Download - lnginieros Sin Fronteros Sin Fronteros Engineers Without Borders sounds oil in , ”Vox Populi.” Check Opinion, page 3. Fnday March 2,200l Design School A Beautitul Day for the lil’


lnginieros Sin FronterosEngineers WithoutBorders sounds oil in ,”Vox Populi.” CheckOpinion, page 3.FndayMarch 2,200l

Design SchoolA Beautitul Day for thelil’ Meeces, The Man .toils a robbery, and atruckiull oi dough boy.

O mm’.‘ Wé‘t

Tournament TimeThe warrior/s, brisket

(it .i F: l'l S t(. (Tball teriiriTouriiaii'ieivi playSaturday.

Listserv to become vehicle for student voicelimitthen inO A new listserv implemented by

Student Government will be in placenext Monday as means of communica-tion on university issues.

Spaine StephensNi \\ s ltliitii

(lit a eaiiipus ol .\.' (‘ State‘s si/} students feel that to owe theireoneertis the} liaie to take a iiuiiiheiand \\ttll in a line 37.()tltl-deep.Starting ne\t .\londa_\. students \till heahle to eomrtiunieate their eoneeriisahout tttll\L‘l'\ll_\ tssties through a listSC“.The listseri. lllltllL‘lllL‘lllL‘tl h} eurreritStudent Bod} l’resident Haroldl’ettigr‘e\s. “ill he a medium througlt

\\lllt h the student hods piestdertt eaiiheld the opinions ol the students andassure them that their \Ulkk‘ “I” not helost Ill the (loud"\\e waited to estahlish our o\\rtlisisen \sliere students eotild siih«serihe themsehes." said l’ettrgreu."they eaii \oliintaril} espi'ess interestand kriou \ihat‘s going on .it the uni-\ersin ”In past )ears. student leaders gottogether and attempted to gttlll aeeessto an all-eaitipus listsen aeeonnt. sini-ilar to the listsen used h_\ .\'(‘Sl'adrrirntslratton to setid ottt ttttportantmessages to all students on suhjeetslike sal'et) eorieerns or eoitiputer netuoi‘k Issues. lloiseier. students coulditot gain aeeess to tltis type ol' allseam-pus eomitiunieatiort.

tltL‘tl. \\as in \k'l up a ltstst‘t\ ‘\\hl\llstudents lta\ e a \‘llllls e to ha\e au'esslit"the main purpose is to intoini thestudent lioili." said l’ettigieis. \ilio hasheen \soi‘kmg on the idea ol the listsen since last semester.'l'lle llslseti \sill pt‘tn ttlt‘ tlptlttlc‘s .ttldintoriiiation ahout dil'tererit issues likeatliletie tieket distrihritioit or eaitipoutor “other stuff that goes on oii campusthat sou might not l'sllti“ ahout." saidl’ettigreiiHe said he \sislted the listsen hadheeri aiailahle last semester. “lienissues like tieket distrihtition arid thenuisanee hart} ordiiiaiiee \\ ere of sub»staittial itttpor'tartee to many students"This would Ita\ e been an easy out-let." said l’ettigresi.It “in he in plaee. tliotigh. inst inThe nest hest tltirtg. l’ettigreu tig»”nu

QI’SI’I”’mttm. antr‘“ (“fit ani ”’1; v“:h" me: ’...».eh,

Mildred Russell waits for customers to check out at the Bragaw CLStore.Russell has worked for NCSU for the past eight years.

Days slipping by...

e ...for registration in Service Raleigh,N.C. State’s annual one-day citywide serv-ice project.

.limmy Ryals.\'t s ltli or

time is running out for registration torlllL‘ l.ll':JL‘\l \( SlutC-sptillsilt'k‘tl senreeprotect ill the MS.”()rie \seek trom toda). .\laieh S. i'egrsrtratioii \\ ill e lose tor Sen l\ e Raleigh. tlte\(‘Sl' \L‘t'HL'L' pt'oteet tltat has aidedhetueeir 4t) and ill Raleigh organi/atiorisannuall) during its ltIttt'rbt'dt e\istenee'l'lttis tar. roughly Wh people ll.l\L‘ regvistered to take part iit Senite Raleigh..ieeording to (’o tooidiriatoi lleatlieiBennett. That is a lots tigiite at this the target iiinnhei ot \oliiriteeisllllltl.Seniee Raleigh \oluiiteeis \Hll spend-\pril 7 \torking tor \arious Raleighorgani/atroiis. Some groups tliai haiehenet'ited t'i'om Sei'iiee Raleigh iii iliepast ineltide the .\'ortli (‘aioliria ioodBank. Trees Aeross Raleigh. theAl/heiiner‘s Association. the TV ('Museum of Natural Seienees and llahitatt'or Humanit).Trees Across Raleigh and Habitat areamong the approxiinatel) 3t) oi'garii/ations that ha\ e signed on to reeer\eSeniee Raleigh littll \‘olunteers‘ \sork“You get otit ot~ [Seniee Raleigh] \\ hat)ou ptrt into it." Bennett said. “it ean heart ania/ing experience it )ou “am it tohe."lit quatitil'iahle teritis. \shat \otunteers\\'Ill ptit into Seniee Raleigh “ill he ll\ ehours of \\Url\ and the effort attendant tothat time. What \oltinteers “ill takehome with them from the one-day \olttr‘rteer e\ent is less definite.“I think it‘s giving haek to your eoniiiiunity.” said Diana Nguyen. a seniorcommunication mayor who worked at aTrees Aeross Raleigh site during lastyear‘s Service Raleigh. You get a chanceto \sork and interact with a lot of dill'er-ent people."On Jan. l7. NCSU (‘haneellor MaryeAnne Fox wrote a letter to meiiihers of


the Raleigh eomittuntt} supportingSen tee Ralergli.“'l'he \'(‘ State l'niiersin taini|_\reaehes out to otir iierghhors in man}\\a}s." l'os \srote. "()ne ol the lll-lslirriportaiit is Sentee Raleigh .‘tltll. l'liisaetnit} is art eseellent \ia_\ toi otii sturdettt hod} and the surrounding eomrriiinit} to tour together Ill a da} ot \oluriteetsL‘t'\tL'L'.”lit response to eritreisrii last sear otSeniee Raleigh as a orieala_\-.i-_\earst't'\teL‘ Cl‘lltll'l. Bennett and eoreooi'dtna»tors .lolin S.i\\_\er. laiiren (‘ollins andt‘liristtari \\rlsoit ha\e arranged lot theL Walton and distrihtitioii of partner hooklets this _\ear.the hooklets \Hll inelude the names ot.ill the orgarti/atioiis herirg sen-ed this_\e.ii. \\llll eotitaet iiit'orrtiatiorr and iiitoriiiatioii ahorit the kind ot \soikorgarii/atiori needs ()rie hooklet \sill hegrieii to eaelt Sen tee Raleigh \oluitteei'Bennett hopes tltat the hooklets \Hll lead\olirnteers to eontmue \ioilsaiig \xitlitheir respeetne Sen tee Raleigh groupsIn air et'toi‘t to e\pand Sen iee Raleighlike pi‘ograiiis to all to sthools in thel'\( ‘ System. Bennett and ltereoreoordrnators plan to make a presentation to thel N(' (‘otiiteil ot Student Hod)Presidents alter all to iiitt\ersities liaieeonipleted their student body eleetions.last spring. l'N(‘-(‘liapel llill launehedl’roteet l'.\'(‘. a seniee proteet modeledon Seniee Raleigh .itid (ieorgia 'l‘eeli‘s'l'eairi Bull. The seeond annual Projeet[NC “I” take plaee Mareh .il.Ser\ tee Raleigh eootdrnators \\lll he iiithe liriekyard nest Monday throughlii‘ida} Irom ll ant to part registering\tiltltllL‘L‘t‘s. free drinks and pi/Ia trorrr('i('i's l’i/Ia utll he a\ailahle to \olttn-teei‘s.for those \\ ho cannot make it to theBrickyard. there is onliiie registration forthe eserit at myutiesiiedti/sen\ ieeraleigli.Late registration \\‘lll he allowed. hutBennett said there are no guarantees thatthose \\ ho register late \s'ill reeeiie tree'l'—shirts or lunehes. as their less lard) . of\olunteeis \Hll.


See DAYS Page 2

time tor l‘l;‘ i.,iiipis .ieiits lil’tSenne Raleigh .tllil last. tit \(\lals‘Melanie (‘liiii \\ ill lit the t oorilirr no:ol the ltstset\ ottte it is tip and runnirig l’ettigreis appioathed hershe sened on the Student (ioieiriiiieirtt‘\t‘etll|\t‘ stall (illtlt \\tll L't'l the [Misted messages. eorrrpile them and putthe actual etitail togetherStudents eari stihseiihe to the lislserxh} going to the Student (toieiriirierit


Weh site at studeritsiiesiiedit .iiidscrolling dossri to the heading"Student (io\einriieiit aniioiiirteiiiernlist.” Students can register or narrowtheir name and post annoiiiieeriieriison the Web page.The s_\ stem is tiot an open diseussrorilislser\. l’ettigreu s:nd the ritessagesposted on the \Veh site \\ ill go straight

student president s.tstlttllll lakelltoit~ttleteil tor piihlitatiorr iii the iii st\llttlt'lll

i» rht and \\Ill atltltim eiirirrerit .tllllt'lllli eriietitltst Sirhtriissioiis must he llt hi noonon \lorid.i\ to he tilllsltlt‘it'il loi tltat\lillttlt‘s s listsen lhe tries-a 'i's trainthe list~erx tart lltll\ he sent lti ‘ stirilt'lll lltlsl} litt'slilt‘lt' \l‘i'l L".\'lll.iritoiriiatrott .ihoiii tl \‘itltlltl ln- 'akerioil the list tern

l'ettigteis said the ll\l\\l‘ \\illiriipioie eoiiirriimitaiioii hetxxteii the\sliole \( ‘Sl' eoriitriiiiiits h_\ pio\ idingiriloiiriatiort ori “e“.t'tits hate thepoterrtral to toueh lltL siiideiit hods asa \iliole "lltt‘tL‘ \‘stll alsir lie .i titttle st lll l‘..itltt‘

Rape defense class

could come to NCSU

O A rape defense class could possiblybe offered for P.E. credit at N.C. State.

(‘ara Froedge\-» ~,st.irit .\'t \s s lditi‘r

\Vlteii prospeetise students eoiisidereoitiiitg to N.(‘, State. the) “eigh themerits ot aeadeniies. taeult) arid earn—pits lite. .\lot‘e and more students areheeoinmg eoiiseious ot satet} issuesas the sttrdertt hodi grous larger.Niiiltt. slitilz'tils ttttn lie .ililt' tit {eelsater and get class ereilit l‘oi rtRape .\ggressroti l)eterrsi\eS)sletlts is a national eourse ot'teredat \(‘Sl‘ that teaehes \somen meth-ods to a\oid herrtg assaulted and teehiirtiues to detend themseh es ittlieifre eser e:iught in suelr a sitiia~rioii t‘urreritli. the elass is otteredll'tilll it put to ‘l p ill on llltllstla}nights arid eannot he taken to ieeeneiiitt\erstt) eredtt.llo\\e\er. that ma) ehange soon.\("Sl‘ tumor Sliatie Reese rs lohh)mg to lt£t\ e the class s\\tlelletl til l\\ildais a \seek and listed as l’l .lhe tetriale onl_\ elass \\rll he struevtuied iii much the saiiie \iti}. ottl_\ lessttiaterral “I“ he eo\ered iii a classperiod. enahlirig the students to retarri


rrrore ot \\hat the) are taught,“Right noss." said Reese. "the L lassintense. 'lhere is so tritiehinformation to soak tip that studentsend tip lorgettttig \\ hat the) learned inthe lirst halt ot the elass period.”Reese got the idea troiii looking atother iiitt\ersities that liaie alread}iiripleinented the elass tor llll|\L‘t\ll_\ti'edit. sueh as the l'iii\er'stt) otSouth lilortda. It \(‘St‘ “ere to lol-lo\\ siiit. it \sonld he one ol the lri'st

Is too

iiitt\ersities Hi the nation to otter the.. iedrt said .i representatnetioiii R \ll. \\ho torrid not sa_\ lio'aman} other iiitt\ersities has e alr'ead_\\lt‘llk‘ lllts.


l‘hrs elass is irriportant. said Reese.heeaiise "it is eier} student‘s right toleL'l salL' Hltl a stine) ot onr arid Ullie'dtllt‘tlSnomeri he eoadueted. he touiid thatman) temale students do not t‘eel sate\\alkitig to the lrhtar_\ alone at night.he esplairieil. The ones that do "ha\ ea titlse sertse ol seeurit) \\tlll triaee ”l'ien tliotrgh the iiitt\ersit} does notha\e atr_\ reported se\tia| assaults iiithe last ll\t‘ _\t':tt's. Reese helre\es tt Isgoing to take another assault to getsaten lllt‘astlt't‘s and a\\at'ettesslllet't‘asetl"li Ill) opinion [the tltlt\k‘l'sll)l is

the listser‘s lletails 's\llt he iii rie\tlllt'sdtn ‘s " letliriitiaii

ieaetne ratliei tliari pivatti‘t’ tiesaidHe helteies that the iiiii'tersinshould take saten irieasines to tilt"pate people hetatrse ”it \l‘llltl happenhere iiist as hell .is .irisislieit :lse ”l’tihlie Satet) (‘htet lhoirias \oiine eagreed. hut also said it \\ ill herietrt thestudents more than |t|sl \\ll!lt' the}attend the iiitt\ersin'\ t lass like this has an ettett on aniiidixrdtial toi lite. ' he sait:\\hei'. graduates iltst‘is .uwtiit“eits. lllls eotild help them he .i‘tllttlstiedto irripleiiient the eoiiise. the Pldepartrireiit iiiiist lirst aeeept it as partot the eitrrittiluiir \s tar as “ho\\Uttltl leaelt lltt' ktllll\\'. tt t’illlltl sllllhe Sgt liarrrnelllloxsewt. neither Reese nor \i'inteekiieu it the iiitt\ersin \iorild require amaster s degree tor the teacher"ll the iiriiiei’sin eoopeiates." saidReese.“ the lass could he in plate h}the tall."the onl} piohlem their. said that the poptilarin ot the elass \\lllmake it harder to enrolled.Interested students could ”get toekedoiit ol the elass" and not get .i L'llilllLL'lit lttlst' tl l‘L‘liit'e they L'tadttats‘

:.' L‘l

Bush tax plan may surprise college students

0 Students should look at the long-term effects of the proposal.

Sharon Foldes‘lli \ \‘l tlles t\'.' itiait t

it \\lRl.i SiR-M t St. .\ \(‘ollege students ma} get more out ot'President (ieorge \\ Bitsh's proposedSt l trillion ta\ Llll than they thinkThe ta\ hreak ltas the potential toespand the tightened ioh market . anappealing prospeet tor students gradu—ating in Ma). said l)oiiald lititkousk}.a Siraeuse l'tii\ersit) eeonoiiries prolessor.“l"oi‘ the last three to tour sears. itliegmerniiientt has heeii eolleeting itiorein ta\es than it‘s spending."l)tttko\\.sk_\ said. "lt‘s heeomeoierkill at this stage in the game. t'l‘lieta\ etitt can lead to a hettei husitiesseliriiate. ‘toh market and prospeets."In his first address to l'.S. ('oiigresssinee liis inauguration. Hush proposedhis hudget plan on 'l'uesdail)l|lk’ti\\‘sk} said students should alsolook to the longvterin et'lee'ts ot theproposal.flush asked ('ongress to prixati/eSoetal Seetirit). making .\irierieansresponsible for their own retirerrieritt'unds.Soeial Security. |)iitko\\sk) said. isnot just a concern for the elderly.Students should edueate theniseheson ho“ to im est their retirement saiirigs and the types ot~ aunlahle

aeeourtts heeause the Marne ot SoeialSeeiiriii ean he unpiedieiahle.l llltkon sk\ sald“\\e iliahs liooiiiersr ne\ei thoughtit \\ittllil liappert to us.“ he said Somestudents ll.t\e deettlt‘d to stall ”U“ tot'll\lllL' lllk‘ll’ L‘t'tllltllllK' \k‘L’UllHthrough the Sl‘ lrriestrrierit (‘luhSeliool ot \lanageiiieiii students started the \ ltih in l‘tts-l and meet \seekhio dist ttss itie stoek market.lhoiigli ietireriieiit looms \iell intothe tuniie eluh riieiiiher l./i.i Stiahoisaid he tltiitks lltislt's prnati/atroii otSoeral Seeurtts \\rll reap long termhenet'its"l “titlltl like to go to a s} sterii\stiere ewrwne has eorttrol ot theirunit Soeial Seenrits mone_\. arid the}ean do “hat the} \stllll \sitli it." saidSliahot. a senior t'inant e inaiorSltahot added that Bush‘s proposedta\ eut plass in elosel) \iith his SocialSeeurin plan. heeatrse \\ lien:\lllt‘t'lt‘.tll\ reeeiie their ta\ hreaks.the goal is tor them to iiiiest themoney haek into stoeks tor theirretirement funds\Venrt‘lieng (hen. also a eluh rnetttliL‘t'. stttil lllL‘ lic‘st sliic‘ks ltll' I't‘lll't‘lltt‘tttare those that grou slou is and graduall) o\ er time. rather than a \olatilestoek. “hieh eottld gain or lose moremoney“In the long run. aetordirig to dataarid past l'llSltll')‘. tthe stoek market) isprett) stahle arid grouiiig." said (‘heii.a senior t‘inanee rttaior. "It‘s good toput some portion of l'intitieial salar)into an iniestineni,”

l’itttiitg too initeh liiiidiiig iii a ta\hreak min. lioiseiei. interesttales to t'tst'. lltltkimsk} added\atlst‘\tiiilents mas teel these high interestrates \sheri the) make their lost iiiaioriiiiestiiient stitli as hii\iiie a house.he said"His plan is torriparahli to RonaldReagan s in tlie l‘lStls. and that led tohig itetieils.” llntkouskx lhelltllt‘ llll urine that .sort \\Ill see thatlll\ le \tll‘ii l\ s'lllllllfl lllltl llS (\i‘ll \‘. ill]the ta\ erit "Hut eei'tain ta\ eliririnaiions. siieli .isthe death ta\. also ktiouii as the estateta\. \\rll onl\ atteet the healthiest ot\iiierieans. he said.lhe ta\ translers largeaiiiouriis of health hetneen tamrhirremhers alter a deatlt\\itli the tree plan. it ,\liei'osoti hil-lionati'e Hill died. his entireestate \sotild he passed to ltts eliildreiita\ tree. lltitkousk} said,Sophoitioie \liehael Sand) said dtirmg \\ inter hreak he took the lirst stepsto hirildiiig his ttitui‘e assets h} in\est-trig rit l‘r'l'rade stoeks.“It's the smartest thing to do “Illlm) llltil’tC} at this point.” said Sand). anuance and marketing maioi: “It's notlike I time a lot ot moire} right non.hut in) plan is to aeettrnttlate somestoeks long term and not toueli tlienittittil I see lit."Because of a stoning eeonom).sioek priees ha\ e dropped iii reeentmonths and are mpeeted to bottomout iii late Mareh. Sandy added“It‘s a great time to buy."




"DAYS(:c22122‘(.e(11ro"2 Page 1

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I C I A N ’ S VI

N adventure


200] WAS A SLAM-

DUNK SUCCESS.loI IlIc IoInIlI _\I21I III .I I'o\\ lllL' \(NIIIII‘ \( lll)\ (HIIIIIIIIIUI' lIIMICIl"IIII' lhv l ‘k'lllV-I II l‘I‘ “Icon \!\"\\IIIL'nut) III Ix’I-xnoldx ('IIII-II‘IIIII loIII'SI‘IIIIV IlII.’ L'\\'lll III one \\IIILl. oncIllIle SII} \IIII|‘l'\ ‘.IIIIII/IIIL' ” IoIIINIIIIII' lllk' III‘III III .'II/‘ uoIIIx. ourII!II\I \.:\ \IIIII‘l\ ".nIIII/IIILI' l\\I\L‘\lorc llI.:I‘ IIIIIIII \lliIlI‘IIl\ now InIIIII‘II-IIIIII'I'llh' \'\\'lll l‘IIIIII'lII lH}.'\'IlII'I llII' k'lllllk\IIllIl‘|I\ IoIIIIIIIIIIIn IIIIIvIIgII IIII- IIIIIIl‘Ill\‘\l cIIoIh oI lllk \ (' \IIIII- \ \lIl)IIIIIIIII'I lllk IIII‘IIII \.;_'III,I I’III ll.llk‘IllIl\.IIII' \\IIkI*( oIIIII \|€( , l'lII‘ lil\‘\\ll\lIlIIl‘IioII'I llll‘l ollcw I-I \lIIlIIIL'x‘IIII‘lIl. IlIclIIII-I lx'cxIIII-III-c (oIIIIIIl. l III\I'I~II_Il)IIIIIIL'. I iII\Il\Il\ \IIIIIIIII» lllt' IIIIII\\'lll|‘l (liw, IlII‘ I lI.III\'L‘llHI'\ ()lllx‘n‘.IlIc \IIIII‘IIIx llI‘I‘IIIlillk‘lIl. \IIIdI-III\ll.IIl\ lIII\I'I~II_\ llIIII\Illj.‘. IlII‘\\ole.IIk I'IIIII. ('||\\\. SludcnlllL'Illlll \I‘IHII-S .Ind lllk' \IIIIIIIII\\\H\l.IIIIIII .IIIII I'l \I‘lll\\‘. llII‘ \II'HIII.v\II|‘I‘IIII oI lIlll\. '\llL‘lll\‘I IIIc) he \IurLll‘lll‘. lIILlIll_\. .IllIIIIIlI. \l.lll oI |lI\llllk‘ll\l\ .IIId I.IIIIII\lIIll\ II IllleII ".III IIIIonI I'IIqu'x." IhvI-wnl IIIII I-III; oIIE-II-Il \lllIlL,'lIl\ II

I‘IIIInu' Io \\.llL'll IlIc IlhI\l InIpoI‘IIIIIIIo.Id gouniu' oI lhv \L'.I\llll III .I\ plow Io.lll .IlL’ll.l I-Inuonincul .I\ I\ PI‘\\Il‘lL‘I\IIIIouI .lLlIIIlll} hum; III [he “canHome. IIIII IlIL‘ IIIgIII Ill\U oI'IcI‘cd .IIIIIII‘II IIIUIL' IIIIIIIII‘IIIIII I‘lIoIL‘L‘: \ohriclyIhr IIIplII \\.I\ IIIIpoI‘IIIIII IIol In Icrnhol .I \[‘I‘\ IIIE \l'IIMIIlL' IIjJIIIIISI drinking.IIIII l.IlllL'l IoI' Il\ \Illllllk' )ci poucrlnlli'\lIIiIIIlI_\ llIIIl lllllhll‘uh oI \IudcnlxIIoIII \{II'IHII\ deIphncx .Ind \III'IouS[N‘IM‘IIIIl IIIIukgIouIIdS I'IIII conicIIIIEI‘llIL’I IoI II IlIlell III I‘uII \\IIlIouI IhcL'I’lllx ll HI l‘UII/k‘ Ill' lUlL‘llx‘L'.II III.II \onndx II IIIIIc loo Supp}. II III7Ih‘ Ioo good} good}. IIIII_\lIc IIIIII‘S lIo\\II \llll‘llrll/ lu‘\\L‘\lli\'\xl.t} Ill_‘_'lll. Ihc \IudcnIx prowdlllk'_\ I'onld I-oIIdIIcI lllt'lll\L’l\L'\ III ‘dIIIIIIIIIcr den-rung: Ilic I‘L'xpu‘l IIIId ll'll\loI IlIL‘ IIIII\I~I~II\. lUl‘ II group ”MI I\Ion-Ia III'lIlIIIjJ IoI' Ihc I'cIurII oI' L‘IIIII-IIoIII .IIIII IIIc [‘l'L"Nl|l\LlllL‘L‘ ()rdinIuIcc\k‘l\lI‘ll oI lircnI Road. Ihc Big l:\cnI[um Idm IIIUI'L‘ llldll Iun. IL'IIII\\slIip IIIIdl.lll.IlI\'l\lllL II lilti\ltlk'\ IIICI‘iI IIIIIl digni-I} In lllL' \IudL'IIh. IlIL' I'IIL‘IIII} .IIId lllL‘\( \l IoIIIIIIIIIIII} III largo


of III/'3 Ivor/d...

Campus ‘Forum

ome people ’3 opinions are ouI

See how [ours fares!


llljuhI.I.IIl \Iv' [‘III.» l\lIll‘l\IIII'XI]l>lhIIH I~«'“I‘ I’I1-.‘I v -Idesign by morko 200] In {I m H]: IV“ 1 Serials

TE.4“ CHNJock Duly

Marl< McLawhorn‘ULIIl l":KellyiNlaig‘ee


323 WIIhovspuun Sludool (:i I‘lEI80! 3608 NCSU CnmpnaRaleigh NC 2760K 3anMn; .vww Ierhnruaonnlun- «om

operllui'holvnml I0!" I I \I‘Imhpross L, nun ado

'8C’Vll“0«ll m at; Lulu

Spoine StephensJimmy RyolsJock DolyJeremy AshtonRyan Hill

Richard MorganSherrie-Owen‘sJames Curle

I 9 ISA.-.”lVIork McLoSvhorn

I John Cuirr 'nonhew ‘Pellcimd' ‘ L il Amy Risslnglerw rBecky Clingerlrn‘an: i"Eolrroh‘S'ond-eis V i

Eric Gonzalez






/ //


Co“, mcl hzdc Hat academic SW64 behi'sd HA0. SCNC" , or wz‘II 9“): Ma who“ inpr‘mion_._‘:J



63?2'21/0I 9%

Revolutionizing politicsIlInIng IIo hold

lliL‘ \VlIiIL‘ llouw.Ihc DcnIocI'IIIx doIIoI Irppcur Io hc InHis hcxI \llilPL‘poIIIIcIIll}. lnlcwUK nun—old SII'oIIIIIIIIrIIIoIId IinIIll}(ll\‘\ Illk‘lh‘llh‘k‘l‘lllx \Ion‘lllII\L‘ (IIIIII‘IIl IllRo_berl .III) l‘l'LlllL‘ll olJallall 31m cI‘IInIcIII loI' IIIICIle I\\o )k‘ill'\.(‘oIIIpoIIIIdIIIg Ihc l)cnIouI'III\' dIIcnI—IIIII l\ Ihc IIIcI IlIIII IIIvI'v :\ no ol\\|oll\IIIing llk‘ ”CHIHUI’JIIN IIIIII change IoIIIIIkc Ihcniwluw IIIUIC vIIchIw polIIIrcull}. Indccd. llll' l)L'lll\‘L'l.ll\ \Icrc Ilunc\ucL‘L‘vI'ul [‘I‘llllL‘Illh In lllk‘ l;|\l pI‘I‘xIdL‘IIIIIIl cIm'IIon. cIII'IIIII; Ihc IIIIIIIII‘II} oIlhc pcoplc‘x \IIppi-II Il‘lll IIoI III l'llII'lIld.\shcrc II IIIIIIIcIuI lllk' IIonII. \\IIIIRL‘l‘lllTlILIlll\ III'IIIII; Io IIIII .IIIIok III\‘ilNlllllleHll Illlk'l I'IIIIII \L‘Lll'\ unch('lIIIIon-(iorc "lIIIIIIII\." lllk' l)L‘llIHL'l'.ll\Inc In 1| [IIIl'llklIl_l|l\ \ulIICI'IIhII‘ PIN!IIIIII.l‘l‘Illll lll\ lIle \wckx IIIl)lll"\d\ IIII'\~II§_'I' IL‘IIl.lllI\ qunc \lllllldlIo llIN our on Ihc (.Illllidlfjll' Io I'IIIw IlIcIonc oI Pilllll\\ III \\.I\lllll}.‘lHlI IIIIII I'I‘c.Ilv l‘lll‘dl'll‘sdlhlllll \\ IIclIIcI' oI' noIl)IIl‘I}.I IlIoIIggIII oI ll||\ \II‘IIIcg} llIIII\\’ll.II |\ llL‘\Cl'lllL‘l\‘\\ .I \\Ull\h‘llllll} Ih'u'l'lllL'llL' Io Cl'll‘l‘lk' III‘IIIoI'IIIIIc UPI‘IHIIIIHI\\IIII l)uh\.r \L‘x'llllllfll) ldlxllif.‘ llik‘ lIIghI'oIId. Inn oppoxIIIon I\_\ lllk' l)CIIlUCI‘.1l\RII‘PI‘III\ .I\ anmI Pdlllxlll \\IIIIIIII;:.Ihux IIIIIIL'IIIIIIIIIIj: my [Mum I’IIIS' L ch|l‘llll_\ III llk‘ IIIIIIII~ oI \Illl‘llx'dll I‘III/L‘II\l'liix \IllIIIlII‘ll I\ II IoIIp IoI llulIIIIIII'I‘IIIISI' \llklI Ul_\l‘lL.ll IIIII'II~.III \\ll|ll'Ing‘ (.lll “\lIIIll} grind lllk‘ III'cSIIII'nL‘) IoII Scrucglun; IIIIII. II~ Rk‘lllll‘llLIIIl \\llIIIIng dId III Ihc lIIllk‘l (‘IIIIIoII )L-III’S. I'III-


VoluntJonathan You Inc III dll Lll‘lll'lrIIIcIII. You \\IIIk IIIPerry dllk‘l .I do :n “orkIIIId look .IIouIId Youlook up III IlIc {oiling IuId IIoIIcc lllL' IIlc-.II‘L‘ IIIIlIIIg doun. l‘hc oncx llldl hIIwn‘IIIII‘cIId) I'IIIICII IIrc cowrcd III II deIN-v\pI‘cziding mold IIIIII llll‘lh Ilium ll‘IIlII II\Ullkl \shiIc Io II Shudu oI~ hroun. 'l‘hclllL‘N III'c rcpIIIccd IICI'IodIcIIll}. huI IhcI'ooI Iihow )ou chIkx. You doII‘I lld\'L‘ Iogo oquIdc Io Sec II' II I\ IIquIIg. quIlook up. l‘hc mold is dll cndlc» c_\ clc.AS )011 \\IIIk I‘III'IIICI‘ Inlo Ihc .IpIII‘IIIIcnI.your \Ilill\\‘\ hchn Io hurn. l)I/l|llC\\IInd IIII dClllL‘ xcnw oI' IIIIuwII «1 III Youlook doun and Sec II _\cllo\\cd L'lll'lk‘lI'l‘hc cdgcs III'c tlL‘\PL‘l'lllk'l_\ hung: hulddoun h) dun IIIpc. hul mud and IIIIIchIIw lrIIckcd up Ihc l'L'\l I\1II_\ hc Ihc Cili-pcl “In oncc no“ IIIId ll'L‘\ll ll‘Illll IhcTudor). hIII no“ _\ou we _\ouI' huh}crzm ling; on Ihc llllhl} IToor lo l'L‘ilL'li IoI'IIcr In}. You \\IIlk inIo Ihc kIIchcn Io gclII glIIxx oI \xIIIcr IIIId \lllCll II \ll'dllgL‘odor You pccr IIIIo Ihc cupboard undcrlhc \lnk and \L‘C worms crImlIIIg lrolnIhc hoIIoIII ol' IlII: L‘III'dlIoIIrd IhIII \cpII»I'IIICS Ihc I'loor IroIII lhc (Iihincl. You weIhc \\lillL‘ crcuiurcs \qllll‘lllllig llCdr Ihcloinh llIIII ICIId Io Ilic mucr your I‘IuIIIl)drIIIk~ You look III )oIII' own. Hull olIlIc l‘lll‘llCl‘\ doII'I \\Ull\ IInd Ihc “IIII.Ihow Ihc Slowlop ix charred from\shcn Ihcrc \Hl\ II Tim II It“ IIIoIIIh~hack. You \IIIlk lo Ihc hIIIhI'ooIII. TheInold llnlll Ihc W;Ill\ lildkL‘\ il \ccm mm

H\ cr (‘ongrmx or chuhln‘IuIS‘ luck oI \‘IHIPCI'IIIIUIT III lllL‘ldlL‘ (‘lIIIIoII _\C;1I\ pi‘ohnlil) corIII'IhIIIL'dIo Ihc l)L'lIIUL'I'Lll\ thl chIIII; .I \III'C Inc\lk'IIII') III lllL‘ l;l\l Plk'\ltlk‘lllldl ulu'IIon.IIIId Ihc chuhIIcIqu‘ (UllllllllL‘Il doggm; of IoI'IIIcr l’l‘CNIIlCIIl (‘IIIIIon onhLlillllugCN Ihc lk-InoI‘I'IIIs IIII‘Ith:'I‘hc L‘UIIIIIIUL‘Il Illld\'l\\ on (‘IIIIIoII\hou \\|IIII kIIId oI Illlhllll‘dgL' l)lll‘_\.llL‘\L'l'.l:JL‘\. llL‘ cIIn \uccuwl'ull) coir\Inu- pcoplc IIIIII lIL' \\;Illl\ Io I'Inw IhcIonc IIIId luwl oI L'IHIPL‘I'dllUll III\VIISIIIIIgIoII. \\ll|lL‘ Ins IIIIIlouthdl)good chuhlIL‘IIn II‘IL-IIIIS can go loI(‘lIIIIoIIK nrgulnr Il\ ll llk‘ \llll IIIId rcIIlPUllllLJl poucr \\llIL‘ll hc docx Ihcponcr Io cIIIhIII’I‘IIxx l)L‘lI|UL'l'Lll\\\'IIII Ihc xIIuIIIIoII ~IIII|IIII§_.v up lllllLl\oI‘IIhl} Ior l)L'lllUL'l'IIl\I Ihc llllk‘\l|(‘lllld\ Io hc Iixkcd: \\lldl \Illl l)L‘IIlUCl'dI\do Io l'L‘jJIIIlI IllL' LII‘IK'IIIIIITCC oI IIIIlurcnu‘ III \\'II~IIIIIgIoII I’III'I ol Ihc IIII\\\CIIN lhu olnroux: doII‘I III-haw \\IlllIII IhvIlIlL‘\ oI l)IIlI}.I\ SIIIIIL- IIIIIII \IIIMIIgdun-I .l\ l)lll‘}.l I‘ll\llt‘\ lll\ .IgcndIIIIII'oIIgII ('on‘uchx. Illl IIIIIIShould .IIIIII'III \hox‘knmh (Illl\L'l\.lll\k'Io L'L‘Iill'l\l\ \\IIo \oII'd IoI IIIIII. onl}IIIIoux Huhm Io pull oII lII\ ducplionoI no“ \IIHI‘UTIIIIUII IIIId lIIIllCHlIllhlIllg.HoIII l‘IIIIIL'\ IIII‘II‘I I'oIIIpIoIIIIxIngInoI'c and mm IIII.‘ Io llh‘ (k'lllL‘l lll\lk‘.l\lIRL'puIIIII'IIIIx .IIc |II\lilIlj.‘, .III oldRcIIgIIn \‘l'd IichIIIII IIglII IIIISIlk‘IIIochIIx uho llClI‘lc\\ oIIIII\\II|III5: Io do IIIIkllIIIIL‘ II \Iould IIc\\l\k‘ Ior l)L‘lll\‘L‘l.Il\ Io IIoIc IIIIII IIIIIIIIIISII'I IIIl\;lll\‘lll:_' polnn'x IIII) IIII'IIIcI: .|\hc pronuxcd III lll\ IIIIIIIIIIIgznSIIIIph xix-4km“: up, Ihougglr I\ on!) IIllI'\l \Icn 'I lit llllllllIllk‘l)ClllU\ lill\ Should lit Io how .I IIIIIchSlump .IgJJIIIxI IIIIIHII I'IIIx don IIoIIIIc.III lh‘IIIogI‘IIIS \lllllllIl IIllIl\‘ .IIouIId .Illl‘k‘l'dl .chndn. llII' chIII‘III'IIIIx unIII-II.IroIIIId II L’IIII\L‘I'\.IlI\I' .IucndII III IIIcIIN clu'IIon “1”] Ln II'oIII choundniu\llL'kk'\\ ll.I\nIg lh‘llltk'ldh IIIIIIc on IIP 0

II black [IIIIIII \\.I\ uxcd \\thI Ihc Ilpdl'l'IIIcnI “In |k'|ilL‘\l our l'oIch II ~ho\\¢I'Ihc \\£|lL‘l I~ \llll cloggcd up lI'UIIl Ihcl;l\l puxon llidl uwd II You \\.Ilk Io llk‘\\IIIdo\\ .Ind gII/c ouI III )oIn ll'lL‘lhl\.hIII Ihcn IIIU\L‘ II\\II_\ hunuxc Ihc Single-pIIIIL' :lnxx dHLN lIIIlC In plolccl _\UllI'I'oIII IlIc L‘II‘IIIL‘IIIS lung: do\\II on \ouIbed. )on I'cllcyl on Ihc dII}l'IIIoI'IIInuIcly 1hr l\\Urlllt'll IoIIIII cmwring don lllllC Io I'onwlc (he ~III‘IIICSSof _\our Inuwlcxllo _\ou “lune ’ |)o )ou CUlllpldlll .’ l)o)ou \pcnk oul hchquc _\oII Inc III .1 dc»pcrzuc, \cII'ixlI \\oI’ld Inll ol IIIIIIcrIIIIISIIcIdCIle \llk’ll IIx Pl'l‘l‘ll'llld\lllll/Illlflll .' NoYYou erIpcd Io hc “her-c _\ou Iirc. YouI‘kacd cwrulnng Io conic hcrL‘ andIIIIIIIIIgcd Io bring pIu‘I oI‘ _\ouI' I’Iunil).|)o _\ou \L'R‘dlll Ior II \wIIIIrc chuck likeII III/} \IIgI‘IIIII ’ No. )ou gm up mcr)dII) III dawn and IIIIIkc )our “Iiy Iowork. uhclhcr II\ In coanI‘ucIion or In\UlllC oIth' scrucc \L‘Clnl‘I The IIIoIIL‘)coIIch lI'oIII die x“ an or \ouI' bro“. TheMood and L‘IIlluxm oII _\ouI llullkl\ Iu'c“IIIII pa} Ihc l‘lll\ “In L'IIII‘I )ou III'IordIo Inc III IIIIoIhI‘I’ IIpIu‘IIIIcIII'I’ Wh) CIIII‘I_\ou I'Icc Ihc IIIIIdlord \\l10 comm IIIIo_\our houxc III IIII_\ time he plcuxcx )clrcl‘uscs Io rcpuir .III_\IhIng and l‘;li\C\_\our rcnl “licnm cr hc So dcsn'csi’Family kccps you III llih IIpIIrInIcnITo Ihosc who Iircn'I “uh you here. youwnd Ino~I oI~ your paycheck. and )ou do\IiIhouI \o lllL‘) IIIII) IIIIu‘ SoIIIthIng IoInc on You IIrc IIII IIIIIIIingInI, I'I‘om



you In


VHIIIIIIUII \CI oI \lilllkk'\ ISII'I IIIIIIII'IIIIIIwl\ III-\II'IIhlc oI lCdHl‘lL‘ l'lIc _~_'oIIl IoI‘llL‘llIIlL'l'ilh Should hc Io wck llHITL‘NlmeIIoIIx III lllL‘ll Hmuhllloli Ill DunnlI chuhhuuix .u'c \IIIIIIIm-Ill) IIIkIngIlIL‘ high ground h) IIIIIIIIIg: IIIoIIIId lllk'llIigcndII \\IIlI “polrlicnl L'l\llll'\IH lllL‘onl} \III} lUI' I)cIIIocrIII~ Io one-upRupuhlII‘IIIIS |\ lo IIIIIIc III'ouIId IIthIIII[HNlllUlhI Hihlllg IIII‘II‘ HPPIWIIIHII onlilL‘l‘ .Ind l'x‘dNI‘li gum IIchIIc IIII_\Rupuhhmn L‘ldllll llldl Ihc |)cIIIocI‘;II~are engaging III I_\pIcIII \\.I\lllllglhll[‘IIllllL'x\nd Ihcrc dl'L‘ IIIIIII) ill'k'éh \\llClL‘ Ihcl’k‘liltkl'dh Cilll Plchtll h} \Illlpl} \Iia‘krHIE: Io \\IIIII I\ knoun Io hc II'uI.‘ IdllllIIIIIIg~ Ihc) 'dll'L'I'lkl} hcln'wi. IIIc Iu‘hnr(Ill IIIIpoxthIIII} oI |ll|\\|lL' dclum‘. Ihc\llUl'l\|“.‘lllL‘IlllC\\ oI Upk‘lllllgl IIIIII'L‘IlHlllL‘fllL‘ oIl \L-IIIIII‘L'S IIIId IIII' IIoIIIhIc.Ihxuncu oI IIII \Iu'kx oI‘cIIxII Io pII} ll‘l'II III: II‘IIlIoII doIIIII‘ III\ L‘ul.SIIIkIIIg Io Ihc II'IIllI. Ihough. IIISoIIIcIIII~ DcmocrIIh cIIIIIIoI Iidhcrc IoIIIcII II'IIdIIIoIIIII dognm \klllk‘l'lllgIhcn dogIIIII Ill;ll\L‘\ lllk' DI-IIIocrIIIS nothIcI IhIIn Ihc RL‘I‘lIl‘lICdlh HowlinglllL‘lll\L‘l\C\ Io .In Idml. \III'II IIS ll'lllll..IIId IIIkIng poxIlIoIh IIIIScd oII llidl\\oulIl IIl|o\\ Ihc l)cIIIoL‘I‘III\ llk‘\ll‘llll_\III-\I'I' IIcIorc \ccn In \\Ll\l‘IIIl:.YlIIIl IIolIvl!‘ \ I'IIIIS. IIhlL‘dIl ol |)II|\).I’\ \[wcionxl‘u' llk’olicx Io I'IwoluIIonI/u \\.I\|IIII§:IoII I‘Ullnu lu‘n IM‘IICI. chuhlIcIInx Inn )JIM'up Ihc II‘I'IIIIonIII IlmoIIoII Io IIII'II .Ith‘lld.I I.I\~IIIIIIng II I\llll RL‘ITlll‘llkIIli Io hcll'I.IIIUII.Ill} IlL‘MIlul [H II u‘l I‘l l‘L‘lIClKIIlllIl Ill\lk‘d\l Iollou II II'IIc Idml


]‘II‘IIII\L‘\, lllL‘ llL‘IIIoI‘I’IIIx \Jl

.\|I IIIIII l\ IIL‘L‘IlCtl |\ \oIIIcoIII' \\ IlllngIo IIIIIkc .I dcpnI'IuI'c I'I'oIII Ihcn‘ p.II‘I_\\dogIIIII llIIx I\ II long \lIIIIlx‘o/u I'I .lIn/u/l.‘( I I/lIII/I\( '.\'l (H \II/Iuo.z'mil


.\lc\u‘o. (‘uhIL l:| ~HIleIIdoI oI .Illt‘lllL‘ll IIIIII counII‘}.\VhIII ll;l\ hccn dcxu‘il‘cd I\ not IIIIunugcrnnon II |\ IIoI cwn III II illll‘tl'uorld (Ullnll‘), II\ Inc IIIIIHIIL‘\ IroIII)ouI' dorm room oI _\Ulll (lnxonoIn:\IId Il'x IIoI _|ll\l hcrc III lx‘.IICIghl'IIroughouI Norlh (‘III‘olInII Micro Incpcoplc \xho Inc in coIIdIIIoIIx IIIIIIShould IIIIIkc )ou \Ick (Ulhllllnlh IIoI\llllIll‘lC for In dog lznginccrx \\IIhouIBordcrs hIIS Sccn III] III Ihcxc (Il'k'lllll\lalllk‘LN \\lll‘|lll Ihc pIN _\L‘;ll \M- II.I\c\ccn II grcnl I‘IIcc: Ihc lI‘uc .-\IllL‘l'I(;Ili\“ho \L‘L‘ IlIc l'nilcd Slillk“ II~ .I lIInd olopporlunil} The) \cc IhI~ vounlr) II\ IIIIIIIIon where Ihc "hoor-xIrIIp Ihcor)"\\Ill IIIIIkc Ihcm rich. SIIdl). IhI~ noIIoII\cldoIII \\(lrl\.\WIIIII can _\ou do“' RCIIli/c Ii prohlcm C\l\l\.- Do IIInIhing. no IIIIIIIcr hmk \lliilll. IoIIclp \omconc.(let rId of ignoI‘IInccTake Ihc knoixlcdgc IIIIII Ihcrc IIrcoIhch not IIS I'orIuIIIIIc ;l\ _\ou “llll _\ou\\ hcn _\ou graduulc..IouIn/qu l’u'rjr l'\ [’I‘lW/(ll'lll n/ling/nan Wit/mu! “(Wt/("TL .I \Imlvulnljunumuion that works H‘ll/l loui/ umlI'Im'rnuliouul pni'r'rn' (Imam. limuil himI” jIperry}@unin'.III'SIM'dIl. IiWBSI'rn'mry Alex Wood and mr‘mlwrSHIP/mum Hoe/e (Ilm run/rihrmul In I)!“('U/IHNHI


Sico on tips on tipsI ant a good tip-

I‘L‘r. It‘s something that I prideinyselton I don‘t|tlsl cttttstsls‘tlll}leave the custom», - ary lfi percent tipOh no. I‘ve heenknown onsion to lea\e tipsw ell esceeding 5t)t‘c‘t's‘v‘ttl ttl‘ Ilk‘ l‘tll.1'th l‘nless iity sct'\et'SICO is going ottt ottheir way to giveme hoiiihle service, I'll always leave agood ,‘tt pct. ent Why would I do this.’\\lty would I spend more ol my hardearned \.l\ll than absolutely necessaryIt would make tor a pretty convincingstoiy to say I was once a waiter. andthus undeistand their plight. htit this isnot so It‘s .ttllldll} just a pretty simpletittesuon ol math. Say there are twopeople eating at a casual restaurant.\sstiiiiing they’re going to he splittingthe hill. thev'll probably also be split-ting the up \\ hen the hill comes. it‘s\jll ll lltts v‘ttltt‘lL‘ \\L‘I'L‘ li‘ lc‘.l\L‘ llIL‘ l5percent. they would leave a ‘3 tip. Whynot make that an even $5 .' lt's oiily onemore dollai each to increase the tip perv.eiitage to .t tiiee juicy 35 percent. \' this isn't their last \3. chances arethat they won't miss those singles onehit \nd. a sci‘\ci would certainlyappreciate those c\tr‘.i tvvo.\\ hat are the benefits ol' tipping .' lior


a restaurant that you visit treqttently.tlte prot‘its are obvious. The wait stallw ill he at your heck attd call twell. tlteyshould he anyway. I guess: but they'llhe t‘ii‘it more inclined to help you outnowi Another good thing that ntayconic t'rom ttppiiig generously may hemore ot‘ avoidance ot‘ punishment thaiirewatd We‘ve all heaid some ol thehorror stories aitd seen the NBC"Dateline" specials about the aw t'ulthings that go oit in some kitehetts tothe people that are disliked by theserv ers. An easy way to stay away froma little cytra saliva in your sauce is toslap down a couple ot’cstra bucks Twodollars seems a small price to pay toruntainted t’ood.There are other situations that call lorlarget thaii normal tips. When all l5 ol'the guys go to Wattle House andiequest three orders ol' hash browns.three cokes. and IE waters. even thoughthe hill might be around 355. it would beappropriate to leave altiiost that ttot more. for the tip. ()ne of the hoysspilled soinething‘.‘ Add another it)cents to tlte tip. ls someone trying tomake jokes to the server'.’ That‘ll costyou another two quarters.Does )‘iut' order sound like this .’ "(’anI have the cheeseburger meal" \\ ithoutthe actttal meat patty. only cheddarcheese because I'm allergic to all otherkitids. and I want that on a wheat htiiiwithout sesatne seeds, With Hein/ketchup. and no other kind And hall atomato slice. But I want curly tries

instead ot' straight ones. And I can‘thave the seasoning because I'm allergicto that too” II it does. you better heprepared to dislt otit a hearty gratuity.('ontplc\ orders always call lot a hotsier to ttte tip.Is it e\ei‘ correct to leave little or notip'.’ In certain e\trenie circumstances.vv here the seivice was .. ‘n. redibly badthat you thought you might have per—sonally insulted the family ot' the serv~cr. this may be appropriate This is.however. a line line. aitd should he toedwith caution, No condition. however.calls tor a witty note to be written. orsome other lstttd Uli clever lesson hetatight. such as leaving two cents. (letit‘.’ My two cents'.’ Very funny. ll‘ you‘remad, |ea\e no tip. Or better yet. speakpersonally to the server. and esplain tothem why you‘re unhappy. (‘hances arethey didn't rcali/e they were doiiigw ltatev er it was that upset you.It's pretty easy to improve your tip-ping skills. Leave the little wallet ttp~calculator at home. and just leave whatyou think that the server honestlydeserves. Keep in timid all ol’ the stuffthat yoti did that they had to ptit tipwith. And just he nice..In/iii may Anon till tI/N'll/ II/IIHHL‘Htlli’t"\. I’ll] lit' (/l‘t viii Alton (I (It/rteti/mttt lip/wire lull/iii/is. gov \Ittllttlltil/tiiilttiitv. or was. I:'// him it” youknow (I, Rivcuwiietu (to/.t‘om.

’Good girls’ swallow,

shun feministsI‘ve never reallyliked the word"leminist." Forsome reason. Ican‘t seem to ideirtit'y with it; it‘sLtlv\a_\ s seemed toorough or too angry.too hairy to he me.I think it‘s thattst“ on the end. theway it clips theword short. draw-ing it to a closevyttlt a very tct‘sv'I" ll leels ttttll-laltl and hittei ttlon‘t want to he hitterBut there are times when l teel like Isitotild be When I know that I‘m goiitgto he paid less than my male counter-parts. I lccl ll \\ hen I hear ahotit womenaround the world whose minds. bodiesand lives ate violated atid whose maleaggi'essoi's are actually supported bylaws oi ieligion. l leel it. When I see lit~lle girls inundated with Hai'hic dolls attdBritney Spears. when I see how tlte satttecycles ot ohiettiticatton and stihordiiia~tion are heittg perpetuated. l leel it. Thebitterness is teal aitd acute and l cait tasteit tn my motttliBut then l do what all good girls do Iswallow.l don't want to make a lttss. I don'twant to be any tiotihle I am not a notanything (iiri. yourselt. I tell my sell thatI'm a pacil'ist and not just passive Andyet. I w onder.See. I‘m a girl \nd I don‘t think I'many less intelligent. capable or talentedthan guys It I were to go by what thedictionary delines as feminism . themovement tor social. economic. andpolitical equality between men andwomen -~ well. I'm all for it. So I shouldcall iitysell' a feminist. and l should wearthe word with pride. But there are ugly


J o i nTriton‘\.*9le l.

the"I"ta<"t~iNi(‘i.\;\‘ ‘ s

connotations that go along with it. Thereare labels like “man—hater" arid ”l'eniivna/i" that I don‘t w am stuck on me. Andthere‘s personal e\perience II haveknown women who were just thosetlttttgsl.In tact. I‘m not the otily l'emale whosltics away troni the word. liven whenpresented with its det'mitioii. stripped otany negative associations. only a slitiimajority ot‘ women w lll call themselves alL‘ltlllllsl. Do that many women reallythiitk they 'rc not equal to men .' ( )t' is theshadow ol the word so long atid dark thatIt eairies more weight than the wordsmeaning itselt”There can he many reasons why theword is poorly accepted. l‘ttt' some. itconjures tip images ot~ llHl\ClL‘*l‘Ulllitlwomen with crew ctits and sneers. pro-lessiiig their hatred ot men to anyonewho will listen. Although such stereotypes are w roitg. they c\ist. And tliougltpeople know better. they keep them ine\istencc.'I‘hei‘e‘s also the general worry aboutwhat people will perceoe you as. Somepeople see leniiiiists as scorned womenor women who jtist haven't t'ound theright man. People assume tliiitgs aboutthem. draw lewd conclusions. questiontheir se\ualtty or their intelligenceWomen are presented with enough sell-iniagc problems without subjectingthemselves to new scrutiny and pigeonholes.'l'here‘s also the concern that a moveriiietit which is so prowvoiiian is also .lltl|~male. Personally. I sometimes leel thisway. I can see the inequities. but I‘m itotpointing lingers at people who have beenraised and reared with the same socialexpectations that I my sellgt'apple with. lwas taught that girls wear pink; [can‘t heangty with a guy tor having been taughtthat boys wear blue. We are all. in someway. shaped by our environments. The


prohletii is larger than one person It'slarger than one gender. You should neverwrite oil a group ol people loi what onlya percentage ol tlietn do.Blaine and shame eaii htirt equalityel‘t‘otts tar more ot'ten than they helpthem. People don‘t watit to see yotir viewwhen its basic premise is that they‘rew tong. ('hange is a delicate ptm ess. \ndthere\ always the chance that when youblame sottteone. you gi\e that person acertain power over you. You may he thetctini ot~ injustice. but don't re\el iii theiole ol' victim Rise above It.l'inally. many women don't identitywith lcminisni because they can‘t seehow they tit iii the movement or how IIhas helped them. They jttst want to hewho they ate The thing is. that‘s vv hatlcittmisni is about. It‘s the light tor thatindividuality. tor the unlimited opporturtimes to achicv e your goals. tor the ttglitto do aiid he and say atid dream w hatev <er yott want. We all have this right ..women aren't the otily ones who are con—lined by how many X chromosomes theyhave men are just as ol‘ten limited bysociety 's e\pect.ittons.I guess I just want a dtlterent word thatstill says the things that leininisni means.I want something more inclusive. something tree ol'the connotations. somethingless controversial and angry. And yet. Ithink l am a little angry. \"ot .tt .t male,dominated ctiltttrc or some chattvinistguy I know. htit at how much we knowand how little we change. \\e‘rc all hurtby gender discrimination. by any dis»eriinination. htit it’s easy and we ttndeiustand it. and we like things that are easyand easily understood. And perhaps I‘mangry at people like me. who feel thisway but can still balk at a word.('onmieitlv.‘ Eiiiut/ Ive/Iv uthumor/cit” lHIl‘I)‘.”(Alter/ll.

tolionOPINION Diis.\R"t"‘:\ti1s'r

in: ("ot.t.ta<_j"'t'ts'ti ()t’liS'l'ttLVS FDR (, tisst‘taitoRl‘it’).\ l'ls‘.().\‘l Tllli S'l‘lfl.)li.\i"l“ RUDY. IF YOU WANT TOASK THE CHANCELLOR A QUESTION, EMAIL()[email protected]. INCLUDE NAME, MAJORAND CLASS. ALL UESTIONS RECEIVED WILL BESENT TO THE HANCELLOR T( ) I) AY AT


RULE OF THUMBO CFayetteville State Universny' Thirty FSL' accounting majors will give 340 hours to help.

‘ ing elderlv and low—income taspayei‘s l'ill otit then returns,Downside: the stttdents‘ hectic cainpotit tor \VZ limits at theold folks home.

Prof. William T. Whitelyl‘he l'iiiversitv ol' Oklahoma prot'es'sor admitted he’s beenI) mg to his students tor ltl years abotit being a former NavySl'.:\l.. \thn contronted with a lbhl)‘ Rudy l‘roin "Survivorl." the protessor explained he lies because ol' his l'ainilybackground: namely. his surnatnc. which is not pronounced"wit-lee" but actually "white he."

Chinese University of Hong KongResearchers studying promiscuous rats ha\ e lound a genetric protein that acts as a “chemical condom" against S'l l)s_counteracting critieistii that researchers at llong Kong werewrong to watch dongs hoitg tor long.

UC-Berkeley«’7The university admitted two (‘al t‘oothall players receivedcredit l'or classes they did not take. without which theywould have been ineligible tor the “)9 season. The schoolwas also shamed into admitting that they indeed have Itschools in their so-called "Paulo."

Hospitals and ClinicsThe school can itow otter less invasive surgery with the aidof a new computer-assisted surgical system. ”ZeusI'ntversity doctors admit the py res. sacril'ictal httlls andoccasional se\ with mortals are a small price to pay tot /eus'services.

U. Wisconsin

New ZealandersAna Louise North. It). was killed titstaiitly in a BaldwinStreet crash in Dunedin when she tried to roll down the“steepest street in the world" twith a mavintuin angle ol~ 38degrees) in a garbage can. htit ended up smashing into a trail-er. The lesson: only trailer trash rolls dowti streets iti garbagecans.Stanford U., Brown U.

Researchers at the two schools have tound a new source lotdrugs by extracting jeans t'rom potted soil bacteria The newmethod replaces the old source tor di'tigs' estractiiig soiledpot from kids‘ jeans.

Swedish hackersA Swede broke into Indiana l'iiivei'sity's sei'vci .itid :replaced student inlormalion with \ll’.‘ tiles. An aiiony iiiotisL’llk‘lrlllt‘tlc‘tl—L‘}lk‘t'lc‘rl'ttl‘hl admitted hlatiic iactually. "blameden. hlanieien"i on .-\()I. chat rooms under the handle”iiiadintippeHlilc.”

The Ill (ireek societies lighting the L'nivei'sity tapped thekeg ot‘justice and threatened to bring back their law suit. putting school ol'l'icials in a sticky situation not unlike so manypledges duct-taped to trees. (to. (ii‘eeks. go'

Fraternity Court

The Letter AAll agitation aside. .‘\Ill('I'It'tllltl‘\ asinine \ all alone. . ‘ " .~».ihorts any accomplishment as an announcement. addinganarchy and aversion among all autodidacts. 'I'raiislation.that stupid ‘.»\‘ in the Brickyard was aii America/iii publicitystunt.

CAMPUSFORUMperson SIIIL‘L‘ “)7“. lllt.‘ \VL‘IL‘t‘ulIs. Administration has sponsored themake a difference National Sttlltte [ti llttspllllll/L‘tlVeterans. which includes the

()n Valentine's Day. 1 visited the VA “"“““”“* W "WW“ I‘M-“W"livery year. lt)t),t)t)() volunteers con-tribute tnillions of hours of time at VAmedical centers nationwide.Anyone who is interested in volun«teering at a VA medical center shouldask for the voluntary service ol‘t'ice atany VA medical center. Remember:one person can make a dit'l‘ereiice.

Medical Center in Durham to partici-pate in the Valentines for Veterans program. Never having participated in theprogram. I was astounded.Participating in this program were sev ~eral hundred members of the Air Force.Army. Navy and Marines to includeR()T(‘ detachments from N.(“. State.Duke. and [NC-Chapel Hill. Alsothere to help were stal't‘ers ot~ SenatorJesse Helms. baseball Hall of FainerEnos Slaughter and several other peo-ple from the local area. In addition.local schoolchildren made valentinecards. which we gave to the hospital‘i/ed veterans.In a group with |2 other NCSL' AirForce R()T(‘ cadets, we visited morethan lttt) veterans. entered the wardwith a pile of valentines in my hand notquite sure what to expect. l spotted aitelderly veteran in the corner by him-self. went over and said “HappyValentine's Day" and gave hint a card.Immediately. his eyes lit up and a htigesmile came over his face. I talked tohint tor a while and he spoke about histime in the military and how much itmeant to him that I had come that day.I felt honored that I had the opportuni-ty to brighten the day of a veteran.These veterans were just like us:young high-school or college studentswho entered the military and fought forour freedom in conflicts spanning fromWorld War II through Desert Storm.Many of them no longer have any fam—ily. triends or even visitors. ()nValentine‘s Day. I realized that one per—son can make a difference by lettingthese veterans know that they are notforgotten.

Denny LewisSeniorAgricultural Business ManagementCadet. Air liorce ROTCLove thy neighbor

l was sitting in ('up ol Joe last weeklistening to a '\Iexican-Anierican t'ami-ly speak when I started thinking aboutthe piles ol~ racial comments I haveheard ahotit Mexicans and Mexican-Amcricaiis from national television tomy own apartment. I spent the best partot‘ last summer in Mextco, which lellme with a big spot iii my heart for thecountry but also a better understandingot~ its people and perhaps less under—standing ol‘those in the United States. Iwas embraced by almost every personand experience I encountered there.was overcome by the beauty andpoverty —— even more so by the unmis-takable contrast between the two andthe fact that they existed so completelyintermes'hed. Maybe it's this contrastthat poses the question "How can aplace that is so beautiful also be the siteof such heartache'.’" The 5-year—oldchildren think that it‘s normal to go toschool all day. then spend the rest ot‘See FORUM. Page 5

/ .

FORUM”til ’ .Is- 3 li iii More dthe tiiglit nalking the streets sellingtheir parents~ liandicralts oi lloyyers oieyen gtiiii so they can haye lood. It's nowonder that thousands ot Meyicaiiscoine ,, legally or illegally to thel'uited States each yeat. Who \yotildn'tyyant a better lile l'or tlieuisel\es. ortheir children. or their children‘s chil—dren ’ That is “by tl kills me yyhy l_|ustcannot understand hon so many peoplecan look down on Me\tcan»Americansa ho are actually liying the ":\tttL‘l‘tCtlltDream." yyorking hard to rise aboyc.They are not trying ol'l ol \yeltat'e. orclinic. or accepting iti passing their \Il'nation. Don’t get me vyrong. though. Isee signs ot grossing acceptance andunderstanding ey‘eryday. Just the otherneek'. iii tact. Mexico‘s new presidentVicente hos arid our nety presidentGeorge Bush met in San ('ristobal.Meyico. Bush's first foreign \isit of hispresidency. to discuss arid inipi’o\eMe\icait—American relations. Bushwas quoted at this \isit as saying."Each nation has a new president aitd atic“ perspectiye. (ieograpliy has madeus neighbors; cooperation arid respectwill make us partners." I applaud thepresident for this position aiid hope toyyitness its lull deyeloptnent. l \\ouldalso like to propose a new generation oltiitittial respect and an open—minded-ness that alloyss its as citi/ens ot theworld to learn lroni aiid accept otieanother. We are not going to be able togo anywhere it we keep spending allour little drayying lines atid buildingt'ences.

Amanda (‘arterJttltiot‘'l‘e\tile ’l‘echnologyAfrica is not a

countryI refer to It't'liIi/‘t‘i'tiiiit lrontpagestory on the .-\I'ricau Students t‘nionil‘eb. 37). The story relerred to .»\l‘rie;i .as a “country" in at least t\\o parasgraphs. To quote one ol' the paragraphs:“The ASl’ acts primarily as a represen-tatiye ol’ and source ol inlot'niatioti otithe country ot' Africa and its culture," Icommend your newspaper t'or promot-itig the catise oI' diyersity but admonish

No flverhead or llnderfoot

Neighbors to Disturb You!

Welcome to thelife at


you that. iii the process ot doiiig so. youneed to be careful so that you do notend tip iiitstttlorttiitig yottr readers. topttt the records straight. Attica is a coirtitietit and not a country. telei' you tothe [int urtii ()nlim' I;Ilt'\‘('/il[ll‘t/ltl etitrytitled "Allied” lor more details.llo\\e\et'. lot‘ the benel‘it ol your readeis. I quote the opening paragraph iiithat article: “ \ltica. the second largestol the lfiarth‘s seyen continents. coyers“LI—Hill)” sq. km lll.()77.llllll sq.tttt.l. including its adjacent islands. ltcotiiprises 3* percent ot the norld‘stotal land area In Itillll. some l3 percent ol' the \\ot'ld's poptilatioii. an esti-tiiated 707 million people. liyed iii.»\l'rtca. making ll the “odds secondiiiost populous continent. attet \sia."l-tirtherinore. it might interest you tonote Attica is one ol‘ the most dryet‘seplaces on earth both in tertns ol eultttre.clitnale and physical contours. Thereare thousands ot‘ ethtiic groups atidoyer llllll) dit'lerettt languages. llence.soittctitttcs. teinpei's boil met and somelortit ol conl‘ltct based on clcayagesbecomes ine\itable. lt is the home tothe Kiliinaiitaro Mountain and theSahara Desert. It is a storehouse ol' dia—nionds that has traded iittense conl'lict.l'or c\aniple. in Sierra Leone. lts soiland labor gre\\ the crops that made thel‘)th century Industrial Retolttttoii pos-sible. lltttitaii lite is generally belie\edto ha\ e begun oti the continent. datingback to the period between i and H mil»lion years ago. \liita is the home tothe \yoild's lirst gieat ci\ili/ation. theligypttan lziiipire the people ol Alricaare generally \ery hospitable atid coni-tnunal. e\teiidiiig hands ol‘ triendshipto all.Welcome to .-\|rica but. below yourari'iyal. shed all the gory images ol thecontinent painted by the media aridconic \\lllt a clean slate and \\e \in|“rile songs ol l'i‘iendsltip on yourhearts..v\bba (iana SliettiiuaNigerianl‘ulbright (ii'adttateVisiting .\'(‘St ResearcherSociology. Anthropology

Morgan 'similar tothe Ku Klux Klan’

Morgan's column. “the end ol' BlackHistory" deb. Its'i. \\ as a total iiistilt to






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the legacy and cultural lottndation olBlack History Month the title alonewas a pttte disgrace Morgan tails torealt/c that a month that includes ls‘ oi3‘) days to celebrate the .ichte\einetitsot a race iii which .\lltc‘t‘ls'tltt sotietyltatl tieyet' e\pccled to succeed call II]no nay compensate lor the :llllilllllsyears ol hate and oppression that \sasbrought upon them. Morgan hats to seethat. because black .-\iiiet'tc.itts ys ere notiiiclusi\e iii .-\iiierican society. escltided from what the “land ol opportunity"had to oller. a cultutal establishmentthat blacks could identity \yitli had tobe established. llis comparison olBlack lltstory Month is similai to tlialot' the Ku ls'lus Klan in no \say doesBlack History Month segregate oi pres-ent barriers l'or people. It does not otily\telcoiiie blacks to learn about the coirtributions aitd acct~itiplishuients olblack .-\iiiericans, bttt nelcoines allother races. there are no slitit doors l'orBlack History Motitli. Black HistoryMonth is open to all \\ ho are \yilling tolearn about black history. Please tiotethe word “\iilling."The quote Morgan used lt‘tllttWoodson’s Iltt' ill/slalm'iiltoii o/ I/It‘.Vt'ero had no rele\ance to his column.lit actuality. ll states the \ery oppositeol' Morgan's claini tor the terminationin Black History Month. lilack HistoryMonth should bring atid btitld a senseol' pride in blacks. (‘ontrai‘y toMorgan‘s statement about \yhat he l'eelsBlack History Month eyptesses. “\\elblacksl ititist I'L'vc‘lttpllttsllt‘ that \ye arenot them." Black History Monthsacknoyyledges the acliieyemeiits oI'blacks in a \\line society that said."Yeah. you are dil'teietit; l'ni superior.aitd you can't do this or that," BlackHistory Montlt t'e—eiuphasi/es ytliatblack Americans \yeie declined iii aracist society: a rich culture and opendoors to sttcccctl. Black History Monthcelebrates barriers that “etc broken.Morgan may "applaud and personallynork lor the ideal ol interracial harmo-ny." btit last he. along \\Illt many otlrL‘l‘s \yho share his beliel. must stopktiockttig ati establishment tlilackllistoty Monthi and the people iiicluded iii this establishment \\ hose contri-butions and acltteyeinents ha\e helpedtts all.Michelle Reed.lttttiorl’sy etiology

Blame Canada,ourselves

\s a icgttlat llt lit/it nu: ieadei. l lool.lot“.\;tt‘tl ltl Rol‘ctt l.ttl.tI 's \«.eck|\ coltiiiiit llistltottglitlul pcitpctéttt's nell\\titteit arguiitcttts and ot ‘_.t\lt‘ llili'lligi'ti' satuc ilttllsc tot llile'le‘slili} andsalient teadiiig llllls, t Like esteptioiito the loruiii lettti, \es .llltl 'slt‘lt‘Hs‘t‘coltitiiii glib" tl i'l‘ .‘isitlllcslliilt Is. ltt ttty.lailall‘s titiest and lllitsl thought [iti'yoktttg. lilits ls tit stalk(iatttctt's piece. ‘y\lll\ll stttkcs the asreactionary attd ill lllitlllllt'tl lt sullcis

llls .iilttle lltopinion. I'lll tiltotiltast to

ltoiii .i quintessential uiistutdcistuntingand/or tiiisititerptetatitin ot the ‘li. le itattempts to ielute (lattiett es .tliaiidlttl ol continents tittt tit \llltl\‘\land seeks to t'elute tlicse tratlier unsutcesslully i nitliout going any iegatd tothe larger picture lle \st'ites lailall"blames the |\.tt'cttls_ not the media lotthe current. c\plicit \iolence in oursociety " .\nd to a certain extent this istrue. btit. tiiote tiiiportaittly. lailallseeks to place tltc blatiie \yliere llbelongs: on the people \s hit it constituteotii society. and not on some obscureentity kutmti as the ’titt‘dia " lle discet'ns that. it indeed '\|tlt‘tlc'.t s childrenate tittable. due to lack ot parental gutdattcc or what liaye you. to distinguishbetneen reality and tantasy then thereis a dcep»rootetl atid lundatucutal pioliletu \Hlll otir society that needs to headdressed and not by .ittaekuig themedia.ll' 1 may bring iii a bit ot anecdotaleyidenee; I. like many others. played\iolent \ideo games. watched \iolentcartoons and teley isioii. etc as a child.I would presently consider tiiyselliatlier pacil'ic. I certainly liayc iieyerkilled or eyeii tliotiglit about killinganyone. The cause ol this is botli sitti-ple and obyious; l time the ability todistiiigtiisli \\ hat is real and nhat per~tains to the teal \\otld Itoiii that \sliicltdoes not. lo reiterate tlieti. .lailall tatses ait esti'eiuely poignant issue tti litscolttiiin that (Barnett o\eilooked‘ tl oursociety's young people |ta\e not beentatight to tell reality .iiid lantasy apart taskill “lllLll can ob\iously be taught.just as it is in many and. 1 “mild hope.the ttituoi'ity ol the casesi then \\ e needto e\ainitie “ho is doing the teaclnngtttttl \\lt_\ tltt‘_\ .tl't' lttlltttg Iii pitipcrlyeducate \lllk'l‘ltd.\ youth llttls. let us

not blame the media tor our society‘sshortcomings btit rather place theblame where it truly belongs: squarelyon ('anada tor it not that. at least onotirselyesi.Christopher StrehseSophomore\licrohiology, Biochemistry

Jesus came for allI'm not sure how many N.(. Statestudents actually pay attention to themany statements. pictures and ads thatadorn the tree expression tunnel every—day. but i. loi' one. do. I've been lusci-Hated \Hlll it since I first visitedst'st"s campus in high school. andl'\e seen some pretty interesting thingspainted there iti tiiy past two years as astudent. Some things have been funny.some a little outrageous. some heauti~ltil \sorks ol‘ art. and some have beentttst doniiright stupid. But nothing hasshocked. outraged or angered me morethan \\ hat I says painted there a coupleol nights ago. The \yords saw saidsomething like “Jesus hates gay peo—ple" and “(Bod sends gay people toHell.” 1 knots that the tree expressiontunnel is named that because it is aplace tor tree espression. And I alsolsltti\\ that eyeryone has the right totheir mytt opiiitoiis arid has the right toespress them. That‘s not my reason l’orni‘itttig. Whom er “rote that has just asmuch ot a right to cypress their opin-ion. as l haye to cypress mine. I atiisimply timing to express tiiy ownopinion on the matter. Those state—ments angered me because I believethem to be false. and the thought ol' stu-dents oii this campus seeing and bL‘ltC\ -mg those statements. believing thatJesus hates them. hurts me. The Gospelas l knoyy it says that God loves each ofits tor nlio \ye are. whether we‘re gayor straight. tall or short. fat or thin. amurderer or a model citizen (Johnit tot. Jesus ('hrist came to die for usall so that \ye all iiiight spend etemity\yith llini. (iod is low. not hate. Hestill accept people just nhere they are.n herey er that may be No one is out ofthe reach of God's loy'e.

Joy TurnerJuniorSocial Work


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Social experiment-

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Dammn! ONEOF HIS Monks1A “yC H04: 184 TE - Y1: LK .

OF , YA5:5 WW: 1:: (Def5560M? LL 0”? flTHEmszWM NUI


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Standings:Team ACQ_§.-._r,d QverallNorth Carolina 1312 23—4Duke 12-3 25-4Virginia 9-6 20-6Maryland 9-6 19-9Georgia Tech 8-8 16- 11Wake Forest 7-8 18-9N.C. State 5-10 13-14Florida State 3-12 8-20Clemson 2-13 11-17Saturday‘s Games:Florida State at Clemson. noonThis one w11| serve as a preview of the play-in game innext weekend‘s ACC Tournament. FSU won the firstmeeting 88-84 for its first conference v1ctory.No.7 Virginia at No. 16 Maryland. 2:00 p.m., CBSThe No. 3 seed in the AC1; Tournament is at stake. asthe Cavaliers and Terrapins meet at Cole Field House.Both teams enter the game With four-game Winningstreaks.Sunday’s Game:No.2 Duke at No. 4 North Carolina. 3:30 p.m., ABCUNC has already claimed the top seed in the ACCTournament. but Duke can still capture a piece of itsfifth consecutive regular—season ACC title. The BlueDev1|s mav 11nd that a difficult task. however. WithoutCarlos Boozer. who fractured his right loot againstMaryland.

111\11 11111 111 ‘11\\i\1\ ;1i1111'11.1\1‘ 11111‘111111111ls111‘1 ~1‘1‘111111 1‘.ii1‘1‘1 1111111‘11111111111‘. 111‘1 ~1‘1‘111111 1111111‘11111111111‘ 1111111‘ \L‘.1\tlll. 11‘11 \‘1.1l1‘ 1111‘1 1'.\'(NJ ’1“1111111111111 11‘11111‘ 1111111111‘x 111\l

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WMSIII' ”1811'0112-1 ln Fresh Clear Finish

MI 81111“


1 in" 1:.11-1511)5 InWCleaiFresh Finish

.-a.. . o '1! ”A“ up.was" sumwnnisiitim3‘31 WIN“ .IS1 10 “Wt TIN. MW9‘9‘876'7682 m 191‘» m 1‘! 11mm 1mm.31M “‘11!” $11“ ”I!!!”1 S m SI BMWin? “MRI PIRM RR1



1 2 3 4 3 I O 10 11

12 13 14

15 1O 17 1. 1O

20 21 22

23 24 25 23

27 2. 2O 30 31

32 33 34 33

33 37 3. 33

40 41 42

43 44 45 40

47 4. 4O

32 33 54 56 63

57 60 59

Hey you! Don‘t just do the crossword, there’s

lots ofother good stuff in here too!


DeadflnesFor Sale

"I LOST 40 LBS"in two months Free sam-ple (safe. 100% natural)1800-5161-7132 (local)Furniture

Waterbed for sale. QueenSize. complete. $215 Call(Day) 515-6858Homes For Rent

House for rent: 3 or 4-bed-room. 2 5 bath 2-cargarage. 4-car driveway. allappliances includedClose to campus $1300-SISOOmOitth Call Ban 4?815-3706Apartments For RentWe have a variety ofapartments close toNCSU Ranging in pricefrom 5300-700 mo CallSchrader Properities B72-5676

4BR 4BA condo. LakePark W D. microwave.ceiling fans. pool8310 BR Available Aug15f. Call 851-2988Roommates WantedFemale roommate wantedto share 28R 2BA fur-nished apt near NCSU$340 .12 utilities Call8545575Non-smoker female room-mate needed ASAP toshare duplex With 2 otherfemales No pets. ownbedroom bath$260.month+ 13 utilities10 minutes from NCSUCall 233-8898

ServicesThe 1-900 Dating Service!Call 1-900-329-8220. Ext.1078. $2.99 per min. Mustbe 18 yrs, Serv-U(619)645-8434Meet Single guys & galslooking to meet someonelike YOU"

Child CareChildcare posmon avail-able immediately Caryhome looking for caringperson With dependabletransportation to care for 2children Flexible hours.competitive pay Call Amy.363-4474

Modern house near fair-grounds Quiet neighbor-hood No smoking. nopets $380 month+ 1.3utilities Call 233-4612___.___..__—Responsmle roommate for418R in Brentwood Nosmoktng no pets $310 +‘4 utilities John 790-(1341Large 2BR.2BA apartmentat The Abbey. Vaulted ceil-ings. pool View. W'D Available forsummer Rent negotiableCall 828-6159lBR effimency Fullkitchen and bath Privateentrance 429 SouthBoylan $425 includeswater 881-8011 or 60154884BR14BA condo in LakePark available in JuneW D, ceiling fans. new car-pet/paint $1260 monthSecurity deposn requiredCall Kelli at 852-5994Small IBR Apt for rentWalking distance fromNCSU SSSO/mo. includesall utilities per monthexcept gas Full kitchen.lull bath. very cuteAvailable NOW’CaII 828-2511EffiCiency apartment forrent W0 and all utilitiesexcept phone included inrent. Only graduates. pro-fessors. or professmnalcon5idered. $600rmonlhfurnished. $500/monthunfurnished. Call 829-9788.Apartment lor rentCharming 1BR. hardwoodfloors. private porch.Cameron Park location.$670 including utilities.Pref. female grad. student.821-3050.

Rgioriirnate needed imme-diately Lake Park.4BR 4BA. W‘D. furnishedliving kitchenSHBSI‘tonth. includes allutilities except phoneNon-smoker Call Mike ’tt858-7628________Roommate needed for a280 apt Small porch.l'ialf-lurriished. own bathFive minutes from NCSU83251110 41 2 utilitiesPlease call Giselle at 821-1548Condos For Rent

Convenient condo behindRex. 2BRi‘2BA. fireplace.white kitchen. end unit.pretty View. $850i‘mo rentor 59501110 lease option.or sale price of 8105.000.821-7660___________4BR condo at Lake Parkeach With its own bath andcloset. $310 per person or$1200 group of 4 856-10774BR/4BA condo nearNCSU. $1100/month.available Aug. Ref/deposnreqUired. 919-468-1740.W/D. seCurity system.

Cars1976 LandcrUiser FJ40.300 HP 350. 4 speed 4x4.soft top. excellent condi-tion. 56000. call 269-2891after 7pm

North Raleigh morn needshelp With 3rd and 61hgrade boys in afternoon3230-6 00 MP. fleXIble.Call Lisa Firestein (Day)870-8600. (Evening) 870-8603Child care for 2 year old inN Raleigh Experienceand transportationrequ1red. Non-smoker.References requested.FleXIble schedule. SB/hr.847-3732.

Help WantedAdelic com We are afashion )ewleery webSitecurrently l0oking for asso-Ciales to promote our siteEarn extra cash with littleeffort and be a pan of anew and exCiting websne.Check out our collection oftoe rings. bracelets. neck-laces and more, Simply g010 www adelic com andVISit cur assocrale sectionor call 1-888-202-1177Seeking mature indiVidualWith pleasant personalityto show rental houses toNC State students Funwork IO-40-hrs weekMarch-August Excellentsalary. office furnished.833-7142How about a new lob forthe new semester?"? TheNC State Annual Fund isnow hiring fun and ener-getic people to makefundraismg phone calls toNC State alums. Paystarts at $7 25/hour andyou can choose the shiftsthat you want to work. Youmust work 3 of the follow-ing shifts:Sunday 5:30-8:45Monday 69:15Tuesday 69:15Wednesday 6-9:15

Line lids: 2 issues in advance noonDisplay HUS: issues in advance @ noonAll Lin: AdsW - No exceptions.

Thursday 6-915If this sounds like some-thing that you would enjoy.please apply online atwww.’annual-fund/call htmIf you still have questionsgive us a call at 513-2922,SUMMER and YEARROUND Job Opponunitiesare now available at NorthHills Club. an active pri-vate club in Nonh Raleigh.Work With other team play-ers in a fun. relaxed andstable work envtronntenlCompetitive wages andfringe benefits The follow-ing posmons are availableAsst Club Manager. DaySports Camp Director.Asst Day Sports CampDirector. CampCounselors. WeekendMaintenance. Office Staff.Pool Manager. Asst PoolManager. Lifeguards.Waitstaff. Cooks. andSnack Bar Attendants.Apply in person or callScott R. lrWin. GeneralManager. North Hills Club.4824 Yadkin Drive.Raleigh. NC 27609(919)787-3655.RALEIGHWOOD' Greatmowes. food. and spirits.The Triangle‘s only trulyunique restaurant Nowhiring waitstaff. line bar-tenders. kitchen staff, tick-et takers. Experience pre-ferred but we Will train, Letus ”show you the money"We Will work around yourschedule. Call for inter-View. 847-8370wwww.raleighwood City-searchcomCASTING CALLBanzai Entertainment isseeking actors andactresses to audition forroles in feature film to beshot in May or June.Contact Juatin bv phone at919-969-6909 or [email protected] AND ACTINGImage Quest. IncModeling and TalentCareer Center Trainingoffered. Space is limited.Open interView Saturday.March 3. 2001 Call fortime. 489-3446.OFFICE Assistant.Flexible hours. Will be fil-ing. word processrng.answering phones andmiscellaneous officeduties. Digitz 3016Hillsborough 81. Call Mariaat 828-5227.

ACROSS 43 Ginny_ 22 __ Angeles1 005 nickname 45 Auto 23 Yes votes4 Rear 46 Tin 24 Air opinion8 Walk in water 47 Southern state (abbr.) 25 Beetle12 None 48 Tic _ 26 _ the season.13 Familiar with 49 Vegetable 28 Contrast conjunction14 Prayer ending 52 Symbol 29 Liable15 Solid 54 Leave out 30 Jungle animal17 Happy 56 Male 31 Blue penCiI19 Measure (Chinese) 57 Rip 33 Three (prefix)20 Contend 58 Place 34 Electrically charged atom21 Stir 59 Had supper 37 Gorilla22 Top 39 Country south of the border23 State DOWN 41 Mexican food (pl)25 Winter month (abbr.) 1 Office holders 42 Caress26 Proposition 2 __ Carson 43 ice cream treat27 Japanese coin 3 Football team 44 Medicinal plant28 Snake 4 Ebb __ 45 Western state (abbr )29 Passageway 5 Some 46 Sheep shelter32 Type measure 6 Indefinite pronoun 48 High. rocky hill33 Vegetables 7 Reason 49 Cavity35 Source of psychic energy 8 Means 50 Make lace36 Begin 9 Morning (abbr ) 51 Unit38 Period 10 Food Sh0p 53 Southern state (abbr )39 Hawaiian food 11 Oklahoma town 55 Midwest state (abbr )40 Greek letter 16 Atmosphere41 Decade 18 Tree cutting tool42 Huff and puff 21 Wander

3 1 V 3 1 I S V 3 J.whatdoyou ..t V L 0 d D O J. 1 V

II N V 3 U V D 3 V INC3 acow ..

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3 1 s i v v o a N 3 xO 1 O 3 U 3 A V

a i 1 x i w a i AI b fl 1 1 A v o A o v 3 1 scan cc . N 3 W V O .L N l 1 l N

3 (J V M '1 l V 1 3 )1 I

Line fld Hates Call 515—2029or ii 1‘ .1 5.:< \.:.l 52“ Z‘i': :.i‘. {it (Jtl. 'riiirtl I; or

5mm. Fax 515—513311' W“ “1"“ 36d”) ,0 between 9 am. and 5 pm. to place ani )\\ still) .1\'\ 31') d - .With Visa d‘l.|\\ Slllllll (V’thl\\ Sllll d.i‘. a yom Of Manmar i'l.”-Non—Stllggu! ‘ll'i 'lil ' . .J' ’k . l',-i "'i.I..i s‘ilii 311.111 Slim Found Hds ‘. d "f“fl‘“ l.ltlJ'n slsiiii ltliu 821,11) l"" ” "“ 1‘ " " \‘ ‘:1l.l'.\ $35.1!) l\‘d.i\\3451ltl.11 run I“? '

BARTENDERS NEED- Goodberry's Frozen Veterinary medical The Sylvan LearningED!!! Earn $15—30i‘hr Job Custard now hiring for records transcriber for Center of Raleigh is hiringplacement aSSistance lS evenings and weekends Spectator Magazine's Reading and Math teach-top priority. Raleigh's Approx. 2pm-midnight Best Veterinarian in the ers. PT after-school andBartending School Callnow for information abouthalf-price tUIlion speCiaI.Offer endssoon" Have fun' Makemoney' Meet people! 676-O 7 7 4 .

Friendly. clean enViron-ment sewing deliCiousfrozen custard, Flexiblescheduling. SB-tO/hr. Cary2325 Dams Dr 469-35501146 Kildaire Farm Rd467-2386.

evening hours ContactBrian or Ron at 846—1975Opportunity

Triangle Will train goodtyper. Apply mail/faxresume to Oberlin AnimalHospital. 1216 OberlinRd Raleigh. NC 27608.www.cocklailmixercom__ RIDE HORSES IN COL-TRANSCRIPTlONIST: ORADO! Be a part of theAnimal Hospital looking forsomeone With medicalknowledge or experience.Typing computer skillsreqUired Vet students wel-come Full or part-time.Cary 852-4386.Lifeguards needed.MacGregor DownsCountry Club is seekingexperienced lifeguardsMid May to September.Excellent wages. meals.and golf privileges.MacGregor Downs CCAttn' Marilyn(919) 467-0146(919) 460-7973email:genmgr©macgregor-downsorgRetired phySician seeksoffice and errand aSSlS-lance. FleXIble hours.Microsoft Office knowl-edge needed. Organizedself-starter with integrityand sense of humordesired. $9i’hour. Call 828-2245Pan-time sales assomateposrlion available.Monday. Tuesday.Thursday. and someweekends. at Children'sre-sale shop. Call 852-0550.Looking fora summer )ob’7Camp staff posmonsinclude Challenge coursedirector, lifeguards. coun-selors. lead counselors.nurses. boating instruc-tors. and program director.Overnight camps inJohnston and VanceCounty. Room and.boardprowded SWim. canoe.arts and crafts. and out-door skills programs.Contact Kate Hoppe at919-782-3021ex13309 or800-284-4475.khoppe© EOEEarn $25.00 today up to$210/mo. Only takes 2—4hrs/week. Seracare 828-1590.

riding staff at Girl Scoutovernight camp SW ofDenver Must have recentexperience riding andteaching baSic skills.Competitive salary. room.board. travel allowanceLate May- early August2001. Call 303-778-0109 x281 or emailrhondam@gsn1hc OlgLIVE AND WORK lNCOLORADO! Be a CAMPCOUNSELOR at GirlScout overnight camp inthe mountains SW ofDenver. General coun-selors and program spe-ClalISl in horseback riding.hiking. backpacking.crafts. nature. challengecourse. farm. dance.drama Administrativeposnions also availableJune-early August 2001MAKE A DIFFERENCE'Competitive salary. room.board. health insuranceand travel allowance Call303-778-0109 x281 ore m a i lrhondam©gsmhc org“Catering Works", nearNCSU. needs PT deliverystaff Shifts available M-F.Sam-9am, or 9am-1pm.Minimum two shifts perweek minimum. $8 SO/hrCall Paul at 828-5932DOMINO'S PIZZA of Caryneeds 20 good drivers' $8-515+lhrl Day or Night‘Flex hours' Great Tips!Cash paid dailyl We workaround your schedule'Listen to the radio whiledelivering in an upscalereSidential areal Apply inperson or call our loca-tions at Cary VillageSquare (469-1115). WChatham St. (467-4222).or Morrisville Commons(319-7000). This is theperfect part-time (or full-time With benefits!) college)oblOutdoor Hotdog Vender.weekend work. must beable to lift over 50 lbs.Must have own transporta-tion. $9/hr. 855-9579

(919)834-4045 AttnAndrea Attention EARNLifeguards needed EXTRA 'NCOME UD l0Manager and A551 825 00575 00hr PT FTManager Must have CUP INTERNET MAlL ORDERrent lifeguard certification 888416-0063Excellent pay NeWPfaCilily Absolutely free info'ary- pex area 05mm Internet users wanted$5?ng MaVC 200‘ Aqua Senna-sauce vimni'neer, Inc at 517-7433 ‘ i . j ‘(pager) 0‘ 851-3022 wwwnisttorus20ncl(homei Have. gear need cash?"——————-——t Hate cast) net-i: gear7TEACHING ASSISTANTS MU“ .50 HOW.NEEDEDA55ist studentsinstructorsat the Sylvan LearningCenter in Cary Pan-timeafternoons-early eveningson Mondays- Thursdays

Americas largest USEDMtismal lnsliimenl Dealeris here to help Cali 8512252 or Visit us atWWW muSicgoround comtoday' Located in the Caryand Saturday Call .C 1. PlMichele at 858-8103 83:32:56,1(6, azaHorticulture studentsknowledge and expertiseneeded to beautify andmaintain 16 acre estate inNonh Raleigh Apply toveterinary doctor JoeGordon at 919-649-7603Are you interested in work-ing With a speCial needschild 4-8 hours on week-ends? Call 363-6222.Fraternities-Sororities-Clubs-Student Groups“

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Florida Free Drink Partiesso much more' Grouprates still available' 1600-234-7007 endlesssum-menourscom

SCXDEtES\t‘ gallls‘s st Ileiltlled

Talisha Scates and N.C. State open the tournament against Maryland.

Tournament features

tough competition

‘ 'AKZ

lvy Gardner was named to the ACC All-Defensive Team.

0 After a frantic finish to the regularseason, the ACC prepares for thewomen’s tournament.

.lustin Sellers

\\ith \laiili .itieadx lieie. alongeotiles the sii'\e' ot the \tlaiitie (‘oast( ouleietiee \\\llllt‘ll s basketball re}:ulai seasonNon it‘s "\Iaith Madness" time.Iea\mg \( State and the test ot theeoiitei‘eut e eoiieeiitiatiiig oii oitething the \(‘( Ioiititaiiient in(ireeitsltoim.\Itliougii lls men's team has been

7 Seniorgymnasts set fOr final9 N.C. State will host its final homemeet of the year, the WolfpacliInvitational, this weekend.

\latt .\li (Idleton‘ g ., .Ilu‘ee ol the iiiost tleioiatetl gs tittiastsiu sehool Iiistoi\ ‘.l.lII peiloiiii tor thelast time at home \.illlliI.t\ iiieht iiilx’e}nolils('olisetiiiiThe Wollpaek In\itatioiial iiiatks theeoneltisioti ot the home schedule torthe .\ (‘ State 9) iimasties team. and ii“I” also be the last home :iteet iii thecareers of seiiiois \Ioiiiea Berrs. KaraCharles and Sara l)olanCharles. Bet‘i'} .itid Dolaii arri\ed oncampus in [WK .iitd helped theWolfpaek' become the first team fromthe Atlantte (‘oast (‘onfeieiiee to quali-f) for the .\'('r\,\ (‘Iiaiiipioiiships('harles uas named I'..'I\l Atlantic

‘ With an awrage ot

kieked oil the throne as the \o. lthe \('(‘ 'Iouriiaitteut. theDuke \ioiiieu's team has held the top‘I‘ot tot some time no“. Ihe totii'iia~lltt‘lll uasu‘t \er} kind to Duke iii thepast until last seat. uhett ti “on itsfirst -\t '(' 'Iouriiainettt eioisii|.eadiitg the \\a) lot' the .\'o 4 BlueI} 3 .-\t'(‘i .iie seiiioitieoigia Selisseit/ei .iiid liesltmaii\Ittlla HL'.1I\I.I‘|‘IIT ”I Who!“ l'L‘L‘L‘Hedlti'st team \llr.-\('(' honors,\i'll‘dt‘ll/s‘l'. a ZiltllHll \aisiitith(‘UIICPC Ilihkcllltll T’I.t_\s‘l‘ til the Ytttf.iiid '\II“\llleflL‘;t eaiididate. is theBItie I)e\ils' on the court.H points. 4‘)rebounds .iiid lb assists per game to

\s‘r‘tl lll

De\ils lIS' 1.

Ct Rte It

(numastits league Rookie ot the hearthat _\eat."I'Iie_\ one the group ol kids that ledus to the ehampitinships.” said headeoaeh Mark Ste\eitson. “ flies new theones that ga\e usWHAT: the boost iii depthWOLFPACK and number of quafIt) routines to mm L‘INVITATIONAL its to that Ie\e| "WHEN: The trio IoI|o\\edSATURDAY, up its I‘NN peirloritiauee b) IlL‘Illr7:00 P-M- mg the team \\ iii theWHERE: T’lit\l :\lI.ttllIe(isiiiiiasties l.eagiieREYNOLDS ('Itaiiiiioiishi i andl lCOLISEUM plaee third at theSoutheastRegionals in NW). missing out «inqualifying for the national competitionby .3 of a point.Throughout theiriunioi' year. the l’aekW as ranked III the Top 35, and the team


e orts


0 N.C. State faces Maryland, the only ACCteam it didn’t beat this season, to open theconference tournament.

Jerry Moore ; \‘Slatt \\'t‘itet' h 1After falling to the depths of the Atlantic hm(‘oast ('oiiferenee standings midwa)through the season, the No. II N.C. State\someii‘s basketball team reeled off sevenstraight “ms to grab the third seed in this

in Ibiil

meeting with M;ii'_\laiid. the (till) team itlost to twee in the regular season.Saturdafs 7 pm. iiiateliup betueen State(ISM. 9-7 .~\(‘(‘t atid .\Iaryland t 17- It). 8-8)will he the seeond meeting between theteams in less than a \seek. The Terrapins.the si\th seed iii the tottrttatttent. snappedthe I’aek‘s \\ iiiiiing streak Simda) in the lastgame of the regular season."The unusual thing is that \\e‘re going tobase to pla} them tune in a \seek mm." \I;ti'_\land eoaelt(‘Itris Weller said. "I'm sure that both teams \sill fiiid thata bit aukssard "

entIllll (IIIBIIII.

IlllIlIIllIIIIIIIIleéntflfllfl 200i


loot. Ittel‘aII}.lauies siitteretl legto redshirt for the season.

iniltlt eai'eei' \\m m Jaiiuai'}

weekend's .»\(‘(‘ ’l‘ournament in u}(,ii'eensboro. ,1,The Wolfpaek‘s reward w a first-round ' ‘

SCEIEIHJIJEM Basketball \s Wake. 3/4. |13tlW. Basketball. _.\(‘(‘e‘ 5/}

Wrestling. .r\(‘(‘s. 3/3(i_\llllltl.\llt'\. \\oltpaek Imite. 3/1Baseball is Riehmoiid. 3/3. 3:00

meets familiar

foe in opener

Sunda) 's 75—54 loss to the let‘ps.“Marsland \\.is set} tired tip and \er}focused in the seeoiid halt." State eoaeliKa} You said "We also Iiad one ot our\\orst deteiisne haI\es ol the season,”Despite You‘s immense stietess shea 550433 reeord at State .iitd posted herher teamse not fared \iell iii i'eeeut .»\(‘('Tournaments Smee the toiiitiaiiient began078. State has \\tlll the meat tout timeshas not ad\aneed to the final siuee IWI.“hen the Pack elaimed its last sIlilIIIPl-onship.‘or some reason III the last ten )e‘ais.been reaII_\ tough for us to be up for thetottrttatttent." You said “We‘ie tried differ—things e\et'_\ _\ Ilopeliill). this team\\III base learned a little Il't‘lll the past mis-ltlIsL‘s."Weller guided the Teips to the toiiiiiaiiteiitehaiitpioitship in to e ot theii Ill‘sl sis too has gone through a droughtMar)land Iias not “on the \I1.tlllllltil'l\Ill|‘sineThe Paek's seasoii got oil on the \ii‘oitgI’roteeted statters Is'aa) Ia ('Iioiies aiitl It’lltIle Nb“? or reached the lmal siiiee 1W}.

iniuries aiid .‘tlllltlllllee‘tl tlieii iiiteiiiionsAfter leading the MT in scoring defense. allossing 57 4points per game. the Pack laltet‘ed in the latter half of

eontereiiee pla}. Selmeit/er has beenknoun tor hei leadership and “go~to”ineiit.ilit_\ iii games.Iit‘dl‘d. HIT iIlt‘ illIlL‘l Iltilld. IL‘dd\Duke iii seot'tiig \\lll1 l.\ ? points aeotitest. Beard is also kiio\\ii for herteuaeious defense. “hieh got her a

O Tynesha Lewis has accomplished a lotin her career and would like to add a winin the ACC Tournament to the list.

Rob (iodf're)\ \ts‘t is I}I.l.tisltot oit the .»\(‘(‘ ‘\II~I)E‘IL‘llsl\ e’I’eam. alone \\llIl senior Ix‘oehelle . .I’ ”_ m ( all it .l eai'eei lor I\nesh‘a I_e\\is| L' 'The senior guard liom \Iaeeeslield\\il| pla) in bet lmal \tlaiitie (‘oast(‘otitereuee basketball touriiaiiieut this\\eekeiid. Iii three prenotts .-\(‘(‘'l'ouiuaiiiettts. leisis Ilaslld been oit ateam that non a game m the meritllieii again. she hasn't played on ateam hottet titan the one on \\IllL‘Il shepla)s this _\e.ii' Smee .\Iat'}Iand stole a57—5b \\ iii at Re} ttolds ('oliseiiiti on Jan.35, the \Voltpaek \\oiiieii are Tl.melttdiitg a 09-55 “in o\ er \o. 4 Duke,The team. led h) lop ss‘ttt't‘l' and seeondsteaui :\II~.~\(‘(' hottotee ('arisseMood} tI-I.~I pomtsl. has plased \ielloierall. Mood} is first iii the .»\(‘(‘ llIfield-goal perteiitage t5i pereentl.“hile her team leads the eontei‘euee iiiseoring defense ml: poiiitsiBtit make no mistake: State didn‘t hitits stride until head eoath Kit) Youmm ed I.e\sis to the point guard positionfor the Jan. 2‘) game \s. Florida State.

"\‘ou \ie‘i'e looking loruard to thetournament. and u e know that this isprobabl} goiiig to be the gieatesttottrttatttent that ise‘\e e\ei had. themost e\eiiI) matrhed teams. I think.troui top to bottom." said Duke headeoaeh (iaiI (‘ioestettkoi‘s "“e'i‘eL‘\\Ilt‘tI about it. espeeiaII} the _\oimgplasers. the fiesliiiien \slio‘\e iie\eie\perieiieed it. I think it's going to bea great e\pei'ieiiee hit them. so \se‘relooking loi‘\\atd to II "The No, 35 Tigers tl‘lb. loinelmehed seeoiid \\llIl a o.‘ 4‘) \ ietor}o\ er I~Iortda State last I'Iiursda) andassait the “inner ot the North(‘ai’v ‘ma/(ieorgia Ieeh iiiatehiip.()ii the baeks ot I‘.l'lll Batth atid('htiss) I‘|o_\d. (‘leitison still look toeoutmue its \iinumg \sa_\s m(ireeiisboro. Botlt. named to the .-\II-.r\(,‘t‘ seeond team. eombme for Vlltslo\ er 3: points and H 7 rebounds agame Batth \sas named to the .-\II»Deteiisne Team. as “ell. i‘aekmg tip227 iebotiiids this seasonNo. .‘l N.('. State tlH-‘l. 9—7l isseeded third WIII] a first-round gameagainst .\lai‘}l:iitd Sattii‘da) night. B)mo\iiig some plasers around. headeoaeh Isa} You. uas able to find astarting fi\e that Itas proien it eanpla) \\ ell eonsisteiitl}. iiiaitaging a 7


2‘30l Apt-itei'

.__..__‘ __ __)See- ACC Page 8

“on the T".:\(TL for the second eonseeua g_\utiiasties eareers on Satiii'da) iiigltt

-. ,._\- _. --\_u.-I'.

horne appearance

toe war. A soitteuhat disappointingliiiish at the Regionals left the teamIiuiigr) for success this year,-\s great as their first three years atState new. the senior _\ears of Berry.(‘liarles and l)olan were destined to bethe best tiiittl initiries Itit three of theteam‘s top g)itinasts. ineliidmg fello“seiiioi .-\l]l_\ Laiigendort. The team hasadiiiii‘abl) osereoiiie these miiiries tomake it a sueeessl'til )ear to date.This _\ear. ('harles has been .i eoiisistent performer for the team in the all»around eompetition l)olan and Berr}.both balanee beam specialists. ha\epertormed strongly iii other esents tofill iii lor the iiiitired gymnasts.All three girls hase been outstandingperformers in the elassroom. as well.Berry. Charles and l)olaii are all three»time members of the IzAGL All»Aeademie Team.Also being honored for their State

Will be Langendot'f. (‘oi‘tne_\ I’etrmisaiid Izrin lire) \ogel.Iaingendort. \slio tore the anteriorertieiate ligament in her knee during theopening meet of the _\ear. \sill leaseState as one ofoitl} tsso I’aek g) miiastse\ er to qllttIlI) loi' Nationals on an indi-\idual basis, She made the All-Ii;\(il.first team iii eaeh of her first three seassous on bars and m eaeh of the last [“0seasons in the all-around. Like (‘harles.Berr) and l)olati. Langendorf has alsobeen a sueeess iii the elassrooui. makemg the Ia-\(il. Alla-\eadeinie Teamthree times.Petrmis speciali/es on the beam.“hlIt' I‘repogel is a transfer frontPittsburgh and “as a member of theI:;\(il. .-\I|»Aeademie Team in 3000.While all of the seniors hase had asolid final season. perhaps the Paek‘sbest performer has been junior KelliBrouii. Brown won the all—around

See MARYLAND Patio 8

Lewis’ brilliant season

concludes career

Tynesha Lewis has had a standoutsenior season for the Wolfpack.'I'Itat da}. I.L‘\\|\. seeottdrteaiii .\I|E

\('(‘. i'eeoi'ded the lust triple-double iitl’aek\soitien‘sl \HIII Ill points. Ill rebounds

basketball Illsltil‘} tiiieit‘s or

See LEWIS Page 8, xv


S’c'COND it:f~tv‘=...secowo ON THE TEAM INI SCORING, AVERAGING 13.6 POINTS PER GAME...SCOREDi 25 Doors. in: art; out to assets;REBOUNDS ON f-LENIOP DAY ‘.f§.

E? or tar

in.) camera tOour.

eoiiipetition this past \seekeiid iitI.iiieolit. Neb, iii the Nebraska Masters('Iassie and \\ as iiamed I-.\(il.(i)iiiiiast of the Week for the seeondstraight \\L‘L‘I\.“I \\ as real Iiapp} \\ itli Iioss Is'elli per—toimed.” said Stewusoii. "She \sentotit and non the .tIIr.ll't|l|lltI. \thteh isi'eall) totiin beeatise Nebiaska is one ofthe top teams iii the eoiiutis."In the Mastets (‘Iasstez the Park illi-Iill scored .i “0.815. good for thirdplaee behind lop 15 squads Nebraskaand Demei. The team seore \\as thehighest mark the I’aek has aehie\ed onthe road this _\eai'."We took oiii‘selies out of the runningwith mistakes." said “itewnson, “Wehad se\en falls iii the meet. uhieh i.s\er} unusual for its at this time of the)ear, .>\ eouple of oiir tipperelassiiianbotIi had a couple of falls. and that's notSee GYM Page a