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Local Adwords Academy Class Notes - Lesson #2

Overview and Quick Start – How to Set Up Call-Only Campaigns [Note – this was the first live training webinar.]

Bold statement: “If you only learn Google Adwords Management, you don’t need to learn anything else

to make a good living.” What we’re learning can be used today and ten years from now.

There are two parts to this topic, and in this 10-part training we will learn both parts:

• How to manage Adwords accounts

• How to get clients for this service

This is Quick Start Training today – giving you enough to start getting clients. It’s the 80% / 20% rule.

Today you’ll learn 80% of what you need to know. Over the next lessons you’ll understand more of the

logic behind the campaigns and learn how to fine tune things.

We start today, and each of the ten lessons will be about one hour.

Training 1: How to Set Up Your First Call Only (Pay Per Call) Campaign (Auto Repair as the example)

Reasons why Auto Repair is a great niche:

• It fits in the number of businesses.

• It can be applied in any country.

• It fits in a Call Only campaign because people call an auto repair company before they go in.

The difference between a regular Adwords campaign and a call-only Adwords campaign:

1) Traditional campaign: You have a keyword; the prospect searches that keyword and sees the ad;

they go to the website; and, hopefully, they make a call and use your service (become a client).

The problem with this is, it takes about 5 clicks to generate one call.

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2) Call-only campaign: Google has made it easy for the prospect now, and good for us, because

people don’t need to go to the website to generate the call. About 70% of ad clicks are done

with a mobile device, so people are getting used to clicking on ads to generate a call. They’re

getting less interested in going to a website and reading about your service before deciding to

call. This is especially true for the emergency niches, where they need the service right away.

They need help now; the car needs to be fixed, there’s no time to lose… when can I come in?

That’s how they are thinking.

When the prospect clicks the phone number in the ad, it puts the number into their phone. They

still have to click the green button on their phone to initiate the call, and not everyone will take

this step. But even if you only get one call from every two clicks, it is better than paying for 5

clicks to generate one call.


You need a tracking phone number and you need a website (landing page) for the client.

You need a website because Google wants to verify that the business is legitimate and has terms

of service in place, and that the phone number in the ad really belongs to that business.

You need a tracking number so that you can track all the calls you generate for your client and

send reports to show proof that your campaign is working.

1) Set up Tracking Number (

[Get your CallCID account here: if you don’t already have it.]

Log into the Call Portal (

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If you already have the company set up, go to Numbers > New Tracking Number.

Use the client’s area code and click Search Available Numbers.

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Select a local number (not Toll Free) and click to buy that number. The number is instantly added to

your Call CID account.

2) Set Up Website (using WPGateway)

- Get your WPGateway account here: if you don’t already

have one.

- You also need a Sales Dynamite account (or Local Theme Jack Enterprise) to have access to the

website template. Get it here:

In WPGateway, order a domain for the client’s site.

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Install the Auto Repair theme onto the domain.

Select Niche > (search for “auto”) > Select Auto Repair – Stock > Install Theme

Wait while the website is installed.

NOTE: If the client already has a website, you can use that one – just make sure the tracking

number is on the website instead of the client’s business number, and that Terms are on the site.

Once the Auto Repair site is installed, log in to the WP-admin dashboard.

You will be updating the phone number to be the tracking number and adding Terms.

Currently, the Terms of Service link in the site footer goes to a page with placeholder text:

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Update the phone number to be the tracking number:

Theme Jack Biz > Contact > Phone Number (enter the tracking number) > Save Changes

(Also enter the client’s Company Name and Address before you Save Changes.)

Update the Terms:

Pages > Terms of Service > Edit

Scroll down. Make sure that the Usage Statement Module is un-checked to disable it.

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Be sure it is checked next to the (real) Terms of Service Module to enable it:

Now the example Terms will show up and Google will approve of your site as being legitimate.

You can update the Terms however you like, or per your client’s request.

To Edit the Terms, click the gear icon in the gray bar with the module name:

Do the same thing for the Privacy Policy: Pages > Privacy Policy > Edit (etc.)

You’re finished with the website now, except that it’s best to add SSL. Having SSL (https) gives Google

even more confidence that your website is for a reputable company.

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To add SSL:

In WPGateway, go to: Domains > SSL column > Add SSL (blue button in row for the domain).

Now that you’re done with Preparations, the fun begins.

Let’s Get Started with Google Adwords:

It’s time to create your MCC account if you did not already do so. An MCC is an AdWords

Manager Account (MCC = My Client Center).

You need just one MCC account for managing all your clients’ Adwords campaigns (in sub-


Use a Gmail address when creating the MCC account. It’s best to create a separate Gmail

address just for managing your Adwords MCC.

The steps for creating a new Gmail account and your MCC account are covered in Lesson #1.

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Set up a sub-account for your first client. (This can be an imaginary client while you are still learning and

practicing how to set it up.)

When you have a real client, you have 2 choices in Accounts (in MCC) – Link existing accounts or New

AdWords account (depending on if the client already has an Adwords account being managed by

someone else.)

Today we will create a new account.

Create a new AdWords account. Give it a name (like Auto Repair - 1).

Select time zone where the client is located. Click on Create Account.

The account is created and appears in a list. Click on it to go into that sub-account of the MCC.

Set up your first Call-Only Campaign.

Create a Campaign.

Click on All Campaigns and then the blue Plus icon > New Campaign

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Click on Search > Sales > Phone Calls > Phone number (enter the tracking number) > Continue

Give it a campaign name (like Auto Repair). For Networks, choose Search Network. Check

Include Google search partners.

You can click on Show more settings and set the start date (optional).

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For Locations, choose Enter another location, and click on Advanced search.

Click on Radius and type in the client’s address. Make the radius 10 miles. Click on Save.

Languages: Choose the language(s) spoken by your client’s targeted customers.

Budget: (maybe start with $10.00 per day) – start low so you don’t have any risk.

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Delivery method: you can leave it Standard, but Accelerated will put the clicks early in the day.

Businesses like to get the calls in the morning.

Bidding: Focus on Clicks. Do some math to arrive at the figure for Maximum CPC bid limit.

How to do the math:

1) Ask the business owner “How much is each prospect is worth to you?” (Maybe $250/client)

2) Ask “How many calls are you able to convert?” (Maybe it takes 5 calls to get a good client)

Divide $250 by 5, and you can’t spend more than $50 per call without losing money.

3) Not every click on a Call-Only campaign results in a call. It averages 2 clicks to generate 1 call.

So, divide $50 by 2 = $25 maximum to spend per call without losing money.

To be safe, divide $50 by 3 = $17 maximum to spend per call.

Note: The budget won’t work with a $10 daily budget and a $17 Max CPC. Increase the daily

budget to at least $17 if your Max CPC is $17.

Ad schedule: Only run the ads when the business is open to answer calls.

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Ad rotation: Choose Optimize - Prefer best performing ads. (This lets Google determine and

show the best ads based on results if you do multiple ads.)

Ad extensions – we’ll cover them later – ignore for now.

Save and continue.

Now you’re at the screen to Set up ad groups.

Enter “Auto repair” as the Ad group name.

For the Keywords to use (for Auto Repair), go to the Membership site under Training #1 to get

the list. (Another lesson will cover how to know which keywords are good ones.)

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Copy and paste the list of keywords into the keywords field:

Where there are brackets like [city] [state], fill them in with your city and state, like boca raton,

before you Save and Continue:

Click on Save and Continue. Then on the Create ads screen, click the plus sign for New Ad…

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… and the New Ad structure opens up below:

Notice that it’s a Call-Only ad.

Fill in the blanks to create an ad. The Ad preview on the right will populate as you type.

(There is a sample with ad wording in the membership site.)

Be sure Call reporting is set to On, and click DONE. Now you’ll see your Ad, the Ad group

connected to it, and the Keywords that are in this Ad group:

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Click on Save And Continue, and… “congratulations”! Your campaign is ready!

You’ll see a review of the details for this campaign:

Reviewing what we’ve done inside of an hour:

• We set up the tracking number

• We set up the website

• We created the first call-only campaign

This is all it takes, and everybody can do this.

But you can (and should) optimize some things.

For sure, you need to add some negative keywords.

What are Negative Keywords? – These prevent your ad from being shown to the wrong people who

are not searching for your service, which would waste your clicks.

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For example, you don’t want your ad to be shown when someone searches for “car repair books” or

“car repair equipment” because they are looking for info and tools for doing their own car repairs.

Or maybe they are looking for a job as an auto mechanic. They are not looking for a car repair shop

to fix their car. You need to think about the intent of the search.

So, words like “books”, “equipment”, “tools”, “video”, “info”, “youtube”, “job”, and “salary” will be

some of your negative keywords. Negative keywords are very important.

Click Continue to Campaign. Then click on Keywords in the left panel:

Then choose Negative Keywords at the top.

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Start typing your list of negative keywords, or paste in a list you’ve created somewhere else.

(There is a list of negative keywords for the auto repair niche in the membership site.)

In addition to this tutorial, Jack has created a step plan that you can download from the members area

and print out.

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Accessing the Members Area and the Call Only Step Plan:

Log into the AdWords Members section within

Once you’re logged in, select 2018 NEW, then Training # 2.

Inside Training #2, you’ll see the step plan that you can download.

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You can feel comfortable to get clients now, even though you’re not 100% trained yet. Jack will help you

set up a successful campaign.

There’s an ocean of clients, no shortage of clients.

What we’re learning creates a flywheel effect. The process will be faster and go more smoothly the

more times we do it. We can apply it today, tomorrow, next year, and ten years from now. We don’t

need to learn anything besides Adwords Management to make a very good living.

• There are thousands of clients in every niche.

• They all need more customers

How to find clients: Lead Finder Jack

• “Local Biz”

• “AdWords” (search for companies that advertise using Google Adwords)

• “HA” (search for companies that advertise on Home Advisor)

Ways to prospect:

1. Visit

2. Call

3. Email

4. Use the Turbo System

Business owners are busy. You need to contact them multiple times before they make a decision. So,

don’t give up after the first contact. Be active. If they don’t come to you, you have to go to them.

95% of getting a client is taking ACTION.

You only need 20 – 50 clients to make a good living.

After you get 10 clients, getting the next 10 is easy.

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The answer to question #2 helps you know the settings to use in the call-only campaign.

When they answer question #3 – “I can handle new customers today!” – it leads right into question #4.

You simply say, “OK, let’s get started! What is your credit card number?”

Q&A and Misc. Tips:

- It’s important to track things. If 6 clicks is your track record for getting one call, you divide by 6 instead

of 3 when calculating the Max CPC. Set up the Call Portal, and compare to what Google is charging.


(Q) – If you’re a newbie, how can you earn trust and prove that you can do the job?

(A) – By sounding confident when you speak. You can build up your confidence by knowing you can do

the call-only campaign. When you believe you can do that, you come across to the business owner as

someone who can do the job. (You’ll learn how to optimize campaigns in this 10-step training.)


- Most Adwords Managers don’t know the keywords that are good keywords for local businesses,

because a local service business requires different Adwords strategies than a business that sells

products with a shopping cart.

With this training, you can easily out-perform most other Adwords Managers.

- Any campaign can get doubled in improvement by adding a good negative keywords list, as well as

tracking what are good keywords.

- What you will do each month is split-test ads and look at …

• keywords that get a lot of impressions, but no clicks

• keywords that get clicks, but no calls

- Over time, your campaign will get better and better and better.


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- If you stick with only one or two niches, you’ll have an easy time because you’ll know what works,

you’ll have the website, you’ll have the knowledge about that niche. You will know what keywords

generate the calls. You can apply what you have learned to each new client’s Adwords campaigns.


- Most important, don’t feel shy to sign up clients. If you get a client before you’ve completed all 10

lessons, you can get all the help you need from Jack.

Lesson #2 Homework:

1) Set up your MCC account – use a dedicated Gmail account

2) Set up your first Call-Only campaign – set the budget at $.01 (one cent) per day

(This campaign is just for practice, using an imaginary client.)

3) Email, voice drop, visit, or call Auto Repair shops (suggested charge: $197/month)

First Client - Payment amount is not important, but don’t do it for free.

Future Clients – You can charge more (optional), but don’t charge less than $197/month.

This PDF is based on Jack Hopman’s webinar replay (2 pm session) found inside the members area under

the Lesson #2 tab (see Members Area image above for how to find it).

You can also watch the replay video directly on YouTube:

You may NOT copy, sell or distribute this document in any form,

partial or whole, without prior written consent from the author.