Download - LOVSAPYR - St. Peter Armenian Apostolic Church€¦ · 4/1/2020  · Paul & Melissa DerOhannesian Tamara Desanctis Suzanne Dickinson Yn. Paulette Doudoukjian Arleen Drooby Sherry

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St. Peter Armenian Apostolic Church 100 Troy-Schenectady Road

P.O. Box 196 Watervliet, NY 12189

Phone: (518) 274-3673 ~ Fax: (518) 274-3103 E-mail: [email protected]

Website: * Join us on facebook *

SUNDAY WORSHIP: Morning Services 9:15 a.m. Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. sharp OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

DIOCESAN DELEGATES: Edward A. Belemjian Charles Tutunjian 10 Orchard Grove 9 Dyke Road Loudonville, NY 12211 465-3029 Latham, NY 12110 785-9423 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

CHURCH ORGANIZATION CONTACTS : PARISH COUNCIL LIAISON : ACYOA Jrs. Lena Guleserian-Hoglund . . 227-1979 Yervant Kutchukian ACYOA Srs. Jonathan Dadekian . . . . . . . 346-1819 Yervant Kutchukian Armenian School Anahid Altounian . . . . . . . . 463-2625 Charles Tutunjian Bible Study Elsie Vozzy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373-0242 Yervant Kutchukian Choir Director Dn. Rafi Topalian . . . . . . . . 272-2000 Ron Kaiser St. Peter Adult Fellowship Ara Baligian . . . . . . . . . . . . 279-3583 Edward Belemjian Sunday School Yn. Paulette Doudoukjian. . 505-9893 Leon Kaiser Women’s Guild Sharon Foley . . . . . . . . . . . . 427-8594 Breann Parseghian Bookstore John Ekmalian / Paul Moroukian

Rev. Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian, Parish Priest 808 Red Oak Drive Niskayuna, NY 12309 377-7448 E-mail: [email protected]

Gilbert Chorbajian , Chairman 6011 Baneberry Drive Schenectady, NY 12303 356-5363 E-mail: [email protected]

Yervant Kutchukian, Vice Chairman 2003 Brookview Road Castleton-on-Hudson, NY 12033 732-7486 E-mail: [email protected]

Willard Martin , Treasurer 90 Wagon W. Trail Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 587-4706 E-mail: [email protected]

John ‘Frenchie’ Ekmalian, Assistant Treasurer 11B Ledgewood Drive Albany, NY 12205 421-1970

Ronald P. Kaiser, Secretary 11 Clove Court Clifton Park, NY 12065 371-2809 E-mail: [email protected]

Breann Parseghian, Assistant Secretary 54 Spruce Street Clifton Park, NY 12065 371-4258 E-mail: [email protected]

Robert Bedian 2 Carol Place Wynantskill, NY 12198 283-9110 E-mail: [email protected]

Leon Kaiser 81 Old Coach Road Clifton Park, NY 12065 383-3266 E-mail: [email protected]

R. Paul Moroukian, Jr. 9 Kimberly Court Niskayuna, NY 12309 785-1766 E-mail: [email protected]

William T. Nevins, Jr. 43 Wolfert Avenue Menands, NY 12204 465-9409 E-mail: [email protected]

Daniel O’Keefe 63 Corrit Drive Delmar, NY 12054 E-mail: [email protected]

Michael Scaringe 26 Bosher Drive Albany, NY 12205 225-4174 E-mail: [email protected]


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All articles must be submitted on a timely basis by following the “Schedule for Publication” listed below:


Articles Deadline Monday, March 17

Typing and Proofreading Mon, March 17 - Fri, March 28

To Printer Friday, March 28

Mailing Wednesday, April 2

The Loosaper constitutes a vital and an historical record of the life of the St. Peter Church Community. Therefore, it is important to make every effort to preserve and maintain the continuity of this publication. In order to do this, we need help. Any parishioner interested in being a reporter or assisting the editorial staff with this publication should call the church office.

Church Secretary, Lori Payette, is responsible for compiling and typing this issue. A volunteer group performs editorial tasks such as: proofreading, layout, writing, and editing of articles. All materials submitted are subject to editing by the Editorial Staff. The mailing of the Loosaper is also handled by volunteers.

If you find errors in this edition of the Loosaper, please understand that, while perfection is always our goal, it is one that may remain forever beyond our reach! CURRENT VOLUNTEER STAFF:

Editorial: Yn. Paulette Doudoukjian & Joyce Kenosian Photographers: Maria Derian & Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian

Please forward all articles to the church office.


There is an outlay of approximately $500 for publishing and mailing each issue of the Loosaper. Any contribution sent to defray part of this cost will be gratefully appreciated. Names of donors and contributions will be listed in the Loosaper, unless we are requested not to do so. Many thanks to the most recent donors who answered our call to help offset the costs of our church publication: $50 - Betty Jane Nevins; $25 - Holly D. Chenaille, Alice Muradliyan (CA), Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Sapino (FL), Rosemary Wieczorek (WI); $15 - Arleen Drooby; $10 - Sharon Pauley.

Please use the form below to send your donation to: “St. Peter Armenian Church”

PO Box 196, Watervliet, NY 12189

PLEASE ACCEPT MY DONATION FOR THE LOOSAPER in the amount of $ _________________ Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: _____________________________________________________________________ I prefer to have my issue of Loosaper sent to my � home address and/or my � e-mail address. NEW OPTION: A donation of $500 will dedicate an entire issue of Loosaper in honor of someone, in memory of a loved one or to commemorate a special event. Contact the church office for more information.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS This is the general format that is followed for each issue of the Loosaper.

However, not all of the following topics may be included in this current issue.

I. Diocesan News II. Pastoral Comments III. Parish Council Report IV. Church Organization News: ACYOA, Armenian School, St. Peter Adult Fellowship, Sunday School, Women’s Guild V. Parish Community News: Sacraments and Rites such as: Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals, Hokehankists, etc. Altar Candles & Flowers Special Donations, In Lieu of Flowers Donations, Fellowship Hour, Announcements, etc. VI. Der Garen’s Column VII. Community News VIII. Cultural News IX. National/International News X. Announcements XI. Advertisements

If you are not already doing so, consider having your copy of Loosaper delivered to your e-mail address rather than your postal address; thereby reducing the amount of paper used while saving the church money in printing and distribution costs. Contact the church office to make the switch!

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. . . Rev. Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian

How Are Your Doing? (Spiritual message recently shared via e-mail and Facebook.)

When someone asks you, "How are you doing?" What is your real response? Could it be any of the following?

~I am stressed! ~I am tired! ~I am overwhelmed! ~I could use a break! ~My children’s schedule runs me ragged! ~I need ‘me’ time! ~My life is crazy! ~I need some peace (and quiet)! ~Don't ask me! ~When is my vacation? ~Help!!

These days, many fitness gurus will say that your strength begins with strengthening your core muscles. Everything stems from your core. It is the same with our well-being. It begins with strengthening our spiritual core. If we are able to put God at the center of all things in our lives, EVERYTHING else will fall into place - especially how we respond to the question above - "How are you doing?"

Consider the following benefits of coming to church on Sunday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.

~You can worship God ~You can (and should) shut off your cell phone ~You receive peace of mind ~God brings you healing and strength ~You are with people who feel the same way on Sunday mornings ~You take a break from everything that is going on outside the walls of the sanctuary ~The prayers and message helps you cope with the week ahead ~Expect an encounter with God.

Your response may change when asked, "How are you doing?" So what do you have to do now? Make the commitment. Have the willingness to say yes, this is important to me and my family. Set aside on your calendar an hour and a half on a Sunday (even if it is once a month to start) and commit yourself to God and His Holy Church. Come and expect an encounter with God! In the long run you'll be better off.

Here is some really worthwhile food for thought from none other than Jesus himself….

“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:31-34

Hope to see you either this Sunday or some Sunday soon. Prayerfully, Fr. StepanosFr. StepanosFr. StepanosFr. Stepanos

St. Peter Armenian Church


Wednesday evenings during Lent 7:00 - 8:00 PM

New Guest Speakers Every Week

Lenten Sunday Morning Schedule (Sundays March 9 — April 6) Morning Prayers ~ 9:15 am

Sunrise Service ~ 9:30 am

Closed Divine Liturgy ~ 10:00 am

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Sunday, April 13 PALM SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. Morning Service 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy 12:00 noon ACYOA Palm Sunday Luncheon 2:00 p.m. Opening of the Doors Service (Trnpatzek) Tuesday, April 15 GREAT AND HOLY TUESDAY 7:00 p.m. Service of the Ten Virgins/Oil-bearing Women Thursday, April 17 GREAT AND HOLY THURSDAY 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy - Memorial of the Last Supper Women's Guild Lenten Breakfast (Everyone welcome) 7:00 p.m. Washing of the Feet Service (Vodunluva) 8:00 p.m. Darkening Vigil (Khavaroom) Friday, April 18 GREAT AND HOLY FRIDAY 12:00 noon Order of the Crucifixion of Christ 7:00 p.m. Order of the Entombment of the Lord (Taghman Gark) Saturday, April 19 GREAT AND HOLY SATURDAY 5:00 p.m. Easter Vigil and Reading of the Scared Prophecies 6:00 p.m. Easter Eve Divine Liturgy (Jrakalooyts) Sunday, April 20 EASTER SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. Morning Service 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy











For Holy Week, your donations of flowers and Easter lily plants for the Church altar will be most appreciated. Please contact the church office to make the necessary arrangements.

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MEMBERSHIP DUES: The payment of annual dues of $150 per person (age 18 and over) for 2013 is required to be considered a member “in good standing” and to receive the benefits of membership including eligibility to hold elective offices, participate in Parish & Special Assembly meetings, and receive discounted fees on certain church services.

The following are the individuals who have met the commitment of being a “Dues-Paying” member of the church in 2013 and are eligible to take part in the proceedings of the upcoming Parish Assembly to be held on Sunday, March 2, 2014. Please report any discrepancies of this record to the church office as soon as possible.

2013 Eligible Dues-Paying Members

Joseph Akullian Rosemary Ammian Winifred Ammian Helga Apkarian Alexander & Marion Arghnian Beatrice Arzoumanian Gerald Arzoumanian Aram A. Atashian, Jr. Betty Avakian Shirley Avakian Steve_ & Pamela Azarian Nazar J. Bakerian Ara Baligian Robert & Sandra Bedian George & Elsie Bedrosian Edward Belemjian Cecilia Burgess Charles & Alice Chorbajian Gilbert & Bridgette Chorbajian Herbert & Linda Chorbajian Laura Clark Robert & Holly Dadekian Rich DeMartino & Barbara Derian Garo & Maria Derian Hagop & Nectar Derian Isabel Derian Paul & Melissa DerOhannesian Tamara Desanctis Suzanne Dickinson Yn. Paulette Doudoukjian Arleen Drooby Sherry Edwards John & Debbie Ekmalian Ralph & Elizabeth Enokian Arpy Ernest Sharon Foley & Valerie Demarest Roswita Fragomeni Lenna Kandarjian Freedman Sarkis & Julie Garabedian Fr. Garen_ & Yn. Zabelle Gdanian Sonia Hachigian Joanne C. Hartunian Mary Hartunian Richard & Beth Hartunian Barbara Hrachian Charlene Hrachian Seren Hrachian Suren & Sarah Hrachian John Jerian Hripsime Jevanian Phyllis Jevanian

Donald Kaiser Leon & Susan Kaiser Ronald P. Kaiser Edward & Lucille Kaprielian Grace Karian Dr. Ara Kayayan Edward & Bertha Kazanjian Linda Kazanjian James & Marion Kehrer Martin & Joyce Kenosian David Ketchoyan Karen Khachadourian Russell & Sandra Kilidjian Harry & Marion Koshgarian Peter Koshgarian Isabel Krempa Steven Krempa Charles & Patricia Krikorian Lucy Krikorian David Kubikian Armenak & Winifred Kutchukian Yervant Kutchukian Arthur Mahserjian George & Virginia Mahserjian Nellie Marderosian Willard & Shelley Martin Katrina Mayba Sean & Alice McMullan Varvara Meshkov H. Khachik & Mary Minassian R. Mihran & Ovsanna Mooradian R. Paul & Sonya Moroukian Lucy Morton Philip J. Natcharian_ Gregory & Marjorie Nazarian John & Karen Nevins William_ & Betty Jane Nevins Daniel O’Keefe Joseph & Patricia O’Keefe George & Elizabeth Osganian Mary Panjarjian Albert_ & Florence Paparian Helen Paparian David & Breann Parseghian Kevork Parseghian Joan Prince Alice Sanjian Rotondi Konstantin Sarumol & Sabella Gasanova George & Joanne Scaringe Charlotte Sevazlian Farid F. Shafik (CT)

Harry R. Shamlian Lucille Shamlian Toros Shamlian, Jr. Mary Shanks Mary P. Shanks Carole Smith (FL) Haigoohi Smith Leo Sogoian Lucille Sogoian Susan Sogoian Hariton C. Sprinceanu Fay Talarico (GA) Kevork Torossian Charles & Carol Tutunjian Edward & Adrina Tutunjian Nazar & Joan Tutunjian Gary & Laura Vartanian Daniel Vartigian Ralph Vartigian Elsie Vozzy Alice Wildman _Deceased

Annual Parish Assembly Sunday, March 2

following services

All parishioners should make every effort to attend and participate in the meeting. All dues-paying members (in good standing for 2013) are encouraged to vote. (Refer to those listed on this page.) Contact the church office if you have questions about your 2013 dues account.

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Photo Gallery . . . Photo Gallery . . .

Above: ACYOA Jrs. ‘Chopped’ Activity following Annual Gift-Giving delivery to the needy, December 13.

Right: Thomas Berj Nevins, son of John & Karen Nevins, served

as Godfather of the Cross for Armenian Christmas service,

January 12, 2014. Pictured here with brother Riley, and

Dn. Yervant Kutchukian.

Women’s Guild Annual Holiday Bazaar

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. . . Services, Programs & Events . . . Services, Programs & Events

Women’s Guild Annual Holiday Party at Trevisio in the Italian American Community Center, January 12, 2014.

Women’s Guild Annual Holiday Bazaar

Above: Santa with Armenak Kutchukian and Guy & Elsie Vozzy.

Below: John Karian & Edward Belemjian enjoying homemade Madzoonov Kufte Soup.

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Church Organization News

Women’s GuildWomen’s GuildWomen’s GuildWomen’s Guild The Women’s Guild 100th Anniversary Cookbook was completed and went on sale at the November General Membership Meeting, with the first printing selling out. A second printing was ordered and sales continue to be strong. The proceeds will be used to make improvements to the kitchen and affiliated areas. Thank you to the Cookbook Project Committee members: Valerie Demarest, Sonya Moroukian, Lucy Morton, Charlotte Sevazlian, and Dolly Shamlian. Thank you to everyone who submitted a recipe, to Der Stepanos for his culinary poem, and to all who have purchased the cookbook. It has been quite a success.

On December 7 & 8, the Third Annual Holiday Bazaar was held at St. Peter Armenian Church — it was indeed a labor of love. Although held in December, preparations began back in August. A wide variety of Armenian dishes and pastries were prepared and sold. Various vendors sold their wares, with our very own St. Peter Church Bookstore being the premier Armenian vendor for the two-day event. There was holiday shopping and gift wrapping available, food for sale on premises or to go, Victor the Clown, Phil Singer a locally known caricaturist, a visit from Santa Clause with the opportunity for pictures taken with him, and a special treat by the children of the church community with their musical renditions of holiday songs. The weekend was a great success thanks to everyone!

The Women’s Guild held their Annual Holiday Party on January 12 at Trevisio, located in the Italian American Community Center. Maria Derian and Carol Tutunjian once again coordinated a splendid event, which consisted of an Italian Buffet, entertainment, games, and raffled gifts. Thank you to Maria and Carol for all your hard work in putting the event together. Thank you to the Executive Committee for bringing the gifts for the raffle. Thank you to Phyllis, Joyce, Maria, Carol, Sarah and Kate for entertaining us.

We ended the year with the addition of eight new members to the Women’s Guild: Zovig Ashjian, Sandy Bedian, Elsie Bedrosian, Laura Clark, Kate Kulas, Winnie Kutchukian, Rita Petithory, and Mary Yegoryan Kulas, bringing our membership to 62. Please extend a warm welcome to these wonderful women the next time you see them at church.

In closing, it was a successful year with many events, a lot of laughs, and a true sense of community. Due to everyone’s hard work and patronage, the Women’s Guild was able to give $11,000.00 to the Church’s General Fund. On behalf of the Guild, we extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone. We are all blessed to be able to call St. Peter Armeian Church our ‘House on the Hill’ and it has been a pleasure serving as the Women’s Guild Chairwoman this year. I look forward to all the fun and friendship that 2014 will bring to us all.

Speaking of fun — 2014 marks the 100th Anniversary of the Women’s Guild and, to celebrate this momentous occasion, we are going to have a Dinner/Dance event on Saturday, May 17. Stay tuned as the details come together and dust off your dancing shoes. Also this year, we will be launching a campaign to encourage women to join the Guild.

Please note the following calendar of events as we look forward to your participation:

Sunday, March 16 Saintly Women’s Day Saturday, March 22 Tahin Hatz Baking Day Wednesday, March 26 Mid-Lenten Dinner Saturday, April 12 Cheoreg Bake Sunday, April 13 Cheoreg Sale at ACYOA Palm Sunday Luncheon Thursday, April 17 Holy Thursday Breakfast Sunday, April 27 Genocide Commemoration and Madagh Dinner hosted by Holy Cross Armenian Church, Troy Thurs-Sun, May 1-4 Women’s Guild Assembly

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Saturday, May 17 Women’s Guild 100th Anniversary Dinner Dance Sat-Sun, June 7-8 Annual Armenian Festival August Garden Party Sunday, September 14 Women’s Guild Day Sunday, November 9 General Membership Meeting Sat-Sun, December 6-7 Annual Holiday Bazaar January 2015 Armenian Christmas Holiday Party As always, if any woman has ideas for events or activities please contact an executive member or myself. It could be a potluck dinner, a card party, a fashion show, a cooking class, a crafts day, an outing, etc. Your ideas would be appreciated.

Submitted by,

Sharon Foley, Women’s Guild Chairman

Adult FellowshipAdult FellowshipAdult FellowshipAdult Fellowship Our Christmas luncheon was held at The Desmond on December 5. A bountiful buffet was provided and we were entertained again this year by Ed Kebabjian playing Christmas tunes on his banjo as members and guests joined in singing the old favorite carols. Group pictures of our members and guests were taken by church secretary, Lori Payette, who then distributed the photos by e-mail.

We usually do not schedule any meetings during the winter season to avoid cancellations due to adverse weather conditions. Our next scheduled meeting will be held in the Gdanian Auditorium on April 2, the first Wednesday of the month, when a Lenten-style potluck meal will be provided by our members. The various dishes are planned so that the variety and quantity are appropriate for the day. Members will be called regarding their contributions. Non-members are invited to join us and can make reservations by calling Lucy Morton at 274-6527.

We welcome any adult member of the community to join our group’s luncheons and activities at any time. Additional information can be obtained through the church office.

Martin Kenosian


Adult Fellowship Christmas Luncheon at The Desmond, December 5.

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Adult Bible StudyAdult Bible StudyAdult Bible StudyAdult Bible Study

Greetings from the St. Peter Adult Bible Study! Just a little update on where we are at in our study group. We started the Gospel of Mark in September and completed the first chapter in December! We do take our time and savor every word. Everyone takes part as we enjoy lots of interaction within the group. Mark's gospel makes room for lots of questions and discussion. I just love being a part of this group as we learn what the Scriptures have to teach us about the life of our blessed Savior Jesus Christ.

This past week we studied the life of a paralytic man who had four true and genuine friends! They wanted to bring their paralyzed friend to Jesus so he could be touched and healed by Him. They didn't allow anything to get in their way, not even the crowds of people; they just forged ahead, even going right through the roof of Peter's house! It was so insightful as we looked at other verses in the Bible that relate to friends and friendships. Good, lifelong friends are a gift from God! If you have a good friend who has been there with you through thick and thin, consider giving them a call today just to let them know how much you love and appreciate them!

"This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. You are my friends if you do what I command." John 15:12-14

God bless you all,

Elsie Vozzy

St. Peter Church ChoirSt. Peter Church ChoirSt. Peter Church ChoirSt. Peter Church Choir New choir members are always welcome and encouraged to join the St. Peter Church Choir. God doesn't care whether or not you have a beautiful singing voice. So come and join us as we lift our voices in the timeless music of our Holy Badarak. You'll be glad you did! Questions and comments about the choir are always welcome and appreciated and can be directed to Choir Director, Rafi Topalian, at (518) 272-2000 or (518) 810-5018 or by e-mail at [email protected].

“Big bang theory,“Big bang theory,“Big bang theory,“Big bang theory,

you’ve got to beyou’ve got to beyou’ve got to beyou’ve got to be


———— God God God God

God Speaks Billboard

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Parish Community News

Sacraments and Rites

Baptisms Ana Catherine Mooradian, daughter of David & Tara (Tedesco) Mooradian on December 27, 2013. Godfather, John DellaVolpe; Godmother, Linda DellaVolpe; Celebrant, Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian.

Addisyn Rose Gross, daughter of Phillip III & Tasha (Gicobbi) Gross on January 17, 2014. Godfather, Brian Doyle; Godmother, Ashley Rose Gross; Celebrant, Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian.

Funerals Vahan Zarifian. entered his eternal rest on January 10, 2014. He is survived by two daughters, Claudia (Patrick) Suppa and Alyce (Wayne) Leiby (NJ); a son, Gregory (Barbara) Zarifian (NJ); six grandchildren; and nine great grandchildren. The funeral service was conducted at Parker Bros. Memorial Funeral Home by Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian on January 13, 2014.

Karasoonk (40-Day Memorial) November 24, 2013 Andrew Nazarian, Sr. - requested by Andrew & Dianna Nazarian; John

& Pat Nazarian; Lucy Krikorian & Family; Gregory & Marjorie Nazarian & Family.

December 29, 2013 Hagop (Jack) Bardakjian - requested by Hrant & Alice Bardakjian; Setrak & Talin Nalbandian & Family (IN); Rosemary Ammian & Family; Lucy Morton; Charlotte Sevazlian; Mr. & Mrs. Hagop Derian; Mr. & Mrs. Garo Derian; Mr. & Mrs. Raffi Jamgotchian (NJ); Mr. & Mrs. Garen Apanosian (NJ); Mary & Ara Panjarjian; Mr. & Mrs. Kevork Parseghian & Family/ Mr. & Mrs. George Mahserjian & Family;Mr. & Mrs. Zareh Altounian; Ara Ashjian & Family; Raffi & Leone Bardakjian; Hratch & Talar Bardakjian & Family; Raffi & Liza Bardakjian & Family; Hagop Bardakjian & Yervant; Azniv Barkamian; Avo & Sylva Bedrossian; Mgo & Kristi Bedrossian & Family; Daivd & Nadine Bournazian; Leon & Rita Dekermendjian; Mr. & Mrs. Puzant Dekermendjian; Mr. & Mrs. John Ekmalian; Leon & Nayeri Elebyjian & Family; Yn. Zabelle Gdanian; Sarkis & Heidi Guleserian & Family; Lena & Tim Hoglund; Lusine Karageozian; Steve & Lusine Karageozian; Anto & Rita Karageozian & Family; Vartan & Lisa Karayan; John Karian; Bedros & Violet Karian & Family; Greg & Ayda Karian & Family; Sarkis & Sona Kasbarian; Tro & Tamar Kasbarian & Family; Dr. Ara Kayayan; Mr. & Mrs. Yervant Kazandjian; John & Sossy Khatchadourian; Mr. & Mrs. Dave Kubikian; Anahid Minassian; Sarkis & Betty Minassian & Family; Nercess & Lori Minassian & Sonya; Mr. & Mrs. R. Paul Moroukian; Mr. & Mrs. Ohan Ohanian; Dimos & Ani Papaioannou & Family; Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Shamounian & Family; Mr. & Mrs. Harutyn Smsarian; Mr. & Mrs. Moses Sukuljian; Armenouhi Tervizian; Toros & Hermine Tervizian & Family; Agavni Topalian; Berj & Lusine Topalian & Family; Nayda Vosgerichian & Family.

January 19, 2014 William T. Nevins, Sr. - as requested by Betty Jane Nevins & Family; Mr. & Dr. John & Nancy Baronian; Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Gosian & Family.

January 26, 2014 Dolores Furchak Smith - requested by Susan & Leon Kaiser.

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Dareleetz (First Anniversary) November 24, 2013 Sarah Moroukian - requested by David & Neesha Hodgkins; Ashley &

Rachel Hodgkins; Anahid Boyajian (RI); George & Margaret Moorachian (RI); George & Rose Moorachian (MA); Nancy & Seth Brown (VA); Mr. & Mrs. Charles Chorbajian & Family; Mr. & Mrs. George Mahserjian & Family; Vartan Vartanian, Jr.; Mr. & Mrs. Mark Moroukian; Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coogan & Family.


November 24, 2013 Oskian & Byzar Kilidjian; Harry & Margaret Sakalian ; Ransom, Grace, James, Lorene & Robert Webber - requested by Russ & Sandy Kilidjian & Family.

Nichon Moroukian - requested by David & Neesha Hodgkins; Ashley & Rachel Hodgkins; Anahid Boyajian (RI); George & Margaret Moorachian (RI); George & Rose Moorachian (MA); Nancy & Seth Brown (VA); Mr. & Mrs. Charles Chorbajian & Family; Mr. & Mrs. George Mahserjian & Family; Vartan Vartanian, Jr.; Mr. & Mrs. Mark Moroukian; Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coogan & Family.

Rose Moroukian - requested by Mr. & Mrs. Charles Chorbajian & Family; Mr. & Mrs. George Mahserjian & Family.

December 22, 2013 Abp Ghevont Tourian (Eightieth Anniversary of Assassination); All Deceased Primates of the Eastern Diocese: Bishop Hovsep Sarajian; V Rev Boghos Kaftanian; Abp Yeznik Abahouni; Abp Kevork Utujian; V Rev Arsen Vehouni; V Rev Shahe Kasparian; Bishop Khoren Mouradpegian; Bishop Papken Guleserian; Abp Tirayre Hovhannesian; Rev Serovpe Nershabouh; Rev Haroutune Sarkissian; Abp Ghevont Tourian; Abp Karekin Hovsepian; Abp Tiran Nersoyan; Abp Mampre Calfayan; Abp Sion Manoogian; Abp Torkom Manoogian - as requested by Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America.

Tara A. Atashian (Third Anniversary) - requested with love by Dad, Judy, Tracy, Lorri & Family.

Virginia C. Belemjian - requested by Edward Belemjian; David Belemjian; Mr. & Mrs. Mark Belemjian & Family (MA).

Albert Derian; Jack Chadrjian; Mitchell & Ida Chadr jian - requested by Isabel Derian & Family; Richard & Barbara Derian DeMartino & Family.

Asadoor, Sarah, Yeranos, Margaret, Dorothy and Grace Kenosian; Henry & Anna Kenosian Kaiser; Anne Marie Kaiser; Caroline McCollum - requested by Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kenosian.

Robert W. Meeson, Sr. (Sixth Anniversary) - requested by Eleanor Meeson; Sharon & Doug Pauley; Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meeson, Jr. & Family.

December 29, 2014 James & Nancy Hachigian; Sarkis & Helhna Hachigian; Dorothy (Hachigian) Tammian; Lucy (Hachigian) Ohanian; Mary Hachigian; Ardaches Ekmalian; Vartanouch (Ekmalian) Kalustian; Jirayr & Ann Hachigian; Paul Ekmalian; Michael Kurkjian; Joseph Mardigian; Jean (Frenchie) Ekmalian (Twenty-Eighth Anniversary); Sarkis Hachigian; John R. Howard; Joseph Grandato - requested by Ekmalian & Hachigian Families.

Henry & Silva Haroyan - requested by Ekmalian & Hachigian Families; Berj & Lusine Topalian & Family; Agavni Topalian.

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December 29, 2013 Anna Chorbajian - requested by Herb & Linda Chorbajian; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Chorbajian; Debbie & John Ekmalian.

Ghevont Chorbajian; Carney & Charlotte Postoian - requested by Herb & Linda Chorbajian.

January 19, 2014 Leo Buchakjian; Margaret Buchakjian Wilsey; Paul Wi lsey - requested by Mary Sobo; Leonard Buchakjian & Families; Leo Buchakjian, Jr.; Christine McCarthy.

Hampartzoum & Vartanush Moroukian; Alice Moroukian - requested by Mr. & Mrs. R. Paul Moroukian, Jr. & Family; Mr. & Mrs. Gary Clark & Family; Pamela Moroukian (IL).

Harry Vartigian (Eighth Anniversary) - requested by Rosemary Wieczorek (WI).

Altar Flowers

December 22, 2013 Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kenosian in memory of Asadoor, Sarah, Yeranos, Margaret, Dorothy & Grace Kenosian, Henry & Anna Kenosian Kaiser, Anne Marie Kaiser, and Caroline McCollum.

December 29, 2013 Joanne Hartunian & Family in memory of Lynne Carol Hartunian and Joseph Hartunian; Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kazanjian in memory of loved ones.

January 26, 2014 Susan & Leon Kaiser in memory of Dolores Furchak Smith. Altar Candles

December 22, 2013 Sharon & Doug Pauley and Eleanor Meeson in memory of Robert W. Meeson, Sr.; Josephine Speanburg in memory of Armen, Nouritza & Alice Kazanjian and Richard Speanburg.

January 12, 2014 Eleanor Meeson in memory of Thomas & Grace Michoian. Christmas Decorations

Wreaths decorating the altar area during the Christmas season were donated by Mr. & Mrs. John Ekmalian in memory of Chorbajian, Ekmalian, Hachigian & Moroukian Familie s. The Christmas tree in the sanctuary was donated by the Mahserjian Family.

Christmas Poinsettias

Poinsettias decorating the church for the Christmas season have been donated by the following: Betty Avakian & Shirley Avakian & Family in memory of Avakian & Baronian Families; Herbert & Linda Chorbajian in memory of Ghevont & Anna Chorbajian and Carney & Charlotte Postoian; Sonia Hachigian in memory of loved ones; Dave & Nesha Hodgkins & Family in memory of Sarah, Nichon, Sarkis & Mark Moroukian, Rosanne Vartanian and Myles Coogan; Linda Kazanjian & Patricia Boorujy (NJ) with prayers for their sister Arleen’s recovery; Isabel Krempa in memory of loved ones; St. Peter Women’s Guild and Skyview Landscapes.

Gift of Prayer Ministry

“You shall be remembered before the immortal Lamb of God.” Special prayers may be requested for healing, remembrance (in memory of), or special recognition by completing the request form available in this issue or by contacting the church office. Both the person making the prayer request, as well as the one being prayed for, will be remembered. A beautiful "Gift of Prayer" card will be sent as an acknowledgment of the prayer request. Please continue to keep those for whom prayers have been requested in your personal prayers.

January 12, 2014 Elisabeth Ensanian - prayers of healing as requested by Isabel Krempa.

January 26, 2014 Jack DerGarabedian���� & Vahan Zarifian ���� - prayers of remembrance as requested by Barbara Derian & Richard DeMartino.

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Fellowship Hour If you, or a member of your family, are celebrating a special event (birthday, anniversary, promotion, retirement, etc.), why not share the joy with your Church Family by donating refreshments for the fellowship hour. You might also wish to do this in memory of a loved one, as a thanksgiving, or just in "fellowship." Please contact the church office to make the necessary arrangements and to reserve the date of your choice.

December 29, 2013 Hrant & Alice Bardakjian and Setrak & Talin Nalbandian in memory of Hagop (Jack) Bardakjian

Special Donations Donations totaling $318 were received in a special plate collection on November 24, 2013 for the victims of the raging storm which struck the Philippines. Working through the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) and other international relief organizations, Philippines Relief funds collected will go to assist the typhoon victims of that region.

Donations totaling $671 were received in a special plate collection on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2013, for the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.

General donations were received from the following: Dr. Neil Devejian Family ($2,500); Rosemary Wieczorek (WI) ($500) for any Wish List item; Mr. & Mrs. Robert Runnells (ME) ($300); Betty Apkarian ($100); Shakti Chatterjee (OH) in appreciation for prayers offered in memory of her mother ($100); John & Karen Nevins in honor of their son, Thomas Berj Nevins, for serving as Godfather of the Cross on January 12 ($100).

Words of Thanks

A local newspaper recently offered a special ‘Thank You’ to Bob Nazarian of Wynantskill, and a member of St. Peter Armenian Church, for his service, sacrifice and patriotism — and the Tootsie Roll Lollipops! As a WWII vet, Bob continues his service — for 34 years he has spread joy and cheer to all the children he encounters by handing out lollipops. Parishioners of St. Peter Armenian Church, and their children, are very familiar with Bob’s generosity of his Tootsie Roll Lollipops! We too thank Bob for the kindness and joy he shares with all. Bob, is an asset to our community!

Dear Der Stepanos, “Thank you so much for the hospital visits, your kind words of encouragement and prayers. Appreciation is also expressed for caring from others whether it be a telephone call, card, flowers or food. Bob and I are so grateful. Thank you.”

Arleen K. Drooby

“I am overwhelmed by the thousands of dollars (final count not available) that parishioners and friends donated as in lieu of flowers contributions to Albany Medical Center Research in memory of my husband, Williams T. Nevins, Sr. It was my dear husband’s wish that research to eradicate Parkinson’s Disease may help even one person, whether they be a member of St. Peter Armenian Church or an unknown, and that person be cured. This unselfish ultimate donation of his body for research was just one of the many silent qualities of my husband, father and friend. On behalf of my family, I thank you all for adding your financial donation to Bill’s donation for a cure. “Thank you all also for your expressions of sympathy to me and my family and for all who helped us celebrate Bill’s life.”

Betty Jane Nevins & Family

“The family of Hagop (Jack) Bardakjian would like to thank everyone in the church community for all their kind words and support during this difficult time. Thank you for the donations to the church in Hagop’s memory, cards, telephone calls, and visits. “Thank you to Archbishop Barsamian, Archbishop Choloian, and Fr. Bedros Shetilian for their calls and prayers. A special thank you to Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian for all the help he provided us and especially for being present at Hagop’s funeral in Canada.”

Hrant and Alice Bardakjian

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Christmas Yughakin DonationsChristmas Yughakin DonationsChristmas Yughakin DonationsChristmas Yughakin Donations $500 Anonymous

250 Parker Bros. Memorial

200 Mr/Mrs Richard Bushakjian

150 Herbert & Linda Chorbajian

124.25 Arthur Mahserjian

100 Anonymous (2) Rosemary Ammian George Arakelian J. Albert & Alice Barsamian Helen Bezjian Mr/Mrs Charles Chorbajian Ralph & Elizabeth Enokian Joanne Hartunian Marion & Paul Jaffarian Mary & James Kalteux Doris Kasarjian Kavoukian (CA) Dr. Ara Kayayan Mr/Mrs Martin Kenosian Arthur Koshkorian (VA) Mr/Mrs Armenak Kutchukian George & Virginia Mahserjian Shelley & Will Martin George & Betty Osganian Mr/Mrs Peter Prince Alex Safaror & Mary Yegoryan Artin & Mary Sukljian in loving memory of Harry & Mary Prince and Virginia Belemjian

50 Brian & Garyn A’Hearn Winifred Ammian Aram Atashian Alyson & John Buff Gil Chorbajian & Family Michael & Joanne Coogan Isabel Derian Paul Dichian and Family Roswita Fragomeni Barouyr Hairabedian Andy & Ginny Hyra & Family Vartan Jerian Leon & Susan Kaiser Girard & Virginia Kasparian (CA) Ed Kebabjian Mr/Mrs H. Khachik Minassian Ohan & Rita Ohanian David F. Quinones Mr/Mrs George P. Scaringe Ann Serian Mr/Mrs Charles Tutunjian

40 Nazar Bakerian Gary S. Donelian Rev/Mrs Stepanos Doudoukjian Nellie Marderosian Mrs. Mary Shanks and and Family Mary P. Shanks

30 The Ashby Family (OH) Mr/Mrs Hrant Bardakjian George & Elsie Bedrosian Lucy Krikorian

25 Beatrice Arzoumanian Leon Dekermendjian Mary Hartunian Grace Karian Mr/Mrs Edward Kazanjian Mr/Mrs Sarkis Kazarian (FL) Isabel Krempa Mr/Mrs Charles Krikorian Andy & Dianna Nazarian Mary Panjarjian Florence Papariarn Helen Paparian Gary & Laura Vartanian Vartan Vartanian, Jr. Ralph Vartigian Alice Wildman

20 Mr/Mrs Kirkor Agopyan Yn. Yefkin Megherian Ida & Sarkis Mihranian Lucille Sogoian Susan Sogoian

15 Mr/Mrs Michael Dearstyne

10 Vartouhi Allahverdi Helga Apkarian Arpy Ernest Charles Israelian Linda Kazanjian John Messikian Mr/Mrs Charles Saye Josephine Speanburg

5 Mark Anigian Mr/Mrs Christopher Mayba Total: $5,399.25

Save the date!

2014 Armenian Festival ~ June 7 & 8 Delicious Armenian Food - Homemade Pastries - Live Music

Traditional Dance - Cooking Demonstrations

Boutique Shopping - Raffle Prizes - Children’s Games - MORE!

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In Lieu of Flowers DonationsIn Lieu of Flowers DonationsIn Lieu of Flowers DonationsIn Lieu of Flowers Donations IN MEMORY OF STEPHEN AZARIAN

$ 20 Shirley Avakian & Family New Total: $995

IN MEMORY OF HAGOP (JACK) BARDAKJIAN $100 Rosemary Ammian & Family Kevork & Flora Bardakjian (MI)

75 Winifred Ammian

50 Mr/Mrs Charles Chorbajian Mr/Mrs George Mahserjian

36 Mark Coplan

25 Mary Hartunian Edward & Bertha Kazanjian

20 Shirley Avakian & Family Susan Sogoian and Mr/Mrs Vahan Kamalian and Family (WI)


$100 Mr/Mrs Robert Carlson


$ 90 Lenore Nevins

50 Jack S. Injajigian Mr/Mrs Harry Terzian

25 Edward Belemjian Ron & Teri Kaiser Total: $240

IN MEMORY OF ALBERT V. PAPARIAN $ 50 Elise Linden and Roz & Arnie Citrin (NJ)

New Total: $2,305

IN MEMORY OF RAY RUSTIGIAN $ 25 Ed & Adrina Tutunjian

Total: $25

Sincere appreciation and acknowledgment is extended to the above-named individuals for their generous memorial donations.

Community News

Congratulations to Samantha Enokian, granddaughter of Ralph & Elizabeth Enokian, who was recently selected to sing in a choir as part of the John F. Kennedy Center Honors Program, which took place on Sunday, December 8, 2013 at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC. Every year, the Kennedy Center honors five living individuals who, throughout their lifetimes, have made significant contributions to American culture through the performing arts. This year’s recipients were Martina Arroyo, Herbie Hancock, Billy Joel, Shirley MacLaine, and Carlos Santana. The choir performed as part of the Billy Joel tribute. Samantha is a freshman at the University of Maryland, majoring in Russian Language and Literature, and is a member of the University Chorale. The Honors Program was televised on CBS on December 29.

FREE TAX PREPARATION: Andrew Kochian, whose family has roots with St. Peter Armenian Church, is an accounting student at The College of St. Rose. He is working with the Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany which is providing free tax preparation service to any family or individual with a household income not exceeding $52,000. He is one of the fully trained volunteers who will prepare your tax return and determine if you are eligible for valuable tax credits. Then E-file your return and your refund should be ready in 10-14 days. To schedule an appointment at Catholic Charities, dial 2-1-1. While most returns can be processed, some may be more complex and need referral to a more specialized preparer.

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Der Garen’s� Column

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International News

A Refuge in Lebanon Syrian Armenians seek refuge in neighboring Lebanon

by Don Duncan

Editorial Note: To protect the safety of the refugees, who are concerned about reprisals or attacks on family members remaining in Syria, ONE has changed the names of those profiled in this report.

After only a few months in the village of Anjar, 73-year-old Antranig Chakerian decided the blank exterior walls of his new home should be his canvas. He began to draw.

The pictures, however, do not depict scenes of Aleppo, the northern Syrian city where he was born and from where he recently fled with his wife, his son, his daughter-in-law and his grandson. Instead, the walls sport icons, images and poems dedicated to his ancestral homeland, historic Armenia, parts of which now lie in eastern Turkey.

There are drawings of Armenian churches with five paths leading to them, symbolizing Armenian exile. There is also a sketch of Mount Ararat, highly symbolic to Armenians, which looms above Armenia behind its western border with Turkey. And Mr. Chakerian has drawn an image of an obelisk-style monument that commemorates what many refer to as the Armenian Genocide: the death of more than 1.5 million Armenians in Ottoman Turkey between 1915 and 1918.

Between the various drawings are blocks of handwritten text. “These are nationalistic poems — patriotic poems,” explains Mr. Chakerian, who arrived in Anjar in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley in September 2012. “These are poems about the great martyrs.”

For all Armenians, the period between 1915 and 1918 constitutes the ultimate exile. It was a catastrophic uprooting that defines and binds them together tightly, even as they remain scattered across the globe. For Syrian Armenians, their flight from their Syrian refuge for neighboring Lebanon is a sad reverberation of their original catastrophe.

“We were confronted with bombs and rockets day and night for a long time,” says Mr. Chakerian of life in Aleppo since the beginning of Syria’s civil war in March 2011. “We wanted to save our souls.”

And so, he and his family fled to Damascus and then took a public taxi across the border to Anjar.

A peaceful, pretty town, Anjar is itself a product of Armenian displacement. It was founded to house Armenians who left the Syrian region of Hatay when Turkey annexed it in 1939. The town’s population is normally around 2,500, but the recent influx of refugees from the war in Syria has doubled that number.

“That puts big pressure on the municipality,” says Nazareth Andakian, a municipal lawyer in Anjar. “We don’t have any more empty houses; all are full. On top of that, because there is currently no government in Lebanon, public funds are not being released to us from Beirut, so the village is going into debt to manage the situation.”

This dilemma is playing out all across Lebanon, in both Armenian and non-Armenian domains. This small country of just four million people has had to bear the brunt of the Syrian displacement crisis; to date more than a million Syrian refugees have fled to the country, according to the United Nations. And the flow shows no signs of stopping.

Before the war, there were between 100,000 and 150,000 Armenians in Syria. Of this population, some 20,000 have already fled to Lebanon, while others have fled north, to Armenia, or to Jordan in the south.

“We have been helping them by providing shelter, places in our private schools, food and in some cases jobs,” says Catholicos Aram I, who leads the Armenian Apostolic Catholicosate of Cilicia from the Beirut suburb of Antelias. “But it is our expectation that Armenian families will go back to Syria, because we are against the migration of Christians from the region.”

A chain of conflicts in recent history — the invasion of Iraq, the Egyptian revolution and now civil war in Syria — has put the standing of Christians, a minority in the Middle East, on unsteady ground. Absent any security, some Christian communities have been targeted by extremists and criminal groups, forcing many to flee. Lebanon, the state with the largest proportion of Christians in the Middle East, is often the first stop for these Christian refugees before they seek a permanent refuge, usually in Europe, North America or Oceania.

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“We have to stay where we are,” says the catholicos, who is responsible for Armenian Apostolic communities throughout the Middle East, Greece and North America. “We belong to this region. We’re not newcomers. Our history, our presence is deeply rooted in this region.”

However, this position is most likely not a priority for many of the Syrian Armenians having to make do in the resource-stretched and often cramped urban environments in Lebanon — most Armenians in Lebanon live in Anjar and in the eastern Beirut suburbs of Bourj Hammoud and Antelias. Similar to other ethnic and religious communities fleeing Syria, Syrian Armenians tend to flee to areas where their ethnic brethren, Lebanese Armenians, are concentrated. But unlike other groups, Lebanese Armenians are tightly knit due to their prior status as exiles.

Bourj Hammoud, a densely populated Armenian enclave, has seen its capacity stretched to bursting since the Syrian crisis began in March 2011.

“There have been many problems, but we manage,” says Sarkis Joukhjoukhian, a Lebanese Armenian who sells thyme-covered bread snacks called manoushe from his small store in the heart of Bourj Hammoud.

“We help them whether they are family or not, because when we had war here in Lebanon we often left to Syria, and they helped us then.”

Plagued as they are by exile and upheaval, the Armenians’ shared experience of violence and displacement makes for a less precarious displacement today. “There is a very strong relationship between the Syrian Armenians and the Lebanese Armenians,” says Serop Ohanian, Lebanon field director at the Howard Karagheusian Commemorative Cooperation, an Armenian organization for child welfare.

“It’s normal for us in a crisis to say: ‘Let’s go live with our relatives in Beirut and if they don’t have an apartment, they will know someone through the church who will. We will manage somehow.’ ”

Helping them manage is a host of organizations, including CNEWA, church aid groups such as Caritas as well as international agencies and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The Karagheusian Center has had to extend its operating hours by four hours per day, take on four new staffers and reduce the summer holiday from one month to two weeks to meet the demand for its services.

“In February, we were catering to 400 Syrian families,” says Mr. Ohanian, adding that the center offers its services to all the needy, regardless of nationality, ethnicity or creed. “By July, that number had grown to 1,000, about 500 of which are Syrian Armenian.”

With funding from CNEWA, the Karagheusian Center started a project that helps 400 Syrian Armenian families through a specially created team of four social workers — two Syrians and two Lebanese Armenians. They conduct home visits to assess the needs of each family, offer remedial tutorial classes to Syrians struggling with a Lebanese educational system that is quite different from that of Syria, run a summer school during July and August to enable students to catch up on work and run health education classes for Syrian Armenian mothers.

Tamar Yeranossian, 26, a native of Aleppo who fled to Lebanon last year, is one of the four members of this team dedicated to the Syrian Armenian refugees.

“I feel their feelings,” she says of the refugees she regularly counsels. “When someone is crying in front of me, I feel I am crying.”

Ms. Yeranossian lives in a two-room apartment in Bourj Hammoud with eight members of her extended family, including her brother, Hagop, 14. Her older sister, Zvart, 28, lives a few streets away with her husband. Their parents remain in besieged Aleppo, minding the house and unable to leave. For now, all they can do is make regular phone calls to their three children in Beirut.

“When I am talking to her, she doesn’t tell me what is happening because we would be worried for them or sad, so she only tells me: ‘Ok, we are fine; what about you? What are you doing?’” says Ms. Yeranossian of her mother’s phone calls. “She doesn’t tell me that she is in danger or struggling to find food ... she knows we are also facing difficulty here.

“We are not what we used to be.” Again and again, as with those interviewed for “Crossing the Border,” a story that ran in the

spring 2013 edition of ONE, Syrian refugees describe the change they have gone through as irrevocable and profound. Tamar Yeranossian says she hears the same from the people she counsels and that, as time goes on, she feels the same herself.

“I have lost my feelings. I have lost my happiness, my joy, my life. Even when I talk to my mother, sometimes I do not know what I am feeling about her anymore,” she says. “Everything has

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changed. I will never forget this street I now live on, these chairs in this room we all sleep in, this washing machine that is not working anymore. One day, when I am again in a good situation, I will be more aware of what I have because, once, I lost it all.”

In contrast to her life in Aleppo, home is no longer a place Ms. Yeranossian can go to unwind. In Bourj Hammoud, she hears the same problems she does at work. Walking around the streets of the neighborhood, sipping a coffee, window shopping and visiting her sister at her house have become her only outlets. Weaving through the teeming streets of the neighborhood sorting through the sale rack at her favorite clothes store, she seems like any other young Lebanese woman. She, too, likes to banter and joke with friends, and wear fun, trendy clothes. But, she says, such simple pleasures are no longer so simple.

“I have begun to look at things in a different way,” she says. “When I am buying clothes and food, I think: ‘What if there are people who can’t do this? Should I do this? Should I eat this? Should I have fun?’ ”

Indeed, there are many who are worse off. Syrian Armenians, generally speaking, are middle class and tend to work in trade and precious metals. When they fled Syria, they did so with enough capital to avoid the refugee camps or homeless existence of many of their non-Armenian compatriots.

But regardless of their background, the sheer scale of burden the Syrian refugee crisis has placed on Lebanon is creating tension. Cheaper Syrian labor is undercutting Lebanese laborers, who are finding themselves out of work; crime and homelessness is on the rise; and rents are inflating from the increasing demand for housing.

“Every day we face problems because of Syrians,” says Lebanese Armenian barber Sarkis Boyodjian, 24, who runs a salon in Bourj Hammoud. “Electricity is stretched thin, and then they steal the electricity from other families.” He turns to a client sitting in the barber chair, putting a finishing touch to the man’s cut.

The client, a non-Armenian Lebanese man who refuses to be named, chimes in. “They ruled over us for 30 years,” he says, referring to the Syrian presence in Lebanon that began during the 1975-1990 civil war and continued until 2005, an occupation that is still a bitter recent memory for many Lebanese people. “Now they are back, taking our jobs and taking our lives for the second time.”

While this is by no means the prevailing opinion in Lebanon, it is one that is emerging and gaining ground as the conflict wears on and as space, resources and patience grow scarcer.

“Hospitality is not a mere word, it is integral to our Christian faith and vocation,” says Catholicos Aram I.

“But hospitality should have limits. If this situation becomes a permanent reality, then we have a problem. Lebanon is a small country with very limited resources. I don’t think that Lebanon will be able to cope with the situation. It cannot.”

As time passes, many of the Syrian refugees are beginning to let go of their dream to return home. Some are considering resettlement to a new, third country.

“We will be divided one day, I am sure of it,” says Tamar Yeranossian, looking around at her exiled family, gathered in their sitting room in Bourj Hammoud.

“We are used to living together as one family, but things will not continue as they are now.” Back in Anjar, Antranig Chakerian cannot bring himself to think of yet another displacement,

even if it is to a more secure country. He speaks fondly of his former home in Aleppo and he gazes at the hieroglyphs of his imagined historical Armenia, etched on the wall of his Lebanese refuge. Sitting next to his wife in plastic chairs in the yard, he reads one of his poems off the wall. It is a poem he has written to Mount Ararat, but one that seems to reflect his home in Syria.

In front of my eyes, you are standing sad, You are a big pang in my heart,

Why did the human savage take you from us? They stole you from us, Ararat.

(Note: This article appeared in the Winter 2013 issue of ONE magazine, an official publication of Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA). Don Duncan has covered the Middle East and Africa for The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, The New York Times and Agence France Presse.)

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Page 31: LOVSAPYR - St. Peter Armenian Apostolic Church€¦ · 4/1/2020  · Paul & Melissa DerOhannesian Tamara Desanctis Suzanne Dickinson Yn. Paulette Doudoukjian Arleen Drooby Sherry



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Page 32: LOVSAPYR - St. Peter Armenian Apostolic Church€¦ · 4/1/2020  · Paul & Melissa DerOhannesian Tamara Desanctis Suzanne Dickinson Yn. Paulette Doudoukjian Arleen Drooby Sherry


Monday, February 10 Dinner for Altar Servers: 5:45pm Altar Servers’ Class: 7:00pm

Tuesday, February 11 Parish Council Meeting: Conference Room ~ 6:30pm

Friday, February 14 Adult Bible Study Class: Gdanian Auditorium ~ 10:15am

Sunday, February 23 Annual Vartanantz Day Commemoriation: Hosted by the Armenian School and Knights & Daughters of Vartan Gdanian Auditorium ~ 12:30pm

Monday, February 24 Dinner for Altar Servers: 5:45pm Altar Servers’ Class: 7:00pm

Friday, February 28 Adult Bible Study Class: Gdanian Auditorium ~ 10:15am

Sunday, March 2 Family Worship Day Annual Parish Assembly: Gdanian Auditorium following services

Monday, March 3 Lent Begins

Wednesday, March 5 Lenten Vigil Service: 7:00pm Monday, March 10 Dinner for Altar Servers: 5:45pm Altar Servers’ Class: 7:00pm

Wednesday, March 12 Lenten Vigil Service: 7:00pm

Friday, March 14 Adult Bible Study Class: Gdanian Auditorium ~ 10:15am

Sunday, March 16 Saintly Women’s Day: Hosted by St. Peter Women’s Guild

Wednesday, March 19 Lenten Vigil Service: 7:00pm

Saturday, March 22 Tahin Hatz Baking Day

Monday, March 24 Dinner for Altar Servers: 5:45pm Altar Servers’ Class: 7:00pm

Wednesday, March 26 Women’s Guild Mid-Lenten Dinner: Gdanian Auditoriuam ~ 5:00pm

Friday, March 28 Adult Bible Study Class: Gdanian Auditorium ~ 10:15am Lenten Vigil Service: 7:00pm

Wednesday, April 2 Adult Fellowship Luncheon Meeting: Potluck Lenten Luncheon Gdanian Auditoirum ~ 12:00 noon Lenten Vigil Service: 7:00pm