Download - Luann Drolc Fortune, PhD Saybrook University October 25, humanistic movement leaders founded Humanistic Psychology Institute


Luann Drolc Fortune, PhDSaybrook University

October 25, 2016

Wellness: A humanistic principle

Adult learning pedagogy: Andragogy

Saybrook University: Humanistic traditions

Transforming Scholar Practitioners

◦ Programs for practice, research & leadership

◦ Curriculum: Evidence based, dynamic

◦ Technology: Interactive, accommodating

Online classroom tour: Another session

Based on assumptions that effective adult learning has specialized needs (Knowles)

Needs further differentiated ◦ At the graduate and professional level◦ For scholar/researcher-practitioners◦ For newly emerging & changing fields

Case of Saybrook University: Graduate level and post-graduate learning

Knowles, M. S. (1950). Informal adult education: A guide for administrators, leaders, and teachers. New York, NY: Association Press.

Knowles, M. S. (1973). The adult learner: A neglected species (Revised Edition 1990. ed.). Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing Company.

1971: humanistic movement leaders founded Humanistic Psychology Institute

Later accredited as Saybrook Graduate School & Research Center

Saybrook developed as a center for humanistic learning, social justice, and transformative social and cultural practices

Became Saybrook University in 2009 and launches the School of Mind-Body Medicine

In 2015, the School of Mind-Body Medicine expands to the College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences


The College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences was created in 2009, to extend Saybrook's humanistic and holistic vision into health care

Restoring humanity to health care: healing body, mind, and soul, with a full range of integrative therapies.

Empowering practitioners to transform practice.

Training professionals for a new integrative healthcare system.


"Reviving the spirit and transforming the practice of medicine, the College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences emphasizes an integrative and humanistic approach for all healthcare.”

Students: variety of professional backgrounds, regions, reasons

eLearning-hybrid environment:

learn while working in local community

connect to learning cohort in residential sessions & online

All students enter program as part of a cohort

• Central system of support and collaboration

• Cohorts assemble regularly during each residential conference (RC) and also have opportunities to connect between RCs

Autonomy with support: coaching and advising

Online instruction design based on andragogy

Self-concept: With maturation, adults move toward being self-directed human beings

Learner Experience: Adults approach new learning with a reservoir of knowledge & experience

Readiness to Learn: With maturation readiness to learn becomes increasingly oriented to the developmental tasks of social roles & responsibilities

Orientation to Learning: Orientation toward learning shifts from one of subject- centeredness to one of problem centeredness.

Motivation to Learn: Becomes internalized

Adults need to be involved in the planning of and engagement of their learning

Experience and existing knowledge provide the best foundation for learning activities

Adults are most interested in learning content related to current professional or personal life

Effective learning is problem-solving centered rather than content oriented

Need to explain reasons specific things are being taught: Learning objectives & outcomes

Learning should have applied relevance

Instruction should allow for diversity and different learning styles: visual, oral, experiential, kinesthetic

Activities and assignments should be interactive, self-directed, and allow adults to autonomously discover concepts

Adult learner


Construct their

program plan

around individual


Need clear

learning objectives

Engage with

content relevant to

their individual


Learn better

experientially and

when able to

immediately apply

their learning

Provide multiple

opportunities to


scholarship to


• Clear vision & focus on academic & professional goals

• Knowledge of academic expectations and requirements

• Requires skills in academic research and writing

• Promotes communication with faculty and peers

• Instills appropriate time management

• Demands competence in using learning platform technology and online academic resources


Experiential: Education in integrative medicine begins with the individual.

Saybrook teaches students practices of self-awareness and self-care, so they canapply their knowledge and experience within their professions and communities to facilitate healing.


Individualized program planning within a core structure allows for operations planning

Coursework:◦ Personal: Experiential foundations course for

incoming students to teach mind-body skills ◦ Relevance: Research-based revised content each

semester to reflect new research findings◦ Progressive: Content-based & customized within

a standardized template and cohort interactive

Technology: Efficient eLearning classrooms, shared documents, real-time videoconference classes

Faculty: Scholar-practitioners, experts, engaged

Structured on a standard architecture:

◦ Repetitive “home” module with course resources

◦ Evenly distributed workflow over 8 wk/16 wkperiod requires weekly/semi-weekly interaction

◦ Familiar deliverables with applied choices

◦ Readings and resources mapped over the curriculum for progressive knowledge building within and between courses

◦ Engagement activities: Varied, applied, scholarly

Flow on a predictable, pre-published schedule

Allow for engagement at times best for learner

All adult learning environments could implement some elements of andragogy

Actualizing human potential through education has transformational potential for individuals & society

Acquired scholarly sensibilities and skills can benefit outside practice applications

Universities could promote strong mentoring within and beyond PhD programs

Engaged scholar-practitioners elevate fields