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    Louisiana purchase

BY: Anthony Pisoni    


Page 2: Louisiana purchase


Table of contents    

Chapter 1   

Chapter 2      Question 1 Chapter 2        Question 2 Chapter 3   



Page 3: Louisiana purchase

       Have you ever heard of the louisiana purchase? In 1803 the louisiana territory was owned by Napoleon Bonaparte in france. Thomas Jefferson bought frances land for 15 million dollars. If thomas jefferson didn't buy that land in 1803 that land doubled the size at it is right now.

Lewis And Clark Why lewis and clark were on their journey Thomas jefferson bought land and he went over all the instructions to explore, that land. Thomas Jefferson's first instruction was to find a water route to the pacific ocean and then thomas jefferson also said keep a journal map the geography of the land. Record the recorded that you discover 178 plants and 100 + Animals on may 14 , 1804 left with the cores of discovery also on november 1805 reached the pacific ocean crossed the rockies first. September 23 , 1806 returned to st. louis. Manifest destiny Americans had the night to expand u.s. west and settled the land even if the native americans lived there. Cheap/free land gold in ca business and inventions developed need for faster communication. Ment several Native american tribes traded to move please asked french traded, carbonneau and his native american wife sacagawea in predator sacagawea helped to cross the rockies.

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People moving West After Lewis and Clark returned. People began moving to this western region. Many who believed in the idea of manifest destiny began moving their families west by wagon trains. These pioneers fled toward the rocky mountain for 3 series reasons 1 to purchase the cheap land 2 claim the land that was offered for free 3 to find gold or trade. thomas jefferson purchased that land for 15 million dollars that land doubled the size of the u.s.


  When the native americans figured out that the pioneers started moving west they had to protect their own land And defend it.The native americans did not want the pioneers to come to there own land. The native americans had to fight for their own land.

Page 5: Louisiana purchase

Who are the native americans

Native americans are people who had to survive with not much clothing,water and also food. Native americans had to trade clothes for food. Native americans fought together to get food or clothing. By 1803 Andrew Jackson had signed the indian removal Act,which authorized a plan to apparate indian land, a practice that had 13teen followed since erupt arrived, in north america. By 1838, General windfields colt began the revolver of the remaining cherokee from the south to what is now oklahoma between 1801-11 shawnee the indian leader tecumseh led a group of indians against andrew jackson's u.s forces who were intent on forcing indian tribes to give up their land. native americans lived in north carolina, tennessee and mostly places around that.   

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What was there life like After

Unbelievable it was Jackson who authorized the indian removal act of 1830, following the recommended dichan or president james monroe in his final address to congress in 1825. Native americans had to move to the reve louchions. Native americans were forced to walk the trail of tears. After the west was settled most american indians and been moved from their native lands to reverlouchions often in other parts of the country. An estimated 4,000 died from hunger explore and disease. Migration from the origin cherek the nation began in the early 1800’s. some cherek wary of white encouragement moved west on there own and so they in other areas of the area of the country.    

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Moving West

When the pioneers started moving west the native americans did not want the pioneers to come kick the native americans out of there own land. The native americans wanted to fight for their own land And not let the pioneers take over their land they said it’s our land not yours the native americans said. the native americans had to travel to the west a lot like almost every day. The native americans were forced to move away from their homes. And they fought together to get their food,clothing and Water. The native americans had to build their own shelter and they also had to build their own car-Wagon and it took a lot of hard work. BY:Anthony Pisoni