Download - LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

Page 1: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.


The Last Jungle

La última Selva

Page 2: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

•Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, “land of abundance and earthly paradise”. Hundreds of crystal-clear streams and rivers flow down from the hills into lagoons, estuaries and the sea, creating a verdure so intense that it even affects the dry fence posts, wich in a few short years turn into leafy trees.

•Fértil hasta lo inverosímil, esta tierra era conocida antiguamente como Tlalocan, “tierra de la abundancia y paraíso terrenal”. Cientos de arroyos y ríos cristalinos bajan de los cerros y desembocan en lagunas, esteros y mar para crear un verdor cuya intensidad alcanza incluso los postes secos de los cercados, que en pocos años se convierten en árboles frondosos.

Page 3: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

The last jungle

La última Selva

Page 4: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

• The region of Los Tuxtlas is a complex of volcanoes, green hills, fertile pastures, rainforest, lakes, rivers, and oceans that comprises a protected area in the southeast of the state of Veracruz, encompassing the municipalities of Santiago Tuxtla, San Andrés y Catemaco.

• La región de los Tuxtlas es un conjunto natural de volcanes, Colinas verdes, fértiles potreros, selva, lagos, ríos y mar que comprende un área protegida en el sureste del estado de Veracruz conformada por los municipios de Santigo Tuxtla, San Andrés Tuxtla y Catemaco.

Page 5: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.


Page 6: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

• A hundred years ago, almost all Veracruz was covered in just as much fervent wildlife as that seen in this corner of Los Tuxtlas, today, however, we are traveling through one of the last regions of virgin rainforest in the country. It is the Los Tuxtlas Tropical Biological Station, wich is supported by Mexico`s National University (UNAM) for scientific and educational purposes, in this Eden, visitors may encounter 360 varieties of butterflies, 560 species of birds and 128 mammals.

• Cien años atrás, casi todo Veracruz tenia el mismo grado de naturaleza salvaje y poderosa que se observa en este Rincón de los Tuxtlas, sin embargo, hoy atravesamos una de las últimas áreas de selva virgen del Estado de Veracruz y posiblemente del país.

• Es la estación de Biología tropical de los Tuxtlas, sustentada por la Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM) quien con fines científicos y educativos se encarga de preservar la zona. En este Edén, el visitante puede toparse con 360 diferentes variedades de mariposas, 560 especies de aves y 128 de mamíferos

Page 7: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

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Page 8: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

• Even on a warm night, the people, Los Tuxtla`s other great treasure, stroll around the zocalo (main square). Men sporting tropical guayabera shirts, young people with guitars, and woman wearing big smiles observe and greet each other as they pass by. They all know one other, of course. Tuxtleños are relaxed, tropical, earthy and outgoing; they are river and sea people, known for reverly and fandango.

• Aun cuando es una noche calurosa, “la gente”, la otra riqueza de los Tuxtlas, se pasea por el zócalo, señores con guayabera, jóvenes con guitarras, mujeres con grandes sonrisas se miran al pasar y todos se saludan, pues todos se conocen. Dicen los Tuxtlecos son relajados, tropicales, dicharacheros y abiertos; son de jarana y fandango, de río y de mar.

Page 9: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

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Page 10: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

• In San Andrés Tuxtla, “the indigenous culture of the Olmecas peoples blended with Spanish Christianity and the African beliefs brougth here by runaway black slaves “wich is how what they call brujeria (witchcraft) got started” Ancient indigenous cures, herbal therapies and invocation of supernatural forces or entities combine here in a tradition of both white and black magic. Actualy this activity is basicly turistic, and in March, every year an International witchcraft Festival is heald, atracting practitioners and curiosity seekers alike.

• This tradition exists side by side with religion. In fact, one of the oldest churches is San Pedro Totogatl (1552) in Santiago Tuxtla, San José y San Andrés Cathedral (1870), while in Catemaco the Virgen of Carmen has been venerated since 1664.

• En los Tuxtlas se “mezclo la cultura indígena y popolucas, el cristianismo español y las creencias africanas traídas por esclavos negros fugitivos; así nació lo que se llama brujería. Las antiguas terapias indígenas, la herbolaria y la invocación de fuerzas o entidades sobrenaturales configuran aquí una tradición de magia, tanto blanca como negra. Actualmente esta actividad es turística y esta marcada por el primer viernes de marzo en que se celebra un festival internacional de brujería que reúne a practicantes y curiosos. Esta tradición convive con la religión, uno de cuyos templos mas antiguos es el de San Pedro Totogatl (1522), en Santiago Tuxtla, la Catedral de San José y San Andrés (1870), en San Andrés Tuxtla, mientras en Catemaco se venera a la Virgen del Carmen desde l664.

Page 11: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.
Page 12: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.
Page 13: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

• Together with this rich cultural diversity, there are also pre-hispanic roots; the Olmec inhabited the region 1,200 years ago, and remained here until the beginning of the Christian era. Their imprint was clearly left in Tres Zapotes, an archaeological site were the famous colossal heads, that are now housed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, were discovered.

• Junto a toda esta rica variedad cultural, no faltan las raíces prehispánicas: los Olmecas, que habitaron la región desde hace 1200 años hasta los comienzos de la era cristiana. Su huella permanece en Tres Zapotes, sitio arqueológico donde fueron encontradas las famosas cabezas colosales que hoy alberga el museo Metropolitano de Nueva York.

Page 14: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

• Cabezas Olmecas

Page 15: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

• Cabeza Colosal Olmeca

Page 16: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

•Water here is found in a thousand forms. Near San Andrés is Salto de Eyipantla, a 30 meter-high waterfall on the Comoapan river. There is also the Encantada Lagoon, wich get its name from a curious phenomenon; its water level falls during the rainy season and rises during the dry season.

•En este lugar el agua se presenta en mil formas. Cerca de San Andrés se encuentra el Salto de Eyipantla, caída de 30 metros del río Comoapan. Esta tambien la laguna Encantada, que debe su nombre a un curioso fenómeno: Su nivel de agua disminuye en época de lluvias y aumenta durante la sequía.

Page 17: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.
Page 18: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

Few people know about the ocean view from Los Tuxtlas; 100 kilometers of virgin coast, with beaches and high, rocky clifts there are unique in the North Atlantic.From here we get to the cliffs of Punta Roca Partida, people is so familiar with these rocky formations that he does not hesitate a second in entering Lorencillo Cave, a church- size crevice that gets its name from the Dutch pirate who used it as a refuge while he raided Spanish galleons.

La vista marítima que ofrecen los Tuxtlas es poco conocida. 100 kilómetros de costa casi virgen, con playas y altos farallones rocosos únicos en el Atlántico Norte.De ahí se llega a los acantilados de Punta Roca Partida, formaciones rocosas que la gente conoce bien, por lo que no duda en penetrar en la cueva de Lorencillo, grieta del tamaño de una iglesia que lleva el nombre de un pirata holandés que la utilizaba como escondite cuando asaltaba galeones españoles.

Page 19: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.
Page 20: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

• Catemaco and its lagoon (the largest body of water in the region) are famous among experts in traditional natural medicine. Bordering the city, us the Nanciyaga Ecological Park, 40 hectares of rescued rainforest. This is were we find many of the witchdoctors who cure using ceremonies, herbs, the temazcal (ancient indigenous steam bath), mud and minerals extracted from springs. Boats leave from the waterfront for any of the nine islands, the most famous being Los Monos (inhabited by Asian primates) and Agaltepec, wich is covered by jungle and features an archaeological site. A unique finale is the highly recommended tour to Poza Reyna, a private ecological reserve where you can swim, snorkel, or practice aquatic rock climbing at stunning waterfalls and turquoise-colored pools.

• Catemaco y su laguna, el mayor espejo de agua en la región, son

celebres entre los adeptos a la medicina natural tradicional. A un costado de la cuidad esta el parque ecológico de Nanciyaga, de 40 hectáreas selváticas rescatadas. Ahí esta gran parte de los chamanes que curan con ceremonias, hierbas, el temascal, barro y aguas minerales de manantial. Unas lanchas que parten del malecón pueden llevarnos a una de las nueve islas, de entre las que destaca la de los monos (poblada por primates asiáticos), y Agaltepec, selvática y con un sitio arqueológico. Un final único lo proporciona el muy recomendable paseo por Poza Reyna, reserva ecológica privada con ambiente de selva protegida en la que se nada, snorkelea o se realiza escalada acuática en cascadas y pozas de agua color turquesa.

Page 21: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.
Page 22: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

La Conquista del Paladar

Conquering the Palate

Page 23: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

•Veracruz has one of the best gastronomy of Mexico and each region has something special . This gastronomy can please any gourmet and it is seasoning with the most natural and original ingredients. No true Veracruz spread could be complete without crab chilpachole, a seafood stew that blends the flavors of tomato, garlic, serrano chile and onion, producing its famous deep red tone and slightly spicy, thick broth flavored with fresh crabmeat eather in the shell or shredded. This enticing aroma has a hint of parsley and epazote (a fresh herb known as Mexican tea), an invitation to partake of a culinary treat with mestizo roots.

•Veracruz es uno de los estados con mayor tradición culinaria y cada una de las regiones que lo integran tiene su toque especial. La cocina veracruzana tiene todo un abanico de posibilidades complacientes para cualquier paladar ya que está condimentada con las especias más naturales y originales. En la mesa de los veracruzanos no puede faltar el chilpachole de jaiba, platillo que combina los sabores del jitomate, ajo, chile serrano y cebolla, y que es reconocido por el color rojo intenso de su caldo ligeramente picante y espeso que acoge el sabor de la carne fresca de jaiba, deshebrada o en su concha. El olfato distingue el toque de perejil y epazote, punto de partida para el disfrute de la experiencia del mestizaje culinario.

Page 24: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.
Page 25: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.
Page 26: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

• As soon as you get to the port city, you´ll be ready for some delicious coffee, along with one of the many local sweets, jobo, palanquetas (a crunchy peanut confection) or marquesote (sweet bread). As an antidote to the heat, be sure and try a guanabana, coconut or peanut torito. Literally a “little bull”, this spiked fresh fruit drink is great to have with some scrumptious local food. The taste of coffe is aromatic and incomparable, that´s why is exported to other countries. Any time you come to Veracruz, don´t forget to visit the famous and traditional Café de la Parroquia

• Tan pronto llegue al Puerto de Veracruz, estará listo para disfrutar el sabor del café tradicional, acompañado de la diversidad de postres; el jobo, las palanquetas y el marquesote . Para aminorar el calor, no deje de probar los toritos de guanábana, coco o cacahuate, ideales para acompañar la deliciosa comida jarocha. El café de esta zona es de un sabor incomparable y aromático, no por nada presume de ser exportado a muchos países y ser de los mejores en el mundo entero. Y ya que hablamos de café, no podemos dejar de mencionar que pocos lugares en el mundo son tan representativos de una ciudad y un Estado como el famoso Gran Café de la Parroquia en el Puerto de Veracruz. .

Page 27: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.
Page 28: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

Tobacco privilege of los Tuxtlas

Tabaco Privilegio de los Tuxtlas

Page 29: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

•San Andrés Tuxtla, a privileged place on the coast of Veracruz, has since the mid- nineteenth century become one of the most famous centers of tobacco production for the quality of its cigars.•Why are San Andrés cigars in such demamnd domestically and on the international market?• The answer lies in the field, in the tobacco sheds, and in the factories of San Andrés. A tour of the tobacco fields is more than enough to demonstrate the noble origin of the leaves which, once dry, become the raw material for rolling the cigar, and that is explained by the climate of the region situated in a little enclave close to the coast that enjoys a particular degree of humidity. •San Andrés Tuxtla, lugar privilegiado de la costa veracruzana que desde mediados del siglo XIX se convirtió en uno de los centros de producción de tabaco de mayor renombre. Pero ¿por qué los puros de San Andrés cuentan con demanda nacional e internacional comprobada?

La respuesta está en el campo, en las casas de tabaco, en las fábricas de San Andrés. Un recorrido por los campos sembrados de tabaco es más que suficiente para darse cuenta de la nobleza de origen de las hojas, que una vez secas formarán la materia prima del enrollado, y ello se explica por el régimen climático de la región, ubicada en un pequeño macizo cercano a la costa que disfruta de una humedad especial.

Page 30: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

The tobacco sheds, resembling great mansions in !he midst of the fields baked by an inclement sun, protect the strings of leaves that will be used according to their color, size and shape. A visit to the factories where the leaf tobacco is transformed into what has come to be known as habanos is an extraordinary experience.•There, everything happens as if in beehive under careful and precise attention and in the light of experience of each step of the process: selection, size, the personal touch for each piece and final packaging with the cigars, perfectly protected in their wooden boxes decorated with lithographs designed in the nineteenth century. AII this is put together so that the buyer may have the pleasure of carefully breaking the seal and offering a cigar, on habano, a San Andrés of the best, as a symbol of friendship and shared enjoyment of the time it takes to smoke these examples of an ancient craft, while preserving further dreams in their elegant box.

•Las casas de tabaco (galeras), que asemejan grandes mansiones en medio del campo, bañadas por el sol inclemente, guardan las trenzas de hojas que habrán de usarse de acuerdo con su color, tamaño y forma. Visitar las fábricas, los lugares donde el tabaco en rama es transformado en lo que ha dado en llamarse habanos, es una experiencia interesante. Ahí todo transcurre como en una colmena, con la atención exacta que da la experiencia para cada parte del proceso; la selección, la talla, el toque personal que lleva cada pieza y el empaque final con los tabacos ahí dispuestos, perfectamente protegidos por las cajas de madera y hechos para que quien los adquiere pueda darse el gusto de romper cuidadosamente el sello y ofrecer, como símbolo de amistad, un puro, un habano, un San Andrés de los buenos, mientras alguien espera a que se fumen el tiempo para guardar en la caja sus últimos sueños.

Page 31: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.
Page 32: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.



es bello

Page 33: LOS TUXTLAS The Last Jungle La última Selva Fertile beyond belief, in ancient times this land was known as Tlalocan, land of abundance and earthly paradise.

Trabajo realizado como intercambio Cultural

México-Hamburgo 2007

Texto: Florencia Podestá

Realización: M.F. Carrión / L.C Delgado