we must behold Jesus

and decide what to do with Him; either we cry “crucify Him” or we call Him Lord.

Center Panel The main window shows Jesus the Christ as High Priest holding His hands out to the world. His creation

is depicted by the woman, man, animals and flowers.

Right Panel This window depicts St. George, whose story is considered a folk tale rather than the story of a true saint

since no historical evidence has been found concerning him. The legend is that St. George was a Roman

soldier who resigned from the army when the emperor Diocletian outlawed Christianity in the year

270 A.D. On his way to see the emperor, St. George entered a town in the province of Libya that was

being terrorized by a dragon. He slew the dragon and as a result, the king of the city and all his subjects

were baptized. St. George is the patron saint of England and Genoa.

More news about our fellow parishioners...

• Recently, Neil and Cindy Thomsen visited family in the Midwest: their son Brant and his family in Minnesota,

and their son Henrik and his family in Missouri.

• Our own Alice Cross is taking a Master Gardeners class at University of Rhode Island. In fact, she’ll spend some

of her training time helping to harvest and prepare plants for our upcoming Spring Fling on Saturday, April 30th!

• Fr. Richard and Ila Laremore spent a month in Bradenton, Florida, where Ila’s sister Marvis Ford visited them for

a week.

• Pam and Ray Hilton recently enjoyed a sunny week in Cancun, Mexico.

• New members Tom and Kristen Douglass and their son Jacen welcomed baby Samuel to their family on

February 15th. Congratulations to all!

The family of Bethany Antonewich praises the Lord for her recovery and God sparing her life following her horrific auto accident and brain surgery. She has returned to college and will graduate May 21st with her 4.0 average and A+ grades! We ask your prayers for her full recovery which will take some more time.

—Florence Taft and Marie Langlois

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St. Matthew’s Church Newsletter 8 April 2011

A Special Appeal for Easter

As you know, throughout the year, we support TAP IN (Touch a Person In Need), which is a non-profit that provides

much needed goods to neighbors in our area who are in dire straits. During the Easter season, we make a special appeal

to you, asking for your assistance in filling several Easter baskets for these families.

You can imagine that, given the state of our current economy, the need this year is very great. And St. Matthew’s is the

only parish that provides this special service for the children in our community whose families rely on TAP IN. In past

years, we’ve assembled as many as 30 baskets (from the Easter Bunny) for area children.

Can you help us this year?

To continue this special tradition, we need:

• Containers (baskets, of course...but small shovel-and-pail sets work too!)

• Wrapped candies

• Prepackaged snacks

• Juice or drink boxes

• Small toys

• Pencils or pens

• Crayons and coloring books

• Bottles of bubbles

• Sidewalk chalk

Please deliver everything to St. Matthew’s no later than Sunday, April 10th. Once all is collected, Karen Chapman and

the Easter Basket Production Team can get started! Karen needs all baskets completed by April 15th so they can be

delivered to TAP IN in time for families to get them for Easter.

Look for the collection box in the Guild Hall...and thank you for your support!

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St. Matthew’s Church Newsletter 9 April 2011

Service Ministries

Attention Parents!

Mark your calendars for our special Sunday School programs featuring the Godly Play curriculum! St. Matthew’s own Shawn Isherwood is certified in this well-known approach which is based upon the recognition that children have an innate sense of the presence of God. The Godly Play program teaches classical Christian language in a way that enhances the child’s authentic experience of God so that experience can contribute to the creative life of the child and of the world.

• April 3, 2011

• April 17, 2011

(Palm Sunday; process into the church and move to Sunday School after presentation of the Palms) • May 1, 2011

• May 15, 2011

• May 29, 2011

• June 12, 2011

(Pentecost; process in with the choir, then enjoy the last day of Sunday School before summer recess)

Readings for

Liturgy Services

Apr 3 1st

: 1 Samuel 16:1-13


: Ephesians 5:8-14

Gospel: John 9:1-41

Apr 10 1st

Ezekiel 37:1-14


: Romans 8:6-11

Gospel: John 11:1-45

Apr 17 Liturgy of the Palms:

Matthew 21:1-11

Liturgy of the Word:


: Isaiah 50:4-9a


: Philippians 2:5-11

Gospel: Matthew 26:14-27:66

or 27:11-54

Apr 24 1st

: Acts 10:34-43 or Jeremiah 31:1-6

(Easter) 2nd

: Colossians 3:1-4 or Acts 10:34-43

Gospel: John 20:1-18 or Matthew 28:1-10

Weekly Pledge Counter Teams

Apr 3: Sally Easton, Gina Wallace

Apr 10: Diane Donahue, Mary Fennell

Apr 17: Penny Pearson, June Truitt (Palm Sunday)

Apr 24: Sally Easton, Gina Wallace (Easter)

Altar Guild ScheduleAltar Guild ScheduleAltar Guild ScheduleAltar Guild Schedule

Apr 3 Mary Miller

Apr 10 Michele Adamo

Apr 17 Sally Easton

(Palm Sunday)

Apr 23 All available to arrange

Easter plants

Apr 24 Joann Landskroener


Coffee Hour Coffee Hour Coffee Hour Coffee Hour HostsHostsHostsHosts

Apr 3: Dick and Mary Miller

Apr 10: Bob and Nancy Corson

Apr 17: Still available (commemorating Palm Sunday)

Apr 24: Still available (a special celebration of Easter...always a wonderful time!)

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St. Matthew’s Church Newsletter 10 April 2011

Supporting Our Families

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St. Matthew’s Church Newsletter 11 April 2011

Supporting Our Families