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Here you go my best answers. what about you?

1) Why do you day trade? Why not swing ? why not buy and hold?

Because it suits my personality. More than that its working for me...

2) What do you feel when some one says Market is gambling?

Well a gambler takes WILD RISK.I take CALCULATED RISK ( On the ligher side ask him, isn’t marriage a gambling? Why did you gamble?)3) Why do you get fear of loss?how many hours per day you spend for the market,trading?

Answer when I write my next few posts on mind and meditation.

4) What do you do when you get frustrated by Market movements? Or when you are in trade and market does not move in your favour? Or you lose trades one after another?

Answer when I write my next few posts on diversification.

5) How many number of thoughts per whole day you get in your mind ( including personal, official and so on… overall).

Each one of us will answer : I am yet to count. Answer is hardly 40 per day for an average man.If you say more than 40 you will realize that those more thoughts are none but braches ( sub) of those 40 thoughts.Just do this exercise one single day .you will really feel wonderfull.

6) What do you think is mind? How big it is? Where does it exists? How can I control that?in what form it exists?

Same in mind and meditation.

7) After all what mind has to do with our trading when we have holygrail readymade systems on offer? 

Same in mind and meditation.

8) Why do I need to write ontraderji?Why do I need to contribute? What do I Get?

The son comes everyday at right time does his duty. The air gives me free oxygen.The water makes my living possible. The trees give shadow,fruits.Though I have done lot of mischiefs Earth has never shouted at me since my childhood.Despite of this they have never ever asked me anything in return. Absolutely nothing… Here I am doing afterall……a small…………… 

9) What is the role of money in my life? People say If I get truckload of money I can live a wonderfull life? Really?

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I will write a beautifully story on this next time.

10) At last what is purpose of my life? Its Very very very very important and very tough to answer

When people ask me this question I myself ask one more question. Why I am not born as a dog, a lizard a snake, a monkey a donkey all those 83 odd crore other creatures? Why I am born as a human being which is one of the best birth that a being can get?The question gets answered automatically.When I don't get answer for something I will go back to nature and it has answer for each and every question. Ref answer to question no.8---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By the by I have forgotten to ask one more question. 

11) What is “HOLY PERSON” ( not holygrail) syndrome? 

Still I have not answered all questions.Catch you some other day.

4) What do you do when you get frustrated by Market movements? Or when you are in trade and market does not move in your favour? Or you lose trades one after another?

I just get rid of market and I put all my energy in what I am best at, apart from trading. 

Yes ! I am talking of this kind of diversification. ( This is called releasing _ve energy on which I will talk in my “Mind and meditation “part)

What is diversification as far as a personality is concerned? Simple .Involvement in more than one thing/activity.

If you have 2 different trees its good. 3 trees - better.4 trees -best.5 trees- too good.Because all fruits are seasonal .Now when one tree stops yielding you can go to another.

Likewise in life more the interest you have in different subjects, more the joy you have in your life.Art, history, medicine, Accounts, sports,movie, circus?????, literature. there are so many areas.

If you are frustrated at trading, go to some movie, if you are bored reading literature go and play sports and so on and on.....Now a days somebody treats chatting also as a hobby,I am afraid!!!.

Remember mind always looks for change.Your mind expects something out of an activity and it does not get fulfilled. Then the mind looks to change its direction .In simple words it looks for a change.But you try to hang on. Means you are forcing the mind to stay there in the same activity.Thats where the friction starts which I have detailed in my previous philosophy!! Class.Thats what frustration is .The war is between “you” and “your mind”.Not between “you” and “ Market”.,not between “you” and “price”.

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Now you have 2 options. 1.Learn to exercise control your mind so that it never demands you to go “elsewhere” when the expectation does not get fulfilled, without creating friction.

2.Going “elsewhere”.i.e:changing your activity.

A common man ( trader ) or majority has no choice but to go for 2nd option.Only the masters who have conquered their mind can opt for first option. 

----------------------------------------------------------------------Look at our politicians. They are 24 hour politicians. They just do politics. Nothing but politics….No diversification. Hardly any one of them know about our history. Forget literature..sports ( Of course commonwealth games!!) .What about Circus !! of course they

do only during election time…!!

Lack of diversification… Its a blocked water….That’s why the whole political system is wrotten..

We are discussing the problem. To find a solution we need to study the problem indepth.Take the field of medicine. Most patients suffer more when they go to doctor because in 90% of the cases the doctors do not diagnose correctly ( sometimes/most of the time internationally!!).That means doctors are not understanding the problem indepth.The result .. more suffering for the patient both healthwise and economywise.

So lets understand the problem completely. Then we shall go to solution part.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We stated that the perspective of life takes drastic change the day we start looking inside..why? Its simple. Whatever we see, hear, feel and experience OUTSIDE is a mirror or reflection of INSIDE.

For example:. Two people look at same thing. One say’s wow!!.Another says “nonsense”. They saw a same thing. But 2 different views. Why difference? Because what they saw was just reflection of inside in that “outside stuff”.

Similarly market seems like a hell as long as we do not repair our inside.It looks like gambling…..!!!It looks like a machine stealing our entire wealth . If the inside is calm the market looks full of opportunities because behind every change there is an opportunity and there is a change in price every moment. But our mind is like a lake water in which the stone is thrown from outside. Its creating rounding waves across lake and there is no clarity.You see the bed of the lake when the water is clean and when there are no waves. SIMILARLY WHEN IT COMES TO MIND. WE NEED TO STOP THE WAVES TO EXPERIENCE THE CLARITY.ONCE WE GET CLARITY INSIDE ITS A DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE ALTOGETEHR.

Now the question arises . how do get waves get created inside the mind? Simple.Through thoughts.Mostly through unrelevent ,unnecessary thoughts and through thoughts of past experience and future expectations. ( I wrote on this before few posts) . 

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In my early career days when I worked in Bengaluru I used to ride my bike to office.It was 8 KM’s distance.One day I counted….I shifted the gear 68 times…..Imagine the impact it has on the engine and its life…..

Like wise in a day ,through continuous shifting of wagering thoughts ,the mind gets beaten badly.Thats when it loses the clarity. First of all we have an education system which teaches you everything apart from what is needed for life..Then your early childhood experience…….i.e: No you cant do this.. that…..On top of that comes gossip,TV channels, newspaper,tabloids ,internet, forums….. our mind becomes a complete dustbin full of garbages….. If you don’t clear it, it produces bad smell….the surrounding also gets poisoned…. You take bath to clean your body…. Have you ever thought of bathing your mind????????? 

The next part is reaction. We react to everything.. each and everything....Even when its not necessary.....This chain of reaction again creates friction which I discussed in my earlier posts....We need to learn the skill of not reacting each and everything...... A small story....A begger needs reaction... if you don't react he will go to next door... if you react......!!!read ...

A begger landed infront of a sethji's house..

Begger: Ji... Give me some money...

Sethji: No I don't have anything. go to nextdoor.

Begger: Ji... Give me some cloth...

Sethji: No I don't have anything. go to nextdoor.

Begger: Ji... Give me some food...

Sethji: No I don't have anything. go to nextdoor.

Begger: Ji... atleast Give me a glass of water...

Sethji: No I don't have anything. go to nextdoor.

Begger shouted: If you don't have anything..What are you doing sitting inside? comeout ... Lets go to nextdoor together!!!

There was a king and he has won lot of kingdoms over the years.The wealth and the kingdom he has won, has gone to his head and he became an arrogant,egoistic and stubborn and completely forgotten welfare of his people.People started suffering due to this attitude of king.He used to spend most of his time lavishly and he used to say “I have mountain of wealth and I don’t care anything and anyone”.The people have gone to the minister and put their grievances. Though the minister was aware of all these affairs of king he couldn’t do much.So he decided to go to his kulaguru .i.e: A rishi who used to be the guide ,mentor and teacher for king’s family.

The Kulaguru told minister that he will take care of it and minister need not to worry and can

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carry on with his job.

The king has a habit of going for hunting every week. He used to go with his minister and few soldiers. Kulaguru has a plan and he told the minister as well as soldiers what to do. 

That day , minister told king, “Lord, today lets go to the other forest ( The forest which was unknown to the king) .I know there are beautiful bunch of deers which you will really like to hunt” .King happily agreed.

While they were hunting,Minister told “ Lord I will go towards north, let the soldiers go towards south and you can wait here for the hunt since this forest is unknown to you. We will meet after an hour”.King agreed.

While King was waiting ,suddenly a stranger came and shooted the kings riding horse and disappeared.Now King is shocked. He waited for minister and soldiers.They didn’t come. He is worried. Now sun also has set… He is more worried…. It is a forest unknown to him… He was hungry… thirstly… He was now roaming in a wild forest… Its dark. Now he don’t wanted to take chance against his life.. He climbed a tree and spent entire night on the tree. ….

Sun rose… king started walking searching for his way back to his palace… Now he could not walk as he was almost dyeing out of hungryness and thirstyness…

Out of nowhere he saw begger ( Kulaguru has come in the disguise of a begger) and that begger has a water and food in his hand… King pleaded him that he be given a food and water.

Begger told he can give food ..but he has some conditions..King asked what are the conditions…King is frustrated as he was in a dier state.

Begger demanded..For a glass of water … king has to give half of his kingdom…..King agreed… he has no other choice…

Begger now told …for one plate of food…. King has to give another half of his kingdom….King agreed. He has no other choice ….

Now begger started laughing loudly… see my lord… I am far batter than you…. Because your “WHOLE KINGDOM IS WORTH A GLASS OF WATER AND A PLATE OF FOOD”……….

Remember.The money is means not the end.Money is not life .It is a means to carry on a good life.. It has to be used for worthy causes. Helping people..Underpriviledged…Poor…Otherwise the nature knows how to get it back from you……….__________________By now we have understood that our mind is restless… its full of thoughts…its running every minute every second….Its always busy in reacting……

Now the other important character of mind as I stressed earlier is either living in past or in future… no doubt… 99% of the times…. The happiest people ,less than 1% live only in present..... 

1ST CATEGORY:LIVING IN FUTUREIf I become manager I will be happy… If I am promoted to Senior Software Engineer…. QA Lead…..I will be happy…If I get 50k P.M.I will be happy.If I get married I will be happy.

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That means today you are not happy. Our happiness is conditional…Its called living in future….Both in market and life outcome of any future is uncertain…Now logically that means the people who live in the future have no guarantee of happiness.…. 

2nd CATEGORY:LIVING IN PAST:These people always live in past. They say”oh I missed that opportunity.I would have made this…that…I would have been so and so if I would have done that..this… and so on…….Everything happens for a reason…Past is gone..It will not comeback…..

Once Buddha was walking to a village with his disciples..They neared a river.. They saw a beautifull lady who needed some one’s help to cross the river as the flow of the river was heavy.. Buddha took her on his shoulder ,crossed the river and dropped her on the other side of the river.Lady conveyed her gratitude and continued her journey..Buddha also continued his journey with disciples. However all disciples were somehow upset.Their face was dull and doubting..However Buddh’s face was as ever glowing.After sometime Buddha could sense these and asked.”My friends why are you so dull and look very much down.? 

One of the disciple: “Lord.All of us felt very bad and shocked when you lifted that lady on your shoulder..Being a Monk is it fair to touch a lady? We are highly concerned and worried.

Buddha laughingly told.”My friends the difference between you all and me is .”I DROPPED THAT LADY LONG BACK AND YOU PEOPLE ARE STILL CARRYING HER ON YOUR SHOULDERS” .

How many of you still carry a lady called “Past” on your shoulders?

[QUOTE=Raghavacc;534473] Well ,you may ask .what all these subjects have to do with trading? the point here is success in all the fields starts from within.As long as we do not rectify inside either we don't suceed or even if we succeed we are not happy with that success. .What all we see outside including the price chart is nothing but a mirror.What we see in the chart is only a reflection of ourselves. So we can't blame mirror for not being right.It shows exactly what is in the front.So what all we are doing here is not finding a way to rectify the mirror but rectifying what is infront.

There is a life without trade.However there is no trade without life...Hence market is invariably a reflection of life in most of aspects.What applies to life also applies to market in more than 90% of aspects.I am sharing what I practice and experiment.... I continue to do so... I can do experiment.... I can practice..................Can I share the feeling of that experiment ?............can I share the joy of that practice.....? No.No.No. you have to do it yourself and feel it .................


Continued....Living in the present is bliss,bless and a boon.....It provides enormous enthusiasm, courage and strength.( When I write on cosmic energy,its usage and abundant resources of nature, I will throw more light on this.)

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If you live 5 minutes in the future, you have lost 5 minutes of joy of the present. If you live 5 minutes in the past, you have lost 5 minutes of joy of the present.

A living in the present trader.What he does

1.He analyses past. ( Homework.Do you remember how many times I stressed this word in my previous posts?)2.He plans for future.3.He lives in the present.

A living in past and future trader

1.He lives in the past.2.He lives in future.

A living in the present he trades[/B]

1.say a IIP Announcement day.

he is ready with homework ( past analysis).He does not predict anything for the day ( future)When the market opens he is only in present 100%.Numbers are announced.TV channels are all admiring the numbers and say market will reach 5550.Analysts say the figures highly encouraging.Amatuers are waiting for their tip providers to give a call.Our trader does not bother about any of these.

In euphoria the market breaks 5000 all are long. Our trader is in present.He says Its broken 5000.let me wait for retest.Now? Next a small IB. Now? its not making higher highs.Now? One more red bar? Now? My short entry below breakout candle ( failed breakout)).Now?it has broken breakout candle downside, _ve divergence... Now?.Stoploss.above breakout candle. Now? I know how much I can lose.It can go either way.

Same time all who are long at 5000 are hoping ( future) that market will reverse and go up.Simultaneously they repent for going long ( Past) .They fail to reverse their positions because they are either in past or future and not in present.

At the end of the day our trader has won because he lived in present .He knew what he did because he focused on now.He did follow rules and discipline because there was no past and future haunting him. He did what he saw in the present.

That's why its called its "NOW" or "NOWHERE" .

Even if you are in a most difficult time of your career ,life, try to live in present, accept that I am in difficulty, try to be in present each and every second...( Clues: If you are typing just focus on it.... if you are watering garden be with it cent per cent...If you are talking to anyone enjoy that talk as though you are sipping a cup of tea.... The things start changing.....).The zen monks of japanese were the ones who are the great advocates of "living the present". Early morning after their meditation they used to go to nearby canteen to have the tea and when they drink tea they used to say "Hey lord,how lucky I am?.This is a beautiful moment .How can I thank you for blessing me with such a moment? with such deep gratitude they used to sip their coffee with utmost joy. Looking at such height of happiness the people at the canteen used to go and join these Zen monks for the meditation and become one more monk!!!__________________

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A farmer wanted to dig a well to provide the water for his newly put plants.He started digging the soil nearby plant and after digging for 10 ft he thought there is no water in that place and started digging at few distance.He dug for 16 ft and coudn't find the water again .He started digging again at a different place. Now 20 ft. failed. next 25 ft. 30 ft.... now he is tired and lost all his energy....a bywalker saw this farmer and asked .... this entire area looks like a graveyard with this dug soil......what are you trying to do?

Farmer told.... I am trying to dig a well... but not getting water anywhere?

Bywalker sensed the problem and told farmer "See.what all you are doing is waiting your energy and time....Instead of digging 20 ft's at 15 loactions,if you would have dug 50 ft at a single place you would have got the water, Also would not have spoiled this place like this.....

99.99% of the people who come to trading are like this.... They start from beginners section and surf through each page of each thread,each post till they reach members area...... Then they start with another forum.....They are searching for a system........Poor fellows.... Sorry can't help....--------------------------------------------------------------------------A Highly "QUALIFIED"!!! 60 year old person was driving through highway and on the way he saw a maize field and stopped for a break....He saw bunch of farmers working in the field.He called one of the farmer and started chatting..

Old person" How do you do?

Farmer"We are doing extremely well,sir"

Old person " how do you feel the weather would be this year"

Farmer"seems to be normal this year ,sir"

Old person " how do you feel the crop would be this year"

Farmer"seems to be normal this year ,sir"

Old person :Hey .by the by how much per annum do you make by selling this crop?

Farmer"On an average 2 Lakhs sir."

Old person "Hey .Just 2 Lakhs....just 2 Lakhs.....Its pitty my friend....Look at me I have 3 P.H.D's and I make 25 Lakhs per annum...You people work work so hard out there under the sun and end up with just 2 Lakhs??? Ha ha ha what a joke..

Farmer: Sir,, we are extremely happy with 2 Lakhs…..We need no more…. But there is one difference sir….. you have money today….I agree….. but there is difference sir….I have spent best part of my life with birds, trees, rivers,animals,beautifull sunrise and sunset………..whereas you have wasted best part of your life reading books day and night to get those 3 P.H.D's…!!!

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This story is meant for all those CA’s,Lawers,Software Engineers ,Doctor’s AND others who boast about their degree and their wealth……..

Ok.Now lets get back to psychology class. By now we know that our mind is full of thoughts at any given point of time. There is friction ,confusion,reaction and what not?

I told mind is nothing but everything.. Because you are nowhere when you stop thinking and still the thoughts 

At the same time we can’t live without mind as without it there is no life..

Its smaller than autumn but bigger as space ..Because a mind cannot be seen however because its fictious at the same time it travels at a speed which cannot be matched by any other object in the universe… Your mind can be in Delhi now,, next second,, newyork and very next second at London because its so big…..

Mind is a Big “0” . ( “O” is again a priceless gift invented by our own great Rishi “Aryabhata”)

“0” is nothing as long as it remains aloof… what is value of “0”? "00”,”000”……….value of .”000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000”.value is still “0”.right..? we can add as many “0” ‘s as possible but it remains “0”….Now its nothing because “0” is NOTHING…

Ok. Now lets put single “0” INFRONT of digit 1 =10, …two “O’’s INFRONT of digit 1 =100 ….likewise 1000….100000,10000000………1000000000000000000000.100 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000…infin ite…….

Now.. because of zero only the value of 1 has increased to infinite….now "0" has become EVERYTHING"

This is a simple maths ….Not a new concept…

The Mind is same….. its “0” as well as “infinite” depending on where do you place it.

Today what all we are experiencing is the “O” part and we have never ever attempted to experience the “infinite “ part… 

Welcome to the world of “Infinite”…… 

But before we enter the world of infinite we need to see where we are placed inside that “0”.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mind of a common man is like a kettle full of water…..But when you go to your coach who is there to develop your personality , who charges a hefty fees… he says…. You have to think

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big….to become big….

There is saying in my native… “Forcing a person to eat Idli vada,who cannot even swallow the water”…There is no use if a weak mind thinks big…It produces either a weak result or no result at all….Its like trying to move your car without fuel…. First you need to fill the fuel…

So what is the solution? Simple. Empty your mind. Fill the energy….Then start a great thought…Now it has got the energy….Whatever you think can be converted in to reality…..Because your thought had the energy and power needed to create the things you wanted .(In Sanskrit its called “Manobala” ….WILL POWER)

All of you have heard of “MANASA SAROVARA”. Do you know how its created?Its created via Lord Brahma’s imagination…. Manasa means Mind…..Sarovara= LakeSo this lake is created through will power…..

Let the critics keep arguing that its myth and all… we shall focus on what we we need and not on what we don’t….. 

still one question remains. How to empty the mind ? 

Only one way.

STILL YOUR THOUGHTS. ( Thoughtless state) ( I will write more on techniques and practice for stilling thoughts in a while)

When we talk of stilling the thoughts , we come to our destination ---- a great world called DHYANA or MEDITATION.

Meditation is a priceless gift presented to us by our Great Rishi’s thousands of years before….Rishi’S have understood that every men lacks something despite getting everything in life…. No one is a complete happy person…..they went in search for that eternal happyness state…. And after thousands of years of experiment invented a concept called Dhyana…..A bless… a boon to mankind…

Before we understand all these we need to ask this question invariably ….

What is the most difficult task in the world?

Climbing Himalaya? No.Lot many have achieved that.

Crossing Pacific Ocean? No.. Lot many have achieved that.

Going to space? No. Lot many have achieved that.

Answer:”DOING NOTHING”!!!!……I caught you my friends….. Just try it and see if you think I am joking…..

I was with a master few years before… He was talking to some 300 people… He offered the

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people food , shelter and everything in life till death …… provided they can agree to a small condition……Condition??…. For one year thay have to do nothing ( Both mental and physical)…. Just sit doing nothing….How many of were ready? They were told to raise their hands……

None out of 300 could utter even a word, let alone agree to the condition……

Our education, our upbrinbging,Blind following of other cultures,Dirty politics ,Forgeting our own great history,,Ego, arrogance of wealth in early part of life…. Have spoiled us… Now we can’t sit thoughtless even for a minute……

But the beauty of sitting thoughtless ….. That is meditation… a “THOUGHTLESS STATE”….

Meditation can take you to your past….. .meditation can take you to your future… step ahead.. “MEDITATION CAN MAKE YOU WHAT YOU WANT”………..Coming back to same circle where we started ...everything is within......But we are looking outside for it.... We have lost something inside our house and we are searching for it in the streets,that is outside te house....How do we find that? we have to search inside the house.....that's the only way... only option..... Only all time truth....

We are born in nature.... live in nature.... and die in nature.....Mother nature has not only gave a life.It also has given equal opportunity to all of us in the form of :


Whatever you do, a job, business, profession we are in a simple cycle...The cycle starts from getting energy from the nature and using that energy for acquiring the resources....

Now...coming to mind - There are 2 types of minds!! 1. mother mind ( Subconcious mind ) 2. child mind..( Concious mind which we use for our day today activity and thinking …

What we see , what we use everyday is a child...most of us die even without realising that there is a mother mind....Mother mind is big.....bigger...biggest..... more .....more.....................more................ .....more...........more..................more and more and more and more and more.............................................. ..more...more.......bigger........................infinite.......That's why mind has limitless possibilities…….

When there is limitless possibilities....why can't we become a successfull trader?why not a successfull businessman?so on.....Upanishad says....

Mind is your own enemy as well as friend" goes further and is what his mind is....

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Taking “0” example ,let the mother be “0”… 

Mother mind for us remains nothing as long as we keep the “0” behind the child….01,001,0001,00001…..

Once we start putting mother infront of the child the game changes…..…………………………………………………..inf inite….limitless

After all life is game about who is in front and who is behind!!!!.

Lets talk in IT Langauge…..

Concious mind is the desktop…….Subconcious mind is the hard disk….

We are putting so much of items ( Thoughts) on desktop ( conscious mind ) that there is not even a centimeter space left on the desktop….. the system becomes slow….it may crash as well……..

Why is there any need to do so when we have a harddisk ( subconscious mind) which can store terabytes ( big) of data….We can have all setup files, programme files,everything in harddisk…………….But in life we store all those files on desktop ( conscious mind) and create friction, irritation, frustration, anxiety ,unhappiness and what not and let it crash....

…There are options… Delete all unnecessary files from desktop-transfer the remaining files to harddisk or delete all files from desktop and put everything afresh in the harddrive…and so on…Be carefull you may have viruses too….

This process of cleaning the desktop with unnecessary files is called “meditation”

Coming to energy and resource part…..

Nature or space is producing energy every second….its called “cosmic energy”….

The thoughts create friction, friction create waves….. and the waves block “cosmic energy” from penetrating through our mind and body....Unless until we allow that energy to penetrate we cannot attract the resources....

now Thoughts are working like cellphone jammers ….Mismatch of frequency or disrupting the frequency……and blcoking cosmic energy....

Once we start getting energy,it can be used for any cause… 

Consider this ..there is river…. You put a dam….you produce electricity..The electricity can be used for plenty of purposes….Now we are not using water directly …. But water ( cosmic energy ) is converted in to a electricity ( thoughts,imagination) and used to achieve our goal….

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Remaining in thoughtless state till the cosmic energy gets stored…..Once this energy gets stored ..The same energy when get stored flows through the nerves of your entire body….It is the energy which gives you immense confidence and courage….Once it starts flowing , we can use it to achieve any objective …….That means the dry land is now being irrigated through the flow of water….that means the land is due for sowing….then land is due for harvest…..

Once the energy gets strored…your thoughts get power…huge power… your imagination gets power… huge power…. Powerful thoughts and powerfull imaginations turns in to reality……..

When you go to someone and say “I had a painfull experience on X day with Y event.It can be a trade with seviour loss. The person to you have gone say’s “Forget it”.Do you think you can forget it? No. It already got stored in your mother or subconscious mind .Again and again it keeps on poking its nose creating friction and frustration to your child or conscious mind…Unless it is burnt it is going to be there for ages.. even it will haunt us in our next birth….


Exercise…..The release of energy from the space is heavy during dawn… say 4 am till 6 am… because everything is calm…. Due to very less counterwaves on earth because of less or no activity….We relate space to the sky…so imagine that that cosmic energy is flowing in to you from the sky….from space…. Or you can imagine that it’s raining on you…..That itself is divine experience….

Get up early(in between 4am to 6 AM is best)..…… during this time the nature is singing…………Its at its best…….Thats when all divine forces start their day… That’s the time when they are in business…Unfortunately lot of us never happen to see this part of the day during entire lifetime….

get refreshed… if you want take a bath…..Do few light excercises for 5 to 10 Minutes…..then sit straight…..CLOSE EYES….and you gussed it wrong… No… first you are not trying to still your thoughts…..It can’t be done so easily….Instead…..

For first 15 to 30 minutes depending on level of friction that exists inside the mind allow all bad thoughts, painfull experience to come through…… It can be the big loss that you took 6 months back,,A position that turned in to loss from a profitable one…..Or your boss firing at you….so on…. LET IT COME…. IT WILL COME… because the moment we close our eyes the first thing we get in our mind is _ve thoughts I say….!!!......

This process is called burning of negative energy……. Its nothing but burning the _ve

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experience which we have gone through in the past. Let them come one by one or in bulk….Try to remember as many as possible… let them go out…..When everyone has gone out….who will be there to pelt the stones at you……? None…..Now your mind automatically stops everything……virtually everything….Because you have burnt all your _ve experiences…..Wood is burn’t … is no more…..what can the mind do with ashes… it cools down…..Now we focus on breath…..Deep breath….Only on breath…..Nothing else…still you struggle for few days…..try again next day… for 3 days, 4,5,6…..A day comes when you start sliding towards your mother mind…. And one by one changes…. Life takes new dimension…. Its not a story… Its not a comic… Its not a fiction….It is a reality.Its a divine experience….

Why can’t you take a chance ( with no risk, without fee ) and experience it ? Atleast to make my hour’s of writing and effort a worthfull endeavour..

Further there are following aspects……

Oncecosmic energy gets stored….Now we have following options…..

A. using that energy for creating +ve experience .then……

a. Releasing the + ve experience. orb..Storing that +ve experience in subconscious mind.. and c. Retrieving that +ve experience in subconscious mind knowingly and unknowingly.


B. Using that energy for - ve experience then….

a. Releasing the - ve experience.or b..Storing that -ve experience in subconscious mind..and c. Retrieving that - ve experience in subconscious mind knowingly and unknowingly

Here comes crucial part….

A successfulll person or a winner 

A. uses that energy for +ve experience.then……a…………………………………………………………. b..Stores that +ve experience in subconscious mind.. and c. Retrieves that +ve experience from subconscious mind knowingly for replicating and multiplying that +ve experience…That’s why success begets success… Money begets money….good health begets good health. Good thoughts begets good thoughts…


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B. when that energy get used for - ve experience through an event on which he has no control then….

a. he releases the - ve experience immediately …..b..Never stores that -ve experience in subconscious mind.. c. …………………………………………………………………..

Remember… to do meditation you need to have a calm atmosphere and need some particular postures… but to be in the “thoughtless state” you don’t need anything…You can get in to thoughtless state when you are walking… when you get free time in your office…when you are riding or driving….so on….

Further we know that seven chakra’s ( wheels ) rule our body and when all of them are in sinc our mind and body perform their best. .( Pls google around for knowing about chakraS as it is a big big subject and I will not talk on that here).

By nonstop thoughts we block energy from penetrating through mind and body which we have discussed. The food for the chakras are the cosmic energy. When you don’t feed them they start eating you!!!.That's the reason we get deceases….both mental and physical… We put some chemicals in the name of medicines to rectify the decease…. But that decease is temporarily detained… not cured completely.… It needs energy…

There is a continuous nonstop supply of energy……there is a technique to supply that energy to all chakras… what else do we need?

Our Rishi’s have prepared an astrological chart called “Panchanga” 1000’s of year's before. It contains the details of planetary positions at any given moment for next 1000’s of years. Even they did chart future eclipses with pin point accuracy…so precise that it won’t differ even by a second…Its prepared when we didn’t have any modern technologies… Then how did they do it? Its only through that divine energy…Cosmic energy…Acquiring that energy through meditation.( Called as "Tapas" during those times)


When the cosmic energy penetrates through the body and mind it creates a frequency…its like tuning the radio to a particular frequency to catch a station.When we merge ourself with this universal energy we become one among nature and start seeing whatever universal energy is able to see ..even the future…..This is highest level achieved by plenty of effort so we will ignore this.  

One must be aware that subconscious mind stores all our experiences, each and every deed in a visual form.It has got a camera!!!.Whatever we do is photographed and stored in a big lab.We can pullout this picture in a deep meditative state.Only matured person can understand this not others…This part is what we are concerned with.. This is where we pullout our –ve experiences and burn it into ashes so that it never comes back to haunt us…

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Meditation can take you to your past…….many many years back….100.200 ……

To summarise….. 

1.All of us get nostop cosmic energy from space….2.The flow of energy is seviour during dawn…3.The waves created through continuos thoughts within our mind block this energy from penetrating through our body and mind.4.To stop the waves we need to get in to thoughtless state.5.How to get in to thoughtless state is explained.A thoughtless state can be achieved anytime ,anywhere.6.A person with past -ve experiences cannot perform his best in the present.7.To perform best in the present one has to burn his past –ve experiences.8.To burn the past –ve experiences one need to pull them out.How to pull them out is explained…Its through deep meditation…Doing meditation for longer periods over a period of time.9.Once past –ve experiences are burnt ,our mind becomes empty kettle. The bathing of mind is complete….10.Once mind becomes empty kettle, all fresh supply of cosmic energy gets stored and becomes powerfull.11. The stored cosmic energy can be used to achieve our objective.You can become whatever you want through your powerfull/energetic thoughts and powerfull/energetic imagination.12. Once we create a +ve experience we can pull them out again and again to multiply them, thereby achieving more and more success ..more and more happiness…13.The stored energy also gets utilized for –ve experience due to an event beyond our control.This has to be burnt as soon as possible through deep meditation by pulling out that particular –ve experience.14.Your posture while walking, sitting in your office ,house everywhere is very important. The back and the body posture should as straight as possible as any irregular posture will block the energy from penetrating through chakras or balancing wheels and thereby creates deceases….15.Dawn is a time when nature offers everything for free…….

I can write another 100 pages.But its a simplistic basic of how it works and how to tap

it...Beginners may not understand this by one reading....Tube takes time to light..... .Once understood and practiced over a time without fail would result in something phenomenal....There are people who live for arguments... there are people who live for great experiences... which category you belong to?

I have heard this word when I was bornI have heard this word when I am aliveI will have to hear when I die

That word is "I DON'T HAVE TIME"..

These practices will not only make one a successfull trader but also a best human being........

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Let me wind up for now......

The greatest ever question and answer I have read in my life is below...

In Great Geeta Arjuna asks Krishna..

"My lord what is "PERMANENT"?

Krishna says " My friend "CHANGE" is "PERMANENT"

The universe keep changing every moment...There is change in season.... there is change in environment day becomes night ...night becomes day....Men, animals, our body keep on changing everyday.....virtually every second there is a change.....

So is the market....Volatality,ATR, all change.... Trend also gets changed.... so is the dynamic of the market...... How silly it is.... A trader never accepts that there is change in the trend ...volatality.... he keeps hanging to his position and then gets beaten and then says.... market is not a place for me.... 

Look at TATA MOTORS.... My favourite horse.... it changed.....Its volatality changed.....I have to realise that there is change and I have to adopt... I have to understand that it needs rest after a run.... I need to realise that it will start running again after taking the breath.....

I have to realise that I have to change my field....Nifty futures, Options.. ICICI, Tatasteel.....till my horse rests....__________________All of you keep asking a question to yourself... most of the times....

Why wealth always comes after a a great effort.....great sacrifice.... not so easily?read it.

There was a old man..he had a attack and he was in rest... They had a family doctor who just finished his MBBS and he was doing practice since 2 years.. he had a steady income through his clinic...

Since he was a family doctor he used to come daily to check his patient .This day when he came for checking the old man ( patient ) patient's wife wanted to tell something to doctor...

She took doctor away from patient and whispered "Can you please help me?

Doctor" of course tell me,I shall help you".

Wife" see doctor. My husband has won a lottery worth I can't tell him since he is heart patient .can you help me in intimating the same to him in way so that he does not get excited?

Doctor agreed and went to patient and slowly started speaking to patient.

Doctor " How do you feel now"

Patient" Better. very much".

Doctor " Ok.If I tell you some good news how do you feel? "

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Patient" I will feel much Better. ".

Doctor " Now if you win 1 Lakh in lottery what will you do?"

Patient" I will keep it in my Bank Account".

Doctor " 10 Lakhs"

Patient" I will still keep it my bank Account".

Doctor " 1 Crore? "

Patient" I will donate 10 Lakhs and rest in Bank ".

Doctor " 2 Crores?"

Patient" I will donate 50 Lakhs and rest in Bank.".

Doctor " 5 Crores"

Patient" I will give half of that to you.".

Doctor died due to heart attack....

Any money which comes easily/wihout proper work will create anxiety, overexcitement and slowly start eating the person behind it...Its a universal law..Work and earn.....

That's why most politicians die due to heart ( If they have one!!!) attacks...__________________Ok ..let me end the day with one more writing....

Its a part which we have treated with least importance but is of highest importance....

That is how do we get in to sleep during night........If you are depressed or stressed - sleep is a medicine..we get refreshed after sleep .Thats what we know and a common man knows...But there is much more to it....

Sleep is a unconcious meditative state....whatever you think or carry in your mind while sliding to sleep it gets multiplied while you are sleeping ( penetrates through your subconcious mind ) and one day it becomes reality....

The people who carry some worries while getting in to sleep get up next morning with much more worries... fear....

A person who gets in to sleep with a happy mind gets up with more happiness next morning......

A person who gets in to sleep in a thoughtless state gets up with great power and courage and abundant energy.......

A person who goes to sleep after meditation gets up next morning with "heaven" infront of him.....

By the by Which one you would like to experience tommorrow morning?__________________

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A true Guru makes impossible things possible. In our ancient history we had plenty of instances where a student had a wish and by the blessing of Guru ,the wish becomes reality. 

We had a politician called Pandit Madan Mohan Malaveeya ( Hereinafter I will call him as 3M!).Unlike today’s dirty stinking politician’s he was a man of dignity ,character and great personality.He studied with a Guru by name Pundit Hardev in Banaras.

When he was a student ,3M had a dream of building a university of our own as we were ruled by British then and we didn't have any university which can be called our own.When he finished his studies he reveled his wishes to his Guru. Pandit Hardev told “Go ahead.I am with you.Whatever comes don’t back.Your wish will be fulfilled”.

Now 3M has a great task of collecting funds for arranging infrastructure for university. Wherever he went people told he is dreaming wild though he has got good support here and there.

One day he thought “Why can’t I go to the rulers of different provinces and ask for donation?at that point of time India was ruled in terms of provinces like Mumbai, Mysore ,Hyderabad and so on….

First he thought he will start with Nizam of Hyderabad who was the ruler of Hyderabad Province.An appointment with Nizam was fixed and 3M knew very well that Nizam was an autocratic ruler and he never respected people and their welfare.However a person with Guru’s blessing never comes across doubt and fear.

The day has come. 3M arrived in Nizam’s Darbar. Nizam asked “What made you to come to me?

3M :Your courstey , I have been steering an endeavor of building a university for our own countrymen and for that sake I have been travelling across the country to arrange the fund for this cause.I am here to know whether ,your kind courstey,I can get a support from you in the form of donation?

Nizam started laughing loudly and shouted “donation?donation? ye lo donation---- he throwed both of his shoes on 3M. All the Royal!people present in Royal court (Darbar) laughed loudly at 3M till they are tired.3M was a man of courage and character. That Insult made him more courageous person.He collected both of the shoes and with smiling face and politely told Nizam who was still laughing like a demon , “ Thank you my lord. Thanks for your courstey”.

3M came back to Banaras and very next day he went to open market and took a place for himself and kept both the shoes of Nizam and started auctioning. He also ensured that this auction news reaches Nizam. On hearing this news Nizam got shocked as it was a great insult for him.”vo mera joota bazaar me bej raha hai?. Tum log khade hoke kyaa kar rahe ho?Turant jaake kisi pi kimat par usko khareed ke lana.Verna tumara Sar kaatdoonga.”He ordered his suboardinates.

Servants ran to Banaras with enough money in their hands in panic. Now its 3M’s turn. He acted as though he is busy in auctioning. servants asked how much he is asking. 3M told 10000 VARAHA’S ( Varaha is a gold coin used as currency at that point of time).

Servants told:Ok.we are ready to pay 10000 Varaha's. give the shoes. Servants paid and in return got only one shoe. They were taken back. Why only one shoe? 

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3M: 10000 is only for one shoe. Pay 10000 more if you want another. I have plenty of people here who are ready to bid...

Servant’s thought they will lose their head with Nizam if they keep on arguing and don’t get another shoe .They paid another 10000 without anymore words and went back to Hyderabad.

3M used all of that money for that worthy cause.By looking at his willpower and determination people from all over the country started pouring in funds for this cause.The dream of Malaveey got realised.

Today the the same University remains largest residential University in entire Asia and it offers almost everything ranging from Engineering to Music.

When you have the blessing of Guru behind you there is no place for the word called “ Impossible”.__________________A mentor is one who enables you to divert all of that cosmic energy ( I wrote on this subject) towards the achievement of your goal. 

The above is a modern term of mentor.

During ancient time A guru himself used to be a mentor.A Guru is far far above a Mentor.

Apart from doing whatever a mentor does, Guru helps you to1.Realise the purpose of life,2.He makes you to understand why you are here3.Why you are born as a human being4.What are your personal duties and social duties and more than that5.He helps you to kill animal instincts within you which comes along with you invariably, when you are born, due to our experiences in the past birth's.

We become HUMAN BEINGS only after we kill animal instincts installed within us since our birth. TILL THEN WE REMAIN AS ANIMALS.

Most of us die before we can kill our animal instincts.The best examples are Politicians of our country.

A Guru is Guru because he can create whatever he wants and he can destroy whatever he wants due to sheer willpower present within him due to years of Tapas or Dhyana ( Meditation).For human the REAL LIFE begins the day he finds a true Guru...__________________

A news paper in my native language carries a column every Thursday.It is a beautifull one and the editor of that newspaper writes on variety of subjects.

Today he wrote on a subject called “Friendship” and how people use it.This editor has lot of friends when he was an editor for a reknowned newspaper.The day he left that newspaper (Read the day he quit the position) the people who are called so close friends became traitors and started writing all dirty things about him.So he narrated one beautifull story.

There was a king called Mhmd.Reza Pallavi. He had a dog in his darbar.This dog was not an ordinary dog .It was so brilliant and tactfull that it knew who is close to the king and whom

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he don’t like. It used to wag its tail and brush its body at the people whom the king liked and barked at the one whom king hated within his darbar.

King loved his minister a lot .Hence naturally dog also loved him. One day minister came to the palace as usual. The dog as usual brushed its body at minister with unlimited wagging of the tail!!.Minister has a grand welcome by the dog.

Now the king had a secret meeting with Minister and when minster came out of the meeting the news was out.

The minister was sacked by the king.

As soon as the dog came to know this while minister was walking away from palace, it started barking at him heavily………………………………Luckily it didn’t bite him…

Even a dog hates you when you lose your position/wealth/money 

I reflected back on my life.I had 2 “good friends”. They were so close that we used to have regular evening dinner,then discussion,chat till midnight.We used to travel very long.Even I took one of them abroad and he stayed with me there in my sister’s house.

Once I left the job and started on my own, they sensed that I am out.When I lost my fortune they sensed This friendship is "not worth".After that no whereabouts.One of them took all the help from me when he needed.

Another friend – I taught him basics of trading with patience without any expectations.Even he tripled his small capital.After that it seems I was found “Worthless”.Calls stopped.He calls once in a while when he "Needs" me.----------------------------------------------------------------------A Sanyasi was walking besides a river. He saw a scorpion being washed away in the flow of river. He stood and put his hands at the scorpion and saved it's life . While putting the scorpion back on the ground it bited his hands. Still he continued his love towards it and helped it to go away from the river.

A bypasser asked” Hey it was biting you. Still you are keen to save its life.I would have killed it.Why are you so concerned about its life”?

Sanyasi told. “Biting is its dharma i.e:A deed which you follow as per your birth.It followed It's Dharma.As human being Helping is my dharma.When such a small living follows its dharma, how can I divert from my dharma?” ----------------------------------------------------------------------As a student Sudhama was very poor.Lord Krishna and Sudhama studied together. Then Sudhama got married and he had couple of children.Now he has more trouble.He needed to feed his family. 

He went to the king of his state. King insulted him and knocked him to the street saying you are a waste.King made a mockery of him.

Then One day his wife reminded him of Krishna. “He is your best friend.Why can’t you go to him”?.

Sudhama say’s .I am poor.Krishna is very rich.What can I carry for him?

Then he thinks what all he can afford. puffed rice is what krishna loved.He decides to carry that.

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Then he carries puffed rice in a tied torn cloth.Such was his poverty.

Sudhama goes to Krishna.Krishna leaves not even a piece of puffed rice. He say’s :”how can I forget you my friend?for me whatever you offer is so valuable than anything else in life because “it has come from true friendship”,you are my true friend.

Sudhama gets what all he wanted from Krishna.

When lord is your friend why to care for creatures?__________________

I think lot of you must be either angry!!! or bored by my writing .Its understandable because whatever we were taught,bombarded gets not only in to our head but also in to our heart.When a person talks against such beliefs we get angry/frustrated/irritated.I can see the pulse .

To ease that angryness and boredom lets share a humour.

-----------------------------------------------------------There was a dog show in Delhi.Dogs from all over the country were in the show and people really enjoyed the show.A kid who loved dogs a lot went to show with his father and started watching dogs one by one.

Went to Delhi Dog,patted its back - it wagged its tail right and left.

Went to Kolkata Dog,patted its back - it wagged its tail right and left.

Went to Bengaluru Dog,patted its back - it wagged its tail right and left.

Now its Mumbai Dog's turn.He patted.This dog wagged its tail "UP AND DOWN"

kid got astonished.He did pat again .Again it repeated same thing.Now boy couldn't control his curiosity and excitement .he asked his father.

Kid "Dogs wag their tail left and right isn't it papa?

Father "Yes my lord.

Kid: Then why do this Mumbai dog is wagging its tail UP and DOWN against all normal dogs which wag their tail LEFT and RIGHT?

Father "My dear "THERE IS NO SPACE LEFT ON THE RIGHT AND LEFT HAND SIDE IN MUMBAI"!!!!!Thats why its wagging UP and DOWN".__________________

The value of humbleness:

Indrajitu was a younger brother of Ravana.He was one of the greatest warriors ever known.He did years of Tapasya to get various boons from Brahma.He learn't all the arts of war including Mayavi Yuddha ( Warring without being physically present ).

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When he faced Lakshana in the battle field,He tried all his warfare tricks Since Lakshan was also one of the great warriors , Indrajitu couldn’t make much impact.

Then he decided that he would exercise best of the 3 Astras ( Arrows).First he sent “Pashupatastra” belonging to Lord Shiva.Lakshman on seeing this ,instead of sending counter Astra, dropped his Bow as well as arrows and stood with 2 hands joined in “Namaskara “ position chanting Shiva Mantra.

The Arrow reached to Lakshman.It said “ How can I kill the one who worships me. I am there to destroy evil powers.It went back.

Indrajitu got Angry. Now he sent “Narayanastra” belonging to Lord Vishnu.Lakshman stood as he was earlier. Narayanastra which is in the form of a Chakra (wheel ) just made a round of Lakshman’s body and said .I am there to cut the neck of destructive people .How can I cut the neck of a person who is bowing his head to me.I am not meant for that.It returns.

Now Indrajit got furious and frustrated. Now he pulled out the ultimate Astra.The Brahmastra.The moment he sent it, Lakshman bent his knees and told “Hey lord Brahma, you are there to protect “Dharma” and Destroy “Adharma”. I came here to protect Dharma.saying so, He worships Brahma in his mind.

Brahmastra reaches Lakshman and says “I am not meant for killing the one who fights for the true cause.”It goes back.

Moral of the story:Even greatest of greatest Astra, Brahmasta cannot kill person with humbleness.Instead it protects the humble.-----------------------------------------------------------------------Hanumanji is one of the extraordinary being as we know.He could lift , move mountains.He could jump the see, he could travel to all 3 lokas.But never ever in his entire stint he asked even a single favour for himself. He never said “I have done this”. For him serving Rama was everything.Most of us know the great physical endeavours of Hanumanji.But he was also a Pundit.He learn't all 4 veda’s.He mastered”Ashta Siddhi”.Still he remained humble. He spent all of his time meditating.

Due to his unrelenting Dhyana and chanting of “Rama” ,Even the best of the best evil powers could not come near him.He remains as one of the 7 eternal beings and worshipped across the world.

We all just with few crores, a bunglow, a fancy car become so arrogant and egoistic that it seems there is no second person than the self.---------------------------------------------------------------------Kannada Actor Rajkumar became an Icon through his efforts and Superlative acting. As long as he lived, whenever he used to see an elder person, he used to put his head to touch the feet of that elder person irrespective of who that elder is.When asked about this behavior he used to tell."Let not my success, glory, wealth get in to my head. This always keeps me humble." 

Hence Let the darkness called "Ego and arrogancy" be overcome through a light called

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“Humbleness” . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cricket herds---Hashan Tilakaratne names 2 prominent players involved in Match fixing.More and more wickets.... Afridi resigns and get banning

Look at our players....Let BCCI dare to ban any player here..You will see how patriots jump to streets and show their "love towards nation"!!!!.

Our players can play 10-12 matches in IPL.when it comes to west Indies they need rest!!!!.They get injured. There is a fellow called "Ashish Nehra".(As a person he is a cool and also a great gentlemen.I appreciate that) .However when he is in , when he is out- god only knows. he says" Body mein injury nahi.Injury mein body phasi hai".. !!!!

For them IPL is important than playing for their country, because IPL has crores of money involved in it. After all what is their in Carribean? Its shame that these people are auctioned like old Gujri items in an open market .--------------------------------------------------------------------------Coming to celebrities......

What Indra did lakhs of years ago is imitated by corporates,Producers and underworld dons for making money.They use “glamour,gossip” as their tool to lure the public.The media hypes it.The camera of the media captures each and everything that they do and the same becomes headlines in newspapers and TV channels because people wait for it.

Hollywood,Bollywood,models ,players…..2 years back, an actress use to come on TV for “Tax payment awareness campaign”.She used to say “Time par Tax jamao aur man shanti Pao”.Just few months back the house of the same actress was raided and the authorities found more than 3 crores worth unaccounted cash.But she is role model for most of girls.An actor runs his car over the sleeping day labourers in Mumbai .But he comes out clean .He is a role model for most of youngsters.Further the personal and public life of this celebrities is filled with divorces,illegitimate relations,connection with traitors of nation.Still they are national heroes and people imitate them in each and every part of life.All The hype started with Miss Universe and Miss world.The “cosmetics Corporates” saw 120 crore herds in India and thought what could make them catch these herds.They thought the best way is to make some idols and then make herds to follow the idols.Now this idols are leaders.Whatever cream,toothpaste,soap ,underwears they propose people politely follow it. Indeed they did great Cosmetics business in India over last 10 years.

Now once they made great bucks here they are now in African countries. Those poor African countries don’t have food to eat,neither the water to drink,but they get Miss world and Miss Universe award for their country.Doing business on top of dead bodies!!

Our Ancestors believed that character is the most important thing for a men.Their role model used to be the one who sacrificed the most.I am afraid that these celebrities would have ever heard a word called “Sacrifice”.__________________The tax and black money

Chanakya in this “Arthashastra” says the route cause of dishonesty lies in the taxation

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system of any economy.

Just by bringing back blackmoney in to India won’t solve the problem of black money.Its route cause is in the Rakkas Taxation system that we have.

Imagine you are a resident Indian and you want to start up a business. By the time you register your company you are half dead. By the time you start up your business you are fully dead. The number of table you have to round is hardly15-20!!!.Earlier it was hardly 80.( Only Gujarat is exception for this). Then adding to your wound you have to then serve the “Servants”of nation both “ON top of the table” and “Under the table”.Now you feel – Damn I slog and I shell off my hard money and these suckers sit and make money.

Then once you start your business you have different doctors .One is Income Tax Doctor .Another is Sales tax Doctor. Sales Tax doctor tortures you every day whereas the former takes hafta once in a year ( Now a days in quarterly installments).You look for your nearest mental hospital after you hear “VAT, CST, OCTROI, DUMPING DUTY, ANTI DUMPING DUTY,AUNTY DUMPING DUTY,EXCISE……If I write the list you start omitting .Hence discontinuing.

Tell me one thing-A businessman is forced to pay 33% as Tax.He says why the hell I should cuff 1/3rd of my Profit to this buggers ? He says “I slog for my labour, materials, then serving “Maamu’s” (I really love MunnaBhai.The way he presented is pentastic.).See the logic. The businessman gets a white hair by slogging 18-20 hours a day.He gets headache by managing labour, capital,Market,Competition.The “Maamu’s purchase Lamborgini,Audi,Benz just sitting on the chair and doing virtually nothing but only doing “Maamugiri”.What a way to do business!!.

Ok now that 33% he has paid – where does it go? 80% of that to non plan expenditure – Means again it goes to Maamu’s to buy that Lamborgini,Audi,Benz.What public gets is a BIG “TOPI”……Now business man thinks .I slog. I earn.I am honest.I make profit.Its my money.Then even when I pay for the sake of nation,Maamu’s swallow it like a Anaconda’s.Public gets nothing. WHAT IS THE USE OF BEING HONEST? WHAT IS USE OF BEING IDEAL BUSINESSMAN?WHY SHOULD I PAY TAX?Now he goes to chartered Accountant….!!!!

That’s the route cause of the dicease.I can promise you no person wants to cheat.He wants to contribute for his nation.However Maamu’s want the same system because if they change this “Used and throw “outdated Taxation system borrowed from British, they will come to streets……

When A rowdy kicks and collects money from you, its called “Hafta”When Govt kicks and collects money from you,its called “Tax”What is the difference ?Who is better?Continued……………….

Ok.Businessman is frustrated –He says –My money, my sweat, my skill – But Maamu’s “Aish”.

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Ok now chartered Accountant tells him – Open a sister concern in your wife’s name and do all end sales through sister concern.Then he tells him to give yearly gifts to all his relatives including his great great great grand father who is dead 150 years ago!!.All this is to “Save” tax and avoid “Shaving”.

Now Mamu’s came to know that Businessman have become intelligent.SEZ, Tax treaty, Exempt zones all these are getting effectively used by Businessman. So Maamu’s need herds now.

They got their catch.”Salaried class”. Poor salaried chap - he cannot run away anywhere – Maamu’s knew that in case they allow these chaps to pay later -they won’t pay. They started taking it before the chap gets his amount in his account. They gave a fancy name to it called “TDS” – full form “Topi Diya Sala (ry) ke badle.

These poor chaps are in majority.They think they are safe.On top of this the Mamau’s offer them carrots called rebate, deduction,exemption….everything… They have no respite .. Coupons, HRA, Allowances, fringe benefits for everything they have to pay mamool…. The difficulty for them is their employer deducts it….. No choice of finding “other way” .

Then come March end…The war starts in the office.The war between finance dept and the employees….This employee who is already tamed big time by TDS - now needs to submit “proofs” for all his “Legitimate” investments ……Its like “Throwing a snake at already half dead person”…!!Now comes chartered Accountant with his 2 assistants to file your return!!…He makes you to feel that you have to take 2 births to learn filling that return…He Knows he will come to roads if Govt.makes it easier….So his bosses have formed a committee which acts as a "Tax consulting"committee to Govt. before the budget….Each of you pay your hafta to him…100,200 or 300/-Rs. Per filing….

Shankaracharyaji told this 1000’s of years ago itself “ All play gimmicks to feed their stomach “ (Udara nimittam bahukrata vesham).

Now you are relieved…..Oh! atlast I have came out of burden…But you don't know that Mammu’s are still very much worried about your savings, welfare and future..For them your "survival "is very important!!Thats why they make you to invest to save tax.Ok.lets see how much they are concerned….Say you have to pay 10000/- as tax. How much you have to know? Just 5 times!!!.. That is 50000/---After all Maamu’s need to get some business for Mutual funds,Insurance Companies….. naaa?


Now you go to your nearest Bazaar where you want to purchase a Laptop Backpack. You ask for it in a shop.He says sir its Rs.1500/-.

You ask “Is it final price? 

He says “No sir -14% VAT extra” … Rs.1500/-*5/100 = Rs.156/-. 

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You think “I came here searching for the least price .Now its already above my budget.Now Rs.156/- extra.Meanwhile the shopper asks. “Sir you want item with bill or without bill?.Sir ,Tax is applicable only If its with bill”.

You got what you wanted. You say “Why the hell I care for the bill”?.”Give me wihout bill” .A black money worth Rs.1500/- has been generated.

Say a college student goes to Buy cinema tickets.He goes and asks at the counter.They say its 300/- (Inclusive of SERVICE TAX +ENTERTAINMENT Tax.).There is a gatekeeper in the corner offering it for 175 /-“BLACK”. What the student thinks….?.Savings of 125 Rs. He buys in “BLACK”. You saw how even gatekeeper makes black money.!!!But he does it for his survival, for his food and shelter.

You go to your doctor for some check ups. When you come out you see Bill is Rs.1000/- .however taxes are Rs. 100/- odd. Service Tax 10.3%....

“Wherever you go,our Tax network follows”… 

You pay Tax from your Sal.You pay Tax when you buy goods.You pay tax Whenever you avail any service.Even if you go to movie for a change you pay tax.Its not surprising if our neighour vegetablewala starts levying “Vegetable Tax”.

Have you ever asked “I pay so many taxes at each and every part of life.where they go? Do you get good roads?do you have health Insurance from Govt? Do you have employment security?Have you got qualitative and uninterupted supply of electricity? Have you got good sanitary systems?public drainages?leave it, ” ATLEAST GOOD PUBLIC TOILETS”?

If your answer is yes,I will stop here.

If your answer is No,then I am going to ask “where do they go? Every person from this generation ME AND YOU should ask this question.Then only that transformation can START atleast in the mind.

Though the issues that Baba Ramdev has raised are valid and every on supports, building an Army is an extreme step.That’s not the way. No army can stop Corruption.The corruption is a result of greediness or extreme greediness. Hence the change has to start in the mind of every citizen.Nothing to do with physical/army.__________________

Now Let me tell you small example on how corrupt people grow exponentially.. Again a bus example. I stayed in PG early in my working life.As I told you earlier, at that point of time even I could not afford a bike.It was a bus. But what a time I had!! ,I learnt most valuable lessons of my life on those bus trips.My office stop was just 2 stops away-say approximately 1 Km.The charge was 4 Rs.Bus conductors too are experts in dealings .The moment I used to say I want to get down at my office stop which is just 1Km,they would think of a deal.( Since it takes just 5-10 minutes of time they think its safe to take such risk and go for a deal ) What is that deal? I have to pay 4 Rs.for the ticket. Now as per the deal he will take 3 Rs. Won’t give me the ticket. I save 1 Rs.!!Since most of the people who travel on these buses are from poor background ,A 1 Rupee “saving” would make them happy. However I used to carry exact change of 4 Rs.every day

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and ask for ticket though they used to invite me for the “deal”.Conductors used to get very angry on me .Other tactic that they used to get in to deal is with the passengers is ,most passengers don’t carry change.So when a person gives 10 Rs. For a 4 Re ticket,Conductor will say I don’t have change though he got full pocket of changes. This would invariably result in a deal.!!!What an Idea sirji!!!. 

Then lot of college boys used to be very happy with the deals.Some of them will stuck deal of 50:50. 2 Rs. For Conductor and 2 Rs. “Savings” for themselves.--------------------------------------Now see the overall equation - 3 Rs. For conductor which is 3 times more than what this passenger has “saved”!!!.Remember he has paid for the conductor personally.If caught by the squad ,passenger has to shell out 400 Rs. i.e: The min penalty for travelling W/O ticket. How many days does it take to “SAVE” that 400? And how many deals it takes to recover that 400 Rs. For a passenger?just do some maths.

Just imagine if conductor makes 10 such deals per day he is just making money for his petty expenses..Of course 10 is too less. They will make much more number of deals per day.

It shows that corrupt always go exponentially.Poor becomes poorer exponentially.

People do not think.They feel some kind of “inner happiness” for cheating someone.They don’t know that they are the one who are losing…But at the end of the day the question remains” who is responsible for this pathetic sate”?We blame system, politicians,---Politicians blame people and opposition parties,---in the end some one has to take it…..

Just imagine.The blackmoney to the tune of Rs.5000 crores is being generated each year at Interstate checkposts.You know how traffic police buy bunglows in the heart of the city.

Its none other than me and you…. A person was carrying an ass on his shoulders and a bypasser told. Hey - its an ass. Why do you need to carry it on your shoulder? Let it be on the ground. Drop it. The person told”I love it sir.”The moment he finished his words that ass **** on his head. The bypasser said. I told you to drop it .Its an ass. Everything has its own place .It deserves to be on the ground and not on your shoulders.

We have carried big bunch of “ASSES” called politicians on our shoulders for 64 years, we garlanded those buggers and today the same “ASSES” are shitting on our head.

First we need to drop them from our shoulders.Then tell them “You work for your bread and butter like all of us."

One good news is that we from this generation( I mean those who are born after 1975) want to work, co operate, we also have concerns towards our society.We are modest.We love people.We believe in working and getting reward.I am talking of majority.

However there is a drawback .We do not take responsibility.We live in fantasy.We want to do everything E-WAY… E meditation, E-lunch…now even E-Cigerates!!!!We need little bit of tweaking in our mindset.---------------------------------------------------------------------If you closely observe 95% of these “asses” I spoke above belong to previous generation.I see in so many Govt offices the younger people who are appointed freshly want to work, They are "shy"of asking (begging ) for bribe...Remember corruption is a mass psychology-it has to be changed through a transformation

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IN A MASS SCALE BY BRINGING IN RIGHT MINDSET.That transformation takes place when we adopt our own it Chankya’s Arthashastra, Patanjali ‘s Ayurveda, Aryabhata’s Maths,Ravi Verma’s art,Chandragupta’s administration.Currently we are ragpickers. We pick what westerner’s use and throw.Culture,cloths,style,family values,language everything…This has to change starting from me….do not point fingures at others…It has to start from me….

Lord Krishna said in Geeta “Sanghe Shakti Kale Yuge”.The efforts which are done with unity brings power and results in this particular era.. But we have a problem…10 people can’t mingle even for an hour. Because each one says I am “X”party, I am “Y “party…..__________________

MOBILE HERDSThe next group of herds belong to "Mobile herds".

It all started in 2003 when a reknown company in its endeavour to capture market brought mobiles costing Rs. 500/- to the market.All herds bought that 3rd class handsets to join the grade of "Mobile owners".

Now this concept called mobile, instead of becoming a facilitator ,has become a menace.

A college boy who does not earn a single paisa wants mobile worth 25K.A daylabourer whose earning does not exceed 100Rs/per day wants a mobile worth 15000/-.

After all what is a mobile.It is a way of communication.Its mobile because you can carry the phone to wherever you go.Thats it.However now it has become a thing of prestige.A person without having a fancy mobile is considered as worthless.

Any instrument ,if used appropriately becomes an advantage.However here people have made it a menance.Handset manufacturer's bring new model every 2nd day and people make a beeline to mobile shops to buy it.Then mobile operators bring a new plan with lowered call rate every 2nd week.X mobile to X mobile free,10 paise per minute,5 paise per on.

Starting from house to streets, to bus to train to office to parks everywhere people they do not know what they are talking.they do not know whether its necessary..They do not know how distrurbing it can be for others....

The owner of a famous transport co was attending a function and he was accompanied by a famous editor of a news magazine.

This editor found that this transporter is using a second hand mobile set.He asked"Arrey.. you are a owner of a 350 crore group and you make use of a second hand mobile set.Very very funny and surprising.This transporter replied"For me the mobile is only a means to communicate with other person.Nothing more ,nothing less".

Yes.Today's world needs speed.Mobile is unavoidable.That does not mean you have to spend 20 k when your Income is 5k.That does not mean we have to waste our time and disturb others by talking talking and talking.....When I walk on the roads ,its difficult to make out who is nuts and who is fair...!!!Both manufacturers and mobile operators have made and making enough business of these herds.The amount of money these companies spend on marketing their products and services respectively is mind boggling......

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that day is not far when a customer care executive of a mobile company calls you on the day a new baby is born and says "Sir we have a wonderfull plan for you.Please leave your address with us.Our "SIM Doctor" will visit your place and have the "SIM VACCINATION " to your baby.By 6 months your baby will have an inbuilt mobile sir.Sir the SIM has life time validity"!!!__________________

Nifty today -5 Min chart

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 755x701.

Nifty today -30 Min chartThis image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 755x701.

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What a newbie will do? He logs in to Traderji in the morning and looks whether some one has posted any "New System". Also he sees whether they have posted any AFL for that system.

I reiterate here what ST bro has said in his other thread few days ago. If AFL can make money for you, 99% of the traders would have been billionaires.If the system can make money ,No trader in the world would have gone bankrupt.

Money is made in mind.I can just trade IB's and make money.Today's 30 Minute Nifty chart.Look at it.

IB's high is 5453.Low is 5442. What I do.Just put order on both the sides as soon as the IB forms. It catches order on on side.Put SAR on the other side of the bar.Does it take any stress?great mental work?

What is risk.Including filters max 15 Points to 18 Points.If any one gets time just make a

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homework.How many IB's we got last week and how much money it made. 

The rule is simple.

1.Look for IB to form on 30 Min.2.As soon as it forms,put orders on both sides of IB with small filter.3.Once the order is caught on one side make the order on the other side as SAR.4.If the price reverses our SAR is caught and we are in the trade.5.What is the loss we incur if it reverses.Virtually Nothing....How many time it reverses? please do some home work.6.What is R:R under this technique.... Only chart can tell.....Please do some maths on the chart.__________________


When freedom struggle got steam, British administration called Gandhiji to London.Winston Churchill told Gandhiji"After all what are you going to do by getting independence?.Your own people will loot and ruin your country in 50 years.They are not yet fit to manage a country".

Exactly that's what happened.Today we hate to talk about politics.We borrowed constitution from British ,their education system and what not.Today we have nothing that can be called our own.Mecalay ,the designer of our current education system during british regime told "I am designing this system to create 3rd class clerks who are by colour Indians but remain slavers from all other perspectives".

Aren't we ?

During ancient times,during their early days of life the king used to send his successors to Rishi's Gurukula where Rishi's would inculcate the "Sanskara" to these "would be kings".Those ,"would be kings" used to sleep on the floors, serve their Guru with utmost devotion.Once he finished his sanskar at Gurukula he would be fit for getting in to king's position.

Whenever king used to be in trouble Rishi's used to come to king and resolve their problem.Rishi's lived only for real knowledge,dharma,wisdom and ultimate happiness.Look at Chanakya.He built an empire by defeating rivals and made Chandragupta as the king who was in all aspects an ideal king.And his tenure is termed as "Golden period".Chanakya could have had all the pleasures of king and kingdom.Still he chose to go to forest for his Tapasya once his objective was met.He says "I came here to reinstall Dharma.My work is over.Now I will go to my original destiny".

Today's political class stinks so much so that we get omitting.We have carried them on our head. The politics entered every door.Even villages.Every home has a party.Youth's instead of working ,started to go to "Paid" campaigns of political parties and became chela's and chamcha's.Politics entered education,hospitals,temples,corporates and even games like hockey and a big bullshit called Cricket and then every home.The day it entered every home we became virtually beggers.

See at Karnataka. A chief minister was elected due to sympathy .There was hope that this is a different political party and they will do well. Now he carried "family business "for 3 years successfully!!through his 2 sons.Mass transfers,land deals,highly corrupt administration,kickbacks......every day he goes to a function and gets in to tears and says "I am sorry I wont do this again.Then says 3 times "DEVELOPMENT,DEVELOPMENT,DEVELOPMENT"..Indeed he developed HIMSELF a lot.

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Look at centre.Its a big family business and its established one .Now 2 opposite parties but same business one at centre one at state. The difference is family business of Karnataka is just 3 years old and in Delhi this family business is alive for last 64 years.So naturally enough money (Sorry -Profit!!!) should be in Swiss Bank.that's why these chela's and chamcha's,the moment they hear the word "Black Money" jump from their chair and start crying as though some snake has bitten them.

Remember one thing.Time is supreme.Look at history.All the autocrats,arrogants were punished heavily by a force called"TIME"."The person who eats the salt has to drink the water".

I do not support any political party .But I do appreciate people when they do good work irrespective of their party,caste,region,nation.Do we remember Vajpayeeji because he is from BJP?Lal Bahadur Shastri,Vallabh Bhai because they are from Congress? No .Not at all. They all lived for a cause ,for people,they sacrificed and did what nation needed.

Narendra Modi is one of the administrator who proved that this system can be changed and efficiency can be brought in.Who cares which party he belongs to?.We need people with clean hands and who make difference to the lives of people.Still some media people keep on barking at him!!!

Lets finish this topic as this subject called "Politics",for me is a garbage.Let the "TIME GOD"take care of every one.__________________