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Love Creek Preserve:A Hill Country Gem

By:Rebecca Flack

The mission of The Nature Conservancy is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends

• 886,00 acres protected

– 37 Preserves– >100 Conservation


• ~ 85 staff

Stewardship Center

Cool Things About Love Creek

Golden-cheeked warbler Black-capped vireo

Top 10 Most Common Bird Species at Love Creek

• Northern Cardinal• Black-crested Titmouse• Golden-cheeked Warbler• Summer Tanager• Bewick’s Wren

• Blue-gray Gnatcatcher• White-eyed Vireo• Red-eyed Vireo• Mourning Dove• Hutton’s Vireo

Black-capped Vireo**

• Twistleaf yucca• Plateau milkvine• Leastdaisy• Hairy leastdaisy• Spreading leastdaisy• Canyon rattlesnake-

root• Lindheimer

crownbeard• Texas barberry• Slender bladderpod• Wand butterfly bush

• Tobusch fishhook cactus

• Plateau spiderwort• Plateau ponyfoot• Plateau sedge• Plateau wildmercury• Roemer’s spurge • Dark noseburn• Texas milkpea• Watsons milkpea• Plateau yellow


• Texas mockorange*• Big red sage• Buckley tridens• Texas phlox• Plateau anemone• Scarlet clematis• Plateau blackcherry• Scarlet penstemon• Texas seymeria• Wooly sycamoreleaf

snowbells• Mountain grape

More Cool Things About Love Creek> 420 Plant Species – 31 Endemics!!

Tobusch fishhook cactus

Cool Plants!

Canyon rattlesnake-root

Watson’s milkpea

The Coolness Continues!

Medina roundnose minnow

Brush Control

• Currently under contract to clear 153 acres of Ashe juniper

• 50 additional acres to be cleared next year through LIP Grant with TPWD

• Previous clearing done with chainsaws and loppers

Prescribed Fire

• 3 prescribed burns since 2009

• Approximately 240 acres burned

• More planned!!

Deer and Exotic Species Control

Himalayan Blackberry Control

Thistle control

Musk thistle

Malta star-thistleSlender bristle-thistle

Ways to get involved!!• Plant monitoring

– Tobusch fishhook cacti– Watson’s milkpea– Canyon rattlesnake-root

• Bird Surveys• Butterfly Survey (NABA Count)• Deer Exclosures• Photo Points• Active management• Native Landscaping

2015 Christmas Bird Count – December 17th!!


Rebecca FlackSouthern Hill Country Project Director

Mobile: 979.777.1862Office: 830.328.6033

[email protected]