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Lug Nuts for Leaders—Devotional Created by Tim Deam

Introduction: Automobiles are complicated machines! They have a motor, a gas pedal, brakes and lots of other parts. The most overlooked part of the car is the lug nuts. They are small nuts or fasteners that keep the tires on the car. Without the lug nuts the automobile is not going anywhere. Lug nuts are small but necessary for the automobile to function. Several small but necessary lessons can be learned from Proverbs that help us with our spiritual walk as a leader. Let’s take a look at some lug nuts for leaders mentioned in the book of Proverbs, chapter sixteen.

Read Proverbs 16: 1-9

To give you some foundational teaching we must look at verses one and two. In verse one we find the name LORD (all caps) which is the name Jehovah or Yahweh. Jehovah is mentioned nine times in the first 11 verses of Proverbs 16. In this verse we learn that man may plan his thoughts in advance, but the LORD is sovereign and overrules all man's words for the accomplishment of His purposes.

Someone has said, "Man proposes but God disposes." In verse two we see that a man plans his ways and then acts upon them. He judges himself by his acts and thinks that he is fine. But God knows the motives and intentions of man’s heart.

Psalm 19:12-14 gives insight into how God knows and sees our motives. “Who can discern his errors? Declare

me innocent from hidden faults. Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me! Then I shall be blameless, and innocent of great transgression. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” [ESV]

As we keep in mind that God is sovereign and knows our thoughts, we’ll have a correct perspective. Let’s look at the following verses to learn of five lug nuts for leadership. The first lug nut is found in verse three, “Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.” [ESV]

The best way to insure that our ministry goals will be achieved is to dedicate or commit our works to the LORD. To “commit your work” is to pray and ask God for discernment and wisdom. Sometimes we need wise counselors whom we can go to for advice. We should not make plans without God being the center of these plans. J. Allen Blair gives this advice concerning making God the centerpiece of our plans:

“Occasionally we find ourselves disturbed and depressed, even in trying to do the Lord's work. Could anything be further from what God desires? God cannot work through anxious hearts. Whenever a Christian reaches this state, he should stop at once and ask himself, "Whose work is it?" If it's God's work, never forget the burden of it is His, too. You are not the important person. Christ is! He is at work through us. What should we do then when things do not go well? Go to Him! Anything less than this is disobedience.” Taken from e-sword, The Believer’s Bible Commentary; William McDonald, author.

The second lug nut is found in verse four, “The LORD has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for

the day of trouble.” [ESV]

This proverb means that God has an end or purpose for everything. There is a result for every cause. There is a reward or punishment for every act. God has ordained a day of trouble or evil for the wicked just as He has prepared present fellowship with Him and eternal life with Him for those who trust in Him. As leaders we must remember that there is a purpose for everything that happens. We can take comfort in knowing that God is in control of every situation. The purpose for us as leaders on this earth is simply stated in the Westminster Shorter Catechism; to “glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” We are to glorify Him no matter what circumstances come our way—good or bad. The third lug nut is found in verse six. “By steadfast love and faithfulness iniquity is atoned for, and by the fear

of the LORD one turns away from evil.” [ESV]

This verse does not mean that a man is saved by being loving, merciful, truthful, faithful, etc. The Bible teaches that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ alone. Christ, through his steadfast love and faithfulness paid for our sins. Love, mercy, truth, faithfulness and other such virtues in our life are signs that we are trusting in Christ.

Page 2: Lug Nuts for Leaders Devotional Created by Tim Deam

The second part of the verse admonishes us to have proper fear of the LORD. We must trust Him for the power to abstain from evil practices since we are commanded by scripture to live holy lives. We must live holy lives as we’re commanded in Leviticus 11:44, “For I am the LORD your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I

am holy” [ESV]. Our holy living is a testimony of how important our relationship is to our holy creator God. People are to see Gods holiness coming out of our life every day. The fourth lug nut is found in verse seven. “When a man's ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to

be at peace with him.” [ESV]

Barnes’s Commentary paraphrases this verse into the following, "Goodness has power to charm and win even enemies to itself." As a leader we should model goodness towards those who may be antagonistic towards us and the ministry in which we are involved. As our “enemies” see Christ’s life exhibited in us this may cause them to seek out what makes us different, which is Christ in us. Scripture teaches us to not be overcome by evil but overcome evil by doing good to others (Rom 12:21). Sometimes God allows individuals or situations to come into our life to grow us to be like Christ. Look at these situations or people like sandpaper smoothing off the rough edges of our spiritual life. The fifth lug nut is found in verse nine. “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.” [ESV]

This verse brings us back to what we learned in verse one. Just as the Lord directs man’s words, the Lord also directs man’s steps. We may go to great length to plan our career and ministry but the LORD alone determines whether these plans ever come to pass. Here are two Biblical examples of how God changed the plans of man:

Saul of Tarsus planned to persecute the Christian saints in Damascus but God changed this. Saul ended up becoming a Christian—a very one of whom he was persecuting! [The Book of Acts]

Onesimus planned to leave Philemon forever but God changed this. Onesimus was sent back to Philemon on better terms than before. [The Book of Philemon]

Just as lug nuts on a vehicle are necessary for enabling an automobile to function properly, these five lug nuts for leaders found in Proverbs 16:1-9 give us necessary leadership principles. They help us remember that:

Even though we plan ministry in advance, thinking our plan is right, the LORD is sovereign and can overrule our plans to accomplish His purposes.

God has made everything for a purpose and we should glorify Him in all that happens.

Reverent fear of God causes us to turn from evil and live holy lives.

Do good to others so that our “enemies” may inquire about what makes us different, giving us an opportunity to share the gospel of Christ.

Remember that it is the Lord who ultimately directs our steps. Conclusion: As leaders, one of the greatest lessons we can learn is to be submissive to God’s will regarding His plans for our life. Today we have been reminded that lug nuts are essential for an automobile to move. In a far greater way, these five lug nuts for leaders taken from Proverbs remind us that God is sovereign. By submitting our plans to God’s sovereign will and accepting His plans for our life and ministry we will be richly blessed. Let us go right now to the Throne of Grace and begin the process of trusting God to take our plans for ministry and make them His plans. Close with prayer Copyright 2013 by The Deam Team