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Los Lunas High School



Page 2: Los Lunas High · The Project 24 framework helps districts and schools address seven major topics as they plan for technology

Site Name: Los Lunas High School

Number of students enrolled 1225

Number of instructional staff 58

Number of non-instructional staff 57

Primary Technology Plan Contact Information (i.e. Principal)

Name: Lynne Mozer Telephone#: 505-865-4646 x 6090

Title: Teacher Fax#: 505-565-2847

Address: PO Drawer 1300 Los Lunas, NM 87031

E-mail: [email protected]

Secondary Technology Plan Contact Information (i.e. Site Tech Coordinator)

Name: D’Nene Luera Telephone#: 505-865-4646 x 6018

Title: Librarian Fax#: 505-565-2847

Address: PO Drawer 1300 Los Lunas, NM 87031

E-mail: [email protected]



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Member Title Constituency Represented

Dan Padilla Principal Administration

Lynne Mozer Teacher Certified Staff

D’Nene Luera Librarian Certified Staff - Librarians

James Torres Teacher Certified Staff

Jessica Montano Teacher Certified Staff

Diana Benavidez Teacher Certified Staff

Anne Loveless Teacher Certified Staff - Electives

Michelle Candelaria Teacher Certified Staff

Gerry Crawford Technology – District Tech Technology

Vision Statement LLHS will learn and prepare today to meet the global challenges of tomorrow in a tech driven society.

Mission Statement LLHS will establish a student-driven community of lifelong learning that can use technology to promote: rigor, pride, respect, responsibility and accountability.



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International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conditions for Successful Technology Learning Environments Los Lunas High School will utilize the ISTE Essential Conditions for Successful Technology Learning Environments to guide technology initiatives. (

1. Vision - shared vision for educational technology among all education stakeholders 2. Empowered Leaders - stakeholders empowered to be leaders in effecting

change 3. Implementation Planning - systemic plan aligned with a shared vision for

school effectiveness and student learning through the infusion of digital resources 4. Consistent and Adequate Funding - Ongoing funding to support all aspects of

technology 5. Equitable Access - Robust and reliable access to current and emerging

technologies 6. Skilled Personnel – All staff are skilled in the effective use of technology 7. Ongoing Professional Learning – Tech-based PD with time to practice and

share ideas 8. Technical Support – consistent and reliable support for all aspects of technology 9. Curriculum Framework – Content standards that are aligned and support digital

age learning 10. Student-Centered Learning – Teaching and learning centered around the needs

and abilities of students 11. Assessment and Evaluation – continuous assessment of teaching, learning and

leadership and evaluation of digital initiatives 12. Engaged Communities – engaging community members to support and fund

digital learning resources 13. Support Policies – policies and accountability measures to support digital

learning 14. Supportive External Context - Policies and initiatives at the national and local

levels to support schools and teacher preparation programs

In support of student learning, Los Lunas High School has been fortunate to make great strides in providing instructional technologies to our staff and students. Most recently IDEA B, Title I, GEAR-UP, 3 MIL Levy, has provided funds to increase technology available for students primarily in the form of iPads, desktop computers, SMART interactive boards, clickers, digital cameras, document cameras, Wifi, etc. Initial implementation has been focused on continually increasing the use of technology to increase the learning of all students.



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Los Lunas High School is in the final stages of building a new school which has taken three years to complete. The expected date of completion is April, 2015. Digital resources/access will increase once the school is completed. However, more educational technologies are still needed. The areas of need in order to support student learning include many things. With our population of 1225 students, IPad carts allow more flexibility by utilizing mobile labs in teaching students and assessment (both student and teacher) in actual classrooms. More iPad carts (2) are needed to fulfill this goal. Apple TVs allow students and staff to view information from one’s iPad via the projector screen. LLHS needs 12 Apple TVs as we only have one at this time. Portable laptop carts (2 sets w 35 laptops each) will allow for a larger variety of student projects/coursework to be assigned without having to use a lab. The new high school also needs a College and Career Center with 10+ desktop computers for students and parents to access. An important need in order to support our new infrastructure would be a Comprehensive Wireless Technology solution. Staff would also need specific training to use this emerging technology and also Technical Support. Last, we need more computers/equipment to utilize this technology for the 21st Century students and staff: Desktop computers, Smart boards, projectors, clickers, document cameras, Apple TVs, digital cameras, MOBIs, and Xerox machine.

“The challenge for our education system is to leverage the learning sciences and modern technology to create engaging, relevant, and personalized learning experiences for all learners that mirror students’ daily lives and the reality of their futures. In contrast to traditional classroom instruction, this requires that we put students at the center and empower them to take control of their own learning by providing flexibility on several dimensions. A core set of standards-based concepts and competencies should form the basis of what all students should learn, but beyond that students and educators should have options for engaging in learning: large groups, small groups, and work tailored to individual goals, needs, interests, and prior experience of each learner. By supporting student learning in areas that are of real concern or particular interest to them, personalized learning adds to its relevance, inspiring higher levels of motivation and achievement.” Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology National Educational Technology Plan, 2010 “To be ready for college, workforce training, and life in a technological society, students need the ability to gather, comprehend, evaluate, synthesize, and report on information and ideas, to conduct original research in order to answer questions or solve problems, and to analyze and create a high volume and extensive range of print and nonprint texts in media forms old and new.”

Common Core State Standards

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The Project 24 framework helps districts and schools address seven major topics as they plan for technology integration. Connections between each of the topics highlight the importance of systemic planning to address college and career ready standards. A committee of technology-focused school leaders completed the Project 24 survey in order to receive the scores listed below. The scores provide an awareness of strength and areas that need to be addressed in order to improve implementation and practice.

Gear Focus Area P24 Score

Gear 1 Curriculum & Instruction (Total) 5

21st Century skills/deeper learning 7

Personalized Learning 3

Collaborative, relevant, applied learning 3

Leveraging Technology 7

Gear 2 Use of Time (Total) 1.75

Learning is flexible; anytime, anywhere 0

New pedagogy, schedules, and learning environment for personalized learning


Competency-based learning 7

Strategies for providing extended time for projects and collaboration


Gear 3 Technology & Infrastructure (Total) 8

Adequacy of devices; quality and availability 7

Robust network and infrastructure 10

Adequate and responsive support 5

Formal cycle for review and replacement 10

Gear 4 Data & Assessment (Total) 7.75

Culture of evidence-based decision-making 7

Online assessment and data systems support the data culture


Data and assessment-literate staff 7

Adaptive learning-analytics inform instruction 7

CURRENT REALITY – Project 24 Survey Results

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Gear 5 Academic Supports(Total) 4.4

Expectations for learner-centered environments 3

Community engagement and outreach 5

Digital learning environment 0

Collaboration and teamwork 7

Parental communication and engagement 7

Gear 6 Professional Learning (Total) 3.5

Digital age skills 7

Diverse opportunities for professional learning 7

New responsibilities for collaboration 0

Broad-based, participant evaluation 0

Gear 7 Budget & Resources (Total) 5

Efficiency and cost savings 3

Alignment to site level strategic and tactical plans 7

Consistent funding streams 10

Learning return on investment 0

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The results of our P24 Survey show many strengths and areas of need: Strengths: Technology and Infrastructure-Los Lunas Schools supports a robust technology network and infrastructure with a formal 4 year cycle for review and replacement of computers. Also, reimaging of computers is done on a regular yearly basis, and sometimes more often as needed (Gear 3). Data and Assessment-Online assessment and data systems support the data culture (PARCC, Discovery Education, CFAs, Mastery Manager, Data Driven Classroom, and Teachscape) (Gear 4). Budgets and Resources-LLHS has been fortunate to have consistent funding streams in technology through 3 Mil and building of our new school through PFSA and Bond Money (Gear 7). Weaknesses: Use of Time-Flexibility of learning is weak as there are not enough computer labs. Mobile labs made up of multiple iPads on a cart are just beginning to be utilized for class assignments and conducting formal student assessments. LLHS is requesting two more iPad carts and two Laptop carts to allow more flexibility for student access and usage of technology. Once the new building is completely finished, students will have access to four Student Production Centers (two on each floor). Each center will have 12 computers with a printer for students to utilize. Teachers will also have access to four Teacher Prep Centers (two on each floor) which also lends to more flexible/extended access to technology for projects and collaboration for both students and staff. LLHS has gone to a different schedule (A Day/B Day) this school year. In searching for a more effective practice of how best to teach, LLHS is considering changing up Fridays to where students attend all 8 classes to allow more one on one with teachers which enhances personalized learning. This time can be utilized to allow for more intervention, enrichment, and/or elective class time for students. Various teachers are willing to do working lunches where students can get extra help on assignments when needed. The librarian is willing to work extended hours to allow students to work in the library on the desktop computers (Gear 2). Academic Supports-The digital learning environment and expectations for learner-centered environments is lacking at LLHS due to not enough desktop computers and iPads. Programs at LLHS have been making technological changes to enhance student learning. For example, the Video Production Class has uploaded their Tiger TV to YouTube in two forms: A daily newscast and a weekly magazine to include daily announcements, interviews with staff and tutorials in which students, staff, parents, and community members can view online. Teachers will be expected to enhance the digital learning environment by posting individual websites in reference to their classes, posting discussion boards, blogs, utilizing My Big Campus, Edmodo, YouTube videos, assigning research projects, etc. (Gear 5). Professional Learning-Most staff members feel they need specific training in order to fully master and implement current and emerging technologies. Ongoing Professional Development on tech-based equipment/programs needs to take place which allows staff time to share ideas and collaborate. Teachers would then be able to evaluate how these technologies could


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most effectively be used to enhance student learning. Instructional Rounds- Teachers can also observe other classes as a group for a specific goal/focus and be allowed more collaboration time to discuss with colleagues specific data and ways to increase learning (Gear 6). Budget and Resources-Ways of determining student learning return on investment includes: Students utilizing various technologies at school, students’ completed tech-based assignments/projects, and observations by administration during walk-throughs and assessment data (Gear 7). Goals:

1. Student achievement-Student learning is improved, using appropriate educational technologies, leading to achievement in NM PED adopted content standards. Students’ reading and math skills are significantly increased due to use of educational technologies. This pertains to all programs including E2020, Distance Learning, Math and Read 180.

2. Teacher training- Educators implement student-centered, technology-enhanced, flexible learning environments that result in increased student performance centered on the needs and abilities of the students.

3. Student and staff access to technology High School students and staff access current and emerging educational technologies to enhance effective learning. Technologies should be reliable and efficient for quick access by students and staff members.


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Focus Areas: Curriculum & Instruction: College and career ready, deeper learning/21st century skills; personalized learning; collaborative, relevant, applied learning leveraging technology; integrating 21st century skills

a. Smart Boards d. Clickers f. Laptops b. MOBI Slates e. IPads g. Desktop Computers c. More opportunities for broad-based instruction

2. Use of Time: Learning is flexible; anytime, anywhere; new pedagogy, schedules, and learning environment for personalized learning; competency-based learning; strategies for providing extended time for projects and collaboration

a. My Big Campus c. Email e. Z drive b. Network (Student d. Edmodo f. Discussion Boards


3. Technology and Infrastructure: Adequacy of devices; quality and availability; robust network infrastructure; adequate and responsive support; formal cycle for review and replacement

a. Desktop computers updated/replaced every 4 years b. Reimaging computers 4. Data Systems and Assessment: Culture of evidence-based decision-

making; online assessment and data systems support the data culture; data and assessment literate staff; adaptive learning—analytics inform instruction

a. Discovery Education c. Data Driven Classroom b. Mastery Manager d. PARCC

5. Academic Supports: Community engagement and outreach; a digital learning environment; collaboration and teamwork; parental communication and engagement

a. Black Board Learn i.e.: Dual Credit, Distance Learning, Edgenuity b. Parent Portal c. Schoolmessenger d. Email e. Atomic Learning

6. Professional Learning: Skill set for the digital age; diverse opportunities for professional learning; new responsibilities for collaboration; broad-based participative evaluation

a. How to use data to drive classroom instruction more effectively b. Instructional Rounds c. Professional Development centered around

current and emerging technology 7. Budget and Resources: Efficiency and cost savings; alignment to district

and building level strategic and tactical plans; consistent funding streams; learning return on investment (metrics tied to student results)

a. Use of iPad carts and laptop carts instead of more computer labs b. Student Production Centers instead of more computer labs c. Fewer printers d. Evidence of student use of technologies by students’ completed work,

observations during walkthroughs and assessments

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Equipment Current Numbers 2017 Target Number

Desktop Computers 610


Laptops 64


iPads 120


iPods/iTouch 37


Interactive Whiteboard 39


Projectors 45


Scanners 7


Printers 59


Xerox Machines 6


Video Conferencing unit 1


Digital Cameras 22


Other: MOBI Slates Document Cameras Clickers Apple TV

11 54 19 1

35 55 22 13

With construction of the new Los Lunas High School being finished in April, 2015; students, staff and parents will have more access to broad-based flexible educational technologies that will be robust and reliable for everyone. Also, types of technology will increase within the next two years in order to meet the needs and abilities of students in order to meet the global challenges of tomorrow in a tech driven society.