Download - LSAI Batch 73 Yesterday, now and years to come!. For the record, we never broke up. We just took a 37- year vacation. LSAI Batch 73.


LSAI Batch 73 Yesterday, now and years to come! For the record, we never broke up. We just took a 37- year vacation. LSAI Batch 73 Give Back! Lessons and Values learned from LSA God-fearing approach to life Top-notch Education Forward-looking attitude in any undertaking Life-long fellowship with batchmates Genuine desire to reach out and help These are the main reasons why we want to GIVE BACK to LSA. Lessons and Values learned from LSA We want to share these lessons and values to deserving, yet financially- challenged kids We have all agreed that the way to GIVE BACK is to provide SCHOLARSHIPS. We are there now! We have three scholars now in LSA One Sophomore Two Freshmen We will introduce them to you shortly So far, I have presented to you WHY we did it In the following slides I will relate to you How and When we did it What is our current infrastructure Our future plans LSA Class 1973 Scholarship Foundation, Inc. Formed in June 1999 by our batchmates who stayed home in Iligan Raised P150,000 for LSA Provided scholarship to one of the current three scholars November 2007 Iligan Gathering - Feb 2008 Bohol Gathering Sep 2008 US Chapter Our LSA contact Mrs. Martha Giltendez Development and Alumni Relations Officer Hook us up with De La Salle Institute De La Salle Institute Handles all donations from the US for all De La Salle schools in the Philippines Handles the admin stuff Remits donations to LSA cSends certifications to donors that donations are tax deductible US Chapter Solicitation Raised $ 3,515 in 2008 Sponsored 2 scholars for their HS education Needs $ 400 more to fulfill it Raised $ 1,765 in 2009 Will go to the Endowment Fund Mindanao Chapter Established our first Scholarship Foundation The Home of the LSAI73 Main Office Organized and put together tonights festivities Luzon Chapter Website-www.LaSalle- Numerous fund raising efforts for the Endowment Fund Most actively-attended chapter LSAI73 - was formed in Jan main communication vehicle Cebu Gathering Jan 2009 La Salle Iligan Class 1973, Inc. LSAI73 Scholarship Endowment Fund Signed a MOA with LSA LSAI73 Scholarship Endowment Fund Immediate Goal - Raise the initial P 500,000 Wont deplete the endowment, will only use the interest Expected interest of P 25,000 to sponsor a child for a years education Our children and their children will continue to add to this fund for years to come. LSAI73 Scholarship Endowment Fund Where we are Now relative to P500K Seeded with P 100,000 and we have P 260,000 Proceeds of this affair tonight US Chapter solicitation for 2009 Other donations P 1M -> P 50k -> 2 scholars Left the scholarship selection criteria to LSA LSAI73 Scholarship Endowment Fund Short-term Goals to raise funds Hold projects like this Solicit every year Add to donors list (friends/families) LSAI73 Scholarship Endowment Fund Long-term Goal Hand down this legacy for our children to continue Hook up with other alumni groups Ask help from our SMC counterparts Here US La Salle Iligan Class 1973, Inc. Key Infrastructure Web-based Forum Formed Chapters Board of Trustees Endowment Fund Communicate, communicate, communicate! La Salle Iligan Class 1973, Inc. Bought a ticket Sold a ticket Participated in any shape or form Part of the LSA family Congratulations to the Mindanao Chapter for staging a successful event tonight Together, WE can make a difference, one child at a time! Alma Mater Song Hail, Hail, Alma Mater Hail to De La Salle Well hold your banner high and bright A shield of green and white Well fight to keep your glory bright And never shall we fail Hail to thee our Alma Mater Hail, Hail, Hail!