Download - L.O. Is there any correlation between development statistics? Activity using Gapminder.

Page 1: L.O. Is there any correlation between development statistics? Activity using Gapminder.

L.O.Is there any correlation between development statistics?

Activity using Gapminder

Page 2: L.O. Is there any correlation between development statistics? Activity using Gapminder.

What do we mean by “correlation”?

• Correlation means…

• for instance…

Page 3: L.O. Is there any correlation between development statistics? Activity using Gapminder.

What might these look like?•

• Your task:• Log on to gapminder• Load gapminder world• Change the y axis to adult literacy rate. 1. Copy the graph to a word document2. What kind of correlation exists between it and wealth (GDP)? Describe

what you see beneath your scattergraph3. Why might this relationship exist?• Now choose any other variable you think might show a negative correlation.• Repeat stages 1 – 3 above for this graph.

Page 4: L.O. Is there any correlation between development statistics? Activity using Gapminder.

• Go to the Downloads page and find the graphic called Has the World Become a Better Place? and click on

• it. Explore this graphic to find the answers to the following questions.

• How has the world changed since 1962?• How has Bangladesh changed since 1962?• Choose a country and use this graphic to

investigate how it has changed over time.