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Top 10 Tips for Effective Advertising

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Tips for Effective Advertising Lucidity London Page 2 of 4

Set Clear and Detailed Objectives

Spend money wisely. Many ad campaigns have vague objectives, such as

increasing brand awareness, image and attitude, but campaigns briefed in this way

significantly underperform. The ones that work start with quantifiable business

objectives that filter down to softer measures such as behavioural objectives. If you

start by spelling out the hard business objectives, payback is increased four times.

Focus on Profit

Think about what effects your business can achieve. Most people think the job of

advertising is to sell more stuff, so they focus on increasing sales volume, but in

fact the most profitable campaigns are the ones that make people pay more for the

same products. So sell people the same stuff at a higher price, rather than selling

them more of the same.

Engage the Whole Market

Increasing brand loyalty has become the main goal for campaigns - but advertising

has hardly any effect on brand loyalty, so campaigns that focus on existing

customers massively underperform. Campaigns that focus on potential customers

are three times more effective; the best marketing strategies talk to customers and

non-customers as a whole - they embrace the whole market.

Touch the Heart

The marketing community believes its job is to tell people things that will persuade

them to buy products - but those rational messaging campaigns are the least

effective. The best campaigns make people feel things about a brand - emotions

are more profitable than messages. People don't want reasons to buy, they want

emotional bonds.





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Tips for Effective Advertising Lucidity London Page 3 of 4

Create Ripples of Influence The most effective campaigns take emotional bonding to the next level - they

create emotion and then share that feeling. Fame is more than brand awareness:

for example, Apple is a cool brand over and above the technology category. Fame

is emotion on steroids; when the brand becomes social currency, the financial

payback is ramped up to another level. Be newsworthy, go viral, or do things that

people talk about in the pub - go beyond the private sphere.

Lead with the Right Medium

If your aim is to create social media, then use media that can be shared. If you

want to create an emotional bond, then use rich media. The new digital channels

have tremendous potential - they have the power of audiovisual and are rich

emotionally, but at the same time they have interaction and direct response.

Harness the Power of Integration

Convert fame and buzz into sales. Integration doubles effectiveness, so

communications must make brands desirable while also pacifying the rational brain

with reasons.

Don’t Use Only One Metric

Evaluation matters - you need a balanced scorecard for measurement. The

campaigns that perform the best move all the measurement dials, whereas the

campaigns that only shift one measure underperform.





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Lucidity London is an independent marketing consultancy which provides research, strategy and

programme implementation services to local, national and international clients from our HQ in

London. Our mission is to help clients inspire growth in their organisations and we achieve this by

combining in-depth analysis with clear, actionable insights and practical expertise in delivering

marketing programmes.

Pre-Testing is Not the Answer

Be sceptical about pre-testing - this can halve the effectiveness of your advertising.

Commit Sufficient Resources

There is a growing myth that with the new digital toys you don't need to spend

much money anymore. This is not true. There is a well-known equation about the

relationship between budget and growth that goes back to the 1960s: Growth Rate

= Share of Voice minus Market Share divided by 10. So remember that share of

voice is the key metric and keep spending money.