Download - Lopes Scalp 21, 1985  · I . . ~ UNG.;~ j .!l OiLU, 113,1 1Y 825.· AUS'I':n~ l'L\lNVT~ ) _L;":'~: 75072 WORKING FOR ANOTHER

Page 1: Lopes Scalp 21, 1985  · I . . ~ UNG.;~ j .!l OiLU, 113,1 1Y 825.· AUS'I':n~ l'L\lNVT~ ) _L;":'~: 75072 WORKING FOR ANOTHER

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UNG.;~ j . !l O.i LU, 113,1 1Y

825.· AUS'I':n~ l'L \ lNVT~ ) _L;":'~: 75072

WORKING FOR ANOTHER 6 POINTS ••• Gilbe"rt Salinas and his teammates are working their way toward the goal line. adding to Crosbyton' s defeat. (Photo courtesy of Betty Cagle )

- :t .

Congratulations Bi.District Champs!

Lopes Scalp Odefs by David Kennedy

Most tea ms only dream of a bi-district crown . but to the Abernathy Antelopes. it became a reality . The Lop~ s e mbarrasse d the Cros b yton Chiefs 56·15 last Thursday.

The Antelopes played good offen· si ve ly. rushing for 399 yards and passing for 55 yards for a total of 454 yards. Defensively. it was a first half shut·out and the Lopes held Crosbyton to just 210 total yards .

The Lopes decided to take advan· tage of a stiff north wind and ga ve the Chiefs the football to ope n the game. After. three plays and a punt by the Ch ie fs. Abe rnath y had good field position at the Crosbyton 28 yardline . Rowdy Powell carried for 16 yards to give the Lopes a first down at the 12 .

On third and five . Gilbert Salinas followed his front wall into the end zone for six . Bill DuBose kicked the extra poin t to give the Lopes a 7·0 lead at 9: 18 of the opening period .

The defense he ld Crosbyton again on three plays. and after a short punt . the Lopes took over at the Chiefs 22 ,

Billy Cooper got the ball from two ya rds out to scor e . He got g ood blocking over the right s ide and the Lopes were ahead 13·0.

On the Lopes firsl possession of the th ird q uarter . a fu mbl e gave the Chiefs the ball on the Crosbyton 30, The defen se proceeded to hold the Chiefs on three downs. then shul down a fake punt.

From th e Crosbyton 32 . Salinas carried for 16. A pena lty and a sack forced the offense back to the 23 . On thi rd and 17. Cooper carried for 13 to the 10 yardline . Cooper got the call again and scored from 10 yards out. DuBose spli t the uprights and the· Lopes led 43·0 with 6:22 to go in the thi rd quarter.

Crosbyton the n pul their first points on the board with a 25·yard pass and ext ra point to make it 43·7.

)a\8ER~I)a\"rt-'Y '1'/EEKtl

Almos t two minute s later, Bill DuBose intercepted a would· be screen pass at the Chiefs 25 yardline and the lopes were in business again, A turnover prevented the lopes from scoring . However . the defense he ld aher Ihree plays to g ive the offense another chance from the 48.

After an incompletion on firs t down. Powe ll ca rried for 45 yards to the 3 va rdl ine, Cooper scored on the next pl ay 10 make it 19·0, The two· po int run by Cooper was s uccessful to give the Lopes a 21 ·0 adva ntage.

Abe rnathy got a 68·yard run b\' Salinas afte r the kickoff, Carver the n skirted ri ght e nd for four to paydirt . TI,e poinl after failed a nd the score was 49· 7.

The founh quaner saw a lot of players who didn 't ge l to start . This was a greal lime for Coach Aldridge 10 give some of the youn ger players some playoff ex perie nce.

~ RE'/I E'iV 25¢ ... "IN , .. , .AUf, Of lOll >tA.Nt- VOL. 63. NO.2 THURSDA Y. NOVE.MBER 21, 1985 [SERVING HAlE, LUBBOCK COUNTIES] U.S.P .S. NO. 003 .HO ....

The defe nse continued to dominate and gave the offense the ball. this time at the Chiefs 38. A clipping pena lt y sta lled the drive and Crosby· ton too k over d ee p in th e ir own territory at the 12 , Gilbert Salinas stal led thi s Chief possession with an inlerception and re turn to the Crosby· ton 26 ,

The on ly Bill DuBose punt of the night was fumbled by Crosbyton and Salinas fe ll on the pigskin al the Ch iefs 14 , After a penalt y forced the offense back. Ricky May carried for 16 yards and a tou chdown . The poin t after was good for a 56·7 Antelope lead ,


Date Uigh Low RaIn 11 · 13 01 44 11· 14 04 46 Fo~ 11 · 1.'1 SO 25- Fro~ 1 11 · 16 59 25 11 · )7 (lS 2<J 11 · 11i 7J 31 11 · 19 ' I J8

Just Bet.vee .. t s b~ Unda Salltnti

EARL Y DEADliNE for ne"' ~ and ad\'ertisem~nts ncxt week bel'aus~ of the Thanks~h'ing holiday, . Plcase tr~

to ha\e l'\' cr~ thi ng to us no lat<r than Frida~ at 5 p. m. The paper "III be print"d one da~ ,'a r" ne lt ",·ck .

SPEQAL TIIANKS to O:tell Lam Aldridge and Coa h R a~ Atl' r f" r ai l the coo(>t' ration th ... \ ·lta\ e gl"'n to the Re\'ie" , pro\'id in ", game IIlform al.on, The\' ha\ c a bu" . chedule, but abo app'fl'cia t e Ihe ' fan Iha l II is so import anl I\) our read"" 10 gel Ihe informalioll 011 Ihe games . TIle) hav(' bo th jusl beell ,uper all , easoll 1011101 .

PEP RALLY will be he ld Friday at 2:45 p,m, al tht· High School. The band wi ll man'h through Ih" halls with the leam hehind Ihem . Paren t' and fan , a re inviled 10 a tt end ,

Bus To Take Fans

,\ chartered bus will be a\,ai la[1'" to carrv fans to the game Frida)' nigh t be t~' e('n Ab('rnath y and Sa nfo rd · Fritch .

The COS I of Ihe trip will be SII. and the bus will leave Aberna lhy a t 4:45

p . ~~ rc scrve space on the bus. call Pinson's Pharmacy on Thursday.

Safety Stressed

To Students Safety is the key word for the

Abernathy Elementary s tudents. according to Mrs. Roben Priest. a teacher at the school.

Mrs. Priest . along with several other teachers. ire having a special safety unit covering such areas as bicycle safety. bus safety. playground safety and 'personal safety.

The culmination of this unit will be held on Monday and Tuesday after­noons. Nov, 25 and 26. from 1·4 p.m. At thi s time. in cooperation with members of the high school s tudent . council. a chilli iClemilica tlon workshop will be held.

Parenti of the e le me ntary students will lie aaked .to Silln a letter .of pennlllion to bave their hooI·aaecs chUd nnprprinted. Thl pro,r.m I, YQluntary. Pa .. nl alanloll !be letter will retelve ~n Idtnltfk:lllon ~.rd to fill out .nd relurn .0 the IICbooi .

All' I'tt'iIfdI collected will be kep' ~ .h. pI,. nll or IlIlrdl.". or Ih cIt.klNo.

Arts & Crafts Festival Nov ~ 23

A Christmas Affair " 'ill be held in Abernalhy this weekend. · beginning with Ihe 61h Annual Art s and Cra ft s Fesl ival on Saturday fro m 10 a . m. to 6 p,m. in the Communit \, Cenler .

Tht· Art s a nd Crafts Fes ti \'a l wi ll have 32 bO<.'l h , with craftsmen from aroung the area . The\' include: Ricky Powell .· baked goods · Abernalh\'

Adine Mc Donough . educa tional (0)'S . Petersburg Be linda Noel· wood i1t:ms and ba,ket s . Petersburg kania Grimsle) . polpourri . Abernalh y Sail\' Ba rrick · Chri tmas decoralions . Abernathv Firs'l Ba pti st You th · Sluffed polaloes and baked· goods· Abernathy linda Meletli . laXldcrm\ . Lubbock Beth Monaghan · pe>! ar;d ink and acryl ics · Abernathy Travis M ilchiH . church nigh l lights . Abernathy Wanda Ste phenson 0.: Becky Rasco paint ing &: crafts . New Deal Virgil Spenc-er . wood items · lubbock Wa I1C Ste.phens . ,.ood items · lubbock Gui & Ka th y Via· baked goods and cabbage patch fashions· Abernathy Nan,) Hagood · jc",e1ry . Floydada Joan F ritzler · multi , media crafts· Lubbock Jud y Da" i . ce ramics · l ubbock Da\ " Corky· barbed wIre plaques· Canyon JaniCt' Cook · Baskets and Wrealhs . Idalou Eastern Slar . ,tc" &: l'Ornbread . Abernath y Myrna D3\1s . baked goods · Abernalhy

olleen Mille r · baked good ~ . Abernalhy Marga rel F ith . ,, 00<1 il e ms . Hale Center Caruh n Curr\ ~ Na nn Ca nnon · l'OUnln ilem s &: jewelr'\' . Hale Cen ter Barb~ra Ford' . stained glass · lubbock . . Barbara S,·" II . multi · media craft s· Aberna lh\' Darkan Slo\'ali . counlry craft~ . Floydada . Lynda T~'e . \H IOd .Ie m, & jc" cln' . Kress Juliana Pe~Ta v)' . quillS , lOyS & decorat ions · lubbock Frankie Mill s &: Carol W illiamson · walercolors . Abernath v Youn g Homemakers · baked goods . Abe rnalh y . E\a Marlin · dolls · Peter,burg Don Hcn~ky . metal craft, .I.: jc" elr~' . Brownfield

S C\ e ra I businesses in town "il l also be holding open house 10 ki ck off the Cltri,lntas ,cason.

Billie 's at 91 Ave . D will hav(' an open house with cinna mon rolls and l'Offee >cr'\'cd in Ihe Illorning and l'OOkie" cake a nd punch served in the afternoon . A dra"lng " ill be he ld for a SIOO gi fl ce rtifica te.

Abe rnathy Floral a t 131 2 Ave . 0 wHi hold thei r. open house on Sunday. Nov, 24. front t ·5 p,m. Door prius will be gi\'en . The staff invit es everyone by to see 11t(· love l\' decorat ions avai lab le for Ihe Christmas season,

BJ" s Monogram Shop at 406 10th St. wi ll hold open house from 9 a ,m.·5 p.m. on Saturday. Refreshments will. be served , ,

The Blue Sta mp Store at H O<J Ave , 0 will also 'be holding a drawing for a prile to be given away a t I p.m.

The Senior Citi zens Center wi ll be ope n from 1·4 pm , and they invite everyone lu ('Ome by to re lax a nd visit while in town fo r the Arts & Crafts Festival.

Saturday evening there will be caroling and lighting of the tree o~ the Square. beginning at 7:30 p.m. A brass ensemble composed of Paul Lindley. Mark Turner . Jim Crites and J erry Mo~gan will play Chtistmas Carols. Mark Dunn. Musil- Director of Firs t Baptist Church. will lead everyone in singing carols ,

Following the caroling. refreshmen ts will be served in the Communit), Center. The Chamber of Commerce e ncourages everyone to vi.sit ALL the businesses

participating in the " Christmas Affair ." (see ad on page 3) They have each worked hard in preparation for it and should be commended for the ir joint effort in promotin g Abernathy and the feeling of goodwill at this speial tillte of year.

Also, a special note of gratitude to Frankie Mills and Rhetta Riley for organizing the Pie Suppe and Mark Dunn and Mark Turner for the caroling and tree lighting activities.

The goal of each business and individual that worked on the " Christmas Affair" was to promote the true meaning of Christmas. to rekindle the love and peace we feel at this time and to spread joy to the hearts of all who visit , shop. or browse in Abernathy this Saturday.


of Events


ECA Class meets from 6·10:30 p.m. in the Fire Hall.

Na lio nal Honor Society goes to State School and the n out to eat. leaving Abernathy at 6 p ,m.

Boy Scouts meeting at 8 p.m. at the Firsl United Methodist Church ,

Odd Fellows meel at 8 p,m.


Varsi ty girls play at Nazareth at 4 p.m.

Area football playoff a t Amarillo against Sanford · Fritch. beginning at 7:30 p,m. (map to stadium on page 5)


ArtS and Crafts Festival from 10 a .m.·6 p.m , in the Community Center.

,Caroling on the Square beginning at 7:30 p,m,

Thanksgiving banquet at the Firs t Ch urch of the Nazarene Halford Hall at 6:30 p,m.


Community.wide Thanksgiving ser· \~ce at Firsl Baptist Church at 6 p,m.


Junior high baske tball aga inst Springlake· Earth . boys game at 5 p .m. and the girl s' ga me will follow .

VifSily plays at Canyon . girls at 6:30 p,m .: boys at 8 p .m.

ECA Class meets from 6· 10:30 p .m. in the Fire Hall.


Bible study group meets at the City Hall meeting room at 9:30 a.m.

Lions Club lunch and program at noon in the City Hall meeting room.

Firemen 's Thanksgiving dinner at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Center.

Varsit y bas ketball here against Sudan· girls play at 6:30 p.m.; boys play at 8 p .m.


Senior Citizens luncheon and pro­gram beginning at II a,m. at the Depot.

Dunn Signs With

Loulsl ••• Tee.

Phoebe Dunn got her dream last Wednesday after signing a letter of In,tent with Louisiana Tech.

Rowdy Powell gOI 23 yards on runs of 20 a nd J . Billy Cooper plunged in from 3 yards out. and DuBose added Ihe exIra point to make it 28·0 at the 4:47 mark of the second stanza.

Once again the Lope defense forced . the Chiefs backwa rds and gave the offense the ba ll a t the Lopes 43 .

J a mie Mansanales hit Chuck Thompson for 17. then found Pete Garcia for 30 down to the 10, On firs t and goal. Powe ll carried for 9 and the n gOl the ball from the I to give the Lopes a 34·0 lead. Jim Bob Carver made a heads· up play on the extra point. when a bad pass from center forced him to pick up the ball and run around right e nd for two points. The half ended with the Mighty Maroon up 36·0.

TEAM STATISTICS Abernathy Crosbyton

First Down s Rushin g Yards Passing Yards Total Yards Turnovers

20 399 55

454 2

12 ISO 60

210 4 ".



Carrles/ Yards

Cooper Powe ll Salinas Mansanales Carver Waters Harbin Ricky May Flint Bigham J, J, Aguirre


Thompson Evans Garcia


12180. 4 TDs 1311 28. lTD 9/ 137. ITO

21·2 1/ 4. lTD

1/ 4 5/ 27

2/ 19. lTD 1/·4 4/ 0

3 of 9. 55 yards


1 for 29 yds . 1 for 12 yds. I for 14 yds.

Crosbyton added another score late in the ga me. bU I it was not e nough a nd the l opes inscribed Ihe bi·districl trophy with a 56· 15 viclory.

The Antelopes advance to the Area round of Ihe pl ayoffs thi s Friday against Sanford· Fritch , The site will be Dick Bivens Stadium in Amarillo a nd ki ckoff will be set for 7:30 p . m, Sanford· Fritch is the win ner of dis trict I ·AA and they defeated Quanah to earn the right to advance .

At thi s point all the opponents and the Ante lopes a re winne r s. These young men have worked hard to reach their goals and the playoffs is where the work pays off. As citizens of Abernathy. we have pride' in a job well done . Give the team membe rs your support and tell them how proud · you are of them . GO GET FRITCH !!!


DuBose I punt for 56 yds,


Cooper 9 tackles Mansanales 4 tack les Salinas 2 tackles, I interception Thompson 2 tackles . I interception Carver 3 tackles Carver 3 tackles Galloway 2 tack les F , Bigham 1 tack le Conway 2 tackles Powell II tackles Evans 9 tackles McKinney 6 tackles Olivas 5 tackles Hannel I tackle Harris 8 tackles DuBose 6 tackles . lint" 1 sack Garcia 3 tackles Pearson 2 tackles Stephens 1 tackle Houston 6 tackles Robert May 3 tackles . 2 blocked passes Ellis 9 tackles Morgan 1 tackle Williams 1 tackle Konstantakos 2 tack les Miller I tackle. 1 fumble recovery

Dunn. a 5'8" senior post with the lady Lopes helped lead the team to two state high school basketball ...... PIIOebe Duo" II Ihown .... Inc a letter of .duunpkmshlp.,ames. She was allO ~ inten!.. with ~Ialana Tec:b,~_OIIIa her 1IICIther, MI'I, ShldeyJ)UIlII,- aad two-time. all-state sclectlon. averaat"' -----cciiCh .,..t Mouscr and c-OIch PbyUil JOI!ft. (Photo courtIeIy of Betty CaaIe) 16.2 poinl •• nd 5.7 rebounds per ,ame lut SCIlOn. She made the all-tourna· _nl team a. tbe . tate meet In both I .. Ind 1985.

fIhotbe .. Id abe reallna abe wU1 111ft 10 becoIne ItcIIlloMcI to "'!II fa, . fro", ho... bul Ihl .. ,. her .................... TtdlI WW be ......... l1li1)'.

Page 2: Lopes Scalp 21, 1985  · I . . ~ UNG.;~ j .!l OiLU, 113,1 1Y 825.· AUS'I':n~ l'L\lNVT~ ) _L;":'~: 75072 WORKING FOR ANOTHER


nisterial Association Service Of Thanksgiving Celebration

CELEBRATE THANKSGIVING is the theme of this year's Community·

.Study Club Gets Health (Tips

\ Wide Thanksgiving Servi.ce. The special service provideo by the Abernathy Ministerial Association in oooperalion with eight local churches. will be held Sunday. Nov. 24. al 6:00. p.m. at The First Baptisl Church .

The annual service of Community Thanksgiving and Praise has under· gone some changes in format for this year. One of the most exciting changes. according to Rev. R. Allen Schlegel. President of the Associalion. is the fact that the entire service will be buiJt around a special Musical 'Padage and "Thanksgiving Thoughts" section.

l'he 1935 Siudy Club mel al Ihe home of Mrs. John Hale November 14 for their November meeting . There were 13 members present.

President Mrs. Robert McAlisler called the meeting to order. and Mrs. Jack Hackler lead the reading of the Club Collect. During the business meeting, it was decided to again bring gifts to be presented to the State School for Christmas. These gifts are to be left at the library by ' November 29.

An interesting program on Health and Medicine was given. Mrs. John

Hale presented a potpourri of health facts and new discoveries in the health field. One tidbit was to make a good gargle for a sore Ihroat . Just add 20 drops of TabasCQ Sauce to a glass of water and gargle.

The second part of the program was presented by Mrs. Gid Adkisson. Her topic was on calcium and the part it plays in prevention of osteoporosis.

DeJicious refreshments were served by the hostess. The nexl meeting will be a covered dish luncheon December 12 at the home of Mrs. J . C. Mills .

The churches that are participating . in this year's Thanksgiving Service are

The Assembly of God Church . First Baplisl Mission. Bethel Baptisl Church. First Baptist Church. Firsl Church of the Nazarene , and The United Melhodist Church. although a"endance is encouraged of all of

Book Review Shower To Aid Blackstocks

There is a community and area effort to aid Sharon Blackstock and children of the County Line community following the fire that damaged their home and belongings.

A s hower is planned for them on Salurday. Nov. 23. from 6·8 p.m. M the County Line Community Center. A money· tree will be made up for those who wish to donate, but are unable to attend. Gifts may be taken by the County Line Baptist Church parson·

age. Pol Luck Barber Shop in Shallowater or by the Abernath y Weeki y Review.

Sharon and her children, Vickie and Harry . moved 10 the A. H. Allen home in County Line. The children are students at Abernathy. Vickie is in the 6th grade and Harry is in the 1st grade.

For more information call th e parsonage at 757·2134 or 873·3586.

Word of Honor by Nelson DeMme

Reviewed by Imogene Suttle

A couple of wee ks ago, I was paying my weekly visit 10 Abernathy Public Library and) found the librarian was unwrapping the latest novel · Word of Honor by Nelson DeMille . I gave the book a light perusal and saw it was on the Vietnam War, I was almost moved not to read the book. Yet. I knew I must not hide my head in t he sand like an ostrich over that war . So. I checked it out and I have rece ived some ri ch insights by having read the book.


Each time I go to my upper f.rm . I pass by a lovely horne built by the U.S, government for a yo ung, hand · some Vietnam veteran that is a paraplegic .. on beautiful days he s its in his wheel chair out by the sidc of his house and e njoys the sights in his limi ted environ ment. Thi s pic ture




3 502 SLIDE ROAD. S UI TIl /4. . 17

LUBBOCK. TEXAS 78414 BUS'NES! 806 793.35101

always keeps the Vietnam War fresh in m y mind . While I wa s about halfway through thi s nove l. Phil Donahue had a program o n th e Vietnam POWs, It makes you wonder when the final cha pter will be closed

~/ /~ Attend The Church

// Of Your Choice

This Sunday

Getting Into The Habit 0' Thanksgiving In th e book of I Thessalonians

(5: 16· 18) we find an important passage of Scripture dealing with the "Habil of Thanksgiving " .. "Be joyful oIways; pray contInually: and GIVE THANKS IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. for this is God ' s will for you in Chri:;t Jesus."

Christian) is that they will be a country! WE shou ld "give thank s" for THANKFUL PERSON!!! A habit is our community .- our fin e ci ty _. something that happens or something our fr iends ! \\'E shoul d "give ·( that we do without thinking; a ll of the for our church es and time; and it's hard to quit. So should fe llowship! WE should .. g i .... e t it be in the area of "'Thanksgiving "!!! for our fami li es! And WE sho We ought to make a HABIT of BEING "give thanks" .. above oil else ..

William Barclay tells us that one of th e most significant marks of a "genuine church" is that it is A l THANKFUL CHURCH .. a church where "rhere is always something for which to give thanks: even on the darkest day there are blessings to count." But I'd go even one step further to say: One of the most

THANKFUL!!! OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR. JESUS During the " Thanksgiving Season". CHRIST! '!

our HABIT should be more prominent· I trust Ihal YOU will learn to make Iy ex pressed! This is why special Thanksgiving a HABIT and. that "Thank sgiving Service s " are so YOU will mak e o ur co mmunit y special and important: and this is why · Thanksgiving Celebration and Service OUR COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING a pari of YOUR Thanksgiving .. pre •• · SERVICE is so special and important!! Ion IlIld season!!!

'cant marks of a "genuine WE have MUCH to be Thankful for (and extremely ThanHul at thall!! ) WE should thanks" for our • land EVERY uine

66 Butane A88embly of God Bethel Baptist Church Richard 1404 A,e. B • 298·2060 E. lot St . . 298·2118

And Ban-y TlIIey Re,. J. B. Lesler


Fertilizer Insurance Lakeview Methodist Church

Chtm:h of Chrlsl 10th & Ave. E • 298·2718

3 mi. North. 6 mI. E. of CIty Jeny Chl.m

Abernathy Joe

Farmers St. Isidore Church Thompson

III ChlU'Ch of Na:r.arene

Co-op Gin 6th SI. & Ave. E Soulh A,e. D Implement Co.

298-2832 Rev. Matthew D'Souza

Re •• Allen Schlegel

Struve laJaIa Del N ...... no Pay-N-Save

ComIty LI..., Bapd" a.tudJ Rt. 2 • 757·2134

A,e. A .. 5th St.

Implement Re,. Ray s-pJea ....... AaoIenN Supermarket 298-4e6I

NerthIIde ....... ""'- MIaoh!a Bautl ...

Brightbill 291-2613 Co-op Grain 1 ... 51 ... A,e. E • 291-2497 ..... G. G. FIooee

H •• tl!lg Company

FJnt ...... 1 a.arch ..... VIIIIItII ......... a.a 411·7th 51.

,.. ..... D 291-3587 1IIw ..............

c...,.,~a-h M-.Der...nM-Abernlthy

.... 1 •• .." 118 E ..... 51 • WHkly ... a ......... _) .. 0 ,... ............ ...., ............ , ....... ReM.

Abernathy and the surrounding area. Two special "offerings" will be

received .s a part of Ihis year's service. One "cash offering" and one "food offering" are received each year in an effort to allow the Ministerial Association to assist II needyll , Aber­nathy families, Participants in the service are encouraged to bring canned goods. slaples. elc. for the food collection and a donation of cash (or check) for the offering.

Another change in this year ' s planning is Ihe addition of a time of Community Fellowohlp following the service. Each family is p'Sked to bring a plate of "goodies" a,,-d to plan to join together in the church's Fellow­ship Hall immediately following the close and Finale .. "The Hallelujah Chorus" .. of Ihe service.

You are invited and encouraged to join in on Sunday, Nov. 24 at 6 p.rn .. as we all Celebrate Thanksgiving and Praise God togethe r! !!

on thi s conflict. Aft e r 16 years. families are still asking for help to know what reall y happened to their sons; who did not ret urn ,

The author. Nelson DeMille, was a lieutenant himself in Vietnam and he writes with a powerful boldness and unem belli shment on a s ubject that is ri s ky to comment on .

Nelson's book forcefully depicts to the reader just how much devastaton was wrought by thi s undeclared war: uutold s uffer ing al the lime of war and agonizing of the people on the home fra n .. It took a terrible toll in human life, as well as the "alural resources . Heally, no price can be placed on it. It \\·as war the public could n('ver come to grips with .

Thi s tale is a bout Hue (way) Vietnam in 1968 , when a platoon slaughtered the sick . the afflkted, the he lpl ess a t Mi ser ico rde Hos pital : sworn by word of honor nevcr to tcll what happe ned there that dre'3dful day.

Andrew Pi; ard. a Vielnam vetcran nnd journ a li st, wrote:.' tI bouk on Ihe Hu c ma ssac re wi th the he lp of someone who broke I he VO\\' fl f honor . The book shocked the dv ilian world . Since Be n Tyo;on was the lieut enant of tha t plat oon. h(' had to g ive his accoun t of the massacre, Ben was responsible for thl' ad iun of hi s men a nd th(' scaring questions were · was he g ui ll of murder or was he the !\capcgoat of the army?

The SUS pt~lJse is so great. Ihe reade r cannot pOI the book dow n · he feels he must kn ow the answer to the plight of ·Ben 'I \lson . Of course. all the al,tion affccts· Be n' s wife a nd hi s son, David . Be n had to fa{'(' a dra ml1 lk and fllrcefut trial. Thmug h this action the aUlhor is able to scrutinize many of th e unrc .. nlved issues of our in volve· m e nt in Vi e tn am a war that seemingly will never go away,

This And That BJ' Hele n Wade

We had a nice noll' in the muil from Mrs , Bernice GOSIlC·Y in Californi a, She c njoys the pape r a nd ,.a id she " 'as glad 10 hea r a ll tht' tC;l m s arc doing so wcll ,

W e wcn t up last week to visit Jallel. Ron and Chrbty at Dimmill . They we re all do ing good.

We s topped in Olt oll Ull tIle way bad to visit Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Daniels . He kcep ~ busy lend ing hi s animal s.

J oy J ones of Dimmitt spent the \\-'e c kcn d wilh h e r moth er , Mrs, Frances Garvin.

Those To Remember

Mn. BIll Schreier had surgery on both knees and she is recovering at home.

M .... Merle JlA:klOn is in Methodist Hospital.

Mrs. Iva Rhodes is in Methodist Hospital for tests .

Glenn ReapII is home from the hospital.

Mn. Alpha KeUey will have surge.ry this week. She is in Methodist Hospital.

Charlel WnlOD is in Lubbock General Hospital.

• " j

. \~ .. : .. , :'" 1f1

. . -===C~Ic:=t~:

Depot Dispatch by Beay Reynard

::)Iec==nC==MM:::::::::::.t1C::::= A very interesting and informative

. program was presented at our meeting on W~dn~sday. Nov. 13. Mrs. Jane Windham Hubbard. R.N. talked to us about Medicare programs . She mentioned the Title 18. 19. and 20 services Ihat are available for Medi· . care, Medicaid, and low income sick people. If you feel you qualify for any of these services. conlact the Depart· ment of Human Services.

Mrs. Hubbard lives in Abernathy. and you can visil with her if you feel you have a question on your blood

1 pressure or have to have a ' nurse immedialely. She will be taking blood pressures and some 'screening prog­rams the first Wednesday of every month. Come by and visit wilh her and attend our Sing· Along.

Mrs, Renata Druesedow won the drawing for a free dinner next week, and Audrey Waddell won the fun gift.

Games Nighl and Christmas party will be December 9. Watch for more details.

We had our annual Senior Citizen Association meeting, and five dire·ctors were elected to the governing board. Last week al a Board meeling. the following officers were e lected for the year: Presidenl·Arno Struve; Vice Preside nt · Horace Davis ; Secretary· Re naln Drucsedow; Rcpprter. Betty Reynard .

Spade Homecoming November 22

Friday. Nov. 22. will be Homecom· ing at Spade School. Activities will begin at 4 p .m. with reg istration,

A barbecue will be served from 4:30·6:30 p.m. and again after Ihe boys' basketball game. It is sponsored by the Sen ior Class aqd will be held in the sch ool lun c hroo m. Ti cke ts are S4 .SO for adult s and SJ .SO fo r children under 12 .

The Spade Basketball teams will

host the H:appy teams. The girls' ga me begins at 6:JO p.m. and the boys' ga Dle will rollow. The 1986 Homcroming Queen ('a ndi,

dales arc Alicia Gonzales . Din a Pe rel and Rhondu Vann . The win ner will be crowned during halftime of th e boys' game.

A rc('c ptiol1 and ex·studen t meet ing will be held in the library followi ng the t,..)~ni· game.

Library Tour Of Homes Dec. 8

The annual Li bra ry Tour of Homes will be held December 8 from 2·4 p, m.

This evcnt is a fund rais er fflr , the library . in order 10 llIaill t uill th (' quali ty of books pU f('hased .

Ti (,kt' t~ can he pun: ha~ed 31 the library during rl'g ular bU!linl'~s ho urs 3nd 011 Ihe da't' i)f the c~· enl. Til'kC'l 'i an' SJ .50 fo~ nc.l ult ~ and S2 for child rcll .

You Are Invited To "An Evening For Old Times' Sake"

All the cili l,(, I1 S or Abernath y art' ilwitt'd 10 .. An Evenin g For' Old Times' Sake" . Sa turda). Nov . 23. 7:30 p .m , a t the Ci t~, Hall .

There will be sam,' music an d ~\·e

will a ll s hare so t11 e hOn\(' ·bakl'd pit'S.

Thi s eve nt is hos\{'d by t hl'

Ch .lOlhcr of Ctlm llll'n't~ a nd the 1I1crdlalH~ of Aberna lll\ U.!o a .... 3\ II.)

\a,\ thank ,\UU fm \'o~l r pa tron'3ge dUrin", thl' pu~1.

We look fon' ani 10 a bnghl IUlIIrl', Tll~l'thl'r .. bu,inc ..... l' !I. an d ,.- it ilt·n\ .. " e make..' Abt'rl\a th ~ a , upl' r pla \.·l' II ) l.all hllll\c

te 7ha Ce\ebra I1ksgiVil1g

Community- Wide Thanksgiving Service of Celebration & Praise

First Baptist Church

Sunday, November 24

6:00 P.M.

Participating Churches:

• A ... mbl) or God Church ·Flnt Chun.·h of Ihe :'iu .&n.'nt'

'Bethel Baptist Chur1'h ·Northfi klt, Bapthil Cbuf"C'h

'Flnn Baptl" Chureh

·PI ... t Baptist MI.slon ·Unlt ... M.thodl.t (,hun:h

Community Fellowship Time

Following The Service!!!

,See related .... Ide for furth.r detail"

Pold ror bJ Th. Abemath) Mlnl ... rlal '\ ' ''''''Iallon


l 40%-75% ~

f s .. ~:"~nIY ~ l c<," ". ".., ~

~ Open House ~ ~ 8 a.m.~5:30 p.m. 2

Z Rf'reshments will be served S

I Rel/isfer for ! I '100 Gift Certificate j ~ NOW CAUYlNG 2 Z .,.... AllaM CeIIeccIIIM, DeW_ 5

I --;,;---- . I L ifT AN. D 'N·'." j


~ .jj.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -l'

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* * * * * * *


**********************************************************************************:1<******:1< Yoailre 'ltrited To


"Christmas Affair" Feat .. rl." the

6th Annual Arts & Crafts Festiva'

Se.lor Cltl%e. Cellter .,.e. 1-4 p •••

S ••• r .... , Ne.,. 23

. Co ......... lt" Center

Saturda" No.,e ... ber 23, 1985

(Jul" Raffle

Ce.e _. 6 " .... DUe.4t

Tite Art. 6 Cr.'" Ji'e.d.,.1

s ... , ... L",d ••• , "_II nn ......... 1: C ....... 1: ..,....... .....

.11111._ ..... _. .ttl ••••••

at * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -I!'

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Page 3: Lopes Scalp 21, 1985  · I . . ~ UNG.;~ j .!l OiLU, 113,1 1Y 825.· AUS'I':n~ l'L\lNVT~ ) _L;":'~: 75072 WORKING FOR ANOTHER

Lut Sunday, Noy. 10, ' the AHS Band met at the band hall at 7:15 a .m. in preparation for a long trip to Au!ltln. We departed at about 8:30 • . m., made it to Brownwood for lunch, stopped for a brief rehearsal in Early. and checked into .the Austin Hilton Sunday night . We were amazed to see ligns, posters. and streamers in the lobby, on the doors of our rooms, and in the halls of ihe noors we stayed on, all wishing us luck at the marching contest. Most of us could hardly sleep due to the anticipation and excitement of the situation.

On Monday. we were ready to go at 7 a .m . The preliminaries of the 2A bands were held at Burger Center. Of the 12 2A bands. Abernathy was the first to compete in the State Marching Contest. Du e to heavy rains the previous few days. th e fie ld was extremely muddy. to put it mildly . We fuund the going quite s lippery. yet did our best. despite the poor conditions.

by Jtob GlveM

It was really a thrill and honor to compete at the State Leyel, and we hope to return again next yearl Immediately after marching. we had some pictures taken of the group. Then we waited for the final results. When the announcement Clme, Aber­nathy received a Division II rating and did not advance to the finals . Only four Sands got Division I rankings. Although we were disappointed with our placement. we were proud to have represe nted Abernathy in Austin . Later that evening we went to The Magic Time Machine for a dinner we wi ll never forget!

We arrived home. exhausted , at 9:15 Tuesday night from a trip that we will remember for the rest of our lives I

Our next performance will be at Dick Blevins Stadium in Amarillo on Friday when the Migh ty Maroon 'Lopes meet up with Sanford· Fritch for the Area title.


Beat Sanford-Fritch!!


-*************************************1 : Let Montez Rogers ::

: Do Your Haircuts, Perms, Shampoo & Sets :: * * ;*~~~*~~gg***~~r:*~:*~:*h*e.*l:::*:::*~**~ r----------------~ , Congratulations Lopes & Coaches ;

t , , For Winning Bi-District!! ,

I , t We are behind you 100 % . t

: Go Win!! :

: Vecchio's Burger Hut , I 298-2874 1 , Open Monday·Saturdoy 6 a .m. to 9 p .m. J '----------------­r------------.------.--------.., ! .:,~: , ' PA.ITY PLUS I I I . ':j Wi ~lRl~[KJ(fj)JJf§)~ I ! .' . West Texas Most Complete ! I Party Supply Store I

I ., ". r, " •• "'.'\..1' II', ",I'"

, • H'

• ~ , 1 •• • t I

1 ". . ~ ~ _ _ __ ~_~"~~1.1 •

You Are Invited To Our

9 Christmas Open House

Sunday, Nov. 24 . : " ", 1 :00 - 5:00 P.M.

Q Door Prizes & Refreshments

THE W1N ... The Antelope cheerleaden were elated over the Bi·Districl win last Thursday. From left to right. Sharon Tbomason. Liz Lopez, Wendy Anderson. Missy Johnson , and Sharmin Toler. In the center is Sandy Garcia. (Photo courtesy of Betty Cagle)

Beat Sanford-Fritch

Lopez Attends Convention

John Edward (Eddy) Lopez. 1985 AHS graduate. attended the Co llege Me dia Advisors! Associated Col legiate Press Convention, at the Lincoln Hotel in Dallas Texas. on October 31 th ru November 3. 1985.

Lopez is p resentl y e nroll ed al West e rn Texas Coll ege in Snyder. Texas majoring in journalism a nd communicat ions. He is a spo rt s writer for " the Wes tern Texan. "c:ollege news' paper.

Lopez is the son of Joe and Carmen Lopez of Abernath y.

LOOK WHAT I ... Todd Cagle. \J years old . bagged his fi rsl trophy Aoudad ram with a 28 1/ ," horn spread on hi s g randfather's ranch in the Palo Duro Canyon last \\c ckcnd. (Photo cou rtesy of Bctt y Cagll')

Beat Sanford -Fritch! ! Region 1-2A Football Playoffs Wl Sanford Fritch -

Sanford .Frlteh R2-Quanah

I WJ.-Abernalhv r R4-Crosby1on


WS-Shallowater ShaJlo,,"'alc r

R6---Haskell I W7-Van Horn

R8-Reagan CotJntv Reagan Co r W2-Memphi s

Memphis Rl Panhandle l W4-Locknev

!'ale Center I R3-Hale Center

W6-Haml in Hamlin

RS-Mor'on 1 W8-McCamey McCamey I R7 Marfa

Is reveling in the yictory over Crosbyton

-IUI- Th u (Photo courte.y of­Lindsey Webb)

Ienford .. Frltoh II

W-denotes district wlnMt' R-denotes distr ict runMr -up


Es tablished in November t921 ... pub li shed on Thursday each week in Abemalhy. Texas . Second Class post age paid al Abernathy. Texas. 7931 \, located at 9 16 Ave. D. in the Ci ly

I l\oernatny. P. O. Drawer D. Phone

Subscr iption Rate. : 59.47 per in Hale and Lubbodt Counties;

per year In the _ of T_ SI2,C19 per year when maII'ed

of Te ....

"'an"'n, Editor $odet, --

Higla. School

Hoppen.lngs by Donna CGlbert

Abernathy defeated Crosbyton 56·15 last Thursday night. The Lopes won the Bi-Dlstricl ga me. Way to go .Lopesl

The Lady Lopes had a game here Tuesday night. The game started at 6:30 p.m.'s go for another Super Season.

Abernathy will play Sanford· Fritch

November 21·29


BreaU.III Pineappl e j uice. eggs, bi scuit . milk .

Lillich: Turkey & dressing. sweet potatoes. l'ranbe rry sauce, cheese cols. fruit sa.lad , milk .


Brealdasll Apple juice. ce real. toast. milk.

Lanch: Charburgers. lettuce, onion~ . pickles. French fries. ranger cookies. milk.


BreaUa •• : Pe a c he s, d\)ughnut s , milk .

in Antarillo Friday nighl. The game begin s al 7:30 p. m. Let' s all go to support the Lopes in their Area game.

UIL even ts are just around the corner, Try and concen tra te on this upcoming event and Abernathy will lead the pack!

The annual per Clpita con ­lumptJon of soap in the United Stlt.. r. lbout forty pound • .

t unch: Pi17 t1 , tossed salad. green be ~H1s, IJincappJc pudding. milk .


Rrcakfasl: Apple juice. sausage & bi,(' uits, milk ,

I.unt b: Chili he ans . carrot/ pineapple ~alad . Frc l1 rh fries. corn bread, apple robbin, milk .

, Wedn ... ad.~'

BreaUa,l: Fru i t J UI (' (' , pan cakr s \I, !I~ rup . mi lk.

Lunch : ~lul11burge r s, hamburger ~ulud . tater l ul~ . l'hoco lat c r hip C'O(\klt.· ~ , milk .

Thunld.) tuld Frida)


(/H~k .~ Arr;vlng the week of THANKSGIVING



Trees in Lubbock

••••• Also Permanent "Silk" Trees and Decorations


383934th Street 797-3399

1- 10x 13 IWall Photo I

1· 8xlO 2- 5x7 2 3x5

\1 H" '" It '"11 \\ nllt '\ur ... , f\

99¢ Deposit $10.00 Due at

Pick up (plus tax)

16 - King Size Wall ets $1099 8 - Regular Size Wall ets


Pinson Pharmacy

302 Main St.

Monday, Nov. 25

. ~



. ;JJ, s~

Group charge get per pel10n


1 J

-_ ..

TO Dick ....... Sl.d .....

ApprOl lml.ely 110 Mil ••

.MAP FOR GE111NG TO DICK BIVENS STADIUM. [Courtesy of Robert Priest)

Happy Birthday!

No.· .... ber 21 . LaNell Slone. No,·.mber 22 . Mike Lambert and Billie Rantz . N •• ·. mber 23 . Darryl Brighlb ill and Mist), Spradling . . NO'Talher 25 . Ray Garn . Tere ... J ackson and R.C. Pauerson, Jr. Nov_her 27 . KeI.i. J ack",n.

Happy Anniversary November 21 . Mr . .It Mrs . Gerald Kelley . No.ember 24 . Mr . .It Mr s . Gid Adkisson and Mr . '" Mrs . R.C. Patterson . Nov_her 16 . Mr . '" Mrs . Billy Wayne Grimsley . No_her rI . Mr. '" Mrs. James Dayis.

Patton's Parts Place fI04 Ave . D

Plains Grain & Farm Supply 701 To ... Av •. 298-2521

Sanders Auto Supply

Dairy Bee 111 S. Sen .... R .....

HI-Plains Drilling .... bbodI Hwy.

Coop Grain Co. 714 Te ... Ave . 196-2511

Newton Radio & TV 306 M .... SI. 196-2318

Struve's F am lIy Center liS M .... St. 196-2531

Peacock Shamrock Uti A.e. D 196-1179

Richard DuBose Insurance 8r. Real Estate

9llB A.e. D

Wes-T-Go MaIto 51 •• 117

Abernathy Body Works 411 s .... D

Abernathy Floral 1312 .... D ....


.• Lakeview Philosopher·· ........ ·.

.• . . . - · t · • • • • Summit. Can Achieve •

•• • • Limited Success • . • • : ' . .................... ~.: Dear Editor: of. and maybe total elimination of. BB

.. UI'l ••.• l'tctUf<O<I are some the I sl place guns.

It's hard to understand Ihe purpose of a summit mte1ing.

at the school p~ogram , for grades 2-5, representing va rious fruits and vegetables . Yours failhfully. From left to rtghl. Ltnda Luera , apple ; Diana Marie Aguirre. grapes: Crystal

J.A. Ponce .. ~arrot; and Tammy Duran, strawberry. The program was un der the For a month before the one in

Geneva November 19. Mr. Reagan and Mr . Gorbachev were reported spend­ing long hours briefing themselves on each o the r. At the sa me time. everybody was cautioned not to expect too much from the meeting. " Mainl y il 's fo r the two leaders to get acquainted, " we were told.

Sure see ms like a lot of hard practice just to get to know somebody.

A summit meeting I think is like a session in Congress . When it ' s over it's hard 10 find out wha t happened ,

As I understand it, arms conlral is su pposed to be a goal a summit meeting is supposed to attain . Only trouble is. it never happens. Both sides go home and keep on mating nuclear missi les on borro ..... ed money. 1"11 tell you. the world is in shakY condi tion' when it's faced with th ~ prospec t of ""'agin g a war with man gaged wcapons .

As for summit meetings, something ought to be done to let the m achieve some positive . rep()rtablc goals . It' s not fair haying SOO rcponers from around the world staTHJing out side in th e sno w in Ge nev a waiting for something to happen . and nothing docs .

Yel there are posith'c goals possi· ble. For e .tamplc. I believe the two leaders of the world ' s ''''''0 most powerfUl countries . if they put Ih eir minds to it and threw away petty pride. could :agree to arms reduction

superVISion of Ruth Naron. music teacher. {Photo courtesy of Carmen Lopez)

SAVE hundreds of dollars a year on your food and household budget1 Receive the wanted d,scount coupons on brand names of your choice . Hurryl You must enclose 2 stamped . self· addressed envelopes for easy details on how to save money at your local store

COUPON WORLD PO. [lox 18277 Milwaukee. WisconSin 53218

Enclosed a re 2 stomped. self· addressed envelopes Please send facts on Joining [he ClUb.


CI1 ~ _____________ _ _ . ____ _ S!ate' _ ____ Llp, _____ _

You must enclose 2 envelopes with slamps on lhem, addressed to yoursell.

Pinsons 322 M .... 298·2222


Basketball Schedule


Billie's 917 A.e. D 298-2826


No" . 19 PlaJnl'iew Here 6:30 21 Nazan:lh The ... 6:30 2S ean\'en Th .... 6:30 16 Sud;'" Here 6:30

Dec. 3 Roow"'elt He .. 6:30 5·7 I.e.·.n..... T o,,",ameDt XXX 10 Uulefleld He ... 6:30 \2· 14 Snyder Tournament 14 Hobbs He ... 7:00 17 Shallowater Here 6:30 :zo Sadan 1bere 6:30 26-28 Caprock Tournamenl XXX 30 Idalou l'IIe .. 6:30

Jan. 2-4 2 ... Abernathy T_Dt XXX .., Ollon 6:30 °10 SprIDalako Here 6:30 "14 Hale unter The ... 6:30 "17 Hart He", 6:30 "21 Bevlna He ... 6:30 "24 Olton He.., 6:30

"28 SprIDalake The.., 6:30

OJI Hale unte, He.., 6:30


". Hart l'IIe.., 6:30 ., 80,· .... l'IIere 6:30

"D1otr1ct G ......

The SponIOl'l on til page are

belt ~OO%I


8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00


8:00 XXX

8:00 8:00 XXX 8:00

XXX 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00

8:00 8:00

Smoke Ring Barbeque MaIn St. " (27 298-2300

Cotton Center Grain CoItoD Cenler 879·2166

Something Special 917 A,·e. D 298.2826

Consumers Fuel Association 829 W. Servl<e Rd. 298-25114

Abernathy Oil 709 Ave. D 298-2255

Sixty-Six Butane & Fertilizer PlaInview Hwy. 298·2451

Joe Thompson Implement lOS AYe. D 298-2541

Jolly Rogers 1411 Ave. D 298-2952

Abernathy Farmers Coop Gin 191-2521

Ace Welding , 1lM ..... D


Page 4: Lopes Scalp 21, 1985  · I . . ~ UNG.;~ j .!l OiLU, 113,1 1Y 825.· AUS'I':n~ l'L\lNVT~ ) _L;":'~: 75072 WORKING FOR ANOTHER

Y , =!~iI;if!r!o~m~a~m~o~n~g"~iili~==========ii======~~~~~~~~""~s:a:v:e~'n~'G~a~in~.~c~o:m~e~in~ ou ve never s':en such a'selection of Medalion, Butterball birds of a ttiflf~rl~nt today and make a beautifUl birds in your feather, we have a life! Save'n'Gain has choice of baking the best selection of smoked, stuffed or hens, Cornish game turkeys, ducks, boneiess. And for hens, geese and geese and hens in the those who'd rather duckling. It's a Poultry city. You can choose celebrate Pageant this week at


LOW PRICES! date with a beautiful bird for Thanksgiving!


I ' -

ers (" - -



", :~::h~~::'~: " For All Your Farming Nee~s

Abema tl,y, Tel .. 298-2521 PHONE Lab ....... Teau


r»'>..- .,.

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Abernathy ,298·2541

105 A, 'C. D Abern. lhy , Texas , 79311

Labboc~ 762 -1038

" But wha t ' s to keep in vestors hitched." John SOn asks . "when pros­pects are bleak for any su.bstantial near· term improvement in the agricul­tura l eco nom y, a nd Fa rm Cre dit System offi cia ls are saying the system ca nnot s urvi ve wi tho ut go vernme nt assistance ...

Delegates Named To National Cotton Council

Th(' re lucta nce of some Administrat ­io n a nd Con g ress ional fo rces 10 address se rio us l,' t he fa r m credit situation now while there still may be lim e to 3\IC n t he disastrous economic C'O nsequ cnl'cs of further deterioration . "is frustra ting to say the least." says Donald Johnson. Executi ve Vice Pres­idt~ nI df Plain '\ Cotton Growers, Inc . , lubhnek

J ohnson''i co nce rn h as been intens­ifi(' d rl..' (,~ lIlh by tu.'o cvt'nt s-t he \,. ... uann.· of 3 ' rCpOM from the Chase Econ n1 f'trics Gn.-.up. 3. Pennsylvania econtllllk ('o ll s ult in g firm . a nd th e testimon y o f Far m Credit Sys te m omdab bdon: the House Aw k ulture COlllll1inec .

The Chase ~ t ud~ sho"s dcf;t. ult on F~rl1l Cn.'d it Syst~m debt ob li gat ions wvuld r :lu~e "~cvcr e ~t r3i n " on th e ent ire eco lhl m~. inrl ud ing ho using . l'mpll)yment :lnd the fl'd n al defici t.

M ort' ~pcr ifi (,3 I1y . Chase wou ld CApel't j de fault · 10 prc('edl~ 88.300 (.arnt foreclosures . a rise in interes t

ra les on farm loans of as much as 4.5 perc...'cnt within a year . an increase in t he numb er of far m ba nks with inadequat e capi tal from the current 141 to 2,300. and a drop neKt year of 40 pe rcent . instead of the current ly ex pected 20 percent . in farm Ja nd values.

Al so, commercia l ba nks would have a 10 percent loss of capital. non· farm interest ra les wo uld decl ine by aimosl 3 pe rcent. one mill ion housing stan..s wo uld be lost in 1986 and 1987 , bu s in ess inves tmc nl wo u ld d ec line. and LS million jobs woul d be los l.

Bevond that the default \Io'ould cos't rh e gross national pmduct S44 billion in 1 ~8 7 and b ri n ~ on a S5J billion in\.·rcase in the federal de fi ci t . the n:pur l lunl'ludes .

Johnson conCl~d es the possib le truth of Credit Council Presidenr Del mar Banners' sta teme nt th at defuult is not imminent as long as investors in Far m Credi t System sc ruriti c:> " u.'ill stay hi tched to agricult ure ."

Under these circumstances , Johnson bel ieves. in vestor confidence can be and should be bolstered in two ways.

" The real solution. of course. is a (urn around in the expectations for ' agr icultu re' s future, and the only way that can ('orne about q uickly is for Con~rc ss to ex pedi te passage of a n acceptable fa rm bill.

" And in the meanti me LonH I C !)~ and the Adminis trat ion need to lose no tinlc in lett ing it be known that under 11(1 circumsta nces will the govern ment defau/l on its moral obli ga rion to stand

behind F3rm Cred it System securit-



Fort y-four Texa s cotton indu s try leaders have been na med delegates to the National Cotton Counci l. They will adopt recomme ndatio ns defin ing Council policies and p rograms at the indu strywide organi zation' S 48th a nnu a l meeti n g j an uary 26· 28 in Orlando. Fla,

The Co un ci l, co m posed of 295 delegates from all branches of the cotton indus try in th e 18 cott on · producing s t ~tes, serves as a fo rum for develop ing and carry ing out indu stry policy on a nationa l basis .

Members of the Texas unit are: Pl"ochlcen p - Norris Anders, Rule:

Tommy Fo ndre n . Lore nzo: Wm . Thomas Lovelady, Torn illo; Bert Wi l­liams. Farwe ll : Cliffo rd Hoe lsche r . Garden City; Frank B . J ones . Lamesa ; Myrl Mitchell, Lenorah: Homer C. Eastel'W'ood, Sin ton : Wayne l abar. Rio Hondo; a nd Mark Lundgren, Starn· ford ,

GlnDen . • Wi lbur n C. J eschke , Veribest; R. D. Moses, J r .. Whart on; Jerry Harris. Lamesa; Keith Pender-

grass . Wellman ; and Mik e McMinn. Waxa hachie. houle men p- Jacki e Wi ley. Lovi ngton. N,M ,; J . D. li tton and


The last of nine applicator planes used in the 1985 boll weevil control program settled to the runway at McAdoo airstrip Nove mber 8, winding

. " up the 22nd consecutive " sucCessful operation . , .


••• and this Is the kind Of thanks I get

Air conditioning and heating contractors . are making a lot of friends by

recommending a heat pump. People who take their. advice appreciate the heat pump's economy. comfort. and

Cleanliness. And. considering the heat-pump'S long life and low maintenance,

the contractors and the customer'S friendship will be a lasting one.

Contact yOur heating anc"alr conditioning dealer or call

" In Lubbock for a .... HEAT PUMP BUYER'S GUIDE


Aerial a ppli cllio n s of ultra· low volume mallthioW' to weevil-infested cotton along (he eastern rim of the High Plains beg. n Septe mber 24 Ihis year and continued al 10 to 12 day int ervals unt il an aggregate tOlal of D J .737 acres had been treated . Most fie lds were sprayed three times. but some needed on\( one treatment and oc hers as many as four .

Only about 50 .000 acres req uired spraying the pre\·jous year . thanks in a large part to the 1984 drought wh ich all b ut e liminated the problem of weevil immigration from cotton outside the cont rol zo ne.

Ave rage acreag e treat ed in th e program since 1963 comes to abo ut 660.000 per year. Th e largest opera ­tion was recorded in 1977 when heavy infes ta t io n and e xte nsive mig rat ion forced the spraying of 1,250.000 acres ,

According to Ed Dean. Field Service Director for Plains Cotton Growers . lnc .. Lubbock . variations in program size results primarily fro m the effec ts of weathe r on weevil reproduction. wi n1er survival rates and migration. plus the many fact ors that affect tolal planted ·acreage in the control area .

The prog ram is conducted under the g uidance of PCG 's Bo ll Weevi l Steering CommiNee, chaired by Frank Jones of Lamesa.

Complete figures on 1985 program cost are .not yet a\'ailable . Dean says. but th e tota l wi ll fa ll in Ihe neighborhood of 5800.000, or 5J .42 per acre, in cl udi ng tra pping . sur vey ing and other expenses. The program is funded jointly by Hig h Plains cotton producen. the U,S, and Stale Depart­ments of Agriculture , USDA matches the expenditures of producers and IDA,

Twelve ounces of insecticide per acre was applied by McAdoo Flying Service. which won the b id over seven other commercial applicators at an average application cost of $6.95 per gallon. Malathion was acquired for the proarant this year at 514.45 per gallon ,

Early spr.ying was done below the Caproct in Motley, Dictens, Kent . Crosby. Floyd and Garza Counties , Later. in.migr. tion mad e it necessary to expand the control zone to indude parts of Lynn. Borden. Scurry and Dawson counties.

Despite erratic we.ther during the . __ ·weet spray period. Dean ' re-

portl. " we "'ere able to stay IIIIprisIn,Iy close to schedule on all Ipp/icatlou IIId we believe .. e were

~ IUCCeUfuI in teepi", to a milIimJ!m the aumber of weevil, &oin, iDto ~. which is our ..... every }lear."

Sta nto n Bro""" I1 . Jr ., Waco: Da vid Underwood and Fred A, Underwood, Lubbock: M , C. Allen, Jr" Memph is: Kavan a ugh F ranci s, Jr . . H arlinge n and Mike McBa in . Corpus Chrisri.

Mercha nls •. AI Barnetl. John Stobaugh, Ray Bogel and George Clay, all of l ubbock: and .l ar k Hannah . Ed uardo C. Est eve. Ray mond V. Cooper and He inz H. Molsen. Jr .. all of Dall""

Crus hers _. Ernest C. Inmon . Jr ., l ubbock; Joe Bowli ng and Ja mes R. Wi lkerson. Ft. Wonh ; B. R. Fos ter.

. Quanah : Allen Herzer. Lamesa: and Harr~' J. Van Lood:. Levelland .

Cooperath'es -- C L. Boggs, Rex McKin nev and Wayne Marti n all of

Lubbock: Hollis G, Sullivan, Harli n· ge n; Paul Underwood. Itasca ; Walter Bear. Corpus Christi; and Jack Yl'UlIg. Stamford.

Alternate delega!es include Prod ur· crs E uge ne Olso n. Stamfo rd : Ben Simmons. Idalou; Bu ddy Wa yne Carr. Ft. Hancock; RaYOlo nd Allhof. Ru.,ccx·: Rusty And rews. Brownfie ld: W . F . " Be n " Abn c v, Woods boro; Wa vra,' Huffake r. Tahoka: J ames Ra ,,' Ada·ms. Odem: Kenne th J ohnson. Harlingen . and W. B. Harrison. II I. Stamford: al1 d Coopt'ratlvcs R. D. McCall is ter. SlatO n: Ch ri s All e n . San Be ni to : Emory Knapp. Aubrey: Sid Brough . Edrov: M . J . Will iams. Sha ll ow8ler : and john D McQuie n Plainvic\\

For Christmas Greenery See Abernathy Floral


Abernathy Body Works


- Insurance Claims ' Complete 1n . ... I ... lo. for cars " trucks

417 South A"e. D

Case International Farm Equipment Dealer

See Us For Repair,

Parts & Service


Struve Implement A fresh team for toe/ay's farmer

• r~ll~ IH.


298-2507 Lubbock 762-2133

"With this cow mar~et. I shore don't fee l li~e doin' much of thi. anymorel"



Page 5: Lopes Scalp 21, 1985  · I . . ~ UNG.;~ j .!l OiLU, 113,1 1Y 825.· AUS'I':n~ l'L\lNVT~ ) _L;":'~: 75072 WORKING FOR ANOTHER


·.to boost 'yOU; sales~ Can 298-2033


J ( i·) \\/ Ij~: ,.;' r t\1 c\ l~ I,," " ,,\ \\ I. '

, \1 \ 1< 1\ 1'1111 1"""1 I)!III, 1, 11 '

Spaclo.. 3 bedroom with womhop.

: LEASE OR PURCHASE· 2·.tory home for only $46,500.

3 lots for sale on 15th Street.

Price Slashed 55,000 Neat 3 bedroom, with new paint and new carpet. 531,500.

3 ·bedroom. Separate living room and den with fireplace. 530.000

3·2·2 with 12 acres on pavement. Reduced to 570,000.

"'$1,000 MOVE IN. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, UvIDa room and den. Den could be 3rd bedroom. New paint Inside and out. [-Approximate amount)

2 bedroom, 2 bath. Huge den. 2 acres on pavement. 570,000.

4 bedroom, 3 bath on comer. Lots of ertras.

Lots In Pinson Place. Your choice of east, west or south front.

Townhouse for rent ~r sale.

Lffe . Auto · Fwe . Crop· Hili


Homeownen or Ore In._ colllina due',,·

Call for competitive rate quote.




Beck's Brick Contractor BrIck-Block-Stone No Joh Too Small

Mark 298 .... 235

OFFICE 296-6351

RESIDENCE 293·2304

For All Your Cement Needs

Call Center Ready Mix



298-2440 We Specialize In Struetara1 Ii: Decorative


Finisher'" Labor Available If Desired

Hale Center 839·2 J 02 'lames Pope 298-4019· ~ Bart Hahbard


FOR SALE: Nice 3 bed· room. I bath home on 1'/ , lots. 1400 sq. ft. Carpeted th roughout, 1 car garage with opener , central heat and a ir. cellar, large fenced backyard . Shown by appt . 298·2652.


For Rent

FOR RENT: 2 bedroom townhou s e. unfur· nished. 900 sq. ft . Free watc r . sewage , and gas . Storage shed, car· port . modern in every respect. Fenced back· yard. Phone 797·5686 or 2'18-2033.


VlLLA APARTMENTS 2 bedrooms·$200, 3 bedrooms·$245

Ave. F between 3rd & 4th Vicky Martin 307 B Ave. F

298-413 7

f OR RENT: 2 bedrooms. I bath , unfurnished . Call 298·2265.

(I .4tp)

Iil5i The earth is not perfectly round. Distances measured through the poles are short· er than those at the equator.

Job o p portu n ities


EASY ASSEMBLY WORK! 5>600 per 100. Guaranteed P:ly rn ent. No Experience/ No Sale s. De tails send se lf· a d d r es sed s tamp e d l' l!v c lope: ELAN VITAL ·5410. 341 8 Enterpri se Rd .. Fl. Pie rce. Fla., 33482.


Excell ent income for part lime home assembly work . For info. call 312·741 ·8400. ext. 467.

(49-4lp ,

HELP WANTED $60 .00 PER HUNDRED PAID for processing mail at ho me ! Inform ation , se nd sel f.addressed. stamped en· velope. Associates. Box 95. R()se ll e . New Jersey. 07203 .


Public Notice


An ordinance pertaining to junked vehicles . defining te rms. d eclaring junked vehicles a public nuisance.

. providing for notice to abate such public nuisance; pro­viding for a public hearing; providing for the disposal of junked vehicles to demolish· ers; providing a penalty; es tablishing an .effective date; providing for publica· tion of the descriptive cap· tion and penalty clause hereof; containing a repeal· ing clause; and providing severability of parts of ordinance.

Be it -ordained oy the -City Council of the City of Abernathy. Tellas .

Pa sed lind approved this NllVc mber 12. \985.

All "I:

Pete Thompaon Mayor

ht lin Cle m nt 'ltv S4tm:..".

FOR SALE: Brick home, 3 bedrooms. I V. baths. large den and kitchen. living room. refrigerated air condi· tioning. basement. covered patio. fireplace. bookcases on both sides of fireplace. Large backyard with place for garden. Call in Aberna· thy 298-2115 anytime. or call after 5 p.m. in Mule· shoe 272-4121.



Remodeling. Paneling. Garage Conversions. , Patios. Storm Doors and Windows. Painting. All types of home repair. No job too small

1609Ave. D Abernathy 298·2086

Card Of Thanks


WANTED: Responsible par· ty to assume small monthly payments on piano. See locally. Call credit manager. 1·800·447·4266.


SAVE SO"loI! Flashing arrow signs 52791! Lighted. non· arrow 5259. Unlighted 5209. (Free lettersl) See locally. 1(800)423·0163. (Also LED sign sale!!)


FOR SALE: Time for Christ· mas gifts. Have crocheted afghans and other items. Call 298·2024.


The H. lion II lUsc:eptlble to sunburn.

I just want to thank you all for the cards. calls. visits. flowers and the prayers while I was in the hospital. U's times like these when you realize how much your family and friends mean to you. You've all helped ease .-_______ •

a difJicult time in my life. I'll always remember your love and concern. Aberna· thy is a special place with special people. I'll always cherish my hometown and the people who make it so



Personals To my ex·brother·in·law E.H. I do not put my nose in your business. would y()u please keep your nose out of my family business!

C. H.

great! Sincerely.

JoAnn Shipman (2. lip)

We want to thank each of you who stayed at the hospital with Cliff during his illness. The ones who sent food and cards. For your visits and most of all for your prayers .

God Bless You All . Ada Howard

Bonnie Goodrich & family Carol Hester & family

Jerry Howard & family (2- lip)

Beat Sanford-Fritch!!

Subscriptions Due In November

Please Mail Check Mall Your Subscription Fee P,' O. Drawer 160 Abernathy Weekly Review Abemathy;Tellu.79311

59.47 for Hale and Labbock Com" 59.99 for all other counties In Teus 512_09 for those living oat of 8tate

Dlscomt rates to Hnior cldzeaa

58.33 for Hale and Labbock Counties 58.85 for all other coan" In 1'e08 $9.89 for thoae UvIna oat of IIate

City of Abernathy

Wendell Ausenbaagh Gary Caddel

Wynon Mayes Rayworth Mitchell Mrs. C. L. Murray Mrs. Mattie Lee Nix

Larry Curry Reiner L. Obenhaus

Dr. Pepperl7·Up Bottling Co. Patty Parks Harry E. Elder Robert W. Parks Energas Energas . Eugene Ehler lit Federal Savings Asso.

Mac Houston

Martin Kennedy Wayne Kllcben.

Joe Lovelaee ErIe l.anday

Mrs. Marlon B. RankIn

David Scott floyd Shipman Raymond Smith Gary Stalcup

~. JaeII Trt..aer

ae.t Buy In ~own


CLEAN RUGS like new. So easy to do ~ith Blue Lustre. Rent electril! shampooer 51. Struve Department Store.

SEE RINSE·N·VAC. the in· credible new portable steam type carpet cleaning system. It does the job of profes· sional carp~ cleaners at a fraction of cost. Rent one now at Struve's Department Store . 318 Main . Phone 298·2531.

CALL your local used cow dealer for 7 ·day·a·week free dead stock removal. Call collect 806·293-4431 . or call 1-800·692·4435 .

(40·rt s)

LEE'S FLOOR COVERING Vinyl floors . kitchen carpet and formica tops installed. Call 746 6178 or 793 7388



Trash hauled off . Free estimate s . Call Davi d McKinney. 298-21 73.


(Business LEpportunities

Open your own beauti· ful Children's Store. Infant to Pre·teen. Na· tionally known brands -Health Tex -Donmoor -Lee ·Levi ·Chic -Bus· ter Brown -Izod -Her Majesty -Nannette -Feltman and many more. Furniture·access· ories and toys by Ger· ber and Nod·A· Way . 514.900 to $24.900 in· cludes beginning inventory· training' fill' tures·grand opening promotions and round· trip air fare for one. Call today. We can have your store opened in 15 days . Prestige Fashions. 501·329·8327.



Tacos s .. You At The Dltry

212 ..............

We don't care If yoU paint your hair blue, rip the , s,leeves off your shirt or pierce your ear.

But don't smoke just to b e like your friends. Or to be different f rom your friends. Or to be a nything a t all. Because with everything w e know about cigarettes ,today. there's only one thing you ' lI be if you start s m o k ing now, And that 's s orry. Sorry you can't g e t up in the morning without coughing your lungs out. Sorry you can't climb a single flight o f stairs without getting wind­ed . Sorry that every time you light one uP. ·your ri s k of heart dis ease goes up. If you're already a s moke r, take some time to s to p a nd think it ali the w a y through . Right now, i t 's your d ecis io n . In the long run , i t 's your life


American Heart Association

Monty £rlsweU

Services' for Monty Quay Criswell. 68. of Petersburg wl're at 1:30 p.m. last Saturday at First Baptist Church with the Rev. Jesse Nave of Petersburg officiating. .

Burial was in Rose Hill Cemetery in Merkel under the direction of Starbuck Funeral Home of Merkel.

Mrs . Criswell died at 9 a .m. Thursday. Nov. 14. at BryanwOOd Care Center in Amarillo after ' a lengthy illness.

A native of Gustine. she lived in the Merkel area before moving to Pe tersburg in 1950. She married

. Wilber Criswell on June 11. 1938, in Merkel. He died in 1975. She· was a member of First Baptist Church in Petersburg . •

Survivors include two sons. Michael of Amarillo and Terry of Houston; two daughters. Brenda Harbert of Amarillo and Carolyn Hearn of Abernathy; two brothers. Lloyd Reece and Floyd Reece. b()th of Dallas; two sisters. Cleo Reece and Lorene Beaird. both of

Merkel; six grandchildren; two great· grandchildren.

Margarita Rosas

Services for Margarita Rosas. 58. were It 2 p.m. last Friday at Mission Baptist Church with the Rev. George Flores. pastor. officiating.

Burial was in Abernathy Cemetery under the direction of Chambers Funeral Home.

Mrs. Ros.s died at 3:40 p. m. Wednesday, Nov . 13, at HI · Plains Hospital in Hale Center after a brief illness.

She was a native of Well view and had lived in Abernathy for 2S years. She was a Baptist.

Survivors include her husband . Domingo; four sons. Ben and Salva· dor. both of Abernathy. Ruben of Petersburg and Roy of Slaton: four daughters. Janie Flores and Alice Perez. both of Amarillo. Margie SolO

of Idalou and Mary Montez of Wolfforth; four brothers; 26 grand· children; 17 great· grandchildren .

Grandsons were pallbearets.

-Do not Iccultom your.elf to UH big WOrdl for little m.tters.·

Samuel Johnson r----------------, t ' newt"" ?2at/i" & ':TV f.. 306 . MAIN STREET · ABERNATHY, TEXAS 79311 t • PHONE 298.2338. t , ~ t t rn LITTON nOIl~)iJ , , ~ Trade In Abernathy ,

'Whirlpool' Sales With Service t L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j

'--0 -ALLSUP~S


.... ~ P1llln ala. ... I 111ft ...... I .aftII1 RIll-111_ ......... ..

. j- ~ ~ I i - -


• '.ok C.n. 1

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