Download - Looking for an Easy Way to Remember the Principles of the Constitution? Tom “Coach Mac” McLaughlin Dallas ISD [email protected]


Looking for an Easy Way to Remember the Principles of the Constitution?
Tom Coach Mac McLaughlin Dallas ISD So, Whats up with the Tutu?
I bet the students I would wear a Tutu if 33% got commended. Our goal was 95% passed and 25% commended. In December I had a friend make the Tutu and I put it up in my classroom to entice the students. I had 100% pass and 40% get commended. Fox 4 News came out and put it on the 9pm news. Introduction Graduated Seagoville High School
Linda Massey was one of my teachers Entered US Navy in 1978 and then Retired 1993 Roamed in Denver and San Diego Worked for Texas Rangers / Dallas Stars Started teaching in Feb 2009 Tutu on Channel 4 NCSS in Atlanta VAK (Visual / Auditory / Kinesthetic) classroom TCSS in Dallas Copy each 3 times on notebook paper
DO NOW - Gotta Knows Copy each 3 times on notebook paper AMENDMENTS 1-RAPPS 2-Guns 3-No Soldiers 4-8 Crimes 4 Search / Seizure 5 Due Process 6 Speedy Trial 7 Trial by Jury 8 No cruel punish 9 Rights are mine 10 Fed or State/People Principles of Constitution Federalism Popular Sovereignty Republicanism Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Limited Government Individual Rights Week 1 through 2 Do Now - Gotta Knows Fill in blanks as needed AMENDMENTS 1-RAPPS
3-No S______ 4-8 Cri____ 4 S____ / S____ 5 D__ Pro____ 6 Sp___ Tr___ 7 Tr___ by J__ 8 No c___ p___ 9 Ri___ are m____ 10 F__ or St__/Pe___ Principles of Constitution Fed____ P_____ S_______ Rep___________ Se_____ of P_____ Che___ and Bal_____ Lim_____G_______ In________ R______ Week 3 through 5 Do Now - Gotta Knows Fill in blanks AMENDMENTS 1- 2- 3- 4-8 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 Principles of Constitution 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Week 6 Gotta Knows (Cheat Sheet)
AMENDMENTS 1-RAPPS 2-Guns 3-No Soldiers 4-8 Crimes 4 Search / Seizure 5 Due Process 6 Speedy Trial 7 Trial by Jury 8 No cruel punish 9 Rights are mine 10 Fed or State/People 13 Free Slaves 14 Citizens 15 Black male Vote Cause of A/R SANDRA - Stamp SHOULD - Sugar QUIT - Quartering TAKING - Townshend BACK - Boston Massacre BOYS - Boston tea Party INFORMATION - Intolerable Acts Effect of A/R Independent Owed $$$$ Significant Documents 1215 Magna Carta 1620 Mayflower Compact 1st Self Government 1689 English Bill of Rights 1776 Declaration of Independence 1776 Articles of Confederation 1st US government 1789 US Constitution current US government 1823 Monroe Doctrine Stay out Articles of Confederation Pinkie No Fed Power Ring No Fed Money Middle States had Power Pointer No state unity Thumb No Fed respect Palm Caused Shays Rebellion Principles of Constitution Federalism Popular Sovereignty Republicanism Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Limited Government Individual Rights Supreme Court Cases Marbury v Madison Judicial Review McCullough v Maryland Banks Ogden v Gibbons Fed over States Worcester v Georgia Indians Dred Scott v Sandford - Slaves Battle of A/R LISA - Lexington / Concord SELLS - Saratoga VERY Valley Forge YOUNG - Yorktown TURKEYS - Treaty of Paris Constitutional Convention VA Comp Population NJ Comp Equal Great Comp Both 3/5ths Slaves Washingtons Farewell Address No Political Parties No Foreign alliances No Sectionalism Causes of Civil War Comp of 1820 Comp of 1850 Kansas-Nebraska Act Bloody Kansas Battles of Civil War FIGHTERS - Fort Sumter ALWAYS - Antietam GET - Gettysburg VERY - Vicksburg ANGRY - Appomattox War of 1812 Causes and Effects Causes Impressment Aiding Indians Interfere with shipping Effects Increase Patriotism Decrease Indian resistance Manufacturing grew Manifest Destiny 1607 13 colonies 1789 British Cession 1803 Louisiana Purchase 1819 Florida 1845 Annexation of Texas 1846 Oregon Territory 1848 Mexican Cession 1853 Gadsden Purchase Political Parties Federalist Democratic-Republicans Now Democrats Whigs Republicans Lincoln 1st Anti-Slavery Principles of the Constitution Pre-Quiz
Read and analyze the newspaper examples on the board to determine the appropriate definition Use actual examples from the newspaper and have students determine with definition goes with their article ..\DO NOW PRE-QUIZ - Principles Const Quiz.doc The Seven Principles Of the US Constitution The unbroken circle is an age-old symbol of eternity
The unbroken circle is an age-old symbol of eternity. It's easy to see why such an ancient symbol should be incorporated into a wedding ceremony, when 'everlasting love' is the hope of the couple, their families and friends. The circle is endless and timeless suggesting a repetitive unbroken wholeness in time and space. Everything tries to be round" said Black Elk ( ), an Oglala Sioux holy man, It's the strongest and most 'natural' shape. The Seven Principles Of the US Constitution
Booklet Foldable The Power of the Government
Based on the CIRCLE unending yet limited Federalism Texas assigns more agents to border control
AUSTIN, More state law enforcement agents are headed to Texas's southern border to help stem a growing crisis as thousands of mostly Central American immigrants cross over, overwhelming federal agents and shelters Rick Jervis, USA TODAY 6:23 p.m. EDT June 19, 2014 Article 1 Section 8 Clause 15 of the US Constitution: To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; If border control is a Federal task then how can Governor Perry send TexasTroops to the border? Federalism Division of power between the national government and the states Federalism Fed State Popular Sovereignty How can these citizens be sure their voice is heard?
October 24, Maryland uses a digital voting machines, and some voters report that the machines are flipping Republican votes to Democrats.Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Until the year 2000, the term hanging chads might well have described some sparkly fashion accessory out of Sex and the City, for all most people would know. Now, of course, the words will forever be linked to the inept handling of votes in the 2000 presidential election in Florida, a confusing debacle that wound up going all the way to the United States Supreme Court. How can these citizens be sure their voice is heard? Popular Sovereignty The people have the power and use it by voting Popular Sovereignty 1 Person 1 Vote Republicanism What Do Parties Stand For?
Are you a Democrat or a Republican? If you can answer that question, you're ahead of the game. For many people, political parties are a puzzle. The dictionary defines them as groups of people "who control or seek to control a government." So much for music and dancing. The U.S. Constitution doesn't even mention political parties. President George Washington warned about "the danger of parties." But even then, our leaders didn't always agree. In the 1790s, a quarrel broke out between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton over how much power to grant the federal government. The argument split their followers into two separate groups - the beginning of U.S. political parties. How could Political Parties have torn this country apart in the early days? Republicanism REP = The people elect representatives to work in government for them VOTE Republicanism 1 Person 1 Vote REP Separation of Powers Obama signs $16 billion VA overhaul into law
The $16 billion measure doesn't criminalize anybody. It provides money to build more VA medical facilities and hire more doctors and nurses. It includes more funds so some veterans can get health care in private facilities. It also makes it easier to fire or otherwise discipline senior VA officials. At the bill-signing at Fort Belvoir in northern Virginia, Obama said the package begins the changes needed to keep the nation's promise of caring for its military veterans. By Drew Griffin, Scott Bronstein and Tom Cohen, CNN updated 3:50 PM EDT, Thu August 7, 2014 Could the Presidents have come up with this law all by himself? Separation of Powers The power of government is separated between the 3 branches Legislative make laws Executive enforce laws Judicial judge (interpret) laws Separation of Powers Executive Judicial Legislative Checks and Balances Supreme Court approves Texas voter ID law
The Supreme Court has approved Texass strict voter ID law for use in the upcoming election. The decision, which clears a path for a law, which this month wasdeemed a poll tax by a federal judge, that could putthousands of Texas voters in danger of being disenfranchised. 10/18/14 08:09 AMUpdated 10/18/14 03:46 PMby Zachery Roth (MSNBC News) Why did the Supreme Court get involved in the making of this LAW? Checks and Balances CHECK MODE!!! - The branches of government have ways to keep the others in check Checks and Balances Executive Judicial Legislative Limited Government Quarantined nurse: New Ebola policy in N.J., N.Y. an 'ordeal'
New York (CNN) -- A nurse under mandatory quarantine in New Jersey after caring for Ebola patients in Sierra Leone has blasted stringent new state policies for dealing with health care workers returning from West Africa, saying the change could lead to medical professionals being treated like "criminals and prisoners. By Ray Sanchez, CNN updated 11:22 AM EDT, Sun October 26, 2014 How can the government legally put this nurse into quarantine and deny her freedom? Limited Government There are limits to the power of government (It cannot do whatever it wants) Limited Government Executive Judicial Legislative Individual Rights How can both of these be legal?
Immigration Protests For reform Against reform How can both of these be legal? Individual Rights The rights and freedoms protected by the first ten amendments(The Bill of Rights) Individual Rights of Rights Bill Us Principles of the Constitution Post-Quiz
Lets see if anything changed Match term to definition and then re-read and analyze the newspaper examples on the board to determine the appropriate definition ..\DO NOW PRE-QUIZ - Principles Const Quiz.doc Principles of the Constitution Match Student Activity (Originally from Law Related Education)
You will work in groups to match the principle to the definition.Then you will match the examples to the principle. After matching Principle with definition and examples then you will record your answers on the Graphic Organizer. ..\Principle Const Matching.doc ..\Principle Const Matching - Student Handout.doc DOL He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. Declaration of Independence (1776) 1) Which feature of the U.S. Constitution addressed this grievance? A All federal judges are appointed by the President. B All federal judges are appointed for life. C All federal judges must be approved by a 2/3 vote in the Senate. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited to it by the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. U.S. Constitution, Tenth Amendment 2) Which principle of the U.S. Constitution is expressed in this amendment? A popular sovereignty B limited government C checks and balances 3) The framers of the U.S. Constitution showed the strongest commitment to popular sovereignty in
A their method of selecting Supreme Court Justices B the election of members to the House of Representatives C the creation of the Electoral College 4) Which two principles of the U. S
4) Which two principles of the U.S. Constitution most limit the powers of the national government? A the ability to amend and republicanism B federalism and popular sovereignty C checks and balances and republicanism The State of Texas charges a tax of twenty cents ($
The State of Texas charges a tax of twenty cents ($.20) per gallon on the purchase of a gallon of gasoline. Sec The United States government imposes an excise tax of 18.4 cents per gallon on the sale of gasoline at the pump. Federal Tax Code 5) The two excerpts above illustrate the principle of A limited government B federalism C separation of powers The Bill of Rights The first 10 Amendments To the US Constitution Bill of Rights Protects Religion, Assembly, Petition, Press, Speech
1st Amendment Protects Religion, Assembly, Petition, Press, Speech Freedom of Assembly Freedom of Religion Freedom of Petition Freedom of the Press Freedom of Speech 2nd Amendment The right to bear arms No quartering of soldiers (keeping troops in your home)
3rd Amendment No quartering of soldiers (keeping troops in your home) A persons rights when they are accused of a crime
4th 8th Amendments A persons rights when they are accused of a crime 4th search / seizure 5th due process 6th speedy trial 7th trial by jury 8th cruel punishment 9th Amendment Your rights are protected by the Constitution and cannot be violated without due process 10th Amendment All power not given to the national government are given to the states or the people The Bill of Rights