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Page 1: Locations and settings for the digipak

Locations and Settings for the Digipak Lizzie Garrard

Page 2: Locations and settings for the digipak

Album Cover This is the first picture we used which we have decided to make the

album cover. We took this shot in Southend on the beach of Rosie and Liam as this

picture describes our narrative. Sophie edited this image an placed the same picture next to each other

but rotated one round so it created a mirrored effect. She also placed an effect over the top of the image. This cartoon effect we have used connotes an unrealistic expectations of relationships. Sophie mainly edited these photos but we all had a say in what looked good and what didn’t.

This relates to the electronic dance music genre because it uses lots of colours, it looks modern, like the genre, and the picture also reflects the lyrics and narrative of the song.

Page 3: Locations and settings for the digipak

Inside Cover This next image was also taken in Southend, of the rollercoasters in

Adventure Island. It was taken just as the sun was setting which already gives the image the look that it has been edited, but it was just the natural lighting giving this effect.

Sophie did however, put a slight effect over the top of it. The effect used is a textured type of effect to give the image more definition but not overpower the natural lighting that makes this image look good.

This photo relates to the electronic dance music genre because in EDM music videos, lots of rapid editing and quick cuts are used to match the tempo of the music, and the shots tend to be lots of different locations. Which is what we have tried to convey and have taken this shot also to convey that.

Page 4: Locations and settings for the digipak

Inside Cover This picture we took from when we were shooting the music video of

Rosie and Liam on the beach in Southend. Like the previous shot, the natural lighting has made this photo look like

its edited, but it hasn’t been. Unlike the last two photos, Sophie didn’t put an effect on this one because we all decided it didn’t need it and looked slightly odd with an effect on it.

This relates to the genre of EDM because again it connotes to the narrative and lyrics of the song showing a modern couple on a beach.

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Inside booklet This next shot again was taken at Southend. The sun was setting at the

time this was taken so the colours in the sky are all caused by natural lighting. The only thing Sophie did to edit the actual image was to blur it, this in-turn makes the printed onto it stand out more.

We chose to include this page in our digipak because in quite a few digipaks that are released, you are able to take out the cover from the inside and open it too look at the lyrics of the songs on the album. This way the consumer of the album will be able to learn the lyrics of the songs they enjoy listening too.

This relates to the EDM music genre because not only just this genre use lyric pages, but most modern CD’s do also. In terms of EDM specifically though, it relates because the font used looks modern, it is in white which is a brighter colour than black, and also the image used is colourful and current to the modern generation who would be listening to EDM.

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Inside Cover This photo was taken when we were filming in King George’s Park, of

Rosie sitting on a log where she has her face bruised and cut which contrasts from all the happy images we have used for the rest of the digipak ideas.

This photo shows the innocence and isolation that the character she is portraying is showing and that the music video isn’t all happy and that there may be a twist in the narrative that the audience may not expect.

This relates to EDM because the merging of colours in the image gives it that quirky effect which can connote to the tempo and sound of EDM music. Also the shot itself looks very modern and although posed, looks natural along. Which along with her hair, make-up and clothes adds to the overall effect of the genre and feel of the song.

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Back Cover Finally, we used this photo as our back cover which was taken by Lydia

when she went to Corfu in Greece earlier this year. As you can see, Sophie has put an edit over the top of the image to

make it green/olive toned and also an effect to add texture to the image, which gives the effect of music waves which contrasts with the fact that there are actual waves in the picture.

We also placed a bar code, Cazzette’s logo and some text saying when the album will be released and a text about a bonus track. We used this because it is only a single so there won’t be anymore songs on the album.

This relates to the EDM genre because the text and edit used it very modern and adds to what genre we used well.