Download - Love beyond 2012

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L O V E beyond

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Welcome to the World


Co - Creators

Wilfried Fink & Partners

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Love beyond 2012 -

Welcome to the world of Co-Creators

1. Edition, November 2011, self published

Wilfried Fink

Jungmannufer 924340 Eckernförde, Germany

Tel.: 0049-4351-87101

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These 13 Rainbow Symbols are a tool of AWAKENING that want to be shared …

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The Universal Peace Calendar and the Mayan Calendar ended at October 28th 2011 and our sun is approaching the dark rift in our Milky Way.

Our world is on It`s way to a „birth canal“ into a new dimension of time. This is a period of about 20 years. NOT a fixed date.


Our world will NOT collapse. Just our old ways of perceiving will shift. This is the shift of the ages the Mayas, other indigenous people and even our scientists were talking about.

The following Rainbow Symbols want to give you hope and support to relax into the new adventure of FEELING the interconnectedness of ALL: Love is all and all is Love.

So, of course, love will continue beyond 2012 and more and more people will AWAKENING AS ONE.

In April 2010 I´ve dreamed of a woman who just felt „right“ for me and in August 2011 she actually walked into my office. We „recognized“ each other and are a vivid proof of the power of love and lucid dreams.

We hope our Rainbow Symbols are opening up your hearts to „taste“ the new possible dimensions of Being. May the toning sequences support you as well.

Gross Wittensee, 11.11. 2011, Wilfried Fink

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The Rainbow Symbols

of the new world

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A - E - I – O

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A – E – I – O O – I – E - A

O – U – A – E E – A – U – O

E – I – O – U U – O – I – E

U – A – E – I I – E – A – U

I – O – U – A A – U – O – I

A – E – I – O – U U – O – I – E - A


One way of SYNCHRONISATION is toning.

The old Universal Peace Calendar had toning sequences of 3 vowels for every day or 1 or 2 vowels as start and stop codes.

These new Rainbow symbols are a step further on either holding 4 or 5 vowelsor the U as a turning point.

They are like the keys on a piano: they are always all there.You can play with them. Use them as a scale, as single notes or accords.

Either way. Have fun.

Grow into the new possibilities of the new dimensionswhich are opening up right NOW!

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O - U - A - E

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E - I - O - U

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4. Message

U - A - E - I

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I - O - U - A

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6. We Are Luminiscent Love

A - E - I - O - U

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8. Great Embrace

U - O - I - E - A

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a - u - o - i

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I - E - A - U

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U - O - I - E

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E - A - U - O

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O - I - E - A

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Rainbow Symbols for the New World

13 new symbols want to accompany us through the times after 28th Oct.2011 which marked the end of the Mayan and the Universal Peace Calendar. Here is my understanding of the new symbols:

It all starts with SYNCHRONISATION which means to tune into Mother Earth and Father Sky and listen what is appropriate to do or even more important to stop e.g. reacting in OLD manners.

Then realize how much knowledge comes together, a real CONVERGENCE happens right now.

One of most powerful ways to learn and grow is a relationship based on mutual respect and love which should have moments of DEEP CONTENTMENT.

See the MESSAGEs which we get through crop circles as this one with a DNA in a circle from our GALACTIC FRIENDS.

They try to communicate that W e A re L uminescent L ove.

There is no separation. I AM YOU and YOU ARE ME. In La´kesh is the old mayan greeting which has the same meaning.

So let´s take the next step, GREAT EMBRACE, and embrace the positive sides of life as well as the tears and the challenges.

Then NEW ADVENTURES begin. We experience life with a different perspective and realize that our personal WHEEL OF LIFEis just part of the UNIVERSAL FIELD.

This leads to the AWAKENING AS ONE. Realizing we are all one. Pure light. Pure love.

That creates a feeling of ECSTASY.

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I want to give thanks

to my friend Gerrit who gave colours to the Rainbow symbols

to the sculptur Guna Scheffler ( for inspiring the symbol GREAT EMBRACE.

Thanks to Sjoerd Aardema who works for Mother Earth and coordinated the launch of (The Great Embrace)

My female partner who brings new rainbows into my life.

David Wilcock who inspired the symbol CONVERGENCE. See

Thanks to our GALACTIC FRIENDS who patiently wait for our evolution.

All the people who work for uncounted NGOs (Non Goverment Organisations) to make this shift happen. Whenever I had a dark night of my soul I watched Paul Hawken's video „Blessed Unrest“ who opened the eyes of the world how many people are already part of this miraculous


So here just 5 of the 5 million (or even more now) NGOs which inspire me and others Wonderful tool to bring dreams into reality A lot of ressources for Mother Earth Brilliant technique for AWAKENING AS ONE the symbol SYNCHRONISATION came in a lucid dream how to build sustainable communities Network of people MOVING FORWARD