Download - M, ., ,. · 2014-06-09 · Princ~s Cards Showll·ois:CENrlm Fate That Awaits-: ar.tRI'f. MacDonald Rille· JODAY, the Prine.of WaJ.., helr·t~ the British throne, is apendlna: hls

Page 1: M, ., ,. · 2014-06-09 · Princ~s Cards Showll·ois:CENrlm Fate That Awaits-: ar.tRI'f. MacDonald Rille· JODAY, the Prine.of WaJ.., helr·t~ the British throne, is apendlna: hls


By SAD I AMTER.' (Sptoeltl t a T ht Dally Worker)

MOSCOW, July 12.-(By Mnii.)- The lntcrnntlonW

o:u c~~~~~~r~o:ue: ~c;d~~~o~~~~~~~· /r!~n"~::~~:~':: 11 ;;:~ .. Ruul&. Just as In tho Comlntem Conb'TCBI, here

and north meets south nnd all colon and races


The dl.tovery of Matt~tottl'a dead body h .. arouud tha Italian work· ,,.. to .1 pitch of fury th•t hat"' "'' before bun tquahtd In Italy.

Nu ... ollnl It tfrafd to rill!: a m• jor eng•l•mant Jutt now. He It hoping that the t~>elalltta will htlp him In atavlng orr 1 rcvoll.rtlo~. 11 they .. ved tha ltt llan ctplttllt tt 1921. Out the CoiJimunltt. art vtry tctlvt, tndthtlrtuec:uelnorgtnl&­lng mth d emonatntlona hat evtn a~o~rprl .. d thcrmuln._ •

The u rlblr'llt,.. In muy lntlllne> u . where the F .. clatl claah ""lth the wortlel"', chow a tclldtiiC.)" to aympathlu with the Vforile,.._ A natlo,...,.. ldc aga l11n Mu• ao llt~lla

Miners! Send Your' S,tories!

. ~ ..... ...... - . P:tee~v:1~~~·~::':~~o:a..!b~ ':ond ot a especially among the coal mlnen. Karl Ree•e. our reporter, Ia on the ground gettln~ the drat b¥.d fadta.-+ R Tbis material wUI appear 'daUy In these columu.

But the' DAlLY WORKER wan'- to iet letten direct from the coal miners themach·ea; and from wOrkel"'l la. other lndu1trles. What are the jobleu condttlona COD· fronting you? How)do 'yoU set along? What are the immediate problema that you faceT

nA.i~~~oh0~:~~-~~~rne;:!o~~~.t c~::o. ~ SEND IN YOUR LETTERS!

Page 2: M, ., ,. · 2014-06-09 · Princ~s Cards Showll·ois:CENrlm Fate That Awaits-: ar.tRI'f. MacDonald Rille· JODAY, the Prine.of WaJ.., helr·t~ the British throne, is apendlna: hls

Princ~s Cards Showll·ois:CENrlm Fate That Awaits-: ar.tRI'f.

MacDonald Rille·

JODAY, the Prine. of WaJ.., helr ·t~ the British throne, is apendlna: hls Idle houn at O.a.uvllle the Frinch tum-.

mer resort· f~r the paruih rich of Westtm Euro.,- and the Unfted Statn.

· The only job the prln~ hu on hit handt tt waltlnc hlt father, the Kine of Encfand, Em~ror of India. and a lot · of other_tftMs. to. die, .,~ that he can atep Into hle thoet..

The prlnct~ drfnb Whisky .odu until he. can't rkfe a horae without faJIInc off, dfvldn hit nlahtl between the dance paJ&OM of London and Par'-. and leadl the uaual dfs­aolute •life i,hat lost Kine Manuel, of Portu&aJ, hit throne. with Alfonao, Kine of ~·1~, n~xt o,r the lltt. tq &0·

The prince tried to wHk-end at ' Le .Touqutt. l on, the Normandy oout,. whlli the nal ruler of the Emplrtr Premier Junn Ramsay MacDonald, patched thlnp up rn · favor ,of the Oawea reparatfone ..:heme acrose tM-channel, In Lon­don. The Prlnc.ltn't worr'-d over the to-<lalt.d "labor"' rule that MacDonald is &ivl"#. Enatand. As lone u MacDona,ld '

~~~'"'a~~·:: rn"Wn~m~n:!r ~~~o:!:rd,c:;•r::,o~: cultomt of a thousand yean. ....

rath~h:uG~':-.:! ~~~o~rzr ~!'D:::!u~ t~:~C:~: roundlnp ofwhk:h are more suited to hit royal tut... He hid a ~ard t ime breaklnc Into the Culno, the Mecca of

:~;~~~~-r:'bk~ b~~· ::: ~~~~~:u:Jh!frr,o~:t'': the lnaldt.. · . . . . · The cabt .. tell us thatth't prince playe(b&cca~at, with bad luck, and then chane-d to chtfl1ln de fer at tablet Where there wert women In larat~ numbtra. Here the prince con­tinued to lott at 20,~ fra:c• £11,~) P.r cUp.

The Chlcaco Tribune's Forelcn News 5ervJc. aY• th&t , the prince "'had an unphuant exp,...lon wfMn he lost." Thit was no doubt due to his lnlbi!Jty to display any worth-

whlljt ~~~~rt!rn ~~::.rl::~r; J!e·,;::;nd~~nt.bother him. Why should lt? The funde for the royal famUy, totalllne many mllllont annually, are provkled by the liberal financial policy of the eoclalfst Mertlary of the exc~r, • Philip Snowden, whoM ncent ' budpt recefvtd the unuiJ­mout applauM of Br~ln't .crea;ttt .banktf!-

But lt It mod. sf&nlf'teant that at the hour the ·prlnce wu · lotlna: money, Of whiCh he had never earn.d a cent,, at

$1,000. per thrOw. Premlsr MacDonald wu clotlna the Lon· don Conference with what the oapitalltt pr"' reftrt to u , a "not.worthf Jnoldent. MacDonald wu blddlnc farewell

!:it~t~:~~~n~l~~f!~~~:' .:!r~~~c:ft~er~\:,~0f::;.~~ : :hr::· h~~h:. ~=.!!~ Pr~ corrHpond.nt ~rb I

"TM t lanlnt tf Utt ciMUJMftta wu •n4H lute! lh• •rttiM prfrno rn lnlmr, Ram .. )' thcDoftakl, wa• thaklftl ,.,,.,. t il trouftd. Whln h• urn• to Cha_.ller Mirx (Q'""'"J'), tM prim• rnlnlltir, ... Ill ertP. plftl th• ch.-.ltor'• haM, 1..:1 h im to wh•N M. Ht;.,let. th• 'r.Mh · ,.,.,.,, wn .UMI,., ~~ncl .. II>J fritnda.

"'Without • -rd, .. UM ~tory ..... Mr. MMDoftakl llftld M. · Htrri•t'• r lsftt htltd ti'MI jalned It w ith. th&t of Or. Mtrx. Tlwft h•J ltl,.ecc ll•c~~" .. " lall,., whll• U.t ,.,.,....,..."aM 0.. a.r...... tlghttnld tht grip and •hook htncl• cordlaiiJ." · . .

IlL hu thus remained for a "labor" premier, with the ahadow of a cambllna: prince awaltln1 to be kina: In · .the

~~dk~~~:~y;0f::~~;~~~te~e~~~~l ~=Ia=~ ~fa~~ workers and farmers t both countrlea. ··

over ~!~k!~:~~::'fn ~~·a~;.um.f~rrl!t t~e d~~n~ ~~~~'! ' In France. They· unlte their fore ... to better crush' la.bor In

~~1~re';;!~aMo:,~F~~~ceS~ik~btr~~e~•v:r!!'td.~1~~~~~~! United States, Cal CoolidfP, and the "'British "labor" pre-m._r, MacDonald. •

Over on the continent the prince rlakt another $1,000

at t~So ~~:u~I!~D~~Ii.~!!,:;,;.~~~:~n Oreat Britain mull lote, because ft is not labor, it don not fia:ht to win for ·

labo';:.acDonald may read hit ~srnment'• fate In f.h. c~rda that turn up for the p~ince,ai~he F:ench aamblen' retort. . l:r;~·~~~~i;'.lJi?'l1\.!:.~i...,;;-~ · And h8 may read his own fate In the fact that ,the r~nk .

and file of the L~oT"f:'arty It In revolt qaintl hit .pollcfes.

~:.:i~!r;~!lt~r~he h~~~~~hni.~:~~r r~:07J.Io1~: ~:;~~d!~~ next. Labor Party .Congreta. ·


Picnic and Song Festival AT

. PINNISH PICNIC GROUNDS,.... Lorain Ave. ~d W. 117th


PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS: Dabeml•n Sloclac Clrc.le St&r, Jluocarlu ·Amcrlcu Sl.alhtl 8oc.l•l7, Ulln•n Cblldren.'11 Club.•a Lyric 8oclctJ , Sloull BID&1D1 Society, Ftell!cll DramatJe a.a4 BlDCIDI Boel&tJ. Ullralnlu Dram&Ue

Club. Flonltb Sill&lns SoelctJ , Hunurlu. Cblldrea'• Clab.

Corn• •M brl"g youi- frltnda. ·T•II• LOCIIIft 117th u r and walk five:

bl~~: .. ·:~~h~.~/::uc't: ·~~~~k:Ote.,;!."'~;,=.;r;:_tto0'! :,,;'!~ BENEFIT GERMAN WORKERS' RElJEF


Page 3: M, ., ,. · 2014-06-09 · Princ~s Cards Showll·ois:CENrlm Fate That Awaits-: ar.tRI'f. MacDonald Rille· JODAY, the Prine.of WaJ.., helr·t~ the British throne, is apendlna: hls


und me ·---·-~·- eop lct of the PINt IPMitl Co.nmunt.t C&"'PI Itn tdlt lon of Ole DAILY WO..:k.r:,., t.o b. ._._, a.wrday, Awl- ao. at U11 epcelal nte of

• t~ •nt. per~ o,.I&IO per tntf!C!Nd. I wpnt to help ,.,,, tt.. . .U.ft6anft of Communlem--ln tl'llt .. mpaltn for the Worke,.. Puty tKbt-f'eeter altd Gltlow.

IYI~ki··ng . H ;istp~y One adrantaee poueUed by the atrik- ia that t!iq. ,

have an eneraet!c·•and fearleaa daily riewapaper ~· extenaive apace to the conflict-THE DAILY WORKER•: '

. • -From "The.Natlon." May 14tfl,. · . • ' ~

Nothing th~ ha8 happened in laoorhiatoryinmanyyeanoh"aa.meani so much to the workeno everywhere aa the eatabliahment of ' '. ·.

rTHE DAILY .WORKER~ A'm.rlca'a Cieat' Labor Dally

If you believe we are doing a bi"g work ·help by getting tl}e w~rkm 1 everywhere to read · · , · . :>,,

The Daily Worker Eve,.Y Day. Order a bundle of aample co.plea to PYe apayln your tbop, f&ctorj or oftlee And UJioria your frlead&. -:--, . - . . ' ' , ..- ,

C~ a •upply of ~uMcrfptlon Blan,ks

Page 4: M, ., ,. · 2014-06-09 · Princ~s Cards Showll·ois:CENrlm Fate That Awaits-: ar.tRI'f. MacDonald Rille· JODAY, the Prine.of WaJ.., helr·t~ the British throne, is apendlna: hls


" R"ulb of l';ltth Cong,.... .. ____ :._,lly Alrundcr Biltt:lmal'! "Tho llt-Uon In Bultlri_.. __________ ,,,By G. Dlmltraw

J. "'Colosnr-E IMn .. tt-London .. ___ • - -·BY Arthur Rounb•1'111

4. " Cwlt uro Vcrs111 Life" By A Tuchtr , 5. '"On My Wa7 to l'luNI• '"- --------87 Anna P~rtcr

e. ·. "'Tho PI(Uint of Plttlbutth Plut "--- 8)' ~· Ramlrn (Oomu) 7. Vtroc : (a ) "Tho Chont Prophot".·-·--·- -·- ·--81 Joul Kalor

( b)..!Worko,.... ____ . _ __ ay Jom .. H. Dobun

L ..... P_.r'"-A.zln O~~~ER NOW! By Cfolarl" Aahlt l t h

Deatche-H1111garia£ Restaprant

29 South Halsted St.

Page 5: M, ., ,. · 2014-06-09 · Princ~s Cards Showll·ois:CENrlm Fate That Awaits-: ar.tRI'f. MacDonald Rille· JODAY, the Prine.of WaJ.., helr·t~ the British throne, is apendlna: hls
Page 6: M, ., ,. · 2014-06-09 · Princ~s Cards Showll·ois:CENrlm Fate That Awaits-: ar.tRI'f. MacDonald Rille· JODAY, the Prine.of WaJ.., helr·t~ the British throne, is apendlna: hls

Sludl Coart• Clioose Uniq"J ·' Oficers? ·

When Judge HIU'Iey optotl .the cue of the dbetrlal Worker. of the World lo the todaJ, t1te t.oe that wlllrully be railed tbe o8kftw of a aaloo ahall be eh<*!D by jodgeo.

.ODe auoup In the· lDdnttrial J;.rkera 1of

t!:r!:;, •:::-~:: :~!':e:a:~P in °~he trial Workers or the World ud ub for an jaDttion on bebalt of one aploat the otbt.r. · . • If tbe lnjnlletlon Ia p-utcd, • 'what 11'111 be attitude of· the ~ben of the I. W ( W. who ~ OmcWa choteh for them b7 Judge ~~~~~ to tht. qor.tion Ia found in llitioa adOi}ted by the Building Conatraction ef.. Tndnatrfai 'UuiOn :Yo. 330 of the I. W. W., dp bnDCh, wbkh •r- on thla point: .·

"Tbat all·htdaatriat aDioa.t, bnncbet, and _ ben retn.,e to rf!COI!Ilse alf)" ftnd •11 omelals · po~ted by any or all eapltali8t jadgea." ·

• ' E"e!7 ~nllcioua worker will applaud dec=Won of the Building Conatrnctlon Wn·•••~ ltne ,_o orpnhiltion, of workU'II that ~tat pretetudoftll io reTOlatloDUJ' .or wo•·klogJgroo•>d ~fiiDdple., ttn for ooe moment tear~ of a capltalllt ~tu""! ln' tta fa1rL IDJanc;tloDII ' ap.l.n1t worken were ~ di.Jobeyed. A tboaiUd ttme. la t.rue or {D.fa!l~t.5oo . that at.tempta to the umclniM

;iA uolon • .,......-, · - , ·