Download - LOHS Social Issues -- catalog and databases

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Ms. Doyle, District Librarian

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Please get ready to take notes

Write down words and phrases in red

At the end of presentation, you will have notes A-J

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A. Objectives:

1. Use WebCat to locate a book on your subject in the school library

2. Use SIRS and Opposing Viewpoints/Gale PowerSearch to find information on your topic

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B. Steps1. School Home Page

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2. Library Home Page

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3. Enter keywords for the topic you are researching4. Limit by school5. Click Search Everything

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Use just 1-3 words, NOT your whole question. Try different words and phrases until you find the best one for your search.

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Check the copyright date to make sure the book is not too old.

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6. Use cross references to find more search terms.

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Take about 1 minute to talk with the person next to you about the following questions. Write brief answers in your notes.

1.Why might using a print book be better than using the Internet or a database for this project?

1.What are the advantages of using online sources instead of print books?

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1. In keyword searching, you use any words that come to mind. The computer finds them anywhere in the article.

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2. In subject searching, you use the exact words that the catalogers use. The computer finds these phrases only in the subject field.

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Which kind of search finds more results?

Hold up one finger if you think it is

1. Keyword search

Hold up two fingers if you think it is

2. Subject search

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Which kind of search finds more relevant results?

Hold up one finger if you think it is

1. Keyword search

Hold up two fingers if you think it is

2. Subject search

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Think about your research topic. Brainstorm at least 6 keywords you could use in your search. Write the keywords in your notes now.

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Find Gale PowerSearch and SIRS Knowledge Source on your bookmark

Circle the web addresses

Draw a box around the login and password for each one

Next to Gale PowerSearch, write “includes Opposing Viewpoints”

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F. How to Find the Databases1. Go to your school website2. Click “Library” in the menu, then choose Library Home Page

You can also find link to database passwords on Library Home Page (must log in to Edline)

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Scroll down to find DatabasesLook for Controversial Issues

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Includes newspapers, magazines, reference books, and more

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Notice Content Types:Magazines show up in first

search, but you can switch to journals, books, etc.

Related Subjects: These are the subject headings!

Document Types:Narrow your search (to just

articles, for example)

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Using the Advanced Search option lets you decide EXACTLY what you want.

Use one of your subject

headings, the term AND , and then your other subject heading

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Turn to the person next to you. Figure out whose birthday happens first this year.

The person with the first birthday will explain to the other person why it’s helpful search by subject (rather than keyword) in a database

Describe at least 2 advantages to using a subject search

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In your notes (I), write one thing you learned today

In your notes (J), write one question you still have

Share questions now or email [email protected]