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  • 7/29/2019 Log StructureFS


    The Design and Implementationof Log-Structure File System

    M. Rosenblum and J. Ousterhout

  • 7/29/2019 Log StructureFS



    CPU Speed increases dramatically

    Memory Size increased Most Read hits in cache

    Disk improves only on the size but access isstill very slow due to seek and rotationallatency Write must go to disk eventually

    As a result Write dominate the traffic

    Application has disk-bound problem

  • 7/29/2019 Log StructureFS


    Overview of LFS

    Unix FFS Random write

    Scan entire disk

    Very slow restore consistency after crash

    LFS Write new data to disk in sequence

    Eliminate seek Faster crash recovery

    The most recent log always at the end

  • 7/29/2019 Log StructureFS


    Traditional Unix FFS

    Spread information around the disk Layout file sequentially but physically

    separates different files

    Inode separate from file contents Takes at least 5 I/O for each seek to

    create new file

    Causes too many small access

    Only use 5% disk bandwidth Most of the time spent on seeking

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    Sprite LFS

    Inode not at fixed position

    It written to the log

    Use inode map to maintain the current location of theinode

    It divided into blocks and store in the log Most of the time in cache for fast access (rarely need

    disk access)

    A fixed checkpoint on each disk store all the inodemap location

    Only one single write of all information to diskrequired + inode map update

    All information in a single contiguous segment

  • 7/29/2019 Log StructureFS


    Compare FFS/LFS

    Task FFS LFS

    Allocate diskaddress


    Segment Write

    Allocate i-node Fixedlocation

    Appended to log

    Map anodenumbers into

    disk addresses


    Lookup ini-node map

    Maintain freespace

    Bitmap Cleaner

    Segment usagetable

  • 7/29/2019 Log StructureFS


    Space Management

    Goal: keep large free extents to writenew data

    Disk divided into segments(512kB/1MB)

    Sprite Segment Cleaner

    Threading between segments

    Copying within segment

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    Leave the live data in place

    Thread the log through the free

    extents Cons

    Free space become many fragmented

    Large contiguous write wont be possible

    LFS cant access faster

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    Copying and Compacted

    Copy live data out of the log

    Compact the data when it written

    back Cons: Costly

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    Segment Cleaning Mechanism

    Read a number of Segments intomemory

    Check if it is live data

    If true, write it back to a smallernumber of clean segments

    Mark segment as clean

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    Segment summary block

    Identify each piece of information insegment

    Version number + inode = UID

    Version number incremented in inodemap when file deleted

    If UID of block mismatch to that ininode map when scanned, discard theblock

  • 7/29/2019 Log StructureFS


  • 7/29/2019 Log StructureFS


    Disk space underutilized viaperformance

    u < 0.8 will give better performance compare tocurrent Unix FFS

    u < 0.5 will give better performance compare to theimproved Unix FFS

  • 7/29/2019 Log StructureFS


    Simulate more real situation

    Data random access pattern


    Hot and cold

    10% is hot and select 90% of the time 90% is cold and select 10% of the time

    Cleaner use Greedy Policy

    Choose the least-utilized segment to clean

    Conclude hot and cold data should treatdifferently

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    Cost Benefit Policy

    Cold data is more stable and willlikely last longer

    Assume Cold data = older (age) Clean segment with higher ratio

    Group by age before rewrite









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    Left: bimodal distribution achieved

    Cold cleaned at u=75%, hot at u=15%

    Right: cost-benefit better, especially at utilization>60%

    Cost Benefit Result

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    Crash Recovery

    Traditional Unix FFS:

    Scan all metadata

    Very costly especially for large storage

    Sprite LFS Last operations locate at the end of the log

    Fast access, recovery quicker

    Checkpoint & roll-forward

    Roll-forward hasnt integrated to Sprite while thepaper was written

    Not focus here

  • 7/29/2019 Log StructureFS



    (small files)

    Fig (a) Shows

    performance oflarge number of

    files create, readand delete

    LFS 10 timesfaster than SunOS in create anddelete

    LFS kept the disk17% busy whileSunOS kept thedisk busy 85%

    Fig (b) Predicts LFS will

    improve byanother factor of4-6 as CPUs getfaster

    No improvementcan be expected

    in SunOS

  • 7/29/2019 Log StructureFS



    (large files) 100Mbyte file (with

    sequential, random)write, then read backsequentially

    LFS gets higher write

    bandwidth Same read bandwidth

    in both FS

    In the case of readsrequire seek (reread)in LFS, theperformance is lowerthan SunOS

    - SunOS: pay additional cost for organizing diskLayout

    - LFS: group information created at the same time,not optimal for reading randomly written files

  • 7/29/2019 Log StructureFS


    Real Usage Statistics

    Previous result doesnt include cleaning overhead The table shows better prediction This real 4 months usage includes cleaning overhead

    Write cost range is 1.2-1.6 More than half of cleaned segments empty Cleaning overhead limits write performance about

    70% of the bandwidth for sequential writing In practice, possible to perform the cleaning at night

    or idle period

  • 7/29/2019 Log StructureFS


    Thank You =)

    ~The end~