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LMS Review and




Background ................................................................................................................................................... 3

Self-Hosted vs. Cloud .................................................................................................................................... 3

Ecosystem ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

2013 Canvas Pilot .......................................................................................................................................... 4

Features – (Blackboard vs. Canvas) .............................................................................................................. 5

Ease of Use .................................................................................................................................................... 8

Valencia Online Learning Plan....................................................................................................................... 9

Plagiarism Checking ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Web Conferencing ...................................................................................................................................... 10

Canvas Accessibility .................................................................................................................................... 10

Integrations ................................................................................................................................................. 10

Canvas Data................................................................................................................................................. 11

Canvas Challenges ....................................................................................................................................... 11

Emails ...................................................................................................................................................... 11

Photo Roster ........................................................................................................................................... 12

3-Week Update Cycles ............................................................................................................................ 12

Risks ............................................................................................................................................................ 12

LMS Review Group Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 12

Next Steps ................................................................................................................................................... 14



Instructure’s Canvas is a Learning Management System (LMS) similar to Blackboard’s Learn 9.1.

Blackboard Learn 9.1 has been in use at Valencia College since 2010.

Canvas is a commercial open-source LMS designed to run in the cloud. It has all the key features

expected of an LMS. It is lauded by its users as an intuitive and easy-to-use product.

Canvas has quickly gained adoption throughout the country. Blackboard has responded to this loss of

business by creating a new version of Blackboard called Blackboard Ultra. Blackboard Ultra is a native

cloud application with an updated technological core and a new interface. Blackboard Ultra is still in

development and it is currently lacking key functionality thus making it unsuitable for migration for the

time being. While Blackboard claims to be “committed to Blackboard Learn 9.1” it is our conjecture that

once Blackboard Ultra is full-featured, Blackboard will motivate customers to migrate to their new cloud


While Blackboard Ultra can run courses using the “classic” interface, at some point all faculty must be

retrained, and courses must be redesigned in order to take advantage of the new Ultra features.

Self-Hosted vs. Cloud

Valencia runs and maintains Blackboard Learn 9.1 in-house. This gives us the ability to control the timing

of updates. However, the system must be taken offline for maintenance and upgrades. Currently,

Blackboard is unavailable for maintenance every Sunday morning from 2 to 6 AM. Longer windows are

used to install updates. These windows often range between 8 and 12 hours and they usually occur

between the Fall and Spring terms, and the Summer and Fall terms.

Canvas is a native cloud application. There are no downtimes for maintenance and upgrades. Canvas is

automatically updated every three weeks. Any updates or changes are communicated to the institutions

well ahead of time, and the changes are available for testing in a beta instance specific to Valencia. If a

major functionality change is to be introduced, Canvas usually allows the institution to control the

timing of the functionality upgrade via an administrative control panel.


Students come to Valencia largely from the Orange County Public Schools (37%) and the School District

of Osceola County (33%). OCPS is currently working on consolidating to Canvas within the year. SDOC

does not have an official LMS although some teachers utilize Moodle and Edmodo.

Approximately 85% of graduating Valencia students who choose to transfer to a 4-year institution

continue their studies at the University of Central Florida through our Direct Connect program. UCF

selected Canvas as their LMS in 2012.


Valencia’s other top transfer institutions are the University of South Florida, University of Florida, and

Florida State University. All of these institutions have also selected Canvas as their LMS.

In 2016, the State of Florida selected Canvas as the state’s LMS of choice. While Florida institutions are

not required to switch to Canvas, those doing so will take advantage of special state pricing.

As of August 2016 in the State of Florida College System, 13 institutions use Canvas, 8 use Desire2Learn,

and 7 including Valencia use Blackboard. Three of the Desire2Learn institutions and three of the

Blackboard institutions, including Valencia, are currently considering a migration to Canvas.

2013 Canvas Pilot

Valencia’s Office of Information Technology facilitated a Canvas pilot over the Spring 2013 term. Fifteen

faculty members from multiple departments and every campus used Instructure’s Canvas to deliver 18

courses containing approximately 400 students.

The pilot faculty members were:

Brian Macon

Carl Creasman

Debra Hollister

Diana DellaCosta

Hector Alfaro (not an OIT staff member at the time of the pilot)

James May

Josh Murdock (OIT staff but participating on behalf of the EPI department)

Lisa Macon

Liza Schellpfeffer

Mary Ann Alexander-Magalee

Mary Beck

Stephanie Freuler

Susan Dunn

Suzette Dohany

Yolanda Gonzalez

After the pilot courses ended, OIT surveyed all faculty and students involved. Faculty and students liked

the ease of use and the course organization. Most of the challenges faculty encountered were related to

the grade book limitations in its state in 2013. According to the student participants, the most common

challenge was “finding their way around”, because they had been acclimated to Blackboard Learn.

While Canvas was well-liked by both faculty and students, the pilot was conducted during a financially

challenging time. At the same time, Blackboard promised to bring some of Canvas’s features to

Blackboard Learn. With these circumstances in mind, 6 faculty members voted to put the migration

discussion on hold, 7 faculty members voted to recommend a migration to Canvas, and 2 voted to

remain with Blackboard Learn.


Features – (Blackboard vs. Canvas)

Both Blackboard Learn 9.1 and Canvas have the same basic functionality (announcements, assignments,

assessments, etc.), but feature-depth varies between both platforms. The following chart compares the

most relevant features that will be enhanced or lost when transitioning to Canvas.

Blackboard 9.1 Canvas Enhancements Losses

Announcements Announcements Add RSS Feed

Receive notifications via web services, text, etc.

Users can respond to announcements.

Push email to students. Students choose notification methods in Canvas.

Assignments Assignments Assignments are broadly understood as anything graded.

Submission types are customizable to restricts kinds of files, provide a URL, create media recording, or force a text submission.

Assignments are added to both the calendar and syllabus.

Speed Grader is tied to each assignment.

Allows audio/video feedback in grading.

SafeAssign for plagiarism checking is included in Blackboard. Would need to license a plagiarism tool.

Availability Published toggle Canvas courses appear unpublished until the instructor publishes their course to students.

Can conclude a course and switch it to a read-only mode.

Themes N/A Consistent look and feel across all courses.

Loss of visual differentiation.

Browser Check N/A None needed since Canvas doesn’t use Flash or Java.

Browser check available through Blackboard.

Calendar Calendar Copy calendar feed link into any calendar app that takes iCal, such as Google Calendar, iCal, Outlook, etc.

Calendar items listed in syllabus automatically.

Control Panel > Course Menu

Settings > Navigation

Any menu button with zero content is grayed out until activity starts.

Create unique course navigation menu links or rename existing menu items.


Blackboard 9.1 Canvas Enhancements Losses

Module Page Modules Drag and drop for ordering modules and module content.

Can set module prerequisites and module completion requirements.

Module are primarily an organizational tool reverting back to content in other places.

View student progress through modules.

Blank Page Pages Pages can be turned into wikis.

Pages can be repeatedly used throughout the course and you will only need to edit in once for multiple places.

Page history is saved and accessible so that former versions of pages can be activated.

Pages can be restricted to teacher-only editing or teacher and student editing.

Pages section lists all pages for the entire course. Can be hidden.

Discussions Discussions Can assign peer reviews and require the number of reviews per student, including a separate due date.

Drag and drop to reorder topics.

Ability to choose to receive notifications via social web services, text messaging, or email.

Anonymous posts.

E-packs E-packs Check with individual publisher for compatibility with Canvas

File Manager Files Drag and Drop

Layout is similar to what you have on a computer.

Files area can be accessible to students.

Grade Center Grades Grades is part of the User Dashboard when you first log in.

Students can easily calculate hypothetical grades.

Easily sort by due date or assignment group in one click.

Student submissions are auto-stamped with student names in a downloadable file.

Media comments for feedback.

Can’t create a manual column in grade center. Must be tied to an assignment.


Blackboard 9.1 Canvas Enhancements Losses

Students can message instructor within the grade center column.

Simplified calculations for weighted or total columns.

Rubrics Rubrics Drag feature to add columns and add criterion.

Ability to add media to comments.

Ability to add Outcomes to rubric criteria.

Groups Collaboration Automatically connects students for collaborative activities.

Uses a variety of web-based applications such as Google Docs, EtherPad and soon Office 365.

Group graded discussions are done through the assignments area.

Notification Dashboard

Notifications Receive notifications via text messaging and social networks.

Designate the frequency of the alerts

Tests Quizzes Additional question types available.

Ability to release test results and feedback automatically based on various settings.

Syllabus Syllabus Can connect to calendar.

Automatically generated table of assignments and quizzes.

Provides an organizational view of course based on assignment and quiz due dates.

Can be linked directly to assignments, quizzes, calendar, etc.

SCORM SCORM Limited due to SCORM security issues. The ability to copy SCORM activities during course copy or importing process.

Send Email None No force email function available. Student can choose email, text, or other social web service to receive


Blackboard 9.1 Canvas Enhancements Losses

notifications from course messages.

Collaboration Sessions

Conferences Adds the ability to share live audio, video, and screens with students within a course using BigBlueButton, included in the license.

Blackboard Collaborate is a separate license with some features not available in BigBlueButton.

None Outcomes Create outcome groups

Create learning outcomes with criterion ratings

Tie learning outcomes to rubrics

Student Preview Student View Submissions and scores for the Test Student do not affect course analytics.

Attachments Files Files, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, all display within the modules without having to download.

Easily drag and drop new or replace files in the file manager.

No ability to use WebDAV for setting up a web folder to manage course documents from desktop.

Ease of Use

After their migration to Canvas, the Center for Distributed Learning at UCF saw a reduction of 40% in the

number of student support requests and a 50% reduction in the number of faculty support requests.

Canvas highlights its ease of use when compared against any other industry-leading LMS. To test this

claim we recruited the help of a Valencia employee who has had limited exposure to both Blackboard

and Canvas. We asked our volunteer to complete the following tasks:

Create a course with two modules.

The first module should contain some text with a picture, a quiz with two questions, and a

graded discussion board.

The second module should become available after a student has completed the quiz in Module


Module 2 should contain a file attachment and an assignment.

The final grade should be the total of the quiz plus either the discussion or assignment,

whichever score is higher (i.e. drop the lowest score between two items.)

Our volunteer needed 38 minutes to complete the tasks in Blackboard, in addition to requiring an extra

25 minutes reading help pages/resources. All the items in the task list were completed successfully with

the exception of dropping the lowest score which was done incorrectly.


The same tasks took 24 minutes to complete in Canvas. There was no need to access any documentation

or resources. All tasks were completed successfully. The hardest task to complete was how to make a

module available to students after a condition (in this case having taken a quiz) has been met.

The difference in time was not due to the time to complete specific tasks. The time to create an

assignment, for example, is roughly the same in both Blackboard and Canvas. The additional time was

needed to research, understand, and complete the appropriate actions for each task. We believe that

this simple test shows that a new faculty member would have an easier time using Canvas.

Valencia Online Learning Plan

Valencia’s Online Learning Plan includes the creation of master course templates. The deployment and

logistical elements of these templates can supported by Canvas Commons. The Canvas Commons is a

learning object repository provided as part of the regular Canvas license. Institutions are able to easily

share resources such as modules or entire courses and make them available to specific groups of people,

the institution, trusted institutions, or even make them publicly available.

If a faculty member adopts a course template from the Canvas Commons and the course template is

updated at a later time, the faculty member would receive a notification that there is an update. The

faculty member can then update their courses, or be aware of this update for the next term. In

addition, Canvas is working on some enhancements geared specifically towards Master Course

Templates. It is our understanding that, in the future, it will possible to mark a module as a “mandatory

immediate update” (which would propagate to the deployed sections), or an optional update which

would let faculty choose the timing of such update. More information on these and more Master Course

Template features should be released in the near future.

Plagiarism Checking

In 2007 Blackboard purchased a company called SafeAssignment and integrated the plagiarism checking

service into the standard Blackboard Learn product at no extra cost.

Canvas does not bundle a plagiarism checking service. As plagiarism checking is a teaching tool that

many Valencia faculty heavily rely on (approximately 100,000 originality checks a year). We recommend

that we license a plagiarism checking service.

TurnItIn is the leading plagiarism checking service, and Canvas provides a streamlined integration for

this service. Prior to Blackboard’s deployment of SafeAssignment, Valencia licensed TurnItIn for use in

WebCT. While well-liked by faculty, the most recent quote given to us matched the current cost of our

Blackboard license alone.

UnPlag is a competing plagiarism checking service that integrates with Canvas via the LTI (Learning Tools

Interoperability) standard. Our testing showed that it integrates well with Canvas. We saw that it


provided more source matches and a more up-to-date content index than SafeAssign. Valencia was

quoted a license cost of one third of that of TurnItIn.

Web Conferencing

Blackboard offers the Collaborate product for web conferencing between faculty and students. This is an

extra cost for Blackboard Learn 9.1 users, but it is included as part of the Blackboard SaaS offering.

Blackboard Collaborate is a simple to use, full-featured product. It can accommodate up to 100 users

and allows users to broadcast video, audio, and display presentations and applications. Recordings are

kept indefinitely (contracted storage permitting) and can be downloaded. Faculty can easily invite users

not participating in the section via a special URL. Participants can also access a dial-in number. Faculty

can divide the participants in break-out rooms for group tasks.

Canvas includes a web conferencing system called BigBlueButton as part of the standard license.

BigBlueButton can accommodate up to 50 simultaneous users and allows users to broadcast video,

audio, and display presentations and applications. Recordings are only kept for 14 days and cannot be

downloaded. Brightside Networks, the company behind BigBlueButton, offers premium licensing for

Canvas customers which enables the ability to keep recordings past 14 days, download the recordings,

offer a dial-in number, invite users outside of the section, and create break-out rooms.

Canvas Accessibility

Canvas was awarded the Gold Level NFB-NVA certification by the National Federation of the Blind. More

details on Canvas accessibility can be found at


Blackboard integrates with multiple systems and processes. If Valencia made a switch to Canvas, all of

the following integrations would need to be reconfigured.

Active Directory authentication OIT. Already working from 2013 pilot.

Atlas Single Sign On OIT. Available from 2013 pilot.

Banner (course and student enrollment) OIT. Available from 2013 pilot.

Civitas Compatible. Company said it would be easy to make the change.

Cornerstone OIT. Blackboard triggers in scripts must be switched to Canvas.

CoursEval Compatible. LTI tested during 2013 pilot.

EAC Visual Data (rubrics data for Nursing and Assessment)

Compatibility coming in 2017 according to EAC.


Ellucian CRM Compatibility coming in 2017 according to Ellucian. Professional Services may be required.

IMathAS Compatible.

Kaltura Compatible.

Library Single Sign On

Orientations (New Student, Bachelor, International, etc.)

OIT. Blackboard triggers in scripts must be switched to Canvas.

Publisher integrations (eBooks, homework, etc.) Most, if not all, are compatible. We would need to contact each publisher.

Respondus LockDown Browser Compatible.

Smartermeasure Compatible.

Smarthinking Compatible.

Canvas Data

Canvas provides daily files containing all of Valencia’s course activity, assessment and evaluation, user

and device characteristics, etc. This data can be downloaded locally or Canvas offers a service to host

the data in an Amazon Redshift data warehouse server. Valencia could also combine our Canvas Data

with data from other trusted institutions, as well as other key systems across the college.

This data would enable Valencia to generate “insightful reporting and strategic analysis to assess

student engagement, enable student interventions, reimagine course design, or […] improve teaching

and learning”

Canvas Challenges


Canvas’s philosophy is that each user has the right to choose their own communication preferences.

Each user chooses where to receive notifications (email, phone, social media, etc.) and which

notifications to receive via each those different methods (messages, announcements, due dates, etc.)

If a student opts out of receiving messages from their faculty member in an external account or device,

the messages will always be available in their Inbox when they log into Canvas.

If Valencia wishes to give faculty members the ability to email students regardless of the communication

preferences, we would have to either write a tool for this purpose in Atlas, or create an LTI application

that can be accessed within Canvas.


Photo Roster

The Photo Roster tool available in Blackboard courses is specific to Blackboard. This code will not work

with Canvas. If we wish to integrate student pictures with Canvas, Valencia will need to write an LTI

integration to add this feature. Student photos are still available in Atlas.

3-Week Update Cycles

Canvas automatically releases bug fixes and incremental updates in 3-week cycles. Major functionality

changes can often be deployed at a time convenient to the institution via an administrative control


Valencia will be informed of all updates in advance. These changes may occur during a term already in

progress. Our team will provide update statuses, every three weeks, via our social media and other

methods of communication. In turn, it will be faculty’s responsibility to monitor our communications

and stay abreast of these changes.


Valencia self-hosts Blackboard Learn. OIT staff administers and manages the infrastructure for this

product. An OIT Systems Administrator has decades of specialized experience and knowledge managing

Learning Management Systems. Their skills have been critical to Blackboard’s reliability and success at

Valencia, with Blackboard technical support service as back-up. If this OIT employee were to leave

Valencia, it would threaten Valencia’s ability to manage and maintain Blackboard effectively. We would

be mostly dependent on Blackboard’s technical support team for all troubleshooting. If Valencia

migrates to Canvas, this person will be redeployed to support other key college systems and capabilities.

The plagiarism checking service UnPlag was selected for this report due to its affordability when

compared with TurnItIn. This company is a startup with no proven record.

LMS Review Group Recommendations

In Fall 2016, Faculty Council reconvened the original 2013 Canvas Pilot group. In addition to the

members mentioned above, the following faculty members were added to a new LMS review group:

Natalie Yrisarry, LaVonda Walker, Michael Wheaton, and Shawn Grant. Lisa Stilke also joined the group

on behalf of Student Affairs. After reviewing the latest Canvas and Blackboard information, the LMS

review group recommended that Valencia migrate to Canvas. After receiving the recommendation from

the LMS Review Group, Faculty Council unanimously recommended that Valencia migrate to Canvas.

This recommendation was accepted by OIT CIO, John Slot.


Recommendations and rationale by the LMS Review Group:

The LMS market is moving from on-site managed systems, to cloud applications. The question is

not whether Valencia should move to a cloud-based LMS, but when. Moving to either

Blackboard Ultra or Canvas would require the migration of content, retraining of faculty, and

redesign of courses. Valencia’s Online Learning Plan calls for the creation of multiple course

templates for use by faculty. It makes sense to develop these templates in the LMS that Valencia

plans to use for the foreseeable future.

The State of Florida has chosen Canvas as its preferred LMS. It is a successful and easy to use

LMS. Students coming to Valencia from OCPS will have used Canvas, and students graduating

and transferring from Valencia to other state institutions will be using Canvas. Valencia should

be part of that teaching and learning ecosystem.

Canvas is an open platform. It allows institutions to access to all of its data and functionality.

Valencia should take advantage of this enhanced access to the LMS. We recommend that at a

resource be made available to create tools for our faculty that would expand the functionality of

the system.

Because of Canvas’s philosophy to allow users to choose how to receive communications, OIT

recommends the creation of a tool to email a class. This tool could reside either in Atlas, or as an

LTI that integrates within the Canvas workflow. This would ensure faculty are able to “force” an

email to an entire class and/or individual students.

Canvas Data would give Valencia a new powerful insight to online courses and their usage. OIT

recommends that Canvas Data be integrated with Valencia’s Data Warehouse systems during

the implementation stages.

The ability to have synchronous audio and video conferences is being requested more often.

Not only to facilitate virtual office hours and student work groups, but also for use by student

services such as tutoring. Blackboard Collaborate is a fully-featured, best-in-class conferencing

product. It has an easy-to-use interface and high device compatibility including mobile. It

integrates well with Canvas, therefore keeping it would be advantageous. However, Canvas

already provides BigBlueButton for web conferencing. Premium options such as the ability to

store sessions for longer than 14 days and to download a session, are available at a price of $200

per month per concurrent session. If Valencia chooses not to renew the Blackboard Collaborate

license, OIT recommends licensing two premium concurrent sessions from BigBlueButton, and

reassessing its usage at the 6 or 12-month mark.


Next Steps Term Category Activity Spring 2017 Term (201720)

Planning Convene a college wide Canvas Migration Advisory Team (page 15)

Planning Collaborative development of migration plan with representatives from key areas

Communication Conduct communication/feedback forums (Town Halls)

Communication Create Canvas migration website with resources and contacts

Planning Negotiate contract with vendor

System Implementation Begin implementation and system integrations

System Implementation Begin integration of tools in order of necessity

Training Train key personnel

Training Offer accounts and DEV courses for faculty and staff; Begin to offer faculty and staff training opportunities Feedback is used to design migration support and training

Summer 2017 Term (201730)

Teaching and Learning Destination 2017 Early adopters group learn Canvas and test migration/teaching in Canvas to ensure system and integration reliability; Pilot of the Rubric for Online Competencies (ROC) Feedback is used to create community of practice, refine support/training and improve ROC

Fall 2017 Term (201810)

Small pilot with students (involve early adopters group) Feedback is used to refine support/training After governance review, ROC will be integrated into all Canvas training

Summer 2017 - Summer 2018 Term

Training, communication, resources, assessment plans

TBD per migration plan; align with Online Learning Plan timeline

Summer 2018 Term (201830)

All faculty, students and staff go live


Canvas Migration Advisory Team

Co-chairs: Page Jerzak, David Renteria, Neal Phillips

Membership: Two to three faculty members per campus cluster (appointed by Faculty Council), one

Academic Dean per campus cluster (appointed by Instructional Affairs Committee), two Student Affairs

representatives (appointed by Kim Sepich), two Faculty Developer/Instructional Designers (appointed by

Wendi Dew), Geni Wright (Assistant Director, Online Teaching and Learning), Liza Schellpfeffer (Faculty

Fellow for Excellence in Online Teaching and Learning), Gwendolyn Hays (LMS Project Manager), Jenny

Charriez (Employee Development)


Refine the draft design principles and timeline

Design and implement Canvas Migration plan for faculty, staff, and students that includes: o Communication plan o Training and development plan o On-demand and other resources o Assessment plan

Evaluate and recommend new functionality and system configuration with respect to the Rubric for Online Competencies (ROC) and established policies and procedures

Evaluate and recommend tools associated with the migration to Canvas

Communicate with diverse and representative groups across the college

Engage faculty, staff, and students across the college to collect feedback, as appropriate Draft Design Principles Design a migration plan that:

Incorporates our previous experiences, lessons learned, and successful practices from other colleges

Ensures a consistent experience by migrating students all at once

Ensures faculty and staff have time and appropriate resources to prepare for migration

Provides opportunities to support and enhance current practices

Coordinates with the quality initiatives within the Online Learning Plan

Establishes a community of practice to drive practical strategies and innovation

Emphasizes communication

Executive Sponsors: John Slot and Susan Ledlow

Destination 2017

ROC 101: The Art of Migration & Painting Your Own CANVAS

Say hello to the ROC, the Rubric for Online Competencies. You have been invited to become a master of

your craft and to establish a base line of quality for online design and instruction. Participants in this

track will be introduced to navigation and functionality skills in CANVAS, our future learning

management system. It takes more than skill to master CANVAS, so participants will also master the art

of migration by preparing course content and developing quality course construction. This collaborative


experience will utilize the ROC, a draft tool to review quality course design and online instruction

criteria, while recognizing innovations in online teaching.

Destination Learning Outcomes

Participants will

Gain knowledge in Canvas navigation and functionality

Apply best practices for migrating from Blackboard to Canvas

Prepare course content for Canvas migration

Apply the Rubric for Online Competencies (ROC) as an assessment tool for establishing

quality course design, through a peer review process

Use the Rubric for Online Competencies (ROC) as an assessment tool for examining the

essential skills of the online instructor role, through a peer review process

Provide thoughtful feedback to support course migration and refinement of the ROC

and peer review process

Audience (approximately 60 faculty)

Two faculty members per Academic Dean and three faculty members per Executive Dean

Faculty will be selected by their Dean and will meet the following criteria:

o Demonstrated excellence in teaching online

o Significant experience in teaching online (past 2 years or 6 terms)

o Eager to collaborate in a community of practice focused on enhancing online quality,

mentoring colleagues, and fostering innovation

o Interested in developing a course template for use by colleagues in discipline

o Able to fully attend and participate in all five summer Destination meetings (West


May 12, 2017 1:00-5:00p.m.

May 19, 2017 1:00-4:00p.m.

May 26, 2017 1:00-4:00p.m.

June 2, 2017 1:00-4:00p.m.

June 9, 2017 1:00-4:00p.m.

o Participants receive $500 stipend for completion of Destination 2017