Download - LSMW for Vendor Master

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Uploading Vendor Master data using Direct Input Method

Go to transaction LSMW.

Click on “Create Entry”.

Create Project:

Click on “Continue”.

Create ‘Subproject’:

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Click on “Continue” and create Object.

Click on Continue.

Click on Continue again.

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1. Select the first step “Maintain Object Attributes” and click on “Execute”.

Here mention object and method in standard batch/Direct input radio button and press enter ,it will give standard program name . SAVE and go back.

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Save and go back .

2. Select the step “Maintain Source Structures ” and click on “Execute”.

Save and Go back.

3. Select “Maintain Source Fields” and Execute

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Place cursor on structure name and click on

Here mention the what ever fields we require and flat file should be in the same structure .

Save and come back.

Save and come back.

4 . Select “Maintain Structure Relations” and Execute :

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Here to maintain structure relations click on BGR00 and ‘click relation ship’ as shown in above screen shot it will assigned to structure. Repeat this for all required relations in that screen.

5: Maintain field mappings and conversion rules ; Nothing should be done in this step .(we will go for this step rarely). 6. specify files : Here to specify files take file from legacy data ( on the pc front end ) .

click on legacy data and click create button. And browse for your flat file on your pc . (create flat file for your structure in second step.). here in imported data it will take only 45 characters .

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7 : Assign Files

To assign files click cursor on structure and click assignment .it will assign to file .

8: Read Data

9: Display read data

10: Convert Data

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11. Display converted data.

12. create the batch input session to create session. 13. Run the batch input session to create session.

Uploading Vendor Master data using Recording Method This tutorials details about uploading vendor master data using recording method. Go to transaction LSMW.

Click on “Create Entry”.

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Create Project:

Click on “Continue”. Create ‘Subproject’:

Click on “Continue” and create Object.

Click on Continue.

Click on Continue again.

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Select the first step “Maintain Object Attributes” and click on “Execute”.

Select the check box “Batch input Recording” and click on : Create a recording for the transaction XK01 with the required fields. In this example, only mandatory fields are used. Save the recording. <Once the recording is done, please remember to mention the field name for each field by double-clicking on it and removing the default value that appears in the recording (the default values shown are the values you entered during your recording). See the screenshot below>

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Come back to the earlier screen and mention the name of the recording.

SAVE and click on “Back”.

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Select the check box “Maintain Source Structures” and click on Execute:

Select the “Source Structures” and click on “Create”:

Click on “Continue”.

SAVE and click on “Back”.

Select the radio button “Maintain Source Fields” and click on Execute

Select the Source structure and click on “Create Field”

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In our scenario for creating vendor master records, we would define only the mandatory fields.

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Save and click on Back.

Select “Maintain Structure Relations” and click on “Execute”.

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Save and go back to the previous screen.

Now select ‘Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules’ and click Execute

Now we need to assign the relationship between source structure (of the input file) and the target structure (from the recording).

Select the field from the list and click on “assign source field”:

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Save and go back to the previous screen.

Select the option “Specify files” and click on Execute.

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Select the option “Legacy Data” (on the PC) and click on Add entry.

Provide the location of the test data file and other details as shown below:

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Click on Continue, next SAVE.

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If you get any error like this:

Then click on Converted data file, and reduce the file name.

Now select the option “Assign files” and click on Execute:

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Since we have only one file to upload, the file is already assigned to the structure.

Save and go back to the previous screen.

Now click on Read data and select Execute button

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Click on Execute

The file is successfully read.

To see the data that is read, use “Display read data” on the main screen.

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Double-click on the record.

Now come back to the main screen and select “Convert data”

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To check, if the data has successfully converted from source structure to target structure, select “Display Converted data”

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Double-click on the record.

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Now create batch input session and the run the same.

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Now run the session to upload the data.

Migrating Customer data along with relationships (CRM) using LSMW

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1   Introduction  This document provides a simple and user-friendly step-by-step approach for working with LSMW. The document mostly covers the practical usage of LSMW with respect to Batch input Recording Method.  

This document may be used to gain an insight of LSMW process in SAP CRM environment and may be used as a guide to help the consultants during the initial loading of master data into SAP database tables.  

2 LSMW  The Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW) is a tool that supports data migration from legacy systems (non-SAP systems) to SAP systems. It is a cross-platform component of the SAP system. The tool has interfaces with the Data Transfer Center and with batch input and direct input processing as well as standard interfaces BAPI and IDoc.  

The tool migrates user-defined datasets (known as objects), which are combined according to business criteria instead of individual tables or field contents. In addition to using standard import techniques, the user-specific objects can be generated.  

The LSMW supports a one-time transfer of data (initial data load) and also offers a restricted support of permanent interfaces. Thus, a periodic transfer of data is possible. The LSMW, however, does not include any functions for monitoring of permanent interfaces. The tool does not support any data export interfaces (outbound interfaces).  


Fig : LSMW-Process flow diagram   

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3 Creation of Project Hierarchy  

Use the Transaction Code LSMW to go to the initial screen. Create a project, corresponding subproject and object using Edit -> Create entry on menu bar. This is a hierarchy maintained in LSMW for all the data transfer done.  


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Fig-01: LSMW - create project hierarchy  

Create a project, subproject and an object and click on continue. The following screen is displayed with the Project hierarchy details:  


Fig-02: LSMW- Initial screen  

Once the project Hierarchy is being created, an enumeration of steps for data migration is displayed as shown in Fig-03 below.  

This can be changed depending on the requirement of the user. For this “User Menu” tab in the tool bar needs to be clicked and all the necessary steps required for data transfer need to be selected.  

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Fig-03: LSMW initial screen with user menu for selection of various steps.

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4 Step by Step Process for uploading BP master data:  The screenshot as in Fig-04 displays the fourteen steps required for loading Business partner data along with their relationships:  


Fig-04: Fourteen steps involved in LSMW  

The following pages describe each of those fourteen steps and key points to be remembered in each step. 

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4.1 Maintain Object Attributes  In this step a Recording needs to be created (using GOTO -> Recordings overview in menu bar as shown in Fig-05) using Transaction code BP.  


Fig-05: Create Recording.  

Once recordings overview is clicked the following screen as in Fig-06 will be displayed. Enter a name and description to the recording.  

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Fig-06: Enter details for the Recording. 

Enter the transaction for which the recording is to be done as shown in Fig-07  

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Fig-07: Transaction BP has been entered.  

Here the Business partner category needs to be chosen, under which the customers should be created. Click on Organization as shown in Fig-08:  

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Fig-08: Click on Organization  

Select a Grouping and a Business Partner number in that Grouping and the role under which the customers needs to be created. Enter all the necessary details for business partner that needs to be loaded from the flat file:

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Fig-09: Shows Business partner number, Grouping and Role and other details entered. “External Grouping for loading the Customers and Accounts” has been used.

Maintain relationships for the Business partner, as shown in fig-10 if relationships also need to be mapped from flat file.

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Fig-10: Displays three Relationships of BP number 1100.

Once all the details have been entered save the Business Partner and click on back icon to go to recording that we created.

Click on the fields displayed in orange color to change the name and default value of the fields. And let the other fields remain same whose values need to be defaulted to existing values.

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Fig-11: Displays the first screen of Recording ZRECORDC

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Fig-12: Displays the second screen of Recording ZRECORDC

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Fig-13: Displays the third screen of Recording ZRECORDC asking details for relationships.

Now once recording is done, this is the first step of LSMW menu where the way or method of Import needs to be decided. There are generally four choices:

1. Standard Batch/ Direct Import Method

- Direct insertion of data through Batch input programs.

2. Batch input Recording method

- In this method a Recording of the transaction needs to be created which is later run as a Batch input Session.

3. Business object Method (BAPI)

- Here the BAPI takes care of the data conversions and updating any database table. So the function module is responsible for the import of data into the system.

4. IDoc (Intermediate documents)

- Here the data is written into an IDoc and passed to the LSMW to get it imported into the system.

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However This Document discusses the import of data through Batch input Recording Method.

Fig-14: Choose the “Batch input recording” radio button and give the name of the recording that has been done earlier. Then save the object attributes.

The LSMW system has to have the prior knowledge of what kind of data it is getting from the source that has to be imported into the system. For this reason the following three steps are very important that describe the structure of the files that has to be imported.

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4.2 Maintain Source Structure Go to main menu in LSMW as shown in Fig-04 and click on second step: Maintain Source Structure and the following screen as in Fig-15 will be displayed:  

Click on create icon, enter a name and description to the source structure and click on continue. Then save the source structure and click on Back icon on the top of the screen.  


Fig-15: Entering details of source structure 

4.3  Maintain Source Fields  

Go to LSMW Menu screen as shown in Fig-04 and Go to Third step: Maintain Source Fields.  

Select the source structure that was created and click on Table maintenance as shown in Fig-16  

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Fig-16: Maintain Source Fields   

Once Table Maintenance has been clicked, enter Field name, Data type and Length of all the fields under the required structure as it will appear in the input file. Even it is important to keep the sequence of the fields according to their position in the file. Give name to the fields and save it. Fields, that have constant value like Grouping, Role etc need not be maintained in this table and those fields need not be included in the flat file.  

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Fig-17: Enter details of source fields and save  

Generally it is important to keep the data type and size of the fields same as that of the corresponding field in database table. However this might not be possible in all the cases, then the issue needs to be handled through the conversion routines. 

4.4 Maintain Structure Relations  

Go to LSMW Menu screen as shown in Fig-04 and Go to Next step: Maintain Structure Relations. The following screen as shown in Fig-18 will be displayed. Save it and go to next step.  

Structure relations are the mapping between the structures we have declared in the previous steps with the recording done. However the one to one mapping of the fields will take place in the next step. Here only the high level correspondence is shown  

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Fig-18: Structure relationship   

4.5  Maintain Filed Mapping and Conversion Rules  

In the previous step the recording is mapped to the structure. There it automatically creates a one to one correspondence with the fields of both the sides and show in this stage as tree structure. Here each source field needs to be assigned to its corresponding target field in the recording side. A simple way to do this is to select the field from recording and press the tab “Assign source field” which will give a list of fields in the source structure and then select the filed that needs to be mapped to field in recording.  

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Fig-19: Field Mapping-Initial Screen  


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Fig-20: Field Mapping-Next Screen  

To maintain constant value to a field select that field in the recording and click on Constant (Ctrl+F9) Icon as shown in Fig-20 and a constant value can be assigned to that field.  

The following fields have been assigned constant values as displayed below:  

a. Grouping : 0002(PB Number Account & Customer –External) b. Role : 000000(Business partner-General) c. Time zone: PST d. Relationship category: FBUR001 e. Overview: A

4.6 Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined Routines

Here the conversion rules for processing project data need to be defined. The system generates the conversion program from the structure and field relationships as well as the conversion rules. Customization required for migration of data also needs to be specified here. That is, fixed values and translation values can be assigned and definite variants for the conversion rules can also be specified here.


Fig-21: Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined Routines  

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4.7   Specify Files  

Once the previous step of mapping each field to the source structure has been done, the next step is mentioning the file path to be selected for importing.  


Fig-22: Specify the path for the file etc.  

Here apart from the physical path, other attributes of the file that is to be imported also need to be specified. For example if it is a comma separated or tab delimitated file and if the file contains the field name as Start of File etc.  

There are other file-paths that can be mentioned, such as the file for imported data, converted data, etc. if necessary we can choose to change the existing file path that has been defaulted.   

4.8   Assign Files  

Once the file has been specified as in previous step, this file needs to be assigned.  

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So in this step select source structure and then click on save.


Fig-23: Assign file 

4.9  Read/Import Data  

Once assign the file has been assigned, next step is to execute the program as shown in Fig-24 to import the data from the file and put in the structure maintained earlier. For reference the test file that is imported is given below. This is a tab delimitated text file with header row. When it s run, the above program gives the output as in Fig-25. However the successful import data can also be seen from the main menu.  

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Fig-24: Import / Read data  


Fig-25: Result of the execution of import program.  

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4.10 Display Read/Imported Data 

Once the data is imported, it can be displayed using this step. Once this step is selected and continue icon is clicked, system would display the following screen where all the imported data can be seen. Each row can be selected to see all the details of each customer.  


Fig-26: Display Imported/Read data    

4.11 Convert Data  

Once the data is imported to the structure then go to the next step in the main menu that is- Generate conversion program, Convert data and display converted data. The first step generates the program that converts the data imported into the structure to the structure of Recording - ZRECORDC. This take care of all the conversion earlier mentioned. This step converts the data executing above program and store it in the filename given earlier. The result is shown as in Fig-27 & Fig 28. Also the converted data can be seen as in Fig-29.  

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Fig-27: Convert Data  


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Fig-28: Converted Data  

4.12  Display Converted Data  

Once the data is converted, all the Converted data can be seen in this step. Once this step is selected and continue icon is clicked, system would display the following screen where all the Converted data can be seen. Each row can be selected to see more details of each customer.  


Fig-29: Display of Converted Data  

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4.13 Create Batch input session  

In this step a Batch input session needs to be created. For creating a Batch Input Session, Go to main menu in LSMW as shown in Fig-04 and click on next step: Create Batch input session and the following screen will be displayed. Click on execute.  


Fig-26: Intermediate screen showing the file path for creating Batch input Session.  

Once execute is clicked, system will display the following screen with the number of transactions (Business Partners) being created.  

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Fig-26: Intermediate screen showing the number of transactions created.  

4.14 Run Batch input session

This is the final step where system processes the session to get all the data upload into the database through the given transaction (here BP- creating a Business Partner). For this it takes to the session over view screen as in Fig-27 and asks about the way of execution whether it should execute in the foreground or in the back ground. So select the line item and click on process icon on top. A new window pops up as shown. Then the type of processing mode needs to be selected. Processing mode Display errors only has been used which would display any errors encountered during creating business partners.  

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Fig-27: Session overview and selection of Processing Mode.  

Once this step is processed, system will upload all the 450 Business Partners as in flat file into the respective database tables.  

In this document since BP transaction has been used, so it will create 450 Business Partners in SAP CRM Database tables. To see the Business Partner data updated in the system use Transaction SE16 and follow the steps as displayed in Fig-28, Fig-29 and Fig-30. Now all the business partners along with their relationship data can be seen that have been uploaded into the CRM System using Transaction BP.  

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Fig-28: Transaction SE16 and enter table BUT000  

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Fig-29: Intermediate screen asking for certain criteria to display Business partners. Enter the criteria and click on execute.  

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Fig-30: Business partners uploaded into SAP CRM Database tables.  

Step-By-Step Guide for LSMW using ALE/IDOC Method

Business Case:  

In Business scenario,  it  is required to upload the data  into R/3 and process the data  in the  IDOC form only. The data can be migrated to R/3 SAP system using IDOC Generation Method in LSMW. The data to be uploaded can be regarding material, vendor, customer etc.  IDOC  is the container, which stores the data  in structured  format and  is used  to communicate between R/3 systems.  IDOC structure  includes Status  Record  for  storing  status  information  of  IDOC  dispatch,  Data  Record  for  storing  data  into segments and its corresponding fields and Control Record has receiver and source system details etc.   

This document contains Step‐by‐Step instructions to use LSMW to generate and process IDOC from the data file available. In first part user‐defined IDOC structure is created and required ALE settings are done .In the Second part, this IDOC structure is used in the LSMW IDOC.   

Part One: To create IDOC structure   

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Step One:  Run transaction WE31.Create Segment with name ‘ZEMP_SEG’.   


Step Two:    Input the fields for the segment structure, which would be required  in LSMW for mapping purpose.   


Step Three: Now, Go to Edit ‐> Set Release, so that you can use this segment in the R/3 system further. 


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Step Four: Run transaction ‘we30’ and enter IDOC structure name we want to create. 


Here, IDOC structure name is ‘ZEMP_IDC’. 

 Step Five:  

(A)Add segment created earlier to this IDOC type ‘ZEMP_IDC’.   


The maximum and minimum repetitions can be from 000000000000 to 99999999999. 

Choose any number rang as per requirement.   

Now, Go back to earlier page and Click Edit‐> Set Release.   

(B)Create new Message type in transaction ‘WE81’. 

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(C) Attach message type and IDOC type with the help of transaction ‘WE82’. 


Step Six: Go to transaction ‘SALE’. Click as marked in red color. 


Now add two logical system names for sender and receiver ex. IDC64 and IDC87.   

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Step Seven: Now assign clients to the logical systems created.

Select the client of your current system as per decision to make that system sender or receiver.

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After clicking on to Goto->Details , you come to following screen. Input receiver system ‘IDC87’ to client 800.

Here in our LSMW using IDOC method, no need to assign client to sender as we are doing Inbound IDOC Processing (i.e. Receiver side).

Step Eight: Run transaction ‘WE21’ to create File port. Give directory name as the location of your file to be read. Give dummy name for ‘Outbound file’ field.

Step Nine: Run ‘SM59’ transaction to create RFC connection. Please make sure here connection type

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is ‘T’ for TCP/IP .

Step Ten: Run transaction ‘WE20’ to create partner profile for partner of receiver system (IDC87) i.e. sender system (IDC64).

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Step Eleven: Create process code using ‘WE42’.

After saving this data, you go screen as below to attach function module to the process code. The process code is the representation of the function module for inbound idoc processing.

Step Twelve: Now you can use this process code in the inbound parameters of the partner’s profile.

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Part Two:

Following are the steps to be performed on LSMW side.

Step One:

Enter the project, sub-project and Object name for our scenario.

Step Two:

Click the first radio button ‘Maintain Object Attributes’ , execute and enter the message name and IDOC name into the screen as follows.

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Step Three:

Click radio button ‘Maintain Source Structures’ and execute to create new source structure as follows.

Step Four:

Click radio button ‘Maintain Source Fields’ and execute to enter the fields in the source structure. Here these fields are same as the fields in segment of the IDOC created earlier.

Step Five:

Click radio button ‘Maintain Structure Relations’ and execute to create relationship between source and target structure. Here target structure is Message type ‘ZEMP_MSG’.

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Step Six:

Click radio button ‘Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules’ and execute to create field mapping and a conversion rules between source structure and target structure.

Step Seven:

Click radio button ‘Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined Routines’ and execute to assign fixed values to any field, to call user defined routines etc. These activities are not required in our scenario.

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Step Eight:

Click radio button ‘Specify Files’ and execute to assign file on the local workstation to the LSMW to read. The file has contents as shown below.

And now we specify the location of file here.

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Step Nine:

Click radio button ‘Specify Files’ and execute to specify file to source structure as follows.

Step Ten:

Click radio button ‘Read Data’ and execute to read file from local workstation as per path specified.

Step Eleven:

Click radio button ‘Display Read Data’ and execute to display data just read.

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Step Twelve:

Click radio button ‘Convert Data’ and execute to create a file with extension ‘.conv ’.

Step Thirteen:

Click radio button ‘Display Converted Data’ and execute to display the converted data.

Step Fourteen:

Click radio button ‘Start IDoc Generation’ and execute to generate the IDOC from the data provided and structure mapping done earlier in this document. For this purpose, we cam use the

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converted file in step twelve. After successful generation of IDOC, below shown message is displayed.

Step Fifteen:

Click radio button ‘Start IDoc Processing’ and execute to process the IDOC by inputting necessary selection parameters.

Step Sixteen:

Click radio button ‘Create IDoc Overview’ and execute to show status and details of IDOC generated. This screen is similar to ‘WE02’ or ‘WE05’ transaction.

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Here , as you can see , the status of IDOC is OK (Green color Bubble) and hence confirms successful processing of IDOC.

Step Seventeen:

Click radio button ‘Start IDoc Follow-Up’ and execute to reprocess the IDOC if not posted or generated properly initially.

Uploading Purchase Info records using IDOC Method

Requirement is to convert Purchase info records data from an excel sheet into SAP ECC using IDOC.

Step1 : Create project using transaction LSMW .

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Step2: Select maintain attributes Radio Button:

Step3: Maintain attributes

Select IDOC radio button and give "Message Type and " Basic Type".

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Click on Save .

Step4: Activating IDOC Inbound processing.

The following screen shots explain the activating IDOC Inbound processing.

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Click " IDOC inbound processing “ under settings.

Here maintain ' port ' and 'partner type ' and partner number here and press 'Activate Idoc inbound processing ".

Here for message type "SRCLST” process code is "SRCL”. This has to maintain while maintaining partner type.

Step5: Maintain source structures

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Click on "Maintain source structures “ Radio Button. Click on source structures and then click on create.

Step6: Maintain Source fields

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Step7: Maintain structure relations

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Click on structure relation and click on relation ship as shown above to maintain relationship.

Step8: Maintain field mapping

And press F8.

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Extras -> Auto field mapping. Press enter until you get a popup message field mapping completed.

Step9: Specify Files

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Click on legacy data while taking file from presentation server and click create.

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Step10: Assign files:

Step 11: Read data:

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Step12: Display Read data:

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Step13: Convert Data:

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Step14: Start IDOC generation:

We will get popup like this

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Click on

Step 15: Create IDOC overview:

We will get idocs created for such records.

For e.g as shown below.

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Here the status "GREEN" means IDOC got posted in status 53.

Uploading Bank data using BAPI in LSMW

This tutorial illustrates the usage of BAPI method in the LSMW, a tool provided by SAP for migrating the data from Legacy Systems into SAP.

This example demonstrates the migration of BANK data into SAP In ECC6.0.

The various entities used for this example:

1. Business Object: BUS10111

2. Method: Create

3. Message Type: BANK_CREATE

4. Basic Type: BANK_CREATE_01

5. Process code: BAPI

1.Execute T-Code BAPI.

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2. Go to transaction LSMW.

Provide Project, subproject, object.

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From menu bar->settings->IDOC inbound processing.

Then it displays the following screen.

Click on Maintain port provide select port type FILE and click on create

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Provide Port name as FILE_PORT.

Description Port for Transferring Data


Click on save.

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Then it displays our created FILE_PORT as Below.

Back and provide Port name as we created FILE_PORT.

And partner type as LS.

NOTE: Before Providing Partner no go to transaction SALE and do the following settings.

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Enter Provide Logical system name as we created.

And save.

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Click on Maintain Partner Numbers.

Select partner type as LS and click on create

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Provide Partner no as LSMW_BAPI.

Partn Type LS.

Click on SAVE.

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PROVIDE Partner number as LSMW_BAPI.

Click on Activate Inbound IDOC Processing.

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Click on YES.

Now go back to the main screen.

Then it Displays the following screen.

NOTE: Then it shows a screen With 17 Steps, which are to be executed sequentially as below.


Maintain Object Attributes.

And execute (ctrl+F8).

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Select Business Object Method (BAPI) , Provide Business Object and Method

And press Enter.

NOTE: Make sure that Message type and Basic type Comes Automatically.


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Maintain Source structures and Execute.

Select Source Structure and click on create Provide source structure name and Description.

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Enter and Save.



Maintain Source Fields

Select Source Structure and click on Table Maintenance as shown below.

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Provide Fieldnames, type, length, and description.

Save and go back to the previous screen.


Maintain Structure Relations.

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Create Relationships as shown below.


Maintain Field mapping and conversion Rules.


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Select BANK_CTRY, BANK_KEY,BANK_NAME and click on source field.

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Now Double click on corresponding fields from the above popup window.

Then the field mapping will be as shown below.

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Save and Back.


Leave the step 6.


Specify Files.

Click on Execute

Double click on Legacy Data.

Select file and Provide Name.

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Assign Files.

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Execute and Save.


Read Data.

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10.Display Read Data.


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Convert Data.

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Go back to the previous screen.

STEP 12.

Display Convert Data.

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Start IDOC Generation.


And Execute.

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Start IDOC Processing.


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NOTE: Observe that Data was Posted into Database successfully.


Create IDOC overview.

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Double click on IDOC Number.

Double click on second IDOC number

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Back and Back.

STEP 16.

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Start IDOC follow-up.

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Test the posted data in the database table.

Go to SE11

Check the Database table BNKA.

Using BAPI in LSMW

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Step‐by‐Step Guide for using BAPI in LSMW

Note! The screen prints in this article are from ECC 5.0. They may differ slightly in other versions.     


This  document  details  the  usage  of  BAPI  in  LSMW. We  have  used  the  example  of migration  of  the purchase order data into SAP.   


It  is  assumed  that  the  reader  of  this  article  has  the minimum  knowledge  required  on  the  Business Object, BAPI, Message Types and IDoc Types.   

Step‐by‐Step Procedure: 

Details of the BAPI used in this scenario: 

Business Object: BUS2012 

Method:   CreateFromData   

Details of Message Type and Basic IDoc Type: 

Message Type:     PORDCR 

Basic IDoc Type: PORDCR02   

Let’s have a look at the BAPI first, before proceeding to the LSMW: 

1. Go to Transaction BAPI 2. Click on Search Button 3. Enter the value “BUS2012” and select “Obj.type(Technical Object Name”

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4. Press ENTER 5. Following screen appears:

6. On the left side of the screen, Expand the “PurchaseOrder”. 7. Select “PurchaseOrder” and double-click on the same for details.

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Building LSMW using BAPI:   

1.      Go to Transaction LSMW. 

2.      Enter the Project, Subproject and Object information and click on CREATE. 

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3.      Enter the descriptions for Project, Subproject and Object as prompted. 




4.      Now select Settings   IDoc Inbound Processing 

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5. “IDoc Inbound Processing” screen appears. Enter the required details as shown below:

6. Click on “Activate IDoc Inbound Processing”.

7. Click on “Yes” when prompted for “Activate IDoc Inbound?”

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8. Hit on “Back” to return to the main screen.

9. Click on Continue (F8). Following Screen appears:

10. Select the Step 1 “Maintain Object Attributes” and select “Execute”.

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11. Select the radio button “Business Object Method” and enter the following details:

Business Object: BUS2012

Method: CreateFromData


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12. Save and click on BACK button. Following information message is displayed.

13. Now select step 2 “Maintain Source Structures” and click “Execute”.

14. In this step, we need to maintain the source structure. In our example, lets consider the example of a file with 2 structures Head and Item data as shown below:

Click on Create and name the source structure as HEADERDATA. Now select HEADERDATA and click on “Create” again to create the child structure. Following popup appears:

Select “Lower Level” and click on Continue. Enter the Item data structure name.

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Click Save and hit BACK button to go to the main screen.

15. Select step 3 “Maintain Source Fields” and hit execute.

16. Enter the fields as shown below:

17. Click SAVE and return to main screen.

18. Select step 4 “Maintain Structure Relations” and click Execute.

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Select E1PORDCR and click on CREATE RelationShip. Following screen appears:


Similarly do the same for the structure E1BPEKKOA, E1BPEKPOC and E1BPPEKET.

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Click Save and return to main screen.

19. Select the step “Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules” and click on execute. Maintain the Field Mapping as seen below:

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20. Select step 7 “Maintain Source Files” and provide the link for the test file created. (Create a test file with the same structure as defined earlier).

Save and return to main screen.

21. Select the step “Assign Files” and click on Execute.

Assign the file provided to the source structure. Here the same file is provided for both the structures.

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Save and return to the main screen.

22. Select the step “Read Data” and click on Execute.

Click on Execute.

Return to the main screen.

23. Select the step “Display read data” and click on execute.

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Click on the structure name to get the field level values.

24. Return to main screen and now select “Convert Data”.

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25. Return to the main screen and select “Display Converted data”.

26. Return to main screen and select “Start IDoc generation”.

27. Now select the step “Start IDoc Processing” on the main screen.

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28. Return to main screen and click on “Create IDoc overview”. Here the data record and status records of the IDoc could be viewed:

Uploading Material Master data using BAPI method in LSMW

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Step1: Use the transaction code LSMW to upload the data using Legacy System Migration Work Bench. Here in this scenario, uploading Material Master Data using BAPI.

Provide descriptions for Project, Subproject and Object respectively. And press execution button.

Step2: Select Settings -> IDOC Inbound Processing

Step3: “IDOC Inbound Processing” screen appears. Enter the required details as shown below:

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Step4: Define port and partner profile.

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Now come back to initial screen and click execute button.

Step5: The following screen appears.

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Step6: Select step1 ‘Maintain Object Attributes’ and Execute.

Provide business object details

Provide Method

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Save and click BACK button.

Step7: Now select step2 ‘Maintain Source Structure’ and click execute button.

Step8: Place the cursor on Source structure and click create. Provide name and description

Save and click BACK button.

Step9: Select step3 ‘Maintain Source Fields’ and click execute button.

Press create button and provide details for Field Name, Field Description and Field Length.

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Step10: Enter all required fields as shown below.

Save and back to main screen.

Step 11: Select step4 ‘’Maintain Source Relations’.

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Save and click BACK button.

Step12: Select step5 ‘Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules’.

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Step13: Select step7 ‘Specify Files’. Create a test file with the same structure as defined earlier.

Save and return to main screen.

Step14: Select step8 ‘Assign Files’ and click execute.

Assign File Structure to Source Structure.

Save and return to main screen.

Step15: Select step9 ‘Read Data’ and click execute.

Click Execute button.

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Click BACK button and return to main screen.

Step16: Select step10 ‘Display Read Data’ and execute.

Step17: Select step11 ‘Convert Data’ and execute.

Click execution button.

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Step18: Select step12 ‘Display Converted Data’ and execute.

Step19: Select step13 ‘3 Start IDoc Generation’.

Click the execution button.

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Step20: Select step 14 ‘Start IDoc Processing’.

And click execute button.

Step21: Select the step 15 ‘Create IDoc Overview’.

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Check the data in the data records.

Step-by-Step Guide for using LSMW to Update Customer Master Records

Note! The screenprints in this article are from IDES Release 4.6. They may differ slightly in other versions.

Call Legacy System Migration Workbench by entering transaction code LSMW. Every conversion task is grouped together as Project / Subproject / Object structure. Create a Project called LSMW_DEMO and a Subproject as CUSTOMERS and Object as CUST_REC as shown in Figure 1.

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Figure 1 Conversion Task with Project, Subproject and Object

The main screen of LSMW provides wizard-like step-by-step tasks, as shown in Figure 2. To complete your data conversion, you need to execute these steps in sequence. Once a step is executed, the cursor is automatically positioned to the next step.

Note that these steps may look different depending upon your Personal menu settings. You could make step numbers visible by ‘Numbers on’ icon or hidden by ‘Numbers off’ icon. You can execute a step by double-clicking on the row. Toggle icon ‘Doubleclick=Display’ or ‘Doubleclick=Edit’, makes the step in ‘display’ mode or ‘change’ mode.

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Figure 2 LSMW Wizard – initial screen

Step 1: Maintain Object attributes

In this example, you will be updating the customer master records with the help of recording a transaction (XD02). Choose radio button Batch Input Recording and click on the recording overview icon to record the R/3 transaction. Enter the Recording name as XD02_REC, the description as Customer Master Updates Recording, and the transaction code as XD02.

Figure 3 Object type ‘Transaction Recording’

The system calls the transaction code XD02 and prompts you to complete the Change

Customer transaction, as shown in Figure 4. Enter the key customer information (I entered customer number 1000, sales organization 1000, distribution channel 01, and division 00) and choose ‘Sales’ view within ‘Sales area data’. Make changes to these three fields (I entered, sales office 1010, sales group 110, and customer group 01) and save the transaction.

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Figure 4 Transaction recording for Transaction Code ‘XD02’

Once the transaction is completed, R/3 records the flow of screens and fields and saves the information, as shown in Figure 5.

Default Values

Field Names

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Figure 5 Transaction recording overview

Note that the fields are populated with default values. The values you entered when you recorded the transaction are set by default.

Note that if you have more fields in the recording than needed, you can remove them by clicking

‘Remove Screen field’ icon.

Observe that the transaction-recording process stores field names in a technical format. By pressing the F1 key on individual screen fields and then pressing the F9 key, the system displays technical names. You then can replace the technical names with descriptive names. Double-click on the field RF02D-KUNNR and enter the name as KUNNR and the description as Customer Account Number and remove the default value. (See Figure 6.)

Figure 6 Field attributes

Similarly, double-click on all other fields with default values and make appropriate changes. Once you have made changes, the recording overview screen looks like what you see in Figure 7.

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Figure 7 Transaction Recording Overview – with screen field attributes

Save your changes. When you go back to the initial screen, you will see that the initial screen steps have changed. Since you want to import data via the BDC method, the Direct Input and IDoc-related steps are hidden, as they are not relevant.

Step 2. Maintain Source Structures

Give a name and a description to the source structure (Figure 8).

Figure 8 Source Structure

Step 3. Maintain Source Fields

In this step, you need to list what fields are present in the source structure. The easiest way is to

click on ‘Table Maintenance’ icon to enter Fieldname, Type and Length for each field as shown in Figure 9.

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Figure 9 Source fields of source Structure

Note that your input file will have four fields as key fields and you need to update three fields in the system.

Step 4: Maintain Structure Relations

Execute a step to ‘Maintain Structure Relations’. (See Figure 10.) Since, there is only one Source and Target Structure, the relationship is defaulted automatically.

Figure 10 Structure Relation

Step 5: Maintain field mapping and conversion rules

Field RF02D-D0310 represents that you chose ‘Sales view’ for the customer Master screen accordingly its value should be set to X. Keep your cursor on field RF02D-D0310 and click on Constant rule icon to choose the constant value of ‘X’.

If your source file already has the field value, you choose rule ‘Source Field’.

Keep cursor on field ‘KUNNR’ and click on ‘Assign Source field’ icon to choose source field CUSTOMER from structure XD02S as shown in Figure 11.

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Figure 11 Assign source fields

Similarly, assign ‘Source Field’ rules to the remaining fields.

Once all the fields are mapped, you should have an overview screen as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12 Field mapping and Conversion rules overview

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Step 6: Maintain fixed values, translations, user-defined routines

You can also maintain re-usable translations and user-defined routines, which can be used across conversion tasks. In this case, that step is not required.

Step 7: Specify files

In this step, we define how the layout of the input file is. The input file is a [Tab] delimited with the first row as field names. It is present on my PC (local drive) as C:\XD02.txt. (See Figure 13.)

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Figure 13 File attributes

Create an Excel file (Figure 14) with your data and save it as a Tab-delimited text file on your local drive (C:\) and name it XD02.txt.

Figure 14 Source data in Excel file (saved as Tab delimited file)

Step 8: Assign files

Execute step ‘Assign Files’ (Figure 15) and the system automatically defaults the filename to the source structure.

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Figure 15 Assign file to Source Structure

Step 9: Read data

In this step, LSMW reads the data (Figure 16) from the source file (from your PC’s local drive). You have the option to read only selected rows and convert data values to Internal format.

Figure 16 Read Data

Step 10: Display read data

This step (Figure 17) is optional. If required, you can review the field contents for the rows of data read.

Figure 17 Display Read Data

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Step 11: Convert data

This is the step that actually converts the source data (in source format) to a target format. Based on the conversion rules defined, source fields are mapped to target fields.

Step 12: Display Converted data

Again this is an optional step to view how the source data is converted to internal SAP format (Figure 18).

Figure 18 Display Converted Data

Step 13: Create batch input session

Once the source data is converted in an internal format, you can create a batch session to process updates (Figure 19).

Figure 19 Create Batch Input Session

Step 14: Run Batch Input Session

You can execute the BDC session by Run Batch input session. Executing a batch input session is a standard SM35 transaction for managing BDC sessions. Once you have successfully executed the batch input session,

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the customer master records are updated in the system. You can confirm this by viewing the customer master records (XD03).

Note! Browsing thru these 14 steps, you may get a feeling that this is a very lengthy and time-consuming activity. However, for the purposes of demonstration, I have made it detailed. Although it looks lengthy, actually it takes hardly few hours from start-to-finish! After playing around with few simple LSMW scripts, you will find it so easy to change and create more complex ones.

Uploading Material master data using recording method of LSMW

Step1: Use the transaction code LSMW to upload the data using Legacy System Migration Work Bench. Here in this scenario, uploading Material Master Data using Batch Input Recording.

Step2: Click the create button on ‘Main screen’ and provide descriptions for Project, Subproject and Object. And click execution button.

The following screen appears.

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Step3: Select step1 ‘Maintain Object Attributes’ and execute.

Provide the Recording name as shown below.

Click Recording over view button.

Step4: Select create button and provide recording name and descriptions.

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Step5: Recording as shown below.

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Save and return to main screen.

Step6: Now select step2 ‘Maintain Source Structure’ and click execute button.

Step7: Place the cursor on Source structure and click create. Provide name and description

Save and click BACK button.

Step8: Select step3 ‘Maintain Source Fields’ and click execute button.

Press create button and provide details for Field Name, Field Description and Field Length.

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Step9: Enter all required fields as shown below

Save and click BACK button.

Step10: Select step4 ‘’Maintain Source Relations’.

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Save and click BACK button.

Step11: Select step5 ‘Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules’.

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Save and click BACK button.

Step12: Select step7 ‘Specify Files’. Create a test file with the same structure as defined earlier.

Save and return to main screen.

Step13: Select step8 ‘Assign Files’ and click execute.

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Assign File Structure to Source Structure.

Save and return to main screen.

Step14: Select step9 ‘Read Data’ and click execute.

Click Execute button again.

Click BACK button and return to main screen.

Step15: Select step10 ‘Display Read Data’ and execute.

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Select .

Click BACK button and return to main screen.

Step16: Select step11 ‘Convert Data’ and execute.

And click the execute button again.

Click BACK button and return to main screen.

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Step17: Select step12 ‘Display Converted Data’ and execute.

And press ENTER.

Click BACK button and return to main screen.

Step18: Select step13 ‘Create Batch Input Session’ and execute.

And click execute button.

Step19: Select step14 ‘Run Batch Input Session’ and execute.

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Process session to create Material.

LSMW to Update Customer Master Records with Standard Object

Step‐by‐Step Guide for using LSMW to Update Customer Master Records

Note! The screenprints in this article are from IDES Release 4.6. They may differ slightly in other versions.   

As an alternative to using ‘Transaction Recording’, you could also use a standard SAP object to update

Customer Master Records. Business Object ‘0050’ is already pre-defined in the system with standard Batch

Input Interface Program ‘RFBIDE00’.

Create an Object CUST_OBJ within Project as LSMW_DEMO and Subproject as CUSTOMERS as shown in

Figure 20.

Figure 20  LSMW Object with Standard SAP Object 

 Note! Only steps that are different from the recording method are listed here. 

 Step 1: Maintain Object attributes 

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You will be updating  the  customer master  records with  the help of  Standard Batch  Input;  therefore, choose  radio‐button  Standard  Batch/Direct  Input  as  shown  in  Figure  21.  Enter  Object  ‘0050’  for Customer Master records and default method ‘0000’ and click on Save.   

Figure 21 Standard Batch/Direct Input Object Attributes

Step 4: Maintain Structure Relations

Sales  view  of  Customer Master  is  stored  in  table  KNVV.  Accordingly,  you  need  to  update  structure BKNVV. However,  in addition,  the Standard Object  ‘0050’ also requires updates  to BGR00, BKN00 and BKNA1  structures.  (If you do not maintain Structure  relations  for mandatory entries, you might get a message such as ‘Target structure BKNA1 needs a relation to a source structure’.)  

Even though you don’t want to update any fields in these structures, you need to create a relationship with source structures. In all, you need to create relationship for four target structures.   

Create  relationship  between  source  structures  XD02S with  these  target  structures with  icon  ‘Create 

Relationship’  .   

Keep Cursor on these  four target structures and click on  icon  ‘Create Relation’ and structure relations are maintained as shown in Figure 22.   

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Figure 22 Structure Relation

Step 5: Maintain field mapping and conversion rules

-- Keep your cursor on ‘TCODE’ field and click on ‘Insert Rule’ icon

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Figure 23 LSMW Conversion Rules 

 Choose radio button ‘Constant’ (Figure 23) to enter value ‘XD02’ transaction code. 

 ‐‐ Keep your cursor on field ‘KUNNR’ and click on ‘Assign source field’ icon   

 Choose source field ‘Customer’ from source structure ‘XD02S’. (See Figure 24.) 


Figure 24 Assign Source fields

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 ‐‐ Similarly, choose source fields for Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, and Division. (See Figure 25.)

Figure 25 Field Mapping and Conversion Rules

 ‐‐  Scroll  down  to  structure  BKNVV  fields  and  assign  source  fields  to  three  fields  Sales Office,  Sales Group, and Customer Group (Figure 26). 

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Figure 26 Field Mapping and Conversion Rules

 Save and go back to main screen.

 Step 12: Display Converted data 

When  you  convert  data,  LSMW  automatically  converts  into  the  appropriate  structure  layouts,  as required by Standard program (RFBIDE00). (See Figure 27). 


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Figure 27 Converted data into multiple structures

 Note that if you had only one record in source file, the converted file has four records.

 Earlier, creating this input file, so that the standard interface program can read it, was a big nightmare, the primary reason being that  it could have multiple record  layouts. Even for a simple conversion with one input record, you would have to create this complex file with many record layouts. The advantage of LSMW is that it prepares these multi‐layout files automatically. 

Step 13: Create batch input session 

Once source data is converted in internal format, you can create a BDC session to process the updates (Figures 28 and 29).   


Figure 28 Create BDC Session  

Figure 29 BDC Session ‘CUST_OBJ’ created

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Uploading Material master data using Direct input method

Step1: Use the transaction code LSMW to upload the data using Legacy System Migration Work Bench. Here in this scenario, uploading Material Master Data using Direct Input Method.

Step2: Provide the following details as shown and enter CREATE BUTTON.

Project : YPRO_MAT

Subproject : YSUB_MAT

Object : YPBT_MAT

After providing the all information, Press Execute button.

Step3: The following screen appears.

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Step4: Select step1 ‘Maintain Object Attributes’ and Execute.

Provide the Object and Method details as shown below.

Save and click BACK button.

Step5: Now select step2 ‘Maintain Source Structure’ and click execute button.

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Step6: Place the cursor on Source structure and click create. Provide name and description

Save and click BACK button.

Step7: Select step3 ‘Maintain Source Fields’ and click execute button.

Press create button and provide details for Field Name, Field Description and Field Length.

Step6: Select step1 ‘Maintain Object Attributes’ and Execute.

Provide business object details

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Provide Method

Save and click BACK button.

Step7: Now select step2 ‘Maintain Source Structure’ and click execute button.

Step8: Place the cursor on Source structure and click create. Provide name and description

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Save and click BACK button.

Step9: Select step3 ‘Maintain Source Fields’ and click execute button.

Press create button and provide details for Field Name, Field Description and Field Length.

Step10: Enter all required fields as shown below.

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Save and back to main screen.

Step 11: Select step4 ‘’Maintain Source Relations’.

Save and click BACK button.

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Step12: Select step5 ‘Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules’.

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Step13: Select step7 ‘Specify Files’. Create a test file with the same structure as defined earlier.

Save and return to main screen.

Step14: Select step8 ‘Assign Files’ and click execute.

Assign File Structure to Source Structure.

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Save and return to main screen.

Step15: Select step9 ‘Read Data’ and click execute.

Click Execute button.

Click BACK button and return to main screen.

Step16: Select step10 ‘Display Read Data’ and execute.

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Step17: Select step11 ‘Convert Data’ and execute.

Click execution button.

Step18: Select step12 ‘Display Converted Data’ and execute.

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Step19: Select step13 ‘3 Start IDoc Generation’.

Click the execution button.

Step20: Select step 14 ‘Start IDoc Processing’.

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And click execute button.

Step21: Select the step 15 ‘Create IDoc Overview’.

Check the data in the data records.

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Differences between LSMW and BDC

Batch Data Communication (BDC) is the oldest batch interfacing technique that SAP provided since the early versions of R/3. BDC is not a typical integration tool, in the sense that, it can be only be used for uploading data into R/3 and so it is not bi-directional. BDC works on the principle of simulating user input for transactional screen, via an ABAP program. Typically the input comes in the form of a flat file. The ABAP program reads this file and formats the input data screen by screen into an internal table (BDCDATA). The transaction is then started using this internal table as the input and executed in the background. In Call Transaction, the transactions are triggered at the time of processing itself and so the ABAP program must do the error handling. It can also be used for real-time interfaces and custom error handling & logging features. Whereas in Batch Input Sessions, the ABAP program creates a session with all the transactional data, and this session can be viewed, scheduled and processed (using Transaction SM35) at a later time. The latter technique has a built-in error processing mechanism too. Batch Input (BI) programs still use the classical BDC approach but doesnt require an ABAP program to be written to format the BDCDATA. The user has to format the data using predefined structures and store it in a flat file. The BI program then reads this and invokes the transaction mentioned in the header record of the file.

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Direct Input (DI) programs work exactly similar to BI programs. But the only difference is, instead of processing screens they validate fields and directly load the data into tables using standard function modules. For this reason, DI programs are much faster (RMDATIND - Material Master DI program works at least 5 times faster) than the BDC counterpart and so ideally suited for loading large volume data. DI programs are not available for all application areas. LSMW is an encapsulated data transfer tool. It can provide the same functionality as BDC infact much more but when coming to techinical perspective most the parameters are encapulated. To listout some of the differences :

• LSMW is basicaly designed for a fuctional consultant who do not do much coding but need to explore the fuctionality while BDC is designed for a technical consultant.

• LSMW offers different techinque for migrating data: Direct input ,BAPI,Idoc,Batch input recording. While bdc basically uses recording.

• LSMW mapping is done by SAP while in BDC we have to do it explicitly . • LSMW is basically for standard SAP application while bdc basically for customized application. • Coding can be done flexibly in BDC when compared to LSMW

Steps to copy LSMW from one client to another

LSMW’s can be copied  from one client  to another client by using  the Export and  Import option.  

The steps are detailed below.

Export Project

In  the  initial screen of  the LSMW, select Extras   Export project. This  first displays  the structure 

tree of the selected project. Via Select / Deselect you can select whether the entire project or parts 

of the project are exported. Then select Export. The program then creates an ASCII file. 

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The selected elements are exported together with their documentation.

Import Project

The exported mapping and rules can be imported into another SAP system by using Import Project


On the selection screen, select Extras ‐> Import. The program then prompts you to enter the name 

of  the PC  file. The  file  is  imported and  the contents are analyzed. After  the analysis, a  list of  the 

subprojects and objects found is displayed.

You  can now mark  the objects  to be  imported. Project data  existing  already  are  check‐marked. 

They are overwritten by the import. 

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You can prevent a project already existing  in  the  target  system  from being overwritten by using 

function "Import under different name".  

Modifying BAPI to fit custom requirements in LSMW

A Typical Business Scenario:

Consider a scenario where the existing BAPI function module doesn’t cater to your needs and you 

need  to make  some  changes  to  the  code.  You  can  take  a  copy of  the BAPI  function module  to 

achieve the functionality.   In this case we also need to take a copy of the Business object and the 

steps are as follows.

1. Copy the original function module and make necessary changes 2. Take a copy of the Business object and assign the new function module to the corresponding

method. 3. Create ALE interface. 4. Create Partner Profile

Consider the below example for detailed explanation of all the steps required.  


Materials  can be uploaded by using  a BAPI  function module BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA. The 

corresponding business object is BUS1001006.  

Consider a case The Material Upload LSMW’s that can be created using a BAPI function module

(BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA) for creating different material views. Now there is a requirement,

which demands for some changes in the function module. Then the following steps are to be


Business Object: 

1.       Copy the original function module BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA as

ZBAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA. Make necessary code changes to the function module


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2.       Copy the Business Object BUS1001006 as ZMATERIAL using the transaction SWO1 as shown


3. Now we need  to  include our custom  function module  (ZBAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA)  in  the SAVEREPLICA  method  of  the  business  object  as  shown  below.  

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4.      Generate and Release the Business object (ZMATERIAL). 

 Generate ALE Interface:   

5.      Goto transaction BDBG to generate ALE  interface for the BAPI. Create the  interface as shown below.   

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6.      The message type, IDOC type and the inbound function module are created.   


7.  Go to transaction LSMW and on the initial screen, click on SETTINGS   iDoc Inbound Processing.  Maintain the Port and Partner Profile by entering the Port and Partner number and Partner Type. 

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Using Routines and exception handling in LSMW

Step1: Use the transaction code LSMW to upload the data using Legacy System Migration Work Bench. Here in this scenario describes routines and exception handling.

Click execute button.

Step2: The following screen appears.

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Save and click BACK button.

Step3: Select step1 ‘Maintain Object Attributes’ and Execute.

Provide the Object and Method details as shown below.

Save and click BACK button.

Step4: Now select step2 ‘Maintain Source Structure’ and click execute button.

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Step5: Place the cursor on Source structure and click create. Provide name and description

Save and click BACK button.

Step6: : Select step3 ‘Maintain Source Fields’ and click execute button.

Press create button and provide details for Field Name, Field Description and Field Length.

Step7: Enter all required fields as shown below.

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Save and click BACK button.

Step8: : Select step4 ‘’Maintain Source Relations’.

Save and click BACK button.

Step9: Select step5 ‘Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules’.

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Step10: Place the cursor on the desired field and click fixed value button on application tool bar. Choose the valid value in the VALUE field. And click ENTER button.

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Now the screen appears like this.

Step11: Place the cursor on the field for which we want to translate and click the RULE on the Application tool bar. Select Translate radio button.

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Step12: Provide name and press enter.

Step13: Now perform statement appears in the field as shown.

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Here, SKIP_TRANSACTION function is used to control not to create ERRORNESS record.

Step14: Select step6 ‘Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined Routines’ and execute.

Double click on G_MEINS. Then the following screen appears. Made the changes in length as per our requirement.

Step15: Now, go to TRANSLATION VALUE tab strip.

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Step16: Select step7 ‘Specify Files’. Create a test file with the same structure as defined earlier.

Step17: Select step8 ‘Assign Files’ and click execute.

Assign File Structure to Source Structure.

Step18: Select step9 ‘Read Data’ and click execute.

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Click Execute button again.

Click BACK button and return to main screen.

Step19: Select step10 ‘Display Read Data’ and execute.

Select .

Step20: Select step11 ‘Convert Data’ and execute.

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And click the execute button again.

Click BACK button and return to main screen.

Step21: Select step12 ‘Display Converted Data’ and execute.

And press ENTER.

Click BACK button and return to main screen.

Step22: Select step13 ‘Start Direct Input Program’ and execute.

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Click ENTER.

Validations in LSMW

Requirement: Validation in LSMW. Here we are taking a simple example to change the customer telephone number. Do the validation in LSMW to check whether the provided customer is valid or not. We will handle the Validations in 5th step (Maintain field mapping and conversion rules) of LSMW. If the customer is invalid collect the record to the error internal table and skip the further processing of the record. Download all the error customers into an excel file once the conversion of the all the customers is done. This example mainly will help you to write the custom code in LSMW.

Create the Project, Subproject and Object in the LSMW Transaction.

1. Maintain Object Attributes

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Do the recording to change the customer telephone number.

2. Maintain Source Structures

Create the source structure - CUST_DETAILS

3. Maintain Source Fields

Maintain the source fields as per the input file. Here we are taking only Customer and Telephone number as our flat file contains only those two fields shown blow.

4. Maintain Structure Relations

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5. Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules

We will do the validation in this step. Execute this step. Go to the change mode.

Click on the button (layout) and select all the check boxes.

Double click on Global Data (this block is like Global data in normal ABAP programs), will get an ABAP editor. Declare the required fields and Internal tables here as shown below.

Validate the customer:

Double click on BEGIN_OF_TRANSACTION block (this block will trigger for every new transaction), and write the validation code as shown below.

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We can validate the given customer by checking the table KNA1. If the customer is invalid, then append the Customer to the error internal table with appropriate message. Skip further execution of the record using the Global function skip_transaction (Insert->Global Function-> skip_transaction). This statement will skip the current record and goes to the next record.

Download the Error records:

Double click on the END_OF_PROCESSING block (this block will trigger after conversion of all the transactions), and write the code to download and display the error records as shown below.

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The error records will download to the specified file path when we execute the convert data step and same will be displayed.

6. Specify Files

Specify the input file

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7. Assign Files

Assign the file and save.

8. Read Data

Execute the read data step to read the input file data.

9. Display Read Data [optional]

10. Convert Data

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The validations will take place when we execute the convert data step. The error records will download to the specified file path if there any and same will be displayed here as shown below.

And the snap shot downloaded excel wile is

11) Further continue with the processing (Create batch input session and Run batch input Session) to update the valid customers.

Uploading long text for Material Master 'Purchase Order Text"

Requirement: Loading the purchasing long text for the given materials.

The flat file in our example contains the long text for multiple materials. The header record contains the material information (Material Number and Text ID) and is identified by the starting character ‘H’. The item records contain the long text to be uploaded for the material and the starting character ‘I’ identifies the record. See the screenshot below:

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Create a Project, Subproject and Object in the LSMW transaction

1. Maintain Object Attributes

Select the standard direct input method

Object - 0001

Method - 0001

2. Maintain Source Structures

Create two structures one for Header and one for Item. The item structure will be at lower level for the Header

3. Maintain Source Fields

Define the fields as per the flat file structure. In both the structures the first field must be identifier. Create the identifier field of character 1 and specify the identifying field content 'H' for

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header structure and 'I' for item stricture as shown below.

Here the Field LINE of item structure is char 132, so each text line from the input file must be less than or equal to the length 132.

4. Maintain Structure Relations

Assign the header source structure to the Header target structure and Item source structure to Item target structure.

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5. Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules

Map the source fields to the target fields

Header mapping

For NAME and ID map the source fields MATNR and TEXID respectively.

For OBJECT and SPRAS pass the constants. To enter a constant value for any field, place the cursor on the field and enter a value by clicking on constant button available in the application toolbar.

Item mapping

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For TEXTFORMAT pass the constant '*' and for the TEXTLINE map the input field LINE of the ITEM structure.

Save the changes.

6. Specify Files

Place the cursor on Legacy data and click create button

Enter the input file details

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Select the Radio button 'data for Multiple source structures' as we are populating the header and Item structures from the same input file

Select the delimiter 'Tabulator', if the fields in the input file are separated by tab.

7. Assign Files

Assign the input file to both the structures

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8. Read Data

Execute the Read data.

9. Display Read Data [optional]

10. Convert Data - Execute the convert data

11. Display Converted Data [optional]

12. Start Direct Input Program - Execute this step.

Result: The Long text will be updated for the given Materials

Transaction MM03, View - Purchase order text

Handling multiple recordings in LSMW

This example is related to PO output type creation using batch input method.

In this example, we need to handle more than one recording, because based on message transmission medium screens will change.  

In this example, have created two separate recordings when message medium is ‘1’ and message medium is ‘6’ respectively.  

1.        LSMW project.

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2.       Maintain object attributes.  

Here we need to create two separate recordings one for medium type is printer and one for medium type is EDI as shown below.

Select BACK button and in batch input recording need to select more recordings as shown below.

Here initially only one recording will be displayed, then we need to add second recording manually as

shown below.

3.        Maintain source structure as shown below.

4.        Maintain source fields.

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5.        Maintain structure relations as shown below.


6.       Maintain field mapping and conversion rules.  

Here we need to write code to handle recordings based on Message medium as shown below.

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7.        Specify files


And execute remaining steps.

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