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Rob fell under the noxious spell of Nurglitch upon first seeing this Skaven's bloated, foul form. Being a long-time Skaven fan, Rob was eager to try his hand at painting the Plague Lord.


Rob broke up the model into four components that he painted separately: Nurglitch on his Giant Rat, the banner pole, the loose rats, and his Plague Monk attendant. Rob primed each component with Chaos Black Spray Primer.

Click on the images below to see larger versions.

Note that Rob sealed his model with matt varnish before he painted any of the metal areas. This step gave the paints and inks a nice matte finish without dulling the metal bitz.

Rob basecoated Nurglitch's fur, skin, and wood with Scorched Brown followed by a drybrush of Bestial Brown. Rob finished the fur areas with a Vermin Brown drybrush. He gave the skin a Tanned Flesh basecoat before he gave the entire model a Brown

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Ink wash (watered down at 1:1) to darken everything. Rob went back to the fur and drybrushed Bestial Brown followed by Vermin Brown, a light drybrush of Bubonic Brown (with a hint of Vermin Brown in the brush), and finished with a little Rotting Flesh added to the brush. To finish the skin, Rob did a successive highlight of Tanned Flesh, Dwarf Flesh, Elf Flesh, a dab of Rotting Flesh, and a wash to dull the skin (6:3:1 water to Flesh Wash to Catachan Green). For the noses, he basecoated them black and then highlighted with a mix of Chaos Black and Shadow Grey.

For the teeth, claws, and skulls, Rob basecoated with Bubonic Brown, highlighted with Bleached Bone mixed with Bubonic Brown, and overbrushed with Bleached Bone. Next, he washed these areas with Brown Ink, overbrushed with Bleached Bone again, and highlighted with a 1:1 mix of Bleached Bone and Skull White. For the eyes, Rob just gave them a dot of Bad Moon Yellow.

For the ropes, Rob basecoated them with Bubonic Brown, overbrushed them with Bleached Bone, and then washed them with Brown Ink. For the bags, he basecoated them with 1:1 Scorched Brown to Snakebite Leather. Rob followed this coat with a highlight of straight Snakebite Leather and then a mix of Snakebite Leather and Bubonic Brown.

Rob basecoated the banner with a 7:3 mix of Catachan Green and Chaos Black. Then, he highlighted the mid tone with Catachan Green. Next, Rob blended up highlights from a mix of Catachan Green and Camo Green up to straight Camo Green. To finish the cloth, Rob highlighted with a 1:1 mix of Camo Green and Rotting Flesh. He drew the Skaven symbol on the banner with Bubonic Brown followed by a highlight of Bleached Bone then Skull White.

For the wooden structures, Rob drybrushed with Snakebite Leather, Graveyard Earth, Bubonic Brown, Fortress Grey, and then Bleached Bone on the edges of the poles.

For the gold areas, Rob basecoated them with Tin Bitz, then overbrushed with Brazen Brass and Dwarf Bronze. Then, he highlighted them with Shining Gold, washed them with Brown Ink, and painted the bottoms of the bells (around the striker) with Chaos Black. For a final detail, Rob took a Fine Detail brush and dabbed a 1:1 mix of Scorpion Green to Snot Green into each hole on the braziers to suggest the glow of warp-poison within.

For the gunmetal areas (including the blade), Rob basecoated them with Boltgun Metal. He followed this step with a wash of Brown Ink mixed with a little Black Ink. He drybrushed Mithril Silver over the edges.

Lastly, for the Warpstone, Rob basecoated it with Dark Angels Green. He "highlighted up" from Snot Green to Scorpion Green and then hit the edges with Skull White.

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Rob painted the smaller rats just like Nurglitch and his Giant Rat (click the Nurglitch area on the image map to find out those details). Though you can't see it in this picture, Rob decided to glue one of the smaller rats on top of the Plague Monk Attendant's censer pole.

For the pustules, Rob washed them with Camo Green (also watered down at 1:1) and highlighted them with Rotting Flesh.

Rob painted the robes exactly like the banner - see above.