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International Week in Sibiu

“Lucian Blaga” University

Invitation Dear colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to attend the “International Week 2015” of “Lucian

Blaga” University. The aim of the event is to offer the opportunity of intercultural

exchange between students, practitioners and teachers from all around the world

and to foster cooperation between the home-universities.


Lectures to local students of LBUS Faculties on specific topics

International Economic Conference Sibiu (IECS)


the largest permanent open air ethnographic exhibition in Europe

Other surprises

Contact Information: Vice Dean with International Relations, Faculty of Economic Sciences Răzvan Șerbu

E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +4 0269 210375

International Week in Sibiu

“Lucian Blaga” University

What is the International Week about?

During this week, you will meet the students and teaching staff of the LBUS and share

with them your knowledge and expertise in the different scientific and practical fields.

Complementary to the academic activities, the week’s program will include social and

cultural endeavors which shall enlarge the guests’ experience. Thus, the city of Sibiu

and its surroundings offer a great variety of natural and architectural displays which

favor unique leisure-time activities.

What should your contribution consist in?

Every guest should prepare a two-hour lecture for an audience which consists of

Bachelor- and Master Students. Moreover, the participants who have academic

interests in the Economics and Business domains are welcomed to submit a scientific

paper for IECS conference which will take place in the last days of the week.

Contact Information: Vice Dean with International Relations, Faculty of Economic Sciences Răzvan Șerbu

E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +4 0269 210375

International Week in Sibiu

“Lucian Blaga” University

About Internationalization at “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu

Having acknowledged that globalization has transformed the world into a “global village”, where

interconnectedness is present in all aspects of the social life, LBUS has increased its efforts to

adjust its educational offer to the new, international demand.

LBUS is part of the Erasmus+ program and over time the university has developed hundreds of

partnerships with universities from Europe and Asia. Every year there are about 100

international students coming to LBUS and about 200 leaving to the partner universities with a

study or placement mobility. Also, in order to accommodate international students, our university

acted quickly and flexibly by developing several programs in English; moreover, LBUS works

closely with Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Sibiu in involving the foreign students in different

activities which ease their social and cultural integration. Teachers and staff can also exchange

experience and further develop through international teaching mobility.

Knowledge is global and research must transcend the national boundaries. International

projects are being carried out by setting up organizing committees formed out of professors and

students; the last edition of IWeek proving again that international activities are one of the main

preoccupations of the university staff. Also, the various International Summer Schools made the

internalization process fun and appealing for many students, Romanian and international alike.

Contact Information: Vice Dean with International Relations, Faculty of Economic Sciences Răzvan Șerbu

E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +4 0269 210375